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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  March 7, 2024 11:07pm-12:01am EST

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>> for the first time in memory the president outlasted the house session and ty turned on the lights, and president biden took over half an hour to work his way off the house floor. we stayed with the house because they were in session up until the end there. that is a commitment c-span has had since 1979. ■kitty brooks, republican from alabama, senator started her response. it we will be playi meantime, pn will be in philaa tomorrow and atlanta on saturday for ca■1 events. went to get your reaction to the president's speech and eventually to the republican response. --
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■hwe will begin taking those in just a few minutes, but let's hear from greta. >> the president stayed in the chamber for 30 minutes after he get tonight's speech. the length of hispeech, this tonight, about 67 minutes and 32 seconds, and you can see how that compares to his previous addresses to congress during this first term. also want to remind viewers a moment's tonight before we start getting their reaction to the state of the union. president biden as many of you notedsecurity during his state of the union address tonight. he also said this that if the united states walks away it would ukraine at risk. my message to president putin is simple. we will not walk away. we will not bow down.
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i will not bow down. viewers can react to this moment. tonight i am directing the u.s. mission to establish a temporary pier on the coast of gaza that can lead large shipments. no u.s. boots will be on the ground. president biden on roe v. wade, with all due respect, justice is as he turned to the justices in the chamber, women are not without political or electoral power. you are just about to receive much. he also addressed january 6. you cannot love your country only when you win. she talked about lincoln riley, the georgia student allegedly murdered by a venezuelan illegal immigrant fz given by marjorie r greene when he walkedown the aisle this evening, and this
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moment democrats broke out into chants after biden declared the state of our union is strong and getting stronger. this from a political science professor who notes biden prepared remarks were 7256 words. tonight's remarks, 6000 words. exclamation points, last year zero. tonight, t■rehost: we will get e republican response in just a few minutes. katie britt, republican senator from alabama. henry in minneapolis, what did you think of the president's speech? are you with us? sorry about that. let's try michael in washington state. are you yes, i am here.
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host: what did you think of the president's speech? caller: it was nice to see him cognitive. i don't know what they do different to get him packed up like that, but there are couple of issues with theor is talking about guns killing people, yet we have a washington state trooper that was killed by an illegal alien that came ross and had none of his documentation or anything. then he is disrespecting supreme court justices in front of thews respect or the laws of the land? i am a hard-working blue-collar worker, and to hear him talk about january 6 again word that is being■ discredited of what they have been saying and does hard-working americans are seeing is, and we are getting tired of the lies. if you were going to pass a
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, stop adding beef to the bill and get it passed. host: that is michael, a republican in washington. even though the house chamber has finally entered -- emptied out, statutory whole is not. if you tune into c-span 2 if you were hearing -- interested in hearing more abouwh congress are speech tune in there. cody, frisco, texas, independent line. out of the president to? caller: thanks for having me on. i think he did well on a lot of points, t i ha to say that the comment about the israel-gaza situation are out of control. building upere -- a pier, this is grandstanding.
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the u.s. is cease-fire globally, and it is grandstanding. building a pier while interesting $40 million into weapons creating the gaza suffering are unreal and the level ofle see that. host: wendy is next, a republican, texas. good evening to you. caller: good evening. the speech tonight, i was very disappointed. what i would like to see is i would like to see our military step in and take control of our country or do something. biden has lied, told so many lies, it was just ridiculous, and us people out here. i am from a small town. there are people calling me needing food. there were■w people desperate ot
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there. the more and more that they leave him in office or elect him , it is juplst getting too bad, and he did not even mention hardly anything about the economy. our economy is it is terrible, and i demand that the military step in and do something about this. evidently congress -- no one is doing anything. host: what would you like the military to do? caller: i want them to step in and drain the swamp. host: that is wendy in texas. ■9greta eaction. host: from tonight's state of the union address many folks on the cabinet come down the center aisle before the president came down into the chamber before they arrived at the captiol.
