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tv   Prime Ministers Questions Prime Ministers Question Time  CSPAN  March 4, 2024 12:01am-12:45am EST

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[inaudible conversations] >> we now come to prime ions. we are joined in the gallery today by dr. andreas norlen the parliament.the swedish we now come to the first
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ti >> thank you, mr. speaker. number one if you please. >> prime minister know the thoughts of the whole house will be with her friends and family of the lord and ronnie campbell, they would dedicate apartment turns. mr. speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, and in house, i shall have further such meetings later today. burke thank you, mr. speaker.i e friend for his answer and chamber was a great whatever the political standpoint that we should be able to t without fea. buthe painful subject of dental re is in crisis. our ics has done the money the private firm has found the students to massively increase dental appointment and my patch. however, paper pushers in nhs england keep citing spear his reasons that this ground
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end agree with me that this is scandalous and s dealt with and those people blocking it held to account? >> rime minister. >> our dentistry recovery plan will make dental services faster, simpler and fair for clapton and will fund around 2.5 million more appointments. on the matry right honorable friend raises, as he will know this is a■gy l integrated care board will determine if they wish to support the pilot proposal in clapton on another minister for public health has written to my honorable friend about the proposal and help her lette his. >> we come to the leader of the opposition >> thank you, mr. speaker. can i join with the prime minister's remarks about the campbells. tory mps that leslie cla shadowl made up of activists, the deep state, , and most chillingly of
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all, the financial times.■" [laughing] at what point did his part to give upvm oome the political wing of the flat earth speaker, mr. speaker, another week with the member is just sniping from the sine say what we do. what were getting on with, mr. speaker, is delivering on the people's priorities, a number of small votes down by third mr. speaker and improving inflation, consuming to fall. and, and mr. speaker, not only that we're delivering a significant tax tax cut for millions of britons while his incoherent energy plans would put taxes up for everyone across the country. >> mr. speaker, his predecessor spent last week in america trying to flog her new book, in search of fame and wealth, she's
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ta slagging off -- >> they made her pri they can'tg about her. in search of fame she's taken to slagging off and undermining britain at every opportunity. [shouting] she claimed that as prime ministerhe was sabotaged by the deep state. she also remained tommy robinson that right-wing thug a hero. why is he allowing her stand as a tory mp of the next >> well, mr. speaker, i don't believe a single member of this house supports tommy talk about former leaders and predecessors, the whole country knows his record because he sat there while ran
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right in this party. and not onceut who called hamas, their credit, to their credit the shadow chancellor, the shadow secretary refused to back theabour leader, that he didn't because he's a a ly shameless. [shouting] speaker, mr. speakeri change my party for the better. he is being changed by his the reason he's leading her stand i because he's too weak to do anything about it. it's the story of his leadership. when they refuse to accept any blame for the ruin of the lastdy think should be running the country all this time. thankfully the former prime minister is on hand they can to
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the media, the corporate world, and states. winston churchill once said the price a great disc is responsibility. now i don'think the british public are expecting gratis from this prime minister, just a b of the doesn't think it be great if just for once this tories actually took responsibility. >> mr. speaker, he talks about leadership, he talks about change but when agree with i suspended one of my mps straight away. but when he, mr. speaker, so mr. speaker, when he learned, when you learned a bio and the semitic remarks made by a labour speaker?e, what did he instructed his team to defend him. [shouting] he sent a shado he personally backed him for
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days, and that's the difference between us. i act on my principles. he hasn't got any.■n[shouting] >> i can't believe he says that with a straight face. the former prime minister continued on her american odyssey. thisourney into the wild west of her mind, she clai. speaker, that nigel farage is aa man to restore the tory party. can the prime minre, too, woulde nigel farage back into the tour tory fold? our party we have a proud tradition■diversite from every it is a proud record that puts this is a party that delivered the first jewishriinister, the first black chancellor, the now led by the first british
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asian prime minister. [shouting] can only modern north london, [sut >> so, so this, this diverse tory party does wel the prime minister two months, two months, two months ago the prime minister come the tour party brought up, welcome lots of people who want to subscribe to our ideals and our values. this is the same nigel f basic premise of enoch powell river a blood speech, but known the influence of the jewish lobby. so is the prime minister simply too scared to stand up to the gaggle of tory mp who moonlight as presenters, , or does he generally think nigel farage shares ideas and values of the
