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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  March 7, 2024 10:00am-11:09am EST

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my top issues are, democrat and i would like to see the president talk about social security. the democrats at the majority of both houses, and the president did nothing. this is a working person's program, and i keep hearing that we don't have enough money to ndthat is unacceptable. so many times we have programs for college students forgetting loans, funding programs for migrants, but what about working people? the men and women who get up every day, do their work, their job and pay their taxes? i don't hear this from the democrats, and it is disorienting, and being a democrat and not actually hearing the president, and this is a huge thing in the future for working men and women, and this is what my plan is. st finishing off three hours
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of your calls on state of the union, 8:00 is when our coverage starts, you can watch the speech at 9:00, you can watch it on c-span, at, and the app. we now take you to the house of re the chair lays befor the house a communication from the speaker. the clerk:, d.c. march 7024. i hereby appoint the honorable michael guest to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, mike johnson, speaker of the spear proemre:sentatives. pursuanto thehe housef january 9, 2024, t chair will now recognize members from lists submitt by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour will alternate cognition between the parties with time equally allocated betwn the parties and each member other than the majorit and minority lears and the
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minority whip limited to five minutes. but in no event shall debate continue past 11:50 mr. thompson: thank you, mr. mr. speaker. mr. speer, rise today to recognize andonatulate muel hundz burge -- huurger. he recently accepted a fully quified appointment to the unitedtes military academy in west point, new york. samuel is the son of melissa and larry hundsburger and i the grandson of hundsburgers. as a student at keystone junior -- senior high school, william -- active on the clasoom, in the athlec field
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and on theta. he's a memr of the student govement, a three-year vsity football plar and member of ef school, saml's a voluntrirefight for township companies i'd like to congratulate samuel for his commitment to service luck a he embarks on this exciting new pse of life at west mr. speaker, i rise tod to recognize and congratulate eric clark of howard, pennsylvania. ic recently aepted a fully the unedtates naval academy i annapolis, myland. he's the son o amy and benjamin clark, he's the grandson of erie he's a out of the classroom. football and wrestling team. eric is a strong leader. he also senior class
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president and is aember of the naonal honor society. eric has a clear passion for service and is a great examplee. best wishes in annapolis,ric. i look forward seeing allha you achieve. mr. speaker, i rise today t recognize and cgratulate je sterling of milont, pennsylvania. jude accepted a fully qualified appointment to thenited states air force academy in colorado spris, colorado. jude is a senior at the meadow brook chrisanon of jason andnn and the grandson of shiey andujary -- and harry and kathy and carl. jude is an active memr of the civil air patrol where he has serv in a variety of leadership positio. 's also a student pilot and a member of t cross country and trac and field team. hisommitmt to service is an inspiration to us all. i' confident that jude's
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perience in and t ofhe classroom will serve him wel as he looksorward to thi exciting new phase of le. jude, thank you for your commitment to ouration and st of luck in colorado spris. mr. speaker, it was an hor to name nate t men, the -- to nominat these young men. their dedication to servingur country is inspirational and look forward to seeg their successes in the years come. thank youmr. and ain, and to all of them, thank you all again for their commitment to the nation and than you, mr. speaker, and i yield back the ban of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. quigley, for five minutes. mr. quigley: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, a century ago, a ilosopher wrote that those who cannot remember the pas are condemd to repeat today in america, we are faced with ts very dilemma. we have seen attems by the ultraconservates to rewrite histornd cater to those uncoortable wit an evolving
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world, uncomfortable with our country's oginal sin. in theseas longe a matter of forgetfness, but a deliberate effort to ignore the past o alter it touit their own political gain. if we aow this alternateo take hold, aree not doomed in a pursu of a more perfect union? it's parof the the maga movement. this movement rejects the ide that history is complex and the process casts asi efforts■l■í reon with it. former president tru and h follers pfer to simplify things for an audience afraidf a changin wor. and in so doi, trump and his loyal followers refuse to accept the existence of complexitie st trump soictions in our shared stawrchgly defded -- staunchly defended robert e. lee. history, butause leea grasp on repren vision of the past
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some would lim toecla. they'dather paint vision of our story unsullied bym, suppssn of women's rights or vience against indigenous people. evenhe defition of patriotism has been corpted. but patrim realities of our wrongs. it's abo recognizing them and vowi, never again. tryingo make things better. but ts approach fails to co-exist with the magagend we've seen othseat replacent tht a whi supremacist conspiracy theory, but a goal of the democratic power. sadly, this battle is ao■r in you o educational institutions. governor in r stes have implented civic standar that whitewash history rather than providing students with a full derstanding of our nation's founding. one prominent governor defend his state's african-american historyurriculum standards, claingome enslavinged people