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e interior secretary snapped a selfie with her and the rest of the cabinet saying they are grateful for another year with an amazing cabinet dedicated to public and achieving the president's ambitious goals. the only cabinet secretary not in the picture with the education secretary because he was tonight's designated survivor, and there is also this from eli stokhhkell reporting te president's cabinet first met back in december. president bi■'den saw the first full draft in late february, and there have been dozens of revisions since then. you might've noticed not all of the supreme court justices were in the chamber tonight. six out of nine were in attendance. the ones that were missing thom, and amy coney barrett. this notero
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usually lead the speaker of the house introduces the president by saying, members of congress, i have the high privilege and distinct honor of presenting to you the president of the united states. it doesn't happen always, but usually viewers will notice it did not happen tonight. jake sherman says he could be biden just started without waiting for the introduction. host:ynn is coming in from cottonwood california. how did president biden do to i thought you did exceptionally well. i was listening to the republican response. he has done so much. i do not think that we should g. i appreciate president biden is going to do something and get
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humanitarian aid in there. i appreciate keep pointed out the fact that israel has the right to defend itself. however, the carnage in gaza needs to stop. she did not use carnage, i did, and i think that t case, but he has done so much for our economy. our economy is booming. ■íi would say that to anyone ina red state and they feel like they're economy is doing badly. maybe look outside of the talking points of the republican leaders and maybe actually go to the secta a look at the irs, take a look at the economy, write letters, ask them about it, but become informed. you need to read everything. i know how they see it. i know how badly they feel, but i am sorry, former president
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trump, he is indicted. he has been labeled a conspirator in the january 6 case,ed and in arizona the supre court said the same. host: back to something you said about the economy and about gaza. does the economy in a trump the gaza issue when it comes to supporting joe biden? caller: i don't think you can do that. those are two different things altogether. the economy is we are strong what is happening in gaza, we need to support the palestinians. we need a two state solution, and made to ensure that we do
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not put boots on the ground. host: what do you think about the president's call for aewpie? caller: along atht any boots onm all for it. host: janine, suffered, virginia, independent line. caller:■e hello. host: what did you think? caller: i called in on the other line although i probably republican in a most presidential elections i have voted democrat in the past. i was not impressed with tonight'si was trying to be optc that i felt like it was appealing more toward the base and did not give me a sense of unity and things moving forward that i can count on that i perhaps give an edge to the current president to receive my vote.
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i am still kind of up in the air. military spouse for 30 years and i have a son currently in uniform in-flightl, so the military is an important perspective and important for me overall. i do not feel like we are going in the right direction with that. the economy i still think is liking and i did not hear that addressed as much of -- as i would like to. overall i am undecided and i did not feel that the president earned by vote this evening. host: thank you for calling in. greta, what else do you have for us? host: watchers of the floor tonight may have noticed a familiar face tonight. there is expelled congressman george santos on the floor for tonight's stated union address. reporters did catch up with him tonight before the speech. here is what he had to say. [indiscernible]
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>> have you received any >> [in] >> what is it like to be back? >> it is different. >> do you think this will be the last time that you come? >> i don't. >> do you want to come back someday? >> i don't put anything past my desire to run for office at this point. host: that was george santos earlier. chad of fox news tweeting that video out. he was asked by a reporter are you considering another run right as the presidentstead of .
