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tv   Washington Journal 03062024  CSPAN  March 6, 2024 7:00am-10:00am EST

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demo democrats vote in the positive for the first six bill. the second six bills are tougher, a little bit more contentious. but i think we'll get it done. we will take your cas and comments live and have lk at the super tuesday primary relt then we will talkbout upcoming those come up by march 22. government funding deadlines, so we will get those in as well. border security and conflicts in gaza and ukraine with california host: you say that you're expectingn democratic congressman amier by partisanshowing, do you thinl d ryan clancy, chief strategist for no labels. he discusses efforts to field a guest: i don't think so. third-party ticket in 2024. later, georgia republican congressman rich mccormick shes his thoughts on government funding, the border and foreign aid for isrl d ukraine. "washington journal" starts now. host: earlier this week, the ♪ vice president called for an immediate six-week cease-fire host: good morning. between real and hamas -- israel it is wednesday, march 6. and hamas. do you favor that deal? votersu.s. do you favor calling for a cee-fire? territory went to the polls for guest: that would be a good
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the largest day in the 2024 thing. primaries. obviously, we would want to wel. president biden and former and we've got a crisis in gaza president trump dominated the contest and nikki haley will be announcing her exit from the race later this morning. we are getting your thoughts on going now. the results of super tuesday and they have a lack of food and the 2024 primary season. water. democrats, (202)-748-8000. we've got to get that aid in there quickly as possible to republicans, (202)-748-8001. avert that ka fast fully and independents, (202)-748-8002. hopefully we can negotiate a deal. you can text us at (202)-748-8003. we are on and twitter. host: this is nbc news with its headline. administration officials watered down kamala harris's speech welcome to today's "washington before delivery. journal." we will take your calls shortly. her office denies having watered here is the headline from the down that speech. wall street journal. do you worry about trump scores string of wins to edge closer to the nomination. when it comes to israel? also from the wall street guest: no. i don't think there's been any
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journal, nikki haley to the fora ambivance. he moved the assets to the governor expected to urge trump to try and earn the support of those who backed her. region. nikki haleyspend her our mission is very clear. we have to contain this conflict and make sure it doesn't spread presidential primary bid in a speech wednesday morning. into a beard regional conflict people plans because the president has beenvt told the wall street journal the former south carolina governor and united nations ambassador is to figure out what's the path a specter to make an appearance forward here and that's going to deliver brief remarks in charleston area around 10:00 a.m. eastern time. right now. for decision arrives a day after host: tell us why you think that super tuesday when she won only vermont among 15 states that more taxpayer money should go to held gop contests. ukraine and what are the let's take a look at what former prospects of that actually president trump told his happening? guest: we're at a critical reporters yesterday after the juncture in thwar that's taking place in ukraine in >> thank you very much. vladimir putin decided to invade they called it super tuesday for a reason. it's a big one. ukraine. i think now is not the time t o. and they tell me that there's we've seen our european allies step up with additional funding
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never been one like this. to support the ukrainian people. now it's time for us as congress lusive. this was an amazing item, and the administration to stand with the people of ukraine who are fighting for their freedom amazing night, amazing day. and our country's history has and then try to get it to a place where you canegotiate and end this conflict. but now is not the time to back been sad and so many ways but i think it is going to be off. inspiring because we are going host: i want to show you what to do something that frankly no tommy tuberville said, the one has been able to do for a blican of alabama about u.s. long twe have watched our counte aido ukraine he said this. i haven't voted for any money to go tine because i know they can't win. donald trump will stop it he gets in. a great beating over the last he knows there's no winning for three years. ukraine. he can work a deal with putin. no one thought a thing like this what's your reaction to that? would be possible. guest: my to that is donald trump probably can work a russia attacking ukraine, we deal with putin. wouldn't have israel being attacked. that really betrays the ukrainian people. that puts europe at -- i don't know, was broke when i was running things. they didn't have money for hamas have any confidence in donald trump because i've watched him or hezbollah. in the four years that he's been we had no inflation. in office and was n is destroying the to vladimir putin. middle class, destroying vladimir putin is a dictator. everything. he decided to invade a country look back over the history,
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that was not looking for hundreds of years back, it's called inflation, it is called a conflict. now freedom, for democracy, for country buster and that is what it is doing to our country, what peace. is happening with inflation has that is what the united states been unbelievable. always has stood for. a lot of experts have the let's stand with our european stock market is the only thing allies and support the ukrainian that is doing well, and it's doing well because our poll people and let's get this to a numbers are so much higher than point where we can negotiate and joe biden's. end this from reuters that the host: we are taking your calls german minister wants to use for the first hour, on the proceeds from results of super and the assets for ukraine. primary season for 2024. is that a possibility that we can use some of the money that here is the associated press. we've frozen or at least the tuesday races and move closer to international community has frozen and to use that for a november rematch. ukraine aid? guest: it is a possibility. also this from the washington post. it's not something that's been talked about in congress. nikki haley gives aprise each of the legislation that super tuesday win beating trump in vermont. actually would support using the this is her first victory out of frozen assets to support ukraine. 15 states on super tuesday and host: emanuel macron in france the only time a republican woman has prevailed in a state residential primary. has faced some backlash because we will go -- state presidential
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he discussed the idea of sending primary. we will go to john in new york, western trooéps to ukraine in a conference back in february. democrat. what are your thoughts on that? caller: my ideals for the 2024 guest: i mean right now, the ukrainian people and the election is democrats start ukrainian troops have been fighting. obviously, they need weaponry, talking about biden's our support. they need ammunition and the likes. infrastructure becausee. but they've been prosecuting this war and defending their own territory. if we continue to support them, they'll be able to fight and north carolina got $9 billion. the russian troops back a little bit. so that's how i would look at it at this particular moment in south carolina got $6 billion. time. i want them to start talking host: and do you feel that there has been enough oversight on the funding that has already been about the conditions when trump sent to ukraine as to how it's been used and how effective it's left office. been? gu w and look one million people were dying a month because of his mistakes and inexperience. analyzed. let's get the funding, let's cap i want the democrats to start talking about this the security supplemental.
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infrastructure that biden got you'll see more advice and inaction. legitimately, members of congress are beginning to ask republicans are taking money, they are cutting ribbons but what is the long-term play here? and i understana"d that's the■ y they go against infrastructure. i want the democrats to start coming out of afghanistan, iraq and so forth. talking about that. host: what would you say is your but now is not the time for us top issue for this election? to back out of this conflict. now is the time for us to set to caller: by top issue is a place where we can negotiate from a place of strength. host: let's go to calls now. democracy. we'll start with deangelo in georgia. getting infrastructure done. democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. i'm very high on education. the border, i'm not worried host: go right ahead. about that. caller: my question is about the that can be closed easily. they are trying to make a big immigration bill that trump seee deal out of it. i'm rried about infrastructure. our bridges are decaying. would get an immigration bill passed this year? our freeways are not large enough.we lose a lot of time ann the freeways. i want to know how much income guest: it is difficult and i think it's going to continue to
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this new train systems, how much be a challenge. it is going to help the economy. that was a very good bill, it's that is what i want democrats to not perfect but it is a start. start talking about and stop i■í would certainly hope we hada talking about trump. host: let's talk to richard in chance to vote on that in the house. florida, republican. right now, i don't feel caller: hello. optimistic that light of day. i'm very disappointed with how last night went, but i did see i do think the president will talk about certain actions and it coming. things that he can do. i was hoping we were going to have something better than to and again, i hope we could come together as democrats and biden and trump, the rematch republicans and then more long term, think about what this most people do not want. i'm a haley s and i was looks like. next in florida, independent line. hoping for a miracle. hi, ron. caller: and how are you? host: good. caller: good. my question to the representative would be, i've been to california several times i guess that is not going to happen. and it's alarming to see the but hopefully in 2028, we will amount of homeless camps and have someone better and i hope homeless people in supposedly the golden state of our country. haley and rfk get together for a
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my question is,the third-party ticket or something because america deserves better american government, if their than this. idea of ensuring domestic a biden-trump rematch is not tranquility is allowing mo what most people want. host: we are going to be talking people in the country than we to the chief strategist at no have houses for, how is that labels later in the program. ensuring domestic tranquility stick around for that. and helping homeless americans julio, south carolina, find a place if you keep independent line. bringing more people in when we caller: good morning. know there isn't enough houses? that's my question and thank you i want to talk about the very much for taking i thanks. election, and joseph biden. that's a legitimate question. ukraine, ukraine, very i would separate that and look at the borders. important. because if you ask me, i think the republican party, it seems the border crisis will continue like they are doing -- because to get worse. you see security collapse a of the relationship with donald trump and vladimiru
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something in a get folks off of. what is it going to be? but somebody that ended their did the people in the united jobs that ended up on the street states understand what is going on? host: donald trump says he could or someone that had mental make a deal with putin and end the war. illness and deal with those caller: he and donald trump issues. negotiated. caller: good morning there, when he was president, they mr. bera. i used to live in sacramento. worked. i still do have a house in sacramento. and we got a lot of crime going even though they lost in 2020, on in sacramento. they planned for this to happen. we have. they plan to this. he went over and kissed the ring. you people should have term limits. you guys are n doing your job. i'm sorry to say that. but i look at you people.don't r the brain cells gone? what is wrong? host: we will talk to edwin in weapons that iran is obtaining. supposed to haveeven nukes by
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north carolina, democrat. caer: i love your callers. the end of the year. and all you guys want to do is you've got to realize, 27% of spend my grandkids' money and my children's money andak harder on everybody. americans are democrat, 27% of and i thank you very much for americans are republican. taking the time. 43% are independent. guest: a couple of things. do ho if the democrats and independents combined, that's 70% against 27%. address homelessness. some of that --hat we're people have shown, even during super tuesday, that 25, 3040 -- seeing about drugs and mental when he 5%, 30%, 40% don't like donald trump. illness. we've got to get folks off e i've been reiterating this for months. streets and help treat them there. i've spent a lot of time if you do a slide comparison, in thinking about how dangerous this world is. i'm on the intelligence committee and you do think about what's happening in north korea. you've got a hot war going on, the 30 months that donald trump was in office, less than 5 million jobs created. and we are trying to contain a in the 30 months that biden was war in the middle east so it in office, 100 -- 12 million doesn't spread into the regional jobs. conflict and we're trying to
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one of your clers talked about prevent a war asia. ukraine. the world is with at a crossroads. and unfortunately a lot of that burden falls in the iowa state building stuff or that war unitedstates of america. machine in ukraine, and you hear trump, he has no platform. we have the asian nations are starting to step up to take a republicans have? they don't. bigger role in asian security. and we've got to make sure this what trump inherited in the years that he took office came conflict in the middle east doesn't spread. so there's a lot going on in from barack obama and the recovery act. trump also said he did the veterans choice act. that's a boldfaced lie. that came from obama. caller: what are your thoughts people have to wake up. on priority for next congress. i know under democratic i like one of your callers that leadership, y'all didn't -- the said the democrats need to talk bipartisan legislation, covid st about the accomplishments of the biden administration, the infrastructure) bill, thousands congress is going to be of jobs coming into this dominated by foreign affairs country.