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developed skills that could, quote, be applied for their benefit.our nation's messy histd our prent flaws don't serve the maga goals and certainly don't empower them. they would rather rewrite the past than change the future. because if they accept the truth, that would be reeling wishing pow- relinquishing power. after all it's power and the desire to retain it thaa[ drives this movement. donald trump lying to his followers authe results of the 2020 election was aut holding onto power. to suggest enslavinged people potential -- enslaved people pontially befited from slavery is about power, eve suggesting that its immigrants0t power. this stokes fear, division and violence. it also suggests to our allies an our adversaries that we cannot be accountle for our wrongs. we must show that we stand with the truth, not denialism. that we don't accep lies an was stolen, that we don't accept lies sgeing that black
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people benefited fm slavery, recoizing that these lies have consequences. today we are witnessing at t wrongful rewriting of history ca lea to. vladimir putinonnues to falsely claim russia in an attempt to jusfy his war. we may fee as tugh something like this, the deliberate brain washinof the puban never happen here. well, i can and i is. we cannot allow this revisionist history to continue spreading s. not onl f how the wor perceives us, but for our pursuitf a more pfect union. we must recognize t darker sides of the past and teach our childrenhat recognitionsot a criticism, it is a lesson. if we are to maintai a on reality in our history, we must start at t local level especially in our schls. we must ensure our children are taught the truth about we must keep working to uphold the truth at all costs,
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regardless of how agrable it is. this is notn affront to our history or our values, it is a promiseo build a better tomorrow. thank you and i yield back. the spear pro tempore: the chair wou remind members to refrain from engaging in onitiesoward prempti chair now e gentleman from calornia, mr. malfa, for five minut. mr. lamalfa: thk you, mr speaker. m going to speak to you again, once again, about our atmosphe, climate and, most specifically, about caulker docks -- carbon dxide, which has been weaponed in the argunt around here with vernment agencies against the people as a tl, thi, to more take the economy and people' persol property. carbon dioxide,'ll remind you, is .04of atmosphere. oxygen, 21%.
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trace gases other than that, .03%. gon is much bigr in our yet you would think with the it's t e of slowly, everything around hereas to be run through a co-2 filter, a climate change filter. and it's much to the detrint of our economynd theorld. now, most recently the securiti and exchange commsion has adopted rules on theire are going t have to start disclosing their climate impt of how they operate their business. climate impact. accoting for your co-o[etart production and report tt to a federal entity. now, this is pretty ch going connected to a certain size of business and what have you. so small suppliers to a larger corporation that are caught in account for that.will have to say you have ingredientshatt
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are placed into a larger for food products that you buy from maybe a larger conglomerate. but there's alsndividual small growers. say a carrot farmer. say a bean farmer. disclose his co- production on his farm becse he might be selling to a larger entity at is caught in the sre of the s.e.c.? wheroes this all end? how much tim does an indidual like that haved impas going to be,their co-2 espeally since it's only .04% of our and there's much debate about what amounof the co-2 is caused b hum activity. some s, oh, it's 50%. otherselve it's a very al tiny pcentage, like maybe 3%. so, the's tho tt want to say, well, the scice is settled. merely because they want to move on and take control over so many aspectsf our ecomy.
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so wha are some of the issues that we've seen outgr that? we havehas kno e.s.g., environmental social and governance. now,he country of sri lanka just a few short years ago decided to adopt and try and meet the e.s. goals. much to the great harm of their economy. it almostollapsed, good portions o whole country onhat to try and adopt e.s. gmp goals. and -- e.s.g. goals. so on the environmental side ofd farmers to go to oanic materials for pesticides. what immtely happened? rice yields in the cntry dropped 2. the price of rice went up 50% for consumerse saw that that bla great big hole in the agcono in that country. having to do bailouts to keep those farmers afloat until they caugh their
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senses a abandoned those e.s. gmptoals -- e.s.g. goals. they're also an important tea exporter which caused their exports to fal and the had millions of dollars on that as well. so economy collaed by trying to meet some arbitrary outsiders tha have this ideastic, elite whim of what peoplehoul be doing, instead what have actually wks. so i run this a by you here, the biden admintrationas been causing this kind ofarm on ourwn economy in this country. the foc of every agey seems to be cmate, climate, climate. all the tim becae ofiny increase in co-2. co-2 is a rounding error in t overall atmospheric chart here. and t increase minute. so how mh you blame on human activity versus what migh be hapning with other naturall occurring isss?■t what do we have? our economy's being outclassed by chi and others in the
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cic rim that can produce at will and they're the much pollue of co-2. so do you want to have a situation where we can actually have a bette reasonable regulations on how things are produced in this country? or do we want to export it to china and places like that that? what we're going to hear tonight, the president's going to b in this room. he's probably going to talk a whole bunch autlimatend instead, why doesn't he foc on something that could have immediate help fo the devastating things going o a our border i this■)w country? eighsteps he could take with a swing of a pen to clean up our border problems th are i yield back. the speaker pr tempore: the chair now recnizes the gentlewoman from michigan, ms. tla: m speaker, i'm from
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motown whereur mic has changedhe world in manyorever. but artists in my district and across our coury are struggli to make ends et in a an industry where the money shareholders. itouldak more than 800,000 streams per month to make equivalent of $15 at the vast majority -- the vast majoty of our artists are on platforms like apple music,(p spotify. one of the things that even for em they never ever get to 800,000 strea in a year. big de. streaming now represents 84% of recorded music industry's renuin the united states. but most of the artts brg y to our lives and culture aret seeing any of it. the living wage for musicians ac wch i introduced with represenowman, would change that by creating a new fund that aims to p artists at ast one pny p seam.
