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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  March 7, 2024 11:59am-1:21pm EST

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corporate. corporate profits have been high overall. senator van hollen: they are high for a couple reasons. one is that they are charging consumers, for example, the grocery stores, a lot of money. and the other would be if they are not sharing the benefits of labor productivity with their employees. i think because we have heard a lot of claims by some of o republican colleagues about the causes of price increases, and i think it's very important that american consumers recognize that corporations are choosing to charge them more at the grocery store, or engaging in things like shrinkflation rather than -- in order to have more of their profits.
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let me turn briefly to a letter that i sent to the vice chair of super vision and some of the other federal regulators in january of this year regarding the basil 3 capital requirements. i support the overall effort. >> we take you live now to the floor of the house where today lawmakers will be working on several pieces of legislation. including a bill to detain migrants for theft related crimes. yesterday, the house passed a government funding measure which now heads to the senate. two shutdown deadlines on friday. take you live now to the house floor here on c-span.
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the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. offeredy chaplain kibben. chaplain kben: would you pray with me. god of all creation, bd you ear toward the earth and hear the cries of your people imprised by their adversaries stol from their lives and loved ones and hel captive by hatred. there are cntss men women and children acrosshe glo who are victims o heartless cruelty. but on thi day w lift up those who remain hel hostage in gaza after five ownountrymen, eden
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alexander etai chen omar nutra and keith siegel. ever present we pray and askhatou hav mercy upon them and bring them out of their suffering to relief. from darkness to light from subjugation to redemption, now speedily and soon. and may the righteous memy of those who have died at the hands of their captors be a powerful testimonyo remember that i atonement all the ends the eart will turn you o lor and bow before you. o ld, be not far from us. you are our sength and the deliverer of all tho who dure the interm enable weight for the return of these our brothers. in your merciful name we pray. amen
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the speaker pro tempore: chair has examined the journ of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house her approval thereof. pursuanto clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. the pledge ofllegiance will be led by the gentleman from missouri mr. alford. mr. alford: i pledge allegice to the fg of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stas, o nation, der god, indivisible, with libey and justice for all. the spker o tempore: the chair will receiv a message. the ssenger: mr. speaker messages from the senate. the secretary: mr. speaker. the speakepro teore: mam secretary. the secretary: i hav been directedy the sen to inform the hse that the senate agreed to who amendment h.con.res. 93, concurrent resotion providing for the joinession of cgresso recee a message from th president. the speaker pro tpore the
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chair will enterta up to 15 requestsor one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. for at purpose does e gentmafrom pennsvania seek recognitn? without objection, th gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. thompson: thank you, . speaker. mr. speer rise today to recogniz the pennsylvania 4-h membs who received the diamond clover ard at the recent 4-h at cference. it's a program under the.s. department of agricultu. the program's mainoal i to educe our nation's youth on pivotal skillsnd responsibilities to devop them into outstanding citens. as chairmaof the house agriculture committ i'm enlitened to see t work of da's proamsaving the way for youth. total, there were 24iamond clov awardinners fro 13 counties across pennsylvania. i'm especiallyroud t say that
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out of those 13 countie tee of there from district, pennsylvania 15. specia cgratulations to han tr from centre county, fed -- phaedra bauer and crystal clark. congratulations to all of you on hardork andhis regnition. i wish you the best of luc in your future endeavors. thank you, mr. speaker. and yield back the balance of my time. the eaker pro tempore: for whaturpose does the ntleman from massachusetts seek recognition? without objection, the gentleman is recognized for minute. mr.overn: mr. speaker w cannot ignore the suffering happening in gaza. dying of malnutrition, no food, no clean water no medicinever two million pele starving, in desperate need of help. the oober 7 attack by hamas agait innent israe civilians and the taking of hostages areorrific crimes. but i am horrified by ime
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minister netanyahu's response. his government's actions ainst ciliansn gaza a intolerable and wrong. u.s. law no aid suld be furnished under the foreign assistance act or the arms expo control act to any country that, i quote restricts directly or indirectly t transpor or delivery ounited states humanarian assistance, end quote. presiden biden if the netaahu govnment continues to keep humanarian aid from entering gaza at the scale required to meet t needs of the peoplef gaza, thenou must m psident u the full lev of u.s. law to get the trucks rolling again. the lives of millions are countingn you. i yie back. the speaker oempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognion? mr. lamalfa: i ask unanimous consent to address hse for one mine, revise and extend my remarks. the ker pro tempore: without objection, t gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. lamalfa: thank you, mr. speaker. president biden going to be in this chaer just a few hours -- in just a few hours. i'm going to hope for a positive outcome on thi that up to ts pnt the border policy
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that and his administrati have p in place has been disastrous. but ofate he' been blaming republicans for that. for not passing a really bad ea thas come out of the senate. well, we have taken reonsibity we' passed h.r. 2 very early in this session and sent it over to the senate wre mr. schumer has ignore that. so i hope th president will call on m schumer and the democrat sators to take tha bill up over there a have rely strongeform on borde strengthing that we need. but if they don't there's sti eight actions rht here the present could be doing. end tch andelease. reinstate remainn mexico act. and s other ideas tha actually we in place wn trump wasnharge. d he resnded on day one. he cou do this with a stroke of the pen without congress having to fight over a deal of how to figure this out o legislation. president bidan do this. i'm going to hope tonight
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instead of blaming republicans he willake action and use his pen to put theseonstitutnal peelses bac in place. i -- pces back inlace i yield back. the speaker proempore: for what purpose doethgentlema fromorth carolina seekrecognition? >> mr. speaker i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, to rese and extend my remarks. the ker pro tempore: wiout objection, the geneman is recognized for one minute. mr. davis: mr. speaker bridgestonesne of the largest industrial empyers in wilson county, north carolina. it's celrating 50 years. the facity manuftures passenger a light truck tires. there a 1,9 employees at this site. the facity is rated numr one globally in9- tire production. it h received several certifications and awards, including theising star and the nort carolina department of
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labor's carolina star program and the international sustainability and carbon certificion plus. eastern north carina is most gratul to each of the hardworking teamembers at this essentl facility. congratulations, bridgestone, on a job well done. in reaching this remarkable mileston happ 50th anniversary. than you, mr. speaker i yield back. the speaker pr tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman fromalifornia seek recognition? >> i ask unanimoonsent to address the house for one minute. the speaker o tempore: without objectio the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker as someone who
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stard my family with i.v.f., i derstand how critical it is for so many families that want to have children. mrs. steel: i believe all life precious. like many americans i'm pro-life with thexception for rape and incest and the health and life of the mother. for years polital opponents have mreprested my view, but families in my district know where i snd. nothing is more pro-life than lping families with children and io not support federal restrictions on.v. a recent court ruling proted confusion abohether life at conception act bans i.v.f. i'm roving myself from the bill because it could create confusio about my support for the blessings of having chiren through i.v.f. mr. i hereb remove my me as co-sponsor of h.r. 43 i have bn and always wille pro-life. thank y. the speaker pro tpore: the gentlelady's request is granted.
