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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  February 27, 2024 4:03pm-5:04pm EST

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education, equality, consumer and worker protections, and inflation. watch "free to choose," saturday at 7:00 p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span2. >> if you ever miss any of c-span's coverage, you can find it anytime online at videos of key hearings, debates, and other events feature markers of interesting and newsworthy highlights. these markers appear on the right height -- right hand side of your screen when you hit play on videos. it makes it easy to quickly get an idea of what was debated and decided in washington. scroll through and spend a few minutes on c-span's points of interest.
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>> charter is buildg 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter communications supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. ♪ to "washington journal." we will start with some polls that just came out on this issue. how serious -- the first one asks, how serious an issue is illegal immigration in the u.s.? 84% said very serious or somewhat serious. 15% said not to serious or not serious at all. the second question is your view of a border wall between the u.s. and mexico. those in favor were 53%, and those opposed to a border wall were 46%. there was also other questions.
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61% say immigrants seeking political asylum at the border should be made to stay in mexico while their claims are processed. 35% say they should be allowed in the u.s. while they wait. anabt violent crime, 32% thin illegal immigrants are more likely than other americans to commit violent crimes likra or murder. 24% say illegal immigrants are less likely to commit such crimes. 39% say they are just as likely. about jobs, 28% of the public feels that illegal immigrants take jobs away from american citizens. 62% say illegal immigrants fill jobs that americans do not want. we are taking your calls this morning on that topic, those kinds of questions, if you would like to weigh in on that, you can. let's take a look at what president biden said about the border.
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here he is. [video clip] >> the bipartisan agreement presents the most humane reforms in a long time. it also poses the toughest way to secure the border in history. the border patrol chief himself said they need more people. we need more agents on the line. our bipartisan bill got the border patrol agents they need. they hired 1500 more agents and officers. 100 immigration judges. 4300 more asylum officers. we get asylum decisions in months instead of years. right now they get a recent and get put in the country and say come back in seven years. come back in seven years when we are able to hear your case. it provides more inspection to detect and stop fentanyl from coming across the border.
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it funds to help shelter migrants. as a win for the future of the american people, but that as we all know, politics intervene. we choose to vote on the bill. again, significant support. every republican i have talked to, republican colleagues, the votes are on the floor to pass that bill. all of a sudden, people start to go silent. they are in a tough spot. tell that to the border patrol. they support this bill. tell that to the national chamber of commerce. tell that to the wall street journal that supports this. there are governors in this room support it. strong minorities oppose it but a significant majority of the house and senate support it.
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folks, doing nothing is not an option. host: that was president biden on friday talking to a group of governors at the white house. let's hear from former president trump. this is from his victory speech after the south carolina primary talking about the border. [video clip] >> you look outside and you see all of the horror. you see millions and millions of people coming across the border illegally. we don't know where they come from. they come from jails, prisons, all sorts of places that we don't want to know. they come from mental institutions and insane asylums, and we don't want that in our country. we are not going to stand for it. we are not going to stand for it. you have terrorists coming in, people coming in. we just can't do this. no country could sustain what is happening to the united states of america. no country. so we are going to straighten things out. the border is the worst it has ever been. 2016, we won, and we had a bad border.
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i talked about the border, talked about it a lot and said we will fix it. we fixed it very quickly, and in 2020 we could not talk about it although we got millions of more votes the second time. host: we are taking your call on the border. we will start with charles in san diego, california, border state. go ahead, charles. caller: yes, good morning. thank you so much for taking my call, and i cannot tell you how much i enjoy this program just hearing different ideas. i am a democrat in san diego, and i really feel that what joe biden needs to do at this point in time is to flip the script. if i was in joe biden's camp, when i go to the border, i would say, my esteemed colleague, mr. trump, started a wall. we need to finish it. as up-to-date we need to close -- as of today, we need to close the border, because trump is using this as a wedge issue. he is very divisive.
