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tv   U.S. Senate Senators Van Hollen Graham on Israeli- Palestinian Relations  CSPAN  March 14, 2024 7:22pm-8:16pm EDT

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ought to refrain from weighing in. it is grotesque and hypocritical for americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy removal of a y elected leader of israel. this is unprecedented. we should not treat fellow democracies this way at all. things that upset left wing activists are not policies. they are israel's policies. make no mistakethe democr have i problem, it has an anti-israel f america whose leaders serve at the pleasure of the party in power
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only israel citizens should have a say in who runs their government. this is the ry of democracy and sovereignty. either we respect their decisions or disrespect their democracy. >> senators chris van hollen and lindsey graham majority leader chuck schumer's remarks. this is just under 50 minutes. >>adam president, during his state of the union address last week, president biden once again rightly pointed out israel has the right and i would say the duty to defend itself in the aftermath of the brutal hamas terror attack october 7 that left approximate 1200 brutally there must be no more october
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7ths. president biden also described the ongoing humanitarian disaster taking place in gaza today. over 31,000 palestinians have been killed. over 2/3 of them women and children. likely thousands more unaccounted for buried beneath the rubble.s become a hell holef human suffering. humanitarian that operated for decades say they've never witnessed a more terrible situation. madam president, among those suffering only two million innocent palestinian civilians but also over 130 including ericans. earlier this week i met with some of the families of israeli hostages whose loved ones were kidnapped and areti
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as well as one brave woman who was held hostage and released during the november pause. that separated from their loved ones, not knowing what will happen to them next, is a day of im mental anguish and torment. that's why we must prioritize the release of the hostages and end the suffering of palestinian civilians. and the only way for do that is to secure an immediate re and release all of the remaining hostages. that must happen. but until it happens, we must do power to protect innocent civilians and end the humanitarian disaster in gaza. da of the hung rest people on -- hungriest people on a on the
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verge of starvation and over 23 children have crossed that grizzly threshold and have died of starva. cindy mccain, the director of the world food programme has■■e their limbs amp indicated withoutage these ya the spread of various preventable diseases, like die radio ya among children. mr. president, twoworld got a g horrible scene. over 100 starving palestinians were killed as they reached for food from trucks. in the aftermath of that horrible event, president biden has ordered airdrops of food supplies. decision because when people are starving, every parcel of food counts. but airdrops are j the ocean of need.
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so i was also glad to see the president order the building of a temporary port to aid by ship. but that port will likely not be ready for at least 60 days and sufficient to meet the humanitarian need. all of these extraordinary efforts to deliverid air, by sea are being undertaken when we know that during the prewar period when there was already a0 trucks still crossed daily through the crossing in gaza. those 500 trucks crossed every day when the need was far less acute than it is right now.he o why in the world should we have to resort to these extraordinary and more expensive means to deliver insufficient food and aid by air and sea
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standpoint start answer is because this is a man made disaster. the starvation in gaza is not the result of food scarcity caused by or other natural disasters that we see in many parts of the world. this has been caused primarily t has used a series of tactics to restrict the amount of aid entering into gaza. anyone with eyes to see or ears to hear knows that. members of the netanyahu government have made no secret of intentions. in october after the war began, it was said so long as hamas does not rea hostages the only thing that should enter
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gaza is hundreds of tons of air explosives, not one ounce humanitarian aid. he uses power of his finance minister to block the shipment of flour that can readñ2 1.1 million people for a month in gaza. the shipment was finally released two days ago after having been blocked for five weeks at least and at one point prime minister netanyahu said his government was allowing just the, needed, was at a time when he and others denied there was even a humanitarian disaster in gaza, y of food in gaza, denied that there was hunger in gaza. mr. president, this is why president biden has called out these restrictions and he said in his state of the io ad humanitarian assistance cannot
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be a secondary consideration or a bargaining chip, unquote. the president said that hison i quote, insist that israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more a -- the hel need, no excuses, unquote. her than five weeks ago, 25 senators sent a letter to president biden calling to the netanyahu government to implement five specific actions to significantly increase the amount of humanitarian aid entering gaza. have been fully implemented. that is why many of us have called on president biden to the humanitarian awed quarterses act and now that nsm,8" security memorandum 20 is in place which is based on an
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amendment that 19 of us proposed to the national security act, it sential, essential that the biden administration enforce its terms to get humanitarian aid delivered where it needs when people are starving, patience is not a virtue. it needs to be said, mr. president, that getting humanitarian aid into gaza is only half the battle. the other half and the more dangerous half is distributing aid once it is inside gaza. it doesn't do any good if you t to the people who are starving. in other words, you need a safe distribution system for aid inside gaza. now, the organization that is thery distributor of assistance within gaza has been
