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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Swearing In of Tom Suozzi  CSPAN  February 29, 2024 12:49am-1:04am EST

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has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress. from the house and senate floors to congressional hearings, party briefings and committee meetings. c-span gives you a front-row seat to how issues are debated and decided with no commentary. no interruptions and completely unfiltered. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. >> democratic representative elect tom suozzi was sworn in as the newest member of the u.s. house. he won a special election in new york's third congressional district to replace her public encouragement george santos, who was expelled in december, further reducing the gop's slim majority in the house. >> the honorable speaker of the house of representatives. sorry, i have the honor to transmit a letter.
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the coexecutive of the new york state board of elections indicating that according to the unofficial results for the special election held on february 14, 2024 the honorable thomas r suozzi was elected to congress. [cheering]
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>> for what purpose does that gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent about the honorable gentleman from new york be permitted to take the o today. his certificate of election has not arrived, but there is no contest and no question raised with regard to his election. >> without objection, representative elect suozzi and the new york delegation present themselves in the well. the well?
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the speaker: will all members rise and the representative elect please >> will all numbers rise and the representative elect please raise his right hand? >> deals where you will support the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic? that you will take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that you will faithfully discharge the duties of the office in which you are about to enter, so help you god? >> idea. -- i do. >> congratulations. [applause]
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>> welcome back. you are now a member of the 118th congress. without objection, the gentleman from new york is recognized. >> it is my distinct honor to rise today to welcome our good friend congressman tom suozzi back to the people's house. the people of new york's third congressional district elected a are presented of to solve problems facing everyday americans. tom is a great family man, devoted father, husband and public servant. he has devoted most of his adult life to public service. first as mayor of his hometown for eight years then as executive of nassau county for eight years before serving as united guardsmen for six years.
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from helping secure billions in federal support for new york in pandemic funding, his outstanding record in congress speaks for itself. tom loves new york. he loves his country and his love for public service runs deep. he is the kind of person we need serving this house. it gives me great pleasure to reintroduce him as our colleague. and i now yield to mr. suozzi. now wild to mr. suozzi. now yield to mr. suozzi. mr k >> thank you jerry. all my supporters that are here tonight.
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mr. speaker, i never thought i would be back here. but the lord works in mysterious ways and god made away when there was no way. i thank god for blessing me with this great responsibility. i thank god for my best friend and partner for 30 years, my wife. she hates that. mr. speaker, on the night of my election victory, i promised the people of long island and queens i would deliver a simple message to this chamber. wake up. the people are sick and tired of
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the finger pointing and the petty partisan bickering. they want us to work together. they want you guys to work together, too, what are you doing? you're supposed to be clapping for that? i know there are so many good people in this chamber on both sides of the aisle. but people are worried about the cost of living. they're worried about the chaos at the border. they're worried about israel, gaza, and ukraine. they look to congress and what do they see? the storeys get all the attention. we're letting ourselves be bullied by our base. we aren't getting anything done. we need less chaos and more common sense.
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the last few months, i've talked to democrats, republicans, and independents, and they all ask the same thing, what about me? what are you doing for me? enough with the theater and the drama. enough with the hyperbole and histrionics and enough of the shutdowns and putdowns. the people aren't paying us to make things worse. the people pay us to be in the solutions business. mr. speaker, you and i came to congress together in 2017. i remember when you for what purpose doesed the honor and civility caucus. you said at the time it was to restore collegiality and encourage productive dialogue. sign me up.
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sign me up right away. mr. speaker, i know you believe in collegiality and productive dialogue. we need more of that and less of the hot air fanning the flames of anger that happen much too often in our country these days. but mr. speaker, after my recent election, you said something i must gently take exception to, you said, tom suozzi ran like a republican. i know you meant that as a compliment. let me be clear, mr. speaker, i'm a true blue died in -- dyed in the wool democrat. but more important, like you, mr. speaker, and the men and women in this chamber, i'm a true blue, dyed in the wool american.
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like any patriot of the greatest country on earth, i'm willing to compromise to try and solve problems, like the chaos at the border. the bipartisan senate bill doesn't have everything i wanted. i believe that dreamers and t.p.s. recipients should be granted a pathway to citizenship. and millions of others should have a path to legalization. but i will support a bipartisan compromise. because to not do so will keep the border open, will endanger peace in israel and will empower vladimir putin. i know compromid
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in this town but bring a compromised bill to the floor and i guarantee you, it will pass. able of the issues we face in this country are complicated, every single one of them, and you can't solve anything in an environment of fear and anger. we can't fix them with a tweet or press conference or even a speech. i know many of you in this chamber. i know a whole lot of you. you are inspired to do this work because of the command, love their neighbor, let's actually do that and do the hard work and get back to the solutions' business. sadly, many of the people in america believe democrats and republicans can't work together. they told me, tom, wake up, you
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have to face the real world. but the real world is not something we must face. the real world is something that we as free men and women actively create. we make the real world. i love this country. my father came here from italy as a young boy and awarded the distinguished cross and went to harvard h law school on the g.i. bill. he faced rampant discrimination and no one would hire him. he started his own law firm. at 28 years old and ran for city court judge and became the youngest judge in new york state. what a country. my father lived the great america success stories and i'll do everything i can to honor my
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father's legacy. i'll do everything i can to honor this nation's legacy. we know what politics have become. let's think about what it can be. i may be the only one sworn in, what if we see it as a fresh start and break some of our bad habits, what if today we remembered why we ran for office in the first place. let's get back into the solution' business. god bless the men and women of this chamber and the important work we do. and god bless the united states of america. of america.
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the speaker pro tempore: under clause 5-d the chair announce is to the house in light of the administration of the oath to the gentleman from new york >> the u.s. house is back for nel speeches followed by legislative business at noon eastern. members consider it to extend to march 8 and march 22 to avert a rtl shuowthis coming friday at midnight. members will voteo tend faa programs until may 10. on c-span two, the senate is back at 10:00 a.m. eastern i will vote on the confirmationf marjorie rawlinson to be irs chief counsel and assistant counsel at the treasury department. editors will try to override president bin's veto of a
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joint resolio blocking the federal highway administtion from temporarily wavinhi america requirements for electric vehicle crg. on c-span3 at 10:00 a.m. stern, lloyd austin testifies before t house armed services committee about his failure to alert top officials, including president biden, about his hospitalization in january. you can also watch r ve coverage on the free c-span now video app or online at the u. supreme court has agreed to consider former president donald trump's claim of presidential immunity and oral arguments that will take place in late april, roll call reports the court will decide whether the former president is right that the presidency gave him immunity to federal charges inashington tight is effort's overthrow the 2020 election. a decision by the court could determine whether former president trump fes trial before the november election. that ruling expected to come no later than the end of june. you care


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