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tv   Prime Ministers Questions Prime Ministers Question Time  CSPAN  March 3, 2024 9:00pm-9:43pm EST

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biden's executive nominations d vote to reauthorize a law compensating americans exposed to radiati bthe federal government. watch live coverage of the house c-span 2, and aessional coverage with our free video at c-span now, or online at announcer: british prime minister rishi sunak outlined the reasons for his opposition to a ceasefire in the gaza strip while responding to questions in the house of commons during his weekly session in the chamber. the opposition labour party leader keir starmer also spoke about former prime minister's te annual cpac conference in the u.s. this iabou40 m [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caion ntent and visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] o prime minister's questions. we are joined in the gallery today by parliament. we now come to the first
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question. tpeaker. number one if you please. >> prime. >> mr. speaker, i know the thoughts of the wholeends and fy of the lord and ronnie campbell, they would dedicate apartme mr. speaker, this morning i had etaddition to my duties in this house, i shall have further such meetings later today. burke thank you, mr. speaker. i think by right honorable friend for his answer and uncertain everyone in this chamber was a great whatever the li should be able to think, , spea, and voteavor. but today i need to ask about the painful subject ofental care in clapton which is in crisis.ey and the private firm has found the students to dental appointment and my patch. however, paper pushers i england keep citing spear his reasons this ground
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breaking initiative being deployed. does my right honorable friend agree with scandalous and should be dealt with and those people blocking it held to account? >> rime minister. will make dental services patients including in clapton and will fund around 2.5 million able friend raises, as he will know this is a local matter so the integrated care board will determine if to support the pilot proposal in clapton on another minister fory honorable friend about the lettr addresses his concerned. >> we come to the leader of the opposition keir starmer. [shouting] >> thank you, mr. speaker. can i join with the prime minister's remarks about the campbells. tory mps that leslie claiming britain is run by shadowy cabal made up of activists, the deep state, , and most chillingly of.
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[laughing] give up on governing and become >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker, hoe member is just sniping from the sidelines because he has absolutely nothing that he can say what we do. what were getting on speaker, is delivering on the peop■'s priorities, a number of small votes down by third mr.ns. and, and mr. speaker, not only that we're delivering a significant tax tax cut for millions of working britons while his plans would put taxes up for everyone across the country. >> mr. speaker, his predecessor spent last wee■m her new book, n search of fame and wealt
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taken to slagging off -- [shouting] minister, now they can't bear talking about her. in search of fame and wealth, she's taken to slagging off and underminin opportunity. s prime minister she was sabotaged by the silent as tommy robinson that right-wing thug was described as a hero. why is he allowing her to stand as a tory mp of the next election? >> well, mr. speaker, i don't li a single member of this house supports tommy robinn. [shouting] but, mr. speaker, if he wants td predecessors, the record becaust there while anti-semitism ran
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right in this party. and not once but twice backed a man hamas friends, mr. speaker. but to their credit, to their c, the shadow home secretary and a deep the secretaryefused to back the former labour leader, that heid spineless, helpless and utterly shameless. >> mr. speaker, mr. s change my party for the better. he is being chang b2o party. the reason he's leadi h is becak to do anything about it. it's the story of his leadership. when they refuse to accep 14 years, you do wonder who they country all this time. thankfully the former prime minister is on hand they can to help.
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it turns out it's all the fault of the media, the corporate bizarrely, president of the united winston churchill once said the price a now i don't think the british public are expecting bit of accountability. the doesn't think it be great if just once this tories actually took responsibility. >> mr. speaker, he talks about leadership, he talks about change but when i learned that something that i didn't agree with i suspended one of away. but when he, mr. speaker, so mr. speaker, when he learned, when you learned a bio and the semitic remarks made by a labour candidate, what did he do, mr. speaker? him.nstructed his team to defend houting] he sent a shadow cabinet minister to campaign for him and he personally backed him days, and that's the difference
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between us. i act on [shouting] can't believe he sayt with a straight face. the former prime minister continued on her american odyssey. this this journey into the wild west of her mind, she also claimed, she also claimed, mr. speaker, that nigel farage is aa man to restore the tory party. can the p minister confirm whether he, too,our tory fold? >> mr. speaker, in our party have a proud tradition of diversity and accepting everyon. it is a proud record labour to shame, mr. speaker. the first jewish prime minister, the first female prime minister, the firstlack chancellor, the first muslim home secretary and now led by the first british
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asian prime minister.:c [shouting] while it seems he can only champion men from north london,, it's the conservatives represent modern britain. [shouting] >> so, so this, this diverse tory party does welcome nigel farage. the p months ago the prime minister come the has broe lots of people who want to subscribe to our ideals and our values. this is the same nigel farage said he agreed with the basic premise o e powell river a blood speech, but known the lobby. so is the prime minister simply too scared to stand up to the gaggle of mp who moonlight as presenters, , or does he generally think nigel farage shares ideas and values of the
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tory party >> mr. speaker, he wants to talk about values, but tomorrow in rockdale the people have ar labr candidates, two of which are --t the ex-labour candidate stan he mr. speaker, it's becausee expelled anti-semites. he make some labour candidates. [sho >> mr. speaker, the truth is these are no longer the tories your parentsoted for can see it. the prime minister is lost control of his party to the halls of reckless amothe tinfoir there, the extremist who wrecked the economy, all lining up to undermine him, humiliate him,éa@ and eventually to get rid of
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when will they ever stand up to them and in the pathetic spectacle of a tory party that used to try and beat giving up d dancing to his te instead? >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker, i utterly shameless from someone who stood by while anti-semitism ran rife in his party, oversaw the situation and twice back back a member fr islington n. 4
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[chanting] last saturday, russian forces launched an attack on ukraine. the british people have been magnificent all of those have done so much.ukrainian peol you minister support ukraine and nato allies willnti. [cheering]
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mr. speaker and 75 million in considered to be fair gaza and 0 hostages held by hamas. it is the core of the that they have a sea this house should demand an immedie cefi indicated the cease-firerom monday.
