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tv   Washington Journal Open Forum  CSPAN  February 21, 2024 3:41pm-4:13pm EST

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record a 30-second video telling us your issue and why did c-span's voices 2024. be a part of the conversation. >> a healthy democracy doesn't just look like this. it looks like this. americans can see democracy at work, where citizens are truly influenced, a public thrives. informed straight from -- get informed straight from the source on c-span. unfiltered, unbiased, word for word, from the nation's capitol to wherever you are, because the opinion that matters the most is your own. c-span, powered by cable. public or political issue you want to talk about. we will start in jackson
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heights, new york, the line for independence. caller: good morning. i have one suggestion. i would like to see one of the questions you have be -- would you vote for president for someone who is in prison? that's it, that's my question. host: would you vote for somebody if that person was in prison? caller: probably not. probably not. i would say no. host: why do you say probably? caller: i would sayno, it's no. host: what you think the average caller would say to that question? --caller: that's my point, i would like to know what the average person has to say. it's very interesting. i've been listening to this for a long time and i've never called in. i've never seen anyone worship a
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president, any president. it's unfortunate. host: do you think this country might be in that situation? a month from now before november? caller: it seems to be getting worse. it seems to be getting much worse. it's very sad. it's a very sad situation. host: this is jeff in nebraska, good morning, republican. caller: i'd like to see you guys do one thing -- the last guy you had on there, somebody needs to come on their and show us how many documents they had, how many were top-secret and break these things down. you don't have to show what was on them but when you talk hillary clinton, the vice
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president who took them when he was a senator and now vice president while he was vice president. they weren't allowed to even have documents outside the skiff. we will cut them some slack because we don't think the panel is capable -- i don't know what -- we look like a bunch of clowns. host: you don't think the classified document case as much bearing, what about the other three criminal cases facing the former president? to any of them have merit? caller: i do. i think one of them has merit. host: which one? caller: we've got a lady who said while she was running for
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office, i'm running for office against president trump area ok. she got her wish. now we've got another couple that's out there spending taxpayer money running around georgia and whatever. it's a joke. host: this is dave in maryland, good morning. caller: good morning. i'm in baltimore city and i was states attorney, former states attorney getting ready to do federal time for putting false information on a loan application. host: is that mosby? guest: yes. people in this city are screaming for her head but if
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you turn that coin over, then they say that it's the indiscretion of the former president, trump that is, what he did in inflating the values of his property in order to gain the same kind of advantage and loan applications, that's ok. it's fascinating to see that dynamic play out in this city. host: this is the story from the local cbs news station -- this is david from massachusetts, good morning. caller: i'm a former u.s. marine
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in the infantry. my main point is that for anyone who might be thinking about it, do not join the u.s. or any military including the idf. we pay over $1 trillion per year for military and it's brought nothing but failures. we've never had as many haves and have-nots in my lifetime. we have a crowded fleet of osprey aircraft that have killed hundreds of marines now and they haven't stopped crashing since the early 2000. we have over 800 foreign military bases around the world and what does that net us for safety? does it make is any safer at all? i like to realign from another u.s.
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when makeup tools were one, our boys were sent out to die. this was the war to end all wars, to think he world safe for democracy. no one told them dollars and cents where the real reasons. host: before you go, why did you join the core? caller: i was 17. i had thought about motors service -- i had thought about military service for a young age. . i was in high school when 9/11 happened. i had a good education, i knew the u.s. had trouble history of for policy in two instances in which the military was used justifiably. we started with a small professional military and rapidly expanded and modernized it. we are paying overwintering
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dollars a year for a military that is around the world and it doesn't make anyone any safer. host: have you and i chatted before? caller: i have called in before. host: i remember he said he served in for lucia -- for lucia -- felujah. what was that like? caller: the most scored -- most scared i have ever been. of my multiple new debt experiences that happened in that 30 days, i did not get a lot of sleep for the first three days. it is a lot of fractured memories of being really scared is the crux of it. host: was that the moment your feelings changed about serving
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in the military? four was it under the moment -- for was it another moment? caller: it was another nail in the coffin. seeing children begging outside of the camp months prior and seeing our inability to do any substance for the people we were supposed to be protecting, that was a big part of it. i still don't know exactly what the fallujah action did. the history of it was before i showed up, there was a small attempt called up like they do to political reasons, it was in election year and i was overseas. after they lost, they said now we are going. host: what do you do now? caller: i miss is no cannabis
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worker and an aspiring independent videogame developer. i am disabled. i ot really work full-time most jobs. host: you mind if i ask how old you are? caller: i am 38. host: thank you for sharing your story. joe is next, back to baltimore. caller: how are you doing? host: what is on your mind? caller: i have two statements to make. i don't know how -- trump. one thing is he doesn't work that much. he picked real estate. everything we do, we do to a point where it does not matter. what i'm saying is if you buy a bag of potato chips, it is not
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worth that much. our whole economy is built on it, that is called capitalism. host:host: that is joe in maryland. this is al. in new jersey. caller: i think i missed the call. i heard him make the statement about the air force. i was watching. that guy made a complete full statement, what he said about that woman. i watched january 6 that morning. there was a windowpane that was broken by somebody -- she stuck her face through that hole and look through that windowpane to see in there.
