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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Donald Trump Holds Rally in Greensboro NC  CSPAN  March 3, 2024 5:32am-6:59am EST

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training and you pass the test. ♪ >> ♪ from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains from sea to shining sea from detroit down to houston and new york to l.a. there is pride in every american heart and it is time we stand and say that i am proud to be an american where at least i know i am free and i won't forget the man who died who gave that life to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i
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love this land god bless the usa ♪ and i am proud to be an american where at least i know i am free and i won't forget the man who died who gave that life to me and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today because there ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the usa! ♪ [crowd cheering] mr. trump: oh, hello, greensboro , hello, greensboro. i am thrilled to be back in
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beautiful north carolina with thousands of proud hearts, working american patriots is what you are. american patriots. we need a lot of patriots in this country based on what we are doing. we need some patriots. over the past few weeks we have put a rocket to the republican nomination. it has been a rocket! i did not win in iowa, you won in iowa. we all won iowa together. in the record, double the previous record. that is not bad. new hampshire, in a record, double the previous record. we got more votes than anybody in the history of the new hampshire primary. that is great. we just won nevada and we got 98% of the vote. sorry about the 2%. we had an off day. we were missing 2%.
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the virgin islands we won unanimously. thank you, virgin islands. you place. and one week ago we won south carolina beating a certain governor by unprecedented numbers and getting double the number of votes of any previous candidate in the history of south carolina. how about that? and as you know, today, we have two contest. we have missouri and the remainder of michigan. and i will tell you in advance what just happened because we just found out as i was coming up, it looks like we are winning 100% of both. 100%! 100%. can't we do better than that? and that adds until last tuesdays michigan primary win which was one with -- which was
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won with almost 70% of the boat. something like that. next up is super tuesday, tuesday, march fifth, three days from now. and it is then time for the great state of north carolina. don't forget, don't forget. my granddaughter is named carolina! ok? very important. we need each and every one of you to get the patriots of your family, your friends and everybody. get them out to vote in record numbers because we have to show what is happening on november 5 which is when we have to get the worst president in the history of our country the hell out of office. the worst, the most corrupt. with your help we will win big
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on super tuesday. and in november north carolina will tell crooked joe biden, joe, you are fired. get out! you are fired, joe! you have done a horrible job. you i've done the worst job of any president in history. -- you have done the worst job of any president in history. and my first act upon taking office will do something that is common sense. not conservative, not progressive, not liberal. the thing i think probably works for most of the people in this room, seal the border and stop the invasion of our country! two days ago i was with governor
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greg abbott at the texas border. he was doing a good job. to witness the total devastation that crooked joe biden has unleashed our order is an open and gushing wound. crooked joe is fighting the state of texas to stop them from defending our border. they are actually cutting the wire fences so thousands and thousands of migrants can pour in but as fast as they cut them, texas seals them out. we love texas. don't we love texas? now, we have to do the same thing in arizona where the governor is doing nothing. and gavin new-scum, the new scum, but governor of
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california, those sort of governor because they don't do too much. it is a shame what is happening to that beautiful place. but they are pouring in to california and arizona as you know but texas has done a great job. and they have to stop because the people of arizona don't want it and the people of california do not want it. when i am president instead of sending texas a restraining order, i will send them reinforcements. three years ago we had the safest and most secure border in u.s. history. we ended catch and release. you know we had catch and release, right? we release them into our country. now we have catch and release but we release them in mexico, is that better? that is what we had but they gave them up. we built 571 miles a border wall and we got mexico to send us 28,000 free of charge soldiers to secure our border.
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i said, you have to give us those soldiers and they said no way. we had the best border. three years ago we had the safest border in the history of our country and today have the worst border in the history of the world. we had -- mr. president, we would like to have millions of people remain in mexico. we had agreements, asylum bans, title 42 and we had a thing called rapid removal. we had rocco removal. if you broke in, we caught you, detained you and deported you immediately. just like clockwork. we had the best border in history. but let there be no doubt that this is joe biden's invasion. i'm not even sure it is him. i'm not even sure he knows what
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the hell is happening. i think it is a people that surround him. you pick one of seven desks when you become president. someday there will be someone in here, that young man or that beautiful young woman there, we will have a woman president before then. you know what? if they cheat on the elections, it might be kamala. i don't think that is too good. i don't think that is too good. wouldn't that be something? one that the something? -- wouldn't that be something? wow, what a thought. we have to work harder and harder. we have enough problems with those guide. -- guy. crooked joe is pushing another mass amnesty plan while calling
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it border security. did you see -- look, he has not been to the border in many years and then i quietly announced i was going to the border doing a show, sean hannity. we like sean hannity. and we did the show and we had a side-by-side. he went to an area where there is no problem. and i went to an area where there is a big problem. but he went and he has not been there until he heard i was going and then he went. and he was not looking to sharp your where do i stand he goes? your marker is over there, sir. i don't see it. this guy should not be president. what we know that. these women from north carolina, this is number 116. i don't know where that held
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their husbands are. where are they today? they are here. would their husbands please stand up? these guys deserve a medal. nice-looking husbands. they follow me all over the place. i could go to china and they might follow me. they might. they might not. i don't know. you're looking beautiful. thank you. isn't it nice to be an north carolina where you don't have to travel? so, how far away is this from where you live? two hours. that's not bad. that beats going to california. they are unbelievable patriots. oh, look, we have front row joes, talking about travel. they may have your record beat. there are a lot of rallies and we are having a good time but we are really having a good time in
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a bad time because our country has never been worse. we are going to straighten it out and make a great again and do it fast but thank you very much for being here. i appreciate it. the bill joe biden once past would give him unlimited power to grant asylum to millions and millions of illegals. in other words, it is an automatic pass to citizenship for all of the biden newcomers. you know they call them newcomers now. matt gaetz, have you heard the new name? they called illegal aliens, newcomers. matt does not like it. laura, no. this happened yesterday. they are saying, the newcomers -- boy oh boy. we are going to win by the bed biggest margins in history. but we have a man who was going to watch and he is going to be
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introduced and he happens that come from a place called north carolina. he will be the head of the republican party will be great. and when i watch pennsylvania, 73% of the vote in and we are winning by 800,000 votes or so. all of a sudden another one, another one falls, georgia. north carolina -- it was a beautiful thing. what happened at that last election is a disgrace and we are not going to let it happen again. we are not going to let it happen again. have you ever noticed that they go after the people that want to find out where the cheating was? by the way, 82% of the country understands it was a rigged election. you cannot have a country with that. a poll came out, 82%.
