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tv   House Freedom Caucus Members Ben Carson Speak at CPAC  CSPAN  March 6, 2024 5:29am-6:13am EST

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movement that the unit party kill. they will try would with e and even msnbc resistant lives admits you grow stronger by the day. when you know what? in the maga movement at cpac my friends matt and mercedes schlapp, all of you, we are all growing stronger andhe strongest fighting these battles with you in my corner. i appreciate your prayers and your hopes and your love and i will never stop fighting for you. god bless you. god bless this great country. let's go get them.■cfrom pennsyn
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scott perry. and your host, news anchor ed henry. [applause] ed:tlemen, good to see you. hello cpac. how is it going? i am ed henry. i'm a recovering mainstream media anger. good to see you. we have a new streaming channel. there you e, jeff. you can stream us at youtube at 6:00 p.m. eastern every night. boy will we get a briefing from a couple of freedom fighters today. i am honored to kick off this panel with these freedom fighters but also with all of the patriots that are watching
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on newsmax and newsmax two. we will get to see you out in the hallways and now we will see you in the hall, the forgotten men and women that donald trump talked about. in 2016, i suspect that there are a lot of patriots who fought to put the republicansf the hou. i see them they seem to have the same question. what the heck happened? >> this is what we knew it was coming. some in our party felt we would take the big majority. we obviously had not earned it. we thought it would be a small majority. folks like myself as chairman of the freedom caucus knew that we could have potentially an outsized influence and we prepared for it. we went to the guy who wanteto be the speaker six month before that and said things have to change right here. the urgency in america to save
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the republic needs to be addressed. people are demanding that is what the majority is all about. we cannot keep doing the same things the same way and expect a different outcome. ent to them and said, these are the changes that we are proposing. we don't have all the good ideas. if you want to change things, we are willing to hear that. >> mccarthy agreed to a lot of this to become speaker. >> he agreed to almost all of it. fore, spending $7.2 trillion. he said let's go back to precode spending on some of these -- pre-covid spending on some of these accounts. they agreed. the rest of the conference voted for that. early in the spring we got the best border bill ever. out of congress a slim majority. everything was working fine until we got to the debt ceiling empasse. ker in the room. remember joe biden said there will not be in negotiation.
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we set up ala everybody voted on and voted for to set the conditions for success. that opened the negotiation between predent biden and■z chuck schumer. the deal was lost right then. the wheel came off. the tops were broken. the deal with house was broken. thank you so how the rest of the year went and what finally culminated in the fall. ed: let's pick up the story right there. then i will go to specific issues. the way congressman perry describes it, do you agree? how do we fix it? >>d, you can make the significant argument that in a lot of ways, we don't have the majority at all. there is such a broad dynamic within the conference. when you go out and you try to run something on a partisan level and it is something that most of us would think this is a good conservative piece of legislation.
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this is a good conservative effort. you get into the votes, you do not have it. what scott described is very accurate. one thing i want to add with that is that in the effort to put the speaker in place the first time, a number of the significant rules wereat did gid running when it comes to procedures. it was very important. that effort playedit turned outy worthwhile. i was thinking this morning if only we had a checklist to see what you have gotten done. ed: then i look back and i see that you were part of the september 22, 2022 commitment to america. the first four items if you go to and google this, an economy that is strong, a nation that is safe, a future built on freedom. still struggling there.