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an entity called the united nations relief worksn by its sh. americans may have not heard much about unrwa, so i want to say a little bit about why unrwa exists and what it does. in gaza and elsewhere. but before i do that, i want to jump to why this is a pressing issue right now. the future of unrwa is an urgent matter right now because prime minister netanyahu and his extreme right-wing allies want to get rid of it, not just in gaza but everywhere that it operates and guess what? prime minister netanyahu and folks on the far right in his government have wanted to
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abolish unrwa not just since october 7 but since 2017. being in -- in fact, in 2018, prime minister netanyahulq actually changed official israeli policy with respect to unrwa saying that they wanted to cut off all funding toa, even at a time that his security team warned that it could create instabilities throughout the region if that haened and now, mr. president, we have members -- republican members of the house and the senat who a jumping on this bandwagon and saying they want to abolish unrwa. and how do they want to do this? byerting a provision in the state foreign operations and related programs appropriations bill, which is being considered and now as we
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gather here, to cut off all u.s. funding for unrwa. that's what to do. so, mr. president, let's go back to why unrwa was created in the first place. in 1949, a year after the establishment of the state ofel new agency to provide vital services for over 700,000 displ. back then the idea was that unrwa would provide services to palestinian refugees until just and durable solution to their plight was found. as we know all too well, over h resolution to that conflict, which is why unrwa's mission among other services unrwa
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provides schools and primary health services to palestian refugees and their descendants in jordan, lebanon, syria, the west bank and in gaza. mr we all agree that the palestinian people deserve to live in dignity, and the way to do that is to ensure that they also have self-determination in a homeland of their own, just like every israeli deserves i.g. -- dignity and self-determination in the state of israel. prime minister and i and many ion to believe that the only this conflict is a two-state solution. and president biden has put that idea forward to create sunlight at the end of this very dark tunnel. unrwa was really intended to be a bridge until such a resolution
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was reached. now, prime minister netanyahu has stated very clearly that he's opposed to a two-state solution. he was opposed to accords, and he has been a severe opponent of the two-state solution. wants to eliminate unrwa, which today is an organization of over 300,000loyees providing services to palestinians in three countries and, as i said, also in the west bank and gaza. 13,000 of those 30,000 unrwa staff operate in gaza, many of them as since the war started with the brutal ma'am attacks on -- hamas attacks, schedules have shut
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down and as a united nations agency it has deployed its suppn relief to the civilian population there. it is the main vehicle for distributing humanitarian assistance in gaza. it won't do any good to get humanitarian assistance into gaza if you dismantle t u.n. organization principally responsible for delivering that aid to people in gaza. this morning ihef jose andres, and i applaud him for his efforts and the efforts of the world central k■=itchncl israel and in gaza. he said, and i quote, support for unrwa vital. if you want to feed people, you need to support unrwa. we may have temporary port, but when the ship gets to the
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port, someone has to transfer that food from the ship to the people who need it in gaza. and unrwa is the principal districter of assistance -- to programme and others, and they say they cannot replace that capacity that unrwa has. now, plop, in late january, the netanyahu government alleged that up to 14 o 13,000 employees participated in the horrific october attacks against israel. these are, of course, very serious allegations, and unrwa has taken them seriously. all agree that any individuals involved in that horror must be government able, and even has not provided unrwa with the
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underlying evidence, unrwa immediately fired the alleged perpetrators. the u.n. secretary-general also took swift action and announced the launch of a full and independent■: investigation, le by the u.n.'s highest investigative body, into the allegations. and that is ongoing. at the same time, president biden suspended all u.s. contributions to unrwa, pending the■ outcome of that investigation. a number of other countries followed suit, as did the e.u. but, mr. president, since then two things have changed. first, the netanyahu goveren un evidence with unrwa, nor, as reported by "the wall street journal," has it shared the raw. in fact, i urge every one of my
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senate colleagues to read the classified report prepared by the dni, and i especially urge my colleagues to read the intelligence4. the many other claims the netanyahu government has made against unrwa. and there have been many. that completion are unaware of the fact that unrwa has long provided both israel a the named identities of all its employees for full review and. now, israel of course has far more extensive intelligence capabilities than unrwa, but apparently they have never previously raised complaints about any of the unrwa employees on the lists given to them.■é second, mr. president, the e.u. and many countries that
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initially suspended their financial support for since restored their contributions because they have acknowledged the didesperation gaza irreplaceable nature of unrwa. in fact, even prior to these allegations, unrwaoo secretary- convene an independent review group to assess whether unrwa is doing everything in its power to so again, unrwa in gaza is an organization with a staff of 13,000 p■eople. s essential life-sustaining food and aid to over two million people. what the e.u. and■7 these other countries recognize is that it is inhumane to cut off assistance to 2 because of the atrocious alleged acts of 14.
