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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  February 19, 2024 3:58pm-5:24pm EST

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cpac, the consertive political action conference in washington, d.c., with many conservative leaders spking at the event including former president trump. friday and saturday, live coverage of the national governors association winter meeting. speakers include justices sonia sotomayor and amy coney barrett. in the group of anti-trump conservatives and centrists serving as an alternative to ac. also on saturday, live coverage the south carolina republican primary. what this week le on the c-span networks or on c-span now, our free mobile video app. go to for scheduling information or to watch live and on-demand anytime. c-span, your unfiltered view of
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government. >> c-span, where history unfolds daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service by america's cable television companies. today, we continue to take you to congress and other public-policy events in washington and around the country. c-span, powered by cable. >> for c-span's voices 2024, we are asking voters across the country, what issue is most important to you in this election and why? >> most important issue is immigration. >> economics. >> i think homelessness is an issue that needs to be addressed. >> we invite you to share your voice by going to our website, select the "record your voice" tab, and record a message.
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be pt of the conversation. >> former president donald tru discusses legal cases during a lly in michigan. speaking ahead of the state's upcoming republican primary, the former president highlighted the portance of the state in the electoral process. this is about one hour and 25 minutes.
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>> "washington journal" -->> ♪ god bless the usa ♪ [cheers and applause] >> that is beautiful. thank you, lee. thank you, michigan. hello. >> trump, trump, trump! >> thank you very much, everybody. i'm thrilled to be back in the american heartland. this is our heartland, with the proud hard-working patriots who make this country run and make a great. it might not be so great now but we will have a great quickly again. the great state of michigan is going to tell crooked joe biden you are fired, get out of here! get out of here! worst president we have ever had.
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the worst president, the most incompetent president. just 10 days from now, we are going to win a monumental victory in the michigan republican primary. 10 days. november 5, we are going to get this guy out. we are going to bring our country back.
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don't wait. get out and vote. when we win back the white house, we will have no higher priority than ending the weaponization of this horrible legal system that has developed around us. it is a horrible thing taking place. you talk about democracy per this is a real threat to democracy. i'm restoring fair and impartial justice in america. we have to have that. we do not have that now. the decision yesterday in new york, you may have heard about it. crooked judge, crooked judge. he is a crooked judge. a radical left-wing judge was an atrocity that sets fire to our laws like no one has ever seen in this country before. that happens in banana republics. it does not happen in this country. the case is a sham. there were no victims, no
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damages, no complaints, no nothing. the actual bankers testified at the trial. they called me a whale. i don't know if that is good or bad. i don't know if they meant heavy or because i have a lot of money. i think they meant second.
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>> we have an ironclad disclaimer like buyer beware. it means do your own due diligence. do not believe what you are reading. it is not good. go do your own due diligence. you have to do that. we had an unbelievable disclaimer. some of the best properties and under leveraged as a company. a lot of cash because we built a great company. unlike these other politicians, i knew it would happen. i knew that i would lose $1
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billion or $2 billion if i was honest running for president and being president. that is what i left, maybe a couple billion dollars. it was the best thing i ever did because we made our country great. we made it great. they have blown it. but we are going to make it greater than ever before! we are going to make it greater than ever before. these other guys have no money. all of a sudden, they are rich. look at nancy pelosi. she is worth like $150 million. the judge, one of the least respected in new york state, said mar-a-lago, he did not know much about it, but it is very valuable real estate, he said it was worth $18 million to try to make his case. by doing that, he put the values way down and tried to make his case when in actuality it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. the appraisers say that.
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that is not me saying that.
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i give them everything they wanted. 571 miles we go. that is why that happened. then i had another 200 miles. it would have been done in three weeks. i said they want open borders. note that he believed it. why do they want open borders? they either hate the country or they are stupid. we have the best border ever. i want to mexico.
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2%. that is being done in mexico. think of this. you are allowing people to walk by the caravans, thousands and thousands of people coming from all around the world. welcome to the congo people. when you come to the congo, where do you live? what are you in prison for? murder. they are coming from africa, coming from asia, coming from deferral -- different parts of the middle east.
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when i came in, they were bombing. every bomb is a million dollars. we want a solution to things. you would have never had ukraine and russia. ukraine would have never been attacked. i stopped nord stream too. it was told to stop. biden came in and he approved it. so he let russia build the pipeline to germany and other places. but he stopped the keystone, 48,000 jobs. the head of the pipeline union endorsed sleepy joe biden.