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but they go after the people, not the ones that rig the election but the ones that are looking, looking for the people that rigged the elections and that is a people they go after. they got away with something that they will never get away with again. look at what they have done to the country. i have always said you can take the 10 worst presidents in history and add it up and they would not of done the damage that this guy has done. and there is more spirit now then we have ever had. we did much better the second time. i hate to say it but we got millions and millions more people the second time. first and second. 2016 was an amazing team. 2020 we did much better getting million more votes. i was told that if we got the same thing that we could not lose. but i was asking my people backstage, which was the best?
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and they said this one is blowing them both away. we have to swamp them. all right? we have to swamp them. this is the opposite of those swamp -- this is a positive swamping. the biden border bill would turbocharge the invasion and continue the invasion of our country and therefore his plan would socially ask olay demolish social security, medicare, medicaid, health care and public education. he is taking this country down. i will not let him destroy social security or medicare and i won't let him turn our public schools into migrant camps which they are doing. have you ever seen the parks of our cities? they are migrant camps. i will not let him turn the usa into a crime filled, disease ridden dumping ground.
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they are dumping. everyone is being dumped into the united states of america. every day joe biden is giving aid and comfort to the foreign enemies of the united states. he is actually giving aid. three years ago we were more respected than ever before and now they have no respect for us whatsoever. and putin yesterday was talking about nuclear. he would not be talking about nuclear five were here. what biden has done on our border is a conspiracy to overthrow the united states of america. he talks about democracy. he is a danger to democracy. number one, he goes after his political opponents which no one has ever done in this country. they do it well in third world countries. they are not going to succeed with us. you're not going to succeed.
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it is making us stronger. it is making us stronger. biden and his accomplices want to collapse the american system and nullify the will of the actual american voters and establish a new base of power that gives them control for generations. i don't know, do you think he really thinks in terms of generations? i don't think so. he has a lot of bad people around him. crooked joe will not succeed with these plans and he will not get away with the crimes. he will be tried at the ballot box in november and he will be judged and convicted by the american people. right? under biden, we now have a brand-new category of crime. it is called migrant crime. we have migrant crime good
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criminals going around having boxing matches with our police office. -- police officers. we have tough people coming in and you know that. they are coming in from jails and prisons. they are emptying out all over the world. last night they had four people coming in from the congo. where do you live in the congo? we come from a prison in the congo. the congo. they are coming from africa, asia, the middle east and china. 29,000 people in the last three months from china. they are all from the age of 18-29. what the hell is going on with that? that is called military fighting age. crime fighting age. dana white of the ufc says i like fighters from 18-25.
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that is what is coming in from china, 18-25. last week a beautiful 22-year-old nursing student from georgia, lake and riley, i spoke to her parents. the most magnificent people. they are devastated. honestly, they can never be the same. they can never be the same. she was barbaric leotard while she was out on her morning run. -- she was barbariclly attacked while she was out on her morning run. you read about it. it was a big story. she was brutally assaulted. horrifically beaten. kidnapped and savagely murdered. almost beyond recognition, can you imagine this? the monster charged in her death is an illegal migrant let into the country and released into our communities by crooked joe biden. we had him locked out.