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and a government that is accountable. >> let me begin by saying that all sounds nice but ladies and gentlemen of cpac, you conserva. you are the people who will save the republic. those are issues and phrases that the freedom caucus uses. we like to put some meat on the bones. those are platitudes that you can either win or fail at and most of the people in the difference. that is the problem with washington, d.c. it is not often in washington, d.c. it is with washington, d.c. we encouraged the speaker to put some things on paper that really define what success is and what success isthe conference is wid. folks do not want to be pinned down. some republicanss and then you e
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people who are willing to save the republic. those of the people who need to be elected regardless of whether they are from new york or texas. there are certain things that are perennial and that is that the government is too big, it is involved in our business, it is bankrupting our country, it is failing us on an international scale and if you cannot fix either of those things then run to the other party. ed: people need to understand that there is about half of the members that we serve with fundamentally want to change the socially economic fabric of this is why you see this on border. it is a planned strategy to flood the countrypeople, noncitm addicted to some kind of government program, and win their loyalty. that is part of the plan to have utopian windmills and solar
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cells and electronic vehicles which is not realistic and will not work. ththto take away from this is to come to the brother station that there are about half of the people we serve who want to fundamentally change the things that we have grown up with. those platitudes that you mentioned was never the executive -- objective of half of the members in the first place. ed: there are 23 commitments that you signed on to. e searched but cannot find the page you are looking for." it seemed like a metaphor for where we are. let's get specific. you said speaker mccarthy entered this discussion. you talked about cutting the 87,000 new irs agents. why have we not cut any federal
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spending? >> because unfortunately there is one party in washington, d.c. and they are kindly seeking the fundamental transformation of america. we do not internalize what that means. there is another party that is not worthy going to do much about anything to sto it -- not really going to do much about anything to stop it. nt to continue spending and they have their projects. i can tell you is a person who wore the uniform of the united states, funding the military is important to me. have an audit ever? does it say that there are no waste or fraud or abuse is there? if you want to find some efficiencies, there are folks on ou aisle that will never go for any of it. as long as we keep doing that, there is always a deal to be made. they can always find enough
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democrats to vote for all of the other stuff. folks like me and russ are left utside. ed: joe biden told us i need congress to pass the laws. by executive power i have done all i can. the bill fails in the senate and now he says ahead of the state of the union address he may push through executive actions including going back to some trump border policies that he and others have called did he simply lied to us when he said congress has not passed the law and i do not have that power because now he is saying he will use that power.the first time ie president even acknowledge we had a border problem was a couple of weeks ago. to even hear him acknowledge that -- we can see a turnabout. he is the answer to your
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question. -- here is the answer to your question. we have an election year. november is coming closely. know that thet hearts and minds of the people of america are on this. now they are trying to change the narrative to where was -- it was the republicans' fault all along. in the meantime we have a tragedy going on with millions of people crossing the border illegally. man catastrophes that come with that. the burden on the american taxpayer. the trafficking. the previous pan issues with drs and the cartels. this is a tragedy. are here in 50 years, for those who are here, you will look back and say this was the worst policy that this
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administration has undertaken to open up the border. i think it has been the biggest failure of congress for not being able to override that. you mentioned there need to be changes to military spending, as much as you want to protect the country. what about foreign aid? former president trump will be here and have a speech saturday morning ahead of the south carolina primary. he had a proposal at a recent rally saying end foreign aid as aid but cit has to be a loan. america has to get the money back. could you get behind that? >> from december to january we went from $33 trillion to $34 trillionn debt. by may we will be $35 trillion in debt. bosses cannot afford their groceries and credit card bills
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and education. you name it. we were elected by the citizens of the united states of america. not ukraine, not taiwan, not anywhere else on the planet. we want to be helpful where we can but in country is not something i ever signed up for. i do not leave myself out of my itute. we have proposed on numerous occasions over the house passed a bill. that was paid for. we paid for that. that is the respon,bv2sible thio do. that should be the policy. if we are going to send money to another country, we have to pay for it so american taxpayer knows what they are in for. at a minimum the other country has to have some skin in the game as well. the loan is the minimum standard.ko this bit where we give billions of dollars of american treasure away is unacceptable. when we talk about ukraine,
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nobody, not anybody agrees with putin or what russia has done. not any of us. but the biden■' administration s not told us what the endgame is. why are we spending all of our hard earned tax money over there? when do we finish this thing? there is no strategy. ed: on ukraine, there is $60 billion pending that the senate ha speaker mccarthy was mentioned. we will talk about whether anything has changed. speaker johnson is saying he will not bring up the $60 billion. do you believe him? will they hold the line on spending? as far as our think where the speaker will be on this until and certainly where i am on this, doore money. do not talk to us about spending money that we do not have the other countries until we address the border in our own country. [applause] >> to scott's point, we do not
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have the money, we do not have the reserves. we have depleted that. there is no endgame. we have not defined what a win is. scott pointed that out. there is one other thing from a strategic standpoint. nobody wants to see putin run across europe. about starving him to death economically. that can be done. he has one major source of revenue and that is oil exports. we shut that down, he will have a lot of problems. if he does not have money, he cannot do all these other bad things. ■ó■bthe same thing about iran. congressman perry wanted to talk about it backstage. let's talk about it. former president trump had the boot on the neck. joe biden and his team took the boot off and saw thousands of dollars in sanctions raised.
