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tv   Campaign 2024 Lara Trump Campaigns for Fmr. Pres. Trump in North...  CSPAN  February 23, 2024 4:14pm-4:58pm EST

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go back to the national governors' association for a press conference. >> i do know that's one of the issues i'm sure we'll be talking about more. thank you everyone. >> thank you. >> thank you all.
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>> good afternoon, everyone. if i can have your attention. [applause] >> i don't want to yell at you, i want to yell with you, because we're all here today because we support the one man who can save our country who is that man? >> donald trump! >> at the age of 17 i dropped out of high school at stratford high school. we might have some stratford alum, my father retired general,
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said, when i dropped out of high school, that i had to get a job, if you're going to drop out of school you're going to work. i started working at the waffle house. i decided to go back to school. i went on to the citadel, first woman to graduate from there, 25 years ago. in this tough time in my life i learned two lessons. i learned about the value of hard work and i learned about having courage. there's only one man in this race today that has the work ethic to turn our nation around. and that man is donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] there's only one man who has the courage to take on the bureaucracy, the secretary, the agencies who spy on americans who call us extremists, and that man is donald j. trump. [cheers and applause] the next thing i want to say is
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that we all talk about, we hear politician, we talk about how important this election is this election is the most consequential election of our lifetime. and it is extremely important that we get the only leader in this country who can turn our nation around and we do it on november 5 of 2024, this year. joe biden says you and i, that this entire room, is a threat to democracy. nothing could be further from the truth. there is no bigger threat to democracy than having a wide open border. so that illegals can vote in our elections. there's no bigger threat to democracy than allowing over eight million people to come through here, through the open border, there's no greater threat to democracy than allowing these terrorists who want to kill us to simply walk across the border, the open
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border. joe biden's open border. there is no greater threat to democracy than literally using activist judges to throw your number one political opponent off the ballot. that is a threat to democracy and that is why we need donald trump to be president on november 5, 2024. [applause] this saturday, what are we going to do? we're going to vote for donald j. trump. that's right. so today i have the distinction honor of introducing lara trump she just met liberty, she just met liberty, my puppy. little six-pound vicious dog she loves freedom, she loves the constitution, she loves donald j. trump. lara trump is from north carolina, but she loves south carolina just as much.
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she's our own, very own carolina girl. what you're going to -- what she's going to say here today is truly inspiring. and it's going to motivate each and every one of you to get out this week this weekend, to get a friend and get out and vote because nikki haley is using democrats to turn out the vote this weekend. we -- [crowd boos] we do not want democrats to get an edge on donald trump and that's what she's doing with all respect and honor, i would like us to all welcome lara trump! [cheers and applause] lara: south carolina, are we ready to bring back donald j. trump? [cheers and applause] all right, you just heard congresswoman mace talk about
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this saturday. i know everybody in this room knows, we've got one more day of early voting here in south carolina. if you haven't voted yet by tomorrow, wait until saturday and go vote because we are not leaving anything to chance, ladies and gentlemen. i want to ask a real quick question, take a poll in this room. this is my campaign crew, right? who is -- who in this room was voting for donald trump in 2016? [cheers and applause] who voted in 2020 for donald trump? [cheers and applause] who is ready for the 47th president to be -- [cheers and applause] >> this is a good crowd. i like this energy. this is the energy, folks. it's going to take to win. and you just heard it. this election is the most important election of any of our lifetimes. i don't say that with any sort of hyperbole at all
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we feel it right now in this country. we've had three years of joe biden and the -- in the white house. how is that working out for everybody? [crowd boos] can we even actually say it's joe biden running the country? let me ask you guys this. does anyone actually believe that in 2020, 81 million people were so inspired -- >> no! >> by a guy who could only get 10 people in hula hoops to an event. that he had the most massive turnout in the history of elections? no, we don't believe that. that's why everyone in this room is so important. because guys we're leaving nothing to chance on this one. it starts on saturday. right here in the great state of south carolina. and then we're taking it on, 257 days from now, to november 5, where we get a huge victory.