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fowhat purpose does the gentlelady from hawaii seek recognition? ms. tokuda: ask unanimous consent to addss the house for e minut and to revise and exte my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without jectn, tentlewan is recognized for one mut . toka: tnkou, mr. speaker. when thingso wng when disaster strikes, the first cl most of us will make is 911. on august 8 2023, dispahers at maui's 911 call center were the ones thatnswered over 4,50 callers as they cald in about the tearing tough t island. through i all ouraui diatchers were the first responders who ansred the ll. many of them were desperately waiting t hear fm their own loved ones, some of whom did not make it. they operated under incdible stress absbing t panic a terror of the callers pviding comfort and direction. theres no doubt i my mind that on that fateful day they ve les. last week maui's callenter team received the 2023 outstandin call center award from the nextgen 911nstitute.
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they a maui strong. and ty represent the very be of us. allhoseho answered the call when w nee them mos deser to b recognize for wt they truly are first responders. th i w'm proud to co-sponsor the bipartisan 911 save act ledy representatives torres and fitatrick. in honorf all ofur dispatchers, it is our tur to answ the call and pass the 911 saves act i yield back. the speaker pro temporefo what purposeoes the gentleman from tennessee seek rogniti? >> i ask unanimousonsent to address the house for oneinute and to rese and extend my remarks. thspeaker pro tempore:ithout objectio the geneman is recognized forne minute. >> mr. speaker the white house is attempting to down play threat -- dowlay t threat that the wide-open southn border psents to our national security. mr. rose: this folws the tragic death of georgia nurng student laken riley. investigatorsay she was killed byn illegal immignt who was paroled into this coury i
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the house homeland security commtee found that 600,000 nondetained criminal illal aliens aren the country. le me repeat that. we have more than 6,000 legal immigral coictions or pending charges in the united state in a 2021 memo, d.h.s. secretary alejandro mayorka wrote to the staff quote the fact tha an individual is a removable noncitizen should not alone be the basis of an enforcement action against them, closed quote the biden admintration must end this ddly catch and release scheme. it'sime to close the border so that overwhelmed border officis have the man pow to deport these criminals. american lives are depending on it. than y, mr. saker and i yield bk. the eaker pro tempore: for at purpose does the gentleman from north carolina seek
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recognition? >> aress the house f o minute, revise a extenmy remas. the speaker pro tempe: without objection, the gentleman is recoized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker iise today to congratulate the robsville highchool wrestli team for winning the north carina high school athletic association's 1-aeam tournament title for the firstime in the school's history. edwards: the robinsville blk knits defead their opponent by 10 points, eing eir wiing streak. senior and four-time state chamon cabling willis was -- cage williams was awarded the most outstanding wrestler the tournament and bke the pgram win record with 169 career victories. it waslso a banner year for longimeoach davidey. coach hey has been wit robinsvilleince 1978 and is now taking a well-derved
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timent after this season. each black knight on the team made important conibutions t a historic state championship, l under t experienced leadership of coa haney. congratulations, black knigh. you've made western north caroliroud. mr. speaker i yield back. the speapro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recnition? >> to aress the hse for one minute to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlan from michigan is recognized fornete. minute. >> i sly risen support of the laken riley act and honor the mesake of this legislation. mr. beran:iley was a beautiful soul taken toooon by her loving family by a illegal mit. as a yng nursing student
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everyo enjoyed lakens she pursued her passion of helping peop. she hado muchotential and life to live. my prayers a wit her family as they mourn the loss o her ligh in this world. if not for our open borders and catch and release procols laken and many other innocent americans murdered by illeg immigrts would be alive today. 's time to secureur borr andnd these destructive polies now. i urge chgs to sport h. 7511 and to continue fighting ensure no other family has t bury their family due to biden preventle crisis. yld back. the speaker pro tempore: for whaturpose does the gentleman om north carolina seek recognition? mr. wilson: i ask to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. thspeaker pro teore: without objeion, the gentleman i recognized. mr. wilson: thank you. on march the repubc of bulgaria celebrad nationa day.
