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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  February 16, 2024 9:14am-9:59am EST

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i think we had a legal assistant here announcing on mr. floyd's behalf. it would be better to have counsel of record of mr. floyd's presence today. >> sorry, your honor, did you ask a question? >> mr. floyd joined us yesterday. i do not see him here today. do you have an announcement about his presence for today's hearing? >> he will not be present, your honor. >> all right. >> thank you. we'll be in recess until i hear from the parties. >> taking a break in the georgia hearing. considering misconduct allegations against fulton county district attorney fani willis. she's leading georgia's election interference case against former
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president donald trump and others. c-span's live coverage will continue when the hearing resumes. on x at c-span wj. a combative and impromptu testimony that even surprised members of her own team. her and nathan wade became romantically involved but she paid her own way, often in cash and did nothing improper. as the relationship continued and she prepared for one of the most important criminal prosecutions in the country. she is expected to take this stand again today in georgia at 9:00 in c-span's covege will start at that time. if you want to follow along you can at c-span, c-span now and as
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always on the website at i'm here to take your calls for the first 45 minutes on this. for republicans (202) 748-8001, for democrats (202) 748-8000 and for independents (202) 748-8002 and georgia residents (202) 748-8003. here is a portion where she is being questioned by, accusing her of being a liar. [video clip] >> i did hear the argument, you lied on monday in here we still are. >> that's the argument, no
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testimony. >> i thought she did an excellent job how dishonest you were with the quotes on monday. i am actually surprised the continue -- hearing continued. >> let's talk about what you did in preparation for today. did you meet with mr. wade? once the motion was filed due to meet with mr. wade to talk about the motion filed? >> i probably has some choice words. i don't know that it was a conversation. as you know mr. wade is a southern gentleman. me, not so much. >> did you have a conversation? >> no, i did not.
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i probably said some choice things to him about some of the lies that were told within the media. we used to be in the state and time where people would verify information and we had great reporting. but as we've seen today a lawyer can lie and is printed for the world to say. >> i just wanted to ask -- >> we had no substantive conversation, we did not. >> i just wanted to make sure. you did not have a meeting with him in the conference room to discuss it? >> in the conference room in my
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office you could view financial documents. they were given to me and i think he showed me a document in our conference room. as far as a substantive conversation. i have had conversation since you filed the motion but they would not be substantive to this. they would be nice sermons. we had conversations about did you listen to that sermon? things of that nature. in relationship to this about needing to be kind. host: you can find the complete hearing including her testimony on our website and cap go to (202) 748-8001 for republicans,
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for democrats (202) 748-8000 for independents (202) 748-8002 and georgia residents. (202) 748-8000. let's hear from calvin. caller: good morning. i am very proud of her. what they are trying to do is trying to get donald trump out of the mess that he has put himself in. i think she did a great job and i am proud of her. i think she needs to continue this case. thank you. host: calvin in georgia. georgia residents you can call in a make your thoughts no. we have been in pennsylvania on the republican line. caller: good morning.
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as a supporter of president trump out of the four criminal cases, a few months ago fani willis'was the one i was most worried about. i think they are all politically motivated. including the civil cases, that being said. the recent da willis cost me concern is because it is a state charge. federal charges, if he is reelected he can be done but the state case, that is a whole different story. i'm not even counting the one in manhattan. over the past few weeks that she tanked this trial herself. i can't help but feel bad for her. i don't think this trial will be able to proceed after all of
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this. she had her significant other taking trips to the white house frequently. hundreds of thousands of dollars. it's crazy. host: that was been in pennsylvania and the new york times takes a look at what happens. after this case she is disqualified to carry on. there is a conflict of interest because of the romantic relationship with the prosecutor which merits disqualification and disqualify her entire office and reassigned to another georgia prosecutor who could continue with the case, make major changes or even drop the case altogether. the decision would drop the case of mr. trump for the actions in
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georgia. the former president sought to overturn his loss in the case and it would be up to the prosecuting counsel to take up the case. it would fall to the council's executive director. there is more in the new york times. 9:00 is when the da is expected to resume. our coverage will start on our main trial, our app, our website. let's hear from david in atlanta on the independent line. caller: yes, can you hear me? host: you are on, go ahead. caller: the question was really incredible and it goes to show so much that was not talked about in the news when fani
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willis took the stand. i was impressed that she straightened the accusing attorneys when she got up this book to the thousands of dollars. nathan wade made it clear that there were three attorneys that were brought in for the prosecution. that money was split up between all three of them. attorney wade did not get 300,000. they just kept running the same questions from attorney wade to attorney willis on whether he was with her before 2021 from the only witness they had that this person said they had a
