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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  February 9, 2024 12:47pm-1:40pm EST

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this third with his book "scribner five generations in publishing." sunday night at an em eastern on c-span q&a. this into q&a and all of podcasts on our free c-span now app. c-span is your unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more including comcast. >> do you think this is just a community center? no. it is way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with 1000 community centers to create wi-fi enabled lift so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. comcast supports c-sn as a public service along with these other television providers giving you a front row seat to democracy. x at
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cspanwj. here is trumpet speaking outside of mar-a-lago. [video clip] >> this is election interference and it is very sad. i thought the presentation was a very good one and well received. you have billions of people wanting to vote and they happen to want to vote for me for the republican party. i am the one running and we are leaving in every poll, and local polls, staples, swing state polls and in the national polls. it is a very great honor. i think the reason we have such big leads is they loved the four
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years they have with us. nobody has seen crime like this and much of it is being committed by the migrants. host: that was from yesterday here is president biden who spoke during a primetime news conference about the documents case. [video clip] >> i was pleased to see that no charges should be brought against me in this case. this was an exhaustive investigation going back more than 40 years into the 1970's. special counsel acknowledged i cooperated completely, i sought no delays. i was so determined to give him what he needed i went for a five hour in person interview last
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year. i was in the middle of an international crisis. i was happy they made the distinction between this case and the trump case. and i quote, after given multiple chances to return classified documents to avoid prosecution mr. trump did the opposite. he not only refused to return the documents, he obstructed justice by directing others to destroy evidence. in contrast, biden turned in the documents to the national park, consented to searches and set for voluntary interviews and
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cooperated with the investigation. i have seen headlines about my willful retention of documents which is misleading and wrong. host: that was the president yesterday and we are getting your reaction to the supreme court's hearing in president trump being kept off the ballot and the classified document pro. here is the front page of the washington post. the supreme court likely to keep trump on the ballot, these seem to want to allowed to keep trump on the ballot. justices from across the spectrum warned of troubling
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political ramifications if they do not reverse the ruling ordering trump off of the ballot. this is the other headline, biotin will not face charges for classified files. he carelessly cap the documents and books at home. the evidence was not strong enough to charge the president with a crime. he was an elderly man with the poor memory. the 345 special report as someone who haphazardly kept notes and struggled to remember key dates. republicans attacked him as unfit for office.
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biden could not remember the year his son bo died of cancer. how dare he raise that said the president. it wasn't any of their business i don't need anyone to remind me when he passed away. we are getting your reaction to that let's hear from chris in california. caller: thank you for taking my call. donald trump needs to admit he is guilty. he took an oath under office which puts him in the position of being an officer under oath and puts them in the position of being an officer of the united states government regardless of the point he could not commission himself to be an
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officer. i think he needs to admit guilt on that and i think he needs to admit guilt to being an insurrectionist. host: did you vote for him in 2020? caller: i did. host: and why do you say he is an insurrectionist? he denies it. caller: he organizes the movement that took place at the capital we beforehand. mike pence was confronted by donald trump which led him to consult with dan quayle, is this constitutional what he wants me to do? to not certified these results?
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and dan quayle said it was unconstitutional. that is the president of the senate to declare president trump as president for another four years. host: let's talk to bill next in florida. caller: i think all of this will be straightened out by the supreme court. they have to shut down these judges that are rogue and by 2024, this is all going to be fixed. there will be charges against jack smith and all of these judges. host: let's go to beverly hills, california. caller: good morning. host: what do you think? caller: it has been a few weeks
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since i have been reading on this. the constitution does say the states have the right to enact their own election laws. it's interesting to see whether or not the supreme court will revert to what the states choose to do with administrating their own policies. i think the law matters the most. host: doug, in ohio, and independent. caller: i would like to talk about trump and his stupidity about the january 6 insurrection. you know what maga stands for
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more aunts against great america. he wants to be a dictator. thank you very much. host: dennis in pennsylvania. caller: this shows how corrupt our justice department is. joe biden cap documents from when he was a u.s. senator. he needs to go to prison. if they insist on locking up donald trump the need to lock up barack hussein obama. for two dusts overseas.