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they hosted a reception recognizing is0 years of diplomic relions with amera. we appreciate them. onune 10, 1990, i observed with the international republic institute the first pro communist election and i was hosted b the man elected to the national assembly and reitated rotary clubs acrs bulgaria. it's the 20th anniversary of bulgaria to nato. now it equaled the per capita aid to ukraine wit rule of dictators with rule of g with dictating those with rul of law. wee, introdung peace thugh strength. in conclusion, god bss our troops successfully protecte ameca for 20earsm continuesoving from the afghanistan safe is ven to america. we don't need new borr law but exist existi law biden shamelessly opens borders for dictators and more/11 attacks are imminent as warned
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by the f.b.i. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields for what purpose does the gentlewon from mhigan seek recoition? >> taddresthe hoe for one minute aevise and extend my remarks. the speaker o teore: without objection, the gentloman is recognizedor one minute. >> mr.peaker i rise today t recognize thehankless few the ones who wake up eh mningt the crack of dawn, rn or shine, and simply g toork. those thankle few are our farmers. mrs. mcclain: we' great at thanking o firsts, nurses firefighters a police ofcers as we should but how often do w thank our farme. they are the backbone of this nation and often take them for granted. regardless o the lk of attitudee show them, the sam farmers get up and d itver
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and over again day after day just to keep this country going. i ur everyone to thinkhere their food com from and give thanks to theelentless farmers whoeeus fed. so today and every day i say to the farmers thank you and with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. e speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. for what purpose doethe gentlemanrom miourieek recognition? >> i asknanimous conse to addresthe house for one mite and revise and eend my remarks.n,he gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. speaker rise to recognize the hrtland horseshong schools in lamar missouri, as our district small business of the month mr. alford: christian kelly greggr oned thechool in and have since been leaders in teaching the craft of horseshoeing and bcksmithing. place where
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students from all over theorld can learn a sll that's bee very important f centues. the gregory's work is a reminder how vital sma business are to america. they'reot just teachin a trade but keepi our heritage alive and growing. utubehares their knowledge with more than 2,000 subscribers. folks like the gregories show us what we can do when we achie with hard work andassion the dreams that make us great in america. congratulations to chris and kelly greggry. your work is shaping the future of horseshoeing and shong the power of small business in america. thank you mr. speaker and i yield back. elle: e gentleman yields. for what purpo doethe gentman fm pennsvaa seek recognition? >> to adess the housfor one minute and revise anextend my remarks. the eaker pro tempore:ithout objection, the gentleman is recoized for one minute. >> mr. speaker i rise in recognitionf a also a great friend, stephen
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aldrich. he's a business manag and secretary forhe international brotherhood of ectrical workers, local 269 ands renowned in our labor commuty as anutstanding leader. mr. fitztrick: in adtion to his rol within local 269 steve hasee strong supporter and constantdvocate of the buck's countyarade committee and the st. patrick's day ielf. i've been walking alongside him in the padeor a long time now. with his advocacy,e's helped growhe committee and helped the pare gro each year. because of his outstanding work, he was selected to lead the parade this year as gnd marshall of the 35th annual buck's count st. patrick's day parade. i'm thankful for steve and his fami and all hs done over the years not just as a local 269 leader but all the work he's ne for the parade and friends as well. both professionally and personally.
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and we just wan to say to steve, we wish you great sucss in this year's parade. i won't b walking alongside you but behind you and that'she way it should be. thanks for all yourounty community and the parade committee as wel and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the chair announces the speaker's appointment pursuant to stion 2-b-2 of the commission to study the potential creation of a nationa museum of asian-pacific arican history and cultu act, public law 117-140 a the order of the house of january 9 2023 of the following individual the part of the hou to t commissionto study the potential creation of a national museum o asian-pacific american history and culture fill the existing vacancy thereon. the clerk: dr. mamiah, gilberts, illinois.
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the speaker pro tempe: for wh ppose does the geleman from north carolina, mr. bishop, seek recognition? mr. bishop: . speaker pursuant tuse resoluti 1052, i call up t bill h.r. 7511, the len rileyct and ask for its immedia consideratn by the house. the speaker pro tempore: the erk wi report th title othe bill. the clerk: h.r. 7511, aill to reque theecretaf homeland securyo tak into custody aliens who have been charged in the united states with theft and for other purposes. the speakepro tempor pursuan t thouse relution 1052, the bill is condered rd. the bill shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controll by theirnd ranking minority member on the committee on theudiciary or their resctive designees. the gentleman from north carolina mr. bishop, and the gentleman from w york, mr. nadler each willontrol 30 minutes. the chairow recnizes e gentlema from rt cina, mr. bishop. mr. bishop: mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent all members
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have five legislative days in whicto reve and extend their marks and to inserextraneous material on h.r. 7511. the speakepro tempore: without objectio mr. bish: i yield myself as much time as iay consume. the speaker pro teore: the recognized. mr. bishop: thank you mr. eaker. toy the house says the name laken riley. through h.r. 7511 the laken riley act. on this day two wee ago, the life of a 22-year-old nursing student laken riley a beautiful and vibrant young womaname to an abrupt and a shocking end a totay unnecessarient when she was abducted fro her morning run on the campus of the university of grgia in athens and brutally killed, beaten to deat and to a ste of disfigment by a criminal alien whom joe biden and alejand mayorkas were und legal obgati to detain. laken's failure to return home
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alarmed her roommateho called police. police fou her discarded body in the woods off the running trail, herkull crued. last friday, laken's parents laid her daughter to res the lives destroyedy theenseless d depraved actions of a criminal who should not he beenere. d the caous indifrence of the president and the secretary of homeland security. vancan jose abara illegally enteredcross our border in 2022. the biden administration released himust like millions of oths, paroled him into the countr to roam wherever he pleased rather than detaining him as the law required. jose roamed newk city. ere in august nypd arrested him for driving witut a
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license th a child onboard unprotted b a helmet and an independent obligion arose for homeland security toetain mr. abara, in an offense hs committed moral turpitudeith the child. they relsed him and homeland security did nothing. in new york city jose roamed to join his brother diego anoer illegal crimal alienn athenseorgia. athensolice arrted diego in september for dvi whi intoxicated and without a cense, also a offense involving moral turpitude and irqu security but homelandecurity again did nothing andiego too, was promptl released. in october jose and jose joined horses to rib off the local wal-mart and must haveeen quite something
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toe arrested for shoplifting this day and age but arrestedhey were. and another basis rose for mandatory detenon specifically t or more criminal offses by each of them involving separate crinal acts again homeland security utterly disregard congress' statutory command and did nothing. the brothers were set free upon e community again. inecember, a final chance came to prevent laken riley's fate. athens police arrested diego again f failure to appear for finrprintable offense. why didn't they arrestose? who knows? maybe the figur what's the poin homeland security wl just continueooking the other way. even though diego now was an absconder, has reased again. and the big bureaucratic department of homelandecit did nothing.
