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tv   Gov. Kristi Noem Speaks at CPAC  CSPAN  March 6, 2024 4:48am-5:04am EST

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>> good afternoon, cpac. what an honor to be with you today. to be with you. thank you for being true patriots and loving america. you had met me before and you know my background and history. anger from south dakota who is blessed to be the 33rd governor of the great state of south dakota. [applause] i was raised by a family who worked very hard. they solved problems, believed in personal sponsibility and not waiting for the government to be the answer.
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i love the outdoors. most of the time working in the dirt and caps. as governor, my hours are often filled with something different. i am here todayr+ let you know 2024 should not be a year where we get hung up on dirty politics. picking our leaders on how long they've been in the senate or how many speeches they give each year. the choice is clear. two kinds of people in■% this country right now. there are people who love america and there are those who hate america. [applause] those who hate america working every day to destroy it. joe biden is destroying america and taking away your freedom. we can't just sit around complaining about it anymore. we need to do more. i was recently asked an interesting question by group at
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a chance to speak to cut a leadership class and they asked me a question from the audience ismake your hard decisions? i thought, you know what? it is not hard. it is easy because i know the foundation i need to start from with every single decision i make as governor. i told them a little how when i first started to run for governor of our state it a different race than i had ever run before. it was showing up in my pole and it was going to be an issue i was a woman. south dakota has seen women lead before a business and state legislature and congress that we had nrnor before. we never had a woman a i had spent my entire life in a man's world. my dad was my best friend. i was usually one of the very few women driving semis hauling
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grain, serving and leadership in even during my time in congress i was one of just a couple of women on the leadership team making decisions on policy. it was normal for me to be one of world -- in the room and nothing out of the ordinary. i remember the day i was being sworn in to office as the first female governor of south dakota. much of that ceremony that day was dedicated to the historical nature of that event. was being sworn in to office on the 100th anniversary of women getting the right to vote in our state for the first time. [applause] as the ceremony went on and the speakers continued to point out the significance of this niversary and me taking the oath of office, started to hit me. for the first time i thought, wow, this is kind of a big deal. i looked around the capitol rotunda and saw it filled with hundreds of people.
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for the first time i started to notice all of the little i realized this was going to be a part of history. they were getting to see someone who looked like them take on a different role. for the first time i started to get nervous. i thought, i better not screw this up. as be sworn in by our chief justice, placed my hand on my dad's bible and raised my right hand, i realized i was only making two promises. i was promising to uphold the constitution of the great state of south dakota and uphold the constitution of the united states of america. two promises. i can do that. from that moment on, every decision i make starts with asking the question, is this constitutional? do i have the authority as governor? what authority do i notwhat is f the people? i think you all know little bit
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about the decis< years we saw government leaders in other states use fear to control people, promote their agenda of socialism and control. that has not been our story in south dakota. they took away in other places people's freedom of assembly. ■!they took away their freedom f religion and freedom of speech. but now they are threatening our states right to protect our people. i was only governor in this country that never once closed a single business. [applause] i never mandated anything from my people, never told anyone they could not go to church. elevated unemployment benefits because our people wanted to work. we trusted each other andot ger because of it. today south dakota is thriving. because of the decisions we have
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made, we broke the record for the lowest state unemployment rate in the history of america at 1.8 percent. [applause] we have unprecedented population growth, historic revenues, aaa credit rating, fully funded pension system, and paid off debt. we were the first state to eliminate fees for concealed carry permits and we will even pay for your federal backgund check. [applause] when the federal government tried to push the central bank digital currency, we were the first state in the nation to veto that and say no way, not here. [applause] we have built roads, bridges, dams, and even a railroad. who built railroads anymore? we do. we put high state internet across the entire state. we have the highest birthrate rate in the nation.
