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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  March 19, 2024 3:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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states working along side croatia bosnia and serbia crafted a setment to end the fighting and keep the peace in the balkans in the wake of the devastating wars of the 1990's. the framework has been imperfect, bd a path forward for bosnia and for the entire region. this legislation calls attention to the difficulties facing bosnia as it seeks to join the e.u. it calls for needed reforms to ensure that all the peoe of bosnia can have a voice in their government. neither p in the region are inevitable. these trends require an enduring commitment to fostering them. the bill reaffirms that u.s. commitment along with our partners in europe to actively
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maintain peace. the sanctions imposed und bill provide a necessary disincentive to ensure the dayton agreements mold strong and do nel under political pressure. the sanctions section include waiver language and appropriad and to comply with our international agreements. despite clear challenges, bosniaet the e.u. and membership criteria for integration. it is in the interest of the united states to help ensure that bossia meets compliance with rules and standards so it can happen as soon ai recognize and thank representative wagner for leading this effort as well as for her longstanding work to supp and progress in this region. i encourage my colleagues to join in supporting this measure. and i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gelewoman reserves. the gentlewoman from missouri is
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recognized. mrs. wagner: i am prepared to close, if the gtlelady is prepared to close or yield. ms. wild: i am prepared to close. i yield myself such time as i may consume fhe purpose of closing. this bill turns our attention to where u.s. diplomacy goes a lone european union realizes that progress in bosnia is not inevitable. in that light i welcome tn tip negotiations. transatlantic cooperation between the u.s. and e.u. is essential to not only keeping the peace in the western balkans and ensuring a democratic prosperous future. join me i h.r. 4723 and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore:he gentlewoman yields back. the gentlewoman from missouri is recognized. mrs. wagner: i yield myself the
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balance of my time. as vice chair of the house foreign affairs committee and as representative of the largest boss anyian community outsif bosnia i know what the consequences will be if we fail to stand strong against destructive politician who to undermine peace. if we let dayton accords as symbol of leadership and commitment collapse, then we risk seeing violence return to bosnia. adversaries like russia and china would welcome this and solidify a stronger economic foothold. congress has acted on this ones before. last congress, i introduced a similar version of this bill which passe representatives with overwhelming bipartisan support. this time, the stakes are much higher. with our adversaries emboldened
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like never before, congress must act and confront these threats to peace and stability. will we turn a blind eye to dodic ohe peace and security by the dayton accords many years ago. to me, the choice is obvious. time is running out to send a message to bad actors intent on destabilizing the country phis bill again and get it to the president's desk so that the united states has the tools that it needs to break the ethnonationallists and russian hold on bosnia's future. i thank you and i yield back. the he gentlewoman from missouri yields back. will the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 4723 ain favor, say aye. those opposed, no. the gentlewoman --
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in the opinion of the chair 2he affirmative -- for what purpose does the gentlewoman from missouri seek recognition? mrs. wagner: i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, yeas and nays are ordered pursuant to clause 8 of rule 2ns on this -- proceedings on this question will be postponed. mrs. wagner: mr. speaker i move that the h and pass h.r. 6610 as amended. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r0 a bill to provide for the modernization of the passport issuance process and for other purposes pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from missouri, mrs. pa wagner and the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, each will control 20 minutes. mrs. wagner: i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to
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revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on this. the speaker pro tempore: without objection mrs. wagner: i would like to yield as much time as he may consume to the gentleman from california mr. issa, the author of this bill. mr. issa: i will not take more time than is necessary for a bipartisan bill that has broad support. i rise in support of h.r. 6610 the passport system reform a backlog prevention act. i became the author of this as a member of foreign affairs and a man who has three constituents service personnel who spend a great deal of their time when aes pervasive every passport renewal becomes an emergency and expedited payment anes in short a problem that should not have happened. we certainly understand that during covid there were a
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number of problems, o ts the state department had never prepared for being able to in any remote way process passports. the backlog was understandably immense. in the several years since covid has passed, the backlog has continued and never reached an acceptable point for the american people. even today when you sur a pass important renewal you don't know if it will be weeks or months. most people are advised to pay the expedited fee and the expedited fee seldom gives them the speed that was intended. we talked to several countries not necessarily our peers but countries, britain japan australia, thely process in five to eight- sorry they routinely re-authorize withinf days where we