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they endorsed him. he should have been out of the job. most of the autoworkers are going to go to me. we are waiting for the teamsters. he will not don't laugh. he was laughing. they are going to take the teamsters jobs. the teamsters happened to -- haven't endorsed the republicans in many years. how about they endorsed a man
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who is a low iq individual? that is sleepy joe. were crooked joe. which is a better name? crooked or sleepy? ok. this is a free paul. these guys paid millions of dollars for april. most of the polls they don't even go sample. this is a free paul. who likes sleepy joe biden? who likes crooked joe biden? i retired the name crooked from every. i retired the name crooked because this is one of the best days in our lives. i thought it was more befitting.
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she did not matter anymore. he is the most corrupt president we've ever had. eight long years of obama and crooked joe biden. for 50 years, they were back. i withdrew from the transatlantic partnership. you don't have much anyway.
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i ended the disaster known as nafta. i replaced it with a brand-new u.s.. the best radio ever. everything is so sad. they don't go far. the guy goes they don't go far. i said they don't go far? that sounds so basic. that is like a first grader. they don't go far. michigan, you're getting so screwed. i can't believe that i was able to convince.
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they are trying to renegotiate a whole different thing. usmca, mexico and canada are trying to negotiate the deal. biden is looking at them. he has no idea what they're talking about. we'll countries are they? they always criticize me. sometimes i will use the name barack hussein obama.
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your president barack hussein obama endocyte donald trump did not know who the president other countries. he thought it was brought. he could not find his way off the stage. i renegotiate to obama's career trade deal. you make more money with pickup trucks than any other vehicle.
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you put the tax on. south korea was so happy. the country is falling apart. how bad are the airport? it is crazy.
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i used to argue with angela merkel. i said you don't treat as well. i said how many chevrolets do you have in munich? probably none. i said that is right. how many chevrolets do you have in germany? maybe known, that is right. but we take their bmw's, they're volkswagens, and mercedes-benz's. we are so stupid to allow this to happen. they don't take anything having to do with us. millions of people killed.
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the stock market price was higher than just before covid came in. it remains in place to the state. they make so much money. they want to take it off so bad. china gives them a lot of money. under the trump administration, you were better neighbors were better off. america was stronger, richer, safer, unconfident.
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they all represent something different. we have to get back. stop these fascists from taking over here. joe biden spends his entire career to your family. the guy has a lot of houses all over the place. they started with nothing but that they are worth millions and millions of dollars. the most they have made is $179,000 and yet they have beach
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houses, the nice garage with the corvette. it is a terrible to -- terrible double standard. those boxes are heavily used. we have such a double standard. days later, hunter's company got
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a $3 billion check out of china. crooked joe is not working for you. as harry truman said, surely amanda gets rich by being a politician and i will show you a problem. true. that is true. it is nice. i thought it was going to be freezing in here. it is very nice. it is beautiful. is everybody having a good time talking about this? is there anyplace better then being at a trump rally? the people outside our not thrilled. they can't get in.
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this place is packed. this set a new record. this place is packed. plus i love you too i had nice places. we made america great a. we will make it better than ever before. how do you do it?
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they think they are tough. i did not know what indictment met my entire life. you got indicted. how do you take it? how do you do it? when you see love in this room and when you see the polls, they are always losing by a lot or a little. we are dating him by so much. maybe i am wired a little bit
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differently. i don't know. biden always puts america last. they did not even have the decency to go through here. the guy goes like a year later. we had time. we had the best people. brenda. we had that border. the best it has ever been. i think the number will be 18 million people. think of it. i went to east palestine.
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we have to get out and vote. it is important to send the democrats a message. we will send them a message for november. you go out next week and you book. biden's plan calls for raising taxes. we took in much -- much more
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revenue because of that. i will i give you the biggest i give you the biggest regulation cuts. we said what is it? 100%? reciprocal. it is reciprocal. so if china is charging us a $100 tariff, we charge them a $100 tire. it is basically saying you screw us and we screw you. eventually they will drop it.