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all trumel and talk about the priorities that we need to border. there was a border crisis when expect in 2025? he was in office and democrats guest: a lot of that depends on want to put a border bill the makeup together and get nothing done. host: edwin is in north is. that said, an ideal world from carolina. this is also about north 2025, we would hopefully be carolina,the most important govs wrapping up the russianas of ukraine and looking for a path forward to start winding race in 2024 is about to have its own version of trump. that down. republicans are poised to that's why this is a critical nominate mark robinson, a time to support ukraine so we ca get that place where we can candidate molded in donald trump's image. negotiate a peace. i would hope that fairly soon, robinsonn the primary for you do get a temporary in the mt governor, has done all the things he would normally -- something that would normally and gaza. there's still that opportunity make someone a toxic general that would ensure israeli election candidate, he has called home of sexuality filth, security but also looking for a he has made anti-semitic result path forward for the palestinian -- remarks about hollywood, people. controlling black people and and then domestically, w express retrograde views about have a lot of work to do. there's still a lot of families women and he is set to have the nomination and potentially block that are recovering from the pandemic. we saw the impact on
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immigrants out of a state government in one of the biggest swing states. people, the mental health issues you can read that at politico. and etc. so there's still a lot of work to do to rebuild our country. we are going to pause on our calls and speak to a rt and then the prior caller didn't politics reporter. talk about -- i am someone welcome to the program. who worries about what we're guest: good to be here, thank going to leave our kids and grandkids. you. we really have to start host: let's start with the exit addressing how we look at government funding. of nikki haley. is it a surprise? host: david is next. guest: not a surprise. california, independent line. to let you know the government's not doing their job. the border was secure when trump she did not ever explain how she was in there. this on purpose and could win the nomination. i don't know why. but i just feel it's wrong what the final stretch of the campaign, right before south you people are doing and another carolina to now was very -- thing is term limits you guys heavy shld limits, point explaining why she needs to stay blank. in. guest: thank you for that. that is not an argument for the border crisis has changed a little bit. i've been down to the border and winning the nomination,r buildia when you think about what we protest vote. would see with folks coming across the border two decades not a surprise from that perspective. ago, it was economic migrants,
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she just kind of ran out of folks that were working, going back and forth to mexico. votes about getting 25% of you see a lot of folks coming up registered republicans and then from south america, from central depending on the state, a large america. share of independents and and that's a real difference than what you saw a decade ago. democrats. host: cnn is reporting that she talked to the border agent and i is not expected to endorse they will tell that. former president trump, and to we have to come up with a talk about how he needs to reach long-term solution. we're going to see more and more out to her voters. migrants coming into the guest: right. southern border. ■europe's been seeing it for the those voters are in different last decade with refugees and pots. there are republican voters -- migrants coming into europe. that is because climate change, crime insecurity. i understand why people want to voters that make up about a come to america. fifth of the party to a quarter we have to come up with a of the party depending on the long-term solution or it's going state. vermont is a good example. she was endorsed by governor to continue a challenge. host: mimi in georgia, democrat. scott who does not agree with her on many issues but she did good morning. caller: it's just me? well with republicans in that host:: good morning, mimi. state. she did not do well with republicans in texas and good morning, congressman. oklahoma. i want to say that i support a lot of her voters, who she
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referred to as the 40% after new hampshire and south carolina sending aid to israel and were not republicans who wanted ukraine. to slow trump down and that is a but i think it should be predicated on those two very fluid drip of people. counies■qr% the laws that all of us have to bernie sanders won a lot of votes from people who did not abide by. want hillary clinton to be the there are definitely some things nominee. that israel has been doing which are just heinous and i think that we have a right to demand n=-- the callers you are hearing th8g they're going to treat the from did not want a biden-trump palestinians as human beings and rematch. a smaller share of voters who allow them to have access to did believe in sup■ing defense,t food and water and medicine and all those things that they need cuts and social security cuts, in order to function as a group she had some policies that were held by a smaller and smaller that's what happened in ukraine share of the republican party. those voters are on the fence when vice president biden went d about whether to vote for trump again, b lot of voters never were going to. they wanted to stop trump by any to fire this prosecutor. means necessary. he wasn't doing his job. host: let's talk about former president trump. he was supposed to be
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states that he performed well in, better, worse than expected? prosecuting corrupt companies and instead, he was getting paid guest: he performed well, off from them, apparently. especially well in states where there were other primaries. so, i would like to see that you not every state was having a make that more clear to people presidential primary and ste why we support israel and primaries. ukraine in the first place and five did last night. what should be our plans going forward in terms making sure that our support is going to in texas, in north carolina come support the democratic country up places like that, trump did instead of one that is behaving very well. in a way -- host: ok. we'll get a response, mimi. guest: mimi, thank you for the democrats had really competitive races5í in the houston suburbs d the dallas area. he did better-than-expected in states where there were other comments. it tears our heart tout see the innocent lives lost october 7. so i'm a strong supporter of the races for republicans to vote in and close primaries. nation of israel and will continue to support israel. states like alaska, the strength but i agree with you that we've
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got to get immediately he had in places where humanitarian aid in there. people are starving. non-republicans could vote in the primary, i wouldn't say it people don't have their is surprising as much as it medications. confirms how much of a grip he an you has on the electorate and how heard the vice president talking about a few days ago. uninterested they were in hearing and eleil. let's aid in there. and then let's see if we can negotiate a solution that allows the supreme court saying that israeli people to feel secure states can't remove him from the ballot unless congress acts and that october 7 condition happen again but also take us down that that removed a deus ex machina path where the palestinian people can find some peace and on the horizon. dignity in their lives as well. something that might prevent him host: do you think there should be conditions on u.s. aid to from being president again. not that hailey endorsed that. israel and, you know, you talked t trump isn't a great position about the■: end-state, a two-ste heading into the night. 24 hours earlier, he was a knock solution. guest: yeah, you're seeing a lot you leader from something that of us push back on the netanyahu some republicans worried about. he did better for those reason government. close primaries, competitive what you're really saying is primaries and a bill of good health from the supreme court. you're going to occupy all that host:ng to president territory. that would b state
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biden. of war. there were some uncommitted voters. is that really your vision of can you talk about how many the future? that isn't what our■f policy iss states that option was on the ballot, whether it was uncommitted or no choice, the united states of america. host: suzy, independent line, something like that? chicago. good morning. guest: question caller: hi. because not every state has that option. i'm an independent under the if you are in california and first time. i just can't -- i can't vote for want to protest vote against biden, you couldn't write democrats. i love the policies but something in, it wouldn't count. in minnesota, you could not vote literally just words on paper. for uncommitted. the reason we're having a housing crisis and the reason i uncommitted did quite well. was in chicago and not my life it definitely got more than 50% of the vote. in california is the percentage it went very well in -- it of bigs that own the low cost housing or housing just under looked like the president got gç7$500 has increased like, i 62% of the vote. don't know, i can't be right, but it's like 80% over the last the uncommitted vote was 15% -- eight years or something. because what happened in l.a.? f it definitely did that in minnesota, it did fairly well in the actual laws with them. they're talking about -- there's no appetite ft. north carolina, not well enough
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that vote is complicated. you know? guest: i think you're making a fair point. it is mostly branded arod after the great recession, you saw a lot oiv equity message that he needs to change his position and end israel's companies come in and buy up a lot of the housing stock. and now they've turned that war on gaza through american housing stock into rental legitimately, that's something , whatever measures that we should look at. he needs to take. and that is part of why there's that is a lot of the uncommitted vote. so few houses on the market and why rents are going up. some of it is angst about joe that's a legitimate question. biden, showing up at the primary nobody's breaking the law here and saying not these guys. but should we look at how most of it should be interpreted private equity has bought up the as a protest vote. the fact that it is that large housing stock and, you know, again, that's something that we in minnesota, not a state can debate in congress and think democrats are worried about winning but a state where there is a significant number of the about.■) population, that once the war over. host: freddie's next, a you saw the governor, a major biden surrogate, all republican. good morning. acknowledging some support and caller: i keep hearing people say trump is a putin. there is a lot of frustration putin told trump that he was going to invade ukraine. and what i. he sent nuclear destroyers in
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it is significant. it is going to be a huge battleships to the agan black presence at this point. i think about five delegates, sea. biden comes in and he takes them six at most would show up to the convention uncommitted out of out. trump close down the pipeline. several thousand. joe biden told him open it up. it is not a huge beachhead of delegates but look at the larger political situation for biden. most democrats want a cease fire joe biden told him a minor whether it is temporary or a complete secession-- cessation . inclusion of be fine and we will talk about it later. so we know who -- is. and if you want to fix the it is in the president's border, trump had 91 connective interest for that conflict and. who does he listen to? orders. biden erased every one of them. the other drama thisnt taking ar so, if you want to fix the stance on that. border, use trump's policies. if there is a cease fire is not permanent, that is too weak and host: we'll get a response on those two things. israel continues pocketing the war, what happens to biden based on what has been happening the last few weeks? more people voting uncommitted, guest: i think it's much more sympathetic to vladimir putin than president biden has been.
