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tv   Federal State Lawmakers Speak at CPAC  CSPAN  February 22, 2024 10:13am-1:18pm EST

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back when it was hillary and trump running in 2016. it was ugly. trust me. my sister in oklahoma actually passed away because she had copd and refused to get the shot. host: let me ask you, is your sister-in-law in south carolina, who is she going to vote for? do you know? caller: at this point, i would say that she would vote for trump. my sister, not my sister-in-law. host: understand. randall's town, maryland come you say no. you are a democrat and you don't plan to vote for president biden for a second term? caller: no, i am a democrat but
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this time i'm not voting for president biden because it is foreign policy towards gaza. he hasn't called for a cease-fire. >> we pledged to give ourselves persevering in the faith protecting our families and preserving our god-given freedoms. lord, god come you said if we trust in you we will mount up with wings like eagles. well, god, america's national symbol is the eagle, and we are ready to soar. lord, god, thank you for the privilege and honor of living in and serving the united states of america, the greatest nation in all the world. in your name, amen. [applause] ♪
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>> president trump is right. millions are switching to newsmax, the fastest-growing streaming service in america. you don't need the woke streaming services anymore, get newsmax and watch the best shows. >> greg kelly at newsmax, the newsmax people have been really, really terrific. >> gain access to exclusive documentaries, series, and special briefings. it is free to start. go to and watch newsmax anytime, anywhere. >> the biggest investigation in fbi history. >> there were more than 1100 arrests. >> i sacrificed my dream job to share information. those involved must be held accountable. >> he is an innocent man.
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♪ >> this is going to change narratives no matter what your political perspective is. >> that's right. [applause] [crowd chanting] ♪
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>> ladies and gentlemen, this is where globalism goes to die with cpac senior fellow mercedes and cpac chairman max. [applause] >> let me hear you. [applause] >> i want to officially say, welcome to cpac 2024, where
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globalism goes to die. >> it is a great honor to have you all here and it will be incredible. we launched yesterday the first cpac international summit, where a number of continents and countries were represented. it was an amazing event. let me say a couple of things. be not afraid. we need courage now more than ever before. >> amen. >> the left is trying to stop us full force using the leftist media, the propaganda machine, using legal remedies to try to take us down. they want you to feel isolated. we will not. we are a family. we are a community. we have come together because we
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are going to take this country back. i want to say, while you are here, you are instruments. god has put you here right now at this time to do this great work that needs to be done. to make sure that we stop this leftist agenda and make sure that we focus on building a strong, secure america. because when america is strong the world is strong. remember, communism and the leftists that have penetrated the democratic party are all about authoritarianism tactics. they are all about oppression. we stand for liberty. we stand for freedoms. and we stand for our families. communism pushes the culture of death. we push the culture of life.
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communism wants to dictate to you how you have to live, how you have to raise your children, indoctrinating your children. we stand for parents' rights. what i tell you right now, our message to you is we get started, is that you all are assembled here in front of god to be the front line. to be the front line of this battle, and we will triumph. over our enemies. >> that's right. [applause] >> i think we've got to do better. cpac is this wonderful, intimate place where we all come together. as you know, it will have a bigger impact on politics around the country and around the world than any other event. we have picked an audacious theme, where globalism goes to
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die. i think you need to stand up and let the u.n., the w.h.o., the world economic forum to know what you think. can you stand up and tell them why we think this is our time? this is our moment? [applause] the gentleman there who gave the middle finger salute, i think that is fine. that is good too. keep standing up. there is an important thing going on in our country in which the whole world is watching. that is, there is a unique american who is being persecuted, who is being tortured, who is the victim of the democratic policies based on the world's worst dictators. whether it be putin or xi.
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the democratic party and joe biden are doing everything they can to collude, to use the deep state to put donald trump in prison. can we send a loud feedback message to president donald j. trump and his family that we stand foursquare with him? [cheering and applause] finally, we did two things at this cpac that are special and unique. the first thing is, if you call yourself a journalist, but you spend all of your time trying to destroy america and trying to destroy americans who love america, and trying to destroy conservatives and patriots and people from maga, and, yes, j6,
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if that is what you do, we don't want you here. you can buy a ticket and act like any other normal citizen. number two, we got together 20 countries yesterday and our first international summit. for the first time in our 50 plus year history, we passed three important resolutions that all of these countries and our board of directors agreed with. number one, we are calling out the election interference of joe biden. calling it criminal, and calling on the authorities to stop it. number two, we are calling out the w.h.o. and their attempt to take our national sovereignty, to take away our belief that the individual can govern him or
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herself, and we are calling on the people of the world who love freedom and those nations who have elected governments who love freedom to pull out of the w.h.o., to defund the w.h.o., to make it stop. [applause] finally, cpac stands foursquare with the people of israel. [applause] too many people in the media, the democratic party, joe biden are trying to pull us into a war in europe. no talk of peace deals. no talk of sitting down and resolving age-old conflicts. but at the same time, they demand the people of israel put up a white flag, make peace with the terrorists who are trying to destroy them.
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we will not put up with that. cpac around the world stands with israel, and we will continue to call out the terrorists who mean to destroy them. [applause] in conclusion, how many of you are sometimes disappointed in our own party? [applause] i have to tell you, after doing all of these international summits and cpacs, we are not alone. it is too often in these countries that the center-right party, in our case the republican party, loses its way or feels like it's not the right time. one of the most important things you can do this weekend besides giving that boost to donald trump is to help give a spine and other things to the republican party to do the right thing. as we criticize our own team
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from time to time, why don't we also applaud our heroes? one of those heroes is going to join us now. has nearly a perfect record in our cpac scorecard for his votes in congress. is on the campaign trail every day for donald trump and does the right thing by all of us every day with that voting card in congress. it is my great honor to introduce congressman byron donalds. [applause] >> you stand here. ladies and gentlemen, the conservative movement in america is alive and well.
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it is in part alive and well because of the tireless efforts of matt and mercedes schlapp. give them a round of applause. >> would you like us to leave now? rep. donalds: yes, you have to go now. i have to talk to the people. cpac, how is everything going? i have given a lot of speeches, but i have never given the opening speech. there is a lot of pressure appear. something -- a lot of pressure up here. something tells me you're going to get me through this. are you going to help me? a lot of key things that are ailing us around the globe. the thing that is hurting us more then anything is that we are divided here at home. we are divided as americans. we are definitely divided within political parties and political
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movements. i don't know if you been paying attention to the house of representatives. we are divided there too. the thing that secures the vision is leadership. it is not governance. it is not going along to get along. it is not saying nice things. it is leadership that actually helps secure those divides. the time has come in america again for us to reassert ourselves and bring american leadership back to the forefront of our country. [applause] we talk so much about foreign policy these days, and for good reason. joe biden has been a disaster as president of the united states. he has been terrible. let's look at nato for a moment. a lot has been made about nato over the last couple of weeks. there was a time when america did have to carry all the freight for nato, because the
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countries in europe were rebuilding themselves from world war ii. the spirit of the american people, we were there to do that. we were willing to do that. now, the other countries have to come along for the ride as well. i equated to some of your great sports teams. everyone remembers the chicago bulls of the 1980's. they had michael jordan and not much else. michael jordan dropped to three points in the madison garden against the celtics but they lost that series against a better, deeper team. if the world is going to have security, then it can't just be america scoring all the points, grabbing all the rebounds, passing out all the assists, blocking all the shots. we need our allies in nato to step up and do their part. [applause]
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because, the one thing we all know, whether it has been sports, business, when you have a great team working together with a common mission and common goal, you can accomplish so much more than when you have the one great salesperson who is just leading the way and dragging everyone else along. the success of western democracy, the success of the western way of life is predicated on all the nations who love freedom and pursue freedom for their people to do the heavy lifting together. not just relying on america to bear the burden alone. [applause] it was brought up by matt about israel. what happened on october 7 was a tragedy. not just for the people of israel, but for the world. we were faced with a barbarism that we thought had mostly
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receded from the planet. they faced it head on. we in america stand with israel. we don't equivocate to the radicals who might be in our midst in america. we stand with them. for joe biden to decide that he is worried about his votes in michigan more than the safety of our greatest ally in the region is terrible leadership. it's part of the reason why our adversaries are on the move. my view is clear. israel should obliterate hamas from the face of the earth. [applause] this is not a statement. this has to be borne in fact. on capitol hill, we have to do the job of making sure israel has everything they need to finish that job. you can't have someone come in your home, cause damage, and you
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do nothing. all you do is invite more of the same. if israel is our friend, and i know, cpac, israel is our friend, we stand by them, we support them, we do not stand in the way of them, and we want them to do everything they must do to secure themselves and secure the people of israel. [applause] now, we have to look at foreign in our hemisphere. the chinese are on the move in south america. while we are having these petty squabbles amongst republicans and democrats, the chinese have one mission. to put us in a box. we have to reassert our dominance in our own hemisphere. no more should we allow communism and fascism to breed in our own hemisphere while we
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just argue over the stupidest things with each other. stuff that really just does not matter in the plight and success of human beings across the globe. there was a time when we focused on our hemisphere. i want to be clear, this is not a statement of isolationism versus being the world's police. it's not that. it's being sober. it's being a realist. it's understanding that america in a dominant position across the globe means the best thing for the people of the world who desire freedom and peace, who want to actually grow an economy, who want their children to be raised up. a globe where china is dominant is to the detriment of human freedom. so, we have to do the things that are prudent to make sure that we assert those freedoms in our own hemisphere. there is another statement i want to make about foreign policy. i am not a forever more guy.
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never have been. i'm not. [applause] my position is very simple. go, kill the enemy, and come home. [applause] i am a kid of the 1980's, so i like g.i. joe. i just want our military to be g.i. joe again. i think that's what most people want. that's what i want. if you're going to secure america, you have to secure its borders. you have to. we have 7.3 million people who come into this country illegally. 7.3 million. joe biden wants to make it an even 10 million. that's insane. no country would ever tolerate this. my position to my colleagues on capitol hill is clear.
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you either secure the border or you get no money for the government. [applause] the press would say, oh my gosh, congressman donald, you're talking about the government being closed. are you concerned about that? to the people of the press, you got your answer from cpac. i tell these reporters when they asked me this, i say the federal government has one primary job. it is to secure this nation and secure its people. that is its first job. before anything else.
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[applause] the states that ratified the constitution of the united states would have never, ever ratified a constitution that would have allowed the federal government to allow an invasion into the united states. they never would have signed it. those states would have kept their militias and said we will see you guys later. maybe we can work some things out, but that document is nuts and there's no way i'm going to be part of it. so, we have to be very clear about this. joe biden has a decision to make. decide, mr. president. do you want a closed mount rushmore so the southern border could be open? do you, joe biden, want to tell
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the last remaining of our world war ii vets that they cannot see the world war ii memorial on the national mall so we can have military-aged men from china and the middle east come into our country illegally? decide, joe biden. which country matters more to you? the border of the united states or the border of ukraine? [applause] [crowd chanting "usa"] i love when you chant, but you are messing up my time, cpac. i love it. >> i love you.
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rep. donalds: i love you, too. we have to be serious. what is going on in detroit, denver, boston, we know what's going on in new have the nypd officers. by the way the nypd officers are black, white, hispanic, men, women, and they are being beaten in the streets of their own city where they are charged to help protect the people of new york and they are being beat up by people who shouldn't be in the country in the first place. what kind of insanity is this? for my colleagues on capitol hill who are concerned about, well, byron, we don't win government shutdowns. there has never been an issue in this country that unites the people more. securing our border and our nation is not a conservative position. it is not a liberal position.