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talk about the stakes. they are incredibly high. since 1979. no administration is safe. if you look around, whether it is hamas, the jihad, whether it is iraq or afghanistan, you name it. there is one bad actor perpetrating all of it and it is iran. this administration is enabling, encouraging -- aiding and abetting if that language means anything to you, to allow the terrorist regime to acquire nuclear weapons which they will deliver with nuclear ballistic missile capabilities. ed: what are you suggesting? >> if you look at his special envoy and this lady who is now the chief of forces who calls
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regularly to a person at the public policy institute of iran that this person was trained by the cook for us. the irgc. she is calling in to him to get which -- to get advice on which conference she should attend. the guy who had his security clearance revoked is negotiating the nuclear arms deal. iran is our enemy and if you are aiding and abetting the enemy, you know what the answer to that question is. ed: congressman, i want to shift to the impeachment inquiry. we have been watching closely. yesterday james biden was on capitol hill testifying. we are expecting hunter biden next week. people are hearing about
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depositions but they do not feel there is any accountability. will there be accountability of the biden family? >> the house did move forward with the very narrow margin vote in impeachment for secretary i do not think we had illusions that that is likely not to pass the senate. every minute and this gets debated and shown on the public stage, it raises awareness of what is really going on and the fact that u.s. law is being disregarded. on a related note because of course biden is right behind that, what we pointeinternatione with russia and iran, do not think for a minute that they are not emboldened to the fact that this president is not 100% there. they know that he is not at full capacity and as a function of that they are prosecuting their efforts as a result.
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that is why iran is doing this. that has emboldened them. it has emboldened china. you notice that putin did not move into ukraine when donald trump was president. a factor in this too. the impeachment, even though it may not fully come to bear, the awareness of what gets processed in front of the world and the american people. >> let me weigh in on this. the biden familys knows that every effort. they do not want to be found out. you can see the information. the evidence is cle. ■you do not make millions of dollars with nothing to sell and so forth. the agencies justice and the irs are also unwilling to give up the information so that we can either prove that this president is not excelling -- is
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not selling the united states out for personal gain or that he is. i do not think we willetto impeach him especially with the thin margin that we have but we will continue right up until the end of the term to bring this information out and to inform the american people if joe biden wants to run for office again, have him explain thi to the people that he wants to vote for him. ed: i want to follow-up on the investigation. backstage we talked about you have been a target of this weaponized doj. you are with your father-in-law when the feds came to get your father. >> censorship, intimidation. i am not the target of any investigation. because i speak my mind and i say things that they don't want to hear and they don't want you to be able to say or think. they want to makeof me because g for you. ed: this is over the election
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challenge from 2020. >> right. ed: you are not the target of the investigation but they think there might be text messages help to the investigation so they came for your phone? >> i'm assuming that. they have not told me that they want the information on my phone which is constitutionally protected because my conversations with other lawmakers per the constitution are supposed to be protected. but they want to dirty me up and create some doubt in the minds of the voters in pennsylvania that say this guy has done something wrong. make no doubt about it, today it is me. the day after, it will be all of you. people do not want to say anything. they are reluctant to talk to friends and neighbors because they look at what happened to me and they say i don't wanyi don'y father-in-law and my children and have the federal government show up and say we are taking something from you. >> former president trump always
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says they are not after me, they are after -- they are not after you, they are after me and i'm in the middle. jim jordan is doing a great job. i think there is a fundamental flaw in the system because even though we technically have oversight, if you to subpoena , it has to go through the doj for enforcement. that is part of the executive branch. they are just as crooked, if not more so, than the intelligence community. that is why the more exposure we get, the more we can message the truth and communicate to the people what is going on. ed: we are almost out of time. i hear all the context you are i get that you are dealing with a democratic president who does not want to cut spending. we hwhat two or three things wod
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you say we could do to fix this system so that we can actually get out of debt? >> first of all, republicans need to do what they told you they would getting the government out of your life and that is putting boats up. they a $1.7 trillion inflation reduction act which will equate to three-point troop trillion dollars -- $3.2 trillion. every republican should vote to repeal it. period. >> if that means shut things down until we get peoples attention, shut things off until we get the senate and the white house to agree, then so be it. ed: you might have some surprise picks for vice president. >> i want the most conservative person that will save the republic.
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ed: who is that? >> is not some people who are currently in the race against donald trump. i do like vivek. he understands that theex government is out of control. there are a lot of conservatives who believe that. >> i heard the name desantis backstage and i was surprised. >> i would like to see them kiss and makeup. they would be a great pair. >> we will see a team. thank you. >> thank you. thank you so much. thank you cpac.