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take five to eight weeks turn-around. that is unseptember ablg. we are the country that created the computer, automation and the ability for something as mundane adding a new picture to a previously should passport that we should and could beat this. the modernization is the first since the days of the early m the item that may sound and certainly could transport a small amount of information. congressional intervention is needed. the state department understands that. and for that reason we have five basic principles in thist important of which is that we ask for private sector techniques to be used and in fact tor work with the private sector that is more than capable of creating a faster system. in fact, some americae processing passports for other countries. with that, i yield back to the
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chair. mrs. wagner:. the speaker pro tempore: the the gentlewoman from missouri reserves. the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. ms. wild: i rise in strong support of h.r610. the state department experienced an unprecedented level of demand after a global slowdown ihe covid-19 pandemic. many of our constituents were frustrated by the significant processing wait times they faced in securing passports. as this bill moved we were pleased to learn that the state death had achieved prendemic passport processing times. but the work we must undertake is to sheen you are that the bureau ofnd other departmental entities have the tools and resources they need to sustain consular demand. the state department is working to streamline its passport processing and this legislation supports those efforts this b5lill as amended by the foreign affairs committee will
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further modernize passport processing through a range of important mecot saddle the department with unfunded mandates or inefficient solutions. congress must offe and support to ensure that the state department can get the job of modernization done. americans deserve the best practices aes to inform the department's provision of consular services. i am pleased with my colleagues to advance this objective and i reserve. the speaker e: thea reserves. the gentlewoman from missouri is reek niecessed -zed. ms. wild: i am prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. ms. wild: the demand for paports pated backlogs at the department of state and long passport processing times. i am glad that those processing times are now back at
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prepandemic levels and the state department's consular bureau is modernizing i pt processing. it is our responsibility to ensure that the death has what it needs to handle future shifts in demand. this bill will ensure that american travelers can count on efficient and passport services by technologies into our consular services. i hope my colleagues will join me in supporting h.r. 6610 d i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. the gentlewoman from missouri is recognf the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. wagner: i am proud to work with bel issa and foreign affairs' colleagues to bring this bill before the house today. this modernizes the bureau of
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consular affairs new performance standards for issuing passportsor our case workers to track requests and new texan email notifications fhe whole passport process so they know where their application stands and how long the process wl take. h.r. 6610 requires the state department to expand the online passport renewal system seran apply for and get the travel documents they need to efficiently -- as efficiently nd representative issa for prodding the state department to adopt the best commercially available technology solutions. the private sector has much to offer to streamline bureaucracies at the state departmentnk chairman mccaul, ranking member meeks and the bipartisan members of the foreign affairs committee who voted unanimously
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for this bill during markup. the american people deserve a more responsive passport process when they exercise their rig to travel. h.r. 6610 deserves our unanimous support. and i yield back the balance of my tim9wore: the gentlewoman yields. the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 661s amended. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair 2/3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed. and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. . for what purpose does the gentlewoman from missouri seek recognition? mrs. wagner: i move the house suspend the rules and pass house resolution 149 as amended.
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the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the resolution. the clerk: house resolution 149 resolution condemning the illegal abduction of children from ukraine to the russian federation. the speaker pro tempore: pursuan t to the rule, the gentlewoman from missouri, mrs. wagner and the gentlewoman from pennsylvania ms. wild, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from missouri? ms. wild: i ask unanimous consent all members may have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and to include extraneous material on this measure. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. wild: thank you. and i yield myself as much time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognizehe beginning of russia's unprovoked war against ukraine we continue to witness unsakable acts that are perpetuated by vladimir putin's forces. since the start of the war