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it was very hard to get into our country three euros ago. now, it is real easy. we mourn her terrible loss and we send our love for her family. and they are incredible people, i can tell you that. in texas a few weeks the ago another illegal animal was charged with sadistically murdering a 16 euro texas high school cheerleader. a beautiful young woman. stabbing her to death and her home and dumping her body in the bathtub to be discovered two hours later by her mother. and last sunday in louisiana a savaged biden criminal was charged with raping a 14-year-old girl by throat -- holding a knife to her throat before going on to repeatedly stab a local man in the face and his back while robbing him as he was getting out of his car. this biden migrant was arrested while standing in the middle of the street drenched in blood and
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it was the blood of his victim. not one more innocent american life should be lost to migrant crime. we have to stop it. the new category, migrant crime. we call it biden migrant crime but it is frankly too long so we called it migrant crime. i came up with that name because i come up with a lot of good names. migrant crime is a whole new category of crime and it is probably going to be more vicious than everything -- then anything we have ever seen. these are vicious people from jail. many are from jail and mental institutions. this is what they are dumping into the united states. and i know most of the leaders of these countries and they are streetwise. they cannot believe that biden is the president. and they are taking advantage of our country. they want to clean out their
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jails. jails all over the world, take a look at their prisoner population. it is way down because they have taken people out of their jails and dumped them into our country. they have taken their people out of mental institutions and in sail asylum's. someone asked what is the difference -- and i said insane asylum is like a mental institution on steroids. that is "silence of the lambs." have you ever heard of the fine gentleman named hannibal lector? does anyone know that name? please raise your hand. that is what they have in insane asylums. and they are dumping them into a community near you. lots of luck. this is not good. this is not good. that is why a central question in this election is whether the foreign armies joe biden has smuggled across our border will be allowed to stay or whether they will be told to get the
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hell out of here and go back home? we will send them back home. we will take them back home. in venezuela, did you just see, maduro, unbelievable. venezuela comes out and says, we are dumping our criminals into the united states. the second part, we are never taking them back. don't ever bring them back. they are not going to tell me that. they are not going to tell me that. we brought ms 13 back by the thousands, by the thousands. they said, we are not taking them back. do you know what biden says? they are not taking them back, oh. oh. the guy cannot find his way off the stage! stares all over his face. you have heard this.
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1, 2, 3, four and then you can jump off the front if you have to. and he will find the only place on the stage where there is no stair. if joe biden illegal migrants do not go back to their countries, we will never get our country back. but we are going to take them back because they will not go back. we will take them back. it will happen quickly. local police. you know, the local police know every one of them. everyone says, how are you going to do that? we are giving our policeman immunity from prosecution because when they stop crime they get prosecuted. they take away their house, their pension, their family. they lose their wife or husband. on day one of my administration i will terminate every open border policy of the biden administration and we will begin the largest domestic deportation
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operation and american history because we have no choice! we have no choice! and it is no wonder joe biden and his thugs are so desperate to stop us. they know we are the only ones that can stop them. we will stop them. they are bad people. they use weaponization of the justice department, let's go after my political opponent, because i cannot speak. i cannot communicate. i cannot debate. i cannot stand in the location they tell me. i keep falling down when i walk up a flight of stairs. not as why they are weaponizing law enforcement for high level election interference where joe biden goes after his political opponents. he should drop all charges against me. every one of these 91 counts, they are not legit, they are biden counts. he worked with fanni, even though it is spelled fanny --how
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about that one? with her lover, nathan wade. let's go get trump. if they go after trump, they can pay him more money. and then she can take beautiful trips on the seas. she and her lover, they have such a good time. guy got paid almost a million dollars and he had never done it before. but he did the other thing before that he did with fani. he did plenty of that. that is what he is good at, i guess. and this was before, long before -- they got these charges early. let's get a high level individual so we can charge the state more money. that is what happened. and then when they get caught she says, i paid him back.
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how? in cash. really? sure she gave him cash and by the way, that is even worse because where did she get the cash? i paid him back. because if she didn't she committed a big crime. because she got money that she gave from the stage. she said she paid him back that she did not do that and that charge should be dropped. they should all be dropped. they worked closely with the department of justice. he went there for two 8 hour visits and numerous other visits but he was in there all day long in the white house with the white house counsel. this was the scheme of the white house. the manhattan d.a. took his number one guy and put him in to the manhattan d.a.'s office, he put his number one guy in the manhattan d.a.'s office. that is not the manhattan d.a. it is all being run by the department of justice for
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election interference. knock out your political opponent. it ain't working. the one thing they did not know is that the people of our country hear about it from me. most people don't talk about it. when these kinds of things happen they walk up to a microphone and say, ladies, i will fight for my name and reputation part right now i'm going back to my family. with me, we don't do that. we tell you what it is all about. and our poll numbers have skyrocketed. i never heard about being indicted before it. being indicted -- i went to the wharton school of finance. i was really good. it was all in their short period of time. i got indicted over a tiny little period of time in my life. four times. that is more than al capone. do you know who al capone is? he was a meanest guy, a volatile
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mobster in chicago. he was affectionately known as scarface. if he did not like you at dinner and thought you were smiling in a mocking way, you were dead. he got indicted less than i did. he killed lots of people. he killed them for sports. but the people understand it because i have a voice and can talk about it. we had the thing in washington, deranged jack smith. age arranged a human being. he has a huge record of failure because he goes so far out and people end up not being convicted. he goes too far. he is a terrible human being. but he is age arranged person who wants to hurt people. and we are hurting him. we are hurting him. that is not the kind of people -- you know, being a prosecutor is an important thing. being a fair and good prosecutor
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is a very important thing. but some of these animals are bad. but what they have done is all coming out of cricket joe biden. he cannot campaign. he cannot speak. he cannot walk. he looks like hell. and i will say this -- before my indictments i talked much differently about him. the front row joes no. it was a big change in chorus. i used to have respect for the office of the president. if you listen to cnn and msnbc and if you listen to them and if you go back a year they were saying, you can never indict trump. they indict him. they indict him. you can never indict him on the document hoax --i come under the presidential records act.