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punish the 14. don'tunish innocent gazans. and that is why i believe that president biden should restore this■ijá assistance now. now, mr. president, the notion that unrwa is somehow a front group hamas is a total lie, pure and simple. the indidual president biden to be the u.s. humanitarian coordinator in the region is a veteran diplomat, ambassador david he has repeatedly debunked claims made by members of the netanyahu government that humanitarian aid provided by unrwa has been diverted to hamas. specifically had he said the following, and i quote -- i have not allegations, evidence, or records of any incidence of
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hamas diversion or theft of u.s. or other assistance or fuel from u.n.-delivered assistance from any of other partners or from the government of israel since the hctober 21. not a from israeli government officials or anybody else about hamas diverting aid that was being transported by unrwa or other u.n. agencies. my colleagues, you should all know that the on the ground in gaza today is an ameran anderson. he is a 21-year army veteran from south dakota. he is a no urge every senator t him. the notion that scott anderson
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is part of a front organization for hamas ise6■y patently absur. the truth is that before the war stard, p minte netanyahu did not pretend that he wanted to dismantle unrwa on the grounds that it was a proxy for hama long wanted to elimina unrwa everywhere else that it schoolchildren, like in the west bank and jordan. as i said, he's been trying to to do that since at least the ar2017. and now he has republicans in congress joining him and calling for the defunding o aort for un unrwa not only in gaza but throughout the region. atmpts to■wdiscredit unrwa and the u.n. have gotten so bad that 18 heads of all major u.n.
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humanitarian and■ r agencies together with ngo's like save the children and care signed a statement calling for, quote, a halt to the campaigns that seek to discredit the nongovernmental organizations doing their best to save lives, unquote. it is making it harder for them to savepresident, if you want t take a combustible situation in the west bank and make it even worse, then close down schools for kids there. take away any chance of education. snuff out any hopes they may have for a brighter future. really? if you want to create jordan, sn unrwa schools and services there. why do we allhit king abdullah warned us about the consequences of shutting down unrwa? and here's the crazy thing about
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this moment -- pri■9 minisr tanyu seized on the lies about unrwa being a proxy for hamas in gaza to achieve his long-term goaf unrwa everywhere. and what adds insult to injury, mr. prest,that unrwa has not perpetuated hamas in gaza. prime minister netanyahu has done exactly that. let me explain. you know, there's a lot of talk about the maligned actions, actors who have supported hamas over the years. one of thema maligned actor -- iran. iran did not create hamas, nor does iran exerce command and control over hamas. but it does support hamas
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because, like iran, hamas despi eliminating israel. that's why iran has supported hamas. but what we rarely, if ever, discuss is the inconvenient truth that until theé unexpecte horror of the hamas attack on october 7, prime minister netanyahu himself saw it intere control in gaza. don't take my word for it. he told us in his own words back in 2019 at a party meeting where he said, quote, anyone who wants to prevent the creation of a palestinian state needs stren. this is part of our strategy to divide the palestinians between those in gaza and t judea
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and samaria, unquote. prime minister netanyahu. anyone who wants to prevent the palestinian state needs to support strengthening hamas. mr. president, i'd like to enter into the record a piece that appeared inharatz in october of last year entitled a brief history of the netanyahu hamas be entered in the record. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. van hollen: after all, so long as hamas was control in gaza, how could anyone ask israel to accept a palestinian state that included gaza and the west bank? it's question. so what are some of the ways in which prime minister netanyahu has enabled hamas its control in gaza? well, another thing we've heard a lot about around here is the
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money fromg8 qatar that went to hamas. it is well established that every pennylowed from qatar to hamas with the concurrence of prime minister netanyahu and israel. that has b senate foreign relations committee and the banking, housing, and urban affairs committee. it has also been well numerous . mr. president, i'd like to enter into the record a cnn article entitled, quote, qatar sends millions to gaza for years -- i ask unanimous consent that be entered into the record. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. van hollen: and, mr. president, i'd also like to enter into the record a "new york times" article from december of last year entitled, and i quote, buying quiet:
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inside the that prop up hamas. netanyahu gambled on a strong hamas, in parenthesis, but not too strong, would increase the pressure for a palestinian state. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. van hollen: prime minister netanyahu's role in keeping hamas in gaza did not end there enter into the record a "new york times" piece from december of last found the hamas money machine years ago. nobody turned it off. end quote. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. van hollen: and i want to■> quot flevy, who is quoted in that article, the massad chief of economic policy who sa, ani quot i can tell you for sure that i talk to him, referring to prime minister netanyahu, about this.