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relationship before which they found out it was not true. i think district attorney willis showed how important it is to correct misinformation given by these attorneys so we could credibly say she slept with this man before they even got together. the question that got me when they went to belize. she said her father taught her to save money. i am 64 years old and my mom taught me you always keep money in the house and i am quite sure americans from my generation were taught that and do that. host: that is david there let us hear from howard on the
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democratic line. caller: yes, good morning. i was very impressed with the das testimony. it was unexpected as the drama unfolded. i hope it makes clear to the public, the -- whole trump maga movement is trying to delay. this was her private life and it shows how unethical the entire trump is. she was really impressive and i hope the judge does the right thing and all of these things taken together and putting back on track the fulton case the rnc
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chairwoman having to step down because of trump. all of these are showing how phony the republican party and conservative movement is and i hope it speaks in the end of all of it. host: teresa and waco, texas. on the republican line. caller: i thought it was disgusting the way d.a. willis spoke to the attorneys, the way she spoke to the judge. she was telling the judge what to do. i have never seen a witness dictate how things are going to be run. it was disgusting. she should be disbarred and so should wade. who does that? using taxpayer money from georgia. i have family in georgia.
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saying trips -- taking trips from here and there. there were too many lies. she was not good on the stand. host: it was nathan wade testified that he met willis and 2019 and they developed a professional relationship as she sought his advice before campaigning for district attorney. mr. wade paid for expenses and trips in willis reimbursed him for some of the trips including two bay leaves which was a birthday present from willis.
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they split the cost of their travel evenly. and that is from the georgia atlantic constitution. caller: first of all, mr. wade was hired as the lead attorney and he has no experience in criminal cases. that right there is a big red flag. why would she hire him for this case? she was not supposed to have been listening to the proceedings. the moment she came in and you could tell she was furious. why was she furious?
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because she knew he had put his foot into it. people would like to believe she is right. she is a liar. they took advantage of the people in fulton county and georgia. host: the washington post in a story that was printed in january of this year. nathan wade has little criminal experience prosecuted in atlanta. he had mostly dealt with family law and contract disputes and then fani willis tapped him to prosecute the biggest case of her career. the back-and-forth was over his relationship with fani willis.
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[video clip] >> you got money from fulton county for the money you do here? you sent and invoices and they would pay you money? >> yes sir. >> that money was from the citizens of fulton county or the state of georgia? that's what they mean by public funds? >> i guess i am having trouble with the notion that the citizens of fulton county have paid me any funds. i could tell you the state of georgia or fulton county has written me a check. >> so, those entities are public entities? that would be public funds. right? >> yes.
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>> those public funds are from the same source that were used to pay out your expenses from trips you took ms. willis on? >> no sir. i have income coming in from my law firm and i also have income coming in from the funds we are here disgusting now from the state of georgia or fulton county. -- discussing now from the state of georgia. so to say i am paid credit cards from the state of georgia is incorrect because it could be
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coming from my private account? >> what percentage of your funds came from money from this case or your partners working for fulton county? >> in 2022 you would say 50-50? >> what about 2023? >> i would say 60/40. >> the money in those accounts 60% would be public funds used to pay for expenses that you incurred in the trips you took ms. willis on? the cruises, napa valley? host: more available on the website and app. you can follow along onhe app as well. this is greg from atlanta.
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nothing moredeflection from the president who made that perfect call. tony saying i was appalled the da allowed them to separate the attorneys and filibuster answers. thisbert in mississippi, this is a great example of how the justice system has declined that most americans have lost all confidence in what should be a fair system. tony ftroit michigan. falis saw this coming. she has shown poor judgment and no anger control. you can text us at (202) 748-8003, facebook and x is
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available as well. sheila and youngstown, ohio on the democratic mine. line. caller: i just heard some news. alexi novotny has died in siberia. the reason she could not prosecute is because everyone is scared. this is fascism already. do you remember langford? he received a call from a commentator who said if you try to get this immigration bill passed before the election. host: let's stick to the das testimony what was your impression? caller: i thought how they are
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treating her is horrible. this is about stealing an election and what they did to ruby friedman and shane moss. illegally taking voting machines. it is the same as russia. you can't vote for somebody you want to vote for because putin wins every time. caller: pedro i love c-span and i think all of these cases are nothing but election interference. i talked to rich mccormick. host: let's stick to the case from yesterday. caller: i disagree with her 100%. i am totally for trump.
