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tv   House Democratic Leader Holds News Conference  CSPAN  February 7, 2024 11:20pm-11:45pm EST

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>> c-span's washington journal, our live forum involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and public policy from washington dc and across the country. coming up thursday morning, we will discuss the implications of section three of the 14th amendment to the constitution as the u.s. supreme court review is former president trump's appeal against a colorado court's decision barring him from the gop primary ballot, with legal scholars. c-span's washington journal. join in the conversation live at 7:00 a.m. eastern thursday morning on c-span, c-span now, or online at >> house democratic leader hakim jeffries held a news conference one day after the republican majority failed in their efforts to impeach the homeland security secretary and approve a standalone aid bill for israel.
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he called on republicans to work with democrats on a water bill, saying the american people -- on a broder b -- on a border bill, saying the american people were interested in solutions more than politics. mr. jeffries: yesterday, >> the impeachment of secretary mayorkas was defeated on the house floor. to put the american people's interests first and to put aside sham political stunts that has been the focus of this house republican majority from the very beginning of this congress. congress. american people deserve more
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common sense, less chaos, less confusion and less cult-like behavior. this is a period of divided government, which means common sense dictates that in order to get things done on behalf of the american people, democrats and republicans should be working together. to find common ground in order to deliver real results to the american people on issues of importance like the economy, affordability, public safety and national security. from the very beginning of this congress, house democrats have made clear that we are ready, willing and able to find common ground with our republican colleagues to advance bills in a bipartisan fashion that deliver real results for the american
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people. on the national security front, it's time to put the political stunts aside and come together as democrats and republicans so we can support america's national security interests, our military readiness, along with our allies throughout the world including israel, ukraine and in the independento-pacific. it is my hope that will take place. in the senate and in the few days from the house of representatives. questions. [indiscernible]
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mr. jeffries: what does the impeachment of secretary mayorkas have to do with the economy? nothing. what does the impeachment of secretary mayorkas have to do with addressing the affordability issues in america? nothing. what does the impeachment of secretary mayorkas of facing our broken immigration system and addressing challenges at the border? absolutely nothing. it's incredible that instead of extreme maga republicans pivoting to working with us in a commonsense way to solve real problems for the american people, their focus is on how do we get steve scalise back to washington so we can continue to do the bidding of marjorie
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taylor gene and donald trump and impeach secretary mayorkas. that tells you everything we need to know about this do-nothing, chaotic, dysfunctional and extreme republican majority. indiscernible] mr. jeffries: not our responsibility to let house republicans know which members will or will not be present on the house floor on any other day or in connection with any given vote. [indiscernible] mr. jeffries: i made clear to him that as has been eved throughout the entirety of this congress that we are ready to work with them on any issue in a bipartisan way, but we're done with them playing political games.
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[indiscernible] mr. jeffries: the reality is that same maga republicans have walked away from any effort to fix our broken immigration system or address the clear challenges that we have at the border. president biden has made clear, senate democrats have made clear, house democrats have made clear that we want to work together to address the challenges at the border. we need a strong border, a safe border, and a main border, and we want to work together to make sure we bring that about on behalf of the american people. what the extreme maga republicans have chosen to do is
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to follow orders from donald trump. the puppet master, who has clearly instructed republicans in the house and in the senate to walk away from their own bipartisan border security bill. this is extraordinary. this is the height of cynicism. once again they are embracing chaos and walking away from common sense. so, yes, i think it is incumbent upon all of us in washington, d.c., to make sure we are continuing to point out our willingness to work together with our republican colleagues to solve the border issue, but to do it in a manner that channels common sense and runs away from the chaos that they apparently would like to continue to foster hire in
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congress and throughout the country. [indiscernible] mr. jeffries: we need to move forward in the next few days upon our return to washington early next week on a comprehensive national security legislative package that provides support for israel, support for ukraine, support for our allies in the indo-pacific and provides humanitarian assistance to palestinian citizens in harm's way in gaza and others in war zones throughout the world who are in peril through no fault of their own. that's the only path forward.
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it's the one that has been articulated clearly by president joe biden as well as has support from bipartisan majorities, we believe, in the house and in the senate. we'll see what the senate does in a few hours. but either way, here in the house of representatives, the only way forward is for democrats and republicans to come together to meet the national security needs of the american people in a bipartisan fashion. and that's exactly what we are committed to do in the next few days. [indiscernible] mr. jeffries: special election on tuesday is a race between tom suozzi and the republican
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candidate who has embraced the most extreme conditions. tom suozzi is a commonsense get stuff done kind of public servant who has demonstrated throughout his entire career and that is the record and vision that he is presenting to nassau county and queens in advance of tuesday. and we put it in their hands. as always, trust the judgment of the voters and let's see what happens in the aftermath of the election as to what it all means.