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everybody drops it. that is the bookkeeping. we were treated very unfairly by virtually every country. we did so much. i we negotiated deals shinzo abe was a great guy. japan took such advantage of us. it is not working, it is so unfair. he goes i know. i was waiting for you to come. i said didn't anybody else? he said nobody ever came to see us. i can't believe we got away with it for so many years. we renegotiated the deal. we got a great deal out of it. as tariffs on foreign countries go up, taxes on american workers and families come down. it will come down very dramatically. the reciprocal trade act, let's
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say it is 10%, 15%, this will go a long way, all of these countries, they want to do business in the united states. it is an honor to do business. we have to bring them back. for them to come in and take advantage of our country, it is an honor. you should have to pay for that. for them to come in and take our jobs and take your money and take everything out of our country, the got out of our country, we have to manufacture cars. the reciprocal trade act is very simple. they have to pay. if they pay 10% or 15, i don't believe it will affect the business very much. it will largely knock out deficits to a large extent. i think they will be doing almost the same business. they won't make what is prize
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money. they rebuilt the military. $500 billion a year they take out. we don't want that to happen. the only ones that made it are the globalists. they had america. there they are a dying breed i think they know that we are the only ones that can stop that. they had florida locked.
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donald trump has won the state of florida. that was bad. donald trump won the state of georgia by a lot. donald trump on the state of south carolina by a lot. this was a whole big thing for an hour. remember the crazy woman in the convention center with the hair and the glasses? she screamed, that poor woman?
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all of their tax and all of these corrupt persecutions they are doing are only happening because i am running for president and leading big in the polls. they all said it is funny i came here and i came to four or five other states in the past couple of days. we were having rallies, 40 or 50,000 people. i said how come we are going to lose? hillary had 300 people show up. remember the eight circles. those circles are beautiful. they were beautiful. they could not fill them up. then i would have 48 were 50,000 people at these rallies.
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that was beautiful. we are doing much better now than we ever did. we did much better in 2020 than we did in 2016. we got millions in millage of more votes. millions and millions more votes. we got both like nobody thought possible. the election was vague. just one of those things. we won't let them rake at this time. we are bidding biden substantially here.
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the biggest change we are doing with the everett american voters. all of the things we did, opportunities with tim scott. nobody talks about it. the black population understands it. hispanic, the same thing. we are winning places along the border. we have a lot of autoworkers.
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who are disgusted because they are smart. it was that guy? look at him. you can build my car any day. these are great people. great workers great very talented people. this isn't just workers. these are talented, brilliant people. the radical left democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020. and we're not going to allow them to rake the presidential election in 2024. every time the radical left democrats, communists and marxists indict me i consider it a great badge of honor. i'm being indicted for you. never forget. thanks very much. never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because i will never let them take away your freedom. i will not do that. they want to silence me because i will never let them silence
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you. and in the end, they are not after me, they are after you and i just happen to be standing in their way. we are pleased to be joined tonight by some incredible people that represent your state so well. including members of congress. lisa mcclain. where is she? what a great woman. she's tough. don't mess around. she's a tough one and she's great. thank you, lisa. you are a warrior. and jack bergman. jack, thank you very much. what a job. two really good ones. former republican michigan chairman pete hofstra. i said, do you think you can never get this guy? costar, you are unbelievable. we are going to win this thing.