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people are having babies. i love it. we do not have an income tax. we have no personal property tax. last year we pass the largest tax cut in our state's history by lowering our sales tax to 4.2%. we are one of the few states with mental health challenges going wnoverdoses the last coupf years as well. this says our people are happier. they are happier because they are free. leadership matters. i'm justand kamala harris, they suck. [applause]
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to with you, we should not look to congress for the answers, either. the gridlock on capitol hill is not going to break in time to save america's. we need a president who will. 5-0 is believed in support affect our next president needs to be president trump. we have■i incredible cash two years ago, i was at the southern border. i was the first governor to deploy national guard troops down to the southern border to protect our country. other states are following our lead and sending their national guard as well. innovation of our country is happening. our border is a -- an invasion in our country is happening. our border is a war zone. i wasaging biden to federalize the national guard under title x to take them away
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from the control of gy my abilie their commander-in-chief of the national guard. i recognized them easily the danger in the threat. if the president took that action to remove me as commander-in-chief of my south dakota national guard, it would be the first president paid soldiers to stand down, to not protect our country. i went to the board at the next day. i offered to bring razor wire so texas would know south dakota stands with them and i would and i wanted them to know we will defend our states rights to protect our people, protect them from a corrupt federal government. when i came home, i gave a joi address to my legislative session and that very day, our state legislature passed a resolution in support of securing our border and standing with texas. south dakota was the very first state legislature in this nation
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to take such an aggressive action and i am so proud of them [applause] this week, i we will deploy national guard soldiers to the border for the fifth time. this time they will be constructing a wall, a barrier [applause] a barrier to keep those who want to come to this country illegally out and drugs, from proliferating sex trafficking over women and children and stop the human -- the inhumanity of joe biden for policy. my people are affected by the open border every day. i willcan in south dakota to bring back peace and stability where joe biden has brought destruction and death. we note that china is taking advantage of the situation. they are funneling men and women enter our country and many
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dangerousri■h■sminals and■@ terrorism other countries who hate us are making their way here, too. some countries are renting out their prisons and mental health institutions to send their responsibility to us to handle. these countries are infiltrating us to destroy us and they are doing it from the inside. i saw this coming. i was the first governor in the country to ban tiktok for state government devices. [applause] that to collect our data, spy and manipulate our opinions and our ideas. ■since then, dozens of states ad even the federal government followed my lead and took action. apparently, joe biden gets a pass for his campaign but whatever, joe. joe biden is not fit to be president and kamala is no backup they have facilitated communist policies, socialist programs into our american democracy.
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it is not the government'. it is the job of the government to empower people to do things for themselves. [applause] >> we have a clear choice -- i to endorse donald j. trump to be our next president. last year, when everyone was asking me if i was going to consid president, i said no, why would you run for president if you can't win? [laughter] >> i didn't say that to be nice. i said it because it was a fact. no one we knew could be donald j. trump. we've known that for over a he'o has the support to be the republican nominee. [applause] why did all these other people in -- and candidates get
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into the race? for themselves?■vfor personal b? for a spotlight for a period of time? it did not and it does not strengthen her country if conservatives are not united enough to recognize we need to win. we need a fighter. we need someone who doesn't give up, who has never quit on us so don't you quit on him. president trump [applause] >> president trump, he broke politics in 2016. he just did. i think that's a good thing. he is not perfect, none of us are but he cares about you. what i love about him the most is he doesn't think he's better than you. luckily, we ar not going back to the good old days of the romney's and the cheney's [applause] >> the republican party is much bigger than that now. we are filled with blue-collar workers, many cultures,
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perspectives and viewpoints. but most importantly, we all love america and we realize what a gift this country is. this country is the greatest experiment in humankind. if we lose it on our watch, where will we go? where is there another country that is better or offers us more opportunity? for me, there is no going back. i am all in. and you need to be, too. [applause] >> we need to look for our leaders outside of the swamp. nobody turns to d.c. for the solutions. nothing meaningful gets governors have had to leave and i have seen governors make bad decisions in devon eight their states and we have governors that did the right tng. i put my foot on the gas and promoted freedom, personal responsibility and our constitution.
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today, south dakota and are happy. they are making decisions for the jones education and pursuing the american dream. margaret thatcher where she said god needs no faint hearts for his investors. with yourju help, we can alwayso more. if america wants to be great again, i suggest you take a look at south dakota and see all that we have achieved and then for president trump. [applause] i want to thank you for your dedication to freedom. you are inspirational. i want you to leave here and go be hopeful and be happymay god d bless the united states of america. [applause] >> thank you. ♪


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