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it is very dangerous to our democracy. thanks again for taking my call. host: what are you seeing in san diego? how are things there with migrants? caller: i see really very little of it. i live near the beach. i guess the biggest thing is every once in a while a boat will wash up on the beach. human smuggling going on. people are running for freedom. but as far as my day-to-day, i see very little. there is a huge labor shortage. we need more workers. i think in a sense, we need more immigrants. but this is such a wedge issue. i think biden really needs to flip the script of mr. trump with regards to the wall. host: we hope mills in north carolina, north carolina. caller: good morning, how are you? my position on the border is joe
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biden actually is not in a position to even make the speech he just made. one of the very first -- host: willie? caller: yes, one of the very first things he did in office was undid title 42. the moment he did that, the gates were open. now he turns around and says i will fix the border. you broke it. the other thing as it pertains to the border, i am here in north carolina. i have been here three years. i see as >> we are going to take you live put linda wear a georgia superior court continues to hear about alleged misconduct about fani willis. >> i think that is a fair point
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that if you have been confronted with a particular text, that would have been the time to admit it. all right, so we have a newly compiled 39. all right, regardless, if that is now what is being discussed, again, we can excuse him at this point. take care. that is right.
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[indiscernible] >> so where are you with defense? >> right.
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[indiscernible] >> sure. >> that they are not able to understand. i don't really understand. can you will look at it? >> what is the purpose of the data? >> told him that there were a lot of follow-up questions on it, so i realized ok, they should not be. other people were referring to my texts. >> ok. >> [indiscernible] >> ok. all right, so is there any particular text message in there you think is not effective? i understand you are saying one of them has already been admitted. but otherwise, just having an
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omnibus, all-around text messages, is there a case objection, any kind of objection like that? >> yes. i think that is the problem. for example, if the state were to cross divide the specific chain, they would be an objection, because the state would be making the determination into what is relevant. really all of the information should be turned over come and if the party still objects, which part of the conversations are relevant or not? i don't have all of the conversation. the conversation starts in september, a few text messages, and then a few more. should ms. marquez has determined those -- miss morgan's has determined those are not relevant. it is not for her to determine
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that. attempting to admit that she did not confront the witness, which would be my objection, but the relevance can only be determined if we have the full chain. but she has determined which ones are relevant. that is your job. >> sure. didn't she try to do the full chain as an exhibit just a moment ago? >> no, we don't have the full chain. the full chain is text messages that begin in september and then continue down. they are on her phone. >> all right, miss merchant. >> not a problem. let me just go through them one by one. >> can you just hand them to me? i can read them. mr. gillen, what do you have to add?
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>> [indiscernible] their job and somebody who has admitted that they have an objection because the context is not appropriate, they then move -- so a little easier than their failure to comply completely, once they have the material, and in the last hearing, they take the screenshot. >> is now being attended? >> i don't think it is. what is happening here is this person tried several different ways to get it in. she wanted everything in, and they objected to that. the sentencing that the witness
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has been asked about, and that's what she's trying to do. my full list, determining completely, that they wanted something that shows two be complete, that is on them. >> sure. last point here. >> i had very little time with ms. merchant's cell phone. i had one little time to send myself one text message before ms. merchant asked for her phone back to die did not have the opportunity to screenshot every missing part of the conversation. mr. gillen is saying should be done but cannot be done if i don't have the information. there are many of the text messages, screenshots that you have pointed out that were not used to confront mr. bradley or his recollection. so they are inadmissible
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evidence. if you would miss the opportunity, it was the defense counsel. >> all right, i don't think we need to go back and forth any further. ms. merchant, you said to print out a complete chain, mr. bradley, which you began corresponding. i will give you a chance to do that, and you can follow up by email without exhibit. it will be the complete chain without any deletions or removals, exhibit 39. ms. merchant: at 1:57, when he texted himself a screenshot, i literally rode him, do you want any other screenshots? i have nothing to hide. >> all right, we are done. ok, i will wait to hear back from you all on exhibit 39, and is there anything else to take up before we discuss friday?