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as democrats and progressives, we want our policy to change and and again, i think we saw we want to israel. host: they can also stay home president biden immediately and just notot after the russian invasn step i wonder how turnout was last up support for the people of night and what could that bode ukraine. a lot of folks, including our for november? guest: i'm almost laughing own general were just rolling becausea always answers this question by taking a longer account. -- the ukrainian people have we don't fully know yet. it was not as good as it was in fought admirably. i have been to ukraine and again, they'reoi is trending better than 2012 when barack obama had no serious can. they did not seek this conflict. opposition to his reelection. vladimir putin chose to invade ukraine in-4 an unprovoke way. the coalition has chge now who e i think peace, freedom, democracy living folks as the college-educated, maybe united states of america, we republicans 10 yearsowing up mos should stand with the people of ukraine. ho about the border and the reversal of the with lower turnout in rural areas. that has been the case. trump era executive orders by you are seeing higher republican turnout overall in large part a president biden. what are your thoughts on bringing those executive orders function of nikki haley continuing to be an active back? candidate. guest: you'll see some executive there is more competition on the orders coming back. reblican side. youborder.
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but you increase security? lower democrat turnout. can you have more border agents down there? i think there is a crisis there and i think a lot of democrats neither have been very would like to see legislation. impressive. they are all sort of twisted again by how many people are i would rather -- hope we as going to vote r . democrats and republicansher ana longer term solution. host: stephen, laverne, i met many on the road in south california, democrat. carolina and new hampshire, goodu morning. caller: good morning. thank you both for taking time people who were going to vote for joe biden in 2024. to answer my question and maybe just a statement. in following the early results some reluctantly, some enthusiastically. of ourroposition 1, i'm very they are not being counted as a democratic voter right now. hopeful that it passes. it seems to me during times like that is over as of 10:00 today. host: you mentioned california. this when we're trying to address the severity and the what about the congressional races? there were senate and dynamic around the homeless and house races going on. how did they turn out? mentally ill popat, some guest: adam schiff and steve recent statistics that i happen garvey getting into the runoff to see on -- i believe it was the news program. race, everyone runs in the same it looks like maybe 30% or 40%
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primary, that was a disappointment for progressives. of our homeless population in addition to the problems of homelessness havel' serious menl health issues that deserve -- adam schiff ran as a treatment and some stable progressive trump opponent but he voted for the iraq war, he is not for a cease fire in israel and gaza. i find it difficult and do another indication of where democratic votes are on this understand that not everyone issu t schiff who has the least pro cease fire position in that primary, he wants these facilities in their backyard. it is past time that especially prevailed, he is going to be in a race with steve garvey and he we here in california■z who tens is favored to windown the ballos to lead in these kinds of issues are focused on is getting strong and propositions take the stand, candidates and not getting locked out of swing seats, where joe biden won in 2020, gavin newsom won in 2022 finance, support the situation. but republicans have the house seats. let's show america and the rest of the world what compassion, billy when we are still waiting the real serious treatment could on is the central valley with t, help the population. thank you for taking my call.
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republican, we are still try to figure that out. it is likely we will be in a guest: think that is exactly race with another democrat. that was the big priority. how we have to think about the homeless. many folks sleep on the street the big priority was can we -- how little can we worry about in camps. these races? we get a senate race, a cynical e amount homeless crime -- we have to get opinion that i'm sharing but these folks off of the street. from the democrat perspective, can we get a senate race between we will not be ablet everyone democrat and a republican who housed. is not going to win? can we get democrats on the ballot in the can you get folks off the general election against ery street? republican in a swing seat? they are most of the way there ■dyou have to have social worke, and they will find out in the others that could figure out how later ballot count if they did that in the central valley. host: any other congressional did this person end up on the street? districts you are watching closely? guest: for congressional was it untreated mental illness? districts, not that many. when we start to you actually have lks rebuild their lives. see the shape of the general having those wraparound services election, who is winning these , that is the compassionate primaries. thing to do. one thing i thought was good for host: this came up a couple of
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republicans last night was in north carolina, they redrew the times. what is your stance on term limits? map to make it impossible forst. guest: i'm in my sixth term right now. candidates have blown the race these are complicated issues. in the first they got a differet candidate this time. reelection every two years. that is up to the voters if they more than congressional races, want to reelect me. just up and do ballot, host: thank you so much for maga candidates are doing well. joining us today. candidates who defy all trump or his allies were doing poorly ryan clancy, talk strategist for the grouno us to talk about the group efforts to field a unity ticket. the lawyer who defended ken republican rich mccormick of paxton, the attorney general in his impeachment trial, looked georgia will discuss upcoming like he knocked off a state let us later who voted to impeach government funding deadlines, paxton and congressional races borderts you're seeing, the same thing. maga candidates do much better in gaza and ukraine. than someone who is more icky haley aligned. >> as president■e of the union but people who had said, you might need to move on, it is
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address, c-span encourages you still the biggest criteria on to engage your opinion. which issues are important to winning the republican primary, no matter where you are, fr engw yo as the state of the union address approaches? supportive are you of donald >> one of the most important trump? did you condemn democratsyou ses issues for me is the stolen? we are already starting to see some of these primaries that the most supportive pro-trump fentantyl crisis. candidates are doing better. >> my name is jacob, i am a incumbents criticized trump for doing poorly. looking at dan crenshaw in texas, he won by a load -- by a lower margin. steve womack in arkansas, post-fellow at johns hopkins univer.i have researched in getting attacked from the right. intellectual history. most important issue i would any raceendorse trump, endorse love to see is the danger ron desantis, a mentor to deceive what happens because one intelligence poses to our trend of this year is just as donald trump reclaimed the relic , particularly in the way it in nomination for president, his might undermine our ability to candidates are in a far stronger fully employ the economy and position.
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might threaten our culture. >> i would like the president to district courts, it is everything. they are in a much better pothe trump republican party tht take care of and close the borders. would be coming into 2024 is much more unified around his we are getting too many illegals in here. policies, his agenda, his personality than it was in 2020. it is getting overwhelming and a lot of crime. host: thanks so much for joining >> i would like to see the us. guest: thank you. host: back to your calls about the primary and super tuesday. address anything related to gaza and palestine. we will talk to casey in santa barbara, republican. caller: for taking my it stinks to see ignorance and call. i just want to let you know i'm people not talking about it. >> watch the state of the union very happy that nikki haley finally drop down. i voted for donald trump. address live thursday at 8:00 eastern. my two concerns are this. i'm not really concerned about the border, especially being in california. >> "washington journal". i think joe biden could do a better job of handling the situation and think when biden host: we are joined now by ryan does leave office, things will clancy, key strategist for the get better. group no labels. welcome to the program.
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hopefully policies will be guest: thank you for having me. endorsed -- enforced. host: no labels, how to get my mother -- my other main issue is when you go into a grocery started and why? guest: we have been around for store and you see that everything is three dollars and it starts there on up, we have a 14 years. spent most of that time bringing serious inflation problem, with the price of gasoline. my car insurance just went up. leaders together on both sides to solve problems. i'm not happy with stuff like that. ■;i want to hold onto as much we got a lot of attention the last two years. money as i can. those are my main concerns. i wa to■8 thank you for ticking we might use offer to a unity my phone call. host: phil is in georgia, presidential. host: some critics label you as independent line. a dark money group. bill, are you there? caller: yes, good morning. could you talk about your funding and why you don't disclose your donors? this is bill. guest: we have never released thank you for taking my call. i think we are at the same there's a reason for that. crossroads that we were in 2020. i can't say but one other thing.
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america, we have always promised all supporters given short as i can. the fact that a lot of people we have a very simple decision want to shut down efforts to get in this country. on the ballot. whether you are republican or democrat or independent, they want to intimidate and regardless of what you are or who you are. bully support within no labels. ■átwo choices. we are not going tsu one is trump and one is america. supporters to this. host: no labels has been laying the groundwork to build an personally, i'm going to stand with america. i'm voting for■n biden because e independent unity presidential ticket. is the only way to keep america. guest: the key to all of this is but people who want just can't t ballot access. just for context, 1992, the america because it won't be america as you believedt way. host: why do you think it won't ballot operation had only just started. be the same america? caller: first of trump has the grocery store parking lots, said over and over again, he
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he had barely started at this does not want anyone there that. states. that's of dictator. what else could it be? we are active in 17 others. as also said that as soon as he gets in office, if there is a unity ticket, he's going to take revenge on any person who ever spoke out against him. there are some states that require for you to have a named candidate to get on the ballot. somewhere else where we could i feel like of president or get on the ballot. host:r spokesperson said dictator to me, has just turned their back on america. i didn't serve in nam, vietnam you're looking at some point after super tuesday, who would to give it away to something like this. so, my opinion is this.■ç be on it? it is after super tuesday. what is happening. guest: the big event for us this very simple. are we going to keep america? week is friday. are we going to give it to trump and let trump destroy it as he wants to do? we have our most dedicated and i personally feel like that supporters from all 50 states.