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--deaths overseas. caller: what does the military do with people when they are dishonorably discharged? they're not allowed to vote. so why does folk get to vote? host: are you saying he should not be allowed to vote? caller: not to run for office, in the office. the military has a rule, military people who are in prison, convicted cannot vote. host: what he would say is that
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he has not been convicted dead. even in the senate he was impeached by the house and not the senate. caller: they talk about this. and to my understanding. host: let's hear from a former trump lawyer making his argument. >>he colorado supreme said he is constitutionally prohibited from running for president. that decision is wrong and should be reversed. the first reason is tt president trump is not covered by section three because the president is not an officer of thunitedtates. officer of the united states refers to
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appointed officials and does not encompass elected officials. this is clear an the commission clause, the pehment clause and appointments clause which uses officer of e united states rerring only to appointed and not elected officials. it cannot be used to excuse a presidential candidate even that candidate is disqualied under section three because congress can lifth disability after the candidate is elect. a state cannot exclude any candidate from the ballot under section three and any ste who does so is violating the constitution's federal laws. this is no difference from a
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state residency law that requires members of congress to inhabit the stock when the constitution only inhabit the state when elected. in this situation, it would not only violate term limits. but the desire millions of americans. host: you can see that hearing on our website at c-span. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. i have to wonder why in this report from special counsel he
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doesn't recommend prosecution for biden but he does for trump. they are saying he did not cooperate. host: let's take a look at the differences in those two cases. how did the classified document cases compared? classified document cases compared? the trump investigation started
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earlier and reached the indictment stage by june 8. threshold similarities exist they both had classified markings on their documents while private citizens. beyond that, the trump case has a high bar of seriousness that the biden case lacks particularly for failure to return documents once discovered. trump is charged with 32 counts of woeful detention of national security information, unknowing retention in derelicti
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colorado has determined that trump is ineligible because he didn't instruction. although he did not attend the event, he was at the white house and his actions rose to that level. the question i would have posed
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is could you offer a comparative analysis of trump's actions against those who did attend the riot at the capital building -- at the capitol? that was an evil thing. and the people who are convicted of that insurrection, show us the comparison between those who are convicted of insurrection and the president. and another thing you are talking about is the doj's refusal to prosecute biden. i think the statement was that it would be a fruitless attempt because of the position that president biden was elderly and unaware of what he was doing. if i were the republicans i would be running that as an ad every chance i had. maybe even comment on the insurrection comparison. thank you. host: all right, this is axios
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about that. " special counsel questions biden's memory." it says "special counsel robert hur is not bringing charges but wrote in a report that biden's actions presented 'serious risk to national security.' the report ends a year-long, enthralling investigation, but stated biden held onto private materials when he was a private citizen. 'he did not remember what year his assignment bea --- his son beau died. mr. biden would likely present himself to a jury as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.'" let's take a look at some more of what president biden said last night at the white house regarding the special counsel's
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statement about memory loss. [video clip] >> president biden, something the special counsel said in its report, one of the reasons you were not charged is because in his exception you are a well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. >> i am well-meaning, i am an elderly man, and i know what the hell i'm doing as president and i put this country back on its feet. i don't need his recommendation -- >> how bad is your memory? >> my memory is so bad i let you speak. >> is your memory gotten worse? >> my memory is fine. take a look at what i've done since i've become president. the things i got passed, how did that happen? i guess i forgot what was going on. >> do you think the report is going to fuel concerns about your age?
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>> only by some of you. host: and by the way, we have the full report, over 300 pages on our website,, if you would like to read the whole thing. we will hear from bill in berkeley, california, democrat. hi, bill. caller: i just want to say, from what i am seeing, i base my judgment on people by their deeds and their intentions. and the behavior of the ex-president and the lies being told and everything is so mixed up that people can't make a rational decision, i don't think, because the information is not fact. it's a lot of lies being told. as far as the classified documents, the opportunity was there to do what he was supposed to do and he didn't do it. that's how i look at it. people try to make it too sophisticated. keep it simple. the man didn't return what he
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was supposed to return. actions have consequences, that is pretty much what i have to say. host: all right. robin in pennsylvania, republican. caller: good morning. i just want to say that as far as ballot goes, trump will be on all the ballots. as far as the report from joe biden, why he went out on the stage and said that his staff brought all of these documents, he lied. he came right out and light. -- and lied. host: you believe it wasn't his staff that packed the boxes? caller: i'm sure they did, but you think they put it in his garage? come on. he stole stuff. you shouldn't of had that stuff to begin with. at least donald trump had it and was going back and forth with the archives working with them. the fbi was there and told him to lock the stuff up and he put a lock on the door bit heated.- he did.