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it is not a white position or black position, it is an american position and that is what everyone in our country wants to see happen, and they want to see it happen today. [applause] in our economy, we need leadership too. this nutty green new deal stuff, which, by the way, isn't even that green. it isn't that green. when you read the studies the solar panels are dirtier than natural gas. the wind turbines, there have been more men and women who have died from wind turbines than nuclear power. that is a fact. more people have died from maintaining wind turbines than nuclear power plants. when you have leadership that will tell the truth and set america on the path going forward. we shouldn't be chasing green technology just to chase read technology. -- chase green technology. we should be chasing the most
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readily available form of energy so all our people can be successful. [applause] when they figured out how to do fracking, they tried to blame fracking and found out they were liars about claiming fracking. when we started using natural gas we realized we cut america's emissions in half over a decade and it still wasn't enough for the radical left, because it will never be good enough for the radical left. the only way you defeat them is you have to have leadership willing to stand up for them -- stand up to them at every point. we have that leadership in donald j. trump. [applause] we have new things on the horizon. we have this great new technology called digital assets. i know some of you, a lot of you, myself included are concerned about that being used
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by the federal reserve and the treasury with the central digital bank coin. i don't want the federal anything like that. but if people decide, of their own free will, to have bitcoin or any other type of cryptocurrency, or any type of tokens or stable coins, if that is what a free people decide to do it is not the position of the american government to stand in their way. it should be the position of the american government to allow them to be free and make their own choices, because that is the essence of human liberty. that is the reason the framers wrote our constitution and ratified our constitution, to protect you, not to protect government. [applause] one of the biggest areas we are going to need a resurgence in american leadership is our own government. these people are crazy. you have an fbi that has been spying on the american people
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against federal law. you have a department of justice that is picking and choosing who they are going to prosecute and when. joe biden has violated the espionage act. he violated it as a united states senator. he violated it as a vice president of the united states. and he should be prosecuted for violating the espionage act. [applause] i have a security clearance. if i take classified information out of the skiff do you think the democrats wouldn't prosecute me? yes, they would. what you have to have his leadership who will stand for the rule of law, who will stand for lady justice. lady justice is supposed to be blind, not political. lady justice is supposed to be evenhanded, not deciding that a green deal is way more important
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than a basic rule of law that everyone can see and follow. you've got this stupid judge in new york with the $400 million fine. what kind of craziness is this? by the way, you business owners in new york, come to florida. [applause] if you are a real estate guy in new york, you might want to come down to the sunshine state. we would love to have you. i had to do that quick plug for my state. i love my state, now. >> make america florida. rep. donalds: did you say make america florida? oh, we are going to do that. i want to make one clear point because we talk about a two-tiered justice system. in america's history there has
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been a two-tiered justice system. there is a reason why a lot of black americans don't trust the justice system. there was a time when the justice system was abused against black people in this country. it was wrong then. it is still wrong today. [applause] our country is best, but we are -- is best when we are not a respecter of ideology or race. our country is best when everyone is treated equally under the law. when you're dealing with radical democrats who think that they know better, who subscribe to the thoughts of barack obama who said they want to fundamentally transform america, i got news for them. this america we are going to fundamentally transform the united states government.
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[applause] the last major area where we need a resurgence in american leadership is our culture and with our children. let kids be kids. let them be kids. little boys are little boys. little girls are little girls. when i was a little boy, i liked little girls. this is a good thing. this is the natural order that keep society progressing. we also have to understand that the greatest environment for the success of a child is a two parent household. look, cpac, families aren't perfect. we all know this. nobody clap.
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families are not perfect. everybody's family got something going on, ok? even in that imperfection, it is better to have two parents in the home then not. -- than not. i am the product of a single parent home. my mother did everything for me. things between my mom and my dad didn't work out. i love them both, but it didn't work out. i know firsthand having two parents in the house is better than one. it isn't to diminish the sacrifices, love, and strength my mom had. if you want to see strong, meet a single black mother. they are strong. tough. but we have to understand that the formation of the family, that is the thing that sets the basis of culture in our country. so kids grow to be adults and they form their own families.
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their success in the family unit breeds america's success in our country. our success actually breeds success in a much better world, a much safer world. this isn't about nationbuilding. this is about doing first things first at home. making sure america is in position at home. being focused on and solving our issues here at home. when we do that, the chinese can't stop us, the russians can't stop us, the iranians can't stop us, no one can contend with a strong, prosperous america. [applause] cpac, this is where i leave you. i just want to tell you this. the type of leadership we need is not leadership that looks to just get along with everybody. if you look back at michael jordan, tom brady, bill belichick, mike shanahan, they were tough.
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they would say things you wouldn't like if you were on those teams, but they held everyone accountable. they were focused on the mission of success. we would cheer for them if you were a patriots or a bulls fan. if not you were viewing them -- booing them. but you would cheer them because you would say, look what they are accomplishing. if it works in sports and business, shouldn't we have that type of leadership in our country? we should. we have to have leadership that holds our government accountable. we have to have leadership that will have a bold vision of what we should do and not be afraid of polls go foot people think we might need to do. we have to have leadership that will say tough things when we need to hear them and we have that leadership this november in donald j. trump. [applause] god bless you, cpac. god bless america. ♪
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>> there is a concerted effort to intimidate and censor conservative thinkers. the very freedoms secured by our constitution are being threatened by the most liberal progressives america has ever seen. it seems like everything they do is to the detriment of our great nation, but there are plenty of patriots with the courage to stand up to the left. amac is a voice for conservatives that can't be ignored. stand with over 2 million america loving patriots by joining today. >> this president is calling my family, is calling me, is calling maga supporters the enemy of america. i am the daughter of a cuban political prisoner who fought for freedom, fought against
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authoritarians and dictators. he sounds just like fidel castro did. he would target the enemies of his government and try to take them down. that is exactly what we are seeing with joe biden. he should be ashamed of himself. no american should be called a nazi or enemy of the state. those of us who love this country, and i have spent my whole life defending freedom in america. ♪ matt: hey, everyone. we do a great show called america canceled several times a week. you should tune in. ♪ >> in an era marked by climate change activists, new technology, and massive geopolitical instability, we have seen energy policies have profound implications. the last three years have seen record high gas prices and once in a generation inflation.
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energy has been in the center of all of it. during president biden's first month in office american oil production fell 27% from the previous high. by the summer of 2022 a gallon of gas averaged more than five dollars for the first time. all the while, biden drained our oil reserves, looked the other way on iranian oil sanctions, and begged other countries to produce more oil and threatened to take away your car, gas stove, and hot water heater. as the election years, stay tuned for more updates because in 2024 energy is on the ballot. >> ladies and please welcome the host of the ben ferguson podcast, ben ferguson. [applause] ben: good morning, cpac. how are you guys? how are my favorite deplorables?
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i was talking to a reporter before cpac. they call you and they try to bait you. donald trump is looking old. i said, man, how nervous are you that you are asking me about the competency of donald trump who has a 21-hour schedule compared to the guy in the white house who works may be from noon to 4:00? that is how nervous they are. i walk in every year in this is a gut check moment for the country. it is how i know, are we in a good spot or a bad spot? is the country in a bad spot right now? absolutely. the country is in a terrible spot because we have an incompetent president that i'm not sure he knows where he is or what country he is the president of. we are also in a bad spot because we have a deep state turning against the conservatives in this country. we are public enemy number one.
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it is not al qaeda or isis, it is parents who go to school board meetings. they say that they are domestic terrorists. they are spying on our financial transactions. they are looking at the transactions of people who want to buy a firearm, which is our god-given right in america. you look at where we are right now as a country, it is a disaster. but, you look at where we are right now is a conservative movement, i think we are one of the best moments of my entire life, because we have president donald trump who is running for president of the united states of america again, and i believe there's nothing they will be able to do to this man that will make patriots like you stay home in november. can i get an amen on that one? i think they have made us more angry than they ever thought of the maga right.
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remember, we are the deplorables. every time they come out and say we are going to take his building. that is what they do in communist countries, in china, russia, venezuela. this is the united states of america. i don't live in a communist country. we will remind them of that in november. [applause] there is also something else that is important. it is the family. the family in this country and our kids are under attack like we have never seen before. whether it is indoctrination or not telling parents about what is going on with their kids and their mental health, or transgender, forcing you to accept dudes in the locker room with young girls taking away the opportunity for young athletes to succeed in life. you have to understand we have seceded the public schools in this country, something we should have never done. we better wake up and get it
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back. it is more than just the white house coming in november or getting good people elected to office. we are at a war right now and a war to control our children because they believe our children are part of the united states government. they are not yours. your kids, your grandkid, these communists, socialists, marxists. they talk about your kids as property of this country. hillary clinton says that it takes a village because she doesn't like your own, in her village she wants to indoctrinate your children. we have to wake up and pay attention about our kids. which brings me to someone fighting this good fight in a way that is so important. that is united states senator from alabama tommy tuberville, a coach, man who fights for kids. we will have a conversation about the american family. senator, come out if you are back there.
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senator, good to see you. sen. tuberville: good to be here. ben: you have been a coach first. we have something in common. we both had a stent at a place called ole miss. if there are any rebels out there, hottie toddy. there's always one out there somewhere. when you ran, there were a lot of people, i am one of them, that were like, what the hell are you doing? why would you leave this great life? you got to be involved in the arena of sports. you got to mentor young man. you got to have an impact on their lives. you got to sit back and enjoy it a little bit and you decided i'm going to run for senate. why did you do that? sen. tuberville: my wife asked me the same thing. what in the hell are you doing?
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it is good to see you, it is good to be here. i saw through education and traveling as a head coach going into high schools and homes, i saw the indoctrination process. we are indoctrinating our kids and the government schools across the country. that is the reason we need school choice. can i get an amen on that? we have to change direction. if we don't, we are going to lose. our country is in bad trouble. i've been here for three years. it starts with what is going on with your family, with our kids, and with this crazy idea of gender. they want everybody to be the same. and you can't make up what is going on. you really can't. i am for school choice. we have to get that. it is a necessity. we have unions. unions at one time or good for this country, but not unions for
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our teachers in our schools, because they have absolutely been the ones who drag our country down because they want to teach this woke, dei, socialism agenda that our parents don't want. of course, the government has attacked our parents for years. they want to divide the family, they want the dad gone, they want the mom to get a check for every kid and beyond welfare. it is a disaster. it goes back to christian and moral values. ben: you mentioned the home. this is what communists, socialists, and marxists want. they don't want a dad in the home. they want the government to be the dad. my hometown, they think 84% to 86% of all african-american children this year -- born this year will be born into single parent households in memphis. the government has become the father you seem crime -- become
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the father. you see crime rampant in memphis. you see they have taken over the local government, they are letting criminals out of jail. the other day we had a man who shot a woman four times and was back on the streets in memphis while she was in surgery, a life-saving surgery, at the hospital. that is american now under the democratic party. they love the fact that they are controlling these mothers and their kids. sen. tuberville: exactly. it is getting worse. just look at the migrant situation that we are having, the open borders. there is a reason for that. they are overwhelming all states in the country. they want to overwhelm the red states. how are they doing that? i have a couple of high schools in the state of alabama, where i represent, and because of the illegal immigration they have gone from 15% to 30% hispanic to 70% to 80%.
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we are having to educate. that is a hard job when they don't speak our language. it is atrocious with the government is doing. joe biden's administration -- it isn't him. he doesn't know what day it is. ben: or what year he was the vice president, but let's not stop there. sen. tuberville: there are people behind the scenes running the show. being a non politician, being an educator all my life, seeing this clown show up here -- my dad died on active duty in the military, but all the things being attacked from our education to our family, transgender in sports just don't get me talking about that. ben: we are about to, don't worry. sen. tuberville: in the military, the law enforcement, our debt, there is no answers. they want to know answers up here. they want-- want no answers up
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here. one government to take over. that is their number one goal, they want to control everybody . the economy is good because we are borrowing on your credit card $80,000 a second. $4.6 million a minute is how much we are putting on the credit card for the taxpayers, money being flushed out, the economy looks great. grab ahold and hold on because it is going to get bad. sooner or later that credit-card debt is going to be paid. ben: you have a unique perspective as a coach. i played sports in college at ole miss. it is not hard to figure out there's a difference between men and women in sports. there is a reason you have men's basketball and women's basketball, men's football in college and you don't have women's football in college. doesn't mean that one is better than the other, but this idea
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that we are going to blend these together and anybody can wake up on any given day and go "i'm the opposite sex," track stars breaking women's records, swimmers breaking women's records, trophies being taken away. what worries me more than that is a scholarships. when you work your tail off, there is a lot of kids working out of poverty because of sports into college, may not be an sec school, maybe division iii, may be combination of scholarships. but-i've witnessed scholarships give kids a better life. i was one of them. i knew he was going to be hitting that yellow -- it was going to be eating that yellow ball really hard. they are having scholarships taken away from them, and not only that, they are in a locker room with a man. did you think when you were a coach we would be having this conversation now? sen. tuberville: no, we've lost it. i will tell you why we are doing it -- we are not doing this.