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the decision right now because time 78 years ot us to the people of this country. will be delegated by former and if we want to give it away, dallas mayor mike rawlings. fine. that's what they want to do. then we will decide whone of the but i'm telling you now. you want to think about this election very carefully. because we're the same crossroads we were in 2020 and want to put forth a ticket if ie this decision has -- is one of it could really win. the most important. on friday, the 800 folks from but we do foe thing. we know trump, most people do, a across the country will make their voice heard and let us lot better now than they did in know where they want to take us. 2020 host: how could a third-party so, that's the way it should be. candidate not be? host: got it. caller: i'm an old-fashioned guy but i'll take a president any -- a spoiler? guest: you have to look at past day over a dictator. elections and over the course of host: got it, bill. the last decade, independents let's talk to tim next in virginia, line for democrats. good morning, tim. caller: wow, i almost didn't have anything to say the typically don't get much
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gentleman just about said traction. everything. thank you for taking my call. we believe that. you do a tremendous service, i believe. you know, does anybody want to you could go down the list of metrics. vote for trump after they went ? we have never been in a you can go right down the list. where both parties are this unpopular. where the presumptive nominees are this unpopular. he filed bankruptcy and wind up where the people are this nothing with 20% that was owed. pessimistic about the future of the country. we know all these things. when we started thinking there was an inkling of an opening was i don't understand. two years ago. there's a very scary amount of people out there today that just a consistent question asked over time, if it were trump-biden, -- they really get mad if you and a moderate independent dare say anything and we've got some in our family where you alternative, would you be open to voting? don't want to h the first time we ask that, 59% thinking they have no temper -- of voters said they would be i mean, a very bad temper about open to voting for that ticket. it. it's not because we think the they just don't want to hear anything but. ■wlxindependent would ever get % of the vote. just like someone said. you really don't want somebody
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because of the multi-candidate that's going to fence for putin race, they don't have to get and i just -- i think there's close. some things he should do. the electoral is winner take all. the man can't do much for the border until the republicansip . you get 100% of the■m votes. but all these are just basic -- host: if you would like to join i see what's going on and i'm our conversation, you could do not a political, you know, expert or anything. so. our lines for democrats (202). but boy, that's just in the republicans, (202) 748-8001. wrong direction. host: so tim, you're in virginia. independents, (202) 748-8002. results of the virginia primary? the next part of fielding a caller: not really. there's places in virginia just ticket is deciding who would be on it. like everywhere that no matter what happens, almost, seems like senator joe manchin had been mentioned. when trump says --ck■w 42nd strt he declined. former governor larry hogan will be running for the senate. or whatever and nothing would happen. and then there are others like are you running out of candidates or is there somebody we don't know about? myself think -- and i guest: there is plenty of people don't want to be too biased but, you know, virginia knows a lot out there.
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host: like who? of the parts guest: over the last couple of that this guy is a disaster. months there have been lots of candidates floated as potential no labels candidates. people that are running for lever offices that -- lesser are talking to several candidates we think would be offices and i'm kind of concerned about them as well. exceptional that could serve on host: all right, tim. the tickif those 800 delegates e let's talk republican line in north dakota. together this friday and caller: good morning. and thanks for having a understand they want to keep conversation with me this this going forward we will morning. i'm a nikki haley person. and i think that there is a escalate our discussion with place in the republican party potential candidates and see about putting up a ticket. for people to say like the host: what do you think aboutthe fellow from oklahoma last night. voted uncommitted in the democratic primary? that was pretty cool and he was does that tell you there is an also a haley appetite for what they are doing? the reason we're looking at that is foreign policy is helping to going on in ukraine. just sending a message on a similar issue. strong people in the senate republican-wise that are very guest: i don't mollify would supportive of somehow we're characterize that phenomenon.
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looking at funding and helping here's what i would say, these ukraine. and we're not isolationists. none of us are. primaries we here, america first has strong -- but it's not that it's representative for most of the electorate. america last either. we are a world power. at best, even on a good year, and not to forget that. an maybe 25% votes in the people, i believe, myself, go democratic or republican presidential primaries. a lot of states don't allow them for the haley support for to vote at all. experience ongn policy. and if you want to call us for two years, the public, 70% reagan republicans, there's a place for in the of the public is saying they don't want a rematch of the 2020 republican party. election. i think the super tuesday how could it be that 70% of the showing tremendous support. country doesn't want it and it 30%, sometimes 35%. looks like we are going to get it. the answer is our primary for example, she got that state. system. both parties in different ways and washington, d.c., there are people in the republican party are exhibiting increased control who want to work with donald over the process trying to shut trump.
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we, i believe, will have a place for that voice in the process. out voices, not justependent host: soz2 do now that she's gog voices, we are shutting out voices within our own parties. to be exiting the race later today? caller: well, i'm going to watcz they won't even let dean phillips on the ballot in r press conference and see several states. where she's going with that. and as she's also said, we got the republican national committee was ready to shut down the whole primary. to look at the support up and down the ticket. rnc had a resolution on the regardless of who it is in the floor to declare donald trump white house, we've got to have the nominee. strong support in in the house. i think these primaries are and we can help -- host: as a republican, then at becoming increasingly this point, will you vote for unrepresentative of where voters are. former president trump? ■m biggest reason why i caller: yes, i will be voting think there was an opening. for president trump but i will host: deborah is our first also be putting my money with the house republican and senate republican. we've got to protect our caller: i look at your platform country. we've got to look at what's on your website, it is so going on in ukraine with putin, israel, you know, she brought vague it is virtually out the issues that the world is unintelligible. we should respect the right to
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on fire. women, looking after societies we've got to deal with china. we've got to deal with taiwan. responsibility. what does that mean in terms of we've got to stand by that. that? we've got nato agreements. we have to stand with that. we should be the leader of the and that's the reality. world. what is your position on nato, ukraine, israel? and america is the world power you don't start with a party or and we've got to help our candidate, you start with ideas. allies, as i said. that we're having with you this morning. next caller from washington, it shouldn't be called no labels, it should be called no idea or no clue. independent. caller: good morning. i did 20 years in the air■s fore you can't tell where you stand on anything. nerality. under reagan. we were going into iraq. guest: what deborah is referring and then i got out after my 20 to is last july, no labels years and the released aooklet. border patrol in 1999. had 30 ideas based on a years and we were dealing with the worth of polling that we did.
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smugglers and so forth. they were running $4,000 to get we could start to say this is across. where the public stands on most issues. and then as time went on, the homeland security in 2003, the by design, we didn't fill in the details. politics changed. if there is a candidate, we politics got involved with homeland security and i worked in central■ california -- he didn't want them to be the people to comalan restrictive ad potentially handcuff them in. you will see the direction of wants to build this thing and where the public is at. he's just playing a game with the border patrol. i know deborah was dismissive i mean, we spend a lot of money about abortion, that is an in the border patrol. i wasvered every equipment the accurate representation of where the publ iif you look at where c is at, they want it available border patrol had.
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and it sent so much money but but with limits. there is a very l fringe, again, mr. mike johnson, the speaker of the house seems to get lost in all this fray and 15%it should be acceptable. everything else. st: so w best solution then fore border? there's a small sliver on the others that it should never be acceptable without any exceptions. in between them is everybody caller: well, we've got correct else who believes it should be available but there should be the asylum certain limits. that is for a candidate to decide. and what caused the drive from host: charlie is next in california, republican. people in nicaragua, el el good morning. salvador and venezuela. caller:guest brought up because in the 80's, i was down there. who do you think would be spoilers as far as a third-party candidate. i wasondering why you don't have a runoff if a candidate best on the border? doesn't get 51%? president trump or president biden? caller: right now, i would trust
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we tried rank-choice voting and bi nobody could figure out how it he doesn't know where he's going works. it was a disaster. with all this. his politics is representative or a senator comes to the senate or to the they just changed the election, house of representatives, they absolutely. that is my comment. represent the american people, thank you. not the party. guest: charlie makes a great no democrat, no independent, no point. there's a lot of different republican. they represent the people and it's their job and their committee to sit down and work the committee budgets. and we've gotten to the point now that people are just so angry with each other and all i. host: next caller from georgia. democrat. caller: good morning, mimi. how are you? host: good. caller: good.
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i'm the primary next week. and i say and i hope that a lot of us, like some of the callers earlier,■i■z can focus on what r leaders are actually doing. they can say anything in front of the microphone but what policies are they actually enact something because i think a lot of middle class and lower middle class voters that we allow ourselvesacted by issues like trans or book earning or woke or these this are not paying attention to practical matters or infrastructure and funding the border bill. and the actions that our leaders are taking, lower prescription drug costs and things like that, and i think they take advantage. leaders at the extremes of both parties, especially the right lately, they take advantage of that by distracting and also
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relying on the fact that we -- many of us get our news on one source. none of us should leave on one channel. we shouldn't leave the channel on fox news or cnn. get your news from different sources to get different perspectives and i think we would be finely, i would say none of the candidates are perfect but i'll never forget desperate pleas of president trump's supporters, crawling through the floors of congress, calling him andg him b who was threatening to kill mike pe he shrugged and he said maybe they should. what more do you need to know about a person's character than that right, leighton. let's talk to judy in tennessee on the republican line.
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judy, did you vote did. and i'm really excited about it. i believe it allows us to correct a lot of errors. i believe that futures biden laptop will be addressed. everything that we have is man the war in israel, that's because iran was given back their assets. the ukraine war -- instead of us talking to russia, knowing that was a big issue, but we're pushing it. and when it comes to th border, they removed the policy that trump put in place, keeping people in mexico. i think it's going to put history on the right side. host: all right, judy, thank
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yo next. caller: well, good morning. information from different sources, i agree with that from the former caller mentioned. but one of the things i keep hearing this thread about -- how anyone could vote for trump and [indiscernible] one of the things that offer up for consideration is that i don't look superior morality position. i don't think he's any much different us. weir all in a -- we're all in our own battle with our own selfish selves.