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and then two days later they raided his house. come on. one more thing, joe biden -- jill jill biden should be ashamed of herself to let her husband go out on national tv as bad as he is. he is an elderly man that is in big trouble. he can't remember, he is stumbling, he is falling. i worked in a nursing home for 35 years. the man has got to go. i feel bad for him, and the democrats better wake up, because the world is on fire right now and we have got to do something fast. thank you. host: independent line in yorba linda, california. caller: just a follow-up on your last caller, the way he handled the documents, the question of his mental incapacity, we are in the month of february and here is what is not being mentioned at all, is the state of the union address. normally it happens in january, sometimes february. first time ever in history was
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it ever taking place in the month of march 2022 with joe biden. now they are scheduled to have it march 7. now people are wondering -- we know that it's scheduled for march 7 in the month of march. when is the last time you see that happen? i think we should take that into consideration. in addition to the state of union address, it is usually in january or february. they haven't even mentioned it. it is scheduled for the month of march? host: all right, got that. elizabeth, san marcos, california, democrat. caller: good morning c-span,. i want to weigh in on the classified documents issue. i would submit that donald trump is an elderly man with mall intent.-- mal intent. if his lips are moving, he is lying.
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i listen to your preview presentations. he is at mar-a-lago. half of what he says is nonfactual. that is the problem with a lot of your gop voters, they believe his misinformation. as far as this report, joe biden came out on top. he interviewed for five hours. no doubt that was tiring. the guy probably asked him when his son died and joe biden probably looked at him like, why are you even asking me this in a discussion of the classified documents. it's absurd. also, joe biden's documents were classified. trump held onto top-secret documents. it's implied if you read the news that he shared those top-secret documents with others . some australian guy, billionaire
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, trump is showing these documents, nuclear submarine. and not only did trump hide his documents, he refused -- a subpoena was submitted, he still hid them. he tried to talk some of his employees into hiding them. they didn't submit -- they tried to erase the tapes. and he has time to get people to live for him. so-- to lie for him. so trump, he is a fast talker. he's like an old-fashioned what they would call used-car salesman. host: all right, elizabeth, let's hear from mountjoy, pennsylvania, republican. caller: i want to point a few things out. i do pay attention to all the news that is going on. there was a point in that report where joe biden didn't feel
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he needed to give up any of that information, they were his notebooks and his records. president trump is the only one that was a president and had the authority to have them. he was selling tickets and this and that. he would've taken pictures of these documents and replace them and nobody would have ever knew the difference. nobody is using her head. -- their head. clearly some of these channels have nothing -- they are interfering in another presidential election, and it is one trump topic after another. there is one station that spends four hours a day, five days a week hating on trump. that is the first thing they do. i think most people forgot joe biden is even the sitting president. i just -- have a good day. host: let's hear from jason murray, the lawyer representing the case against former
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president trump on behalf of colorado voters. [video clip] >> president trump's main argument is that this court should create a special exemption to section three that would apply to him and him alone. he says it three disqualifies all of breaking insurrectionists except former president who never before health any other state or public office. there is no rationale for such an exemption and the court should reject the claim that the framers made an extraordinary mistake. section three uses deliberately broad language to cover all positions of federal power requiring an oath to the constitution. my friend relies on a claim to difference between an office under and an officer of the united states. but this case does not come down to mere prepositions. teh tw-- the two phrases are two sides of the same coin, referring to any federal office or to anyone who holds one.