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if we win michigan, we win the election. you know? the best man. i said, can you get him? he was incredible. in congress, he was incredible and he was an unbelievable ambassador. everybody thought he was just about the best. i said, you have got to get that guy and he agreed to do it. we appreciate it. house minority leader matt hall. thank you, matt, great job. former michigan supreme court justice stephen markman. stephen, thank you, you are here someplace. thank you, stephen, very much. president of the police officers' association of michigan. and a board member. thank you, dwight. what a great job they do. law enforcement. we will take care of law
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enforcement. we have the endorsement of almost every single law enforcement group in the country . and anybody that hasn't endorsed, people looked at them, like what the hell is wrong with you? but we have the endorsement of every law enforcement. the sheriffs, everybody all over the country. from the very first day we take back the white house from crooked joe joe biden, i believe we will have the four greatest years in the history of our country. we are so ready to go. in our first term, we appointed over 300 federal judges and three supreme court justice is buried great people. we fully rebuilt the u.s. military and created space for the first time and i'm 78 years. last one was air force, this was senates a big deal. for our veterans we passed v.a. accountability and v.a. choice. nobody could do it. we had the most secure border in u.s. history. we ended catch and release and
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built 561 miles. think of it, we built this massive thing, then they go and just let everybody pour into our country. people weren't even trying to get in anymore. they knew they couldn't get in. then they come in, in numbers nobody has ever seen before. nobody has ever seen a border like that. i just don't know who could think it's a good thing. remember, they are coming in from prisons. from mental institutions, insane asylums. these are people that we're not wanting in our country. the invasion of our country will affect our black population, hispanic population. union population. and basically people with go to high-paying jobs. more than any others. union wages will be cut in half or more. these are the people biden is allowing to come in, whether they have the talent or don't. they will not have the talent of
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the people right now, but they will work for one third the price. you will have a lot of unhappy union workers, that i can tell you. that includes the united autoworkers and teamsters. black and hispanic workers, or anybody who has a high-paying, good job will be losing their jobs by the millions. these people will work for nothing. they will work for small amount of money. you will lose your jobs. it's so sad to see. it's common sense. you have a 10 million people by the end of this term coming in. they will be working. taking the jobs of people that have lived here a whole life. pay a lot of tax. work hard, big talent. biden is already giving work permits to 2.5 million illegal aliens. i don't know if you know that. we have a new category of crime in our country. it is called migrant crime. it is taking over america. you know, in new york what's happening in crime is it's through the roof.
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i think it is appropriate. a new category of crime where they beat up police officers. you have seen that. they stab people, hurt people, shoot people. as a whole new form. they have gangs now that are making our gangs look like small potatoes. okay. because joe biden allowed this to happen. we will call it from now on biden migrant crime. okay? let's call it bigrant. fighting crime. oh, that's good -- bigrant crime. a category of crime we've never had. they are taking over the inner cities of our country by the thousands and thousands they are coming into cities. they can handle it. even here in oakland county, you are being overrun. what are we going to do about
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it? we will have the largest deportation effort in the history of our country. we have no choice. [cheers and applause] we have no choice. it's a terrible thing. we will start with a really bad ones first. the local police know who the bad ones are. we will take care of our local police. your sheriff recently stated organize squads of illegal alien gang members are hiding in the trees and breaking into rural suburban michigan. into your homes after dark, plundering them for jewelry, purses, electronics, cash, watches. and anything else they can get their hands on. that's what's happening in michigan. it happened to that guy. look he is raising his hand. you don't want to have illegal alien criminals crawling through your windows and going through your drawers as the expression goes, then vote against crooked joe biden. throw him the hell out of
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office. before i even arrive. we have got to. it's like a regime. believe me. they are bad for democracy. what they are doing with elections. what they are doing in washington, d.c. with people. putting them in jail for years, and years and years. and they let antifa get away with murder. it's just a horrible thing. it's a very bad thing and dangerous thing. before i even arrive in the oval office, shortly after we win the presidency, we are going to win. not me, we. i will have the horrible war between russia and ukraine settled. that war would have never happened if i were president. it was just reported that biden believes he did a fantastic job in this catastrophic withdrawal. do believe that? the withdrawal from afghanistan
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was the most embarrassing moment i believe in the history of our country. if that success, and he thinks it was one, we lost 13 soldiers, we shouldn't have lost anybody. i am the one that set it up. but we had nobody killed. under my administration. they were killing our soldiers very much with the obama-biden mess. they were killing our soldiers. i called up, i said get them on the phone, abdul was the leader of the taliban. i said, don't kill our soldiers anymore, abdul. it was not a nice conversation. i said, if it happens again, we will hit you so hard, you will not believe it. and he goes, yeah -- he goes, your excellency, he called me your excellency. he had a nice way of speaking. he is deleting the taliban but now he has $85 million of our,
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equipment which he is selling a lot of. they are the second door large largest seller of miller carry equipment in the world. we left many of the soldiers. no arms, no legs. obliterated. many. at least 38 of them. nobody ever mentions them. we have people that we left behind, too. american citizens that we left behind. that gave food and the power to go in because he saw the incompetence of our withdrawal from afghanistan. we should've kept bagram. it is one of the biggest airbases in the world. we built it many many years ago. it cost billions and billions of dollars. one hour away from where china makes their nuclear weapons. do you know who is occupying it right now? china is occupying it. under the trump administration, we will restore peace through strength. that's what we had. don't forget.