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cretary mayorkas aed whether jose should have been deported befo he beat len riley to death. and answered blandly his agency work closely with w forcement to ensure individuals who pose a thrt t public safet are mad the highest priority foretention and removal. anreminds me more than0 times secretary mayorkas testified under oath the border s secure. what the secretary didn't explain was the law he laid down in september 202 the memo to the department of homeland security employees wre he instructed the grounds spefied byongress for detention would ner be the basis standing alone for a detentiony homeland security. the toda the laken riley act
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esents two simple and straightforward amendmentso law to break through the biden administration's brazen, defiant and rkless disgard for laken riley a a thether vulnable americans out there victimized already o sn to be victimized. first, it scifies theft offees as a gund manda the secretary of homeland security to take into custody criminal illegal aliens like jose ibarra and iss a detainer request t local law enrcement. how hard is that,ight? shouldn't illal alien required be detned athe boer in the first place who gon to engage in thievery in our country b dained and removed? who could disree with that? but if h.r. 7511 only added another detention mante to the slew tt secretary morkas is brazenly defying even tod it would be a act of fility.
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more statuto commands to ad administti that is lawless and it would do nothi to honor the life a memory ofaken rile therefore, the other essential element of this bill is to nftandin upo states attoeys gener to bring actions against executive branch offials who refuse to enfor th nation' immigration laws. . this provision comes from the immigration enforcent act introduced by me and by chip roy. it will empower state to hol homend secury accountable in fedel crts for flouting mandatory detenti requirements the limits of parole authority and visa sanctions agast countries that refuse to cooperate with repatriationf illels removed from our country. this respond to the supreme cours ruling 2023 in united states v. texas that stas lax
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stng in such cases and it follows the road man set forth in the crt'spinion i that case --ap set forth in the court's opinion in that case inviting congress to fix this ct by authorizing such suits in statute. itonfers stand upon a narrowly dined set of plaintfs the states, and authes the judiciary to grant redress. as such, this leglationill ensu that harul abuses of ou immigration lawn fact, thoseicies set forth by the biden administration tt are i direct conflict and contradiction wit the pla meaning of our laws, will not g unchalleng. r. 751 also honors lak riles life. and those who mourn her loss. asell as all of the other victims of the bid border crisis. no law passed by this body can bring bk laken. or take away the pain
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suffered by her family and countless other victims of criminal aen crime. the laken riley act however will ensure tllegalliens who commit theft offenses as laken'sing ad murdere did -- lakes alleged murderer diden administtion's continu reckless callous indiffence. i reservthe bance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserve the gentleman from new york i recognized. mr. nadler:r. speaker i yield myse shime as i may consume. the spear pro tempore: the gentleman is rognized. mr. nadler: mr. speaker i want to srt by expressing my deest cdolences to laken riley'samy. the pain of losin a child is somethingo parent shoul have to go through. the aeged perpetrator should be prosecuted to theullest extent of the law by all accnt laken was a kind and gentle soul beloved by everne around her. meijer memory be a blessing --
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y her memory be a blessing. unfortunaty, instead of comin together, th majity appears to be exploitin her death for forjet another partisa -- for yet anoth partin political stunt. this would subct mandatory detention to any undocumented immigrants arreste or charged with comtting an act of the larceny or shoplifting alo with -- i skipped a page. rather than approhing thi tragic event in a thoughtl manner republicans appeato have jt thrown together language from esting unrelated bills that tart and spegoat immigrantso score cheap political points in an electn ye. whil doi nothingo addss the sittion at the border. this approach isundantally unserious. as if to emphasize the point the authorf this legislation spent the weekend promoting anti-semitic memes on twier. at base, this bill is a rinse and reat of theous attempto keep
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immigration in the news. pick a crime paste i into a templa blith sweepin unrealti immigration conseqnces. then require detention and portationf certain immigrants merely accusedf committing such a crime. no due process required. lo that you can demonize immiants and sound tough without actually making this country the legislation before usoday would subject to mandatory detention any undocumented immigrants merelyrrested o charged with committg a act of theft larceny or shoplifting. alon with those who are convicted or who admit committing suc acts. let's think about that. someone who is arrested,ho was nene nev eve charge - was crime is now subject to mandary immigration detention? the case of laken riley is a tragedy, but as is often sai hard cases make bad under ts bill, commit agamis
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demeanor shoplifting or en commit nothing crime at all can resu in a daca or t.p.s. recipient, someone who may he been in thisountryor decades, bei subject t mandatory detention. sadly, there are countless real-lifexample o peoe getting arrested becse o mistakendentity. through erroneous witness identificaon biographical similarities to pertrators and erro by faultyacial recognition technogy. in a markupe had in the judiary committee last month mr. massie dcussed how mistaken ideicio can depriving seone of their constitutional rights. noted very real concerns about racial disparities in the development of artificial intelligence a facl recognition tools. these too have led tumerous erroneous arrests mostly of peop of col. for example just over aear ago a detroit woman was arrested for robbery and carjacking after she was improperly identified the perpetrator by an automatic
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facial recognition search. she was 8 months pregnant when she w arrested. after bng held by the pole for 11 hours she was released on a $100,000 bond. it took a two hearing for t case ainst her to be dismissed. der tsill, however if this wom had been on daca or t.p. status, i.c.e. wouldave been required to detain her upon her release and her u.s. citizen son would have bee born i immigration detention. even though she comtted no crime. mandory dettion of innent people is not a reasonable or sensible policy cice. this is not where we shou be focusing our limited enforcement resoces. it is important to remember that this bill would subject more people to mandatory detention at a time when rlicans refused to give the deptment of homeland security the resrces it needs to carry out its policies. the biden administration is currently detaining 39,000
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people a day. th is 500 me people than congss has even provide funding for to detain. congressas never appropriated and administrat requeste sficient resources detain all noncitizens who fall under the quo mdatory detentio unqte categories. even former president trump ner tried to dain all migrants subject to mandatory detention. house republicans know this. but instead of facing that realy and providing the resources necsary to addre weaknesses in the immigration syst they would p the issue andhey bring us measuresike this. if that weren b enough, this bill alsourports to give state attorneys general standing to sue in court for perceived violations o ctain sections of the immigration and nationality act. hoping to convinc t judicial branch to impose the dranian immigration picy preferees that mag republicans hav failed to get through the political branches of the federal governmt.