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the bill would completely refm theupporting much more diverse set of artists, enablg more recding and tourg, and send ago ripple effect throughout --c ripple efft throught local economies. i truly encoure my colleagues to learn more about this.■& co-sponsored bill and help chan artists lives forever. our community i deeply sadonned by the loss of chef max hardy, detroit nativeho was a trail his advocacy to end he was the enowner of a rosedale park bistro. thene chef ken 8600 undation a nonofit organization that fights agnst hunger and raiseswareness about foo insecurity. "the new york times" named hardy one of 16 black chefs changing
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food in america in chef max also co-wrote the majerle coffee cookbook with rohanajerle, bob m's son, and featured on the food network. he was a champion, champion inspiring young people in detrt, teachg the fundamentals of connc on behalf of the 12th congressional district, we send our le and condolences to he trulyill b missed. i want to recognize the remarkable work of the detroit resc mission ministries as they celrated 115th year anniversary of service to our residents. for over a century detroit resc mission has been a beacon of hope providing food, shelt, services to those in our mmunity that areost vulnerable deoit rescue mission s by davidn february 14, 1909. the mission began as a soup kitchenith a mission to
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for our mouse vulnerabl residents in the city of detroit rescue have word tirelessly to rebuild huneds of thousands of livesestroyed by addiction, homelessness, and. i'm so greful f the work of the detro rescue mission for their incredible leadership in g forwd to witnessing a they will continue to accomplish in thank you.toome. the speaker pr tpore:he chair recognizes the gentleman from the gre state of ksas, mr. mann, for five minutes. mr. mann: th . speaker, i rise today to discuss the cengest americs facing and identify ways we can resto order in this country.s in this very chao address the nation. i'm hopefule wil sak to the real issues before us and detail w he plans to work with hou republican to get america back on track the southern border, inflation
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and our national debt and weaponization the federal governmentee his immediate attention. since last yr, house republicans have passed legislationft legislation to secu our sthern border, spending, and endhe weonization of the federal government. we passed h. 2 to finh the prott human trafficking and terminate catch and release. office, there have been more th 8.5 million illegal crossing almost three times population of kansas, including known criminals and teortsn tha st. just last month nation was horrified by the brutal mder of laken riley by an illegal migrant. despite the states, failed liberal policies allowed him to sta here and an innocent young man from georgia pai the price. and witnse the crisis hen border created, he shod work with
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house republicanso sece our southernorder. we passed legislation to lit future government spending, reclaim $20 billion of unaccounted for covid dollars. while the white house ss inflation is cooling, those o us in middle arica still feel the weht of washington spending problem. our national debt is surpassed $34 trillion. diesel is well over $3.60 gallon i kansas. ericans'aychecks are grossly overtaxed. and washington democrats prend the president has a no limit credit card. thiss no way t ger fisc sanity, and h should work with house republicans. we passed leglaon that ends the weaponization of theederal government. we are wki to hold t u.s. department of justice accotae to applying stice equally, and pushing the u.s. e.p. to fully implement u.s. supreme courta.'s wats of the ue is uncstitutional. were working to reduce the mber of executive orders that the bide administration uses to
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enfo are standin for the unborn. and finng a radical -- fighting a radicalgenda that provides funding for life is a right fromod not the government that. right deserves to be protected. prident biden should work with house republicans to end the weonization ofhe feder government once and for all i hop thapresiden biden will also discuss how h will work with us to enact a strong farm bill thatl anti-strengthen crop iurance, incentivize agriculturalra opportunies, promoteglobal food secity, supports agricultural research, and reflects the needs o the american farmer, ranchers, and agricultural producers who work to feed, fuel, and clothe the rld. i hope he'll addre the importance of our cntry's energy independence, fight against china, and the strong second amendment. the list goes on andn. when the president joinss here tonight, he has the to share with kansans and mr. speaker, i'm optimisc our
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greast daysre yet to ce. those days require us to get thank y, mr. speaker.. with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentlema from california, mr. garcia, for five minutes. mr. garcia: mr. speaker, i ask unanous consent to vise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without republicans have finally deced to have nter biden testify in publ on tirham impeachment now, the american people wl soon see what we allaw behind closed doors. at there is zerovi of anyrongdog by president bid who had no busine dealings. of hunter's absolutely none. and we'llontinue to cl out these lies. let's tak a look at the star wiesses that the house
