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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  February 28, 2024 6:30pm-8:00pm EST

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work with the chinese communist party link energy company cesc began when joe biden was vice president. they even gave hunter biden a diamond during this time to entice him to work with the company. the bidens received a $3 million payment as a thank you for work completed when joe biden was vice president shortly after joe biden left office. we learned this in our interviews. what was that $3 million for? they said it was a thank you for all the great work that vice president biden did inker pro te house will be in pro te proceedings will resume on questions previously postpone. votes will be taken in the following order. motions to suspend the rules and
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pass h.r. 6544 and h.r. 4984. the first electronic vote will be conducted the yeas and nays are ordered. the clerk will report the title. the clerk: h.r. 6544, a bill to advance the benefits of nuclear energy by enabling efficient, timely and predictable licensing, regulation and deployment of nuclear energy technology and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned
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coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote, the yeas are 365, the nays are 36. one is recorded as present.
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2/3 being in the affirmative, the rule is suspended and the bill is passed and the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. the speaker: the house will be in order. the house will be in order.
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the speaker: the house will be in order. the speaker: the chair lays before the house a communication. the clerk: the honorable the speaker, house of representatives, sir -- the speaker: the house will be in order. shhh! the clerk: the honorable the speaker, house of representatives, sir, i have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of the letter received from ms. christen sabrisky and raymond riley iii, new york state board of elections
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indicating that according to the unofficial results for the special election held on february 13,2024, the honorable thomas r.swasi was elected as representative to congress for the third congressional district of new york, signed kevin f. mccumber, acting clerk. the speaker: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? mr. nadler: i ask unanimous consent the member from new
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york, the honorable thomas suozzi take the oath of office today, his certificate of election has not arrived but there's no contest and no question has been raised with regard to his election. the speaker: without objection. will representative elect suozzi and members of the new york delegation present themselves in the well? the speaker: will all members rise and the representative elect please raise his right hand. do you solemnly swear or affirm
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you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic and you will bear true faith and allegance to the same and take this obligation freely without mental reservation or purpose of evasion and you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office which you are about to enter,o so help you god. mr. suozzi: i do. the speaker: congratulations.
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the speaker: welcome back. you're now a member of the 118th congress. without objection, the gentleman from new york is recognized for one minute. mr. nadler: thank you, mr. speaker. as dean of the new york delegation, it's my distinct honor to rise today to welcome our good friend, congressman tom suozzi to the people's house. the third district has elected a representative with experience, character and commitment to solve problems confronting everyday americans and deliver for its constituents. tom is also a great family man. he's a devoted father, husband, and public servant who uphold the values instilled to him by his family. he's devoted most of his adult life to public service, first as mayor of home down glenco for eight years and served as united states congressman for six years and county executive. while working to restore investments for the medical center? long island and looking to secure billions for new york for
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infrastructure funding, his record speaks for itself. he loves new york. he loves his country and his love for public service runs deep. he's the kind of person we need serving in this house at this moment and gives me great pleasure to reintroduce him as our colleague, the gentleman from new york, tom suozzi and i now wild to mr. suozzi. now yield to mr. suozzi. mr. suozzi: thank you, jerry, and the new york delegation and all my colleagues and friends and supporters who are here tonight. mr. speaker, i never thought i'd be back here. but the lord works in mysterious ways. and god made a way when there
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was no way. i thank god for blessing me with this great responsibility and i thank god for my best friend and partner for 30 years, my wife helene. she hates that. mr. speaker, on the night of my election victory, i promised the people of long island and queens i would deliver a simple message to this chamber. wake up. the people are sick and tired of the finger pointing and the petty partisan bickering. they want us to work together.
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they want you guys to work together, too, what are you doing? you're supposed to be clapping for that? i know there are so many good people in this chamber on both sides of the aisle. but people are worried about the cost of living. they're worried about the chaos at the border. they're worried about israel, gaza, and ukraine. they look to congress and what do they see? the storeys get all the attention. we're letting ourselves be bullied by our base. we aren't getting anything done. we need less chaos and more common sense.