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the secret service fellow shot her. they tried to help that poor girl. i don't know what he was income she tried to break through doors or whatever. that was a lie. host: anchor in tennessee, good morning -- edgar in tennessee, good morning. caller: can you hear me? host: yes sir. caller: where was the property assessor on trump's property? i get my property assessed by elected official and pay my taxes by property assessor. i don't to get to make my own property assessed. in mar-a-lago, who is doing the property assessing? host: that is editor in tennessee. to steve in california,
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independent. caller: i have a question on the same lines. do you have to go to the das office to get a real estate transaction approved now? you can go 20 years back and look at loans and say this one is illegal and this one wasn't? host: it sounds like we should have had hugo lowell on a little longer. open forum for another 10 minutes. ernest in philly, good morning. caller: my topic is about reparations. the slaveowners in the south were given reparations for their slaves as property. all throughout history, we did the right thing and mobs come and burn us out. throughout any state in america,
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you can find that situation has occurred. we have come a long way with a lot on our backs and i want to make that statement. host: do you think that reparations are going to happen at some point in the new future? caller: i am not concerned about that, just leave us alone and stop pulling the rug out from under black people. affirmative action -- we were behind the eight by long time and we got a chance with affirmative action and all of the sudden that was pulled from under us. oh no to the fact that we were held back. hinder did what he did in that situation. -- hitler's did what he did in that situation. when we pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, stop tripping us up. host: forest, virginia. paul, independent.
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good morning. caller: i wanted to address the caller earlier who was incredibly concerned about police accountability for ashli babbitt. there is an entire movement out there right now that is trying to bring police accountability to the forefront, whether we're are talking about qualified immunity or talking about the officers that shot an entire neighborhood over a falling acorn earlier this week. unfortunately, you might wins at the name of the movement. it is called black lives matter. i have to tell you, it brings things to the front of that benefit us all. we don't benefit from police
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being taught they are at war with their community. we don't benefit from police that draw their gun at the first sign of anything instead of de-escalating. we need communities that actually police ourselves. we need social workers out there to address real human needs, not just people with badges that have cultivated ptsd. thank you for your time. host: that is paul in virginia. nancy is in michigan. republican. good morning. caller: i was watching sean hannity last night and people might not understand why nikki haley is still proceeding to act
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like she is running for any office. -- an office. gretchen whitmer put money in her purse after she ran. if i donate, if i wanted to run for any office, people would donate to my campaign. if i did not want to really work or get the job, but because i have a christmas tree farm and i know a lot of people, they would donate to me. somebody else would win and i would spend maybe $50,000 out of the $100 -- $100,000 to run but the other $50,000 i would put in my pocket -- my purse and go shopping. host: my understanding of cap a finance laws is you cannot transfer it into your bank account but if you have unspent funds, you can use them as
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political donations to other causes and other groups as well. i think there are laws against transferring it into your bank account. host: that may be laws against it, but there are legislators in michigan who want her husband to have to declare what is in his bank account from it. she is fighting it tooth and nail. host: that certainly any avenue of prosecution when it comes to campaign finance laws. by the people misuse those funds and we see those cases every cycle. about four minutes left here on open forum. this is john in columbus, ohio. caller: good morning. host: what is on your mind? caller: i just want to say this.
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what is going on in this country is not good for this nation. because of the stuff going on in our country, i just hope america will retreat from this foolishness and come together so that this country can go --. this country has a lot of people . that is what i wanted to say. i hope we know what we are doing. host: lexington, michigan is next. jim. republican. caller: the gentleman you had on earlier, i have done some searching on him while he was talking to you. i did not get a chance to say anything but he told a lot of
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lies about a lot of things. host: andrew from durham, north carolina. you are next. caller: how are you? host: doing well. caller: the reason i am calling, i am a vietnam veteran. i know how people sacrificed their kids like they did in iraq. i watched these congressmen sit back and demonize our military. most of them are pretty well-off and they don't have to wait about their kids going to get killed. they talk this nonsense about how weak our military is. i can't see anyone of them making you through basic training in our military. these people are protecting us. that is what burns me up about it. you have kids getting killed
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while you are smoking cigars and not doing anything constructive. host: there was a caller earlier in our open forum, a veteran who is encouraging people want to join the military or any military in the world. considering your comments, would you want your child or grandchild to join the military. caller: my youngest son joined, he just retired. he went to iraq three times. once he got out and retired, he said it was miserable. my wife did not want him to go. kids getting killed in the street. [indiscernible] if that is what you want to do, do it. the people -- they have money like donald trump.
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that is a joke. people are not supposed to be in the military are suffering. that is a joke. people need to know the truth. you have got power, you don't do that. it is regular people who protect you.k. wednesday morning you consider calling them now as a shaded front page of this day and a headline trump is sprinting away from haley south carolina new polling fighting donald trump leading nikki haley by close to a 2-1 margin. the top headline, the numbers show is rick is only straight and yet here's more from nikki haley yesterday from greenville. >> a stunning 70% of the country doesn't want a biden-trump rematch. the majority of americans don't just dislike one candidate, they dislike both.
