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tv   Senate Republican Leader Discusses Legislative Agenda  CSPAN  February 28, 2024 1:07am-1:25am EST

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we will address that in a timely manner, but again i'm of the first party of the country is our border and making sure it is secure. i believe the president can take executive authority right now today to change that and i told him that again today in person as i have said to him many times publicly and privately over the last several weeks. it is time for action. it is a catastrophe and it must up and we will get the government funding and keep working on that, so we will have more for you on tuesday. >> [indiscernible] >> -- calls for more money for more budget? [indiscernible] [indiscernible conversation] >> on capitol hill, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell also talked about efforts to keep the government funded.
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saying, under no circumstances does anybody want to shut the government down. and asked about the senate impeachment trial for homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas, he says he things it will be the best way to go forward. this is 15 minutes.
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but, better than we've done some years by getting this through, and then doing that balance a little bit later. >> president biden determine t ought to make a trip to the
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southern border after three years into his administration. people should make no mistake about it, this is president biden and the biden administration's crisis. it's created of their own making, it's totally avoidable, and they own this problem. you look at the numbers just alone, 7.2 5 million people apprehended trying to come across the border illegally. 1.7 million that doesn't include the unknown. that's almost 9 million people in three years. in this last year was a complete record, december was the biggest month ever in terms of apprehensions at the southern border. this is a huge crisis created by this administration, entirely of their own making. partly because, entirely because they came into office and decided they wanted to do away
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with trump administration policies that had been working in reverse course. basically, put up a big welcome sign and turn the border into an open border. so, the house of representatives has determined that secretary mayorkas has committed impeachable offenses. i believe the senate needs to hold a trial. i think this is such a miscarriage of the law and it is important that united states senators sit and hear, and the american people hear about this incredible crisis at our southern border, and people need to be held accountable. i think this is the way to do that. i'm going to make the argument. i'm sure the democrats will try to dismiss it, that we ought to be contacting a trial the united states senate determines. again, whether they are or are not impeachable offenses.
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quex joe biden and the democrats have squandered american strength, and as a result, they have surrendered the peace and it's evident all around the world. i have just gotten back from the middle east where i was with the wyoming air national guard. 140 members who were stationed in djibouti, africa. these wyoming soldiers are in the hotspot and they are face-to-face with iran. iran's goal is terrorism and death to america. iran funded who sees are attacking ships in the area with missiles as well as drones. joe biden is asleep at the switch. the day i got back we got more disturbing news about how asleep joe biden and the democrats have been. and that's with the report that this country is not doing what
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it needs to do to stop the flow and the sale of oil from iran to china. shadowy tanker ships have moved 59 million barrels of oil worth $2.8 billion. the oil ships, the tankers, have all ended up in china. the cash has ended up in iran. this is the money that iran has used one hundred 40 times to attack american soldiers in just the last four months. then the president's hapless secretary of treasury came to congress and testified, falsely, inadequately, incorrectly, that they are doing all that they can to stop this flow of oil. the democrats and joe biden are looking the other way as iran continues to outplay our diminished president. american weakness is on display
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all around the world. joe biden bumbles and what we see is russia, china, iran and north korea on the move. the american people deserve a strong president and a nation that is strong and safe and secure. >> i want you all to look at these two photos. one from 2016 and one from 2024. biden has to address his border disorder. he can do this. we recently learned about the death of 22-year-old lincoln riley, who was killed by an illegal immigrant that biden led
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across our border. the young man that killed blake and riley crossed into el paso illegally in 2022. he was released into the interior of our country, in just five months ago he was arrested in new york city for child endangerment. yet, even though he had been arrested, somehow, he was still able to go to georgia and take her life. too many families have been hurt by this biden border disorder. and i have been warning about these illegal immigrants that are crossing into the united states and the harm that they continue to cause in the united states of america, and that these perpetrators need to be
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fully prosecuted since an illegal immigrant, in 20, was able to kill this other young woman, sarah roots. those who have come illegally continue to break our laws. make no mistake, biden has just made it worse. he has the authority to do something today about this crisis, and yet, he refuses to do it. let's stop these deaths, let's stop these murders, let's patrol our border. biden, you can do it now, do it. >> good afternoon, every body. i would like to talk a little bit about lincoln riley and what we see with the illegal immigrant who has been arrested in her murder. if we think about it from a parent perspective or from a friend perspective, how many
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times throughout our lives do we think our children are in a safe place. we will go for a run on a college campus. in the middle of a very safe, safe area. the next thing you get is a call as a parent that your daughter has been brutally murdered. then you hear the circumstances of the person who has been arrested for murder. this is so, so avoidable. and it does lay right at the feet of president joe biden. this catch and release policy are the reasons his use of parole, is reason that one individual impacted that family and her friends for the rest of their lives. as joni just mentioned, i would implore the president to do something. to do something. it has been within his power. i think it's not even ironic, but a little bit laughable that you are reading reports where
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the president says, i might do an executive order. haven't we all been saying you can do executive orders like president trump did. you could've done this three years ago and maybe she would still be with us here today. for that reason and that reason alone, and all of the other issues that go along with not knowing who these folks are, where they are from, what their intentions are, what their criminal records are, president biden has got to do something, and do it quickly. on the appropriations front, on the appropriations committee there are two dates to remember, july 27, when we pass all of our appropriations bills as the appropriations committee bipartisan. senator schumer has neglected a step for november, the second date to remember, to put up three bills. we've had these dates out. they have been fully looked out -- looked at for people to look out for months now. there is no reason we cannot do with the leader said.