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not for just donald trump, for the entire country. right? [cheers and applause] and i'll tell you, donald trump's life would be a lot easier if he just said you know what, enough is enough. i'm hanging up my hat. i'm going to let someone else run with this one. this is too much. because let's face it, they have tried to do everything possible to destroy his life. this man, our family, his business. at every possible turn. they thought, you know what we'll do? we'll impeach im. impeach him once, impeach him twice, donald trump will be done, we'll never have to deal with him again he said wait a minute, not so fast. because i see a country that needs me. i see a country that needs to go back to we the people. he understands that.
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i'll tell you guy, he didn't need this job in 2016 they actually thought it was a joke, remember, when he came down the escalator. it was a publicity stunt, another season of the celebrity apprentice he was going to talk about. then he came down and man did he have a lot of common sense he was talking about, right? he actually spoke like we all spoke. he was saying the things that resonated with people and despite the fact that he was a billionaire businessman from new york city, he connected with the american people. he started a movement in this country the likes of which we have never seen. the make america great again, america first movement. any ultra maga in here? [cheers and applause] con we just talk about how great it is to be ultra maga? that is something to be plowed of. because it means you love this country. it means you get up every day, you go to work, you work for your family, you believe that the almighty is the most
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important thing in this world, that you pay your taxes, that you were a good citizen of this country. that's what ultra maga means. but leave it to some folks out there to try and skew it. but donald trump never needed to do this job he had a great life. he had all the money in the world. he had all the friends in the world. but he knew that this was his time. before he ever came down that es ta later and announced he was running for president, he sat down with our entire family and he said you know guy, if i do this, it's not just about me. it's going to involve our entire family. and if i do what needs to be done for this country, believe me, they will come after us. and they're not just going to come after me. it's all of us who are involve. so i need to know that you guys understand what that means. and that you're ready for that. and we were all like yeah, absolutely. [laughter] what could go wrong here?
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how bad could it be? little did we know, of course. but he understood even in 2015 where we were in this country and what needed to change. and it took a guy who funded his own campaign until he became the republican nominee. it took a guy mo didn't take a single paycheck while he was president of the united states. she the only president to come out of the white house with less money than he went into the white house with. ok? [applause] you see the way they go after him at every turn? they tried the impeachment. didn't work. so they said, we got it, we know what'll take this guy down. we'll indict him. he'll get somebody to indict him. let's slap and time on him. that'll end donald trump as we know it. what happened? poll numbers went up. people started getting behind him even more they said that's not enough we need another indictment. so they did a second one.
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poll numbers went up. they said this isn't working, what do we do? call fani willis -- [crowd boos] [laughter] get her to slap an indictment on him and while she's at it get her to release a mug shot. that'll take donald trump down. ladies and gentlemen, that is the greatest mug shot in the history of america. [cheers and applause] that's it. but something happened and something changed when that mug shot came out. obviously, that's the best blue steel i've ever seen but people really responded to that in a very different way than what they intended. right? people looked at that mug shot and saw themselves in it. they saw the same system that
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hadn't been working for them was welcoming against this guy they said, something's going on because all of this is being pulled into this one man. they really must want to keep him from going back in that white house. and that's true. we all know it in this room. the truth is, donald trump exposed so much during his first term in office. not only did he do a lot of great things, i mean talk about, you know, historically low unemployment. trade deals with china. mexico. canada. peace agreements in the middle east instead of wars starting in the middle east. talks with kim jeong unito denuclear -- kim jong un to denuclearize the korean pens lasm we had a closed board for the america. [applause]
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because he understood, if you done have a border, you don't have a country. he understood why that was so important he saw what was happening and why it was so dangerous to this country. not only did he do all of these incredible things, give us energy independence, ladies and gentlemen. $1. 7 gas when donald trump was in office. i got to tell you something, when he's back in, we're opening back up the keystone x.l. pipeline. [cheers and applause] gas prices will go down, inflation will come down. it'll give us a better standing on the world stage. it'll take money away from russia. to fund their war with ukraine. it'll take money away from iran to fund hamas invading israel. there are so many things that were great under a donald trump presidency. but possibly the greatest thing he did was expose what was going
