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tv   Washington Journal Andy Biggs  CSPAN  March 11, 2024 11:49am-12:00pm EDT

11:49 am
host: who are the ones going to the floor and calling out their? people like chip roy. some just as they were supposed to vote like mike lee has been on a tear against earmarks, rand paul. they continue to not be involved. you seen some movement and's some is not necessarily the met gaetz type it initially kay granger, the top republican on the house appropriations committee said i'm not going to submit request but has changed her stance and submitted some smaller earmark read west. you don't see all the members of leadership like from senator mcconnell. there has been a growing number of people submitting written west even among the conservative wing but there are still some very anti-earmark members. host: jack fitzpatrick, thank you for being with us.
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washington journal continues. host: joining us via zoom is republican congressman andy biggs. he served on the judicial and accountability communities. good morning, how are you. the last caller had a lot of concerns about sources he can trust about voting security and one of the things he said is why can't republicans get their stuff together? what would you say to that collar? --caller? guest: when i spoke to a group of my district they asked me about sources of news as well. i don't think he is out there by himself i think that is a common thread. i get asked that question a lot and i give them a plethora of other things i look at.
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why can't republicans get their act together? i agreed that republicans don't have their act together but the democrats are neither. that is part of our problem. part of the thing that drives me crazy is republicans run, and a lot of democrats around in my home state democrats run on a republican platform. but they don't adhere to the platform and that drives me the craziest. i always tell people this, you get the government you vote for. i come here, i represent a conservative district the best i possibly can. i actually had conservatives say i am as conservative as you but
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i wish i knew why congress itself in state legislatures don't reflect more their constituency? maybe they do. maybe that's it. i do think that there is a broad view of how this country should be run in the populace today and i do think many members reflect that. i would have to know more, if you mention national debt, i have introduced many pieces of legislation to put those up so we could actually, maybe, go forward. that bill will never pass because you have reductions.
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how will we know unless we put it to the truth which is the voting board? host: one of the issues they talked about his voting security, referencing an earlier guest mark morial of the urban league. he said all americans should vote by mail, they should be able to vote early. i wonder your thoughts on election security right now? guest: there is another question that came up where i spoke about the election security. arizona has done mail-in ballots longer than any other state that i know of. we actually had protocols in place but those protocols were breached in a previous election.
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normally, you sign the affidavit, the envelope and they're supposed to have 20 points of agreement between the signature on file in that signature. the instructions they receive in the 2020 election because they had been overwhelmed by it, they went down to 10 points of agreement, down to four and if there is a marking, that will suffice. there has been conflicting testimony but if that were the case there are issues there. have we had issues of day of? in 2022, our day of balloting was down for more than four hours. i go out to the polling places on election day in the first place was working fine like a champ, the second place, already people relieving because the polling machines were down.
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we had people who had never even voted or got the chance to vote so we had a misinterpretation in the voting pool. you have to change that and ensure integrity. if you're election integrity is in doubt, you are no better than any other country that doesn't take care of that. we have to fix that, some states have tried to fix that in other states have not. in arizona we pass legislation, and the governor vetoed that legislation. the federal government can do some things with haga, the dra and try to help with the federal side. the problem is, the states are delegated to the time and manner of election. if your state is corrupt you are going to have a problem.
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host: let me give the viewers to call in the phone lines as usual for democrats (202) 748-8000, for republicans (202) 748-8001, for independents (202) 748-8002 go ahead and start calling in. you mentioned that group of people that shared concerns without collar. you mentioned a plethora of sources, what is your go to? guest: every day i go through, early in the morning, i start with the western journal, just the i go to the, daily wire, daily caller, breitbart, the gateway pundit. i frequently check in with cnn
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to see what the other side is saying. i will go to red state, the american conservative. most of those i go through every morning early as soon as i get to the officer before i even come into the office and go through and see if there's anything you need to see. sometimes i'll go to overseas sources. i might look at some israeli periodicals online. sometimes i'll get a mexican sources in spanish and try to read through that. maybe once a month or so i'll go through a japanese source in hk and japanese to read it in japanese. host: you can read japanese? guest: i used to be able to read
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it much better than every debt now. host: when you peruse all the new sections, what caught your eye? guest: let's see here. a lot of stuff on the legal immigration than the border. that was in a variety of periodicals. oddly enough, most of those places have something about the oscars last night and panting those. i didn't even know that was last night so that was interesting. some stuff on hunter biden. in the biden investigation. came out, the stuff on israel and gaza, that was in the number of places as well. host: on the oscars criticism for being not woken enough, to
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quote, you don't pay attention to the oscars anymore? guest: i'm not sure i ever did to be frank with you. i don't pay any attention. i just saw today there was a picture of john cena with the blackard and he was naked everywhere else and i thought that was kind of odd. host: let's chat with callers, make is a republican. go ahead. caller: good morning john. long time, been watching c-span since day one but this is my very first phone call to the network. i just wanted to speak with mr. big's about the concept of being a republican. i have lived in five states in the past 15 years. owned homes in each of the states. i've traveled extensively across this country and i have to say, the


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