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please, mr. president, could we have our boxes and of the president says, no, he does not have to give them but joe biden was totally exonerated last week. he has 10 times the documents and they are classified and he is not under the presidential -- and they exonerated him. they said he was grossly incompetent but we don't have to get into that. but that will come up, you watch. but we will be in very good shape. so, a man that totally violated every law in the book for classified documents, who had many of the documents stored in chinatown! and by the way, did you see the boxes? the boxes were seriously used. they were used. they had a lot of stuff taken out. they were not just boxes, matt. those boxes had stuff coming in and out. where is hunter? they had stuff coming in and out
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and were stored in chinatown. they also had them under his beautiful corvette. the corvette was dumping grease all over them. they were in the garage. it is one of those that you can take a scissor and cut. whereas mine were at the great mar-a-lago where i had a lot of secret service and a locked door. they asked me if we could put another lock. and we showed them and said, this is where they are stored. take a look. we had a good lock and secret service and they asked if we could put an extra lock in. and i said, sure. they wrote me a letter, thank you very much. and then they raided mar-a-lago after that. these are bad people. these are bad people. and you are not allowed to do that according to the fourth amendment. you cannot do that. although this is only happening because i am running for president and we are leading in the polls.
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otherwise, we would not be having anything. in the latest morning poll, we are at 81% and the republican primary. although -- i have not heard about this woman for the last five days since we beat her in her own home state. we beat her in a record. are you from there? yes. since we beat her there and in michigan in the largest primary vote in history we beat her by 42 points. and i have not heard about her. people said, don't talk about her. but i have to talk. because she is bad news. i know her very well and she is very average. in the new emerson held poll of the general election, we are crushing joe biden in every swing state including here in the great state of north carolina. we are killing it.
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and in harvard harris we are leaving croke and joe in a six-point, that is considered a landslide. when i am leading by six points --i hate to say why? people don't want to get involved. who are you voting for? none of your business. anyone that says, none of your business, they are voting for trump. the radical left democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we are not going to allow them to rig the presidential election of 2024. every time the radical left democrats indict me, i consider
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it a great badge of honor. i am being indicted for you. thank you very much. i stand before you today not only as your past and hopefully future president but as a proud political dissident and as a public enemy of a rogue regime. this is a rogue and dangerous ridging. this is an anti-democratic machine. these people are thugs and bullies and what they have done to people you heard the hostages singing. the hostages, i call them the j6 hostages. they are policemen, firemen, accountants and lawyers in some cases. they have and put in jail for long periods of time. they are hostages. you heard them singing. you heard the spirit they have paired that song became the number one song -- you can check
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me. they always check my facts. look at all of that fake news. that is a lot of fake news. wow. uh oh. the red lights are starting to go off. anytime i start talking they turn the red light off. no one is watching cnn or msnbc but it is hard when i am starting to get ready to talk about cnn, they are very good by now. i'm about to say they are ratings challenged and they get it off but there aren't that many people watching anymore. they have lost such credibility they don't have this in power they used to. never forget, our enemies want to take away my freedom because i will never let them take away your freedom. they want us -- they want to silence me because i will never let them silence you.
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and in the end, they are not after me, they are after you, i am just standing in the way. it is so pleasant. i had a nice life before this, right? front row joes. i had the nicest life. a great company. i built a beautiful company. i hope everyone is on truth because truth is hot. i call that the real voice of america. it is called the real voice of america. truth is doing great. i hope you go on it. ask the press, every one of them are on it. i asked, who is not on truth? no one raised their hand. they hate to do it that way but they are all on truth. we are delighted to be joined today by an incredible gentleman who i saw about four years ago and he went to a town hall meeting he was not a politician. which i think is his advantage.
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but he is a great natural speaker. a man who is a very outstanding person. he drove a truck. i think it was a forklift. and he went over to texas. i love forklifts with their power. they are working out. they can never top a forklift. i would rather drive a forklift then left this way. but he drove it and drove it well but he was complaining about taxes in his town and made a speech. they said, this is the greatest speaker we have ever heard. would you like to run for lieutenant governor? and he ran. and he has been an unbelievable lieutenant governor, mark robinson!