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president trump's other arguments for reversal ignore the constitutional role of the states in running presidential elections. under article two and the 10th amendment, states have the power to ensure that their citizens' electoral votes are not wasted on a candidate who is constitutionally barred from holding office. states are allowed to safeguard their ballots by excluding those who are under age, foreign-born, running for a third presidential term, or as here, those who have engaged in instruction against the constitution in violation of their oath. host: back to the phones to jerry and broadway, virginia, republican. caller: good morning. this in, what that special counsel said is joe biden is guilty of willfully and knowingly retaining and sharing classified documents, though we
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will not prosecute him because he is too incompetent to stand trial. and we want to call this man a president and talk about electing him again? come on, america. we are better than this. host: all right, and a little bit background about robert hurt. -- robert hur. he is the special counsel that conducted that investigation into president biden's classified documents. this is nbc news, this is a year old that he gives a little bit of background in case you are interested. it says that hur's been a partner of the law firm of gibson dunn and preacher. he was focused on enforcement investigation and litigation. he joined the firm soon after having left the justice department, where he was a member of the senior leadership team for about a year as the top advisor to then-deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. president donald trump appointed -- nominated hur to be u.s. attorney for maryland, a role he
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held between 2018 and for very 2021. --february 2021 you work on high-profile matters including those involving national security, cyber crime, public option, and financial fraud -- public corruption, and financial fraud. john is in santa paula, california, republican. caller: good morning. about the trial, i listened to it twice. and i think the most strongest point was when one of the justices asked the lawyer for colorado, what would happen if a red state were to just take joe biden off, and so it becomes an arbitrary -- the states influence the entire election. colorado really got there ham-handed to them yesterday. i-- their hat handed to them
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yesterday. i wouldn't be surprised if it was unanimous against them. what is a telling tale is if you listen to the colorado secretary of state, the gal, after the hearing, she got up in front of a microphone, and you have never heard anybody spit out vitriol and hate, trump derangement syndrome, like this lady did. it was like all she could tell was "i hate trump," which tells me that this whole thing was nothing more than election interference, it's a sideshow, they got their hat handed to them. and really the true colors came out when that lady -- you autoplay excerpts of that lady -- host: john, we will get to that, but you did mention that part about when chief justice roberts predicted that a ruling taking trump off the ballot might lead to where other states could disqualify democratic candidates.
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let's hear that section. [video clip] >> what do you do with what would seem to be plain consequences of your position? if colorado's position is upheld, surely there will be disqualification proceedings on the other side. and some of those will succeed. some of them will have different standards of proof, some of them will have different rules about evidence, may the senate report won't be accepted in others because it is hearsay, maybe it is beyond a reasonable doubt, whatever. in very quick order i would expect, although my predictions would never be correct -- i would expect a goodly number of states would say whoever the democratic candidate is, you are off the ballot, and others for the republican candidate, you are off the ballot. it will come down to just a handful of states that are going to decide the presidential election. that's a pretty daunting consequence. >> well, certainly, your honor,
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the fact that there are frivolous applications of -- >> well, hold on, you might think they are frivolous but other people bringing them might not think they are frivolous. insurrection is a broader term, and if there is some debate about it, i suppose that will go into the decision and then eventually we would be deciding whether it was in insurrection when one president did something as opposed to when somebody else did something else. what do we do, do we wait until near the time of counting the ballots and go through which states are valid and which states aren't? >> there is a reason section three has been dormant for 150 years, and it is because we haven't seen anything like january 6 since reconstruction. insurrection against the constitution is something expert mary. --extraordinary pit >> it seems you are avoiding the question, which is that other states may have different views about what constitutes insurrection, and now you say it is all right because somebody, presumably us, would say that is
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in insurrection but they were wrong and maybe they thought it was right and we would have to develop rules for what constitutes an insurrection. >> yes, your honor, just like this court interprets other provisions, this court can make clear that it is something extraordinary and it requires a concerted group effort to resist through violence, not some ordinary application of state or federal law, but the functions mandated -- >> on your point -- host: back to the phones about the supreme court oral arguments yesterday on the ballot case and the special prosecutor on the documents case. des moines, iowa, democrat, good morning. caller: yes, good morning. i'm really upset about this special counsel hur. how dare he put personal opinions -- he is not a neurologist, he is not a geriatric specialist -- that
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have no bearing on this document? evidently he felt like he had to cover his tracks for not citing that they were comparable to trump's having the classified documents. but anyway, throwing in the question about president biden's son and the year he died, i think it was to rattle president biden. i'm angry. president biden had a right to be angry. somebody asked me right now, today, the year in the month and the day that my father took his life. i couldn't tell them. it's not a date i want to remember. i want to remember the joys, the beautiful memory of my brother, a very special person. so yeah, i think he was playing
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a lowball. i will vote for biden, i think he is doing a wonderful job. and hur -- i would be ashamed if i even related to him. host: all right, ocean city, new jersey, independent. caller: so, i am from delaware and i've known joe for 52 years and neither he nor trump have the vitality to do the job third-party candidate for the united states and if i were president i would stay 30 days or less. the job requires the vitality of a national football league player, that civil. -- simple. host: joe, ohio, democrat, good morning. caller: good morning. the question of trump being an insurrectionist is the question. he assembled folks. the question about how he rallied them, that is a
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question. what he didn't do was really come down to is he an insurrectionist, did he allow the transfer of power to be interfered with. i believe that is the case. furthermore, i don't understand how the justices have difficulty understanding one state having brought this case to it. they are brought by several states every session. from small towns, arguments that need their guidance and decisions on. why should that make any difference if it is one state? and the to contact situation, that it -- tick and tack situation, that is valid, but hey, justices, get to work. you will have a lot of cases
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coming to you. host: let's hear what former president trump had to say about that issuance. [video clip] >> -- about these efforts to kick you off the ballot, it seems to be the argument legal and otherwise, an argument i was given voice by mitch mcconnell and -- >> i got it, i got the gist. >> -- and morally responsible -- >> he doesn't say that anymore. so, let me just tell you that i heard and i watched, and the one thing i will a's they kept saying about what i said right after -- the insurrection was caused by nancy pelosi. if it was an insurrection -- there were no guns, no anything, except for the fact that they shot ashli babbitt. so unnecessary, so sad, so horrible.