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george santos tweeted out he is running for congress again. here is the scoop. george santos just filed to run for congress again. he filed in new york's first district, not the third district that he is to represent. here is billy house watching the floor tonight. looks like wiloda may have learned of santos' plan. they were sitting together in the chamber. wilodaooks at his phone and looks to the back of the room. now all four are sharing something. wiloda response to the challenge. to raise the standard in congress and hold a pathological
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liar accountable i lead the charge to expel george santos. if beating him in primary finish of the job cap me and -- count me in. host: lincoln, and did president biden do tonight? caller: i love foreign policy and biden needs to take on much stronger stance against china. they are on the back foot, they are having problems with population growth, gdp growth unity to do the same thing we did to the soviets to them. ronald reagan -- can do the same thing with china. we can form the southeast asia treaty organization and work with india and taiwan and supplant ourselves into asia. that is how we can secure u.s. hegemony for years to come. host: are you studyin policy in school? caller: i am, i am going to
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american university conducive for internationali am taking cln my high school. host: what high school do you go to? caller: i go to fox capital high school in pittsburgh, pa and i love it. host: we appreciate you watching c-span and calling in. josh, grenville, as again, independent line. do you think? caller: the speech was great. st michigan. this is gerald ford country. been a republican stronghold back when my grandfather was my age and younger. she raised us to be jerry ford republicans, folks they cared about small government, and i find the complete 180 a little
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concerning with the republicans. they are not the republicans i grew up on. they seem to shy away from truth. it isoncerning. four years ago around this time the nationeconomy, jobs, we didw what was happening with covid-19 . we did not know what to do, and i remembered donald trump sitting -- i believe it was the situation room, it is like a magic. it is going to disappear and talking about injecting bleach d biden has figured out a way along with members of bipartisan, we have not heard that in a long time,
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to get out a way to revive the economy. host: we will have to leave it there. we appreciate you calling in from a state that could be contentious in the 2024 election. president biden after he finished speaking about one hour ago to 30 minutes greeting people and talking to people on the floor of the house. for the first time that i can remember the house gaveled out of session 20 end of that talk in the president kept talking with people. we stayed with it on c-span, and in the meantime there was a re a senator, first-term or, ■alabama. she talked 20 or 30 minutes ago, and we will play that for you now in its entirety. >> good evening, ameri britt, at
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the gunner observing the people of the great state of alabama the unittates senate. that is not the job that matters most. i am a proud wife and mom of two school-age kids. hó bennett and my son bridge are why i ran for the senate. i am worried about their future and the future of children in every corner of our nation, and that is why i invited you into our home tonight. like so many families across america, my husband wesley and i just watched state of the union address, and what we saw was the performance of the politician that has been an offense since before i was alive. one thing was quite clear ago. president biden just does not get it. he is out of touch.
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under his administration families are worse off, our communities are less safe, and our country is less secure. i just wish he understood what real families are facing this one. this is where our family has tough conversations. it is where we make our it is where we share the good, the bed, and the ugly about our bad days, it is will be left together and hold eachú$ other's hands and pray for god's guidance, and many nights to be honest, it is where wesley and i worry. we are not alone, and so tonight the american family needs to have a tough conversation, because of truth is we are all worried about the future of our nation. the country we know and love seems to and it feels like the next iteration will have fewer opportunities
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and less freedoms than we did. i worry i own children may not even a shot at living there american dreams. that american dream allowed me, the daughter of two small enterprise from rural alabama to be elected to the united states senate at the age of 40. up sweeping the floor at my dad's hardware store and cleaned the bathroom at my mom's studio 've imagined what my story would entail, to think about with the american dream can do across just one generation in one lifetime. it is truly breathtaking, but right now■z tm is turned into a nightmare for so many families. the tru union begins and ends wh
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this, our families areour countd they do not have to look any further than the crisis at our sohepresident biden inherited te border of all-time, minutes after taking office he suspended all deportations. rder wall, and he announced a plan to give amnesty to millions . we know that president biden did not just create this border crisis. he invited it withactions in hi. when i took office, i took a different approach. i traveled to the del rio sector of texas.
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that is where i spoke to a woman who shared her story with me. she had been sex trafficked by the cartel starting at the age of 12. she told me not just that she was raped every day, but how many times a day she was raped. cartels put her on a mattress in a shoebox of a room, and they sent and through that door over and over again for h ours and hours on end. we would not be ok with this happening in a third world tates of america, and it is past time in my opinion that we start acting like it. president biden's border policies are a disgrace.
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this crisis is the truth is it is almost entirely preventable. from- fentanyl poisonings to horrific murders, there are empty chairs tonight at kitchen tables just like this one because of president biden's senseless border policies. just think about lincoln riley in my neighboring state of georgia, this beautiful 22-year-old nursing student went out on a jog one morning, but she never got thopportunity to return home. she was brutally murdered by one of the millions of illegal border■÷nd crossers president bn chose to release into our homeland.