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jorias brought forward in thisolitical stunt impeach impeachment. alexander an indied asset. indicted for lying and wki another who turnedut to be a spfor china■u and sold weons toran. d a third, right now, servi a 14-year sentence in prison for frau u can'this stuff up. we rently learned about another disgrace krised conma who includedith the trump -- colluded with the trump campaign. witnesses of the republican mority. and ofourse, we shouldn't forget rudy giuliani and his grand conspiracy theories which all the house majority is left with. the g.o.p. insists on impoaching president bin at wver the cost all -- impeaching president bide at whatever the cost to lponald trump re-elected. donald trump was impeached twice felony charges ande'sces 91
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desperate for revenge. if there is anyonee should be investiging, it's the trump crime family and jaredillion dei vement, which he received whit house.after leavi t the e person tha east env, thens $2 billion into investmentund. we know thapent hundreds ofhousands of dollars in trump properties. that is a real scandal and should be instigated. it's tim to end thise. with tha i yld back. the eaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes thgentleman from arizona, mr. ciscomani,or fi minutes. mrciscomani: mr rise today to honor the life of jose, who passe awa i 2017■-
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t age of 33. jose was a firefighter f the remembered for his psion, ford community service. the rth tucson firightersd of association, local 3832, working to better the cmuty through fundraisers for local foste families. he beganis wildland firefighter and member of the fe district before going to raytheon missile systems. for goen ranch where he became a member of the special opetions team. beyond this firefighter achievements, heas aevoted to serena,nd a loving father to fou children. h pleure of meeting them recently and w impressed with their drive and dedication. they have them knowing that they
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their dad.rry the legacy of tucson fefhters association started the annual jose memoria and barbecue challenge. i was honored to attend this event this past march 2 and had the opportunity to meet his entire family and expeen firsthand the event as a fitting tribute to his community and also his fire family. as wells his love for the outdoors the hearts of the greater tucson district. and residents of my we extend our gratitu for his di service and are ernally thankful for his contributions. mr. speak, i rise today to reauranty's restaunt has bee
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jimmy and easterny'sor 72 years. grandparents -- earnie's grandparents opened the restaurant in 1952. and visitors the world he sto in line for hours toet taste of their renoed chilly rellanos. also had notable guesecades they including then prede bl cltoo the restaura in 1999. as jimmy and ernie begin aell deserved retiremt,aura and icñ want to t the entire lopez famy for their contributions to our commuty. mr. speaker, i rise today to congratulate the south point girls basketbal team for winning the 4-a sta
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championship. secured victory over gilbert mesqte hig by a score of 59-49. ■!is the lance' send state championship in the last three seasons. their hard work anrseverance truly commenble.son has been i ao represt ch decated student-athletes, determined coaches, and supportive parents. congtulations to coach joe -- joseph and his talent -- this talented team for a well earned title. mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize rering border patrol agent michael hiatt. he currently serves as the agent station.e at the brian aid ter +, will retire laterhis month ending a 28-year carr with border patrol. after joining in996, michael spent the majority of t in ariz,
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with 11 yearst the naco ation. his wor as agent in charge has been raised resides, specifically for his community outreh and strong relationships with ranchersement personally thank him for allis th tha i yield tempore the chai recognize the gentleman from north colina, mr.avis, for fe mines. mr. davis: mr.peaker, mr. speaker, at the young age of 109, cassie smith voted on the first day of this year's primary and was among theirst in north carolina too so.
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ms. cass, also knownsthma cassie, --s ma cassie by neighbors and friends in her communit i a living and walking symbol of our demracy. m honored to welcome her to as my special guest t the sta of the union- washington stofited themith home toto the invite her, in response ma cassie smid brightlynd said, i'm bleed every day. her faith drive her and she whole h dleeive - oleheartedly believes in the importance of fulfillg her civic dy. and what a reminder we commemorate bloodyunday. ms. cassie traved by airplane ich was the first te sheas flown a she said this was an item o her bucket list.