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the last few months, i've talked to democrats, republicans, and independents, and they all ask the same thing, what about me? what are you doing for me? enough with the theater and the drama. enough with the hyperbole and histrionics and enough of the shutdowns and putdowns. the people aren't paying us to make things worse. the people pay us to be in the solutions business. mr. speaker, you and i came to congress together in 2017. i remember when you for what purpose doesed the honor and civility caucus. you said at the time it was to restore collegiality and encourage productive dialogue. sign me up. sign me up right away. mr. speaker, i know you believe in collegiality and productive dialogue. we need more of that and less of
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the hot air fanning the flames of anger that happen much too often in our country these days. but mr. speaker, after my recent election, you said something i must gently take exception to, you said, tom suozzi ran like a republican. i know you meant that as a compliment. let me be clear, mr. speaker, i'm a true blue died in -- dyed in the wool democrat. but more important, like you, mr. speaker, and the men and women in this chamber, i'm a true blue, dyed in the wool american.
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like any patriot of the greatest country on earth, i'm willing to compromise to try and solve problems, like the chaos at the border. the bipartisan senate bill doesn't have everything i wanted. i believe that dreamers and t.p.s. recipients should be granted a pathway to citizenship. and millions of others should have a path to legalization. but i will support a bipartisan compromise. because to not do so will keep the border open, will endanger peace in israel and will empower vladimir putin. i know compromid in this town but bring a compromised bill to the floor and i guarantee you, it will
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pass. able of the issues we face in this country are complicated, every single one of them, and you can't solve anything in an environment of fear and anger. we can't fix them with a tweet or press conference or even a speech. i know many of you in this chamber. i know a whole lot of you. you are inspired to do this work because of the command, love their neighbor, let's actually do that and do the hard work and get back to the solutions' business. sadly, many of the people in america believe democrats and republicans can't work together. they told me, tom, wake up, you have to face the real world. but the real world is not something we must face. the real world is something that we as free men and women
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actively create. we make the real world. i love this country. my father came here from italy as a young boy and awarded the distinguished cross and went to harvard h law school on the g.i. bill. he faced rampant discrimination and no one would hire him. he started his own law firm. at 28 years old and ran for city court judge and became the youngest judge in new york state. what a country. my father lived the great america success stories and i'll do everything i can to honor my father's legacy. i'll do everything i can to honor this nation's legacy. we know what politics have
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become. let's think about what it can be. i may be the only one sworn in, what if we see it as a fresh start and break some of our bad habits, what if today we remembered why we ran for office in the first place. let's get back into the solution' business. god bless the men and women of this chamber and the important work we do. and god bless the united states of america. of america.
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the speaker pro tempore: under clause 5-d the chair announce is to the house in light of the administration of the oath to the gentleman from new york the whole number of the house is now 432. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the the unfinished business is vote on the motion of the the gentleman from new york mr. langworthy to suspend the rules and pass h.r. 3494. the clerk: h.r. 4984, a build to amend the district of columbia stadium act of 1957 to provide for transfer over the robert f. kennedy campus to the administrator of general services and leasing of the campus to the district of columbia which include commercial and residential development and for other purposes. the speaker: will the house suspend the rules and pass the
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bill as amended. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: this vote the yeas are 348 and the nays are 55. and the rules are suspended and the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. without objection, the title is amended. for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to
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speak out of order. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. without objection, the gentleman is recognized >> we the georgia delegation rise to honor the life and legacy of lincoln riley who was murdered last week on the campus of the university of georgia. allow me to share me a few words. lincoln was an amazing daughter, sister and friend. she was selfless and was an example for others and dedicated servant of her community from a young age. lincoln served from her love for our lord and savior jesus christ. her faith informed her decision to join the sore the right and madep countless friends.
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i conclude with this message to lincoln from her mom and dad, rest in peace, our angel. we look forward to seeing you one day in heaven. until then, we'll do our best to make you proud. god help us. now i would like to like to recognize representative loudermilk. hollywood mr. loudermilk: thank you for recognizes of lincoln hope riley. parents and communities across the state of georgia are extremely shocked about the murder of laken hope riley.
