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tv   President Biden Meets with Italian Prime Minister Meloni  CSPAN  March 1, 2024 5:29pm-5:41pm EST

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to. there have been first ladies throughout history who did very little compared to hillary clinton or eleanor roosevelt who was always the other sort of standard-bearer. but the fact melania trump was doing this in our time as they are is almost radical. >> katie rogers with her book "american woman" sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's q&a. you can listen to q&a and all our podcasts on our free c-span now app. >> president biden announced the united states will airdrop humanitarian aid to gaza amid the israel-hamas war and said the u.s. will insist israel facilitates more routes to get more and more people the help they need, no excuses. the president made these remarks in the oval office while meeting with the italian prime minister
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giorgia meloni. 's president biden: very brave. everyone in? well, prime minister meloni, thank for you being here again. i have to admit to you as you walked in the door, we're good friends and i played ray charles "georgia" as you walked in the door. most people don't know it but good luck, guys. in the united states, israel and the united states are allies and close friends. as you said when we first met here in the oval that we have each other's backs and we do and you demonstrated that from the moment you took office. and we also have ukraine's back and why i'm urging house representatives to pass legislation that allows us to, in a bipartisan way, continue to support ukraine now, we need a security bill now. the bill includes funding ukraine so we can help keep
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putin from his onslaught from succeeding in ukraine. i want to thank you, giorgia for your unwavering support of ukraine and your leadership in the g-7 this year. today we're also going to discuss the middle east and yesterday's tragic and alarming event in north gaza trying to get humanitarian assistance in there, and the loss is heartbreaking. people are desperate and you saw the response when trying to get aid. we need to do more and the united states will do more. in the coming days, we'll join with our friends and others providing airdrops of additional food and supplies into ukraine and seek to continue to open up other avenues in ukraine, including the possibility of a marine corps delivering large amounts of humanitarian assistance.
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in addition to expanding deliveries by hand, we're going to insist israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people the help they need, no excuses. because the truth is aid flowing to gaza is nowhere nearly enough now. it's nowhere nearly enough. and lives are on the line and children's lives are on the line. we won't stand by until we get more aid in there. we should be getting hundreds of trucks in, not just several. i won't stand by and won't let up and we're not going to -- we're going to pull out every stop we can to get more assistance in. and here's the deal. we've been working and hopefully we'll know shortly, and i know you've been informed, we're trying to work out a deal between israel and hamas, the
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hostages being returned and immediate cease-fire in gaza for at least the next six weeks and to allow the surge of aid in the entire gaza strip, not just the south but the entire strip. giorgia, we have a lot to discuss today and talk about everything in china and beyond. i'm happy you're here and delighted you came back. i know you're on your way to canada, right? ms. meloni: i'm excited to be here today as g-7 chair and look forward to helping you next june for the leader summit. i'm working on a concrete and substantial g-7 summit to attend first and foremost to confirm the rules of order and freedom and building peace for ukraine.
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and in doing this, i think we need to talk again with the rest. our dialogue in the g-7 and global south is essential. the crisis in the middle east is of the utmost concern. we need to coordinate our actions in order to avoid an escalation, and in this regard we fully support the u.s. mediation efforts this humanitarian crisis is the number one priority and italy is cooperating with the regional actors that may be a part of any future outcomes. we should work together on concrete steps to guarantee the two-state perspective which is the only long-term sustainable solution. and the houthi's attacks on the
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vessels in the red sea are unacceptable. as you know, it's an important response to traveling through the red sea. the role on the mediterranean, the g-7 will pay special attention to the african content. we've been discussing it many times. where i think we have to remember africa is not the poor continent, it is on the contrary incredibly rich in human and material resources, but it has been neglected and exploited with a predator approach for a long time. i want to reverse this approach together with you, which is all the root cause of the migration crisis. we need to support africa's development on an income basis
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and put an end to illegal migration and fight human trafficking. human trafficking has become the most financially awarding crime globally and we cannot accept it any longer. for this reason i came here today also with a proposal to launch a global alliance against human traffickers. so g-7 we'll discuss the official intelligence as well. a.i. is a means. it can be a good or bad one and depends on your capacity to govern it and tackle the risks and the impacts it can have, for example, on the labor market. we want to develop a.i. but also we want to be certain that it remains human sensitive. and last but not least, i came here to boost our strategic cooperation and our relations are in reach by the present of
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more than 20 million italian americans. during our last meeting here in washington, we said we wanted to improve our bilateral cooperation and our trade, and we did it. for in 2023, our bilateral trade reached the highest amounts ever with $102 billion of exchange. so i think we did a good job but also think that we can do even better. and i hope this will be our mutual goal for this year. thank you. president biden: i tried to help. i married an italian american. thank you very much. [indiscernible shouting] aptioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2010]
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2023] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy visit] >> today watch c-span's 2024 campaign ta weekly roundup of c-span's campaign coverage, providing a one stop shop to discover what the candidates across the country are saying to voters, along with firsthand accounts from political reporters, updated phone numbers, fundraising data, and campaign ads. watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail. today at 7:00 eastern on c-span. online at or download as a podcast on c-span now, our
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house speaker mike johnson has has announced he's releasing an additional 5,000 hours of video footage of the january 6 attack on the u.s. capitol. scott haung from nbc news said it will continue be reviewed so it does. speaker johnson said he would blur some of the faces of those who participated in the attack. however, the congressional reporter dupree posted part of the statement which showed a change. which reads upon further consultation with my committee, the committee will no longer plan to blur the faces of individuals in the footage given the logistic hurdles involved and the importance of getting this workible. >> c-span is your unfiltered we're funded by these television companies and more, including sparklight. >> the greatest town on earth is a place you call it's our home,
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too. right now we're all facing our greatest challenge. that's why sparklight is working around the clock to keep you we're doing smart so it's easier to do supports c-span along with these other providers, giving you a front row seat to democra rumors about nato sending military troops to ukraine saying the consequence for these potential invaders will be much more tragic and must understand sooner or later we also have weapons that can hit on their territory. he made these national state of the nation address in moscow and criticized the united states and the west and nato saying they continue to lie without embarrassment saying russia allegedly intends to attack europe. this is about 25 minutes.


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