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at 109, why not i'm glad to let eastern north carona and the america people know tha delta flit 5310 has landed and ms. cassie is here in washington, d.c., send with her son, frank, and caretaker, faye. ms. cassie, you can check that one o your bucket list. frorking on the far turned maid and now a specialuest at 109 years old, what an american story and inspiraon. her presence at our nion's capitol embies theer essence of why we hav the opportunity to assem and ouremocratic vals. mr. speer, it's indeed with■ great honor i sha ms. cassie
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smith's story and yieldack. the speaker o tempore: the chair recogzes the gentleman from the gat state of tennessee, mr. rose, for five mr. ros mr. speakeri was troued toecentl hea tt former chief of border patrol, recall ortiz, -- rau ortiz, never spokeo either president obama or the vice president and so-cled borde kamala -- cza can ma'ama har kamala harris, in the two years heed up secity a our southern border. in aent interview he said he never had a singl cversation with eithe of the he went on to say, quo, that's a problem. given that he commanded 21,000 border patrolmen. probm.gue it's more than a at the very least, it's indication that border security
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was never and has not been a priority for our cmander in chief. it's a b like abandoning a soldier on t battlefield. mr. speaker, becsef t policies of the bid administraon, ortiz had to'u endure an unprecedented sge of illegal immigration month after nth in his 2 1/2 years at the there were more than five llion illal immigra gotays during that/2 million his patrolmen seized morehan 50,000 pounds of fentanyl at the soutrn border by the timf retirement at the end ofas aut e messages to mexico, cenal america and b he said without hesitation, yes. that med messagingas hea loud and clear when president biden was on the campaign in 2019 and said that thenited
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states could take another two million immrants, quote,n a heartthe message that got evenor afr he took office, i no timetel activity, wal construction and ended the successfulemain in mexico asylumolicy. it's als imptant to consider that ortiz was a the helm when title2 was lifted. all the expertsarned thatrecedn illegal immigraon would follow if that authority was lifted. nevertless,■he biden administration fought tirelsly for its end. imagine orseeg the bor and not getting a single call fromho undoing years of border policy. imagine the stress, the staffing chalnge, the han trafficking with the stroke of a pen and
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without your input. under the biden administration, we've seen an unprecedented abuse of parole autri, resulting in morehan one million immigrants being allowed to eerhe united states. clearlyt 2019 campaign promise and it pears he kept hisorr officials in the dark in t ultimately a phone call won't solve this cris. ande don't nd new immigration laws to solve the invasion at thethern borr. don't be fooled by the democrats and the president calling for new legislationnd what weeed is a president willing to enforce existing law borders over those crossing them illegally. esident to enforce existing
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laws and to complete the borr wall and the house passed that borderct o 2023, almost 10 months ago. with that i yie bac idly on the thank you, . speaker the speaker pro tempore: the from californiinutes.gentlewoman ms.arragan: mr. speaker, i riseoday to recognize my gue for state of the union. he's a leader in the fighto make healthar more affordable and equitable. fat joe is a grammy-nominated artist philanthropist. he i also a partner with pow to the patients to advocate f alth care price transparency. confusg heah information, language barriersnd lack of
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insunce are challenges that make our health care stem difficult t especially for communiti of colo becausef high out-of-pocket costs, iured patientsan stil face enormous medical bill■,s and uninsured patients a more likel to face unnecessary hospit fs. health care is the oy serce where someone does not know the cost unt after you purchase it, until after recvi the health care■f services. we mustemove barriershat restrict famies frometting care, including knowing your cost up front. this builds upon the■y wk of president biden and house democrats to put people over politics, to lowerhe ct of health ce coverage a low drug prices. fat joe's work toighlight the needor price transparency is cessary to reduce healthare costs formerican families. the capitol as my guest.■g spead
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and support the fl funding of w.i.c. in the fiscal year 24 budget. 50 years w.i.c. has delivered qualityuttion benefits andreastfeeding support for almost 10 mon american families, including mit women, breastfeeding mothers and ildren i califora. as chair of the congressional hispic caucus, i hear stories ery day ofsstial w.i.c. is to latino families in erica with more than six million latino women and childr hispanic caucus joined the black caucus and the democratic women's caucus to nd a letter toongressional leadership to urge them to fully fund for monthsouse republicans insisted on hmful funding cs which put women and chit rk. house republicans work
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tirelessly for a $1 billion funding increase to me the basic nee program. this week house democrats were successful inur efforts. moms and theirabies and pregnantomen w relyn w.i.c. can breathe a sigh of relief, their aess to their benefits will continue. hoe democratsil fight in coness towards an america wre n one goes hungry. i yield the spker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the ntleman from nebraska, mr. bacon, for five minutes. mr. bacon: thank you, mr speaker. i rise tod to recognize a leader from ouristrict who has created job and changed lives all while growing the largest african-american-owned business in the state o nebraska and the largt private mixed use development investment inor omaha. carmen tap yo is the c.e.o. of nort end teleservices which h
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soar to t incorporated 5,000 list of faste growing companies for the last four ars. injeingver $306 milli into nebraska's economy. she establied north real estate to help re-imagine north omah and send it on a promising path where communi c work, li and play. her leadership i helpi to he trajtory of familiesor generations to to come. rough developinghe only departme of labor registered apprenticeship for her indtry, microcredentialing and bringing up people through the organization, she's growing her own work force and leadership. wanting to empower black wom acro the state,armen ignited the formation of nebraska black women united with a few phone calls,er ownumble take on its formation. the purpose-driven organizatn and continue to fan the flames of growth and support for black women. in addition, she founded the network spot, a premier
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co-working space nestledn the heart of the northmaha mmxists for claboraon and to nurture the ingenuity of brilliant entreprenrial min. ses nonprofit and for-prot boards. she serves as t chair of the greater omaha cmee board ofctorr bank o kansas cy's oha branch board o directors, warn enterprises board of e.s.g. committee, the peter university of nebraska trustee foundation and the nraska medicine board finance committee, just to name a f. this woman's history mth, she ska and the nebskand foundation as the 2024 distinguished nebraskalander. she was inspire woman of
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the year for large business and the 2022 "u.s.a. today" neb woman of the year, the 2022 omah business hall of fame induee a the 2022 bla women legacy award and the 2022 better businessureau torch awards and the forbes 2021 nex 1,000nd the 2021 greater omaha chamber of commerce exas inersh. she is incredible. carmen's parents instilled in her and each. her five sisters that they could anything they set the minds to. her strong beliein the human spirit and tha athing is possible. this i what she endearso teach people as she and help people create a vision f their lis to advance their economic indendence andareer path. carmen ander husband live with their dog and enjoyraveli with that, i yieldack the balae of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chai recnizes the geleman from connecticut, m larson, forive minutes. mr. larson: tnk you, mr.