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on, the rot at the core of washington, d.c. and those very people are desperate to keep him out. they only have one problem. nothing they put against him will succeed. though they try, they will fail because this hand will never stop. he will never give up he will never stop fighting for what he knows is right and what is right is to give this country back to the people. ok? got to do it. [applause] and they also won't succeed because of every one of you in this room. because since the day he got 75 million votes on election day in 2020, i will guarantee you, ladies and gentlemen, 10 million more people have gotten on that trump train. more people see it. more people understand it. and you know, since the very beginning, i think we've all felt that god has been a part of
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things. right? hear it all the time on the campaign trail in 2016, people would pray for us. pray for my father-in-law. and i truly believe that prayer works. this is a fight right now not between republican, democrat, left versus right. it's good versus evil. there is no way that this one man would still be standing, still be fighting, still be doing what he knows is right for the future of this country, if not for the almighty up above. ok? [applause] [applause] and there are people who maybe were upset with the jut come of the 2020 election. you're looking at one of them. believe me, no one put more into that, more of their blood, sweat and tears than those of us in our family. and it was a very hard time for us to really see what was going
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on in this country and say, well, there's nothing else we can do. joe biden is going to take over. and it was a dark time for america. for a lot of people in this room. but sometimes things don't happen in our time. they happen in god's time. and i will tell you right now that i truly believe that we needed the past three years. we needed people to wake up we needed people to see and understand what you get if you vote for people like joe biden. people are awake right now, ladies and gentlemen. once you're awake you're in the going back to sleep. ok? so, i want to tell you guys very quickly, and then i want to take some questions from you, you may have heard my father-in-law ep course me to co-chair the r.n.c. [cheers and applause] something i never imagined that
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i would do. but i also never imagined that america would be at this point. that we would really be so bad off. and really need someone to ultimately come and save us. so i'm here to do whatever i can to ensure that we get this country back on track. [cheers and applause] and you guys are important in this fight. as republicans, we have to start doing things differently. it would be great if we had one day to go vote. it would be great if all over this country they had paper ballots. they checked everyone's inch d. right? those things would be great and we possibly could get back there one day. we're not there today. so we're going to have to play this game differently. we're not just going to have to fight fire with fire. we're going to have to fight fire with dynamite. ok? we better start getting people
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out to early vote this the day you can in south carolina. and then take people with you every day thereafter up until election day so that we have so many votes banked for donald trump that it doesn't matter how many 3:00 a.m. dumps they have. doesn't matter how many suitcases and ballots they have, donald trump will win. ok? we also -- [cheers and applause] we've got to register voters at a historic pace. we have to legally ballot harvest everywhere we possibly can in this country. because let me tell you, that's what they've been doing on the other side. whether it's legal or not, up for discussion. we will do it the legal way. we also need to register poll watchers. i want a poll watcher every hour changed out in every precinct in this country and people who are not just standing, people who are trained poll watchers, so they physically can touch the
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ballots. they can count how many go in. and how many come out. that is something they have just recently started at the r.n.c. if i am elected co-chair i can guarantee you we're spreading it all across this country. [cheers and applause] on top of that, i'll ensure that every penny of every dollar goes to the causes that we the people care about. goes to ensuring donald trump is the 47th president. goes to expanding our lead in the house. with patriots. with america first candidates. goes to taking back the senate. ladies and gentlemen. [applause] so i know this is -- this is the team on the ground here. is there anything i can answer? you guys want to know? any -- yes, sir. >> i would like everybody in this room to know my name is justin scott, i'm running for the house of representatives
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against jim clyburn. [cheers and applause] >> there's a dog dressed up like my father-in-law, i love it. love it as much as nancy's dog. >> [inaudible] >> got everybody in here. >> do you think trump will pick a woman for a vice president? >> do i think donald trump will pick a woman for a vice president? who do we think he should pick for vice president? [crowd yelling] >> here's what i can assure you. what i can assure you is that donald trump does not care how you look. donald trump cares what you do. he will pick the best person possible for vice president. the person who he feels, as he