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just kind of really open to the floor. seeing men, i believe i asked him put it out there among the defense counsel to be considering how they would like to organize their arguments on friday. have there been any decisions reached on that? ms. merchant: we are going to be making a decision on that. >> in terms of subject matter or something like that? >> and time limits. >> yeah. that is the idea. >> ok, great. >> what is it that you are asking for? we will start there. i'm just kind of curious. >> i don't think we can answer that right now. if you divide it up, then you can go with that.
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now we find out that we can divide it up, for the interest of all, and for the weekend -- >> ok. i will get that from you. to the point of i think the state recently filed their own motion to, i think it is set to reopen, the evidence to another witness, and i got to read it very briefly, the alternative would like to reopen the evidence. i would like to clarify that. my thoughts there, what i think we have to do friday, and what i would like to do on the issue of the cell phone analysis and this other affidavit found by the state today is that both parties many party, rather, can make any allegations they want,
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any counter arguments they want to, and at this point i need to be hearing arguments in the law and what we've heard so far. if i think i can reach a ruling based on that, i will. however, if i think the proper is going to make a material determinant at that point, we can reopen the evidence at that point. the bottom line is on friday, the intention is we are still sticking with the argument, but the parties are free to address some issues that have been brought up post hearing. >> your honor excuse me, sorry. i'm alive and well with a quick question. that is the gist, but we don't have to have a witness present on friday. judge mcafee: friday is just the argument, and once i hear that if i find there is material bearing on the outcome, then we can reopen the evidence and have it properly admitted and
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authenticated and subject to cross-examination. >> thank you. judge mcafee: ms. merchant? ms. merchant: i just wanted to know -- judge mcafee: actually, what i think we are going to do is what i suggested before, give you a time block and you use and how you think it will best be affected -- effective. there is a lot covered in the evidence but i will plan to rule on it at the same time as well. i believe that you. mr. gillen? we do? mr. gillen: i thought we did. judge mcafee: if you have arguments about forensic misconduct or anything like that, this will be the time for that as well. email, no, i've talked about that, and things evolved. we did not actually send out a
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notice adding any other motions, but we have some trials starting next week, the next two weeks. we have some homicide trials already scheduled, so i will be following up with you all to schedule the rest of the pretrial motions that we have. >> on friday, we have 1:00 on the issue of disqualification. judge mcafee: that's right, all things disqualification. anything from the state or any other defense, counsel? all right, thank y'all, we are off the record. go to the border, in the back country, i go there all the time, and people scale overcome, under, around the wall. in san diego, we just exhausted
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all of our funding for legal asylum-seekers in the processing centers and now they are dumping -- border patrol is dumping off asylum-seekers at bus stations. it is a mess. just be honest with yourself. get sources in the news. we have a problem in our country. we need workers, yes. but there is a legal way we have to do this. host: when you say they are going around and under the wall, are you in favor of a border wall and to complete the border wall? caller: absolutely. i talk to the border agents. it is a funnel. it helps them. it follows the asylum-seekers to them and makes their job easier. of course, we don't want a wall with razor wire and all of that,
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but we have to fix the problem. we are either going to have open borders or not. or something in between. that is what we have now. so just please be honest with yourself, democrats, and charles especially in san diego. you know better. listen to the news, not just one side of the news. host: all right. rob in new york, democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i have a comment on this. last year, september 25, a person of venezuela that the president of venezuela announced he had -- the president of venezuela announced he had control. he just recently announced that he is no longer going to take back any people that came over here, into new york or wherever
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-- that came into new york or wherever. that is all i want to say. host: here is the article that the previous caller mentioned about the tragic killing. this is fox news. ice confirms georgia student murder suspect entered u.s. illegally, was previously arrested in new york city, was arrested by nypd in september of 2023 for child endangerment but released before detainer issued. ivan is also in san diego. good morning, ivan. caller: good morning. speaking about the first caller, i don't know how little she claims activity -- i have been
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in san diego for 50 years. i have a home basically 20 minutes from the border. we are busing them in ridiculously. i don't know what beach she was added but imperial beach is packed. they are putting them on the coronado. they are giving them $2200 a month on debit cards. they are bringing them to the border. and the ones who are walking the wall, they walk that wall all the way to the beach and come around the wall that comes to the sand of the beach. one lady had her baby on the other site of that wall. the minute she came around that wall, she went into labor and had her baby. everything has gone bad in san diego. downtown is atrocious.