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but we should focus on her short time here. she was a nursing student from woodstock, georgia, but her tragic death has devastated our community and sent shock waves across the state. our prayers are with laken's family and friends as they begin to navigate this time. it is clear from her parents laken was a special young lady who went out of her way to make everyone feel special and part of her family. she was a gifted and exemplary student, a talented athlete, and the light of her family and community. her parents described her character and her loving nature this way, she knew when to listen, she knew when to speak. she knew when to give you some tough love and she knew when you needed a hug.
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she will forever be our loving oldest daughter and the best big sister and role model a parent could ask for. we will not rest until we ensure justice for her and her family. colleagues, will you please join news a moment of silence for laken hope riley, a wonderful young woman taken from her family and this world much too soon. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent the committee on house administration be discharged from further consideration of h.con.res. 89 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the concurrent resolution. the clerk: house concurrent resolution 89, concurrent resolution authorizing the use of emancipation hall in the capitol visitors section for remembrance of the holocaust.
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the speaker pro tempore: without objection, it is agreed to and the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from florida seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i hereby remove my name as a co-sponsor of house resolution 7056. the speaker pro tempore: so ordered. for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i hereby remove my name as co-sponsor of h.r. 7298. the speaker pro tempore: so ordered. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent that i may here after be considered as the first sponsor of h.r. 1634, a bill originally introduced by representative johnson of ohio. mr. guthrie: for the purposes of adding co-sponsors and requesting reprintings pursuant to clause 7 of rule 12. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. now entertain requests for one-minute speeches.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, you're recognized for one minute. mr. burchett: i recognize mr. staley, born in knoxville, tennessee, and moved to blunt county in sixth grade and his family ran the company that placed many head markers at the cemetery throughout the county. he served his country with honor as a military policeman at fort jackson. he volunteered for overseas duty in match of 1954 where he served behind the iron curtain during the berlin crisis. he was discharged from the army april 30,1955 and served as the blunt county executive office for 30 years. he demonstrated incredible
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professionalism and integrity and won the respect and admiration of his colleagues and veterans and people around our community. it's my honor to recognize charles staley february 2024 veteran of the month and yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr. payne: i ask to revise and extend my remarks and address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. payne: i rise today to discuss the continued republican leadership crisis. here we go again. two days away from a government shutdown due to a lack of funding, republican leadership is so poor it can only achieve stopgap funding measures. there is no long-term solution because maga republicans have no long-term goals, and they have no long-term goals because there is no long-term vision to a better country.
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they do not see how a lack of humanitarian care for innocent palestinian families causes more instability and extremism in the middle east and do not understand how a lack of funding for ukraine creates more political and economic instability across the globe. they deny that their rejection of an incredibly popular border security bill allows more fentanyl and illegal drugs to threaten the american's people, communities. they do not see because they do not care. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentleman from south carolina seek recognition? >> to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. wilson: since biden took office there are three million americans entering with several
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on the watch list and includes thousands of military age young men from dictatorships as confirmed last night by senator marco rubio with shawn hannity. last month i joined with mike johnson at eagle pass, texas, and witnessed the madness. the intentional irresponsibility thinking potential mass murderers would be low information vote force a permanent one party democrat big government as violent criminals cross to murder more americans on our streets. in conclusion, god bless our troops who successfully protected america for 20 years as the global war of terrorism moves from an afghanistan safe haven to america, we don't need new border laws but enforce the laws we have. biden shamefully opened borders for dictators as more attacks are imminent as warned by the f.b.i. war criminal putin will face trial for the assassination of alexei navalny. his widow is a hero for the oppressed people of russia.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, as a result of intense fighting at the front line a ukrainian soldier's leg was blown off and lived to tell his story with me as now he uses a prosthetic leg to stand. february 24 marked two years ukraine successfully isly resisted unprovoked invasion. mr. davis: in my recent visit to war torn ukraine, i recognized the resilience of its people. while ukrainian soldiers have given so much, including life and limbs much like this soldier. we must not ignore their urgent
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plea for assistance to finish the fight. democracies around the world look to us and the eyes of the world are on us, including putin's. ukrainians are fighting tirelessly on the front lines, not just for their nation but for democracy. in the face of these threats, the time to act is now. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? mr. collins: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. carter: i rise to congratulate mark burns who received the industry leader award. the living legends of i'veation awards was founded in 2003 by the kitty hawk air academy to recognize notable individuals who contributed to the aviation
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industry. prior to being named gulf stream president in july of 2015, burns worked in various areas expanding the country including engineering and customer support. while president burn guided gulf stream in rapid growth and investment. additionally burns sits on the board of directors for the general aviation association, georgia power, and the corporate angel. he is a board member of the national air and space museum and a member of the national committee of performing arts among others. burns is also a proud alumnus of georgia southern university where he received his bachelor degree in mechanical engineering and from there built a career worth applause and appreciation by georgia residents. congratulations, mark. thank you, mr. speaker, and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from north carolina seek recognition? >> i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute.