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i heard him, and by the way, his wife is much more lovely than he is and she is my friend. thank you, darling for being here. i heard him coming and i was saying, this is martin luther king on steroids. ok, now, i told that to mark. i said, i think you are better than martin luther king. i think you are martin luther king times two. and he looked at me and i was not sure if he was angry because it is a terrible thing to say or was he complemented. i have never figured it out. when i said that to you you look like -- i don't know if i like that comment. you showed like it. because you are outstanding and you are going to be the next robin or so that is going to be very -- the next governor, so
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that is going to be very cool! now, you know the fake news will go today and take that little segment and say -- he said that this gentleman is better than martin luther king. is he a racist? i don't care. it doesn't matter. because the people get it. mark, the people get it. thank you, mark and it was a great speech you made and i appreciate it very much. people did not know this next man to well and then i endorsed him and they got to know him very well. he was in a blue corner of your state and he was a congressman. he was a great congressman. matt gaetz wanted him. jim jordan wanted him. a lot of great people wanted him.
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a lot of great people. i did not know as much about him as i should have. i met him and i liked him. and he has been an unbelievable senator. we endorsed him and he won pretty easily. it is always nice when they love you in a congressional district. typically it is not good when they don't like you and then you are kicking someone from higher office but they loved him. and now the entire estate loves him. u.s. senator ted budd. thank you, ted. doing a great job. thank you very much. and then you have dan bishop. and i watched his speech. and i said, boy, that is good. and i endorsed him a number of years ago for congress and no i guess he is running for attorney general. and i said, whenever you are ready -- and he is fantastic. from day one he has been
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fantastic. and i loved your speech. you are going to clean up the streets. can we bring him to new york? i wish he was our attorney general, we have a real bad one in new york. we have one that does highly progressive and she is killing business and they are all fleeing. i think -- stay here for about a year and we will move you to new york. but dan bishop is great and i'm sure he is going to win it and he has my total support and endorsement and everything else. thank you, dan. and a woman who has been a long time professional and respected by everybody and loved by everybody, virginia foxx. virginia, thank you. loved by everybody. and lauren, you are going to do fantastically in your district. lauren, thank you. lauren from afar.
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but she is here and with a friend of hers and a friend of mine. i introduced them the other day in south carolina and he got a big hand. and i asked, what was that about? he has been so loyal and such a great friend. he follows me not because he likes it but he wants to make sure we got elected and he has been incredible. i introduced a lot of people and some people do well. some people did not get such a good hand. this guy got a tremendous hand because he really is a great patriot. matt gaetz and his wife, ginger. matt gaetz. true. all true. totally true, matt. the speaker of your north carolina house, kim moore. did -- tim moore.
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did a good job today. i watched you. and the next congressman from the sixth district. he is a friend of my sons and he had a tragic event with his brother. i should not say it but fentanyl got him. his brother passed away recently. i like the kid right away. my son was devastated knowing him for a long time. he is a good hunter and my son likes hunting. i like hunting also but a different kind of hunting. we like hunting for votes. we want to hunt for votes because we have to win this election. but addison mcdowell is great. stand up, please. good luck. your brother is watching you. and he is proud of you. he said, wow, that guy is going places. i think you are going to be very successful and good luck and
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your brother is indeed watching you right now. your north carolina gop chair. i had the choice of a lot of people. and i said, this is the guy because he stopped the steal. i say, protect the vote. they drop ballads because who can get elected with high taxes and open borders and take away your iphones and guns and no protection for yourself or entertainment. with bad education policies. everything is woke. they cannot. the only way they can get elected is a cheat. and they cheat like hell and they are a at it. but this man stopped it in north carolina and he is your chair but now he will be the gop chair. michael whatley. big things. and i said, michael, i don't
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need any votes. we have all the votes we need. i said, just make sure they don't drop boxes of ballots anyplace. and also a fantastic guy, sheriff sampage. where -- sheriff sam page. he is a popular guy. you are a popular guy. whoa! thank you. i met a lot of sheriff's backstage. we have almost 100 present of law enforcement endorsing. -- we have almost 100% of law enforcement endorsing we have sheriffs for trump. stand up, please. thank you very much. i appreciate it. great people. they are great people. our law enforcement is great.
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and as i tell you, when we do deportation, they know the real bad ones. they know them by their first name, second name and middle name. they know the good ones and the bad ones. and they will be working with the federal government on getting them the hell out of here because no country can sustain the abuse we have been given by this horrible, horrible , worst president in history. on tuesday get out and vote for matt robinson for governor, dan bishop for attorney general, virginia foxx. they have my complete and total endorsement. get out there and vote. thank you, everybody. thank you. from the very first day that we take back the white house from crooked joe biden i believe we are going to have the trope greatest years in the history of our country. we are going to do it fast.
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you know, one of the opponents, long gone, one of our republican opponents said, i can serve for eight years and it will take 8 years. and i said, let him get that expression out a little bit longer and then i will hit him -- if it takes eight years, don't vote for them because we are going to get things done in six months or a year. we are going to start drilling, drill, drill, drill baby drill day one. we kept our work -- he kept our drilling policies because gas is not going so high. he should do the same thing on the border, by the way. but he kept our drilling policies. he said we have to go back to drums drilling -- trump's
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drilling. it all started with the stupid energy policy. the cost of energy went up so high. in our first term we appointed over 300 federal judges and three great supreme court justices. i kept my promise is to the workers of north carolina and we ended the disaster known as nafta, the worst trade deal ever made and we replaced it with a brand-new usmca, mexico and canada, the best trade deal ever made. a giant win for farmers and manufacturers. a tremendous win for north carolina as you people tell me all the time. i took on communist china like no administration in history bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars pouring into our treasury when no other president had gotten even $.10 from china. and our farmers where the beneficiary and we have a lot of farmers here. but in iowa, i won by a record
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number because our farmers realized what we did for them. we got them $50 billion from china. nobody thought it was possible. for our great veterans we passed v.a. accountability and be a choice. that was a big deal. -- nva choice. at that was a big deal. on accountability. you had 9000 people in the veterans administration that were sadists and thieves and bad guys and bullies and you cannot fire them because of civil service. i had a past through congress, we fired 9000 and we replaced them with great people with heart that love our veterans. and then choice. it would take six months to see a doctor. they have great doctors there. but you could not see them. anyone that cannot see a doctor within 24 hours immediately goes outside and gets a local doctor. we pay the bill.