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they had a hepatitis outbreak from all of the rats and garbage. they are sleeping in the airport. they closed down the mall. i don't know how anybody with common sense or eyes cannot say there is a problem at the border. in joe biden's feeble attempt to go to the border now is -- they have done nothing to help. they are coming into the suburbs by the hundreds. i have been by eastlake for 27 years, and just recently, i am selling. i cannot take it over here. my sister is up the street from me and she wants to move. she cannot retire. it is getting so bad in every suburb of san diego. i want to hear these democrats defend an open border.
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anybody that cannot vote to continue the border wall is beyond my comprehension. we need the wall. thank you. host: this is the statement from the white house on that border trip. it says presidenn will travel to brownsville, texas, to meetith u.s. border patrol agent, law enforcement he will discuss the urgent need to pas the senate bipartisan er surityment the toughest andst s of formto secure the border in decades. heill reiterate his calls for congssional republicans to stop playing politics and to provide the funding needed for additional u.s. border patrol agent, more asylum officers, fentanyl detection technology, and more. and we will get to also the statement put out by the trump campaign. it says this. ick the joe biden has had e years to visit the border and fixed the crisis he created.
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him there on the same dayending that president that same day as president trump's publicly reported trip, nause they want to solve the problem but because they know bs losing terribly. last-minute insincere atmpt to the border is not going to cut it. americans know biden is responsible for the worst immigration crisis in history and the ensuing biden migrant crime crisis affecting every community in our country. that is from the trump press secretary for the trump campaign. and we will hear from jeff in north carolina, republican. hi. caller: how are you doing? host: good. caller: i don't like the other people interrupting and hanging up on republicans. i appreciate you. anybody that opens up the southern border and allows division in this country is a traitor.
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joe biden is a traitor. he is a traitor for taking things from our enemies. look how many people have died, how many american citizens have died and our soldiers since biden was in office. i lost my daughter from fentanyl, fentanyl poison. we lost 100,000 people from fentanyl. look at georgia. a piece of crap illegal venezuelan. i am so sick and tired of hearing the democrats. my president, donald trump. i was so glad he will be back in office. it is just terrible. it has been chaos and the whole world has been in chaos. we have to get trump back. and i am going to love to see all of these --
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caller: how are you doing today? you have to remember we had a border deal between two parties and the other party let donald trump how they should do it and when you start pointing fingers, we need to stop blaming one another and listen to the real deal. when he was in office what did he do? nothing. they are playing this game which is not fair. if you look at it, in order to understand it they need these people because they need them in jobs we don't take what we don't want to accept that. i listen to this and it's all
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garbage. when people sit down and look at it, they have a bipartisan deal and they slammed it. they said to wait on trump to get into the office? you don't want a bipartisan deal. host: they say president biden had the authority to fix them order without the deal, why hasn't he done it? caller: how can you fix the border? they can't fix the border and people come together, but parties. all of this is a blame game. host: are you voting in the michigan primary?
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caller: yes, i am. and i am not voting for trump. all of the world they are looking at us. if this were obama doing all of this stuff what would people think? host: on the and scott perry said the house gop should cancel biden state of the union address. he is the former house freedom caucus chair. he is calling mike johnson from stopping biotin speech next month. [video clip]
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senator chuck schumer said house republicans need their time to sort themselves out to block extremists to do the right thing. i think he is talking about you when he calls out extremist. are you going to agree to another continuing resolution? >> thus the normal contempt from the left and joe biden, we would like to see our southern border secured. the letter they sent over mentions ukraine 12 times. we could see what the priority is and it is not america. let's get real about this and talk about what is flaking america. the wide open border and the cost-of-living. that is what we should be
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discussing and if that is extreme that's where most americans are. >> president biden believes the state of the you and address is going to be a reset for him. you talk about the open border which the republicans have failed to secure. now you're talking about prohibiting biden from visiting congress? what kind of leverage will you have to get the border secured? a student is dead because some migrant who came from venezuela through the open border in el paso, texas. >> we have foreign nationals pouring in and deaths rising across america we need to use
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every point of leverage including's pending and that address to the people from congress. he comes at the invitation of congress and there is no reason we should invite him to get more propaganda and blame the american people for the crisis because. on day one, he counter failed the last administrations efforts on the border. host: iris is next from alabama. caller: i think you do a great job. i would like to see open for a multi-thong. if i remember correctly, it was donald trump was the first time i ever heard about a caravan.