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ms. manning: mr. speaker, after the supreme court overturned roe vs. wade, we knew extreme maga republicans wouldn't stop with attacking abortion rights, we knew they'd come to birth control so i introduced the right to contraception act to codify the right to use all forms of f.d.a. approved birth control. we also knew they would come for i.v.f. and last week, the alabama supreme court decided frozen embryos are children, forcing clinics in alabama to stop i.b.f. treatments. republicans are now claiming they support contraception and i.v.f. 105 republicans voted against my bill to protect the right of contraception and over 120 republicans co-sponsored the life at conception act, a bill that uses the same reasoning as the alabama court that includes
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no protection for i.v.f. or birth control and would decimate i.v.f. and abortion access nationwide. earlier today, senate republicans blocked a bill to protect the right to access i.v.f. they don't care about protecting reproductive rights but about controlling women's bodies. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. for what purpose does the gentlelady from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. thompson: i rise to recognize command sergeant korean bell for service for the united states of america. command bell is retiring as master sergeant after 24 years serving in the united states army, raised in mckean county, pennsylvania he enlisted in the army august 24,2000. after completing his training at forward leonardwood, missouri,
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he became a 12-b combat engineer. over the next 24 years command service bell took him around the united states and the world in a variety of posts and positions. he's currently serving in the 393 brigade engineer battalion in texas. regardless of location, command sergeant bell consistently provided leadership and guidance to his fellow soldiers. following his retirement he returned to contain, pennsylvania, with his loving wife and three daughters. command sergeant bell, we owe a debt of gratitude for your dedication to our country and behalf of a grateful nation, thanks for your service and the united states of america, your dedication to our country is admirable, enjoy retirement. you deserve it. thank you, mr. speaker, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from new mexico seek
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recognition? ms. leger fernandez: recently, speaker johnson and most house republicans co-sponsored a bill that could ban i.v.f. and criminalize. the alabama supreme court anti-i.v.f. is attempts to decide when, how and if trump and the maga want a federal abortion ban and overturning roev.wade. from new mexico to kansas, to ohio, could be overturned if trump. criminalizing presenting nance i cyst, forcing pregnancies on
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children who have been raped. that's the nightmare we face unless women and those that love them act now to defeat this extremism. women need health care, not handcuffs. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from idaho seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection >> thank you, mr. speaker. nuclear energy development has made tremendous strides to be one of the most reliable sources of energy. the nuclear industry provides jobs to americans and fuels the economy. for example, the idaho national laboratory in my home state is a major economic driver and bringing $4 billion just last year. the atomic energy advancement
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act to continue the sustainable energy that unleashes the potential of our industry taking the need to rely on foreign adversaries. this will streamline and accelerate the nuclear power and the process for advanced reactors while building the nuclear work force. i voted in support of h.r. 6544 and drive innovation. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> as the only meteorologist in congress, i rise today to honor the best in the history of local
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television, tom skilling of chicago's very own wgn news, he retires tonight after 45 years in chicago after tracking storms, blizzards and tornadoes. he mentored hundreds of interns setting the bar high for generations for local meteorologists now serving all over the country. for more than 20 years, i have known tom to be a man of character and perfecting the craft of the craft. i would not be standing here today sharing the belief that we are all just neighbors, one another, experiencing the same crazy weather together. he is the goat. and i am so proud to stand here
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and wish my friend the best. tom, you are the greatest. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. mr. lawler: i recognize an individual who has been a beacon of service and steadfast advocate, john murphy he ran for county legislator and served there for over 40 years. john has committed himself to helping veterans and serving on the board of camp venture for over 40 years. his work in this space led to many services for the i.d.d. community in the hudson valley and his efforts remind us that the true measure is found and