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we negotiate but we pay the bill. and we saved many lives. we got a 92% approval rating on the v.a.. the highest it has ever been by 45 points. that is the good news. the bad news is i hear that biden is dismantling it. he is dismantling choice. and he is putting some of the bad people back. i heard that also. we fully rebuilt the u.s. military and created space for us in iowa. i was a first president in decades to not start new words but instead i brought our troops home. we knocked out isis. we knocked them out. we got them out. we got them out. and take your time, fellas. take your time. we have a great person up here. you just take your time. plenty of time. thank you very much.
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thank you. that is great. these people do such a great job. thank you. are you doing ok? he looks good to me. his hand is up. thank you. don't forget, they wait for four days outside and then they get in here and they say, trump is no good it is not worth it. but he is great. thank you, fellas. you take your time. you are more important right now than all of us. he is pointing to his hat. you better believe it.
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america. you know, these people, the doctors, the medics, the first responders. they are incredible people. they do such a job. you all saw the guy yesterday on the crane coming to save the truck -- the truck went over the bridge and they dropped the boom and the crane and they saved at the driver of the truck who was hanging perilously over the bridge. it was a tough thing. unbelievable. that is an unbelievable job they do. unbelievable. [cheers] because everyone in this room is so important. you know that, right?
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there are a lot of people in here. it is a big crowd. there are 2000 people outside. we have 2000 people outside. this is a lot of people. they could not get them in. [crowd chanting] that is great. thank you. take good care of him. you are not going to miss much. don't worry about it. take care of yourself. that is great. give him a hand, everybody. [applause] incredible. they wait a long time. it is great. that is really nice. thank you very much come everybody.
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before i even arrive at the oval office and shortly after we win the presidency i will have the horrible war between russia and ukraine settled and we will restore peace through strength. i will immediately and joe biden's -- end joe biden's war on american energy and his inflation knightmare. by the way, you know the stock market has gone up. there are professionals, some of the guys i know, it is going up they say because they think i'm going to win the election. and if we don't win, you will see what happens. we will end up in 1929. to lift up north carolina workers i will robo china's most favored nation status and we will invoke stiff penalties on china and other abusers, trade abusers.
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[crowd yells] mr. trump: thank you. [indiscernible crowd murmurs] >> trump, we love you, baby!
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>> trump, trump! [crowd chanting, "we love trump"]
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>> lawton or smit is great -- law enforcement is great! >> thank you, mr. president! >> we love you!
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[applause] >> we need you back, trump! we need you! only you! mr. trump: that is incredible. did you see, that medic was unbelievable? he was working -- boom boom, right? unbelievable. [applause]
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that was an incredible job, while. that is what we have in this country. that is a bad one right there. i think he is going to be all right. did you see him working? he knew what he was doing. he was doing the job to get him going and get that heart going. he wanted to get that heart going. wow! [applause] and his children walked out with him, can you imagine that? what a great job. thank you very much, everybody. whew. that was a bad one. i will pass -- that does not sound as important now, right but it does come everything is important. i will pass the reciprocal trade act with china.
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we will make them pay a reciprocal carrot of 100% or 200% right back. in other words, if you screw us, we will screw you. it is a very simple plan. very simple plan. china charges us 100% and 200% and others -- india is a big abuser. brazil. they charge us but we don't charge them. we told in billions doctor we took in hundreds of billions from china. we never took in anything. and as the tariffs on other countries go up, taxes on american families will go down because we will be taking in a lot of money. we have a tremendous deficit. we won't have much of a deficit. the reciprocal trade act will get rid of a chunk of our deficit and you will not have to
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pay a thing. don't let the fake news tell you it costs you nothing. it does not cost you -- we will restore law and order in our country. and i will direct a completely overhauled doj to investigate every radical, out-of-control prosecutor in america where the -- there is no law. this week joe biden once again declared his intention to strip our police officers of their qualified immunity by passing a radical anti-police bill through congress by contrast i'm going to indemnify all police officers law enforcement officials throughout the united states to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong action on crime. we are going to rebuild our
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cities into beacons of hope, safety and beauty better than they have ever been before. our cities are going in a direction that nobody ever thought possible. we are going to rebuild our studies and work with democrat mayors and rebuild our cities. we will take over our horribly run capital. the capital of our nation, washington, d.c. and cleaned up, renovate and rebuild our capital city so it is no longer a nightmare of murder and crime but rather it will become the most beautiful capital anywhere in the world. we will get rid of those slums. we will clean out the slums. we will get rid of the tent cities all over the beautiful parks. and we are going to make it so that if someone goes to north carolina -- from north carolina goes to washington to see the great monuments, they are not going to be killed, beat up or accosted. it is a horrible place right
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now, what they have done. and as we clean up our capital we will clean up and clean out our deep state. we started with comey. that is a deep swamp. we got comey out, didn't we? we got him out and a lot of others. but it is deeper than anybody thought possible, right, matt? on day one i will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing critical race theory, chair and gender insanity and other -- transgender insanity and any other inappropriate content onto our children. and we will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate. i will keep men out of women's sports!