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the democrat socialist party is dividing family -- we've talked about that -- dividing the family, they are dividing gender, or actually they are trying to bring gender together because they think men can have babies note, which is another story -- babies now, which is another story. now they want to tear down our sports, because sports is one of the things that made this country great, because kids at a young age learn how to compete against each other, they learn how to win, they learn how to lose. but that's been a golden idea in the united states of america for years. now they are trying to tear it down. they want men to play in women's sports. people are going to get hurt. i had a bill on the floor -- you're not going to bring it up, but at least we had it out there, protect women and girls in sports act. that didn't make it to the floor, schumer could care less, because he believes in that. ben: this is not a crazy bill,
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it is protecting women in sports. you think every liberal, every feminist, every women's group would be running to your office to support you. what was the reaction of your colleagues in the senate, specifically democrats and female senators, when you're doing something that used to be -- this would be feminism 101. did any of them call you and go "i want to cosign, i want to help you protect women's sports"? or was a totally silent because you are a republican and an evil person? sen. tuberville: wen yu the democrats wouldn't support me but even republicans were against this. don't you have daughters condoning of granddaughters?-- don't you have daughters, don't you have granddaughters? those of you who haven't are this, the olympic committee has decided that all the sports can make their decisions on who to plate women's sports.
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the boxing committee decided that men can box against women in the olympics. yes. somebody is going to get hurt. ben: somebody is going to get killed. sen. tuberville: they have no common sense. zero common sense in the clown world. nobody looks out for anybody else other than their power and obsession of turning this country into a globalist, socialist country. nobody cares. ben: when you look forward five, 10 years from now, what is going to break the back of this insanity? is it going to be women getting hurt? is it going to be no more women's sports at the ncaa level because it will all be covid? -- co-ed? even people -- martina navratilova, one of the greatest tennis stars in history, one of the first athletes to come out of the closet, she has come out and has been attacked by the lgbt community because she said
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women should not be playing with men, this is insane, and they are trying to destroy her entire life work in sports. sen. tuberville: oh yeah. ben: what is going to happen? do you see it? sen. tuberville: you see it bubbling. caitlyn jenner, i talked to her all the time, she is totally against this. i told caitlyn you were one of my heroes growing up -- ben: back when he whispers. sen. -- was bruce. sen. tuberville: they know the difference. the only thing that will change this is leadership. we have no leadership. you know what i am coming to . we had a leader for four years and they ran him out. they stuffed the ballot box on him four years ago. we have got to get donald trump elected president of the united states. [applause] folks, you have got to do everything you got to do to get
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everybody to vote. i'm an average country boy from the south that came to the big city, and has been amazed -- if you don't have that white house, i don't care if you have got the senate, i don't care if you have got the house. if you don't have the white house with the power that the president of the united states now has, if we don't get him back in the white house, it is going to be tough for any of us to survive in the greatest country -- 248 years. that has got to be our step forward for the next 10 months. it is going to be rough. you're going to have the groups coming out on the left that we saw a few years ago tearing down cities, burning buildings. hey, we got to wipe our hands of that and understand that no matter what happens in the next 10 months, he has got to be reelected, because he is the only thing that is going to save us from losing this great country that we live in. ben: amen. [applause] i want to ask you about the deep
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state. i have the privilege to cohost a podcast with wendy for colleagues -- one of your colleagues, senator ted cruz. we talk a lot about the weaponization of the fbi, the deep state against americans. we have seen something i never thought we would see in our lifetime. i mentioned this at the beginning, we have a deep state coming after parents and taking kids away from parents who won't let their kids transition. we saw that this past week, a child who was actually taken. we have teachers who are basically spying on parents and turning them into child protective services because they are teaching their kids in wrong and basic issues in life that deal with faith and religion. we have a doj and fbi that looks as parents as thomistic terrorists because they show about 6 -- domestic terrorists because they show up at school board meetings. they sent out memos. they never apologize for it,
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never rescinded it officially -- they say "we are not doing that," fbi director playing a word game. as parents that concerns me, but as a senator, what else do we not know they are doing to the american family? sen. tuberville: that's a good point. and for those here, you go back home, the area it starts is not the federal government, not the state government, is local government. ben: amen. sen. tuberville: you have got to run for your school board, you have got to run for your city council. those are the groups that are going to make our country better or destroy our country. we have all seen a couple years ago about governors and school board members saying "we own your child, you don't own your child, we are going to indoctrinate them." that is the direction we are headed. they want to control everything we do. they hate christianity. they hate it. it's something that if you pull the constitution out on them, they run like it is a crucifix.
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[laughter] it's unbelievable. the entire thing is globalization overtaking everything that we do, being able to control everything in your life. how do you do that? the bankruptcy, number one -- they bankrupt you, number one. we already bankrupt. we are printing more money than you can ever imagine, but that is how they are making things work. you have got to go back to the local level and start over. it starts at the top with a leader who is going to give you the opportunity to do that, and that is donald trump, but also going to give people opportunities to go back into the cities and into communities and take over what they have stolen from us. it's the rights of the american people. the greatest country ever. and we are not going have many more chances. i hope we can get it back to this point. the next 10 months is really going to be a test for all of us here.
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it is going to be a huge test. they are going to come after you, they are to vilify you. you will see everything in the world said about donald trump and your local conservative politician. we got to stand strong. this is going to be the toughest thing in the world you are going to see. they are going to come after you, come after your churches, anything to do with any kind of discipline, your law enforcement. it is going to be a tough time, because they can't give up -- they know a lot of these people are going to go to jail when donald trump gets elected, and i'm going to be right there helping him. [applause] ben: i'm going to be glued to the tv when that happens. i'm going to pivot and ask you something that is an important issue, important policy. you guys had an important vote in the senate on ukraine funding. a lot of people don't realize you went to ukraine before everything broke out and he met with zelenskyy before every thing happened. can you tell us what that meeting was like and what you saw coming down the pipe and where we are? sen. tuberville: about three or
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four months before it started, and he was begging a few of us senators who went to see him, saying "we need help. they are going to come unless you give us weapons to put on our border, help us, show them that we have a show of strength and that you are going to help." joe biden wouldn't do it. that allowed them to come in. we kept forcin -- we are the ones who forced this war because we kept forcing it on ukraine and we are going to -- forcing nato on ukraine. now i have a bunch of my people i am in the republican party with who voted for this $60 billion. i haven't voted for any money to go to ukraine, because i know they can't win. [applause] you hate that they have had 300,000, 400,000 people killed, some russians also. you hate that we supported this, pushing them in front of the guns. it's an atrocity.but they can't win.
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we need to get diplomacy. there was nobody in his white house, secretary of state or biden, who can go over and negotiate. we have done more negotiating in one month with israel and hamas, our group has, then we have for two years with ukraine and russia. we have got to get it over with. donald trump will stop it. he knows there is no winning for ukraine pit he can work a deal -- no waiting for ukraine. he can work a deal with putin. then you have china on the other side, our number one adversary. this is a mess, all crated by joe biden and his blundering foreign relations. in the one thing that really counts is us. they are destroying us from within. they are accomplishing a lot of goals in three years. the next year is going to be tough, but we will overcome this, donald trump is going to get elected, we are going to put christian values back in this country and tell these people to get at the back line.
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[applause] ben: final question. when i got into radio, and i started when i was 12 -- my goal was to make a difference in the country. every day when i do my podcast come every day when i do my show, every day when i do the show with senator cruz, the other one, i try to give people a game plan and hope. you are a coach first, senator second. way better resume than senator first, coach second. what is the game plan for the rest of this year? what is the goal you would tell them? what do they need to do getting ready for november? sen. tuberville: first, you got to know the goal you are shooting for. our goal is to take back our country. we have got to take back our country and renew it. we have a constitutional republic that is hard to hold onto. we are the longest-running democracy ever, and people try to take it from us. we have communists, socialists,
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people trying to divide the country. we have got to take our country and make it better. to do that, we got a regain control. our game plan is from the ground up, the grassroots, to the counties, the cities, small neighborhoods, to understand the direction this country is going and reverse it. we got to take back over, as we talked about earlier. the education part of our communities. but remember, our number one commodity in this country, our number one commodity is our young people. that is the future. we got to make sure that they understand, because now this generation z, used to they didn't vote. now they vote. we are going to have to do a lot of discussion. our game plan is to go back to our communities and make sure however they vote, people have an understanding of what this is about. these young kids -- i've got a kid that is 27, 28, they never
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watch news. what do they look at? their phone. they get the news off their phone. a lot of it is not very good. we have got to get out and speak to the young groups and get them to vote and understand their future is about our constitution. game plan and save our constitution from young kids on up in every community. ben: sorry your ndc,-but- -- you are in dc but thankfully we got you to dc. round of applause. you guys are going to have one heck of a cpac. [applause] ♪ >> champions are not born. they are made for the moment at liberty university, we push ourselves in the classroom, on the athletic field, and in the
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community to go beyond elements and reach the world for christ. every plate made, every assignment completed, it is a testament to her dedication to that mission. -- our dedications that mission. these moments matter, because champions. become a champion for christ at liberty university. >> i think it was president reagan who said "we are from the government, we are here to help." >> i think you know that i have always felt that the nine most terrifying words in the english language are "i'm from the government and i'm here to help." >> we are from the government, we are here to help. >> we hope you're having a wonderful time at cpac, but if you happen have any questions during the conference, look for our volunteers wearing our blue volunteer t-shirts. they will be more than happy to help you with whatever question you may have and can always direct you to the right place. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome north carolina
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lieutenant governor mark robinson. ♪ [applause] lt. gov. robinson: all right, the big bad timer says i only have 12 minutes. now i have 11 minutes, 30 seconds. the very first thing we gotta do is give thanks to our lord and savior jesus christ. [applause] lord, every time i speak, because we live in a blessed and prosperous land, where americans get up out of bed, i believe the first thing they should do is thank god, because god is the reason why we are the way we are, the reason why we have our freedom. our freedoms came from him, they don't come from man. we should give thanks every day
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for the blessings we have. we give him thanks first and foremost. let's get right into this. my name is mark robinson. i'm the 35th lieutenant governor of north carolina, first black lieutenant governor of north carolina, and i'm running to be the governor of north carolina. [cheers and applause] that's right. and as we travel the state, we like to tell people the story of how republicans have turned north carolina around. prior to 2010, north carolina was $3 billion to $6 billion in debt to the federal government. we were furloughing state workers because we didn't need them, but we couldn't pay them. teachers didn't get a raise for six years. nobody wanted to come to north carolina to do business. taxes were too high, regulations were too stiff. then republicans took over in 2010, and now 13 years later not
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only do we find ourselves not one dime in debt to the federal government, we have a $5 billion surplus. [applause] and for two years running, north carolina is the number one business destination according to many major publications. we are on firm financial footing. everyone wants to come to north carolina to do business. and despite the ills we see at the federal level with inflation, workforce issues, the supply chain issues, small business filings in north carolina are at an all-time record high for the last two years. why? it's not by happenstance. it's not like this article that the abc news did the other day that said red states are doing better economically, but it's because they are warmer. it's because conservatives do
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this little pesky thing that leftists don't like, we put principles inside of our policies and they yield a desired result. and it shows. --and it shows in how our states operate. yet still the news media, they never want to talk about that. i can give a 25-minute speech, 24 minutes of it will be about what i just told you. it will be about that, it will be about making reformations in our education system, giving parents the right to control their children's educational destiny, it can be about raising the stature of people all across our state and taking them on a journey that sees them increase their financial fortunes, educational fortunes, and their futures. i can mention 30 seconds about why men shouldn't be competing in women's sports and that meant ought to go in there-- men on ago own bathroom, not the
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women's bathroom. and when the leftist news media reports the next day, guess what the article is about. the article is about that 30 seconds. you see, they don't want to talk about the fact that california is falling apart and floated is flourishing -- florida is flourishing. they don't want to talk about the fact that new york is in a shambles and north carolina is on firm financial footing. they don't want to talk about the great things that are going on in arkansas and other places, where great conservatives are at the helm doing great things. when it comes to that, their news media, it is silent, because they don't want to admit one thing, the left is wrong. they are wrong on every topic come on every issue. they don't have a political leg to stand on. they don't have a social leg to stand on. i don't have a spiritual leg to stand on -- they don't have a
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spiritual leg to stand on. they don't have nothing to stand on, because they do nothing right. every state they are running, they are running straight into the ground it is a pesky problem for our news media. they despise that. whenever they mention my name, they mention my name in conjunction with social issues and how i hate everybody. according to them, i hate everybody. i hate people who walk and talk, i hate people who drive cars. i don't hate anybody. because what i am doing is not about hate. what you're doing shouldn't be about hate, either. we should be operating because of what we love. let me take it biblical for you. you know the battle between david and goliath. you know why david won. he didn't win because he hated
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goliath. he won because he loved god, and god was with him. we have to focus on what we love. what do we love? one word, freedom. that's what we love. we love freedom. and if you notice, that same news media doesn't want to talk about how bad california is doing. it's always demonizing a guy like mark robinson or ron desantis or that fellow that needs to be in the white house right now, donald trump. [applause] they don't ever want to talk about freedom. they want to talk about freedom when it comes to what they like. the freedom for you to choose your gender. the freedom for your minor child to choose their gender behind her backs -- your backs without your permission. the freedom for a grown man to compete against women in sports.
