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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  March 1, 2024 2:26pm-2:57pm EST

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oklahoma. watch live at 2:45 p.m. eastern here on c-span. today, watch c-span 2024 campaign trail, a roundup of campaign coverage providing a one-stop shop of what the candidates are saying to voters along with first-hand accounts, updated poll numbers. watch c-span 2024 campaign trail today at 7:00 eastern on c-span. online at c-span. org or download as a podcast at c-spannow. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. healthy democracy just doesn't look like this, it looks like
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this, where americans can see democracy at work, where citizens are truly informed, our republic thrives. get informed straight from the source on c-span, unfiltered, unbiased, word for word from the nation's capital to wherever you are because the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is what democracy looks like. c-an, powered by cable. >> on saturday, formeprident trump will speak to voters in greenville north carolina. liveovage at 2:00 p.m. on c-span, c-spannow and online at c-span. org. and x at cspanwj. congress passes a short-term
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spending measure. the shutdown would have started this weekend if it had not passed. they extended the funding for federal agencies into march keying up another scramble with another shutdown deadline a week away. this stopgap passed on thursday evening and the funding deadline was pushed until march 8 and march 22. let's get back to our topic which is the border in those visits as i mentioned president biden was in brownsville. [video clip] >> the speaker of the house
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needs to put this on the floor, unrestricted it would pass. the majority of democrats and republicans support this legislation. they said don't do it to benefit the incumbent. we need to act. you need to show some spine and pass a bipartisan, conservative leaders supported this border security bill. let's remember who we work for, the american people. this is what i would say to mr. trump. stop telling members to block this legislation.
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we can do it together. you when i know it is the toughest border security bill this country has ever seen so instead of playing politics let's get together and get it done. we work for the american people not the democratic or republican party. we are the united states of america. think about that. there is nothing beyond our capacity when we work together. host: that was the president in brownsville, texas. here is donald trump and eagle pass blaming the problems at the border on the biden administration. [video clip] >> the united states as being overrun by the biden migrant crime.
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every time you hear my current crime you know where that comes from. allowing millions and millions of people to come, up to 18 million by the time he gets out of office office because the bit risk we have is nine months, that's quite a bit of time.
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1700 these are the people coming into our country and they are coming from jails, prisons, mental institutions and insane asylums and these terrorists are being led into our country. host:host: we will take your cas for democrats (202) 748-8000, for republicans (202) 748-8001
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are you in favor of legal immigration? >> yes. i had to take an x-ray. what about these people? and flooding our hospitals. what is happening here? caller: good morning. it's a very complicated situation and i am glad current and former president
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>> it's a really important question and i'll say this again, it doesn't matter what you call the legislation, h.r. 2 is a measure we passed 11 months ago. but the components that matter. if the president announcees today, which we don't expect that he will take executive action and do something on the asylum reform, that isn't going to solve the problem. there are interlocking pieces. you will need pieces or you will not stop the flow. 63 house republicans, 30-plus years veterans and they told us they are being asked to open an fire hydrant and need to reduce
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the flow. how do you reduce the flow? you reinstate remain in mexico and reduce the flow. i told the president at the white house again and he didn't understand it. he said he couldn't do it. and mr. president, we are the united states, mexico will do what we say. president trump did it. why can't you do it. remain in mexico and end catch and release and reason we have violent criminals, free arranging around the country and committing these atrocities because they have been turned loose. you end catch and release. you end to asylum and build some wall. you can pick and choose. if you don't have these components. we don't need photo ops we need to stop the flow and we are
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determined to get those provisions through. we are looking at every option and will continue to press it and work on it every single day. that was speaker johnson and he did mention hr to you and as a reminder of the provisions in hr to to resume construction of the border wall, topper screening for asylum-seekers, mandating employers to check employees legal status. let's talk to jay and woodlawn, tennessee. caller: mr. biden and mr. schumer have no intention of stopping this, the more that
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come over the more they are happy. if they wanted to solve the problem they would've changed the bill. 5000 a day is not stopping the crisis. the more money they are asking for is for more people to process them and all that is just keeping the numbers coming through and with amnesty they can get citizenship. they do not want to stop the crisis. if they went back to what prompted it and make them stay in mexico and if they are asylum seekers they can be checked out and vetted.