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[indiscernible] how much in danger are those priorities right now given the current environment. mr. jeffries: lesson from yesterday's continued chaos and extreme disfunction, my way or the highway approach is not going to work, period, full stop. it's not going to work. and so when they have chosen to continue to embrace a my way or the highway approach, we see the disaster and the dysfunction that results. when my republican colleagues have chosen to partner with democrats in a bipartisan way, often led by democrats, we are able to advance the ball for the
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american people. that's the lesson to be drawn from this congress. democrats were able to lead the effort in the house to make sure that we avoided a catastrophic dolt on our nation's debt that would have crashed the u.s. economy, and we partnered with republicans to get that done. democrats have been able to repeatedly lead the effort to avoid a government shutdown and make sure that we are funding the government in a manner that meets the needs of the american people in terms of their health and economic well-being. and democrats, as recently as last week, were able to lead the effort in the house of representatives and partner with republicans to enact a tax package designed to improve the
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lives of the american people in terms of the child tax credit enhancement and enhancement of the low-income-housing tax credit. when republicans a recognize that they are incapable of governing on their own, things happen. when republicans choose a my way or the highway approach, as was the case in wasting time on the mayorkas impeachment, they crash and burn. [indiscernible] mr. jeffries: there are several republicans who are not in leadership who have reached out to my colleagues on the democratic side here in the house to indicate a willingness
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to work together to advance a comprehensive national security package that meets the needs of israel in a time of war, ukraine, who are fighting for their lives in a brave and courageous fashion against brutal russian aggression and allies in the independento-pacific -- indo-pacific like korea and japan who are dealing with the threat of north korea and civilians who are harm's way. there are republicans that have recognized the highway or my way approach of maga extremists is
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not working. but at the same time, one of the top republican priorities, apparently, is now advancing a resolution led by marjorie taylor greene, matt gates and elise stefanic which is designed to allegedly exonerate donald trump from the events of january 6 and the violent insurrection. this is what they're focused on. with all of the challenges facing the american people, house republican leadership apparently once again directed by donald trump has chosen to focus their energies, not on the economy, not on public safety or the border or on america's national security interests but on trying to exonerate donald trump.
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you can't make this up. the american people concluded this is a do nothing republican congress not acting in america's best interest. [inaudible question] hakeem: we'll have discussions about ways we can in a comprehensive fashion break our broken immigration system and address the clear and present challenges that exist on the
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border. over the last few weeks, we've been convening in an informal way with stakeholders all across the house democratic caucus to discuss a path forward to address the challenges at the border and now it's clear we'll have to accelerate those conversations in partnership with president biden, the administration, and senate democrats because we actually want to solve the problem. republicans have been bordered by donald trump not to solve the challenges on the border but continue to play political games because they want to use the border as an electoral issue in november and that's going to backfire. the republicans thought they set a border trap for democrats and
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fell into it themselves. i would like to review the legislation that will be in the senate in a few hours but something i support. we have to move forward to address our national security issues after extreme maga republicans have held our national security issues hostage around the border for months and now have abandoned their own position. [inaudible question]
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hakeem: the greatest leader in american history and continues to be proven over and over again by the republican dysfunction. on the house democrats, we had the same exact margin in the last congress. the same exact margins. republicans have produced chaos and extremism in the same margins under the leadership of speaker pelosi and produced the money in pockets, kids back in school, the infrastructure investment and jobs act which will create millions of good
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paying jobs and clean water in every community, gun safety legislation for the first time in 30 years that will save lives. the chips and science act to bring domestic manufacturing jobs back home to the united states of america and the inflation reduction act, the largest investment in combating the climate crisis in the history of the world, setting our planet on a sustainable trajectory forward and strengthling the affordable care act and driving down the prices of prescription drugs for millions of americans, including taking the price of insulin from $4,000 a year to $35 a month. democrats and the leadership, president biden and speaker pelosi partnering with national colleagues were able to do all that with the same exact margins
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republicans have right now. as house democrats we care about governing. that's the difference. we are here to serve the american people to get things done, to fix problems that the american people are facing to put people over politics. we're going to continue to fight for lower costs, to grow the middle class, to defend democracy, reproductive freedom, and safer communities. in that quest, we will always have exuberant conversations with others and we don't run away from that and embracebut then at the end of the day what we do on our side is to exercise common sense and find the highest common denominator so we can advance the ball for the
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american people and live to fight another day with respect to what has been left behind. that's our approach and it works for the american people. it's the highway or my way approach by the extreme maga republicans is failing the american people. [inaudible question] hakeem: al green is a great american and patriot and great public servant. he's told his story directly, and he made it clear to me that that it was important for him to be present to cast a vote against a sham impeachment led by marjorie taylor greene, targeting a hard-working public
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servant like secretary mayorkas. [inaudible question] hakeem: we haven't had that conversation but there are term limits in place relative to the constitution. not four years like the presidency, six years like the united states senate or life tenure like article 3 federal judges, the house has to face the american people, all 435 of us, every two years, to make the case to have their employment contract renewed. that was an intentional decision by the framers to make sure the house was the institution closest to the american people. the democrats are just going to continue to do our best in that
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regard to put people over politics. thank you. >> since 1979, in partnership with the cable industry, c-span has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress, from the house and senate floors to congressional hearings, party briefings, and committee meetings. c-span gives you a front row seat to how issues are debated and decided, with no commentary, no interruptions, and completely unfiltered. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. ♪ >> thursday, treasury secretary jenna yellen testifies on financial stability and the u.s. economy before the senate banking committee. live coverage starts 9:00 a.m.


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