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thisill simpl declares that states have standing toue so long as the state or its residentsesufr almost any degree of harm, no matter how trivial. appearing only to excde financial harms that are less than $100. we should know that this provision i almost certainly uncotitial. just declaring thatheres standingoes not make it so. just last year the supremeourt addressed states' standing to sue the federal government over immigrationnforceme matters which this bill seeks to circvent in. 8-1 dision, the court held that texas and louisiana lacked article 3 standinging. the court noted ang oer things that lawsuit alleging insuffic arrests o prosecutn run against the executiveranch's article 2
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authority to enforce the law. which includes the discretion to determine enforcement priorities in the face of lack of resources and shifting public safety and public welfare needs. this bill also goes directly against the supreme court's settled precedent which explicitly states that a statutory right to sue does not constitute an injury for purposes of standing. but settled precedent, much like responsible governance, doesn't seem to matter much to the majority. time and again republicans have refused to engage in bipartisan immigration reform. at the behest of donald trump, the republicans dismissed out of hand a bipartisan senate border bill that senate minority leader mcconnell called the strongest border bill in 30 years. in october the biden administration sent congress a supplemental funding request which included an additional $14 billion for border security.
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this would provide the biden administration roaringses it needs to secure -- resources it needs to secure the border. both these bills would have allowed the biden administration to hire thousands more asylum officers and immigration judges so asylum hearings happen in weeks, not years. this would help put an end to what my republican colleagues refer to as catch and release. a procedure in immigration law that has been used by every administration for decades. and what they mean by that is you catch someone but because of lack of resources, his court date is three years from then and so you have to release him pending the court date because he has a claim to asylum. but if the appropriation that the biden administration had requested, this could be done in weeks, not years, and you wouldn't have the problem with catch and release. so-called catch and release. all they can point to is h.r. 2,
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which last week got a grand total of 32 yes votes in the senate, when it was b vote. instead of rushing yet another partisan stunt to the floor, the majority should work with democrats to pass bipartisan solutions to address the situation at the border. that would be a far better way to truly honor the lives of those we have tragically lost. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from north carolina is recognized. >> mr. speaker, i yield three minutes to the gentleman from georgia, mr. allen. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia is recognized. mr. allen: i thank my friend from north carolina for yielding. mr. speaker, just two weeks ago at the hands of a violent, illegal alien, we lost yet another american life, a beloved daughter, student and georgian. this has been heartbreaking for the family, our communities and this nation.
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that's why i stand before you today and rise in strong support of h.r. 7511, the laken riley act. laken was an outstanding student at augusta university's nursing school. and was well on her way to sackful career, helping others -- successful career, helping others and saving lives, all to be cut brutally short by a vicious criminal. this should have never happened and cannot happen again in this nation. in fact, this could have been prevented had the senate passed h.r. 2 and secured our border. it is the responsibility of congress and this administration to make sure every american can live in this country safely and we be a law-abiding nation. not only is the suspect in laken riley's tragic death here illegally, but he's also -- has a criminal record that includes shoplifting in athens county.
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allowing this criminal to freely roam our communities was absolutely unacceptable. h.r. 7511 will ensure illegal immigrants who commit theft or detain by i.c.e. rather than be released back into these communities, the bill will also -- states -- allows states to sue the federal government for failing to enforce our borders. i am sick of president biden and liberal officials across this country not enforcing current law. it is beyond me how anyone can support the sanctuary and catch and release policies that have attracted illegal aliens to these communities. just like the one responsible for taking laken riley's life. in fact, the president has statutory authority to secure our border. i strongly urge a yes vote on this important legislation to our nation, robin and i and our family continue to join
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all our fellow georgians and this nation in praying for laken's family and loved ones. she will not be forgotten. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. carolina reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: mr. speaker, i now yield to the gentleman from maryland, a member of the judiciary committee, mr. ivey such time as he may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is recognized. mr. ivey: i thank the gentleman from new york for yielding. . al attempt to the separation doctrine. i'm particularly concerned tt this bill is a blatant efforto overrnhe sremeou's-1 ruling in t united states. texand blamethe biden administrati fhree dec
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of border enforcement challenges. in the texas case, state sues th deparent of homeland secu for border eorcement justice kavanaugh, a tru appointee stated texas did n have standing in its lawsu against the federal governnt. he wrote the threshold question is whether the states have standing underrticle 3 to maintain t sui the answer is no. it doe not change the supreme court's clear ruling. determining whether states can ing suit in ts type of immigration case is a per that is vested in the federal courts, not congress. juste kanau als made clear t disetion to arrest and detain ali is a power granted t the executive branch and, quo t executive branch does not possess theesources necessar to aest or remov
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all the noncitizens to t laws ands not a rlity but a constant. cavanaugh noted in addition for the last 27 yearsuote all five predential administratis hav determined resource constts necestiedprior authorizatiobefo making arrests. ey cannot detain everybody and the executive bnch, n the states have to make choices. unfortunately it would not give d.h.s. the ality tchange th that and instead rely on political stunts like taking out mayorkas. they won't bring a bill to the floor for a vote and if they did, it would pass. that's because we all know we need more border agents and more judges to eliminate the backlog of immigration cases. the republicans are not