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speaker. i rise to speak about ameca's number one anti-poverty program for the elderly and america number one anti-povey program for children. that, of course, is social security. i want to commend president biden. i commend him for putting making sure that social security is solvent into the next century and making sure that benets. and he did so b saying we do something that'sery commonsense and practical. the cap on ppl ming over $400,000. now, most cdon' realize that thn a cap on social security. but why is it thatll individuals shouldn't hav to pay into the system?
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we have a pter here, and■ god bls these weahy indiduals that are able to achieve gre success in vast sums o mon, but whi should a pson making $30,000 or $5000 or $100,000 payzocial security when the wealthy individuals will p about a minute into the beginning of t ju last month was the last time that milonaires would pay anything into the syste said, ls scrap the cap on people over $400,000. i have manyown hal where i ask people in the audienc raise your hand if■ $400,000. nd gop.i haven't seen a single and yet yet ey are exempt from partipating in what is the nation's number one insance
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program for the elderly and$8ls for children. by the way, especially in this ti of deficit talk, etc., it's completely pai for. this is a real kitchen tae ise because 10,0 by boomers a day become eligible for social security. they are sitting tre and aski, why is ithat soci secuty hasn'teen enhce becae the only body that can do that is the united states congss. and it hasn't done anything since 1971 to enhance the program, mr. speer, and to make sure that pple are paying their fair share. so the fair thing to do here is to scr theap, which would extend solvencycuri instead of t mited. people,■yncding thatfits t
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actually wor on behalf of our seni citizens. including across-the-board increase for everyone on social secuty since it hasn't been increasedince 1971. making sur thateoe who a currently paying taxes on their social security don have to do so. and h are we able to do that? by having peoe pmo their■w fair share. people who don't pay, in many instances, a penny into fica. that is flat out wro for t wealthst natn in the wor that is prode the benefits and freedoms and liberty that allow these very successful people to succeed in the grtestoury in the world. it's time for us, mr. speaker, toome together and address this for all americans as we seek to close the wealth gap
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that existn this country. for more than 40%, mr. speaker, of our flow citizs, social secuty is t onl benefit that they have. the onl benefit that the have. exem from having to pay intoe that system is absolutelyrong and unjt. that's why, aga, iomnd president biden r■@gm for all america and saying, no, we are goingo scrap the cap, we a going to lift that cap people payi ove making over $400,000. it w't even be an incleing for them to -- inc.leeing -- inkling for them to do this but we can expand social secity. make sursoal secity goe into efft by eliminating wrongly penalized teaers andr
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fighters and police officers and the spouses and famils from receiving theery social secutyenefits they deserve. with that, mr. sak time. the spear proempore: t chair recognizes the gentloman from illinois,rs. miller, for five minutes.■2■q mrs. miller: thank you, mr. speaker. on hisirst d in office, biden signed an ecutive order security measure established duringhe trump admistration and paving t way for 11 million foreign national to inter-- enter our country legally. during the fir three yea of his administration, biden consistently denied the borr security crisis. biden lied. biden and his staff falsely
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claim that the border was secure. it isnly now after countless lives he been taken that the biden administration has of the safy he aricans problem d people. the agic murr of 2 laken riley,s a direct consequence ofiden's failure to secure t borde. the illegal immigrant from never have been allowed in our country.e for laken's family on their tragic ls. i cannot imane the pai no pent in our country should ever lose a child due to reckless border policieand soft on crime policie joe and kala harris have ood on their hands. they should sayer name and
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apologize to the primary responsibily of the gernment is trote the american people. instead, biden has opened o invf military-age men and put american lives in danr. day we have the opportunity to ensure that thi nev happenst to again. i urge my colleaguesi yield bac. the spear pro tempore: members are reminded not to engage in personalities gelewoman fr california, ms. waters, forive minut. ms. water ank you, mr. speaker. in less than 12 hours, president den wil deliver histate of the union address and l o his top policy priorits for
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our nion. last week i sent the white thatl affordable housing and homelessness crisis be included as par of the state of the union address. i was very pleased to hear this morning that housing will, in fact, be included in the address. mr. speaker, i don't have a all of the people of this country are my speci guests today. i'making to them abo this critical issue of houng and the nee to take the people off founately, the homeless on the seet and in tents and broken down r.'s will n hr this message tonight, b they pect their members of congress at they elect to office to speak up for them. i speak for tm. i fightor them. and everybody, demos and republicans, to fight for the people in america