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■xbut i voted different sources. i look at various cable channels and i read a lot. and one of the recent articles out of the american thinker in john green where he says i can't judge trump -- or biden on what's going on in them internally in their hearts or what have you. i can only look what they do. and i see where biden openedf? that border and we have people dying now outwardly with immigrant crimes. but trump has got his own foibles. so, i just --i will never vote for another democrat as i watch biden in action. this is just appalling his callousness. and i fully admit that trump hay
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much an independent. so, i just offer up -- he's got a pretty good article, john green it captures how many of my republican friends explain why they are voting for trump over bid■ht, beth. take a look at this article from yesterday in the associated press. mcconnell weighs endorsing trump is a stark turnaround after the joe mixon 2021 attack. it says the senate leader who ha trump's bid to return to the white house having once told the defeated president morally responsible for the january 62021 capital attack.
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-- how, when or where mcconnell would endorse trump is less head spinning than thedea that it could happen at all. eddie's xt heights, maryland. republican. hi, eddie. eddie, are you there? in capital heights? nope. kevin, lynnbrook, new york, republican. good morning. caller: good morning. thanks for taking call. let me see if i can simplify this. four years ago, my family, family of four, your basic
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fa. we were doing ok. one job. i had one job. paid my bills. in the last four years, i had■ao get a second job. my groceries went from $220 to $300 to $350. everything is nuts. it's just simplifying the whole fact that four years ago, all of america was better off than we are today. and it's just frustrating to hear the hatred for donald trump. if they would just go back, they were no war. he moved the embassy to jerusalem. he did all the things he was going to do. just annoying and frustrating that the hatred for the man was so huge. we were better four years ago. it's just plain facts. plain fact. i appreciate you taking my call. it's just so frustrating. host: all right, kevin. let's talk to mike in
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philadelphia, independent line. thank you. caller: a war is not an invasion. did you see the wall the other day at the border? come on, man. he's a con. people need to look into the money that he's funding. it happens every year he runs for office. that's all he has to run is fear. he's paying for these migrants. host: you think former president trump is paying migrants to come to the border? caller: yes. he would do anything he can to -- host: and where did you get that? caller: that's all over the streets. they do things. there's people -- [indiscernible]ty
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money going into that. they need to look into it. thank you. host: all right, mike. let's talk tos angeles, democra. good morning. caller: good morning. i look at it lies thing. you have two boxes. one is gold wrapped with ad stue other one is like a tiffany box. in wrap, you have bone spur, two impeachments, iou's, election fraud attempt, criticized military personnel, criticizes gold star family, reduces women's choices. and then in the blue box, there's that 24-carat charm bracelet. you have our little charms. the strongest economy in the world. the world's largest oil■l producer. debt relief to students. pharmaceutical reductions. women's just think when you life
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lift the lid.on has unravel to■] so both of them are older. and that's ok. i have nothing against that. but when you lift the lid, what do you have what we want? thank you. host: lucille, i've got a question for you. you still there? lucille? no. ok. eflin is next in pennsylvania, republican. caller: i a w there is so much hate on the left side. they ignore everything that was done. we are the largest energy supplier. we are getting our energy from other countries now. weret throwing money to
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the wind at this point. this morning, i watched the news and i showed the episode where they were showing how united states is dropping all this food and aid for the people in gaza but and i'm wondering why other countries are not doing the same. why is it always on t of the united states? host: you're saying other countries are not giving humanitarian aid? caller: they're not doing what we're doing. i watched this morning when they were dropping the parachutes with the food in there and all they mentioned, all they ever mention is the united states. and i don't know where is with everybody. where is everybody else? and another thing. that woman that just got off the phone, it was president trump whoeople
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in this country as far as i'm concerned. even his daughter was helping women start their own little i don't know. it's just -- ever since yes, he was impeached and it was all political, i am just so tired of all the hate here. and thank you for taking my call. host: all right. and speaking of the economy, here's president biden from yesterday announcing new measures to help c pres. biden: under the law, banks are not suppose to charge -- that are higher to collect lay payment. but we have to banks five times more in late fees than it costs to collect late payments. they're padding their profit margins and charging hard-working americans 2022.
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but the announcement of this new rule, late fees are now going down to $8, instead of the current average of $32 late fee payments. this action will collectively save families $10 billion in credit card late fees every year. that's the average of $220 of savings annually for moren 45 million americans who typically have to pay late fees. that's a lot of money. i'm going to close with this. fair competitions. to build an economy from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down. and it's working. wages are up more than prices. unemployment has reached historic lows. families are finally getting a little breathing room. prices are still too shouldn't . that's why we're going to do everything we can to keep entering costs for hard-working.
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caller: we're a divided country. but you got 90% of the media backs the democrats. you got washington, d.c. is lik. how are you ever going to get a fair shake? i mean, it's going to be impossible, you know, all the states surrounding washington, d.c. have federal workers. it just seems like the federal workers are getting paid way too much compared to everybody else. but the big problem has to do with the 51 people who were in the national intelligence that said that laptop was a russian asset. the whole
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against, you know, the former president. i mean, where's the fairness in the media? hopefully, c-span can come back and you can have people that are open-minded. there's this thing called trump derangement syndrome it's real. and that is not right. that is not right. and anybody that stands up, trump is an american citizen and they're attacking him in the courts. i mean, this is unfair. we had a peace because we had■ s that was made in the lab that's crazy! host: barry florida.
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democrat. good morning. caller: good morning. mimi, how are you? host: i' mary. caller: thank you. i just want to make a comment and everyone is talking about that stage, he never says what he's going to do for the american people. he's harping on he's going to get rid of people. he harps on the border which he had two years, two years, when he had senate and the house, soo years? he does nothing. he runs his mouth. he says what he's going to do and does nothing. what are not going to do anythi. is he going to help the poor people? he hasn't said a thing about helping people. you know who he helped? the rich and that's why they want him in there because he's going to give them all them tax breaks and we as medium income people get nothing.
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i have no idea where they get these stories from. host: there's lot of people that are not rich that are supporting him. what do you say to that? caller: well, that is true. and i can't figure that out. i mean, he's not going to help them. he's not going to do anything for them but they don't e thini think. it's a cult. and that's what these people are in now. host: tiny from the republican line, texas. good morning. caller: good morning. i want to give a shoutout to greg abbott for what he's doing at the border. host: your governor? caller: yes. and o proud of him. trump is the best president we have ever had since reagan. i don't understand why don't see what the democratic party is doing to this nation.
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i really don't. but i know it's a war between the good and the evil. the democratic party, biden is destroying this nation. and that's what he set out to be. he, they want to -- trump by having documents when he has documents he one even supposed to have as a senator. he stole them. you understand? i don't understand. and he's allowing us to be invaded, by enemies. and so unless he comes around, he's going to start a war, another civil war just like they did with this. now they want to tell is it wasn't the democrats -- democratic party fault but we know better. we know better. i know better. i see what he s done. the democratic party -- oh, he
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was there for two years becaused democrat republicans that don't want change. they just like them but they carried themselves as a republican but they're not. host: and did you vote yesterday, tiny? caller: yes. host: did you vote for former president trump? caller: yes. host: all right. caller: of course i did. host: and that's the last call from texas. up next, we'll turn our attention to the big debates facing congress on government spending, border security and the conflicts in ukraine and gaza. that conversation with democrat ami bera from florida. he's a member of the foreign affairs committee. later, ryan clancy, top strategist for the group, no labels joins us talks about the effort to fill unity to get in
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november. and a reminder to join c-span thursday night for our state of the union coverage. president biden will deliver his third state of the union address of his presidency, li likely his last speech before the 2024 presidential election. our live coverage here on c-span begins thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern with a preview, followed by the president's speech and then the g.o.p. rponse by alabama senator katie britt. we'll also have your surviewer reaction here on c-span, also on c-span now, our video app and online at what issue is most important to you to participate, go to or scan the q.r. code on your screen to add your voice to the conversationd here are ss so far of that poll.
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members of government right in the palm of your hand when you your copy of c-span 2024 congressional directory. costs $32.95 plus shipping and handling and every purchase helps support our nonprofit organization. >> "washington journal" continues. host: welcome back to "washington journal." we're joined now by representative ami bera. he's a democrat at california and member of the intelligence . the program.
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guest: i imagine we will start getting into general election. host: and california also had some primaries. your takeaways from that. guest: yes, we had obviously the big break was the senate race t. i've endorsed adam schiff. and he had a really strong showing last night. so, they want to be premature but it does look like schiff will be our next senator. host: are you concerned biden'sl rateings? it's looking from polls that former prent in key swing states. guest: no, as you start to get to general elections, you will see this two different of america.
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there's still a lot that we had to accomplish to get us where we need to be at the united states of you would like to join the conversation, you can do so now on 202-7, 202-748-8001 and 202-748-8002. let's turn to government fug. deadline on friday and another deadline march 22 which would probably be even more challenging. what are the chances of the government's going to shut i cek we're going to vote today on the first six packages of government funding.t republicans and the majority of
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that are experimenting with different ways to create more representative elections. california has their top two primaries.
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some states have runoffs. that isn't something that could have any impact on the 2024 election. phil is in brooklyn park, minnesota, independent, good morning. caller: i wish she would take that woman from maryland who called previously, if you could take 7.5%-12 .5% from the left and right and bring them to the because most american voters are moderate.
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■nnothing you could do about ths year. someone that is a moderate and the views of the american education, the first, second, third generation, a little bit from the left, a little bit , ys possible. your logic ishost: go ahead. guest: based on what phil said■, we think that could happen in 2024. one of the most interesting things that has happened to the electorate is the explosion in
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the share of people who think of themselves as political indepeent. the self identification of voters, a third independent, 43% of voters think of themselves as independent. 27% each think of themselves as republicans. if you have a unity ticket this year and it picks up anywhere from one quarter to one third of democratic voters and a bit more than half of independent, you have a ticket that could win outright. when you look at it that way, it doesn't sound so impossible. host: haley would win as a third-party candidate in 2024, what do you
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think about that? guest: we have not talked to governor haley. she said shested in going down that path. we will stay focused. under our several leaders that are exceptional. host: anoth text forrun as senae members, not just presidents? we are not a political party, we are a nonprofit. what we have done is played a rg bipartisanship. ehind the problem solvers caucus.