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as a mom, i cannot quit thinking about this. this could have been my daughter . this cou yours, and tonight president biden finally said her name, but he refused to take responsibility for his own actions. mr. president, enough is enough. innocent americans are dying, and you only have yourself to blamefs. reverser policies, and its crisis, and stop the suffering. sadly, we know that president biden's failures do not stop there. spending doug our economy into a hole and sent the cost of living through the roof.
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inflation in 40 years in the highest credit card debt and our nation's history. with soaring mortgageso rates ad skyhigh childcare costs they are also struggling to have a plan for tomorrow. ■the american people are scrapig by well president biden probably proclaims bidenomics is working. bless his, we know better. i will never forget stopping at a gas station one evening, the gentleman working thcoun me thae had to pick up a job in his 70's
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so cute did not have to choose between going hungry or going without his medication. she said i did everything right, i dieverything i was tolto do. i saved, i was responsible. i care similar concerns from parents whether i a walking with my friends or i am at my kids' games. but let's be honest, it's been a minute since joe biden pumped pushed a grocery cart. and we ks not go as far. we see it every day. our communities are not safer.
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for years, the left has coddled criminals and defunded the police, all while letting repeat offenders walk free. the result is tragic but foreseeable. from our small towns tocity streets, life is getting more and more dangerous. and unfortunately, presiden's wt hurting families here at home. he is making us a punchline on the world stage. look, where i am from, your word is your bond. but for three years, thehas demt america's word does not mean what it used to. from abandoning our allies in his disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan to desperately pushing another dangerous deal with iran. president biden has failed.
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we have bemetreat. and the enemies of freedom, they see an opportunity. putin's brutal aggression in europe has put our allies on the brink. iran's terrorist proxies have slaughtered israeli, jews, and american citizens. they have targeted commercial shipping and they have attacked our troops nearly 200 times since october, killing three u.s. soldiers and na meanwhile, the chinese communist workers. undercutting america's china is buying up our farmland, spying on our military installations, and spreading propaganda through the likes of tiktok. you see, the ccp knows that if
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it conquers the minds of our next generation, it conquers america. and what does president biden do? well, he bans tiktok for government employees, but creates an account for his own campaign. y'all, you cannot make this stuff up. look, we all recall when presidents face national security threats with strength and resolve.■4.÷ that seems like ancient history. right now, our commander-in-chief is not in command. the free world deserves better than a dithering and diminished. america deserves leaders who
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recognize that secure borders, stable prices, safe streets, and a strong defense are actually the cornerstones of a great .■ just ask yourself, are you better off now than you were three years ago? there is no doubt we are at a to be this way. we all feel it. but here's the good news. we, the people, are still in the driver seat. we get to decide whether our future will grow brighter or whether we will settle for an america in decline. well, i know which choice our and i know the choice the republican party is fighting for.
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we are the party of hard-working parents and families, and we want to give you and your to thrive and we want families to grow. it's why we strongly supportwido in vitro fertilization.we want d dads bring precious life into this world. wesley and i believe there is no greater blessing in life than our children. and that's why tonight, i want to make a direct appeal to the parents out there. and particular, to my fellow moms, many of whom i know will be up tossing and turning at 2:00 a.m. wonderg how you are going to be in three places at once, and then somehow still get dinner on the table.