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and we will fully uphold our great and very important but under siege second amendment and i did it for four years. we will protect innocent life and we will restore free speech and i will secure our elections. our goal will be one day voting with paper ballots and voter id. and all the republican governors that -- can go to that right now but until then, republicans must win. we have to win so it is too big to rig. too big to rig! too big to rig! so if you want to save america
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you have to go vote and you have to vote -- on not going to tell you who to vote for -- vote republican. i won't tell you, vote republican. the primary is tuesday. we have to send a signal, we have to tell a signal, november 5 is the big day and that is when we will have this guy walking out. he has destroyed our country, our reputation and everything he touches. they like to say -- trump is a threat to democracy. -- he does not even know what it means. his incompetence as a threat to democracy. he is leading fascists run our country. he is leading communist run our country. it everyone you know to the polls so we can trounce haley. i have not heard about her in a week. does anybody know? she was going on every show --
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donald trump, this and that. that was not working out very well. we have to get out the vote because we have to set up big numbers for november 5. we have to let everyone know that we are a freight train and we are going and we are not stopping. we are going to focus all of our time and all of our energy -- we will fire crooked joe biden. that is what we have to do. crooked as hell. how about what is going on in congress now? isn't that something? i did not do this or do that. joe did not know about it. he did not know about anything. i did not know about it. remember when hunter -- remember when you use to go, where is hunter? now we know where he is. where is hunter? the famous phone call, right? my father is sitting right here. together, we are taking on some of the most menacing forces and
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vicious opponents our people have ever seen. but no matter how hateful and corrupt and tommy -- the communist and criminals are, and they are hateful, we are fighting against some of the most vicious people in the world and they are not outside but inside. if you have a smart president, outside is not a problem. we can handle china and russia. they don't want to mess around with us. now they do because they are toying with us. but you must never forget, this nation does not belong to them. this nation belongs to you. this is your home. this is your heritage. and our american liberties are your god-given rights. from asheville to raleigh, from wilmington to winston-salem, from greenville to greensboro,
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this state was forged by some of the toughest men and strongest women ever to walk the face of the earth. our american ancestors were backcountry farmers and frontier settlers, woodsman, craftsman, workers and warriors who poured their love into this land for their families. they climbed the mountains, fought the battles. they conquered the dangers, such danger. tamed the unknown wilderness and built the factories and gave everything they had to make america into the greatest nation and the history of the world. -- in the history of the world. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ [crowd cheering] ♪ [crowd chanting, "usa"] mr. trump: but now, we are a nation in decline. we are a failing nation. we are a nation that has the highest inflation in 50 years where banks are collapsing and interest rates are skyrocketing. likewise, we are a nation where energy costs have reached the highest level in our history. we are no longer energy
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independent or energy dominant. as we were just a few short years ago. we are a nation that is making venezuela -- that is thanking venezuela and others for oil. please help us, joe biden says but we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other nation in the world. we are a nation that just recently heard that saudi arabia and russia will be reducing their oil production, so sad. while at the same time substantially increasing the price. and we met that threat by announcing we would no longer be drilling for oil in large areas of alaska or elsewhere on our beautiful land. we are a nation consumed by the radical left screen new deal and get everyone knows that the
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green new scam is fake and will only lead to our destruction. we are a nation whose leaders are demanding all electric cars despite the fact that they don't go far, cost too much and whose batteries are produced in china with materials only available in china. when an unlimited amount of gasoline is available inexpensively in the united states but not available in china. and now we are a nation that wants to make our revered and very powerful army tanks, the best in the world, all electric so that despite the fact that they are also not able to go far, fewer pollutants will be released into the air as we blast our way through and mary territory in an environmentally friendly way. and they also want to make our fighter jets with a green stamp
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of energy savings. they are losing 15% efficiency but allowing us to keep our enemies' atmospheres clean of emissions as we viciously and unceremoniously attacked them at levels never seen before. who are these fools? who are these people that would do this to us? who are these people that would ruin our country? we are a country that ended oil exploration in the united states just as the price of oil reached an all-time high. what other country would do such a foolish and self-destructive thing? can we be energy independent? can we be energy dominant again? oh yes and oh yes, and quickly says president trump. we are a nation that surrendered in afghanistan leaving dead
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soldiers, american citizens and $85 million worth of the finest military equipment in the world behind. and also abandoning bagram, one of the biggest military bases in the world and only an hour away from where china makes its nuclear weapons. and we are a nation that allowed russia and ukraine to fight killing hundreds of thousands of people and it will only get worse. it would never have happened with me as your president. and for watcher straight years -- and for four straight years, it did not happen. like the horrifying attack on israel, it would never have happened. they would not even have thought of doing such a thing if president trump was sitting in the oval office. it would not have happened. iran was broke under the trump administration. they did not have the money to fund hamas and hezbollah and all