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a lot of our members mobilize to help fund the campaign for grassroots supports for members bipartisan we launched a high six-figure ad buy■] to represent brian fitzpatrick, a republican from pennsylvania, who are trying to push forward a bipartisan solution to secure the border and get aid to our allies. they did that after it looked like a similar bill passed the senate. that is courageous leadership. whatever it does in relation to the 2024 election, that will continue. host: let's talk to joan in the
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bronx. caller:o good morning. i'm watching your show as i do every morning. i have a question. why is it that people who are registered voters who are allowed to vote in the general guest: that is a great question. it isn't fair. unfortunately what has happened is at the state level, a lot of parties have barriers to make it very difficult for either independents to participate or they don't allow crossover voting. they don't allow a republican to come over and vote in a democratic primary. part of the reason that is■n> sh a problem is in most elections, particularly for congress, the
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primary election is the only election that matters. there is nothing but a democrat ever coming out of my congressional district. primary election is literally the only election that matters. the general election is a formality. we have to take a broader look as a country at how we open up participation toake primariesti. host: andy in kentucky, republican. caller: i want to thank you all for what you do. to me, i don't think the no label and independent thing is not the way to go. i love the republican party. they fight for the right things. we people involved in the process.
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i used to be a democrat. they left my values. they are not conservative. they are so far to the left it is sad. we need prayer, that is the key to our nation. if people would start praying again, the lord will turn things around. nikki haley did a great job. she did. candidate in kentucky, they lost in the primary. i said the same thing people are saying now. we are not going to vote. after i thought about it, i went with the candidate that won.
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i stayed and i helped the person, i'm glad i did. i found out his mother was a good christian and everything. she would go to the capital and pray. we need more of that. host: we will get a response. guest:'t know that i could add much more but i appreciate him sharing. host: morning. caller: i enjoyed the program, first of all. i have been learning a lo history about our country. i was born in 1951. i am a 73-year-old african-american. i was born here, raised here. the constitution, if they will come up with a third-party, it
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needs to try to change the constitution of the united states of america because we have different people in here and the constitution should be for all people. host: any comment? guest: other than to say that is constitution. it creates an opening for all of us to have the discussions, to have different ideas of what we are going to do with the country. it starts with amendment, it is first for a reason. we could say what we want and what we think. i think we all should be. way the system works. it is very broken. we are lucky to be here.
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host: chris in birmingham, alabama sent you a text saying please answer the question regarding who are the candidates under consideration by no labels? i know you are not able to answer that so i will give you this one. abortion beuse the -- people think we forgot about that. guest: know what our ticket would run on, common sense is what we released last year. named after the american revolution. you could go on it will give you a good sense for the kind of issues we think anime a unity ticket in 2024. host: lrsey.
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caller: my question is how would this third-party be able to ge this huge gap that we seem to have between the two parties in this country? it is kind of devastating. guest: this gets at the work no labels has done this ballot access effort. if this ticket would have a ready-made group of allies. it has 60 members, a bipartisan group. a really strong group of senate allies. imagine if we had a president that every time we tackled an issue, whether was immigration,
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fiscal challenges, anything else that we tried to solve that issue from the center out. the unfortunate dynamic we have for years now in washington is both parties start as part of the right and left as they can and they get dragged to the center as far as they need to go to barely get the plus one vote they need. that is one of the real causes of division. why we never permay solve anything. one party passes a piece of legislation and the other tries to undo it. the idea here is to have a unity ticket. host: ryan clancy, chief strategist for no labels. thank you so much.
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josh host: rich mccormick will discuss upcoming government funding deadlines, border security conflicts in gaza and ukraine. we will be right back. >> two years ago, democracy basis greatest threats in civil war, and today, our democracy remains unbound and unbroken. >> thursday, resident biden delivers the state of the union address during a joint session of congress to out mowingwatch , followed by president biden state of the union speech, then katie britt will give the republican response, and we get your reaction by taking phone calls and social media comments. watch the state of the union address, live, thursday at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span,,r c-span now, our
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the online store. look through our apparel, books, homefor every c-span fan. every purchase helps support our nonprofit operation. now or anytime at >> "washington journal" continues. we are joined by which mccormick, republican of georgia, on the armed services and foreign affairs committee, welcome. guest: good to be with you. host: yesterday was super tuesday. what was your reaction? guest: wha exactly what was expected, trump came out handily on top, really close to seing the day and moving on. i think that would be good for the republican party so we can focus on winning the general election. we had pretty good results.
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we h win in north carolina, and we will be glad to have another military guy. we also have a minority who will be lieutenant governor nominee for the republican party. great to see more so i am excitt that. overall, it is what we expected. host: did you expect nikki haley, about to announce that she will be suspending her candidacy, what do you think she should do next? guest: she is a talented, still very young person with a lot of experience. i am sure she will have something to addg on. her relationship with president trump and what their relationship results in, i think there will bophost: turning to t funding deadline, you tweeted
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about a cr that extended 20% of federal government spending until this friday and that you were against that and voted against it. why? guest: i don't think we got much out of it. they talked about 200 billion dollars of savings, when you do the math, it tends to be money gains. if you would like to talk about substantial savings, read trillion dollars in debt this year, post-covid -- $3 trillion in debt this year, post-covid, and our ratio is about 130%, and if we are going to be the gold standard of economies and currency, downgraded, that doesn't bode well for the future. we keep kicking the can down the street, and we are heading towards a cliff, not acknowledging that we have a problem that no other problem
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has to extent except japan. and it also did not give us anything on the border. host: the fiscal year ended september 30. you have had several months to get the budgets done and agreed to, and it still has not happened. voting against that cr, the shut down by now. guest: it would be, but i think we can get some wins out of this. there are several republican party has, 6% favorability that unites us, and whether it be the border, education, debt, we have overwhelming support, but why not focus on a wind and some of those areas that we can actually benefit the people, get what they want and still complete a budget?
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i don't understand why we can't do that. host: if you would like to join the conversation, democrats, (202)-748-8000. republicans, (202)-748-8001. independents, (202)-748-8003. -- (202)-748-8002. how confident are you that this will happen without a government shutdown? that those spending bills running out march 8 and 22 will actually get done? gu let me give a shout out for the speaker. very difficult job, especially with a two with majority. i think he is a true conservative and a humble man. i don't envy his job. we talk and the types of jobs they have to do to get something done, it is not easy. i get that they are a shutdowni understand the ramifications of one, but i think there are se
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people. the border -- i had veteran groups come to my office yesterday, and somebody had the audacity to say is the military so big? if you would like to talk apples to apples, let's talk about the 11 million people who are being flown here across the border every way they can. they cannot produce. they cannot pay taxes. 11 milli people or however many, pick your number, the only concern, food, shelter, health care, all consumption. we are■< not taking care of our veterans who are homeless on the streets right now. we have our priorities messed up right now. and, i mean, this is crazy. host: would you be supportive of work permits for migrants? guest: not if you are going to come here illegally. if you talked about immigration reform, i am all for it. if youalking about getting
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people here to work in jobs that americans cannot work in, i am totally for that. that would be transformational in a good way, so i am all about that, but i will not encourage people to break the law. we are rewarding people to break the law and making it harder for people to become american citizens. that is sending the wrong message. why would you think people would follow the law if you encourage them to break the law and then punish them for following it. it is insane. host: you wrote in a recent tweet that "russia is making iran and china stronger every day. they move forward with their invasion into ukraine, isolationism will ve we need to protect american interest by supporting allies around the globe." how should congress resolve the impasse over ukraine funding? guest: i truly believe that you can pass and that will help us
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stop russia's advance in ukraine. i think we pass it individually, and i think we pass a support bill for israel and i think we pass a border bill -- wait, we did, nine months ago. the senate. they did things with bad will, so if you don't wrap them together, th never pass them because they are not doing their job for the american people. if we were to pass something wi h two with the southern border, they will not pass that because they have no interest. this is where bad bills move to get across the finish line, and if they do things with bad will, we will never get our way. that is t host: you would be ina clean ukraine bill without border funding? guest: i think the way to get it
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timely manner, combined them together, i don't care, but they are trying to put ukraine, israel, and a bad border. have 5 million cross this year, we will do something about it, but that is a giveaway, not compromise. host: i wanted to show what tommy tuberville said, the publican of alabama, he said this to the wall journal, "i have uny to go to ukraine because i know they cannot win. trump will stop it when he gets in. he knows there is no waiting for ukraine. a deal with putin." do think there is no waiting for ukraine? guest: i don't want to call him ignorant, but when you talk to have experience, who has been to kyiv recently and who has seen the gaming on the ground, and i have been to kyiv,. and i
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have watched the effectiveness of weapons on taking out 2% of armor on the third largest army in the world, and actually getting ground back becausth thf we supply them the munitions they need, they will make the sacrifice to protect their own. it is very hard to go against an entrenched home army. when we were going to afghanistan and iraq, we needed to surge as the number one military force of the world and go against third-rate armies, an ukraine is much more powerful than afghanistan, and much less powerful than we are. europe has a gdp of $20 trillion. we have a gdp of $25 trillion. russia has $1.8 trillion gdp, do the math. there is no way russia can out win this if we support ukraine.
