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tv   Rep. Dan Bishop Stephen Miller and Texas AG Ken Paxton at CPAC  CSPAN  February 25, 2024 5:44pm-6:12pm EST

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>> this is where globalism goes to die. [applause] >> [speaking another language] >> this november, we will see trump return and then we will see the return of conservatism around the world. [applause] >> [speaking another language] >> a month after trump's reelection, we will have cpac japan on december eight in tojo. [applause] >> [speaking another language]
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>> and it's going to be a celebration of trump's victory and a conservative victory around the world and i would love for you all to come. [applause] >> [speaking another language] thank you. ♪ america. -- i've spent my whole life defending freedom in america. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is the american first bar association. please welcome from america first legal, stephen miller from north carolina, congressman dan bishop, texas attorney general ken paxton and your moderator
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from article three project, mike davis. [applause] ♪ >> thank you. hi. [laughter] >> thank you for joining us today. we will talk with this distinguished panel about three different topics. the democrats'unprecedented, i call republic ending welfare against president trump, his top aides and supporters and parents and christians. we will talk about big tech, google, amazon, facebook and apple and why they are a major problem in america and we will talk about immigration.
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we have 26 minutes to get through with three very big topic so we will start with the welfare. president trump right now faces 91 charges from four different democrat prosecutions across america, 700 years in prison for non-crimes. the non-crime of objecting to a presidential election, the non-crime of paying back, the non-crime of paying back sophisticated wall street banks on time and full with interest. that's the civil law street -- lawsuit. we see alvin bragg, the soros appointed d.a. bringing unprecedented indictments against president trump for settling a nuisance claim and they've somehow turned that into the first indictment ever against a former president and future president of the united
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states. we have an attorney general from texas ken paxton [applause] we have a future attorney general from north carolina, dan bishop, our great congressman [applause] >> and then we have all-star stephen miller [applause] that's our panel today and let's start with general paxton. what should we be doing in response to this unprecedented welfare against president trump, his top supporters, his attorneys, january 6 supporters, parents and christians, you are the victim of this welfare in texas where you had the house speaker impeaching you for non-crime so how will we fight back? >> you said 700 how many years? mine is only 204.
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i am on the low end. the democrats always support their own whether they are guilty or not guilty. republicans tend to distance themselves from any kind of controversy related to legal and we can't do that anymore. not only do we have to embrace our people, but we have to support them financially and with our words. we can't run from it because they are destroying us with the legal system. the way the legal system is structured, they send you to court in liberal counties with liberal judges, liberal juries all the way up the line. instead of applying the law, they apply politics and your name is all that matters. if your name is donald, your guilty, if your name is ken paxton, your guilty. i won't name anyone else but that's the way it works. we don't stand behind their own people, they will take everybody down that stands up for the people. >> i would say this about ken paxton, he is a target because
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he's been the tip of the spear leading the effort to hold big tech accountable [applause] > he's been the tip of the spear on immigration. they are trying to take him out. i joke that i will be trump's attorney general which is not possible because there is that pesky thing called senate confirmation. ken paxton would be a fantastic attorney general. [applause] >> key is a future attorney general in north carolina, dan bishop. what would you do about this and how should we respond as a movement? >> we have to fight back. that's what ken paxton's example is been in texas. in north carolina, we elected a republican -- we haven't elected it republican attorney general since 1896. we've been right on the precipice of it. serving in congress, there is an
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open seat in north carolina and we need more soldiers on the field who can make a difference like ken has done in texas. the state attorney general tool is one of the most effective the tool bag. we've got to fight back. it's another aspect of what can just said that among people who tend to be conservative, the fact that someone brings a charge, no matter how crazy or how inventive or novel the application of a particular statute to allege a crime, people tend to be repelled or pullback. they pullback and respectful fear or disconnection. when you see the corruption we've seen in the system, that no longer can be the case. we got to lean in. we've also got to use every tool at our disposal to fight them back. that's why i'm going to run for north carolina's attorney general. [applause] >> stephen, what's your response to this warfare?
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>> good morning cpac. it's great to see so many people here at this panel today. this is the most important conversation topic i think you could possibly have an american now. the fact that you all here says you understand that. i'm honored to be on this panel with three incredible legal minds and legal warriors. i want to say that let's give around of applause to the future attorney general. [applause] >> the only way out of this nightmare is going to be filling every legal office in this country with dan bishop's and ken paxtons. that's the short answer. this is exactly who should be here for this conversation for that reason. there is something very broken in the conservative brain and has been for a long time. call it a mental illness, call it a spiritual failing, call it
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a moral deficiency, call it a weakness or softness or just being pathetic [laughter] >> there is something really broken in the conservative brain. they are afraid not only of conflict, we know that but there is a deeper fear which is having power and using power. conservatives are addicted to the language of libertarianism. which is fine. it's a terrible ideology but in inaccurate -- but in an academic setting, have these debates. in the real world, you elect a d.a. or a judge in judges are elected throughout the country. you elect the state supreme court justice, you elect an attorney general and so on and so forth to have an office with specific powers, duties and responsibilities with the
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expectation that they will use that authority to defeat evil, protect the good and accomplish positive change in society. you have to use that power fearlessly. you have to measure your success by what is actually happening in the world. it may seem like a tangential point but it's not. conservatives passed laws all the time that say do this and don't do that area they don't actually change anything in the real world once the laws have been passed.a number of states for example have passed laws saying that you can have this in the curriculum or you can't have that and you can't teachdei and so forth. without exception, i can promise you all the commies in the classroom changed the name of their lecture and change one word, change one little paragraph in the syllabus and did the exact same dam thing every single day because they are communist and that's what they do.