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>> mr. saker, who called for the immediate humanitarian which would allow the release of hostages and british nationals and aid that reached gaza and progress urge everyone on all sides to seize the■w opportunity and up and clear from this terrible tragedy find a lasting resolution on a promise of a two state solution and sure palestiniansn dignity. >> five months since the conflict began■" in this government on these occasions for cease-fire. it is not leadership.
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should this come before the united nations?■ >> the resolution in the united nations but just calling for an immediate cease-fire that could be within days or weeks. >> thank you and back to the
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open government, we have information but with machine learning and a.i., it's becoming more and looking at the information is going to disrupt society and our economy. >> can i join my honorab friend like him, i am proud rec, the f a.i. establishing the report and global a.i. safety summi and protect ourselves. >> almost general election.
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one of■v campaigning's. [cheering] a recent left. responsibility to complainfv the alternate dismantling marcus a. full-fed the selection. >> these are the facts on the united kingdom, businesses a restaurants rising these
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and they are being decimated and we are going to show them at every opportunity. are 4000 facinguncertainty. the day before they expired and noticed they were trespassing. a very weak statement refusing to meet them and n unsure they will have surgery. when these decisions are taken >> the commercial agreement but he's right, everything that can
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be done should be done and we mened review a framework will make it easier and more acceptable. advantage we are creating so they can get access to thema chey need. >> i welcome progress.d they are not going to do that, s
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>> it is not right to call for an immediate cease-fire and two more fighting and not get more aid into gaza but also make sure we can safely remove hostages■0r immediate cease-fire so it's not in anyone's ande pressure on our party to come t resolution market share my enthusiasm, 27
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yousq across the country three■. to improve the quality . >> twenty-seven potential in england including an extra one and he's right made in recent years. upaker. alongside this ho house, they are the
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and unlimited opportunity. >> over 14000 pounds a and master in 20 offer accepting a childcare offer an n chance. >> delivering on whae say which children for nine months until he stopped, the
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largest in our [chanting] >> just outside of my constituency, one of several major states and issues ignored for decades. and that the sources stabilize and this war.■ >> he's right to champion his
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constituents just from them and we have provided 1 million pounds of funding for safety and we are continuing to providt settlements. and it will receive billions of funds and was far quicker than anything else7. >> they have died in this recommendation to the government in april, 2023. 329 d■rays ago with the prime
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minister to explain why his government failed to implement u÷ the recommendation? >> impacted and consistently■v acknowledged and shall be the government has accepted mone sprig an amendment with the intention of the implementation of the inquiry. >> thank you, mr. speaker. my assistance for the 244th million. transport and investment
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structe. this is 300 million pounds of a and b services and funds to modernize the center and funding the road. these projects willor benefit of those who follow us in structure. there's one thing i would like to raise's deal with care. we have relational struggling we can be done■ >> can i pay tribute to our friend? he'sight about thisent provided0
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billion euros of funding across and resources available also acknowledgment of the rural areas with more funding to make a communal he never and is energy bill was significantly. he say ambition will only start in 2026. you often play opposed.
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[chanting] >> to the honorable lady will, r the family across the country in scotland and sure■í welcome abot the energy bill we haven't seen in some time everye need. >> a much loved open space cherished the residence used by the nearby store. almost the entire area rejectin. his education■ and even the prie
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minister. here that it's entirely for the local authorities. .> pay tribute to my honorable remove this land in the ■community with the current spae in all this local access. it remains an educational happens.
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we left this revelation in the post o investigation. >> it would be inappropriateíd r the has been completed and that's why we will bring forward the legislation■i■@]h >> the 7000 pounds against the residence. i work with the loc community
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and however, they include this plan and it is important the voice of the is heard and it is in this secure wayially other more suitable land available. >> my honorable friend, in this time. there's this complication, their voice is not settled. there are opportunities to provide comments,ncourage implement him to support his communito mak sure their
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voices hea. >> the prime minister talks about things weapon, no growth.
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