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we need a unanimous nato support. host: so not all of your colleagues, your republican colleagues, agree with that and would like to stop republican funding for ukraine. what do you say to them? guest: if you don'tnderstand the strategic importance of ukraine -- think about this. it is a top-five nation and resources, 75% of european ther. if you look at that titanium industry and other rare resources, that would be consumed by russia, and when i say that, i mean sold to china, iran, north korea. we have iran producing and disseminating drones against the u.s. all the time, and we are doing nothing about it. we can undercut that iranian and russian energy production but underselling them and producing this lower need for energy, and
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they are going to produce weapons against us use them aga, that is an act of war and deserves some retribution. i think we should be using hackers to come after them. e1if you are in a fight and i he my hand tied behind my back, that's not the way to fight a battle. that is not what we learn ian se fighting or any military colleges, that is not the way you fight a war. host: is in oregon, democrat line. good morning. caller: i have one question. how much has arc credi downgrad? guest: we have one rating that as we continue to increase our debt to gdp ratio, you will see more people downgrade us, and
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since 1971, we have been the gold standard of currencies because gold is not the standard anymore. ■qthe u.s. economy uses are gren dollar to the industry standard and if that is no longer the case, we know that economic advantage worldwid devastating going forward. host: joe in florida, republican. good morning. caller: how are you? host: we are great. go ahead. caller: watching you guys live this morning, i am wondering, a representative, isn't it time that [indiscernible] te the party because not much of the party is getting be t host: nikki haley will announce she will be suspending her candidacy, but reports are that she will not eoryour thoughts.
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guest: it is good to agree. people have spoken. she has accepted that. we do need to unite behind one person, a president trump will be that person. once it the elementary items of politics right now, smaller government, more in america loves that. everybody in america agrees that that is a winning issue for us. every time that happens, it costs us money and safety. debt, we already talked about that extensively, and then education choices overwhelmingly possible -- popular. that is how we won our first race in florida, and then energy. everybody would like clean energy. we do it better than anybody else aro the world. those unite the republican party
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and trump could lead us with that banner into the future. not on things that divide the republicans and unite the democrats. i would like to warn fellow republicans, don't focus on things that divide us but that unite as an that will let us win elections. host: you have endorsed the former president. initially, you supported ron desantis. gues ron desantis is a military veteran and has proven conservative. he grew his popularity by 19 points in four years while taking on all kinds of issues with covid, attracted there because of the weather and economy. it is what gives you the opportunity, the american opportunities. i think georgia and texas have also done a great job at that. i think georgiamost business fre
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last 10 years, so they are opening up their economy, and that is why desantis did a greb with that. he has done a great job as a conservative who literally spoke about items to tackle. i worried that even when we have the controlled house, senate and presidency, we had a trillion dollar debt back then. this is something we can no longer ignore, and i thought he would do a great job with that, but i am happy to throw my supportesident trump and look forward to the results we are looking for. host: raleigh, north carolina, independent, t. you for having . i have a question and pendant for congressman mccormick. my comment isince gdp does not account for ecological social negatives, such air pollution like greenhouse gases, why is it
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that no matter republican or democrat, everybody would like unlimited economic growth on a finite planet that is driving the climate emergency, could you plea■ explain how we are going to live without a habitable planet? i think we are on track for hitting two degrees celsius by mi decade, so let's conserve life on the planet please, seriously. guest: my dad was a forest ranger. i would like to see the planet survive. let's have a realistic situation -- conversation about this. th book which talks about the federal reserve that was created. what we use as emergencies to get, and this climate change idea, and it has overspent dramatically and you can see and you talk about the
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realistic conversation about why the earth, i would state that methane makes up .007% of the entire atmosphere. is it going to eliminate all the cows and animals that produce methane,or is it carbon dioxideh constitutes .04% of the entire environment? 11% of that, and 14% of that is from the u.s. and between 9% from all of our planes, trains, so if you would like to eliminate everything u.s. produces and ruin our economy and the we can control everything that is going on, and have one of the cleanest energy producers in the world, but all of that to reduce the carbon
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emissions 5.00167% of the atmosphere, do think that will actually affect the world? when you look into the entire solar system, is it thethe carb? of course not. i think you are putting all of your eggs in the wrong basket. 't disagree that there is climate change, but don't think it is because of carbon emissions. at least look athe science behind what we are trying to accomplish. if you are trying to address plans that can live in a drier climate because we are going to need more in 2050 then right now, so better to focus on things we can control and let's conversation. host: from atlanta, georgia, democrat. caller: yes, rich,
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[indiscernible] border crossing ok, and just remember like we■y said, donald trump spent the most money of alls and i am a veteran, and you and i bothht np had not been [indiscernible] ydhe would be in ukraine right w . also, i don't appreciate you all -- donald trump came to fulton county and said we cheated he called me a cheater. nobody i know in fulton county
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cheated. that alone goes through the process of how could you allow him to come to this estate owhost: let's get a response. guest: covered a lot of ground. i mentioned obama and the bordea lot of things obama said about the border. it is amazing to■t
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-- guest: majority of america we have 26 million people and on millions in bangladesh you have been misplaced, and it is a massive problem, and it is only occurring more every year. we have been talking to people about food shortages all around the world and it is just on starvation. you feed them, there is more, annexed here, you have more of a
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problem, need to come up with moreprin order of what you sai's tackle the debt. we have a spending problem. you have to grow the economy faster than spending, we have a spending addiction, and that is why i am against on the bus. if you related back to ukraine, we spent about 2 trillion in afghanistan, and nobody said anything. two decades, 2642 lives lost, and then we give it back, so i am very cynical about were, tood in afghanistan, and i wear the bracelet. but ift the realities of the war in ukraine and looking at it economically into the future, you would like a bigger, stronger europe that helps us in the economy, but you would like bigger, stronger access of
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people who would go against us that wouldostons to come, not just tense and billions but trillions into the future. that is the question to ask yourself, strategically, does this make sense? every secretary of state we have ever had agrees we should be helping them. i have been there, i have kyiv, and watching how it isnto tracked, we can make sure it is way more accountable than it ever was in afghanistan or iraq. believe me, this is a different situation. i understand -- and it is ok to disclose me, we don't have to agree on everything. our party is not a colt. we can dre have a good, scientific, close optical conversation and be ok with it, but our strategic importance to that eastern block country, if taken over by russia, would cause massive problems for
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generations to come. host: we have a t texas. i was against you introducing the process of censoring representativetalib, she was right from day one, and you were wrong. what is your opinion now? guest: if i was wrong and she was right, that means most of congress agreed with me, including 23 democrats. host: talk about the censorship and what it was about. guest: it was about her verbiage. we are allowed to say whatever we would like to, but there are consequences to actions, when we decided to censor her it was because she used rhetoric straight out of the background of hamas and hezbollah, where it basically talks about basically eliminating israel. that is not helpful when you talk about an ally or a people, it is basically talking about genocide. i do notody to die in war. it is a horrible thing. we need to have a realistic
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conversation about what we are trying to state, and i could spend hours on that. i love that stuff. but her rhetoric is not only not helpful but caustic to any peace process and encourages violence and encourages genocide. this is not about getting to peace, which is what we should all want. she was cend,spoke, and it incla bipartisan effort to rein in the rhetoric that she was doing that we thought was extremely hurtful. host: one■$ more question from erwin, mr. mccormick, how would a president trump reinstate the remaining mexico policy when mexico has said that it will not allow it? guest: they also do not want to redo nafta, but they did because we have incredible leverage over mexico. if mexico could get the government straight, there would
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be a top-five nation in the world. ces of a top-five nation and localities right next to the u.s., and they have a bell shaped curve of the population, massive energy sources, they should -- they could be so successful, but we as americans are funding the bad guys in mexico corrupting their system by buying drugs. we teach our kids that by buying drugs, no kid things they will be harmed or get cancer, but if you teach them instead, you are supporting murderers, rapists, and child traffickers, they will say, well, i do not want to buy that, and then quite frankly, we it. trunk has shown it before, and said, i do not want to do that -- reall watch what happens when you talk like that, and, the policy work. host: in illinois, independent,
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go ahead. caller i would like to correct you on two eggs you have brought up. one is finance, the other is the border. i was born in california, in law enforcement, retired, and secure because you have already waited too long. i was born in■v the 50's, and, unfortunately, back then, the bracero labor was welcome and they word he fields, the conditions were horrible. i had seen it, i had worked alongside the i could tell you , what you suggested about work permits, i am against that completely. and people here working in the fields in the central alleys of california, they are not
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mexicans, they are central americans and south americans, and they would not be here if we stopped myself around with what a mullah, el salvador, chile, and you said you are a history wonk, look up your history, look at what the gringos have done, and as far you can do whatever you would like. i have never had a doubt of any kind. i retired 20 years ago. half the population in america is broke and they don't have assets at all, and you know we are running out of time, go ahead. guest: i do not see anything that you disagree with me on. you said what i said. i used to pick bries, feels with migrant workers and middle schools before they had child labor applied for us. i have worked those jobs, and i encourage people to do that. i have read the book "economic
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hit man and understand what we have done in central america. we have done some very good things to secure the border in the past, and we can do again, doesn't matter if it is republican or democrat. we need to stem the tide. i could not agree with you more on the debt. i don't see where we disagree on anytng. i would like to see debt reined in, and we don't disagree on much really and the fact that we have done things historically, and i cannot do anything about that. in the 1990's, i talked about the border problems, and when i was a controller, i had to stop firing ranges for people sinking this a long time. there is no hypocrisy or disagreement. i don't think people if they coe illegally. we agree. host: representative rich
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mccormick, thank you. after the break, more of your phone calls with open forum, your chance to weigh in on political or publion your mind. and another reminder to join c-span tomorrow night for live coverage of president biden's state of the unione begins tomow and 8:00 p.m. eastern with a preview, and then the president's speech and then the gop response by katie britt and viewer reactions. that will be on c-span, c-span now, and online at c-span.orgyo, where we ask what issue is most important to you question be ope of the union address tomorrow night. go to oren and add your voice to the conversation. some of the numbers and results so far, if you can seeand bordey
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quick update from nbc news, the senate gop race takes shape and the race shrinks to two as the senator of wyoming announces he will instead run for the number two position of whip. lewis in los angeles, democrat, you are first. caller: good morning. in regards to the emigration issues, i know thatesidents froo south america, central, it helps the economy here, but my question is, how come e u.s. does not penalize presidents of these countries? also, the drug cartels, why
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don't they seize all that money and invested on helping peopleas and sending them back home for have billionaires participate in giving f and maybe make some future changes to help them succeed the greatest country in the world and do what they have to do to amend all of these because they are needed, but at the same time, their governments shouldies because they are coming this way, and there has got to be away that you have to compensate for any investment tth: got it. guest: 80's and -- caller: it is an important
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issue, but it is something welcome if we can sit together with latin american countries. host: danny is next, republican line, south carolina. caller: good morning. [indiscernible] president trump married a had no problem with that. thank you. host: jerry in new jersey, independent. caller: good morning, everyone. i think trump -- trump is a celebrity, if you would like to pick a running mate, he should select one of his billio somebon o'leary from "shark tank" or something or cal ripken junior from baseball. he is not a serious person and hates politicians. he could go to celebrity route why doesn't he just go the non-politician route and pick an host: all right, jerry.running
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just an update from reuters, u.s. lawmakers push for biden to divest tiktok or face a ban, a bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced legislation yesterday to give them about six months to divest tiktok or face a u.s. man -- ban, seeking to tackle issues on the chinese ownership. nancy, democrat, you are next. er thank you for taking my call. going to try to some everything up as quickly as i can. trump had no policies that helped the middle-class or poor people. if so, what were they? trump handed ar' was handed a growing economy, but his predecessor, president obama, he misted up pandemic that
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he handed down to prison biden to clean up. as for the border -- down to president biden to clean up. as for the border, trump had four years to build a wall, and then he lied saying he strappedy to paper something he could not deliver. the border influx of migrants are the result-gpolicies at thes remain in mexico under title 42. that was put in place because of covid. now we are seeing the results of that policy. democrats do not hate trump. we just don't like what he promotes area he promotes hate, fear, violence, racism, and criminal behavior. with trump as president, how can anybody justify disciplining children on bad behavior.