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there for those kinds of freedom. -- they are for those cancer freedom. they are not for real freedom of speech, they are not for the right for you to defend yourself with firearms, they are not for the right for you to express yourself through your religion. we have got to get back to that, folks. that is the reason why we are here today. that is why we are here today. we are not here today to see celebrities and politicians and see ourselves on television. we are here to spread the message of freedom. we are here to stand up for the freedoms we love. [applause] the other night, i was watching a documentary about world war ii. seven-part documentary about world war ii. i turned on an episode of it. right from the very beginning of the episode, tears start to
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stream down my face. i was sitting there watching this thing asking myself, what's wrong with you? are you turning into an old man? what is wrong with you? are you going soft, what is wrong with you? why are you crying watching this? and then it hit me like a ton of bricks. i wasn't watching a movie. i wasn't watching "saving private ryan" or "full metal jacket." i wasn't watching some hollywood war movie. i was watching the stories of the people who have sacrificed their lives, not their fortunes, not their jobs, not their political careers. sacrificed their lives for our freedom. do you know how many people are laying in their graves right now, gave up the opportunity to marry, gave up the opportunity
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to have children and a family, gave up the opportunity like i have to see their grandchildren come on this earth? and they gave it up so we could sit here today. you know how many sacrifices that have been made for this country have been great and terrible. now it is the time for us to sacrifice. when i hear a politician, a left official say, "you know, i don't want to speak about that issue because it did affect my reelection -- it might affect my reelection campaign," i have no use for you! you stand on the shoulders of young men and women who when it was time to face down the enemy were willing to give their lives for you. you stand as a coward who won't do your duty in congress, or the senate, or back at home in your house, or your senate, or even
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on your city council or board of education, or as the mayor refused to stand up with the guts to fight against the people who want to destroy this nation. [applause] we need warriors. we need warriors like president trump, who is literally spending his golden years fighting for the survival of his nation, fighting for the survival of this nation. because we need to get back to standing up for the freedoms we believe in. the freedoms we believe in, the same freedoms christmas -- crispus attucks gave his life for at the boston massacre, that the minute bunker hill stood in defiance against the british for, same once at valley forge, and the same once
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work fortunate enough to stand at -- same ones who were fortunate enough to stand at yorktown and see victor. the battles of gettysburg and fredericksburg and all of those terrible battles of our civil war. they are the same freedoms that the red ball express and the tuskegee airmen and those boys from bedford, virginia, at d-day fought for in the marines at iwo jima fought for. they are the same freedoms. i urge every one of you as we move forward this year, we think about what is at stake. when you think about the wide open border, when you think about out-of-control crime, when you think of this dastardly government who has its head in its rear and instead of being at the helm of the government like it should be, you think about the people who sacrificed you came before you. you get ready to sacrifice and
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then let's all get together and do the thing we need to do, protect freedom in this nation. god gave it to us, now it is time to defend it. god bless you all, god bless the great state of north carolina, and god bless the united states of america. thank you. ♪ [applause]
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>> -- forces out there, their goal to draw the u.s. into this broader conflict. there is no question that not only did the iranian parliament, and start saying "death to israel," they chanted "death to america." they hate us, they hate our culture, they hate what we stand for, which is that of freedom, religious freedom, and for them they want to take us down. and the mere fact that you have a commander in chief who is hiding in the basement that needs to be out there every single day answering the tough questions, instead they say that climate change remains the most important national security crisis we are facing, they have caved in time and time again to iran while knowing they are funding hezbollah, they sent over $100 million -- that is iran -- to hamas, and over $700 million to hezbollah. clearly it is about sponsoring
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terrorism, clearly it is about destroying our strong stelae, israel -- our strongest ally, israel, and then america. >> if you are having fun this year, just wait for cpac 2025. you can get your tickets now. go to see you there. >> nowadays, expressing your love for our country is more crucial than ever. maga hammocks and scribes allow you to express your honor and courage. each is uniquely handcrafted with the materials sourced entirely from the usa, becoming a symbol of quality and national pride, loved by true patriots. maga hammocks is more than just merchandise, it is a statement. maga amex swing right -- maga h ammocks swing right.
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>> up next come "can't fight-- "cat fight, michelle versus kamala." monica crowley, host of "the monica crowley podcast." larry o'connor, host of "o'connor tonight." kurt schlichter, senior columnist for and washington bureau chief for breitbart, matt boyle. ♪ >> matthew boyle, ladies and judgment. kurt schlichter, ladies and gentlemen. monica crowley. >> don't you miss having someone at the treasury department who speaks english and worries about things like the economy and inflation instead of what, climate change? we need a treasury department to focus on climate change. all right, matt, go ahead
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sorry about that. already chaos. >> the point is we know what will happen on the republican side, donald j. trump is going to be the republican nominee for president again. >> sorry, nikki haley is in the back of the room objecting. [laughter] >> we don't know what is going to happen on the democrat side. karen president joe biden -- -- current president joe biden is -- >> allegedly. >> allegedly the nominee for president at the same time you have a special counsel report that shows what we all know, this guidelines and a member care institution, not the oval office for monica, you from the stage where the first person warning conservatives that we need to be ready for the possibility that the parachute in michelle obama at the convention. >> this is your fault, crowley. matt: you give them the idea
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committed and you?-- didn't you? monica: great to be with you, matty, and great to be with you at cpac. i saw a film by my friend joe called "michelle obama 2024." i came here to cpac and a light bulb went off in my head when i watch that documentary. even at the time two years ago, there was no way joe biden would be the democrat nominee for president. he has always been a corrupt hack, but now he is a corrupt hac k with dementia. i thought there was no way they could put them up for 2024. when i saw the documentary, i saw that is the most logical route for the democrats. two years ago from this stage i was the first person after joel and his movie to raise the possibility that the democrats might reach for michelle obama.
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i'll never forget the room fell silent. there was not a peep, you could hear a pin drop, and then there was a collective gasp across the room. >> and there was one f-word, that was me. monica: and i said don't shoot the messenger. it does us no good to live in fantasy land that the democrats don't have a plan. they are communist, communists always have a plan to seize power. joe biden doesn't know what planet he is on, and the vice president is in a constant state of nervous breakdown. the democrats cannot run either one of them as a solution, and they're all these names being thrown out like gavin newsom or gretchen whitmer. but now more and more people are on the michelle bandwagon, after i threw it out here two years ago.
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it seems she covers all of the bases, unfortunately. we need to deal in reality. don't buy the nonsense she is not political. she is totally political. her father was a precinct captain in chicago. from the time she was a little girl she was going to precinct meetings with her dad. her best friend growing up was jesse jackson's daughter, so she was always at jesse jackson's house, etc. look, she is completely political. the democrats moved their convention to chicago, ok? you start to put some of the pieces together. and it is entirely possible that they could make the change out at the convention in august. they could throw out all the rules because communists do not play by any rules, democrats do whatever they want. and they could make the switch. and if they do that, they could position michelle as the reluctant candidate who really didn't want to do this, but she
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needs to save her party and her country, so she is going to reluctantly recruited, and they could run her as a pristine candidate without getting bruised and bloodied up in any kind of primary. she would only have to run for 10 weeks to november 5. look, i don't know if any of this is going to happen. i know it sounds off-the-wall, but what we've been through the last 8 years, everything has been off-the-wall. it's possible. i don't know how likely it is, and i hope to god i am wrong. matt: kurt, you see things a little different? kurt: i do, and i have a couple of phones to pic-- bones to pick. "cat fight: kamala vs. michelle," why are you ruining cat fights?
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[laughter] i don't think joe biden has any plans other than eating mush while watching "murder she wrote." two scoops. it will be tough to pry that desiccated old husk of a human being out of the white house. but if they do, i don't think michelle wants to be president. i think she enjoys her life. she is at martha's vineyard, on the yacht with leonardo dicaprio babysitting his dates. i just don't think she wants to do it. kamala, on the other hand, really wants to do it. if i were joe biden and she brought me the mush, i would have the dog taste it. larry: i always thought the move to the convention to chicago because they wanted to send a message to maga country.