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but he care that much about it. unquote. the article goes on to point out that mr. netanyahu mosad chief shut down mr. levy's team the task force called harpoon that focused on flowing the money into groups, including hamas. so, mr. president, l's go back to why i prime minister netanyahu and his extreme right wing allies■ like ben-gvir wantd to keep his place in gaza. their primary goal was to avoid the establishment of a palestiniane. so long as they could keep the palestinians divided, they could avoid a united national movement for s and so long as hamas was in control in gaza, it proved a useful foil against recognizing a palestinian state west bank a
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until the horror of october 7. the corollary to not threatening hamas' control of gaza has been to systematically weaken palestinian authority of the west bank. the irony is while helping perpetuating hamas, prime minister netanyahu and his allies have undermined the palestinian authority and the plo, which for overb; oslo acco recognized israel's right to exist and have sought to israel. their strategy? keep hamas in place. undermine the palestinian in fact, even today during the war in gaza, finance minister
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greater share of the p.a.'s own funds and since coming to power the netanyahu government advanced even more settlements andav even more outposts deeper in the west bank. and of course that further undermines the legitimacy of the p.a. in einian people by exposi their total inability to stop those actions. even as they, the help provide israel with security in certain areas of the west bank. advanced the strategy, weakened the palestinian authority, and facilitating hamas in order ton able to live in dignity in a state of their own. and the reason, the reason prime nister netanyahu and the far right extremists in his government, like smotrich, don't want a palestinian state ith
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west bank, is that they want it all for themselves in what they west bank or state in the west bank, you can't implement the vision of a greater israel. their version of one state. so, mr. president, we come full circle. unrwa is established to be a bridge to provide services like education to palestinian refugees after they were displaced. and i am sure its not expect it to be around for so long. but that is because they likely never envisioned that 74 years rise to unrwa would remain unresolved. but it is unrelv now prime miniu is openly opposed president biden's call to resolve it ultimately by enacting a real two-state sole normalization of
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relations between israel and saudi arabia and the other arab countries who have yet to gn important security needed for the jewish state of israel. and at the same netanyahu wants pea do a two-state solution to to pursue his long-term goal of ending the organization that was born out of that conflict, unrwa, and limg eliminating the services it provides to palestinian refugees. mr. president, the united states should not be complicit in this scheme. we should not be a party to defunding unrwa in gaza, which is right now playing a critical role in the delivery desperately needed food and humanitarian assistance to starving people. nor should we be complicit inun
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the west bank and jordan and other places. i support reforming eliminating. the question of defunding unrwa is at this very moment the biggest unresolved issue in the foreign operations appropriations bill. i call upon responsible members in the house and senate to ensure the united states does not defund un rachlt members of congress who a elimination of unrwa have never bothered to drive from jerusalem to visit an unrwa school and hear children talk about their dreams to be doctors and educators like some of us have done. there is hope in these schools, not frankly, that's what we should able to do here in the united states senate. we should be on the side of hope. a party to more
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people starving in gaza. we should not be a party to the closing of schools for palestinian students in the west bank, jordan, and other countries. and the united states should not be a party to creating even more instability in the middle east. mr. president, like many of my colleagues and i believe the ono create some light at the end of this dark tunnel is to find a path that ensures security fore and self-determination for the palestinian people. that is why i stand with our colleagu important and timely comments this morning that rejecting the idea of palestinian statehood and sovereignty is a, quote, grave mistake, unquote, for regional security, and especially for the security of israelis.