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ukrainiafficials estimate over 120,000 war crimes have been committed by lawless russian invaders. one of the most horrific acts being conducted by the putin regime is the kidnapping of ukrainian children and occupied territories. since february 2022, more than 19,000 children have been forcibir homeland possibly many, many more. ukraine's ambassador to the united nations has stated that as strong grounds to believe several hundred thousand ukrainian children were forcibly, unlawfully taken. not only have these children been kidnapped and handed over to the russian families, but they have also been forced into pra reeducation systems. they are being brainwashed taught to hate their home country, and to love the. kidnapped ukrainian children are being taught that ukraine does
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not exist as a sovereign country and that russia is conducting some sort of justified mission for mankind a if they don't comply or fall in line, these children face punishment or abuse. russia's depravity gets even more twisted mr. speaker. there are reports that kidnapped ukrainian teenagers are being conscripted to fight in ukraine on behalf of t. ukrainian officials say russia's efforts specifically target teenagers so they can be turned ine they reach the age of 18. vladimir putin and his commissioner for children's rights can claim all they want that they are saving these children but we know their true intent. the complete eradication of ukrainian culture and identity. both u.s. statd
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international law define genocide as acts committed with intent to destroy a people in whole on part, including forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. i was proud to join mom pennsylvania, representative wild, in introducing the resolution before us today. it rightfully condemns this barb arism and calls it what i genocide. we were there together on the ukrainian border. we were there and saw ukrainian refugees and children that had f abuse at the hands of vladimir putin. let me just say mr. speaker during our markup, this resolution received unanimous bipartisan support from the foreign affairs committee. and today the entire house has the opportunity and the mor duty to denounce russia's genocide against these children of ukraine. and i want to thank my good
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friend representative wild, for shedding light on these heartbreaking abuses and urge all of our colleagues to support this important resolution. and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from missouri reserves. the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. ms. wild: mr. speaker i rn strong support of house resolution 149 and i yield myself as much time as i may consume. the ead. ms. wild: i introduced this resolution on behalf of my district which counts one of the country's largest ukrainian american communities. together we have advocated and organized for this moment, and i want to recognize my ukrainian americs and all of the extraordinary american leaders whose tireless efforts led to this legislation coming to the floor a vote. i, too remember the time that representative wagner and i and a couple other members from the foreign affairs committee stood right at the border of ukraine
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on the poland side, and wated as children and mothers streamed across the border. and it was tragic and really hard to watch, but those were the fortunate children, as we've learned. far too many ukrainian children have been abducted to russia. this vote is about sending an unequivocal message to vladimir putin that we stand with the ukrainian people and we will not stop worce and accountability when it comes to the atrocities that russian forces have systemically employed in this war owe must be clear, russian forces have engaged in an effort to destroy ukraine's democracy its sovereignty its territorial integrity, and ultimately its identity itself. their crimes against chiut as the most heinous aspect of a much larger strategy a relentless campaign
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of state violencee members of ukrainian society. as part of this effort, russian forces have abducted and forcibly relocated thousands of ukrainian children to russian occupied and affiliated areas in blatn of article 2-e of the genocide convention. the russian objective is clear to eradicate the youf ukrainians by attempting to destroy their sense of national and cultural identity. we cannot be silent in the face of these violations of ukrainian 's most fundamental rights and dignity. i want to thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for working to pass this legislation unanimously through the foreign affairs committee. finally, as meaningful as thi me and my constituents i call on the leadership of this house to hold an even more consequenti. speaker,
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the people's representatives must be able to vote on the senate's supplemental package containing critical assistance for ukraine as well as humanitarian assistance for the people of ukraine, for the palestinian people and for so many other populations around the world who are in dire need of assistance. we must come together in support of this national and global priority. and i ask my colleagues to join me in supporting this measure and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewomas. the gentlewoman from missouri is recognized. mrs. wagner: i'm prepared to close if the gentlelady is prepared to yield or close. ms. wild: i'm prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. mrs. wagner: thank you. i urge my colleagues to think about the ukrainian americans acrorelatives in ukraine are facing a relentless campaign of aggression simply becauf their unrelenting quest for a democratic ukrainian state. we must stand with them.