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proposing moreéi resources or any legislation that might truly make a difference. i thank the gentleman for yielding -- i'm sorry, this bill is not a serious attempt to address the actual border security needs and as such i would urge my colleagues to oppose it. thank you. i thank the gentleman for yielding and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland yields. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from north carolina is recognized. mr. bishop: i yield to the chairman of the subcommittee on integration and security and enforcement of the judiciary committee, mr. mcclintock. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california is recognized. mr. mcclintock: mr. speaker laken riley's death was gained the day this administration took office and took out the trump policies that secured our borders. more than six million illegal aliens have been allowed to
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enter our nation the population the size of missouri, our 18th largest state. very little is done to vet these millions of illegal migrants. we don't know how many terrorists or violent criminals are among them and worse, this administration seems not to care. but we do know the number of suspected terrorists we're apprehending has skyrocketed and violent international crime cartels and violent foreign gangs are operating freely in our communities, often protected from deportation and detention by the democrat sanctuary laws. one of these criminals is now accused of the brutal murder of laken riley. how many such monsters have been allowed into this country? we don't know. but we're slowly and painfully and tragically finding out victim by victim. in this case he was paroled into this country by a shocking abuse
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of power by this president and repeatedly arrested for death and other crimes for sanctuary jurisdictions and each time released back on to our streets. the bill before us would require this administration to detain illegal aliens who commit theft, burglary or shoplifting something it simply refuses to do and would allow states to bring civil action against federal officials who refuse to enforce these laws. today the name on the bill is laken riley. tomorrow it will be another victim of these policies and another son or daughter or loved one and it won't stop until this administration is stopped. and that can only be done by the american people. i yield back. the messenger: members are reminded to remain regarding personalities towards the president. thank you. the gentleman from north carolina reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: i reserve.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. mr. nadler: mr. speaker, i don't reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: the previous speaker said that illegal aliens who committed crimes should be detained and indeed they should. but this bill says that illegal aliens who somebody thinks may have committed a crime should be detained mandatoryily. that is un-american and i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from north carolina is recognized. mr. bishop: mr. speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. tiffany. mr. tiffany: i stand in support of the laken riley act and first i want to express the sincere condolences from everyone in the seventh congressional district to laken riley. then candidate biden promised in
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2020 we'd have open borders and we've seen the devastating consequences and it's happening. in january a father of three children was killed by a illegal alien in my congressional district in northern wisconsin. once again, this illegal alien should have been deported by ice agency when he was first convicted of drunk driving in 2023. once again the biden administration chose not to deport him. sadly, mr. speaker, this is hardly a surprise. in fact, in 2020 joe biden himself declared, i don't count drunk driving when asked what crimes should merit the removal of illegal aliens. and he's not alone. as we all know, just a few short weeks ago, 150 democrats in this chamber voted against legislation to deport criminal aliens convicted of drunk mr. speaker, the sad truth is -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. tiffany: were preventible.
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mr. bishop: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from north carolina is recognized. mr. bishop: mr. speaker, i yield two minutes to the gentleman from arizona, mr. biggs. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. biggs: thank you, mr. speaker. our hearts do go out to the family of laken riley. and now we also must acknowledge we no longer can take the famed empty words of sympathy from those across the aisle who refuse to do something meaningful to stop the onslaught is that's happening in america today. let's think about this. you haven't done anything. you sent to us a foreign aid bill that you claimed is a border security bill. it's no such thing. but let's face this fact as well. let's face the fact that the law requires detention already.
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the detention preventions of title 8 are civil in nature and not criminal in nature and that's why there's already authority and mandates to hold people in custody when they haven't been convicted of various acts such as drug distribution prostitution, other vices. this bill simply adds another criminal offense into a civil construct. let's admit that you don't want to stop that. let's admit that you don't really want to secure the border. if you wanted to secure the border if this administration wanted to secure the border, there is authority under title 8 right now to enact border closure procedures. this administration has allowed people to come in running rampant. this administration should apologize to the the family of the 11-year-old girl who was
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raped last week by a guatemalan illegal alien who should never have been released from custody. this happens over and over again. it's time now to stand up and say you support this bill and you're going to begin to take action to bring the border under control. if you want to talk about parole, we can go into a lengthy discussion about parole. but i'm not going to go into a lengthy discussion and i'm going to yield back. the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to direct their remarks to the chair. the gentleman from north carolina yields? mr. bishop: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york is recognized. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from north carolina is recognized. mr. bishop: mr. speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey, mr. van drew. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized.