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which is to go to regular order for the first four bill and stop the charade of government shutdown, we can't do our work and it reverberates around the american public. the american public is worried about a couple things. safety. they are worried about when they go to the grocery store they are paying more than they paid for food in decades. they are worried about the education of their children. they are worried about the safety of our international men and women as they are deployed. i think the least we can do is to get senator schumer to put it to regular order, that these bills, to get them across the finish line and have the president sign them. >> three years ago joe biden appointed kamala harris as borders are. do you remember that? and, president biden said she speaks for me. and, is the most qualified
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person to do it. so where is the borders are now? she won't be with joe biden on the border later this week when he visits for only the second time as president. let's be clear. when the white house scrambles about what they should do, they said, ok, let's send the president down to the border, why? because he's got a political crisis on his hands. not because he wants to solve the border crisis. he has a national security crisis, but the white house sees it as a political crisis. so they send him down to the border for the photo are. i hope he finally opens his eyes without having his borders are, who speaks for him, with him, to see with the american people already know. the southern border is in chaos. 9 million illegals crossing and counting. record fentanyl flooding our
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country, record illegals -- from central asia today, who said they believe there are over 50,000 central agents who have come across the southern border just last year, and they are very concerned, there are individuals who are part of supers -- sleeper cells and part of terror attacks. the result of biden's border crisis is deadly. when will enough be enough? we've been rocked by the murder of lake and riley, in innocent 22-year-old nursing student in georgia. and it hits close to home as a father of two young women. when will enough be enough? mr. president, do your job and protect our homeland. >> over the weekend this senator
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endorsed -- >> i don't have any announcement about that today. quex leader mcconnell, he spoke about the speaker being optimistic, what do you see the path in the short amount of time to avoid a shutdown? is the senate going to wait for the house? >> i think we are getting close on the first four bills. hopefully that won't require any of the short-term cr. and hope springs eternal. >> the senator said he would support a full senate trial for alley huntsville mayorkas, would you also supported? >> i think that would be the best way to go forward. quick suit talk about speaker johnson's position on the meeting, even though he is prepared to bring it to the floor of the house? clicks you can ask the speaker
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about his views. i will give you mine. what i hope this at the house will take up the senate bill and let the house work its way. if they change it and send it back here, not only do we not want to shut the government down, we don't want the russians to win in ukraine. we have a time problem here in the best way to move quickly and get the bill to the president would be for the house to take up the senate bill and pass it. >> former president donald trump is the winner in michigan's republican presidential primary. here's a look at the current
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results, which as former south carolina governor nikki haley and second-place. republicans decided to award 16 of the 55 delegates based on these totals, the others will be allotted at a party convention being held this weekend. mr. trump has won every state gop contest up to this point. the next contest are caucuses in idaho, missouri and north dakota before super tuesday on march 5 win 15 states will hold republican primaries. a look here at the results of michigan's democratic presidential primary. president biden is the declared winner. the next percentage of voters are from people who remain uncommitted. many likely from those protesting president biden's handling of the israel-hamas conflict. the next primary for democrats will be on super tuesday, march 5. you can follow all of the results to each primary and caucus on our website, 2024.
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wednesy c-span, the supreme cot will hear airrms case on whether toresent bump stock attacks men's then allow it to operate like a fully aau style weapon. that's live at 10:00 a.m. eastern. the houses back at noon for general speeesollowed by legislative business at 2:00. members are considering several ll and the representative elect will be sworn into the house aftewiing a special election in new york's third district earlier this month to replace republican geoe santos, who was expelled from congress december. on c-span to the senate is back at 10:00 a.m. eastern to consider district court mitions for florida. and marjorie to be irs chief counsel. at 10:00 a.m. on cpan3, the senate judiciary committee holds a aring to examinehe recent spike in deaths at federal prisons. that's followed by defense


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