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it is great to be with a group of hard-working american patriots who love their country, love freedom and love their faith. our nation was built by men and women who never back down, never gave up, never ever apologized for who they are. it is this american spirit that lives on in patriots like you. it is comforting to see so many people who keep the spirit of 1776 alive. [applause] as we gather here today i really want to discuss an entirely new threat to our country. just a few miles up the road in washington, d.c. an entiry fferent scene is unfolding. our government and legacy institutions are losing credibility in the public eye at breakneck speed even though the
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systematic takeover of america has been going on for years. the federal bureaucracy, the mainstream media, academia, hollywood, big tech and every other has turned its fire against conservatives, against christians, against anyone who stands in their way. i calle crisis of legitimacy in the united states government. america was founded on the notion all political power comes from the consent of the governed and that sovereignty does not belong to anyone official and institution but it belongs to we, the american people. the reality is that the government in washington, d.c. no longer represents the people
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and has stopped pretending to execute the charge laid o blifef happiness. put simply, washington is losing its letimate claim to govern the american people. millions of americans look around and wonder what is becoming of their beloved nation. they don't recognize the place they grew up in and they wonder what kind of future is in store for their children and grandchildren. young men particularly young white men are not signing up in great numbers for military anymore because they don't want to fight for a country tthey d'y around the world to protect the borders of ukraine or taiwan or any other country on thewhen oug overrun by the millions with terrorists and cartel members and humany. they don't want to join the
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fighting force that is more concerned with woke activism, nder inclusivity, lgbt issues than it is with protecting americans. they don't want to be part of an operation ss trillions of dollars abroad while the small towns they call home are falling into distribution and our communities are being ravaged by drugs and depression while their jobs are shipped overseas without a second thought. overseas just to come home to a country hell-bent on vindictive identity politics that promised to take what little social and economic capital they have left and redistribute it to racial, religious and other minority [applause] who can blame them? and how long can a country last
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in that way? it isn't just happening in our military either. as we see every day, virtually every single institution of power in our country has conser, to christians, to our country's legacy, concept of western civilization itself. our education system has been taken over by radicals who push insane political ideologies like crt, ddi, transgender-ism and more on our poor children while they no longer even learn basic reading, math, civics. they come down with the full force of the law when a student tries to open a bible or say a prayer in school. they are putting all this stuff over on our yog people who have brains that are not fully developed yet.
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and to take somebody who is curious and them with these kinf things is nothing less than child-abuse. [applause] you know, inflation, gas prices have risen so high that everyday american families struggle to put food on the table and gas in their cars and washington's solution, double insane environmental policies like the green new deal mandatory electric vehicles, even though other couns do, but we are sitting on top of some of the largest untapped oil reserves in the world. an estimated 10 million illegal aliens have invaded our country since biden took over,lation of0 of 50 states.
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a civilization cannot sustain itself this way and we haveo ar. they could be terrorists, spies, cartel members, or human traffickers, and they appeared to be mostly military age males. they could be affecting things like our cell phone systems and whether they work appropriately every day. and i guarantee you there was a whole bunch of stuff they will be doing. all these people coming here are not our friends. the leaders in washington won't enforce the law and protect you from the rampant crime that has strong our inner cities and making them unlivable for families and children. they even want to take away your ability■z to protect yourself by attacking lawful gun owners and slowly abolishing the second amendment. meanwhile, they let hardened criminals out of jail, while peaceful, pro-life protesters
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and patriotic grandmothers who walked into the are facing a dr more in prison. think about that. in about that. [applausn8e]and this is at a tie lived through the summer of, and t for down cities, looting stores with support from government officials and the biggest corporations on earth. the law is being used to constantly harass upstanding citizens, while the real criminals go two our leaders, you and i are the enemy. not gqe rj and the looters in the criminals running rampant in our cities. and now our justice system has been weaponized against the administration's top political competitor with absurd
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witchhunts from every corner of the country. it reminds me of the old slogan, you show me the man and i will find you the crime. they are throw have -- [applause] think about it, everything they have they are throwing at president tru because they are desperate to stop him and they are desperate to stop you and me. trumps only crime is representing the american people first. [applause] and for that they aryto put him in jail for the rest of his life, tie him up in court, take all of his assets. they are terrified of him. if we allow this to happen, america will never be the same again. [applause] we have to stop it. it also seems like nothing even works in america anymore.
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public transit is unusable. our streets are full of homelessness, litter, and filth. think about all these things that are happening to us. and we need to be thinking about who does the best job that they are tasked to do, not diversity and inclusion and all of this stuff. we have made tremendous progress in those areas and we don't need the government interfering and telling us who and what we should be doing. it really is ridiculous. m the chairman of the committee on nominations and government of one of the fortune 500 companies and it was recently said, don't vote for carsonber of women on our board decreased to 25% after we added someone.