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there were no guns, there were no anything. if you take a look at my words right after, my speech from the rose garden, which was very shortly after, or you take a look at -- i'm only on truth now, but that time we were tweeting and i was on twitter -- if you take a look at those five or six tweets, you will see very beautiful, very heartwarming statements, "go home, the police are doing their job," etc., etc. beautiful statements. if you see my statements in the rose garden -- you have to watch that, because today they said the words of trump. if you look at the words of democrats, look at schumer's statements on the steps of the supreme court. he sounded like a mob boss. take a look at any of them. we put together a tape of vicious, violent statements made by democrats. nobody think that up. take a look at maxine waters in
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the patient's statements she made. i didn't -- and the vicious statements she made. i didn't do that. i said peacefully and patriotically. it is peacefully and patriotically. he's says it's a bad statement. it was the exact opposite. i think you should take a look at the statements that i made before and after, and you will see a whole different dialogue. host: and michael is a republican in a new kensington, pennsylvania. good morning. caller: yes, thank you for taking my call. i have two points to make about yesterday's records hearing and things like that. basically, by didn't exactly what he was doing when he took those records-- biden new exec the what he was doing when he took those records. he knew it was wrong. at the time he was a vice president and a senator, and he did not have the rights as a presidential candidate -- obama kept them in the records, nobody
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argued with that. and he did not have the right to keep those records and keep them in his garage, certainly. trump took those records, and being a president he has the right to keep those records. they made a big deal about it, but they never made a big deal about it when obama was president. also, so at the time, biden was not senile. so he new exec the what he was doing. it was quite a while ago. the second when i have to make is that i have always been wondering -- the second point i have to make is i have always been wondering, how is it possible that -- that the democratic party has allowed this fella joe biden to be the presidential nominee for such a long time. what is their strategy for countering all the bad policies that he has made, and how do they think there is any way he could get reelected given the
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poor ratings that he is getting, that the democrats are getting? and why they allow this to continue? two people in the news came out yesterday and answered my question. one person was a retired green beret, and the other person was a governor of a state. and both of them said that they believe that the strategy is to allow these things to continue because it will create chaos, it will provoke an emergency situation, whether it is a war or some kind of situation that will require them to use emergency statuses like they did in the last election to obviate the vote, to make our elections null and void. host: so, michael, i wanted to go back to something you said about -- you said obama kept classified documents. i found this on the associated press about that with the headline "obama didn't keep millions of classified white
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house documents." the claim is that former president barack obama took 30 million documents, many of them classified, to chicago upon leaving the white house. ap's assessment is that is false, obama's administration records are exclusively held and maintained by the national archives, the federal agency confirmed that on friday. millions of unclassified document were transferred after obama left office to in chicago, but neither obama's personal foundation or the facility set to house his presidential memorabilia have control over those papers. you can find that on the ap if you are interested in that. let's talk to rose next in oregon city, oregon, independent line. caller: good morning. i'm calling to comment on president biden's performance at the press conference. i'm grateful to him for standing up for himself. and i am so disgusted by the
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press corps' treatment, haranguing of him. also, i noticed the dominance of women's voices and shouting at him. it's shameful. as far as mr. trump is concerned and his grand circus, they can all jump in the lake. host: all right, rose, let's look at more of president biden's discussion from last night about questions about his mental fitness. [video clip] >> mr. president, for months when you are asked about her age -- your age your response would be watch me. americans have been watching and they have questions -- >> that is your judgment. >> they have questions about your mental acuity, they say you are too old. in december you told me you believe there are many other democrats who could defeat donald trump. why does it have to be you now?