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they can win in chicago. take that, jussie smollett. you are right there?-- all right there? >> i'm fine. larry: if joe biden can't stand trial, he can't be president of the united states. as soon as they get rid of the messy democratic process, because they are the democratic party, right, he steps down not just from the ticket, but steps down from the white house. kamala harris runs and an historic figure, our first woman president, and running as an incumbent from the convention. i don't see how they get rid of her. you are right, dr. jill is going to hang onto the white house with her talons dug deep, but that is why she becomes secretary of education. believe it or not, her doctorate is not in heart surgery. she is a phd in education and
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she cares very much about the children. she becomes sec. of education and they get the grifter going for the biden family, and kamala runs against donald trump. monica: the mechanics of this are difficult -- again, i don't know how realistic any of this is. they don't just have to get rid of the president, they have to get rid of the vice president as well. she is historically the most unpopular vice president we've ever had. matt: oh, come on, she is a great job. [laughter] monica: i don't have the answers of how the democrats would've tried to move both of them out. you have got a couple of really important things going on here. first of all, the most devout democrat constituency is black women. so if they want to bounce kamala , that voting bloc would be absolutely enraged. the only way you square that circle is by running another woman of color, and michelle meets that. but the other point about this
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-- imagine if there were all of these whispers about a republican candidate possibly jumping into the race. somebody as iconic and sort of immune to criticism as michelle obama. every single member of the imperial media would be staked outside their home, you would have satellite trucks, you would have people like matty boyle running after the candidate with a microphone, "hey, are you going to run?" not a peep from the imperial media nobody has asked michelle are you running, certainly not recently. there is no stakeout at the obama homes. not a word. that is a huge tell, guys. she has not denied it, but the imperial media is not after her to answer the question. larry: i know it is not really my role to ask a question -- have you noticed we are saying
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they are going to do this and do that and move this person out -- who is they? kurt: exactly. matt: there is no they! look, you can imagine barack obama trailing nancy pelosi and schumer come into joe biden, "well, joe, it's time to go. chosen idiot- -- joe's an idiot, plus see now. and he is a narcissist. barack obama is a smart guy. joe is an idiot. "i have a very high iq." of course you do. larry: a person with a high iq is constantly telling you they have a high iq. kurt: they say "it's time to
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go," he's gonna say "no, i'm not doing it." matt: we were talking about this backstage, there are divisions between biden and the obamas. sometimes when you see david axelrod on cnn, you can tell he is telling the truth for a little bit about biden when it is really bad. how do we square that circle, monica? how do we get to a place where the obama's and biden come back together for this reunion where michelle obama takes it at the convention? monica: that's a great point, but it dovetails with the question you just raised, "who who is they. this is obama 3.0. they installed joe biden in there because they knew he was a senile guy and could be a puppet. they're the ones pulling the strings. the left has a whole group of powerbrokers working in conjunction with the deep state, which is real. when you say they, that are
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really powerful, shadowy figures including barack and michelle obama who are pulling all the strings right now. again, i don't know the mechanics of moving biden, who is very stubborn and will not go on his own. kamala, very stubborn, not going to go on her own -- larry: i will pick this up. monica: the final point and then you can address the mechanics of getting rid of the two of them. they've got obama 3.0 right now. they want obama 4.0 and 5.0, and the only way they can really guarantee that is having michelle in the white house, because gavin newsom, mrs. clinton, gretchen whitmer, yeah, it would be on the left and do most of what they wanted in terms of advancing the great reset, but they can't totally control of the way they could with biden and michelle. larry: it was obama who decided
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it had to be joe biden. democrat primaries and 2020, he won south carolina, elizabeth warren wasn't dropping out, pete buttigieg wasn't dropping out, bernie sanders wasn't dropping out, and then klobuchar was still in. the phone call was made, "it's got to be joe." remember when greg brady got signed by the record producer to record a song and then it turned out they didn't use his voice, and he was like "what is this," and they said, "no, you fit the suit." joe biden fit the suit. he was the right guy to run in that position, they could prop him up. of course he is stubborn, of course you won't want to leave. here is how the phone call goes. or maybe they go to the oval office, "joe, the heat is on hunter, the heat is on your brother, and the heat is on you. this going to be a couple of very powerful democrats in the house and senate who are going
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to start publicly say that this thing smells dirty, and there's going to be convictions and there's going to be impeachment. here is your chance. you pardon your brother, you pardon your son, you get the hell out of here." that is how they get rid of joe biden. monica: that reminds me of president nixon, who is my first boss in his final years. it was very cold water and the republicans who went to him in 1934 -- barry goldwater and the republicans who went to him in 1974 and said you are done. i see the democrats doing that maybe if they are given marching orders. kurt: the difference is richard nixon had respect for norms and the united states of america. these guys don't, joe biden doesn't. joe biden is the capo of a criminal organization, the biden family. he doesn't care about the country. all he cares about is himself. i could see him day after his
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next inauguration or the day before donald trump's inauguration, god willing, him putting his brother, son, and himself. i don't think that is going to work, because they are never going to jail. i just don't see him leaving. remember, the 25th amendment -- matt: interesting point that larry brought up about the history and how joe biden became the democrat nominee in 2020. if you go back further than that timeframe when the obamas stepped in and said it has got to be joe, what led up to that is jim clyburn. the clyburn endorsement was contingent upon joe had to pick a black woman as his vice president. all these people talking about gavin newsom being the candidate in 2024, i'm like, eh, i don't think so. good luck to the white man trying to take it away from the
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black woman. kurt: what about hillary? matt: oh, my god. larry: like saying "beetlejuice" three times. who here loves the chance for hillary clinton to get back in it? if bill clinton was our first black president, that would make her technically our first black woman president. kamala could be our first black woman president, and michelle -- monica: to be clear, i want president trump to run against joe biden because he is so vulnerable. i don't want any of this to unfold, but it does us no good to not be prepared. larry: what does that mean, be prepared? him and michelle, between the
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two of them who beats trump? monica: we need to be prepared for the worst case scenario, and michelle obama is the worst case scenario because she poses the most threatening challenge to president trump. i had president trump on my podcast, which everybody here should be listening to if you are not already. larry: our response to plug our stuff up here? >> "buy my book." monica: i had president on my power cast a couple months ago and i asked him -- on my podcast a couple months ago i asked him, i'm assuming you are running against joe biden, but are you prepared for all contingencies including against obama? there was a pause and he said, "yes, we are prepared for all comers, everybody." i hope that is true. she is a woman of color, she is considered iconic --
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kurt: who considers her iconic? monica: the country -- kurt: i don't know, i think a lot of frustrated wine women from the suburbs do. we went through four years of the worst president since james buchanan, a guide jimmy carter celebrates because now he is not the worst president of the last century. i don't know if it is michelle's for the taking. if she comes out, i think a lot of people are going to be puzzled and go, well -- no! monica: i hope you are right, but i fear you are wrong. matt: last time i was with president trump at mar-a-lago we talked about this, and he expects that biden will step aside, or be pushed aside, and they will try at the convention to go with kamala, and he think they will fail to get kamala -- larry: you are saying donald trump agrees with me.
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matt: then the question is who after kamala. that is what monica is saying about michelle obama. it could be somebody else. we do need to be prepared for it. kurt: we agree kamala on the ticket is an absolute disaster for the democrats. she makes joe biden look like oppenheimer. [laughter] larry: without the charm. i think kamala running as vice president while joe plays out his futile term this week. if she is running as an incumbent president who has taken over and has enjoyed the honeymoon as our historic first black woman president, i think that is a strong thing. i don't think it beats trump, but it is a strong move. kurt: i would like them to think it is a strong move. definitely do it. matt: i saw a store that they
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have decided to put kamala in charge of fixing the biden campaign heading to the general election. kurt: woo-hoo, we are going to win! larry: that border-fixing magic. monica: on the same day that you and breitbart were reporting that the campaign wanted to reach for kamala's advice and have her right the ship, that was the same day nikki haley was up there crying over something, and i was like, not a good day for women. your question -- i'm sorry, what was your question? matt: what do you think, kamala cannot fix-- can fix the campaign? monica: kamala cannot tie her shoelaces! she was stuck at the border. she is not doing her job, period, because she is not capable. she has imposter syndrome, and
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it comes out all the time where she knows she is a fraud, she knows she doesn't belong in this position. that is why the nervous laughter and the cackling, she knows she is not up to the job. biden does not have imposter syndrome. he doesn't belong there, but he thinks he does. the two will be clinging to the white house curtains, they do not want to leave. the left's powerbrokers barack and michelle working in conjunction with the deep state, all the agencies we note are so deeply corrupt, they will make some sort of move on one or both of them. i hope i am wrong. matt: another story we saw recently is that the white house is hoping that the state of the union address coming up next week is going to help joe biden prove to the nation that the special counsel report about his memory loss is not true. kurt: he's going to prove he has no memory loss by reading off a screen? matt: he has trouble doing that.
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kurt: that is the insanest think, kamala harris is going to fix the campaign. kamala harris is going to fix the campaign to wait the vet is going to fix our terrier. larry: cut the nads off the campaign? didn't mean to assume the gender of your dog. we keep saying that and breitbart breitbart --it was 15 years ago at cpac 2009, 2010, that my friend and brand-new boss andrew breitbart told me to come here, and this is my 50's time here on the stage. if it weren't-- 15th time here on the stage. if it weren't for andrew breitbart, kurt wouldn't be sitting here, matt wouldn't be sitting here.
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we are going to recognize the 12th anniversary of his untimely passing. since we are at cpac, cpac is so connected to breitbart, let me just say god bless you, thank you for every thing you have done for us. [applause] true visionary. matt: i would echo everything said about andrew. andrew breitbart was a titan. larry: he would've loved to this conversation. he would've said "be meaner." matt: we were way too nice. larry: said nothing. guys like media matters -- matt: all right, thanks, guys. [applause] ♪
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>> ladies and gentlemen, this is "trump's wall vs. biden's gaps." please welcome award-winning investigative reporter sara carter. chairman of the u.s. house committee on homeland security, mark green. former director of u.s. immigration and customs enforcement, tom homan. and your moderator, field reporter julio rosas. >> yay! >> here we go. >> best team. >> all right. thank you come everybody, for coming to cpac.
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i am julio rosas, field reporter at my sub stack. always glad to be talking about this important issue, because as we know, the border is a mess, i wonder why. we will get into that in a second. to kick things off, chairman green, you made history with the house impeaching the first sitting -- impeaching secretary mayorkas. [applause] i wanted to ask you, because that took a long time, we talked about it last year and you are setting the stage for that. now that you have gone through the process and that has been completed, what surprised you the most in terms of what you were finding out and then what happened after the fact? rep. green: the thing that suppressed me the most -- tanks for mentioning it -- with the smoking gun. when we found the memorandum were sec. mayorkas directed the employees of dhs to break the law.
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and when we had that memorandum, he was essentially telling the people of dhs that the laws passed by the united states congress do not matter, and he can pick and choose whichever laws he wants to enforce. that is pretty shocking. we would have a cabinet secretary who could disregard the constitution so much, the separation of powers, and the united states congress we are not following the law. julio: and that is the mainstream media does not view it that way. the new yorker just today profile on the secretary. it encapsulates what the chairman and i was facing. it says the chairman has been forced to respond to an influx of migrants on the border. i have likened it to we have an argument that we have to put out
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the fires that he started. should he get back into the white house after this year, there will be the biggest deportation operation in u.s. history, what exactly goes into that? are you able to offer any specifics on how you are able to contend with that? rep. green: first of all, you are exactly right. for the millions of illegal aliens who have been released in this country, do not get comfortable because we are coming looking for you. as far as the backlash, i don't give a -- about what people think about me. if i offend anybody, i don't
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care. the bottom line is 3.3 million -- people demand to get due process. if we are going to spend billions of dollars on this process, nine out of 10 of these people will get an order removal. there has to be a deportation operation. there is no other option. i said to joe biden the other day, you said you were going to do this. can you justify what you said? there is no justification. i said it and i will do it. if you do not do it, then you will never solve the border crisis.
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if there is a consequence for entering the country illegally, it is a crime and you have due process in front of a judge, if he orders you removed, you will be removed. julio: we spent a lot of time at the border and seeing it firsthand. how can we do a better job of conveying to people because there is a of numbness to it. for the media doing the work to show what is going on at the border, what is there for us to do to kind of get further reach with how big this problem is? sara: that is a great question. i will come right off of what he was saying. there is a humane way to handle the border. those illegal aliens heading
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this way and for our nation, the best way is to enforce the law. when i am covering the border i think people do become numb to it. we see the hundreds, thousands pouring across. we see people coming from all over the world basically because joe biden's policy is an open border policy so they do not plan on enforcing it. mayorkas detailed seven pages exactly how they could skirt the law. it does not matter if they have a criminal background. it does not matter if they came here three times and convicted of dui. as long as they are good now, you can let them stay. i want you to think about that. how many people have come into
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this country? it is not just about the apprehensions that will be over 10 million by the end of his term but i was talking to people in the intelligence community last night about the fact that there are people we don't even know who they are that came in in the back of a truck or a crate. we don't even know them as a known getaway. they are just a getaway. they could be targeting our communities and our children right now. there is no doubt in my mind that that will happen. what i have tried to do to take away that numbness and wake people up which i try to do on fox news and on my website and what we have done with our group, order 911, i think it is very important to say this is not a border issue. this is in every single community across the country.