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as a country, we've never seen such dissatisfaction with the leading candidates. we've never had so many americans mired in pessimism and division. we still have a chance to restore their faith. i will fight as long as that chance exists.i is valid is saying. he wants an election with no on. that is not with the voters are sitting. despite the fact incumbent, donald trump lost 49% of the vote in iowa. in new hampshire, trump lost 46% of the vote. that's not good. we are talking about almost half of their voters. what does it say about any pundit who is losing nearly half of his party? it spells disaster in november.
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we shouldn't silence his voters like he wants. they have the right to keep speaking out. host: that is nikki haley yesterday. she mentioned what donald trump is saying. this is what donald trump said last night and a fox news town hall after the nikki haley statement. from: she's not working. she's down by 30, 35 waves and everybody knows her. you're not supposed to lose your home state. shouldn't happen anyway and she is losing a bigly. i said bigly. losing a bigly but we're going to really do have job that as you know, with iowa, we got the biggest margin in the history of the caucus, the biggest. >> why do you think she is staying in the race? >> i don't think he knows how to get out, actually. she did terribly new hampshire. >> they are trying to hurt me
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because of the general elections of the democrats are giving her money and she is laying into the game. she just can't get herself to get out. if she was doing well i would understand, but she is doing very poorly. she lost in record numbers in iowa, record numbers in new hampshire nevada, no name. host: former president trump in south carolina yesterday. this morning we are talking to republicans only asking you simply do nikki haley should stay in the presidential race, and if so, why? if not, why not? (202) 748-8000 if you say stay in. (202) 748-8001 for republicans to say she should leave the primary. your load started south carolina, the south carolina primary taking place this weekend. julie on the line for those who say she should get out. go ahead. >> thank you for taking my call. i mean, it's not that she is a
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bad person. i'm sure she is a good person but at the end of the day, they are all politicians. for her to stay in is just going to complicate things even more. it's going to make a battle between him and her and one thing that nobody ever talks about, they don't really talk about anything anymore that is going to help an american citizen. like, the actual people. none of them. they talk about what is going on with their lives and even with her, she talks about her history and what she did here. she's another one, they are all the same. vote kennedy, that is all i would ever say. i appreciate you taking my call. host: you say they are all the same but they are all not from south carolina. what do you think of the usa today poll that had nikki haley
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35% heading into the south carolina primary? donald trump 63%, just 2% of republican primary voters saying they are undecided at this? >> absolutely. nikki haley is in south carolina, trumpets from new york. i am in south carolina and from new york. none of it matters, to be honest. every politician, no event the politicians, they are all corrupt. she has a following in south carolina, he has his deal. everybody has a deal they are making it nobody is talking about the people. how much groceries cost, or how much we are going to help to lower in elation, back to a gold standard. nobody cares. this is a big distraction and it is sickening as an american but i appreciate you. have a great day. host: to florida, this is robert. your next. caller: nikki haley should stay
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in there for one reason. when she gets to the north states, new jersey, new york, she just might win all of them. i think she's got more common sense. i don't want two old people in there. host: robert, you are a republican voter and you have been a nikki haley supporter from the beginning of the republican primary? caller: i've listened to all the stuff that is going on. donald trump has got a lot of legal fees and stuff like that. i will vote for it if he is the only one in, but right now i am sticking with nikki haley. host: the nikki haley campaign looking ahead to beyond the south carolina primary. again, the polling says she is likely to lose by a large margin yes, looking ahead to super
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tuesday, the story from yesterday noting that she is already spending more than half $1 million on television advertising, campaign set to begin running on wednesday in the state of michigan. her post-south carolina travel plans include several days across michigan and minnesota, colorado, utah, virginia, washington, d.c., north carolina in massachusetts looking ahead to the super tuesday election, the headline she is not quitting. her first day in the gop contest. chatting with jess republicans only, if we could in this first hour of the washington journal and then we will ring all of their viewers in. but republicans only think she should stay in the race. republicans only who say she needs to get out of there, in primary, (202) 748-8001. see, michigan, one of those super tuesday states. go ahead.
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>> good morning to you. i do not believe nikki haley should stay in the race any longer. she has proven she is not going to be donald trump. i am a truck voter and i just think she is wasting our money, wasting tax money, wasting money from the republican party when they can have good in other areas. it is just for her own personal satisfaction. i don't think she is equipped for number one. host: washington times story notes that some republicans are urging her to stay in the race the republican national convention, totally out of concern that the party night me -- need a candidate if donald trump is a convicted felon or if republicans want to switch up a nominee or have a choice on it. what are your thoughts on that aspect hanging over this? caller: i don't think switching is the case.
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i think what they have to do is find out the democrats, all these cases that have been brought against donald trump including these two ridiculous impeachment that are unconstitutional, they do not follow the rules. they have to be wiped out, that is it. and this business about he inflated his property, good board. if i go to sell my house i will always put it higher than what they say it is. host: go ahead and finish your thought. caller: i can't believe these cases, this 80-year-old woman who said some 30 or 40 years ago he raped her in a city. and they


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