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it was a deal i feel that he made with the mexican president. we throw at ukraine, at the border and now we need to throw it at the border for the united states. we need to stop this. take care of the cartel there are as bad as hamas. i think people need to stay at home. let's take some of this money and protect their own borders and what is happening here. he could easily write that into their proposal and i don't know why anyone would not agree to that. host: let's hear from diane in georgia. caller: thank you for taking my
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call. i have experience with hispanics in dalton. i had to give up my home to move and get away from them. i would not let them mow my yard. host: when you said they threatened you can you explain that? caller: i called 17 times in the law would not do anything about it. every time i come out my door, when are you going to move?
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just like they kill that young girl. and that is on biden's hands too. and people are tired of it.
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have 4, 5 kids. the children are hanging off of them. it is a mess. they don't know where to put them. the place where new yorkers can go, real new yorkers, they can't go anywhere. they are flying in from different states. this is all being done by ngos doing this on purpose. host: you and another caller mentioned the mayorkas impeachment. a lack of clear rules is
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frustrating house managers. we might fall on her face. the house managers serve as prosecutors and argued the impeachment case before the senate but they have been given no clear guidance the role they can play or win the house will transmit the articles to the senate. tom is calling from holland, michigan. caller: thank you for taking my call. the guy prior to me hit the nail on the head. it is by design. it is the deep state that is controlling biden/harris. biden is just the figure for what the deep state wants to control this country. watching another news program the other night, they had a
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couple of journalist from the guardian and they said the threat to democracy in the united states are rural, white voters and i thought i am that person and i look at what is happening in this country and it is being destroyed. i'm 68 years old i worked my guts out to help this country and in less than one administration everything we worked for is being torn apart and dissolved and i don't understand what the target is other than to destroy the country. i think they want slave labor.
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he says he sides with unions but he really wants to destroy the economic system so that it become socialist and the government will have to control everything. host: we talked about jobs and the question was, do migrants take jobs away from americans where are they doing the jobs americans don't want to do? where do you land on that? caller: here's my take, covid destroyed everything and that was their gateway. when covid had they shut down our economy and started handing out money. it's like a gateway drug.
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you get money for not doing anything and there are some people who were making more money on covid than working and then people started complaining and we have so many bankruptcies. it doesn't make a difference how much money some people make is all about what you do with it when you get it. host: diane in ohio, a democrat. caller: first of all, people talking about fentanyl and drugs , those drugs are coming in on trucks and on cars from white
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americans. you blame the right people. the employers who hire people who are not u.s. citizens, that is on them. that's not on biden. it's the people who own the businesses and thank god for biden and harris. they are trying to get the united states together and because of these people coming in, the migrants. our incomes are better in living standards or butter. are better. host: how would you rate biden
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on the border? caller: i think he is trying his best considering that congress is not giving him the money. he can't do anything without money. why do they have to wait seven years to be condemned? host: what about the idea of them having to stay in mexico? caller: the only problem with that, they are helping our economy. why can't we get enough judges to get into this country illegally so they can work? you're cutting up your nose to spite your face. we need them here.
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host: let's talk to rob it in being to him, new york. caller: i saw christopher wray at the house meetings and he said that al qaeda was in all 50 states. the recent one i saw he said the drug cartels are in all 50 states and red lights are going up all over. this happened under joe biden. he opened the borders after he said he wanted people to storm the border. elections have consequences. we all know it was stolen but this is what we get. it's time for people to wake up. host: colleen in california on the border. caller: good morning mimi.