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mr. van drew: thank riley is dead because of joe biden's policies. there's no words that i can say that will bring her back to life. there are no words that will bring back state trooper christopher gadd. there are no words that will bring back 16-year-old elizabeth medina. there's no words that will bring back all those that have been brutally beaten, murdered, and damaged by illegals let out on parole. but for god's sake, pass the lincoln riley act and president biden, stop paroling illegals over and over again. stop killing our americans. stop hurting our americans. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to direct their remarks to the chair. the gentleman from north carolina yields? mr. bishop: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from north carolina is recognized. mr. bishop: mr. speaker, i yield three minutes to the gentleman from georgia, mr. clyde.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. clyde: thank you congressman bishop. i ri in strong support of h.r. 7511 the laken riley act. and our hearts do go out to her grieving family today. this bill is in remembrance of laken riley, the 22-year-old nursing student who was tragically murdered in my home community of an illegal alien who should never have even been in the united states p. after illegally entering the country laken's murderer was arrested by the nypd in september of 2023 for acting in a manner to injure a minor and for committing a motor vehicle license violation. according to an athens clark county police report, this illegal alien went on to shoplift in georgia the following month. clearly, this illegal alien had a pattern of criminal history one that started when he accepted joe biden's invitation to illegally enter our country and do so under an abuse of the
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parole system. he should never have been allowed to reside in the united states illegally, and i.c.e. should have immediately issued a detainer after he committed these crimes. because detainer, this illegal alien never would have been in the united states to commit the horrific murder of laken riley. we must enact changes now to protect communities across the nation from facing avoidable tragedies. this bill provides a commonsense solution to do that. this legislation requires i.c.e. to issue detainers and take in the illinois aliens. but they would have to recognize a detainer. when you have a city like the athens clark county unified government, ignoring these detainers makes them a magnet for illegal criminal aliens. i call on athens clark county to
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publicly reject their sanctuary city policy. if they did it would be a strong step in the right direction towards preventing our citizens from becoming future victims of illegal alien additionally, the lincoln riley act contains within it representative dan bishop's own legislation that last week passed out of the judiciary committee called the standing up to the executive branch for immigration enforcement act. so my friend, i want to recognize your part in making these important provisions that bishop authored give states attorneys general standing to bring suit against secretary mayorkas, secretary of state blinken, attorney general garland for violating certain immigration laws that harm the state or its representatives and respective citizens. representative bishop's legislation allows for appropriate injunctive relief and expedites the civil actions. important
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legislation is critical and as a co-sponsor, i urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to vote for the lincoln riley act. one of the best ways -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. bishop: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from north carolina reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from north carolina is recognized. mr. bishop: mr. speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, mr. molinaro. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. molinaro: laken riley's life was taken from her family because a illegal immigrant in the state of new york was released. my home state. my colleague knows this well, because of policies put in place by this administration and embracedike kathy hoch you will in states like -- kathy hochul in states like new york, we hav made our states safe. i encourage
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i ask my colleagues to take serious the challenges and made worse and communities less safe because of cashless bail, catch and release, and sanctuary city policies in the state of new york. i ask you to join me instead of talking about t. taking action to rescind cashless bail, reform catch and release and end sanctuary policies to make safe the people and communities of the state of new york. with that i yield back. mr. bishop: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from north carolina reserves. the that. new york is recognized. the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from north carolina virginia tech. mr. bishop: i'm honored to yield one minute to the majority leader mr. scalise. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. scalise: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank my friend from north carolina for yielding. it's so important that we have this debate on the floor and that we pass the laken riley
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act. it would be more sfinight in this very chamber if joe biden joined us and said he was going to finally take action using the same pen that on day one when he became president he used to undo all of those actions that were securing our border if he would say he's going to reverse those actions. he can work to restore the remain in mexico protocol. getting us back to a functioning asylum process. he could take direct action with his own pen, no actongress, to end catch and release so that when people come here by the millions as they have, they are not just allowed to go into the intenor of our country -- country where we don't know where they are going. governors can't tell you how many have cometheir states illegally. you see it in cities where they are showing up and shutting down schools and gymnasiums to house
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people. this is out of control and joe biden created the mess. he could solve t but short of joe biden solving it. the house has taken multiple action to address it. this republican house came together last year to pass h.r. 2, a bill designed to actually secure america's border. taking all of those necessary actions, whether the president wants to or not, but doing the working with our border patrol agents to secure america's border. so that we don't have what we have seen. at least eight million people that have come across illegally. when you look at some of the devastateing consequences, laken riley is just one example. i pray for her and i pray for her family. no family should have to go through what laken riley's family is still grieving with today. unfortunately, mr. speaker, this is not even an isolated
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incident. it's happening over and over and over again in communities all across america. of since joe biden opened our southern border allowing millions of people to come in. you are seeing countries emptying out prisons to send people here. people on the terrorist watch list over 140 that we know of on the terrorist watch list. that have been detained. how many that we don't know of that haven't been caught that are here in america planning to do us harm because joe biden opened the southern border? there are serious negative consequences to those actions that joe biden took. when you think about louisiana a community in my backyard, part of which i represent in my district, just days ago, a 14 14-year-old girl was raped by someone here illegally. you saw it recently, a 2-year-old murdered by someone here illegally. how many more communities will
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ve to suffer? how many more families are going to have to be victims before joe biden admits this problem and then works with ust passing a bill like they tried to in the senate that actually makes it worse, that codifies things like catch and release. that gives over $1 billion of your taxpayer money to fund lawyers for people here illegally, yes in the senate bill, that even the senate didn't pass all of that hoopla about a bipartisan coalescence they didn't pass that bill once they read it. the house did pass a bill to solve this problem. today we are coming together to pass another bill here with the laken riley act to solve this problem. but the worst part of it is, this problem should have never happened if joe biden didn't take the steps he took with the pen to open the southern border. he could close it himself. he chooses not to. we came together and said, we'll
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close it, mr. president. and he issued veto threats on those bills. because he wants an open border. consequences, too? will he look those families in the eye and tell them enough is enough and apologize to them. he could do that tonight from that podium. i sure hope he does. but in the meantime, what he really needs to do is work with us to end this madness, to secure america's border. get back to a functioning legal system of immigration like every other country has. so that we don't see this end endless flow that's devastating communities all across america. let's pass the lincoln riley -- laken riley act hopefully there will be more no more examples like her. mr. bishop: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from north carolina reserves. the gentleman from new york is