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host: why are you for trump? caller: i think all of these cases are nothing but election interference. let the people of america decided let them vote. i think they will vote for trump 's so i am all fired up. rich mccormick introduced a bill. host: georgia residents if you want to leave a comment on yesterday's case (202) 748-8003. you can text on that line too. this is kevin from illinois on the independent line. caller: hey, good morning, good morning. as far as yesterday. i think she failed. they had him hold, line and sinker.
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everything is about stroke. they all want trump to go down. host: how exactly do you think she failed? caller: she was calling them liars. she was nervous. she came in the courtroom like she was in charge and i think the judge is a lot smarter because he will give them rope to hang themselves. the more they brought all the more they will convict themselves. i have a judge that said if you ever wanted incriminate yourself, keep talking. host: you can want to play out on c-span. at 9:00 the show will end as we
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go to the testimony. we are expecting fani willis to resume the stand. from linda in mississippi, on the democrats line. good morning. caller: i think she did a great job in defense of herself. this is not about her being a crook. she went on the stand and called the attorney a liar and they are missing the point. it's not about whether she is lying it's about what trump lied about. she told her story because those attorneys have been lying about her and told them what they were
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lying about. host: how is the relationship with the special prosecutor not a point of concern? caller: is not against the law. she did not benefit. she makes money to mike she said she does not depend on any man for her living. she defended herself like any moment. -- woman. host: a long associate who had a falling out with willis in 2022 said there was no doubt in her mind that they were involved in a romantic relationship and testified that she had talked to willis about wade and seeing them huggy and kissing.
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when he joined the case as a prosecutor. damon and south carolina on the independent line. caller: i think yesterday was not a good float. look. she seemed to get flustered and seemed a part of something that she had to respond to. i would love to make one more comment. i am asking all registered voters to keep americans first.
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host: nets, on the republican line. caller: i don't think she made herself look good. i don't think she made the state of georgia look good. one of the things the judge told them is that she was not supposed to be watching that trial and i am pretty sure that the reason she came in so hot is she was absolutely doing what the judge told her not to do. the time she said she was fearful in her home. if i was fearful for my life i would be fearful for my elderly father's life. i know she said covid but that is one of those things where all you have to do is move him from
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one place to another. i don't know if she was afraid for her life her she needed a condo for her affair. i find it odd that they will not allow them to bring up that mr. wade went to the white house and met with them. why did this stay prosecutor need to meet with the white house? thank you so much for taking my call. host: colton is next on the republican line. caller: i am not a professional about reading people but i pick up on social cues and that is what i noticed. fani willis seemed nervous, it seemed frantic and flustered,
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waving papers around. avoiding simple questions and divisively going all around them. host: democrat mind from plano, texas. caller: i was very impressed with ms. willis. i thought the point of the hearing was an evidence hearing and i was waiting for the evidence. they talked about mr. wade's timesheet and invoices those types of things. none of that came out. i was surprised the judge allowed the salacious testimony. it felt more like a reality show than courtroom proceedings but i was impressed with ms willis. i think she didn't outstanding
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job. host: the events in georgia are not the only things taking place. when it comes to the hush money trial will start on march 25. mr. trump will have to navigate his courtroom calendar. it was scheduled to begin on march 4 has been postponed in the supreme court may take up an appeal which would push the court back. they denied donald trump's his motion to dismiss. the events in georgia and the focus here today. fani willis testifying yesterday
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and you can call in (202) 748-8001 for republicans, (202) 748-8000 for democrats, for independents (202) 748-8002 in georgia residents. (202) 748-8003. caller: thank you for taking my call. i think fani is a liar. you don't have to be a psychology major that she was putting her hands on her face and could not sit still and when she was getting asked questions she was going off in giving roundabout information. my point is, i think she was lying. host: lake charles, louisiana, melissa. caller: thank you for taking my call. i found the hearing riveting.
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i could not stop watching it. fani willis completely failed herself. she lost all sense of decorum. she was inarticulate. you could tell that she is incompetent about how to enter a courtroom. how anyone could think she would be able to weave all of the intricacies of a rico case when she can't present herself without losing it completely. she would rather pontificate and filibuster on the simple yes or no questions. i think she was trying to obscure that these were kickbacks and she's putting a million dollars of georgia tax money on a credit card.