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i didn't have any wars. i defeated isis 100%. it was supposed to take four years, it took four weeks. four weeks. but we defeated them very quickly. we will bring back law and order to our country. i will direct a completely overhauled to doj to investigate every radical, out-of-control prosecutor in america for their illegal, racist and reverse enforcement of the law. how is fani doing in fulton county? how is that trial? i paid them cash. i didn't take anything, i paid him cash. where did you get the cash? they are not allowed to answer. i paid him cash, she said, i gave him cash grade every time we went on a trip. took nine trips in one year. that's a lot of trips.
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i haven't taken a trip. i don't think i've taken a trip for about 30 years actually. i don't take too many trips. i think she said nine trips. every time i took a trip with my lover, i paid him in cash. where the hell did you get the cash? what a lot of bullshit. and they heard a lot of people. she wanted to indict u.s. senators. they stopped at 40 people. a lot of people have been really devastated by the incompetence of that whole thing. georgia has been badly hurt as a state. it's been an embarrassment for georgia. when you want that trial, it's so sad. i gave him cash every single trip i took. a lot of trips. beautiful trips. norwegian cruise lines. so nice. isn't love -- love is such a beautiful thing. i'm also going to indemnify all
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police officers law enforcement officials throughout the united states to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left. people in office that want them to be heard. that don't want them to look for crime and stop crime. they can stop crime so fast. but they are told not to. they are told to stand away as people walk out with television sets out of department stores. and end up going out of business. we will protect those officers and precincts. in some cases, the states. you can stop that whole phenomenon. 300 guys run into a department store and they loot it. literally, there is not a thing on the shelves. they take millions and millions of dollars out. inevitably, they close the stores. they are closing stores all over the country. you can stop that in one day. in one hour if you get really nasty and really tough. once they see things happening that they never thought were going to happen to them. and i mean tough.
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it'll all stop overnight. there would be anymore. your police would love to be the ones that do it. but they are not allowed. didn't want to lose their homes and families. their pensions. we will rebuild our cities into beacons of hope, safety and beauty. better than they have ever been before. we will have to work with democrats, because every single one of being run by the democrats. so we will work with the democrats if we have to. i think that is okay. we will be bipartisan for a change. we will take over the horribly run capital of our nation, washington, d.c. and clean it up. renovate it and rebuild our capital city, so that it is no longer a nightmare of murder and crime. two people killed over the last couple of days. people are being killed every week. they go from michigan. let's go see the jefferson memorial. they want to change the name because different things. they want to change the name of washington off everything. when you get down to george
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washington can no longer be on high schools, for they are taking the name george washington, then we better put on the pranks in this country because we have a lot of problems. rather, it will become the most beautiful capital anywhere in the world. you don't have to go to court in washington. because it is all biden people that do this. this is all election interference. and in washington, you have very liberal courts and very liberal everything. they get you in areas where in theory you can't win. but it is easier when you have done absolutely nothing wrong. that doesn't matter because all you have to view is look at engoron. i happen to go to court the other day and am driving through washington. i say man, this is going down so fast. hence all over the place. the worst is the roads. the medians, such bad, they are warped. they've been selling them for 30
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years. they are such garbage. they are falling down to the road. there are potholes all over the place. i'm saying to myself, can you imagine foreign dignitaries coming into this country and they are going to washington, d.c. and see roads where you are driving over garbage that has been there three months. been there for a long time. we have some really bad people in our country that are doing a terrible job. we will change washington, d.c. and make it the safest place anywhere that you can be. anywhere. a young man that worked for me was shot the other night in his head. a carjacking. they shot him. they said, we want your car, and they shot him in front of his wife and he died. a week ago. what a sad thing. we will not have that in washington, d.c. we will run it properly. not run by these people that are just horrible. it's so dangerous.
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you can go to washington, d.c. to go in a park anymore because you will be logged or should 00 -- mugged for a shot. we will not let that happen. the great capital of washington, d.c. is under siege. i will always defend medicare and social security. unlike birdbrain. and unlike, frankly, a lot of other people. remember that though. they will not defend it. nikki haley, have you ever heard of her? you don't hear her name too much anymore. she wants to extend the minimum age of social security by 10 years. supposing you are just about ready to get your social security and they say, darling, bad news. nikki haley just extended it by 10 years. i don't think you will be too happy. we have such great wealth in this country. we don't have to play around with social verity and medicare. they want to cut federal funding for any school.