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it is the reason i talk to the people in denver where they are facing 40,000 migrants. i guess they are not illegal if joe biden let them in. people living on the streets with their children and cannot even get a job. we are bringing people in who cannot even work. then we are handing them visas for $10,000 in new york city. here is your card, which by the way is being hacked and taken by common on networks. people are living on the streets and we have criminals robbing and pillaging our cities and we have drugs. rep. green: one of the things we also have to do is elect in our primaries candidates who actually make the border a priority. in virginia seven, an ex navy seal is running and he is in
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virginia and he made the border the number one issue. that is the kind of candidate we have to be supporting. people who say this is the greatest national security threat to our country and we will make it number one even though we are not in texas or arizona. i endorse cameron. he does take the border seriously. julio: sara was talking about national security threats. you are chair on the homeland security committee. from what you have seen from briefings and other stuff you are getting as a chairman, how do people argue about the border. we had that case about the guy who was in the country for a year before we realized this is an actual terrorist and we need to go get him.
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from your position, how concerned are you? rep. green: americans should be scared to death. not only because of the terrorists but almost 400 in this presidency where there were 11 last time. 24,000 chinese nationals came in last year, 20,000 since october 1. the highest here before that was 1800. you don't need china with the social credit score system. but flying to south america and central america. they are paying $60,000 to the cartels which is enriching the cartels, a terrible organization. they are subhuman and we are basically feeding the money, letting these individuals come into the united states. they read the order from ukraine. not adjusting that china will be
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attacking the united states but if we defend taiwan, i cannot imagine there are not people who will be tracking our real heads, looking at our ports, who knows what else. we have had mass waves of chinese terrorists storming military bases with cameras. that little baby that was crawling around on the floor in florida died because the previous tenant left fentanyl. there is not an american who is safe right now because of this open border and the failure of this secretary. julio: you have been in this field for a long time. you have been on the ground and you worked your way up. tell us about the human impact and about what has been happening. tom: i started the border patrol in 1984.
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i worked under six president starting with ronald reagan. for every president i worked for, even clinton and obama took some action for the border. with president trump it was unprecedented. this administration, joe biden is the first president in history of this nation to on secure the border on purpose. people want to say the past administration, your policies are inhumane but when president trump has illegal immigration down to a 45 year low, they did a study and estimated that 31% of the women they talked to were sexually assaulted making the journey. 31%. when president trump has 90% less women coming, how many are getting raped, how many were not
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sex trafficked in the united states, how many pounds of fentanyl did not make it into the united states because the border is secure? president trump's policy save lives. the biden administration says we are about humanity. since biden has been in office, we've had over hundred 12,000 dead americans with fentanyl poisonings. a 600% increase in sex trafficking of women and children. a record number of unsuspected terrorists coming across the border. another historical record. biden's policies are killing migrants at record numbers and americans in record numbers. this administration at all levels is disgusting with what they did with national security.
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i don't care what your opinion is on immigration. when you cause a crisis is big on purpose -- sara: it is a dereliction of duty on the president of the united states. absolutely. julio: the interesting that has been happening over the past month with what was being put together in the senate because the white house said joe biden needs this bill that was basically lily -- that was basically an open borders bill. now the biden administration is considering we might take some executive action. you had that probably the whole time. what congressional republicans have been asking for is that you undo what you undid on day one. sara: they have complete
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forgotten it. i don't think the american people have forgotten it. they see it every single day in their own communities. tom brought up a really good point. this is about lives and lives lost. american lives lost. migrant lives lost. a nation now facing one of the most historic national security crisis. mark, we have talked about this. the personal stories of loss. what are we willing to do to protect our children? somebody get here said treason. this is a dereliction of duty. it is treason. call it what you want. but it is absolutely putting everybody's life at risk. every time i go home and i see my children and i think about the fentanyl on the streets and i think about the kids who have died not even knowing that when they took a pill like a percocet that it was not percocet, that
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it was laced with fentanyl. those children never come home to the parents. that's the same thing you saw with china with the chairman. the movement of precursor chemicals into mexico. that is what is happening to our country and we are allowing it to happen. this is my message and i know we do not have a lot of time and i will get right to what you were saying. we have to be the ones to stand up to this administration. we cannot rely on the media to do it for us. we need to educate ourselves. we need to go to schools. we need to go to the communities and we need to say no more. we will not allow you to do this to our country. because if we don't, frankly, we will lose our nation. this is it, folks. it is 2024. julio: that is very important. from my perspective and what we have seen, i cannot imagine the
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state of the country this will be if this is allowed to continue for four years. sara: and you have seen it with me. julio: mr. chairman, now that you have got these pieces done, unfortunately you will be leaving at the end of your turn. what can you do in the meantime to keep up with the issue? rep. green: we will keep doing our oversight hearings. he is obviously impeached now. one of the things we have to determine is he has to present a budget. we are looking at the rules on how do you bring an impeached secretary in? every time we can make an issue out of it and highlight the border, hopefully there is a trial in the senate. chuck schumer does not want a trial because we are talking about the border. every time we talk about it, it hurts their candidate. that is the part of the reason
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we did it in five days is to educate the american people. we are just going to keep doing what we have been doing, making america aware and hopefully we will get good candidates in and we beat this guy and put donald trump in the white house. [applause] julio: i am curious. it seems like it took a while for the rest of the country to feel the impact on this illegal migration. this past summer was new york city and chicago. we don't want all these people coming in anymore. a lot of the presidents, they sound like they are coming straight from a maga rally. do you think there will be a tipping point? tom: i think america is smart. they know this demonstration is broke.
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republicans do not want to sign this disastrous security bill. the house will never pass it so now they will flip the script and say we will secure the border but republicans want to shut it down. why not one? why not ten? why 35,000? rep. green: i am a trump guy. greatest president in my lifetime. get president trump back in office. he will secure the border at the highest level this country has ever seen. thousands of criminal cartels from mexico, he will take them out. mexico is not doing anything about cartels who have killed more americans than any terrorist organization. president trump will send a
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hellfire rocket down there. the need to be taken out because they have killed over 100,000 americans. they have not held china accountable. this administration is sitting back and watching this country get destroyed. when the president trump back to save this great nation. he is the guy and we need him back. [applause] julio: you have not just been to the border. you have been to other places. do you think there might be enough of the needle being pushed that people will say even on just this issue that the people we have voted for for decades do not care about us? sara: absolutely. i saw that just walking through chicago through the neighborhoods talking to people who have been directly impacted, whose community centers have been taken over as migrant facilities.
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in new york city, i visited one of the many schools that was taken over. ps 133, i will never forget that. they took the gymnasium andput k single male adults just feet away from this elementary school. the men were going out at night drinking and smoking right by the elementary school. the neighbors were furious. these were people who were not predominately conservative or republican. these are independent people who i spoke to said that they were democrats. who said that they would never vote democrat again. yeah. you go to other parts of the country. you can go to dayton, ohio or franklin, ohio where i was very close with the coroner there. sadly, her office, the morgue was overflowing with bodies of young american children who were
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dying from overdose deaths from fentanyl to the point where a few years ago they had to put up freezers outside the coroner's office just to keep the bodies cold while she was processing it. she was so devastated that there were tears in her eyes. she could not believe what was happening to her community. absolutely, from california to new york city, people across the country are waking up. but the most important thing is that people have hope. i think each and every one of us that are here at cpac needs to spread the word. i know it has been tough. i know 2020 was tough. i know it has been a tough ride. but we have to get up. we have to speak up. silence is our enemy's greatest weapon. we cannot be afraid. we have to talk. we have to get to the ballot boxes. we have to vote and we have to live by principle, as americans. if we give up right now, if we
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walk array -- if we walk away, i am afraid as i said earlier, this is the end. this is it. 2024, we have to make it happen and i believe we can with president trump. [applause] julio: as much as i would like to continue on this, unfortunately we are out of time. thank you for being here today. good luck to the panel viewers also standing right here. thank you. sara: thank you. >> making an investment decision with someone is the most sacred act to be performed in business. most people did not reach their position in life easily.
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you are taking something harder and having faith that another will take care of you. developing two minutes by developing and producing american oil. american oil is all my family has ever known. go to and see why the people here at panex are people you want on your team. >> we will only let you vote one time but make sure you do. go vote in the real americas voice poll.
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>> to those out there who are saying we are wrong, their goal is to draws into this conflict. there is no question that the iranian parliament came out and said death to israel, they hate us. they hate our culture. they hate what we stand for which is freedom, religious freedom and they want to take us down. you have a commander-in-chief right now who is hiding in the basement that needs to be out there every single day answering the tough questions. instead they basically say that climate change remains the most important national security crisis that we are facing.
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they have caved in time and time again to iran while knowing that they are funding dissenters for $100 million that is iran to hamas. clearly it is about sponsoring terrorism. clearly it is about destroying our strongest ally, israel and then america. >> being wokism easy -- being woke is easy when it is just a call to end capitalism or defund the police. this next video >> >>: does this look like london to you? the protests making for a very interesting political moment at harvard, a university recently ranked the worst school for free speech in america. what does harvard do in a moment like this? they will misspell you for using
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the wrong pronoun and making a pink haired trans girl cry. in this moment, this moment just transformed into free speech absolution. there is nothing sensitive at all about celebrating the murder of 1000 people. >> this president is calling my family, calling me, calling maga supporters enemies america. i am the daughter of the political authoritarian who fought against dictators. this is a broadcaster who targeted the enemies of the government and tried to take them down. no american should be called a nazi. those of us who love this country, and i have spent my
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whole life defending freedom in america. >> ladies and gentlemen, up next, the letter 18, freedom fighters -- the a team, freedom fighters. from pennsylvania, congressman scott perry. and your host, news anchor ed henry. [applause] ed: gentlemen, good to see you. hello cpac. how is it going? i am ed henry. i'm a recovering mainstream media anger. good to see you. we have a new streaming channel. there you are, jeff. you can stream us at youtube at 6:00 p.m. eastern every night. boy will we get a briefing from
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a couple of freedom fighters today. i am honored to kick off this panel with these freedom fighters but also with all of the patriots that are watching on newsmax and newsmax two. we will get to see you out in the hallways and now we will see you in the hall, the forgotten men and women that donald trump talked about. in 2016, i suspect that there are a lot of patriots who fought to put the republicans in the majority of the house. i see them they seem to have the same question. what the heck happened? >> this is what happened. we knew it was coming. some in our party felt we would take the big majority. we obviously had not earned it. we thought it would be a small majority. folks like myself as chairman of the freedom caucus knew that we could have potentially an outsized influence and we
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prepared for it. we went to the guy who wanted to be the speaker six month before that and said things have to change right here. the urgency in america to save the republic needs to be addressed. people are demanding it and we should deliver it. that is what the majority is all about. we cannot keep doing the same things the same way and expect a different outcome. we went to them and said, these are the changes that we are proposing. we don't have all the good ideas. if you want to change things, we are willing to hear that. >> mccarthy agreed to a lot of this to become speaker. >> he agreed to almost all of it. for instance, spending $7.2 trillion. he said let's go back to precode spending on some of these -- pre-covid spending on some of these accounts. they agreed. the rest of the conference voted for that. early in the spring we got the best border bill ever. out of congress a slim majority. everything was working fine until we got to the debt ceiling
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empasse. we even got our speaker in the room. remember joe biden said there will not be in negotiation. we set up a plan that everybody voted on and voted for to set the conditions for success. that opened the negotiation between president biden and chuck schumer. the deal was lost right then. the wheel came off. the tops were broken. the deal with house was broken. thank you so how the rest of the year went and what finally culminated in the fall. ed: let's pick up the story right there. then i will go to specific issues. the way congressman perry describes it, do you agree? how do we fix it? >> you have to understand, you can make the significant argument that in a lot of ways, we don't have the majority at all. there is such a broad dynamic within the conference. when you go out and you try to
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run something on a partisan level and it is something that most of us would think this is a good conservative piece of legislation. this is a good conservative effort. you get into the votes, you do not have it. what scott described is very accurate. one thing i want to add with that is that in the effort to put the speaker in place the first time, a number of the significant rules were changed that did give us some open field running when it comes to procedures. it was very important. that effort played out. it turned out to be very worthwhile. i was thinking this morning if only we had a checklist to see what you have gotten done. ed: then i look back and i see that you were part of the september 22, 2022 commitment to america. the first four items if you go to and google this,
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an economy that is strong, a nation that is safe, a future built on freedom. still struggling there. and a government that is accountable. >> let me begin by saying that all sounds nice but ladies and gentlemen of cpac, you are conservatives. you are the people who will save the republic. those are issues and phrases that the freedom caucus uses. we like to put some meat on the bones. those are platitudes that you can either win or fail at and most of the people in the country cannot tell the difference. that is the problem with washington, d.c. it is not often in washington, d.c. it is with washington, d.c. we encouraged the speaker to put some things on paper that really define what success is and what success is not. the conference is wide.