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it was when trump became president. lastly, for the love of god, stop watching fox. they were sued for lying, and it was not done by the democratic party. host: let's talk to in st. petersburg, florida, republican. caller: good morning. i believe our country is in big trouble. i think a lot of us know that, and to me, it is more important now to have a moderate lead our country forward because we talked about courageous leadership. i am 65 and voted in every election since 1976. you cannot make decisions when we are do left and right, and the world is getting ahead of us, so in my whole lifetime, there has never been a more important time to have a
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third-party candidate than right now, and so -- host: do you have a candidate in mind? caller: know mansion -- manc hin did not go, and i know put himself back there, and there are a lot of people that i don't even know about, but i think we are well past the tipping point,■t and it would go incredibly well, and if they don't feel a ticket this time, being in business, they are nothing more than a ruse, so if that gentleman is still listening or if any of the 800 delegates who are going to meet on friday, put somebody in the race that 75% of americans can vote for that do not want to vote for biden or trump. thank you. host: as we have mti haley is ao
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announce that she is suspending her candidacy for the presidency. that will be in about 15 minutes. we are hearing it live on our website at she ll be in charleston, south carolina, making that nouncement. you can follow that. we will also have it in our video library. independent line, good morning. caller: good morning. how are you doing? host: i'm doing ok. caller: i had nopeople listen t? i am serious. how can anyone believe that a croak -- i am a new yorker -- highway crook -- how a crook all those years, taking things from anybody who could, and took the opportunity to be presidenof the united states because people
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thought he knew how to run a business, and our government is a business, so they chose trump, and trump does not know nothing about anything. he does not care about peo israe don't care about nothing but his own stocking, and tple who listen to him, i just do not know what to say about them. host: mary, democrat, kentucky. go aad caller: i am calling and i have been a democrat since 1968. you had to b 21 to vote back then, and i am fed up with the democrats, and i will be voting for donald trump. every utility bill i have has gone up. i cannot even afford hardly to go to the grocery anymore.
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i am a widow living on social security, and all pension from my late husband, and i am having to take out of my savings every month just to pay my bills and buy my groceries. and i see where all these illegals get all this money from being here, paying their rent, groceries, everything, and i have had it, and i will never vote democrat again. thank you for taking my call. : mark is next in south carolina, republican. caller: yes, good. one of the interesting things i just heard yesterday is under biden's policy of immigration kn the college and everything, her parents have not received one phone call from the president because he knows he has blood on his hands.
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yet, when george floyd, which his parents deserved a pho call, they got when the next day. that shows the type of president he is. maybe he does not know who she is,t is my point for today. host: let's talk to kenneth in michigan, independent. university alumni. i hope one of biden's campi wass to vote on committee. if i was, i would have voted because the failures of this administration [indiscernible] i just lived north of detroit. i went to school and worked with many arab-muslim people. they are good people, and i feel
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that our firm support with israel on the subject banner needs to be revisited by abiding administration. otherwise, trump will be elected. and i feel sorry to say that. i am a democrat basically most of my life. i grew up on welfare in detroit, with 25,000 palestinians billing -- being killed like that, i just can« support that. he should know better. host: myrtle beach, south carolina, independent, ronald. good morning. caller: good morning i called on the democrat line. the problem that i see is that people do not understand what is going on. they always complain about the cost of food going up, gas, everythii am at 68 years now.
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i have up. it is high. from different presidents. that is always going a transfer over and over again. it is not going end. people need to learn that inflation and the cost of living is recycling system that goes from up to down. they need to stop using that as a gimmick to campaign on because that is always going to happen. host: what is your top campaign issue this year? caller: right is going to be the border, that is one of them, and i have issues with that. i think the republicans had an offer up on the table and it was legitimate. there was nothing■
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had a good offer, and they did not do anything about it, did not even want to vote on it, and they had bipartisanship in the, and mr. trump wanted to fight it out for his campaign, so we will have it some■s more, and i feel so mr. lankford. host: let's go to the republican line in cincinnati, ohio. good morning. caller: good morning. i am very disappointed that nikki haley dropped out because i was going to vote for her in the primary when we have ours on the 19th. even though i am a republican, i am losing respect for both parties because they are both offering as people that the majority of voters have clearly
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indicated they do not want. that bothers me. so, that is my top issue. host: who are you going to vote for in november? have you thought about it? caller: i have thought about it, and i am in a dilemma because since i became of age to vote, i have never sat out and elect ins around the world, people do not have the right to vote, and i consider it my sponsor ability, and many women have died fighting for my right to vote, but i cannot vote for either candidate. it is a dilemma, and i feel like ■ei am being boxed into a corne, but i do not want to be boxed into it and i resent both parties for doing that. i really do. host: art is in illinois, independent line. caller: how are you? host: i am good. ■v■&caller: thank you.
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i am calling now to indicate that we have two candidates that are as corrupt as they possibly can be. our issue now is to pick the lesser of two evils. everybody should take their time and look at the difference. corruption is corruption. we have to look at them and see what they have said, their words, and see where they stand right now. it will make no difference. they are both corrupt. thank you. host: conrad n new jersey, democrat, good morning. caller: good morning. when i drive around my town, i see a lot of streets blocked off because of build back better. what joe biden has done the last three years, he has created jobs, 25 million in the last 14 months or so, and there
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was a deal on the border, and the reason why it fell through is because donald trump has no policies. you ask a republican, what is the platform of your pit cannote republican party is a cult, personality cult. they say democrats because divion see him on television, he says terrible things about veterans, my father was a veteran, who passed away two months ago, and he was anything but a loser. the fact of the matter is we have a petulant, self-absorbed narcissist who has authorigod hr gets back into the white house because thou be the fate the lowercase republic as we know it
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because he has only benefited himself. thank you. it was a pleasure to speak to you. this is my first time calling you and i enjoyed speaking to you. host: all right, conrad. post, senator kyrsten sinema will not seek reelection in arizona, saying "i believe my approach, but it is not what america wants right now." she will not be running for reelection in the senate seat in arizona, and mick is in oregon, republican. caller: good morning, how are you? host: caller: pretty good. it amazes me -- i feel like peoplefm forgeho good a job donald trump did when he was president the first time. there were a lot of did, not only for our military, but a lot of people in america.
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things at the dinner table are 10 times cheaper. i do not have to struggle as much as i do now. i just feel like people need to see what trump's true values are, and i think he has got a good head on his shoulders and n you say history values, tell us about that. caller: his true values to meet our -- i am a military man, so he has always taken care of the military. ■he has always made sure we are not spending crazy prices, whether it be food, gas, there are a lot of good things he has done, and i will be honest, i was a democrat. ■ymy family owns a bigmy familyn
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iowa. i and one of the big farm owners , and at the end of the day, i don't like to judge anybody, but i vote for someone who will do good for america. i have already seen what trump has done, and we have seen what biden has done, andd not be in the presidency. we need somebody good, and right now, the only optionuld be prest again. host: mike in ohio, independent. caller: how are you doing? i agree with the last caller. i have got money in my pocket, when i had trump, i don't have any, and when i got biden, i am tired of higgas mandates withoue approval, open borders is one, climateates are another, i mean, where did they come from?
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i do not vote for electric cars. let me decide what i am going to do. i do not vote for people coming into my country who are illegal. i do not what is he doing? now i am hearing people are getting job layoffs because of the new people coming in. id/■.■ mean, this is america, 's take care of america. let's do us first. am it legally. host: mike is going to be our last call today. the house will be gaveling in shortly. reminder that we will have our state of the union coverage starting tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern c-span. thank you for watching. we will be back tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern with another program. we will take you over w live to the house of representatives.
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the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order.
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