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host: do you want to see more officials at the border screening for asylum? caller: their goal in doing that is to bring more into the u.s.. i am all for that but in a controlled manner. host: but president biden is asking for the funding so they can process asylum seekers? caller: how do we know who these people are coming over? we don't. that is why we have officers
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being beat up and young women killed and raped. you need to go back to a controlled system to where we know who and why you are coming to the u.s., what your purposes. host: let's talk to diane in ann arbor, michigan. caller: the gentleman before me had an abundance of time and i would like to equal privilege. the wall, it prohibits wildlife from accessing the river for a water source. also, i would like to plead to
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c-span to give equal time to both sides. i have notice that there are guests, the deputy chief of staff and project 2025. host: we only have 15 minutes left on the border so can we stick with that topic? caller: c-span is not giving equal time. i have not seen a response to it specifically 2025 and on your website it feature truck. mp. i don't feel an equal response time. host: anything on the border you would like to mention? caller: it was at the photos of
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trump and by dine. caller: dennis, on the democratic line. caller: iran all over canada in america and every report of injury and i never went across the border. they have an electronic log. we do more business with mexico and central america than we do with china. i am not making that up. we get a lot of stuff from mexico. a lot of your produce, bananas, i have a shirt on from nicaragua. we have refugees, they called
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them aliens. they are immigrants. that is my opinion. i have been retired for 14 years. i've been all over the united states. i endorse joe biden. host: let's talk to jeffrey in broadway. caller: good morning. i want to talk about this bill that they crafted in congress. it has nothing to do with aliens crossing the border. pull it up and read it. host: the bipartisan senate bill? caller: it was not bipartisan there was only one republican
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senator trying to push it on everybody but read the bill. it allowed more people into the country faster and more money for ngos to process people faster. tax money paying ngos to transfer these people. and now there is a phone app it when they go through a port of entry they can show that on their cell phone they come straight through. it is crazy. host: vickyus on facebook, thue is something trump has championed. biden ramped up to the border because he is starting to lose support. let's take a look at what house
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minority leader said criticizing the republican hr-two bill saying solving the crisis takes a lot more. [video clip] >> hrt to assign a serious proposal and they have demonstrated they are unserious about addressing challenges on the border, fixing our broken immigration system. we have made clear repeatedly that we should deal decisively with the challenges of the border and fix our broken immigration system in a manner that is bipartisan, comprehensive and recognizes there are things that need to be done in terms of dreamers, farmworkers as well as making sure there is a safe, secure and
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humane border. host: rate is next in york, pennsylvania. caller: i have heard them talk about the immigration system but is not really broken. it's just unenforced. we are not enforcing our laws. joe biden says something about this bipartisan law would be the most effective immigration law ever. there is something called hr-2 by the house of representatives and they have not acted on it.
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hakeem jeffries said is not a serious proposal. i think the bipartisan law would've permitted 5000 more immigrants a day, thus not a limitation, thus not control. this happened as soon as biden came in the office. host: richard is necks from louisville, kentucky. caller: i heard mitch mcconnell is going to step down as a leader of the republicans incident. he needs to step down now he is in anti-trump are calling himself a conservative republican.
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host: what do you think about the border? caller: you had said something about legal entry into this country. what joe biden did, 9 million people came straight across the border. how legal was that? i'm asking them at c-span. host: i would ask you, would you be in favor of expanding legal immigration? the pathways to apply to come to the united states, which you expand that or would you limit it? caller: i would shut it down completely until we find out who is here now. remain in mexico, did you not hear what johnson said? trump had it cut down by 75%.
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what is wrong with you people? all you want to do is let people come in. they are kicking people out of nursing homes in new york and their screaming bloody murder. this is what you voted for. host: roland and glenn burnie, maryland. caller: you're giving everybody a whole lot of time. you always cupping off. tting me off. caller: biden is a serious unlike president trump. he only passed the trump tax
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cuts. biden passed all of these bipartisan bills. host: getting back to the border. caller: you need a bipartisan bill to solve the problem. not just extreme measures and bills the republicans put up. they did that because they knew the democrats would not support it. biden in the democrats, the bill that the senate has does not solve the border but the republicans
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don't want to solve this problem once and for all. did you notice we don't have enough farmworkers? we can solve this problem and possible law that would allow those workers to come over legally and then they go back. host: we go to robert on the independent line. caller: a people of call since i got over the line and you don't have time.
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host: do you feel like you don't have enough time to make your point? why don't you give it a try? caller: there is no doubt we need to close the border all donald trump is telling people they are criminals. look at him, he paid for eight abortions he's committed rape and he is a thief. all these idiots want to vote for them. host: we can talk about trump at another time but what about the border? caller: it needs to be fixed and joe biden didn't do it.
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but we don't need two people one that's too old and the other is as crooked as a snake. host: >> taking you live to hear from first lady jill biden ahead of the primary here on c-span. expecting the first lady to speak shortly. ♪
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