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>> mr. speaker, he wants to talk about values, but■# tomorrow in rockdale the people have a choice of three former labour candidates, two of which are anti-sea mitesi÷ -- anti-semite. the truth despite three at the ex-labour candidate stan he he can't back a single one of them. mraáe=. speer we expell a >> mr. speaker, the truth■e■p ls your parents voted for, and the public can see it. the prime minister is lost control of hiso the halls of reckless amount of -- the tinfoil hat brigade over there, the extremist who wrecke2 the economy, all lining up to undermine him, humiliate him, and
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him. when will they ever stand up to them and in the pathetic spectacle of a tory party that used to try and beat nigel farage, not giving up and >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker, ihe who stood by while anti-semitism raif appalling situation and■gn. ..
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mr. speaker, two years ago ltrds launched an attack on the british people have bn magnificent and all of those have d s ukrainian people have been welcomed. mr. speaker, we must never tell you any. but the prime minister support ukraine and nato allies will continue to be unwavering. [cheering] ■3
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mr. speaker, 70000 shelter, whas o be fair conditions in northern gaza and 100 hostages held by the core of th. this house should demand an immediate cease-fire. president biden indicated the cease-fire me take pf
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>> mr. speaker, who calledd allf hostages and british nationals and aid that reached gaza and progress and we urge everyon on all sides to seize the opportunity and up and clear from this terrible tragedy find resolution on a promise of a two state solion and sure palestinians live in dignity. >> five months since the conflict began in this government on these occioease-f.
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it is not leadership. can i ask the prime minister, should before the united nations? >> the resolution in the united nations but just calling■t for n immediate cease-fir that could be within days or weeks.■l >> thank you and back to the
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open government, we have information but with machine learning and.i., it's becoming more prevalentnd looking at the information is disrupt society and our economy. friend like him, i am proud of our record of a.i. resolution, the first a.i. establishing the a.i. report■n and global a.i. safety summit. and protect ourselves. >> almost general electn.
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of campaigning's. a recent weeks [laughter] we also have the responsibility to complain honestly the alternate dismantling marcus a. full-fledged on the >> these are the facts on the ground. performing the worst in the united kingdom, businesses andss
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decimated and going to show th. >> there are 4000 facing the day before they and noticed they were trespassing. a very weak statementto meet the unsure they will have surgery.■z when these decisions are taken before they are cast out. agreet
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he's right, everything that can be done should be done and we mentioned a review and it will be a new framework and it will make it easier and more acceptable. this will take advantage we are creating so they can get access to the primary care they need. >> i welcome the hamas progress. to articulate that position, if they are not going to do that,
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what would you say that this place really is? >> it is not right to call for an immediateea and two more fighting and not gaza butls and we have been calling for immediate cease-fire so it's not in anyone's interest and we should keep on our party to come to a resolution market share my ehu, 27
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country. substructure. >> twenty-seven potentin england including an extra one and he's right, and has been made in recent years. from 76%,. alongside this side of th house, they are the strictest
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and unlimited opportunity.■p >> over 14000 pounds a year and master the prime minister in 2024 a new childcare offer. parents don't know they can ask. accepting a childcare offer and it will not have a■c broken chance. >> delivering on what we which is children for nine months until he stopped, the
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largest in our country's history.g] outside of my constituency, one of several for decades. and that the sources■m stabiliz■ and this war. >> hs
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constituents because they do just from them and we have funding for safety improvement and we are continuing to provide in the secondound to transport settlements. and it will receive billions ofr funds and was far quicker than anything else. died in this government in abspril, 2023. 329 days ago with the prime
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minister join to explain why his government failed to implement the? >> the suffering of all those impacted and consistently acknowledged a■óhall be delivered. the govnmen h accepted this which is why monday we are springing forward an with the intention of the of th. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i would like to thank my assistan for the 244th million pounds. and investment
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structure. this is 300 million pounds servo center and funding the road. these projects will have major benefit of those who follow us in structure.■f there's one thing i would like deal with relational struggling only with the cost of what more can be done? >> can i pay tribute to our friend? he's right about■cx÷■- this whis
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why provided 600 billion euros of fun the and resources available also acknowledgment of the rural areas with more funding■, to mae a communal he is energy bill was significantly. he says his ambition will only start in 2026 you often play.