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i think our country needs to become united and we need to stop this on the republican, i am a democrat. we have the greatest country in the world and for us to be able to say we can't control our border and the influx of migrants. i can't believe that. we have one of the greatest military and to allow these politicians to run road until this they can't control it. it's a bunch of garbage. host: what do you think needs to happen at the border? caller: i am not a trump supporter, i am a republican. the state in mexico seemed to like it worked during trump's tenure and i think we need to
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get a grip on this. for people to say the influx of migrants, we do need good people to help with work. but it has to be orderly, it has to be where people are feted and there is a way we can do this. there are so many great minds in this country that it can be figured out. i would love to see a spreadsheet. they say they pay taxes that benefit us but i would like to see a spreadsheet for how many they are contributing. the hospitals, schools, everything is being depleted. i am 30 miles away from san
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diego. host: let's talk to mike in long island, new york. caller: the deep state idiots and the maga people. donald trump of the republicans could have fixed this in the two years where they had the house and the senate. they could have built a hundred feet high. they spent two years trying to overturn obamacare. they don't fix it because of financial arm of the republican party wants labor, meant to come in here and keep down wages. this is the only issue that they have in they will not fix it because they won't have any more issues except stopping abortions
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of all the other stuff. and drugs come in and trunks and ships from china, they don't come over the border. i would love to see them fix immigration but it has to be a law. trump stopped it because of covid which is why it was stopped. the republicans could have done it but they did not do it. they could have passed a law when he first came in to do whatever they want. put as many troops as they wanted to. they could've done anything. there was a young girl killed in iowa while jogging when trump
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was in there and it was an arranged worker who came over here. there is loads of happening. host: what do you mean arranged worker? caller: a contract worker. the people on the other side of the break her, they need workers and they arrange for it. it's legal. they come over and it is planned. the sky killed the girl jogging and iowa and they quickly forgot about that point. i wish they would fix the border. it's the only thing joe biden has not done yet and hopefully they can do it soon. host: let's take a look at the washington examiner. the gop needs speaker johnson to
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be better and he spoke to cnn and posted part of that interview on his account. [video clip] >> we need to get into the mode of getting things done. >> what about the shutdown? >> we can avoid it but we need to get on with the deal rather than did their. -- dither. we need to the speaker to be better. >> wasn't a good idea to kill the bipartisan bill? >> i think bipartisanship is good wherever you can get it. host: phil, an independent in
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florida. caller: the people who crossover illegally, they are illegal immigrants by definition of the word. we don't need new laws, we have existing laws that a person who comes over our border illegally they are supposed to be apprehended and sent back to where they came from. host: the current law states that anyone who gets to the u.s. can claim asylum. caller: not 20 million people. we have laws and people are just being sent into all of these
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cities and buses and planes. here's my understanding. we have existing laws and they are not being performed. if another american breaks any kind of law they are arrested and they go through to process. we have immigration laws that are being broken and the officer who was supposed to apprehend them does not do his job he is held accountable and further up the line if other people in law enforcement are not doing their jobs, they are accountable to somebody. it seems like it's going all the way up the line. these people are coming in illegally so i think they need to be referred to as illegal immigrants. the power of language is amazing in a big part of this problem is
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the media and how it has classified the folks that come into our country illegally as migrants. host: i get your point but where running short on time. i want to get in leah. caller: i would like to send my sympathy to the family of the young woman beaten to death in georgia. our own people are killing each other. my biggest concern is with public schools. we have over 300 kids in our state who are homeless in our schools are having to provide meals in the summers for children with the parents can't
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feed them. we have a housing crisis and people are on waiting list for apartments and i feel like the system is getting ready to bust and when it does we will see pure chaos. host: >> on wednesday, the supreme court will hear a case in which the justices will decide whether an attachment that turns a weapon into a full assault weapon. you can watch on c-span, c-span now, >> get information from members of government in the palm of your hand when you preorder your copy of c-span's 2024
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