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remember this. any school pushing critical race theory it so bad. gender or any other inappropriate racial, sexual or political content onto the heads of our children. i will not give one penny to any school that has the vaccine mandate or a mask mandate. [cheers and applause] maybe the easiest thing of all. it's embarrassing to have to say it. i don't think 10 years ago anybody had heard of it. i will keep men out of women's sports. [cheers] the weightlifting. a record was at the other day in weightlifting that would never be broken by a woman. i can tell you. i will fully uphold our totally under siege second amendment. as i did for four years.
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we will protect innocent life. and we will restore free speech. and i will secure our elections where the goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter id. and you can do that for 9% of the cost. [cheering "trump!"] thank you very much. you know, you can do the paper ballots. paper sounds a little crazy. it's called watermark. they have such secure paper now. it's actually a very complex instrument. but the paper today is incredible. you can do paper ballots, same day voting. think of it. and voter id. it costs you 9% of what this other stuff that they do is pray they have of his stuff, and they say, we should be able to know
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the final count two weeks from now. do you ever see where they need two weeks to count with paper let's? france couldn't do mail in ballots because they turned out to be totally corrupt. mail in voting has to be totally corrupt. get that through your head. i mean, it has to be. in france, they did mail in voting and they give it up because it was so corrupt. they went to paper ballots, same voting, variety. they had 36 million votes by 10:00 in the evening. they had a winner, macron. they had a loser. went home and they started working the next day. there was no complaints and problems. there was no anything going through the air. nothing. they had same-day voting and voter id. highly sophisticated paper. 9%. he will save a fortune. and you will have your answer by 10:00 in the evening.
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but until then, republicans must win. if you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the united states and added them up, they would not have done near the destruction to our country as joe biden. crooked joe and the biden administration have done. if you want to save america, then you must go and vote. remember, the primary is, february 27. we need you to get out and vote to set the stage for november. go vote. november 27. the date is very important. november 5, that's a very important date. everything in our lives should be aimed to that date. that's the date we will make our country great again. because right now we're a laughingstock all over the world. so in two weeks, get out and vote.
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watch south carolina. we are doing great. we are up 35 points. in conclusion, from marquette to midland. from grand rapids to detroit, we have got to watch detroit. we gotta watch detroit. boy oh boy oh boy. they had such horrible abuse. they had more ballots -- you know this. they had more ballots than they had voters. do you know that? gee. and they didn't want to go into that. and from moran to waterford township. waterford township, beautiful. we stand on the shoulders of red-blooded michigan patriots who laid the railroads, worked the factories, tilled the fields, forged the steel, won the battles and built the factories that made the motor city and made america into the greatest and most powerful nation anywhere in the world.
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but now, we are a nation in decline. very sad. we are a failing nation. a nation that has lost his confidence, willpower and strength. a nation that has lost its way. but we are not going to allow this horror to continue. we will not allow it. remember, if we win michigan, we win the whole ballgame. we win everything. nothing they will be able to do. don't let them cheat. three years ago, we were a great nation, and we will soon be a great nation again. it was hard-working patriots like you. you are patriots. here it is, you are freezing your ass off right? but it is warm because there is love in this room. hard-working patriots built this country. and hard-working patriots like you will save this country.
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we will fight for america like no one has ever fought before. 2024 is our final battle. with you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. we will expel warmongers from our government. we will drive out the globalists. we will cast out the communists, marxists and fascists. we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. they truly do. they hate our country. we will evict kirk could joe biden from the white house on november 5, 2024. please remember that day. [cheers] the silent majority is rising like never before. under our leadership, the forgotten man and woman will be forgotten no longer. we are one movement. the greatest movement in the history of our country.
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a make america great again. when biden says we have to stop maga. i would like to say, do you know what maga stands for? he would have no idea. maga, i don't know. that's not a fair question. the anchors would protect him. please tell me. make america great again. that's what it stands for. we are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious nation under god. and together, we will make america powerful again. we will make america wealthy again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. thank you very much. god bless you all.
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thank you, everybody. ♪ [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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