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[chanting]l note, currently lifting all those things in the system for theamily across the country in scotland and:e welcome about■ bill but levels we haven't seen in some time so that everyone gets the help we need. >> a much loved open space cherished the residence used by the nearby store. almost the entire area rejecting compromisehis education and even
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i will make it clear right here that it's entirely for the local authorities. >> pay tribute to my honorable friend. remove this land in t community with the current space in all this local access. it remains an educational plan, that's something i know he wants s make sure that ha
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happens. we left this revelation in the post office under thisn. inapprr the has been completed.■x and that's why we will bri■@o legislation. >> the 7000 poundsin the
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residence. i work with the local and howev, plan and it is important the voice of the community is heard and it is unacceptable in this secure way especially other more suable land available. >> my honorable friend,@r this time. there'ss complication, their voice is not settled. there are opportunities to comments, encourage■)implements
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community to make heard. >> the prime minister talks about things, the only weapon, , tell the family struggling to pay their bil■? and it's for our country. [cheering] >> mr. speaker, some of the f she just outlined perhaps she te country w incoherent for working families 28 billion pounds in higher energy
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>> the prime ministerecord fuin for re extended railway station. weekd increase in funding. and only talking in the t smile area.[chanting] >> a fantastic campaign and he's right, over the next several years it will be ten times asmua
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result of this decision. the years of being neglected is slowing out across the country. >> i wonder what they have ensuring this network associated influx we hope will continue the dream of t energy. >> support taking■ó■ opportunite have job investment. with regards to infrastructure not only do we provide tax benefits, 25 million pounds
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available used on local infrastructure to develop the opportunity. >> the program is not just the endeavor to keep our nation safe but it speaks about our ambitious work because of the threat. bring together all rents and it will drive this pam forward. that means improving and minister to meet not just the fantastic people building but also the program will uplift. >> instability, my honorable friend
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is absolutely right. you'll keep us safe and create thousands of jobs building on the investment a fantastic industry means and the partnership is a crucial component and change the provided millions of pounds of e program for myself. >> this last week has the funds are minister photographed with a group extremist conspiracy theory and. shared values?
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>> that's no way to talk about the world farming community. [cheering] integrated rivals te0 million■h pounds which they received annually and it's a small amount for family doctors so can they have a greater share of this?o- excellent continued campaigning r his constituents. he raises integrated care powerm the overall budget recently
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met earlier this week to discuss fuher. i will make sure his are carefully considered. >> the prime minister■ inappropriate and commenting on these allio and allows trade secretary to loudly content. >> the business secretary sent out explicitly andarly and since then and despite made, the secretary completely refuted the claims me director for the departmentthe
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refuted his recollection and compensation for historic injustice. we will make sure everyone gets the compensation they deserve. >> the 132 million from the sharedhy and they replaced this these industries. round expires next year. hisovernment will continue the funding and provide support the economy needs. >> it was great to visit my honorable friend the othereek the delight and i wish everyone a happy day next week. award 130 million pounds, 100
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different projects fund and it confirms this will be up until the end of march and all government■u fund but i can assm committed across the country.ev■


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