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i leave, they've got a diversity problem. [laughter] [applause] fortunately, the stockholders didn't aid them any attenon. our elections are rigged. the legacy media lies with impunity and the government is just interested in power and control. on top of it all, we have a president who■u time and often can't make it through a sentence even mentally aware enough to have a trial. if he can't be tried, he certainly can't hold his own at the negotiating table with world leaders in places like russia, iran, and china, so what makes him fit to be president? think about it. it is total incompetence from top to bottom. [applause]
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this solution is just chaos. doubling down. continuing to lie. and counting on people being uninformed so they can tell them anything they want. and in the face of all of this, they are trying to gaslight us into rejecting what we see with our own eyes and say that none of this is really happening. we have come to anpoint where be legacy media no longer respect market demands, but they are instead using money and influence to manufacture political consensus and shift public opinion in a nonorganic way. then they point the finger at us and say that we are the problem and tell us to disbelieve our own lying eyes and stop giving into conspiracy theories. the reality is that when the interests of all of our elite institutions are perfectly
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aligned, there is no need for a conspiracy at all. these people all went to the same schools. they believe all the same things. they are part of the same social circles. and they attend the same elite cocktail parties. has become a big revolving door of government bureaucrats, contractors, big tech operatives, and lobbyists, to adjust from the public sector to the private life every couple of years. their ideologies are perfectly aligned, even if there is no central mechanism directing each of them individually. but the simple reality is that every american is struggling. and they can only hide that fact for so long. there is nothing radical about what we representatives. we want safety and security. we want freedom of speech and to
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practice our religion as is our god-given right. we want secure borders. we want a government that puts our interests first. these are things that used to be the norm in this country. and none of these demands are extreme or outrageous. [applause] they should be the simple baseline of legitimate political leadership. all of this is a searing indictment of our ruling class and shows exactly why washington, d.c. is losing its legitimate claim to govern the american people. it was the late sir john baggett gloves who first share the ideal that the average lifespan of a superpowers 250 years or about 10 generations. for those who keep track, our 250th birthday is coming up exact.july 4, 20's
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yet our leaders are determined to repeat every mistake that led to the collapse of empires before us. here are a few common themes mass immigration and infiltration by foreigners who don't share our values and culture or even our language. a loss of public morality. excess indulgence and wealth and luxury while shifting away from frugality and hard work. rising inflation and massive amounts of public debt with out-of-control spending. entangling foreign alliances and over committing ourselves to the defense of other countries. and finally, a rejection of religion,■÷ order, and even the concept of truth itself. as we reject god, we are spiraling downward. we need to bring him back in a hurry. [applause]
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this rejection of the past has always been at the core of the progressive movement. we see it everywhere as progressivism has attacked our history and our inheritance itself. a country and indeed any civilization that attacks itself like this has lost its will to live and cannot survive. but as i traveled across the nation, i'm encouraged, because i meet thousands of god-fearing, liberty loving american patriots will not let their country be taken from them without a fight. as we entered the turbulent days ahead, we must stay true to our foundational values and true to our faith. we are americans and our nation was founded on trust in god's divine( providence. with this guidance, i'm filled with confidence that the
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americanri strong and will reemerge from this challenge bigger and better than ever before. we are the people who settled a vast and untamed wilderness, laid the railroads, but a phone in every home and a car in every garage. we are the people who built the skyscrapers and engineered the bridges and canals, who created the interstate highway system. we raised millions out of poverty,we stare down people ine and defeated nazi-ism and communism in the 20th century and we unfurled our glorious american flag on the moon itself. we will not be like other superpowers■ values and rejected their past and fell from glory. our great americantory cannot end this way. it will not end this way. the tides are turning in our
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favor and the mp fact is the american people are not going to let our nation go. we understand our nature and are nature's god and people who oppose those willas we enter th. i hope we all look to the heroes of our past to guide us in the present. we turn to scripture for inspiration. we turn to god for the guidance we need to take back our country. filled for hope with the future and confidence that america's best days are still ahead of us. together we can become the stoic, shining hill on the city. let me change that, the shining city on the hill. once again secure the blessings of liberty for our children and our grandchildren for generations to come. and we must remember that we,
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the american people, are not each other's enemies and we cannot succumb to those who are trying to divide us on income, , religion, political affiliation. we are neighbors, friends, and colleagues. don't let anybody tell you that we are enemies. we are not. our togetherness will save us. god thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. [applause] ♪
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