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recognized. mr. nadler: mr. speaker -- force, mr. scalise and the other republicans are not serious about solving the problem we all talk about. mr. scalise says the solution is h.r. 2. a bill so serious it received 32 votes in the united states senate. a body with 49 republican senators. if the republicans were sincere or serious about solving this problem, they would vote the $14 billion that the president has requested to hire more border patrol people and more judges so that asylum decisions can be made in weeks and not years. you wouldn't have the problem of catch and release. were serious they wouldn't have tanked the senate bill developed by negotiations including
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principally senator lankford considered the second most conservative senator in the senate, and that bill was going to be agreed to. until president trump decided former president trump, and hopefully never again president trump, decided that he would rather have an issue for the campaign than solve the problem. so he told the republicans to tank the bill that they had just written. let's talk about hypocrisy. that's what we are hearing in this chamber. that's what we hear all the time. a party, republican party, that loves the rhetoric that loves to use the victimhood of people like laken riley for political purposes. but a political party republican party, that does not want to solve this problem will not take any serious step to
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solve this problem, and is trying to create a fraud on the american people by pretending that it cares about this problem. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new york reserves. the gentleman from north carolina is recognized. mr. bishop: mr. speaker i now recognize -- yield five minutes to the gentleman who represents athens, georgia, mr. collins. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. collins: thank you, representative bishop, for yielding. colleagues, i'm proud to have introduced the laken riley act and urge you to join me in voting to pass this bill today. as joe biden comes to the capitol tonight to defend his atrocious record, the house is voting to rebuke him for the open border policies that led directly to laken riley's murder. enough is enough. the president and the d.h.s. secretary mayorkas have released millions of illegal country, and they refuse to secure our border and keep
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americans safe. unfortunately, the man who murdered lincoln millions -- laken was among those millions. despite committing several crimes he was allowedoam free in america for brutally murdering miss riley on the campus of the university of georgia. ling len was only 22. a nursing student. she had her whole life and a bright future ahead. an exemplary daughter, sister friend. she was cherished by so many people for her servants heart. she would be with us today if elected leaders who took an oath to preserve our constitution and faithfully execute our laws and kept their word, but they didn't. while we can't bring laken back, we must turn our focus to doing can to prevent this from happening to another american. the laken riley act is a key piece in our fight to restore the rule of law and get criminal
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illegal aliens off our street. this legislation will give immigration and customs enforcement more tools. it will add theft to the list of crimes for which the agency must detain and deport an illegal alien. this is crucial. many people who commit petty crimes go on to commit worse crimes. laken's murderer is a prime example of this. he was cited for shoplifting in athens georgia prior to murdering laken. under current law i.c.e. would not have been required to pick him up even if local law enforcement had reported him. let's change that. let's also give states the legal recourse when the federal government fails to enforce immigration law. the laken riley act does t the federal government for injunctive relief when illegals release into this country harm our people. bill condemns the president's border policies and calls on him to end catch and
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release. reinstate remain in mexico and secure the borders of the united states. colleagues today we act on behalf of those who are no longer with us because of joe biden's policies. i thank you for being alongside me to highlight laken's life these past two weeks. let's continue to pray for her family and friends as they grieve her loss and resolve to continue to fight, fighting for the american people against the lawlessness created by this administration. i urge you to join me in voting yes on the laken riley act. when it passes, i also urge my colleagues in the senate to take this up immediately. let's ensure justice for laken riley. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro mr. bishop: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from north carolina reserves. the gentleman from new york is recogn i'm prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from north carolina is recognized.
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mr. bishop: i'm prepared to close as well, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized. mr. nadler: mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume.ore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. nadler: mr. speaker, i want to close where i began. by expressing my deepest condolences to the family of laken riley. i only wish that we were debating a bill worthy of her name. instead, we have the latest republican press release. a bill that serves as an excuse to target and demonize immigrants while making our country no safer. i hope that mbl change course and choose to work with democrats and with the administration in a constructive manner that improves our immigration system and makes our border more secure. until then, i must urge members to oppose this bill. i yield back the balan the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yield backs. the gentleman from north carolina is recognized. mr. bishop: mr. speaker i yield myself the balance of the time.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. bishop: thank you, mr. speaker. h.r. 7511 is but the latest effort by republicans to do something about the harm that confronts our nation from an uncontrolled border by the determined action of president biden and democrats. h.r. 2 is an extensive bill with many provisions and extensive reform, democrats have ignored it. this bill is exceedingly simple and straightforward. democrats attack it. the excuses for doing nothing never end. the only answers offered by democrats are to spend more money, processing more aliens, faster into the the problem worse. and yet they always deflect blame to someone else for the calamitous results of their policies. this bill is very
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straightforward. the objection that a thief should not be deported until authorized
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the judiciary to enter appropriate ders requiring additional arrestr prosetionsy the exutive branch. this bill tak that invitation from theourto act it's far past the time for president biden to act. heill not act. let's act i this united states congress. weave the chance toive states the ability to fight back. we have the chance to cogniz laken riley'story as a tragy. there need not be other tragies. i urge all my colleagues to vote yes on the len ril act and i yield back t balance omy time. the spker pro ore: the gentleman yieldsack. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to hou resolution 1052 the previous question is bil the question is on erossment and third reading of the bill. those in favor say aye.
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those oppose no. the ayes he . third reading. the cler a bil to require the secrary of homelanity to take int cusdy aliens o have been charged in the united stat with theft and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the passage of those in favor say aye. those opsed, n the ayes have it. the bill is psed. mr. bishop:r. speaker, on that i request the yeas and nays. the spker pro tempe: without objection. the yeas and nays are reested. those inavor of taki this vote by the yeas and nays ll rise and rain standing until counted. a suicient number havi arisen, the ye and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. pursnt to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares e house
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in recess for a period oless than 15 minutes. >> likely his last speech in front of congress before the 2024 presidential election. we'll keep this poll opened leading up to the president's
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>> a reminder that our live coverage of the state of the union begins tonight at 8:00 eastern with a preview. followed by the president's speech. the g.o.p. response by alabama senator katie brit. and viewer reaction. that will be on c-span. on our free c-span now video app, and online at is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center? no. it's way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with a thousand community senters to create wi-fi enabled places so students from low-income families can get the tools they need to be ready for giving you a front row seat to demo >> energy secretary-general i ever granholm talked about clean energy and jobs at an event
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hosted by the national urban league in washington, d.c. she discusses the biden administration's policies, highlighting investments made from the inflation reducti act and other legislation. and how jobs are being created around the clean energy sector. this is about 40 minutes.
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