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folks do not want to be pinned down. some republicans are conservatives and then you have people who are willing to save the republic. those of the people who need to be elected regardless of whether they are from new york or texas. there are certain things that are perennial and that is that the government is too big, it is involved in our business, it is bankrupting our country, it is failing us on an international scale and if you cannot fix either of those things then run to the other party. ed: people need to understand that there is about half of the members that we serve with fundamentally want to change the socially economic fabric of this nation. that is why you see this open border. it is a planned strategy to flood the country with new people, noncitizens, get them
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addicted to some kind of government program, and win their loyalty. that is part of the plan to have this energy policy that is this utopian windmills and solar cells and electronic vehicles which is not realistic and will not work. the thing to take away from this is to come to the brother station that there are about half of the people we serve who want to fundamentally change the things that we have grown up with. those platitudes that you mentioned was never the executive -- objective of half of the members in the first place. ed: there are 23 commitments that you signed on to. "we searched but cannot find the page you are looking for." it seemed like a metaphor for where we are. let's get specific. you said speaker mccarthy entered this discussion.
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you talked about cutting the 87,000 new irs agents. why have we not cut any federal spending? >> because unfortunately there is one party in washington, d.c. and they are kindly seeking the fundamental transformation of america. we do not internalize what that means. there is another party that is not worthy going to do much about anything to stop it -- not really going to do much about anything to stop it. there are many americans who want to continue spending and they have their projects. i can tell you is a person who wore the uniform of the united states, funding the military is important to me. does the military have an audit ever? does it say that there are no waste or fraud or abuse is there? if you want to find some
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efficiencies, there are folks on our side of the aisle that will never go for any of it. as long as we keep doing that, there is always a deal to be made. they can always find enough democrats to vote for all of the other stuff. folks like me and russ are left on the outside. ed: joe biden told us i need congress to pass the laws. by executive power i have done all i can. the bill fails in the senate and now he says ahead of the state of the union address he may push through executive actions including going back to some trump border policies that he and others have called racist. did he simply lied to us when he said congress has not passed the law and i do not have that power because now he is saying he will use that power. it is amazing to me. the first time i heard the president even acknowledge we had a border problem was a couple of weeks ago.
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to even hear him acknowledge that -- we can see a turnabout. he is the answer to your question. -- here is the answer to your question. we have an election year. november is coming closely. know that the hearts and minds of the people of america are on this. now they are trying to change the narrative to where was -- it was the republicans' fault all along. in the meantime we have a tragedy going on with millions of people crossing the border illegally. and the human catastrophes that come with that. the burden on the american taxpayer. the trafficking. the previous panel talked about the terrible issues with drugs and the cartels. this is a tragedy.
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if we are here in 50 years, for those who are here, you will look back and say this was the worst policy that this administration has undertaken to open up the border. i think it has been the biggest failure of congress for not being able to override that. ed: you mentioned there need to be changes to military spending, as much as you want to protect the country. what about foreign aid? former president trump will be here and have a speech saturday morning ahead of the south carolina primary. he had a proposal at a recent rally saying end foreign aid as aid but continue it as loans only. it has to be a loan. america has to get the money back. could you get behind that? >> from december to january we went from $33 trillion to $34 trillion in debt.
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by may we will be $35 trillion in debt. bosses cannot afford their groceries and credit card bills and education. you name it. we were elected by the citizens of the united states of america. not ukraine, not taiwan, not anywhere else on the planet. we want to be helpful where we can but in corrupting the country is not something i ever signed up for. i do not leave myself out of my home and leave my family destitute. we have proposed on numerous occasions over the house passed a bill. that was paid for. we paid for that. that is the responsible thing to do. that should be the policy. if we are going to send money to another country, we have to pay for it so the american taxpayer knows what they are in for. at a minimum the other country has to have some skin in the game as well. the loan is the minimum standard.
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this bit where we give billions of dollars of american treasure away is unacceptable. when we talk about ukraine, nobody, not anybody agrees with putin or what russia has done. not any of us. but the biden administration has not told us what the endgame is. why are we spending all of our hard earned tax money over there? when do we finish this thing? there is no strategy. ed: on ukraine, there is $60 billion pending that the senate has passed. there is a new speaker, speaker mccarthy was mentioned. we will talk about whether anything has changed. speaker johnson is saying he will not bring up the $60 billion. do you believe him? will they hold the line on spending? as far as our position, i think where the speaker will be on this until and certainly where i am on this, do not talk to us about spending any more money.
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do not talk to us about spending money that we do not have the other countries until we address the border in our own country. [applause] >> to scott's point, we do not have the money, we do not have the reserves. we have depleted that. there is no endgame. we have not defined what a win is. scott pointed that out. there is one other thing from a strategic standpoint. nobody wants to see putin run across europe. we are talking about starving him to death economically. that can be done. he has one major source of revenue and that is oil exports. we shut that down, he will have a lot of problems. if he does not have money, he cannot do all these other bad things. the same thing about iran. congressman perry wanted to talk about it backstage. let's talk about it. former president trump had the
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boot on the neck. joe biden and his team took the boot off and saw thousands of dollars in sanctions raised. talk about the stakes. they are incredibly high. iran has been doing this since 1979. no administration is safe. if you look around, whether it is hamas, the jihad, whether it is iraq or afghanistan, you name it. there is one bad actor perpetrating all of it and it is iran. this administration is enabling, encouraging -- aiding and abetting if that language means anything to you, to allow the terrorist regime to acquire nuclear weapons which they will deliver with nuclear ballistic missile capabilities. ed: what are you suggesting?
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>> if you look at his special envoy and this lady who is now the chief of staff and special operations forces who calls regularly to a person at the public policy institute of iran that this person was trained by the cook for us. the irgc. she is calling in to him to get which -- to get advice on which conference she should attend. the guy who had his security clearance revoked is still negotiating the nuclear arms deal. iran is our enemy and if you are aiding and abetting the enemy, you know what the answer to that question is. ed: congressman, i want to shift to the impeachment inquiry. we have been watching closely.
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yesterday james biden was on capitol hill testifying. we are expecting hunter biden next week. people are hearing about depositions but they do not feel there is any accountability. will there be accountability of the biden family? >> the house did move forward with the very narrow margin vote in impeachment for secretary mayorkas. i do not think we had illusions that that is likely not to pass the senate. every minute and every hour this gets debated and shown on the public stage, it raises awareness of what is really going on and the fact that u.s. law is being disregarded. on a related note because of course biden is right behind that, what we pointed out in the international conflict we have with russia and iran, do not think for a minute that they are not emboldened to the fact that this president is not 100%
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there. they know that he is not at full capacity and as a function of that they are prosecuting their efforts as a result. that is why iran is doing this. that has emboldened them. it has emboldened china. you notice that putin did not move into ukraine when donald trump was president. that is a factor in this too. the impeachment, even though it may not fully come to bear, the awareness of what gets processed in front of the world and the american people. >> let me weigh in on this. the biden family is 40 knows that every effort. they do not want to be found out. you can see the information. the evidence is clear. you do not make millions of dollars with nothing to sell and so forth. the agencies, the fbi, the department of justice and the
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irs are also unwilling to give up the information so that we can either prove that this president is not excelling -- is not selling the united states out for personal gain or that he is. i do not think we will get to a point where we will be able to impeach him especially with the thin margin that we have but we will continue right up until the end of the term to bring this information out and to inform the american people if joe biden wants to run for office again, have him explain this to the people that he wants to vote for him. ed: i want to follow-up on the investigation. backstage we talked about how you have been a target of this weaponized doj. you are with your father-in-law when the feds came to get your father. >> yes. it is censorship, intimidation. i am not the target of any investigation. i have not been accused of anything but they came after me because i speak my mind and i
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say things that they don't want to hear and they don't want you to be able to say or think. they want to make an example out of me because they are coming for you. ed: this is over the election challenge from 2020. >> right. ed: you are not the target of the investigation but they think there might be text messages help to the investigation so they came for your phone? >> i'm assuming that. they have not told me that they want the information on my phone which is constitutionally protected because my conversations with other lawmakers per the constitution are supposed to be protected. but they want to dirty me up and create some doubt in the minds of the voters in pennsylvania that say this guy has done something wrong. make no doubt about it, today it is me. the day after, it will be all of you. people do not want to say anything. they are reluctant to talk to friends and neighbors because they look at what happened to me and they say i don't want any part of that. i don't want to be out with my
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father-in-law and my children and have the federal government show up and say we are taking something from you. >> former president trump always says they are not after me, they are after -- they are not after you, they are after me and i'm in the middle. jim jordan is doing a great job. i think there is a fundamental flaw in the system because even though we technically have oversight, if you to subpoena someone, it has to go through the doj for enforcement. that is part of the executive branch. they are just as crooked, if not more so, than the intelligence community. that is why the more exposure we get, the more we can message the truth and communicate to the people what is going on. ed: we are almost out of time. i hear all the context you are adding.
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i get that you are dealing with a democratic president who does not want to cut spending. we have one minute for each of you. what two or three things would you say we could do to fix this system so that we can actually get out of debt? >> first of all, republicans need to do what they told you they would do and that is getting the government out of your life and that is putting boats up. they passed a $1.7 trillion inflation reduction act which will equate to three-point troop trillion dollars -- $3.2 trillion. every republican should vote to repeal it. period. >> if that means shut things down until we get peoples attention, shut things off until we get the senate and the white house to agree, then so be it. ed: you both told me you might
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have some surprise picks for vice president. >> i want the most conservative person that will save the republic. ed: who is that? >> is not some people who are currently in the race against donald trump. i do like vivek. he understands that the government is out of control. there are a lot of conservatives who believe that. >> i heard the name desantis backstage and i was surprised. >> i would like to see them kiss and makeup. they would be a great pair. >> we will see if they kiss and makeup. the a team. thank you. >> america is under attack.
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our families are being crushed under the politics of a radical agenda. moms have had enough. we are standing up and fighting back. >> this battle is every bit as important as the revolutionary war because we fight for the same thing. >> moms for america is a national movement of moms reclaiming our culture for truth, family, freedom and the constitution. >> moms for america is exactly on track and is doing the right thing for the future of our country and our children. >> moms for america is going at the heart of the issue. >> i am honored to join moms for america today as we speak out against the horrific mandate. >> with a national network of over half a million mothers, moms for america is one of the fastest-growing movements of women in the country. >> the most dangerous place in all of nature is between a mama bear and her baby cubs.
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>> we are the change, no matter what, no matter where and no matter how difficult the obstacles are that are facing us and our families, we will not give up and we will not give in. >> if not now, then when? if not you, then who? >> welcome to the revolution. [applause] >> you made it to the cpac super bowl 2024. thank you all for your incredible support. you are part of this freedom movement. >> the adage goes, no justice, no peace. >> we will see this propaganda spread even further in the media outlets and mainstream media outlets. >> what is happening right now is in a greater context of one of the greatest crimes against
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amenity which is an apartheid regime. >> israel is occupying palestinians, not the other way around. >> i think hamas are backed by other military establishments. >> we condemn it. >> why cant you say yes? >> i already gave you my answer. >> anybody would understand that you are agreeing. >> enough of an offense of strategy in eradicating the hamas, they will be viewed as the killers. >> if we do not condemn the hamas terrorism. >> hamas is a terrorist
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organization. will you condemn them? >> i do not see them as a terrorist organization. >> palestinians are leading the freedom movement. >> hamas is a movement. then you fight back and stand for your rights, that does not make you a terrorist. >> i think that hamas decided that now to amass these capabilities, they need to be more attention globally. >> people are protesting nonviolent to prevent the ethnic cleansing of palestinians. >> the most extreme right wing supreme's government. >> israel is notorious for spreading propaganda. >> he is basically running his own narrative.