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who are homeless, w a looking for better decent hoing. whil the biden adminisation has held ouration achve e of the strongest labor markets with record job creation and a record number of small businesses formi, we simply cannot talk about the state o our aut the sta of housing in this country. every person's well-being. the largest part are family budgets, a a major part of our economy. yet risingousing costs continue to make upearly 70% of core infti, outpacing modest we gains. to put it in plainer terms, americans are making more money, but houng costs are soxtreme that the extra their cket still isn't enoh. indeed, more renters and homeownersre paying a greater
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share of the housing than ever before.since 2020, hoe skyrketed by■l 4. rents have increed by 40%. it's no wonder that families in nearly every income bracket are feelg the pain o onef t wot housing and homelesesn's ht. are expienc homelessnesse nationwide. we saw a sobering 25% spike in the nber of people who are experiencing homelesess for the firstime in their lives between 2022 and 2023. i'm talki about people. call o y members, stunt teachers, a frontlineorkers, elderly americans who should be enjoying
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retirent are one of fastest rising groups of pe experiencing homelessness. this is simply unacceptable. while the state of our nation's housg bleak right now, this don't have to be our future. we know how to solve the housing crisis. during the pdemic democrats secured unprecedented levs of housing relie through bills like the american rescue pla eqe economic recery, spurred more development of affordable housing, and helpe nearly three milln people experiencing the risk of homelessness. over 12 millieople successfully avoided eviction or foreclosure thanks to tse invements. in short, democrats prove wha can accomplish with subsntial targeted in housing. and we should use this as a blueprint to finally end this cris. during this congress, however,
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peop opposite side of the aisl the republicans, have tried to defund feral housing programs and even passed a bill to make home ownerip more, not less,xpensive. as the top democra on the house nancial services committee, i commit to press the fight in congress to secure robust investments in fair and affordab housing. i have intduced my groubreaking housing bills again inclung the housing crisis response act, the ein homelessness act, a the down payment tord equity a. these bills would help create nearly 1.4 m affordable, accessible, and resilient homes, reduce hsing cost, end homelessness, andevive the dream of home ownership for all. morward to hearing housing is highlighted as ae
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majo policy and not just a passing mention. going to hear a lot about housing -- ms.aters: i'm not going to give up on housing. gaming -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. ms. wers: housing to end this crisis. yoan keep pounding the spker pro tempore:he gentlelady time haexred. the chair recognizes the ntleman fm florida, mr. gaetz, for five min. mr. gaetz: i was so furious but bloombg news report tt the biden administration is now considering draing $200 million out of army resves to send me mon to mov wou targe ree funds that this house h authorizednd appropriad for purpose is wthy,purpose, a certnl more worthy than contuinvvement in the lead to tragic escalatoryuld
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accident. i can't en belve this is a controversial view to take on is floor, but i believe that the u.s. army■÷ the u.s army. andy the way, it's not as if we d't he needs for our army how out the families of our soldiers. right now childcare is a real problem. we've got army solers that are drivg an hour and a half or more each way justt childcare. we could invest that moneyn our military families. i could take you to thermy town of crest view, florida, in my district where the school counlors w are sll helping armyamilies deal with the deployme.fct of they could use more resources. they teal me, congressman i we had more resoues for these army families, they improve quality of lifand mental health. not for nothing, but the army was take ago leading role in hyper -- taking a lding
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in her sonics where we have fallen behind chi. if we got an extra $200illion laying aroun how about investin it wh weapons and investing, i don't no, we s this attempt to drain resources ay from ukraine. when joe bid talke about campaigning for the souof the nation i just assumed it was our natn. not ukraine and ukrne is no gden of eden for democracy. senator lee pointed out in a report that the c.i.a. had to directly confront zelenskyy abou hiswn psonal in ukraine they have canceled the presidentiallections. call me old-fashioned, but i prefer democraci that hold elections rather than canling elections. about the death of navalnyerns appropriaty, peopl fget the fact that zelenskyy jailed a journali, and that journalist died in a ukrainian pson. tonightou will hear president
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biden ce thing that president bideas in mmon with the american people is that both were far better off fr years ago. joe biden phycally a the rest of us economically. armed svices cmittee, wi ie call for an instigion of any --n inveigation of any efforts to drain the u.s. reserves to fund this war in ukraine. invi my■elo joi me. democrs, know what this reminded me of, when all the democrats we crying alligator■, tears about president trump to use d.o.d. money t fund the wall you may accused me of hypocrisy becausiuped that endeavor but ion't like the bid adminirationoing beyond what we setorth with our article 1 powers. at least film' bei so for defenf america's borrs and intests killg hundds of thousands of people through the introduio