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prime minister netanyahu has said a two-state solution would be a rdbut the opposite is true. hamas has one plan, the destruction of thend replacing democratic state with one of their own. they want one state. a two-state solution is contrary to everything hamas stands for and all it seeks to achieve. f from being reward, it would be a denial of their goal of one state under control. we all know that the road ahead will be long and it will be hard. in the aftermath of the horrific hamas of october 7 and the current humanitarian disaster in gaza, it is hard to imagine a time and
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stability. that will only come when palestinian leaders who fully embrace the right of israel to exist israeli leaders who recognize that palestinians must have a viable state of their own, both make the necessary for peace. so, mr. president, let us push for an immediate cease-fire and a release of all the hostages ar of hope in this moment of darkness. i yield the floor.the presiding senator from south carolina. mr. graham: thank you, mr. president, very much. at a later date, i'll respond to my colleague from maryland about unrwa, but just to let people know who are following this debate, i'm the ranking republican on the state foreign ops appropriations subcommittee, and very well with
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senator coons and senator van hollen is on the committee. there will not be one bill for unrwa in my bill that that's just not me. that's senator collins. she's the ranking member who worked very well with senator patty murray to get the supplemental moving. why is that? because we believe unrwa is compromised. i will come and show you the textbook unrwa uses in the palestinian community to teach the destruction of the jewish people. i will show you text of unrwa od celebrating october 7. the case has been made over here thatjhíg unrwa is no longer a credible organization worth american taxpayer dollars to fund. not one■f for unrwa helping the palestinian people begins with changing the way they're taught in school. germans
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and the japanese, it took us a long time to deradicalize the population that was taught from birth to be radical. so what i hope will happen over the course of time, that new people in charge of the palestinianz■t community and th west bank in gaza will stop teaching the death of the jews trying to give the more hopeful. i hope that happens one day soon. the reason i came to t■xed probe you have, mr. president -- mr. van hollen: will the senator yield. we should debate because i don't know any evidence at all for re jordan, for example. okay. mr. graham: we'll come down. we'll have a discussion about everything i said. letiding officer: the
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senator from south carolina has the floor. mr. graham: we'll have a very vigorous discussion about how wrong you are to empower this w been perpetrating all the wrong things, not the right things. now, having said all -- let me finish my thought. senator schumer who i've worked on many things, i've -- the president 6 the senate has been one of my best friends trying to find a way forward to get■qand other. that would be a big blow to iran. i've been asked like everybody in the body what you think about senator schumer's speech. i've also respected him. i disagree with him policically. what he said today was earth shatteringly bad. the majority leader of the united states senate is calling on the people of israel to overthrow their government. whether you like -- the question
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is it appropriate for anybody in this body telling another country to take we're going to have an election here. i hope we take the biden government down through the election process, but tshis has. i've been on the phone almost all day trying to explain to people what happened, and i don't have aood explanation. we're trying to get saudi arabia to recognize the one and only jewish state. that's no easy thing for trince environment. we're trying to get israel to take a leap of faith here that it doesn't have to be this way all the things that would allow palestinian community to reorganize. 75% of the israeli people do not support a two-state solution now. they've been terribly wounded. there is no support by any politician in israel, anybody to
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unilaterally to declare a palestinian ste. five presidents of the united states have said that if there's ever a palestinian state, it will come through direct negotiations without conditions the parties. and the trump administration jared kushner had a plan to establish a palestinian that prime minister netanyahu actually agreed with. the point here is that what should america be doing now? america helping israel without qualification. we should be trying to find a way to ease the suffering of the palestinian people. and the best way to do that is to destroy hamas. the reason so many palestinians have been killed is because hamas uses them asan shields. we live in a world that's literally upside down. we're having prominent democratic members, people i re on the israeli people to take their government
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down. i can't believe it. i thought it was a joke. i thought somebody was pranking me this morning. this is a departure and a very -- in a very serious way about how the interacts with its allies. i think it's done enormous damage to very delicate negotiations. i hope tha revisit this. i don't know who he's trying to please by saying that, but they're not worth pleasing. trying to please by saying that the israeli government needs to cease to exist as it is today and the ieed to find somebody better in the eyes of senator schumer. i'm not asking the israeli people to elect somebody i like. i'm asking them whenever you have an election, elect somebody that you like. i'm not asking the people of israel to bow to my view of how