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he justifies killing and genocide a all of the penta city -- all of the palestinians. >> we strike first because we wanted our land back. that is what people are doing. >> it is a resistance. >> cheering for the killing of civilians, calling for more, chanting in the streets there is only one solution. >> [chanting] >> israel is a terrorist state. >> a job well done.
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>> what is it? a motorcycle club? >> every single thing they have done is justifiable. [indiscernible] >> [cheering] >> we will honor all our martyrs.
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>> honor to the martyrs. >> i'd like to know who is funding the students for justice for palestine and where this money is coming from that is creating this propaganda that is infiltrator are academic institutions, our media institutions and trying to drive this anti-jewish message.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, the doctor is in. please welcome former u.s. secretary of housing and urban development, dr. ben carson. >> thank you. thank you so much. thank you cpac. it is great to be with a group of hard-working american patriots who love their country, love freedom and love their faith. our nation was built by men and women who never back down, never
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gave up, never ever apologized for who they are. it is this american spirit that lives on in patriots like you. it is comforting to see so many people who keep the spirit of 1776 alive. [applause] as we gather here today i really want to discuss an entirely new threat to our country. just a few miles up the road in washington, d.c. an entirely different scene is unfolding. our government and legacy institutions are losing credibility in the public eye at breakneck speed even though the systematic takeover of america has been going on for years. the federal bureaucracy, the mainstream media, academia, hollywood, big tech and every other nexus of power in america
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today has turned its fire against conservatives, against christians, against anyone who stands in their way. i call this the crisis of legitimacy in the united states government. america was founded on the notion of all political power comes from the consent of the governed and that sovereignty does not belong to anyone official and institution but it belongs to we, the american people. the reality is that the government in washington, d.c. no longer represents the people and has stopped pretending to execute the charge laid out by our founders, the protection of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. put simply, washington is losing
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its legitimate claim to govern the american people. millions of americans look around and wonder what is becoming of their beloved nation. they don't recognize the place they grew up in and they wonder what kind of future is in store for their children and grandchildren. young men particularly young white men are not signing up in great numbers for military anymore because they don't want to fight for a country that hates them. they don't want to die halfway around the world to protect the borders of ukraine or taiwan or any other country on the earth when our own border is being overrun by the millions with terrorists and cartel members and human traffickers coming in every day. they don't want to join the fighting force that is more concerned with woke activism, gender inclusivity, lgbt issues than it is with protecting americans. they don't want to be part of an operation that spends trillions
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of dollars abroad while the small towns they call home are falling into distribution and our communities are being ravaged by drugs and depression while their jobs are shipped overseas without a second thought. they don't want to fight overseas just to come home to a country hell-bent on vindictive identity politics that promised to take what little social and economic capital they have left and redistribute it to racial, religious and other minority [applause] who can blame them? and how long can a country last in that way? it isn't just happening in our military either. as we see every day, virtually every single institution of power in our country has become
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openly hostile to conservatives, to christians, to our country's legacy, and even the concept of western civilization itself. our education system has been taken over by radicals who push insane political ideologies like crt, ddi, transgender-ism and more on our poor children while they no longer even learn basic reading, math, civics. they come down with the full force of the law when a student tries to open a bible or say a prayer in school. they are putting all this stuff over on our young people who have brains that are not fully developed yet. and to take somebody who is curious and impressionable and infect them with these kinds of things is nothing less than child-abuse. [applause]
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you know, inflation, gas prices have risen so high that everyday american families struggle to put food on the table and gas in their cars and washington's solution, double down on insane environmental policies like the green new deal mandatory electric vehicles, even though other countries pollute at far higher rates than we do, but we are sitting on top of some of the largest untapped oil reserves in the world. our borders are wide open. an estimated 10 million illegal aliens have invaded our country since biden took over, which is more than the population of 40 of 50 states. a civilization cannot sustain itself this way and we have no idea who these people are. they could be terrorists, spies, cartel members, or human traffickers, and they appeared
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to be mostly military age males. they could be affecting things like our cell phone systems and whether they work appropriately every day. and i guarantee you there was a whole bunch of stuff they will be doing. all these people coming here are not our friends. the leaders in washington won't enforce the law and protect you from the rampant crime that has strong our inner cities and making them unlivable for families and children. they even want to take away your ability to protect yourself by attacking lawful gun owners and slowly abolishing the second amendment. meanwhile, they let hardened criminals out of jail, while peaceful, pro-life protesters and patriotic grandmothers who walked into the capitol on january 6 are facing a decade or more in prison. think about that. in about that. [applause]
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and this is at a time when we lived through the summer of blm, and t for down cities, looting stores with support from government officials and the biggest corporations on earth. the law is being used to constantly harass upstanding citizens, while the real criminals go untouched. two our leaders, you and i are the enemy. not the carjackers and the looters in the criminals running rampant in our cities. and now our justice system has been weaponized against the administration's top political competitor with absurd witchhunts from every corner of the country. it reminds me of the old slogan, you show me the man and i will find you the crime. they are throwing everything they have --
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[applause] think about it, everything they have they are throwing at president trump because they are desperate to stop him and they are desperate to stop you and me. trumps only crime is representing the american people first. [applause] and for that they are trying to put him in jail for the rest of his life, tie him up in court, take all of his assets. they are terrified of him. if we allow this to happen, america will never be the same again. [applause] we have to stop it. it also seems like nothing even works in america anymore. public transit is unusable. our streets are full of homelessness, litter, and filth. think about all these things that are happening to us.
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and we need to be thinking about who does the best job that they are tasked to do, not diversity and inclusion and all of this stuff. we have made tremendous progress in those areas and we don't need the government interfering and telling us who and what we should be doing. it really is ridiculous. i'm the chairman of the committee on nominations and government of one of the fortune 500 companies and it was recently said, don't vote for carson because the number of women on our board decreased to 25% after we added someone. if i leave, they've got a diversity problem. [laughter] [applause] fortunately, the stockholders didn't aid them any attention.
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our elections are rigged. the legacy media lies with impunity and the government is just interested in power and control. on top of it all, we have a president who doesn't seem to know where he is half the time and often can't make it through a sentence and wasn't even mentally aware enough to have a trial. if he can't be tried, he certainly can't hold his own at the negotiating table with world leaders in places like russia, iran, and china, so what makes him fit to be president? think about it. it is total incompetence from top to bottom. [applause] this solution is just chaos. doubling down. continuing to lie. and counting on people being
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uninformed so they can tell them anything they want. and in the face of all of this, they are trying to gaslight us into rejecting what we see with our own eyes and say that none of this is really happening. we have come to an inflection point where big tech and the legacy media no longer respect market demands, but they are instead using money and influence to manufacture political consensus and shift public opinion in a nonorganic way. then they point the finger at us and say that we are the problem and tell us to disbelieve our own lying eyes and stop giving into conspiracy theories. but the reality is that when the interests of all of our elite institutions are perfectly aligned, there is no need for a conspiracy at all. these people all went to the same schools. they believe all the same things. they are part of the same social circles.
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and they attend the same elite cocktail parties. washington has become a big revolving door of government bureaucrats, contractors, big tech operatives, and lobbyists, to adjust from the public sector to the private life every couple of years. their ideologies are perfectly aligned, even if there is no central mechanism directing each of them individually. but the simple reality is that every american is struggling. and they can only hide that fact for so long. there is nothing radical about what we the people are demanding from our elected representatives. we want safety and security. we want freedom of speech and to practice our religion as is our god-given right. we want secure borders. we want a government that puts our interests first. these are things that used to be
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the norm in this country. and none of these demands are extreme or outrageous. [applause] they should be the simple baseline of legitimate political leadership. all of this is a searing indictment of our ruling class and shows exactly why washington, d.c. is losing its legitimate claim to govern the american people. it was the late sir john baggett gloves who first share the ideal that the average lifespan of a superpowers 250 years or about 10 generations. for those who keep track, our 250th birthday is coming up soon, july 4, 20's 26 to be exact. yet our leaders are determined to repeat every mistake that led to the collapse of empires before us. here are a few common themes from history.
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mass immigration and infiltration by foreigners who don't share our values and culture or even our language. a loss of public morality. excess indulgence and wealth and luxury while shifting away from frugality and hard work. rising inflation and massive amounts of public debt with out-of-control spending. entangling foreign alliances and over committing ourselves to the defense of other countries. and finally, a rejection of religion, order, and even the concept of truth itself. as we reject god, we are spiraling downward. we need to bring him back in a hurry. [applause] this rejection of the past has always been at the core of the progressive movement. we see it everywhere as progressivism has attacked our
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history and our inheritance itself. a country and indeed any civilization that attacks itself like this has lost its will to live and cannot survive. but as i traveled across the nation, i'm encouraged, because i meet thousands of god-fearing, liberty loving american patriots who will not let their country be taken from them without a fight. as we entered the turbulent days ahead, we must stay true to our foundational values and true to our faith. we are americans and our nation was founded on trust in god's divine providence. with this guidance, i'm filled with confidence that the american spirit is still strong and will reemerge from this challenge bigger and better than ever before. we are the people who settled a vast and untamed wilderness, laid the railroads, but a phone
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in every home and a car in every garage. we are the people who built the skyscrapers and engineered the bridges and canals, who created the interstate highway system. we raised millions out of poverty, we took flight at kitty hawk. we stare down people in its face and defeated nazi-ism and communism in the 20th century and we unfurled our glorious american flag on the moon itself. we will not be like other superpowers who fought and forgot their values and rejected their past and fell from glory. our great american story cannot end this way. it will not end this way. the tides are turning in our favor and the simple fact is the american people are not going to let our nation go. we understand our nature and are
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nature's god and people who oppose those will never survive. as we enter this pivotal year. i hope we all look to the heroes of our past to guide us in the present. we turn to scripture for inspiration. we turn to god for the guidance we need to take back our country. i'm filled for hope with the future and confidence that america's best days are still ahead of us. together we can become the stoic, shining hill on the city. let me change that, the shining city on the hill. once again and secure the blessings of liberty for our children and our grandchildren for generations to come. and we must remember that we, the american people, are not each other's enemies and we cannot succumb to those who are trying to divide us on the basis of race, age, income, gender,
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religion, political affiliation. we are neighbors, friends, and colleagues. don't let anybody tell you that we are enemies. we are not. our togetherness will save us. god thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. [applause] ♪ [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] >> friday night, discover where the candidates are traveling across the country and what they are saying to voters.
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friday nights at 7:00 eastern on c-span, online at, or download the podcast on c-span now, our free mobile app. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >> sunday on q&a, patti davis shares her book "dear mom and dad," a letter to her late parents ronald and nancy reagan. >> there are people who still think that my father didn't care about gay people or that even he was homophobic, which was not true. so i wanted to bring in some other aspects of it of people in
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his administration who were homophobic and who did not want him to address the aids issue and who successfully for a while kept things from him because one of my father's flaws and we all have flaws was that he delegated things to other people and believed what they told him. so when rock hudson died, nobody could keep from him the severity of aids. his friend just died from it. that was the turning point. >> patty davis with her book "dear mom and dad" on c-span's q and a. listen to q and a on our free c-span app. ♪ >> a healthy democracy doesn't just look like this. it looks like this. where americans can see democracy at work, where citizens are truly informed a republic thrives.
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get informed straight from the source on c-span, unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. from the nation's capital to wherever you are. you will get the opinion that matters the most and that is your own. this is what democracy looks like. c-span, powered by cable. this week, a bipartisan group of representati traveling to taiwan to meet with the island's president. the chair and ranking member of the select committee on the chinese communist party are attending. during their visit, members met with taiwan's president-elect who praised their spo in congress. you can follow their activities with x. we will bring you live coverage of the house when members return to capitol hill here on c-span. >> ukrainian


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