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said, i think last night in his town hall with laura ingram, he said i want to pick a person who i know is ready to become president and is the right fit for this country should that person need to step in. no identity pl ticks on this side of the aisle we go basedden merit. we go based on who is the best. [cheers and applause] yes, ma'am >> does president donald sleep? >> he sleeps. not a lot. to be honest with you, i've known him for 16 years, and this is a man who would call us, call eric at like 11:30, midnight, and then call again at 5:00 a.m. i'm like, when is he sleeping? but sometimes he just -- that's just how you have to operate. it's another level. i don't know how he does it. it's amazing. he's amazing. yes. very different than joe biden who starts his day at 10:00 a.m. >> i'm wondering what is the
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condition of the r.n.c. funding right now? >> not great. i'm not 100% sure what the exact number is but i want to say it's somewhere in the neighborhood of like $5 million. and the democrats, ladies and gentlemen, have hundreds of millions. we need to raise about half a billion dollars between now and november 5. so we got to make sure the people understand when they donate their money to the r.n.c., indeed it's going to go to causes that they care about and go exactly to the things we discussed. all right, guys. i want to say one more time, thank you. god bless you. [cheers and applause] god bless america. [krut chanding] [crowd chanting] >> thank you guys. thank you guys.
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>> hello everybody, again. for some of you. hello for the first time for some of you. >> you were talking about r.n.c. funding, do you think the r.n.c. should be paying trump's legal bills. >> jon what the statutes are that guide that, i'm not there yet. >> you said r.n.c. should pay for things that are of interest to us. do you think paying for donald trump's legal bills are of interest to republicans?
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>> absolutely. that's why you see the gofundme. you can't have a country and call it the united states of america that goes out of its way to target political opponents and try to bankrupt them and take down their companies, take down their families. they might think that -- i think that's a big interest to people. >> i've been involved in g.o.p. politics for 40 years. i've noticed over the years a sciz. between establishment -- years a schism between the establishment and working guys. what would you do to fix that divide? >> donald trump did it, he bridged that gap. i talked earlier about the fact that this is a billionaire from new york who really connected with the american people and i think that that's part of the rationale for, you know, having a trump family member go to the r.n.c. people know that they can trust donald trump. they know he's fighting for the cause they care about. and having someone like me in
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there, i think, will go a long way for people. i can assure you that my loyalty is to my father-in-law. i will make sure that every penny is used properly that. people's money is not going -- you know, getting wasted on flowers or limousines or anything else. it should be going to fight to november 5 for the causes that we care about. >> we've seen trump liken his legal woes to the death of navalny in russia. in what ways are the two similar? >> i think you'd have to ask him exactly what he meant but i think we're talking about targeting a political foe and that's what you've seen happen with joe biden weaponizing his department of justice. there's no doubt that if my father-in-law was not running for president of the united states right now, you wouldn't see any of these doiments against him. they wouldn't be trying to tear his business apart. to ruin and destroy his family, his legacy and everything that he's worked his entire life for. these things are not just. they are not real. they are very clearly designed to be election interference and
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that's exactly what it is. those are things you see happen in a communist country. those are things you see happen in russia to political opponents. so i assume he meant that in very much the same way, he's been targeted as well. >> do you believe that putin is responsible for the death of navalny? >> i don't know enough to comment. >> do you think the r.n.c. should get involved in republican primaries if some of the republican candidates do not support donald trump? >> i don't know what their stance is. i think generally they stay out of those things. so i think, i don't know why we would change course on that now. >> ballot access and voter i.d., how do you balance these issues that are important to you with the cost it takes to fight, in a year when you also have so many races. >> i mean i think you have to raise a ton of money. i think that's going to be a big portion of what i would do fifs co-chair of the r.n.c. i think we have to have a huge