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how it treats its vulnerable members. homes for heroes unveiled residents at camp shankses. and and some of us must continue to focus on. john murphy is a true hero for his decades of service and his commitment. john, the lives you have changed and the futures you have secured. thank you for your service. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does gentlelady from ohio seek recognition? ms. kaptur: i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. mr. speaker, in ukraine, the real battle for liberty grinds on. putin dines on caviar. they refuse to bring up the
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senate aid bill to provide ukraine. and we shouldn't arm the freedom fighters and requires congress to vote for the funds to secure it and the speaker refuse us to bring up funding funding. courageous aelection yes navalny was tortured. he was killed in a bitter, frigid arctic prison colony. what a heroic son of liberty for the future of his country. he died for liberty. this house is paralyzed. those elected officials who do not stand up for liberty on a continent where 500,000 died and
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the last century so that our generation could be free. pass the senate bill. stand tall. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from ohio will suspend. for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. mr. fitzpatrick: i rise in memory of an extraordinary service man, jack pop eye gardner who passed away at the age of 102 years old. he was a well accomplished member of the united states navy having earned the european theater medal, good conduct medal and three years ago, our office had the honor to present jack with his combat ribbons for his and he enlisted and served
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our nation across the globe and involved in several military operations, the landing in italy and landing in omaha beach and mr. speaker, his service abroad garnered the service within the legion of knight the highest of counsel of france to the liberation of france. may jack's memory inspire us to remind us all of the heroes living amongst us. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from south carolina seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute.
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>> mr. speaker, i rise today to honor a native calle yarbrough. he started ep went on to win 83 cup races and the first driver to win three consecutive championships. his record-breaking career and his role in nascar when yarbrough. following his dedicated career, he bought and operated the racing team and on the floarns county we mourn the loss but we remember and celebrate the life that was well lived. i yield my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from wisconsin seek recognition? mr. grothman: you i request
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unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection mr. grothman: sometime in the next month there is going to be a serious debate on the number of people streaming across our border and may be over an appropriation bill or aid bill to ukraine and a lot of people who say there are other important issues. wait longer to solve the problem at the border. we have waited for three years to do something at the border as the biden administration has watched the people go from 10 to 20,000 to 70,000. that is unacceptable. we had testimony that the people coming across the border are 3 1/2 to four times to commit crimes and saw tragedy in atlanta just on that topic.
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we know that people they have to live somewhere and responsible for the increase in costs that we have across our country. we don't want to shut down the government. we have no choice. if it's not now, when? we have waited three years. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. lamalfa: a somber thought is that we have three young ladies that are a direct victims of the wide open biden policy and not gaining much not right or talked about it.
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kalein hamilton. elizabeth medina, someone overstayed their viz asand lincoln riley who we are hearing taken by illegal immigration. all at the hands that is endangering our citizens and causing them to lose their lives. what are people doing? is there national outrage or national media coverage. we are trying to do it tonight the media doesn't want to report other things and don't care about this issue that affects americans so negatively. lincoln rillly, he liz beth, kayla. these are not migrants but
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illegal. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? mr. lamalfa: i ask unanimous consent to adjourn the house for this evening. the speaker pro tempore: does the gentleman make a motion to adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the opinion the house is adjourned until 10:00 a.m.
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