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>> because i'm the most qualified person in this country to be president of the united states and finish the job i started. host: you can watch that full press conference on our website at ingrid in florida, democrat. caller: good morning. host: good morning. caller: i am so bewildered with the supreme court, actually. and republicans, of course, because year after year after year after year -- i'm 74 -- all of these years republicans have cried out for states rights, states rights, states' rights. and now we have a state that wants to do their thing and you can't have states' rights, according to republicans or the supreme court. and i remember when gore lost,
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the supreme court did not let him get a full state's recount. they stopped the vote. and as far as insurrection, trump saying it was peaceful and republicans are saying it was a day in the park, he said "you gotta fight like hell if you want to keep your country." and the people that are bringing the case in colorado are four republican people and two democrats. they need to turn the channel and get more news. the leading lady norma -- i don't remember her last name -- she was a republican leader in the house and then a leader in the senate in colorado.
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and so there is four republicans and two democrats crying out for states' rights. and one more thing, please. the special counsel, this mr. hur, is a republican, and i heard from an attorney on tv last night, that is the way it is supposed to be. but when trump was questioned by special counsel, he demanded a republican, not a democrat. it is supposed to be the opposite party questioning you, not your own party. host: all right, ingrid. let's talk to rich in greensburg, pennsylvania, republican. good morning. caller: my only comment is i don't know why it's been whitewashed, but during biden's press conference yesterday, midsentence he is talking about where the rosaries are from and he says -- i can't remember.
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a long pause. i mean, that is indicative of what we are getting with this guy. all i have to say. host: ken is next, miami, florida, democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. trump is an authoritarian and is a clear and present danger to america. he wouldn't do to the united states wh -- would do to the united states what adolf hitler did to germany. he would destroy our democracy and go after minorities, including american jews. the trump supporters, i say study history. host: joe, dayton, ohio, republican. good morning. caller: good morning from a cloudy date in ohio, and to the
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last caller, how disgusting he is calling donald trump it lurk the democrats calling --calling donald trump hiller and the democrats calling republicans fascists. they have never lived under fascism. joe biden was a senator and a vice president, and he retained classified documents, boxes of them. he had them at roughly five different locations, he had them at a desk at the penn biden university in a desk drawer. he also showed classified documents to the ghostwriter three times. that is in that hur report. also in that hur report, joe biden said he didn't remember when he was vice president. it's like 380 pages. granted, c-span doesn't have enough time to show 380 pages,
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but let's show the facts. and it is what it is, and they are not going to do anything to joe biden because of his age -- host: and joe, we do have that report on our website to peruse. denver, kentucky, democrat. caller: yes, thank you for taking my call. trump, if you didn't fight a resurrection, why did he wait for three hours to stop it? is there anybody out there who think she would only do four years -- he would only do four years? i don't think he would. he would have a change in a heartbeat. host: let's talk to dusty next in myrtle beach, south carolina, independent. caller: yes. my opinion about the ballot is go ahead and give it to donald trump.
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let him win something for a change. we know he is a complete loser. and then when they have the american calls, will -- not give him immunity, and then jack smith will go ahead and do what he's got to do. i've been listening to these people calling in. it sounds like a bunch of sissies who don't know the hell -- "oh, we've got" -- host: we've got a bad connection, apologize. democrat. caller: -- everytone is making the same mistake. both men are the same creepy, tyrant, bad for the country people on both sides of the coin. insurrection, if january 6 is an
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insurgent, you need to understand that invasion by immigration is not immigration, it is invasion. and nobody elected -- not even the president has the right to that. to get back to something the supreme court said yesterday, and i'm so glad this was brought up, because the whole idea of having an electorate is not to represent the masses. it is to be certain that the uneducated do not decide president. they will look at that and see this is what people think. however, if this person good for this country -- that is their job. it is not the job of representing everybody. that is a falsehood, and it came up in the court. it came up in the court. so i am hoping that for once in our life -- once in the


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