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first of all, we see you, we hear you. and we stand with you. i know you are frustrated. i know you are probably disgusted by most of what you segoing on in washington. and i will be really honest with you, you are not wrong for feeling that way. look, i get it, the task in front ofs is not but i can promise you one thing, it is worth it. so i am asking you, for the sakk of your kids and your grandkids, get into the arena. every generation has been called to do hard things. american greatness rests in the fact that we always answer that call. it is who we are. never forget, we are steeped in
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the blood of patriots who overthrew the most powerful empire in the world.■l we walk in the footsteps of pioneers who tamed the wild. we n the same flame of freedom as the liberators of an oppressed europe. we continue to draw courage froa those who bent the moral arc of the universe. and when we gaze upon the heavens, never forget that our dna contains the same ingenuity that put man on the moon. america has been tested before. and every single time, we have emerged unbowed and unbroken. our history has been written with the grit of men and women
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who got knocked dobu know their stories because they did not stay down. we are here because they stood back up. so now, it is our turn, our moment to stand up and prove ourselves worthy of protecting the american dream. together, we can reawaken the heroic spirit of a great nation. because america, we don't just have a rendezvous with destiny, we take destiny's hand and lead it. our future starts around kitchen tables just like this, with moms and dads just like you. and you are why i believe with
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every fiber of my being that despite the current state of our union, our best days are still ahead. may god bless you and may god continue to bless these united states of america. ■ihost: that was senator katie britt republican of alabama from the murray giving the republican response to president biden's state of the union address. the state of the union address and republican response we will re-air in 20 minutes or er we finish taking your phone calls hearing your views about both of these speeches. mark, jamaica, new york. what did you think of the president's speech in the state of our union? caller: i think the union went
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need to be honest with you. we need to be more truthful, and the president made a lot of good points, economy and try to fix s thing with the housing market so people can afford and take better jobs and try to work with the military, because this is serious and too many people are getting hurt. i think she would do it if he had the right support. host: thank you. davinda is here in washington d.c., publican line. good evening -- republican line. good eveni. we move on to dalton, daphne, alabama. caller: good evening. how are you? host: how are you? caller: item good. host: give us your response.
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caller: i enjoyed some of what i heard. i he sabiliti stuff but i do not let that stop me, and also i work. and right now my hours are limited. i work in retail, but one thing i wish that the have done is at least made it where people who work h jobs, even retail, customer service at least are equally paid even if you have a disability so that you can at least have equal work hours like everyone else. host: without being penalized for your disability?
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exactly, or just having your hours cut short because they need to make numbers. host: thank you for calling in. ashton, ohio, democrats line. good evening to you. how did the president do and what did you think of the republican respons■çe? caller: i think it went great. he always does a great job when he gets up there and talks. well spohost: greta, what have t for us? host:qk president biden spoke fr one hour in seven minutes tonight and the president was the president spoke for over one hour. he then worked the room for 30
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minutes talking to lawmakers. he left the chamber at 11:06 p.m. at 11:16 p.m. she was still in the capitol building shaking hands. doug adams, president biden referred to his 2024 opponent 13 times in his speech. politico, natalie allison wrote the former president who was reacting in a real-time posted a 40 at times during biden's speech, and there ishis from michael, new reporting that president biden plans to sit through an interview with jonathan capehart. it is his first sit down with the tv anchor since october. want to share rorting on the
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man that began chatting from the upper gallery in the house chamber. a man was escorted out of thousand chamber after standing up and yelling at the president. at one point he yelled united states marine. he is a dead -- dad who shouted abbygate. he is the father of one of the soldiers that died in afghanistan after the withdrawau describe the state of our union? caller: iincipally about the ec. i definitely feel the president misrepresented especially our we have seen in fights over the
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raising of the debt ceiling that we are spending unsustainably, and especially lookingthe unpref spending the came to the infrastructure bill. i definitely think we are a trajectory to continue to have fiscal responsibility under the current administration. my hope is continuing because this electionecond term that wee able to see some acceptance of fiscal responsibility. host: what kind of work do you do? caller: i am currently a student at carnegie mellon studying economics and politics. host: henry, minneapolis, independent line. caller: thank you for taking my call. frustrating when joe biden talks about delivering aid into gaza when it is the united states government and joe dehime
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slaughter of gaza citizens and palestinian civilians. host:= henry, would that be enough to pull your vote from the democratic ticket? caller: yes, and inough to make me consider not voting for joe biden for sure. host: did you vote uncommitted in the super tuesday primary? caller: i most certainly yes. host: ingrid, garland, texas. caller: all are talking about. my fears and myin is that no one thinks about us, the people and it really pisses me off. i am concerned about everything going on in the world. the gaza situation.