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were they arrested? no. did any d.a. anywhere arrest somebody for abusing children with trans ideology? no, we write blog posts about it and as long as that continues to be the case, we will lose the country, we will fail in all we will have is a record of all the times we whined and complained and did actually nothing. until we get serious all the way down to the local d.a. up to the state ag in every office in between including judges, electing people who have power and will use that power and measure their success by changing the real world, then we aren't going to beat the left and that's the honest truth. [applause] >> we have to be smart how we fight back against the left. right now, there is a bill working its way through the
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florida legislature. it's well-intentioned and allows , it makes it easier to sue media companies for defamation. the problem is, it sounds great and i'm all about suing cnn and the washington post and the other ideologues that attack on a daily basis. the problem is the left has more trial lawyers, more money and with they will use this law in florida to go after conservative media, christian broadcasters, independent hispanic media outlets who are leftist. that's the problem. you've been pretty vocal, stephen miller. what's your response to this florida bill? >> let's see if i can do this in 30 seconds. we all want to go after the big corporate media. you have to write laws that actually go after the enemy. neutral laws will be used to crush us.
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they will be used to obliterate us. look at what new york did when they went ever donald trump. the law was unconstitutional but they changed a lot to go after one man. if you have a lot in florida that says it easier to punish people for defamation, what you think will happen? every left-wing trial lawyer in the country will move to florida and sue the hell out of every conservative influencer and everyone else. write the law so it protects your friends and harms the bad guys. otherwise you are handing them a sword to run through you. [applause] >> congressman, what should we do? >> here's an example of something that is carefully targeted. last summer, the united states supreme court said state attorneys general could no longer sue to hold the d.a. and department of homeland security accountable when secretary mayorkas brazenly violates immigration law.
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the supreme court in that same opinion invited congress to confer standing specifically on attorneys general it wanted to do so. the judiciary committee has a bill that will do exactly that, re-extend the power to state attorneys general. that will work well without opening up a pandora's box. >> general paxton, you have been the tip of the spear on the fight against big tech, google, amazon, facebook and apple, and he is the guy who came up with the legal theory to go after online advertising from facebook. they use that money to promote their woke agenda. the use that money to cancel conservatives. he got made fun of this legal theory many years ago when he came up with it, now the biden justice department and attorneys general across the country are going along with general paxton's legal theory. he has truly been the warrior on big tech.
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we have a problem with big tech. google, amazon, facebook and apple have gatekeeping power in this country over information and commerce in the use that gatekeeping power to silence conservatives and crush small businesses. we see this where people say if you don't like twitter, build your own so parler came along and what happened? you had google and apple cake parler out of the app store duopoly and amazon kicked parler off the internet. if we did not have a benevolent billionaire with elon musk making this terrible investment and buying twitter, we would not have free speech online in this country. [applause] >> and we shouldn't have to rely on benevolent billionaires to have free speech in this country. that's why what general paxton is doing in texas is important. we also have amazon.
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amazon is essentially china's shopping mall. they do china's bidding, they are crushing small businesses in america and they are making a lot of money doing that. amazon has this great image in america we need to change that because, if you think of amazon, think of china. i would put it to you about your fight against big tech and what we need to be doing. >> i had the great opportunity of working with stephen miller when he was in the white house. it was our go to on ideas and we work with the trump administration. he starts off like this and he's like a professor. and then he can take 30 seconds in five minutes later, he's up here and he's like a preacher. i love it. [applause] >> he is truly amazing. i wanted to say one more thing about welfare, it's not just about the liberals and democrats doing this.