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of the other instruments of terror they were funding. they had no money. they were broke. but those sanctions were lifted by a corrupt biden administration and now iran is a rich country with $221 billion in cash and another $6 billion for hostages and $10 billion for electricity to iraq all complements of a corrupt biden administration and china with we are a nation that allows radical left terrorists to attack our cities, leaving behind destruction and death, nothing happens to the criminals that do these terrible things. there is no punishment. but when people who love our country protested on january 6
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and washington, they become hostages or unfairly prison for long periods of time. we are a third world nation that has weaponized law enforcement against opposing political parties like never before. we have a federal bureau of investigation that will not allow bad election changing facts to be presented to the public. $1 million to a writer of fiction to lie where hunter biden's laptop from hell was russian disinformation and the fbi knew it was not but 51 intelligence agents said it was. a department of justice that refuses to investigate egregious acts of voting irregularities. we have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country
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who is cognitively impaired and in no condition to lead and is now in charge of dealing with russia and possible nuclear war, which would be world war iii and far more devastating than any of the wars previous because of the weaponry that no one wants to even think or talk about. it is weaponry like no one has ever seen before. we are a nation that no longer has a free and fair press. fake news is all you get and they are indeed enemy of the people. they refused to discuss the biden crime family but enjoy covering the indictments of donald j. trump who has done nothing wrong but win an election that he was not supposed to win. we are a nation where free speech is no longer allowed and
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crime is rampant and out of control like never, ever before. we are a nation that is allowing iran to build a massive nuclear weapon and china to use the trillions of dollars it has taken from us to build a military to rival our own. less than three years ago, we had iran, china, russia and north korea in check. they respected us. they were afraid of us. they were not going to do a thing against us and everyone knows it. now, russia and china are holding summits to carve up the world, and perhaps most importantly, we are a nation that is no longer admired, respected or listen to on the world's stage. we are a nation that in many ways has become a joke and we ever nation that is hostile to liberty, freedom, faith and even to god. we are a nation whose economy is
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collapsing into a cesspool of ruin. whose supply chain is broken. whose stores are not stocked, whose deliveries are not coming and whose educational system is ranked at the bottom of every single list. we are a nation that just saw a once great company, 90 states -- united states steel. the stock market success is contingent on maga winning the next election. if they do not win, you will have a situation like 1929. you will have a great depression. i believe that with all my heart. we are a nation where large packs of statistic -- sadistic thieves and criminals are allowed to go into stores and beat up until their customers and lead with armloads of goods and no retribution. the authority of our great
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police has been taken, their families and pensions have been threatened and their lives would be destroyed to the mirror mentions of the words law enforcement. we are a nation where drugs are easier to get the groceries. we have a, drug infested, crime-ridden nation that is incapable of solving even the most simple of problems. we will institute the death penalty for drug dealers were each dealer is responsible for the death of over 500 people or more. mothers will never again be forced to watch their children overdosing and hopelessly dying in their arms, screaming, "what can i do, my child?!? what can i do?!?"
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our airports are a dirty, crowded mess. you sit around for hours and then you are notified the plane will not leave. they do not know why ticket prices have tripled, they do not have the pilots to fly the planes, they do not seek qualified air traffic controllers and they do not know what the hell they are doing. we are a nation that screens its citizens at all ports but if you are an illegal -- alien you are allowed to flow through the southern border by the millions. we ever nation that has lost his confidence, willpower and strength. we are a nation that has lost its way. we will not allow this horror to continue. three years ago, we were a great nation and we will soon be a great nation again. [crowd cheering]
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it was hard-working patriots like you who built this country and it is hard-working patriots like you who will save our country. we will fight for america like no one has ever thought before. 2024 is our final battle. [crowd cheering] with you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. we will expel the warmongers from our government that is so poorly run. we will drive out the globalists , we will cast out the communists, marxists and fascists and we will throw out the sick political class that hates our country. we will drain the swamp and we will liberate our country from these tyrants and villains once and for all. like those patriots before us, we will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield, we
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will never give in, we will never give up and we will never, ever, ever, ever, back down. [crowd cheering] with your support we will go on to victory the likes of which no one has ever seen before. we will evict crooked joe biden from the white house and take back our country on november 5, 2024. the great silent majority is rising like never before and under our leadership, the forgotten men and women will be forgotten no longer. you were not forgotten for four beautiful years. we are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious nation under god and together we will make america powerful again. we will make america wealthy
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again. we will make america strong again. we will make america proud again. we will make america safe again. and we will make america great again. thank you very much! thank you, north carolina. go out and vote. god bless you all. god bless you. god bless you all. thank you. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] ♪ ♪
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