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i don't know why anyone would vote for that woman. the truth will come out in the questions remain about why were they going to d.c. to meet with the january 6 committee? host: donald in ventura, california. caller: hi, this is donald in ventura. anyone who goes after donald trump they need to make sure they have clean hands. they can't have controversial issues. they should know by now that this man will do everything he can to delay these cases and they need to make sure they have clean hand and they don't have dirt he can dig up. host: is having a relationship
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like the one discussed, is that a concern? caller: it is a problem if they are going to be trying donald trump if it's something he could use to delay the case. host: this state of the relationship itself, do you see issues with that? caller: not really. i don't see why it would interfere with this case unless you could prove there was money being passed back and forth but i don't see any evidence of that. host: let us hear from fani willis in fulton county, georgia. being questioned by one of the lawyers for former president trump about a relationship with nathan lane. [video clip]
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>> by the time you hired mr. wade there had never been a romantic relationship? >> are we talking about sex? >> romantic relationship doesn't have to be just sex. it could be dating, holding hands any of those things someone might call romantic. i am asking prior to november 1 20 21 there was a romantic relationship with mr. wade? yes or no. >> i don't consider my relationship with him romantic, no. >> beyond november 1, 2021. there was no romantic relationship with mr. wade until
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early in 2022 whether it be january, march. host: somewhere between february and april. >> i am asking about that time where it became romantic? you did not see the need to tell any of the people on the prosecution when you had established a romantic relationship that the lead prosecutor. the man that was giving orders to others was having relationship with you? >> i object to relevance. >> we are attempting to show there is an issue on the credibility of the relationship. the failure to let anyone know
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she was having a romantic relationship with the lead prosecutor. >> the inference that? >> that they were concealing this because it had been characterized by the court and had started earlier than they say? >> i want to make sure that we are clear. from at least 2020, i want to be clear. my credibility is being evaluated. we were friends, we hung out prior to november 2021. i hired him and i don't consider our relationship romantic until 2022.
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some time in april of 2022. host: let's hear from kyle in buffalo, new york. caller: i guess i'll be the first republic about the county line in support of whatever is going on here. it's because i'm a black person and i get tired of republicans always going against black people. her demeanor was defensive like why am i being questioned about my relationship? and i don't understand why her relationship has anything to do with election interference. i guess i am confused. you have democrats on her side and maga supporters saying she
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is a liar and she should be disbarred. it is sad that we have to have these issues when it comes to court procedures. that has nothing to do with the case at hand and wasting taxpayer dollars. host: let's hear from john in kentucky. caller: he is very honest about it, she is very honest about it. everything that she said proved out to be. i guess the world doesn't always love lovers. she is just being herself.
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there is no dishonesty in it, she is being honest. host: john there in kentucky. 9:00 is when the district attorney is expected to resume testimony in our coverage will start at that time. follow along on this network if you want to watch it carry from yesterday. this is from jacqueline and oregon -- in oregon on the republican line. caller: good morning, thank you. her demeanor is totally unacceptable. it tells that she has something to hide or she would not have this attitude.
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to me there are two points to this whole thing. it doesn't matter if you're brown, white, purple and green. it is ethics. whether you are the local city council, school board, county official, law officer. if you are state level officer, whether you are federal or state ethics. there are always ethics requirements, if they can't be kept at top levels are abused at lower levels. she has broken the code of ethics and that is what she can
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be convicted on. the second important thing is, it is irrelevant that her father or anyone else kept took money in a safe. who has three safes in their home where they keep money? host: let's go to david in maryland. caller: it is not about ethics. i am an african-american man. i am 75 years old. my parents taught me, this is a great time for our whole country to take this lesson. mr. trump, mr. biden, all of these people are lacking ethical
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transparency. what we have now is corruption. it goes all the way out. host: let's stick to the topic at hand, is there anything untoward about the das relationship? caller: it's not transparent. there are too many questions. she left herself out there. host: donna from pennsylvania on the democrat line. caller: i am a black woman also. white people's culture is different than black woman's culture. we speak up. i was taught to speak up for
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yourself. when i got accused of work, i kept telling them, no, it wasn't me. i told you one time, it was not me. but she will sit there and do that. and then i got loud. i said to my boss, if you tell a lie on me i will speak up for myself. i am exactly like that and i want to speak up. don't light on me. if you gonna tell on me, tell the truth. her girlfriend was about to get fired and they didn't follow-up questions. but they didn't follow-up.


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