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fundraising push and i think that then you can do both simultaneously. obviously you can't win at the ballot box if you have all of these things against you. so these lawsuits, i do believe, are important. i do think people care about them. but you also have to have a ground game. you have to have voter outreach. you have to have voter registration and all the things that, you know, make up the traditional campaign. we raise enough money, we can do them all. >> you talk a lot about the 2020 election just now. do you think that joe biden was legitimately elected president? >> me personally, no. >> i have a question about impartiality in the r.n.c. if haley stays in the race and you become co-chair or chair before she drops out would you commit to the r.n.c. staying impartial? >> i don't think there's any path to nickey haley becoming the republican nominee. if she wans to con this quest for personal situation, that's
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fine with me. i don't think that there's any way that i will not be backing my father-in-law. i think my personal feelings are one thing. you know. the r.n.c. will be supporting whoever the republican nominee for president is. i think we all know that's going to be donald trump. >> there have been some major republican doe no, sir, who have kind of decided they're not going to support trump. if you are vice chair or co-chair will you try to bring them back in the fold? is that a concern to you that some historically big republican donors have said they're going to sit out as far as supporting president trump? >> yeah, i mean. certainly everyone is welcome to donate. we would love everyone to be involved. and i don't see why we would say no to anyone donating money. if that's something they wanted to talk about i'd be happy to talk about. >> would there be outreach efforts? >> i'm sure there will be. >> what are some of the conversations you had with the former president about the
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becoming the r.n.c. co-chair before he endorsed you? >> i'm not going to talk about a personal conversation with my father-in-law but he believes in me and believes i can do the job that needs to be done. otherwise he never would have endorsed me. i think he understands thises a must-win fight. for him to ensure that you have a cohesiveness between the campaign and the r.n.c. is very important. so i'm honored to have his endorsement. >> can you -- >> barred from conducted business in new york. has there been in the family any talk about the role for melania? >> that ruling i believe will be overturned because it is so egregious and so outrageous. i don't think any appellate court will let it stand. >> could you talk about your qualifications to be co-chair, what is your pitch to members when you get there? >> i've been part of my father-in-law's campaign for two campaign cycles. i was a senior adviser in 2020
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to his campaign. all of us were new to politics and had a lot to learn but i've learned a lot about that. i've worked with the r.n.c. when i was part of the trump campaign from 2016 all the way through 2020. so i mean, i think as far as campaigns go, i have a lot of experience. i'm sure there's a lot i still need to learn though. >> the current co-chair of the r.n.c. has been deeply loyal to your father-in-law. have you had any conversations about this role change? that would be major for the state. >> i have not reached out to drew directly. >> one of the conversations they're having about the trump endorsement, sort of having new leadership at the r.n.c., when did those conversations kind of begin? >> i know he's probably been very clear publicly a long time that he feels there should be change at the r.n.c. so i mean, i would say privately for him, i'm sure he's been talk quite a bit. >> when he reached out to you and gauged your interest? >> i'll keep that between the two of us.
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>> there's a sea change in the inner city, 2/3 of the children in the bronx are below the poverty line right now. what is the r.n.c. going to do to reach out to disenfranchised votes for the communities and assure them that they'll be represented? >> i think donald trump himself has said he's going to go directly to these communities, because the truth is, everyone in this country is hurting right now under joe biden presidency. everyone wants to see change. no more than the people within these inner city communities. you see these illegal immigrants flooding our southern border. where are they going? whose jobs are they taking? they are going and they're getting in line and they are getting affordable housing before people in these communities who have been waiting for it for decades in some cases. i think it's about just going and talking to people and letting people feel heard and hearing what their day-to-day issues are. that's something my fowrnl, i think as recently as last night,
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talked about doing. you've got to go to these places. you've got to talk to people. look, donald trump isn't afraid to do it, the republican national committee won't be afraid to do it either. >> your father-in-law recently said if you're supportingnykey haley in a fiduciary way or otherwise you won't be brought back into the foal. however your pitch is to get fundraisers to come in. voters to come in. how do you kind of equalize what your father-in-law said? >> i mean, i think that everyone is entitled to a change of heart. i think it's really upsetting for him to see people who probably have been friends of his for a long time feel like they kind of stabbed him in the back and going and donating to nickey haley or sometimes having donors of nickey haley funding egregious lawsuit against him in states like new york. so i think the floor is there. it's open to anyone who wants to donate. i personally would not be turning anyone away who wanted to donate.