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to settle this matter after the largest loss of jewish life since theholocaust. i want to give unconditional, unqualified support to the people of israel to destroy hamas. afte, mr. president, if anybody had suggested to america that we need to take our foot off the gas when it came to destrg the you'd been run out of town. what won the oscar? a film called "oppenheimer" talked about how the atomic bomb was created and used by our the war.o destroy two cities in you have to understand, and you do, mr. president, you have done your■8homework. you have to understand that october 7 to the israeli people is pearl harbor and 9/11 on steroids. it's not just a tat for tat
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with -- tat for tat with hamas. it was an attempt to break the brutally rape and murder in a fashion they want the world to see so the israeli to do is simt we thought we should do after world war ii. total, complete victory. everybody mobilized. do what you have to do to end the war, to take the nazis down and the imperial japanese army, destroy it unequivocally. millions of people were killed in world war ii. literally hell. but when you've been attacked the way we were on pearl harbor and 9/11, you have to respond forcefully. you have to make sure it never happens again. and they way israel can do this is to destroy the military
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capability of hamas. so why did this haen mr. president? i believe that the great satan which is iran wanted this to happen to prevent the abia and ending the israeli conflict. a nightmare for the who said the arabs and jewish make peace and integrate and leaving them behind. so agreements with six of their arab neighbors under go i meet with everybody because it's not about bb, it's not about■) relationship. i know them all.wn bb for 25 ye. it's about what should we do to
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help our friends in israel. nothing would please me more to find a way to end this war sooner rather than later and get back on track for the normalization process. but we cannot expect israel to stop now. it's like putting 80% of a fire out, the 20% is going to start itll again. we're down to six brigades. organized military units that hamas has to wreak havoc on the it's nonnegotiable, mr. president, hamas will be destroyed militarily. i am hoping in t of all this chaos we can still find a way for saudi arabia and israel to normalize, and that would be the ultimate death blow, i think, to the iranian ambitions in the region. and part of tt deal, as you know, mr. president, would be the palestinians would have a
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better life eventually, that saudi arabia and uae would invest heavily in the gaza and the west bank, new, younger, running the place trying to find a pathway forward where they -- the palestinians and israel coexist in a way that's beneficial for all. that can never happen until hamas is destroyed. if hamas is still in place, they ll kill everybody that wants to make peace with israel. they did it before. they have no desire, as senator van ho recognizing the jewish state. but i will close where i began. what senator schumer said on the floor of the senate has taken the country and the senate down the wrong road. this is not somng o be saying,
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government to be toppled basically by its own people. at the end of the day bb's not the problem. the problem is wanting to kill every jew they can find. the problem is iran jewish state and to purify islam. i could spend hours talking about the biden-obama policy of empowering the ayatollah. but that's not for today. so what i would say as to what sed today, my response to senator schumer, i'm disappointed. you've done a lot of damage, my friend. and you need to t situation between israel an the palestinians.
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porting from the house republican retreat in west virginia, max is saying that the democratic leadsh apologize r lling for new elections inl. the texas republican went on to say that senat schumer's speech was way out of line and very inappropriate. u n readnline and watch senate majority leader schumer's are smart -- remarks at ♪ >>+k since 1979, in partnership with the cable industry, c-span has provided complete coverage of the halls of callers-congres. c-span gives you a front row seates are debated and decided with no commentary, no interruptions, and completely
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a healthy democracy doesn't just look like this. it looks like this. where americans can see democracy at work, where citizens are truly informed, our republic thrives. get informed straight from the source on c-span. , word for word. from the nation's capital to wherever you are, it's the -- because the opinion that matters the most is your own. this is what democracy looks like. c-span, powered byable. >> c-span, vice president harris makes history during a visit to a planned parenthoodlinic in minnesota earlier today. house republicans reporrs aboute prrities at the end of their annual retreat in west virginia. later, javier becerra testifies on the president's 2025 budget request for his department before the senate finance committee.
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that and more coming up tonight on c-span. ♪ >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these levision companind more including comcast. >> do you think this is just a community center? no. it's way morecomcast is partner0 community centers to create wi-fi enabled spots so they can get the tools they need to be ready for anything >> comcast supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to >> vice president harris toward a minnesota planned parenthood clear it -- clinic that offers abortion services. it was historic. she's the first vice president to make such a visit. reproductive health care rights administration and their reelection bid since the supreme
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