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i've had more trouble with republicans doing this to me. we need to be aware. the people i'm dealing with in our texas house who let the democrats run things in the karl rove's of the world who enjoy the same kind of push abusing the legal system to take out their enemies, republicans. we need to be aware it's not just liberal democrats doing this. it's some in our own party and we need to hold them accountable. i will say that. [applause] >> you see the same phenomenon in the u.s. house and the congress. republicans have stopped us from seeing the big tech firms are reined in. we have to be able to do it together and fight for something. unity alone absent purpose doesn't accomplish a thing. >> i agree with that. the beginning of my second term, we've been fighting the obama
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administration, trump had been elected so i thought that war is over. little did i know, we would have obama 3.0 with joe biden even worse. i knew we needed to figure out what was going on with tech company so i spent months going to palo alto in the silicon valley and talking to professors and technology experts and meeting with the microsoft people that sued -- they got sued for antitrust efforts. out of all of that i think came for lawsuits against google, facebook lawsuit, twitter lawsuit and those have been extreme the effective. the most effective was one no one thought made sense and we called it adtech where google dominates advertising on the intertech -- on the internet, 97%. they make $120 billion per year and they destroy companies and increase prices on consumers and there is no competition. we applied that theory and no one thought it was legit but here we are four years later
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even after they tried to move us out of texas to new york, we found a way back that helped us get a bill to allow it to control our own destiny. this loss and it was scheduled against google. we have already had successful lawsuits against them. it won't just take back money they've stolen from us that they bubble -- illegally obtained by being anticompetitive and using unfair trade practices, it's also designed to change the structure of these companies so that that it can't stop us from can indicate, so they don't control our free speech. if the government indirectly can control our speech through these companies, the first amendment is gone. we have to find a way and that's what we are doing. [applause] >> we believe in the free market but that requires a functioning market. if you have these trillion dollar big tech monopolists using their market power to crush competition, shutter small businesses and cancel conservatives, we don't have a
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functioning market. we don't have a free market and that's why it's important we have people like general paxton at the tip of the spear for many years going after big tech. i will turn to dan bishop, what would you do as the north carolina attorney general, i presume you will team up with general paxton on these issues? >> absolutely. another example that developed lately -- there's got to be effective working relationships between state attorney general and republicans in congress to reinforce what each other is trying to do. we just saw an event the other day where blackrock and then citigroup bailed out of this organization, this climate 100 organization, to force esg through their dominance of the market. ag's did the same thing. they came out and said this appears to be a violation of american antitrust law. and we will pursue you if you don't stop. on the judiciary committee, we
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sent out letters asking for documents and sure enough, they also have scattered like rats leaving the ship. we will keep looking for opportunities like that. we will work closely with other republican attorneys general across the nation. what we are trying to do and what stephen miller has done with america first legal, we are pursuing the law. we are trying to enforce the law, not abuse it by circumventing it through the position of executive authority. whether you see that homeland security or the experiences can has talked about, that has to be stopped and that is ultimately our strength is conservatives. we support the rule of law but we've got to be more aggressive as stephen suggested in getting after it and showing we don't hesitate to use enforcement power to pursue the law. >> it's called the rule of law, not the suggestion of law. [applause] >> conservatives talk about the phrase rule of law all the time but they forget the first
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word's rule. when democrats break the law come you bring it smashing down on them. that's the rule of law. [applause] >> we will end with this noncontroversial topic, immigration. [laughter] >> we have president biden importing 10 million people into this country. a lot of these people are unvented, they don't share our values and don't want to assimilate. i will start this with stephen miller who is been the tip of the spear on immigration. what should we be doing in a trump 47 administration to fix this disaster, this invasion of our southern border? >> the immigration issue is extremely simple. the policies involved in fixing it are very complicated. the simple part is seal the border, in -- export all the illegals. [applause]
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>> that's the short answer. you get in and you have two policy objectives you proceed with. seal the border. nobody goes in and everyone here goes out.that's very straightforward. in terms of the policy steps to accomplish this is president trump showed in his first term, it's a series of interlocking domestic and foreign policies to a compasses goal. to rattle off a few -- you have your remain in mexico, finish the wall, robust prosecution of illegal aliens, you do interior repatriation back to mexico. it's very important. you reimplement title 42. we have several muscular assets that are been authorities.we did a few of those in the trump administration and you would bring was back in and new ones. you establish large-scale station grounds for removal flights where you grab illegal immigrants and move them to the staging ground and that's where
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planes are waiting to remove them to go home. you deputize the national guard to carry out immigration enforcement and you deploy the military to the southern border not just with a mission to observe but with an impedance and denial mission. you reassert the fundamental constitutional principles that you don't have a right to enter into a sovereign territory or even request the asylum claim.the military has the right to establish a position on [applause] >> and all of the things that you laid out we have to have a president to do it and you can proceed in the way when your candidate is unsure.
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it's obvious what has to occur in you have to be willing to do it. i look at this panel of wallflowers you won't have any problem. i've never been on a panel where i was the most easy-going guy. this has been clear with our politics and our nation's survival depends on that kind of aggressiveness. >> what we need to do to fix this problem? >> is so obvious we have seen what works under trump enforcing the things he talked about and as soon as day one bite inside were not deporting anyone.
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he dismantled remain in mexico and title 42 and wasted the resources to build the wall and paid contractors not to work. catch and release started up again. all of the policy that brought the numbers down, he reversed the policies and those numbers went up. i don't know why the media can't figure this out in joe biden is in partnership with the cartels. this is true. he has told them bring as many people as you possibly can you don't have to hide from us. unless they are terrorist or
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really bad criminals. this is exactly what they want, it's all designed by our own government so we are at war with the cartels, the chinese and our own president against the united states. we have to have a new president because this is not working. >> that is the end, thank you so much. ♪ ponsoring terrorism. ladies and gentlemen please welcome mark levin.


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