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>> we've got to leave. she's got a flight to catch. >> thank you. >> thanks for being here today. super excited about the numbers that we're seeing and polling and trump i think is going to run away with it this weekend on saturday. in this particular part of the state there's been a huge outreach to democrats to vote in our open primaries. i think that's disgusting. another reason why we need to close our primaries. but despite nickey haley's efforts to get democrats to vote for her it doesn't make a damn bit of difference because donald trump is running away with the election and i think we'll see him win by 30 points or more on saturday. does anyone have questions? >> the effort that you made here, the push from months ago to get state legislature -- >> he has most of the state
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legislature, the house and state senate. he has every single member of the south carolina federal delegation except for one who have endorsed him. i saw him last week and -- at the charleston rally, i told him what i'm seeing on the ground both in the low country in my district and across the state when i talk to voters is there's more enthusiasm for donald trump now than i've ever seen before on the ground. i'm seeing independents lean that way. i think immigration and the border is probably the number one issue driving that. >> could you talk about if you played any role in that? did you yourself help? >> in the weeks since i endorsed donald trump i've been helping to get faith leaders we've got sheriffs, i talk to people on the ground all the time. elected officials and localsings, i've been as supportive as i can be. this week i've been on the campaign trail. i introduced lara twice today, and we're supporting him on the ground while we're here. >> what's going to happen with the bill on ukraine in the
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house? >> i don't see it coming to the floor any time soon. there's some that have said they want to do a discharge petition on the democrat side. now, will there be a push with republicans to do that? i haven't seen that yet. but we've been out of session this week. we go back next week. that will be telling. but the biggest thing i see oh the radar is we have to address spending after the c.r. the c.r., the short-term c.r. will expire the first week of march and the clock is ticking. so what do we do next? based on what happened to the senate border bill if you can call it that, you can see the groundswell of republican, democrats, independents that are really frustrated with what's going on at the border. my us from ration at the federal level is that republicans have sent two bills over to the senate. we did h.r. 2 last year, that's a negotiating starting point, and homeland security appropriations bill with border security in it. that's two bills to negotiate from. and you're seeing what's going on in new york. what's going on in chicago.
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this is -- i just got some data back in our district immigration is the only issue people are talking about. >> what's your -- do you support the leadership change at the r.n.c. that donald trump is proposing? >> the r.n.c., it looks like, is breck and we need new leadership. i'm encouraged by some of the names being floated out there. we've got to raise money. we need to get donald trump back in the white house. we need to keep the house. and i come from a purple district. i though how hard it is to keep a seat like this. i know what issues really drive constituencies and voters. those are the districts and state we was to work on if we want to flip the senate and keep the house which is going to be a challenge. we need all the money we can get and donations and fund raiding for the r.n.c. and nrsc to be able to do that. >> [inaudible] what's it going to take to get that money? people kin of know what they're looking for when it comes to election day.