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i am very, very, very just concerned about everything that is going on. it is like that thing is the middle class as far is everything that is going on, we are having to t i am a single p. i cannot buy food. my daughter had a baby. survive. we support everyone in the world. ukraine,f about it. ok, are we going to take care of that is there, and then it makes me want to move away from this country completely, because comy behind biden, and i really don't compare about]f torn.
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host: thank you for sharing your viewpoints from garland, texas. n, indiana. caller: how is it going? you for taking my call. i appreciate it. just wanted to mention that i was very encouraged by the president's message this evening. i do believe he focused on so many of the important policy points that our nation needs to get behind, and i do believe "5this message at least did a good job in trying to unify the country and to bring all people together to work toward resolution of both domestic and international challenges. host: thanks for hanging on and talking with us this evening. let's get some more news from greta. host: our viewers may be wondering who get to the seats along the center aisle when the president makes■j his entrance into the state of the union.
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karen, a longtime observer of politics, noted this morning when tradition is hours in advance lawmakers eager for a bit of tv time went themselves along the center aisle hoping to shake the president's hands as he enters. it is known as ass kissers alley. ñúówhen the president came downe aisle tonight, the congresswoman from wisconsin seem to block ■ maor greene trying to stick a pin in biden's face. wepick up the pin and note the name of the georgia student■" killed by the illegal venezuelan immigrant. marjorie taylor greene, many of you may have noticed what she was wearing tonight. this was hshe had an outfit thae
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america great again, say her name, lincoln riley, which is what was on the pin she was trying to hand to president biden, and this is what she wore. jamie raskin, member from maryland, said she was in direct violation of the rules oe campan insignia on the house floor, and during the state of the union speech, a cnn producer said they floor security official appears to be talking to the congresswoman about her maga hat. hats are not typically allowed on the house floor. other elephants tonight that were noted,erkins, representative proceeded to leave -- rshaida tlaib and cori bush put on the palestinian scarf, and many democratic women
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in the chamber tonight wearing white outfits, a show of support for reproductive freedom several oth democratic members of con standing in solidarity with the israeli hostages. a congressman wearing a cea sefire pin to the address. as your congressman i am advocating for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. ;bill drape■d in a flag standing up and turning to fellow democrats to lead the chant■ fo ur more years. there is this from another congressman, i am wearing two pins. his bi theta sigman pin and
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pin. troy neils, republican of texas sporting a trump t-shirt and patriotic bowtie. and finally a mix of times. -- ties. kyle stewart. biden has preferred blue so far and tonit he stuck with the blue as well. host: just to go back to her marjorie taylor greene story. during the speech democrat glenmore said on the aisle next to republican marjorie taylor greene. time for a coupltexas, republico ahead. caller: i am concerned about the state of the union. we have three branches of government enough if i'll amend
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the constitution we are so far away from that we cannot do anything. we we need to do -- what we need to do is get back to the constitution, and have a government stand for the constitution and we need to bring back onto the constitution like it is supposed to be. they have two support the constitution. mand that they follow it and then this trouble goes away and they take care of the american people first. host:■s chad, san jose, california, democrat. how would you describe the state of your union? caller: well, i think i am pretty far left, liberal, but i thought he did pretty good. i have a general fear of career politicians, but i think we are doing ok. i think biden knows how to get
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stuff done, which im politicia, but he is doing ok. we do need to do more work in terms of the economic challenges. people are getting screwed basically, but if we are going to push for that, we need biden in the white house, and if there are more things we need action on it is probably on big tech and misinformation and disinformation. host: do you work in tech? caller: i work in nonprofit surrounded by the big tech industries. host: let's get one more voice. jennifer, dallas. what did you think of the president's address. caller: excellent, and joe wille
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our next president. i am tired about the color from texas that said the military needed to get involved. i could not understand what he meant by that. that was incomprehensible to me. and even her response when you id what do you want the military to do? i am sorry, and she is only representing herself. texas los thank you, everybodyr calling in, and sharing your views and thoughtstate of the yn on c-span. this conversation will in and yo participate. we will show you the president's state of the union speech and the republican response now.


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