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ofenl and an invasion that is diminishing t economic prosctsf working people in .his country when the are hyprites,hey serv a hypoctes so they can go and fund the pensions o vernment workers in ukrne and not for nothing, but it sn't that longo that we found a pern connected the defense industrial complex in ukrainexiting the country wh $1 million in u. cash in a shoe box. america's intests a illusory and we should never dra million out of our army that that should go t soldiers and that should go to america capabilities. it is america's capabilities that will dinwhether orot we hold the high gun not which guy in a track st is running crimea. iieeaker pro tempore: the chair recnizes e gentlen fr pennsylvania, m muser, -- mr. meuser, f five minutes. mr. meuser: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speakerthere are real
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concerns throught our nation about the violenc in our streets. experiment on the part of■ the left that has resuld in high levels o crime. ft-wing officls, mr. speake have defunded and discredited police fce country,s appointed an elected liberal prosecutors who a not prosecuting. the facts don't lie. here in shington, d.c.,he city has cut $100illion from the mro p.d.'s $600 million budget since 2017 and the osecion rate of arrests in the natios capal has been up near 70%.o surprise that violent crime is soaring in washington, d.c. carjackings, for instance,er up mor than00%■u from last year, which was at an a-time high. but philadelphia, new york, chicago, they're all the same. crime has gotn so outf hand
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just deployed 1,000 nationaor guardsmen to help secure the subway system. but it's not jt ts. this radical ideology h exnd into e suburban communities and crime has come just this week i met with of police.he fratern order they share with me their concerns about the rising anti-police sentiment and detailed the skyrocketing violence against law enforcement offi lastear, mr. speaker, tragically 3 pice officers 46 of who of duty. and thi was up from 323 officers shot in022. disgraceful. one piece of legislation to address these issues is my holdin prosetors accountability act which has been endorsed by the nional police association. it woul iological prosecutors to do the jobs by mandating they prosecute at least 67% of vlent crimes. if they their
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jusdiction will lose access federal d.o.j. grant funding. it would also require and publish tir prosecuonsdictis rate data. americans deserve to know if their elected prosetor is de releasing violent crinals back onto the strts. mr speaker, thi ideological social experiment starts at the top. joe biden and vice preside■j shown support for law enforcement. it's that simple. just look at the criticism of the bordergend -- agents that weren hseck who migrants, despite kwing that was categorically false. these border agents were doing their jocks. place.was n whipping that took and when the tru finallyame out, the was nopology from the white house. and when vice preside harris had thepportunity to disavow the defund t policeovement riview on "the view," s refused to answer. showing a utter lack of suprt forhe brave men and women who otect a serve our co■çmmunies. this is, mr. saker, a srk
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contra from the former president who would speak stng in favor of police officers and backing the blue. esident trump sent a cle pro-law enforcement message, but now uer predentiden we're dealingith rampant ssh'e and grab situations, crimes, migrant crime due t our open borders, out-of-contr violence in o reets dirt bikes victimizing nocent citens and sll businesses. we have a serious issue before us that has been created over the last three yea a as a society and elected offials, we need toome together to correct course or the american people mustle those tha will make national security and public safy job o. mr.peaker, under the past trump administration, there was no invasion of the ukraine, there was peace in the middl east, and the was less tension between cna andaiwan. as well the terrorist state of
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iran was defunded because of the strict sanctions on their oil exports. but today biden's weaknesses on the world stage have plunged the world into chaos. we'row deang with a horric invasion by putin into thekraine, the middl east went from peace t chaos, wh hostage taking, massiveth, and y country, mexico, have turned into gangland dueo the border polies from this administration. further, our relationship with spect.s one of disspect, no and iran is now ermously well funded and responsle for the bulk of terrorism that exists worldwide from hezbollah to the houthis to hamas. deite this, we he an irrational affinity for gaining some sor of al or agreement with the terrorist state of iran. and perhaps wreas wor, mr. speaker, the's no pla to tak just more of the same and they're asking the american taxpayer to fun the results of the biden administration's disastrous
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policies. as former secretary of state mike pompeo put it, this is an america that isn its bac foot, our friends don't trusts e -- our advsaries insufficiently fears, mr. speaker. iouldn't agree with him more and yield back. the spear proempore: pursuant tolause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house >> with that in mind, i'll
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yield. thanks, mr. chair. .a chair brown: senator tester f montana, is recognized. thank yr being here, chair powell. we appreciate your work. difficult situation. but i think you have done a really good job. thank you for that. look, success at the fed mandate for strong employment and stable prices is critical for smallsin. for farmers, ranchers, for montana families. you fall all the metrics. from perspectiwh
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