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>> i mean he is a fundraising machine. if you have someone like lara trump that is familiar with the fundraising machine behind donald trump i believe that would be great for the party in being able to fundraise from the top down. that, i believe, would be a benefit. >> the report was devastating for the president. said he's not competent to stand trial, not competent to lead the country. what powers does the house have to address this? >> we have the 5th amendment that's been brought up but nobody has brought it up. but if you're not competent to stand trial how are you comp tend to -- competent to lead the united states. you're seeing democrats not say joe biden's name. he fell up the steps of air force one. who is behind the wheel. >> hearings or anything like that? >> it's hard to say. i don't know what judiciary will
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do. we have the deposition of james biden happening this year. we'll have hunter biden in in the weeks ahead. we've been focused on that part of the investigation. i don't know what will happen in other committees of jurisdiction. >> what do you make of the indictment and implications for this house im? >> the f.b.i. said the witness was trustworthy and credible and paid a lot of money to be an informant for the f.b.i. jamie raskin said that that witness was entirely credible. there's video verifying all of that out there at the time. so that part -- >> credible? >> that's what the f.b.i. said. but at the time the f.b.i. had been saying that. my question is why wasn't this done sooner if he was not trustworthy if he was not credible? i have more questions than answers. >> you and donald trump have had your fair share of negative comments. how do you explain the flip-flop you've been accused of having to now support the former
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president? >> i supported him in 2016, i supported him in 2020, i talked about in 202 his policies. >> but you spoke against him? >> i support a very independent minded district. if donald trump and snoop dogg can reconcile so he can he and i. i'm not going tie gree with everyone on everything. >> you said january 6 wiped awa- >> i didn't like it, i talked about it then. but i'm looking forward. i'm looking to the future. and i'm looking at the last three years under joe biden. i will take donald trump all day long. this is an easy call to endorse him. he's the guy that republican primary voters want to nominate. he's going to win every single state. and he's going to win it resoundingly. historically. by some of the highest numbers we've had a nominee win by. >> what did you mick of trump
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having to pay the $355 million fine with the death of russian leader navalny. >> say the question again? >> donald trump yesterday compared himself, him having to pay the $355 million fine in his new york civil fraud case is like the death of russian opposition leader alexei navalny. do you agree with that? >> i hope he appeals the fines new york put on him. i read today they want to take his buildings away. i hope he'll appeal that decision. there were no victims. those are things they should be looking at. one more question. one more question. last question. >> fundraising at the r.n.c., do you agree with lara trump's assertion that every penny should go to donald trump? >> every penny should go toward winning the white house, that helps all the other races down the ballot whether you're talking senate or house or other
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races down ballot. we absolutely -- if we win the white house we'll win a lot of races in the house and senate nationwide. >> do you have any thoughts on alabama's i.v.f. ruling today? >> i'm extremely passionate about women's issues. i don't support any effort to take away i.v.f. from any woman in this couldn't rhythms this an issue we've got to talk about it. we've got to talk about abortion, birth control, making sure we don't take away women's rights to i.v.f. for women who want to give birth to children. that's something i'm extremely passionate about. i'll be working hard to make sure that doesn't happen. thank you so much. >> all this week wve been bringing you c-span's "washito journal" interswreus authors. today reverend wheeler paer jr. and christopher benson discuss their book "a few days full of troubl v lace on the your nee to justice for my usins and best friend emmitt
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till," that's at 6:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span or online at >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we're funded by these television companies and more including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center? no. it's way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with 1,000 community centers to create wi-fi enabled lift zones so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for something. >> comcast supports c-span as a public service along with the other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> on saturday, live coverage of the principles first summit focused on advancing center right politics and featuring speakers critical of former president donald trump and his 2024 candidacy. speakers include former republican national committee chair michael steele and bush-era attorney general
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alberto gns les. watch live at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span. c-span now, our free mobile video app. or online at >> a healthy democracy doesn't just look like this. it looks like this. where americans can see democracy at work. when citizens are truly informed, our republic thrives. get informed, straight from the source. on c-span. unfiltered, unbiased, word-for-word. from the in addition's capital to wherever you are. because the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is what democracy looks like. c-span, powered by cable. >>d of the south carolina g.o.p. presidential primary, nickey haley sak with voters at a ral in myrtle beach. she urged unity with american nato allies following remarks by former president trump when he said he'd


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