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we must stand with the next generation of ukrainians and ensure they'o continue their proud legacy. as a people, ukrainians have endured despite extraordinary hardship es generations. and today they are fighting for their future as a sovereign independent democracy whose freedom has been hard-won and is in peril today. together let us join in passing this resolution here on the floor of the house of representatives byesounding bipartisan margin, and let us work towards passing the assistance for the ukrainian people they so urgently need. i hl join me in supporting this resolution and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. mrs. wagner: i yield myself the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. wagner: mr. speaker vladimir putin's barbarism knows no bounds. his actions of lawless forces against the people of ukr
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including the forcible deportation of innocent ukrainian children constitutes genocide. we have the opportunity to staat truth plainly today and to stand with the grieving families of ukraine whose children are still kidnapped inside russia. i urge unanimous support for this resolution and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. the question is will the house suspend the rules and agree to house resolution 149 as amended. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 being in the affirmative -- mrs. wagner. [on that i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of takingnays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20,
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further proceedings on this question will be postponed. for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? >> mr. speaker i move the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 660 602 a the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title before the bill. the clerk: a bill to amend the export control reform act of 2018 relating to the review of the enter agency dispute resolution process. the speaker pro tempore: pursuan t to the rule, the gentleman from georgia mr. mccormick and the gentlewoman from pennsylvania ms. wild, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from georgia. mr. mccormick: i ask five
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legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and to include extraneous material on this measure. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. mccormick: thank you. i yield myself as much time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. mccormick: the people of china are waging an all out war against the united states. the c.c.p. is using unfair a ilry to dominate the market in dual use technologies that are shaping the modern battlefield. fortunately, the c.c.p. stin technologies from the united states our allies, and our partners to develop advanced dual use capabilities. for that reason, export controls are a critical tool for the united states to slow down and in some cases stop china's ability to develop certain capabilities. for this strategy to work, we have to deny chinese licenses to use american technology. unfortunately, ba reviewed and released by the house of foreign affairs
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committee, those licenses are rarely denied by the commerce department's bureau of industry and security known as b.i.s. for instance during a six-month g 2020-2021b.i.s. denied less than 2% of licenses and approved $100 billion worth of licenseo huawei and smic. both are considered c.c.t. military companies and ampion technology firms. when deciding to approve or deny a license, b.i.s. generally consults other agencies that make up the operatiee the department of defense energy state and commerce. however, b.i.s. is not required to follow those other agency's advice and sometimes the b.i.s. actively ignores it. statistics provided br 2018-2019 shows there was a 60% increase of nonconsensus decisions by the operating committee during that time. in other words, over half the
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time 60% of the time, they ignored everybody else's objections and did whatever they wanted to. just one person's decision. that's not good. more than 10% of the time, it appears the operating committee chair, which is part of tn that only one other operating committee member supported also not good. because the department of commerce is bothe chair and a member this data raises concerns that commerce may be abusing its position by the operating committee to override considered objectives of other agencies. otherwise, why even be there? this bill provides a commonsense solution to thos when a license for china comes before the operating committee the decision to approve or deny the license should be based on a majority vote by all of its membs. each agency brings a unique view to a license and should have a voice and a vote. . it makes little sense to have
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authority on until fact dealing with satellites the committee requires a majority vote. my bill puts licenses to china on the same level as licenses for certain advanced technologies. the chairman has ordered his militao invade taiwan by 2027. a country that produces 100% of the chips in a.i. that we. it makes no sense for our department of defense to not have a vote on what capabilities may fall into the hands of the chinese military. i want to thank my colleagues on the foreign affairs committee where a unanimous bipartisan support for this important national security reform bill during the committee markup back in december. i urge my colleagues to support h.r. 6602. and i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlemanry serves. the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized.
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ms. wild: i rise in in support of h.r. 6602. our safety controls have expanded greatly. these efforts have not come -- have not come with a commensurate increase in tf bureau of industry and security, which is the u.s. government entity leading export control efforts. the biden administration has expanded controls against russia and belarus since the invasion of ukraine and imposed unprecedented controls against china in the semiconductor space. this has resulted inn the license review and enforcement burden at b.i.s. which processes 40,00r. i strongly believe they need to be laser focused on the highest cases where the national security concerns are most
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clear. department of state energy or commerce can block the denial of a license by an interagency committee by escalating a decision if they don't agree with it. this legislation will allow the chair of the operating committee to decide cases where the agencies are divided 2-2 which should mitigathe number of escalations that we see and result in a more streamlined and effective process. i thank representative mccormick an=çd chairman mccaul for working with the minority to address our concerns. i encourage my colleagues to joining me ie and i reserve. ism the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from georgia is recognized. mr. mccormick: i reserve the right to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from pennsylvania is recognized. ms. wild: i am prepared t and i yield myself such time as i may consume for that purpose. to safeguard our national security in an ever changing
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globnd ensure we are putting american workers and families first our policies must be robust and effective not counterproductive. if we want our export controls to work, we need to do a few things. first and foremost, w need to block the transactions that pose a clear threat to our national security. this requires focusing on key choknd specific technologies and not having blanket rules that will inundate the bureau of industry and security. second we need to ensure that those controls are multi lateral so that the intende party isn't simply able to buy the same goods from other global suppliers or nations. unilateral actions don't work, and they hurt american workers and families resulting in job losses here at home. t the license review process is
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fast effective and b.i.s. has the resources and tools necessary to effectively implement and enforce controls. so while i stand in support of mr. mccormick'e the house to increase funding for b.i.s. join me in supporting this bill and i yield bo tempore: the gentlewoman yields. the gentleman from georgia is recognized. mr. mccormick: i yield -- i reserve the balanf my time. first of all i want to in closing thank mr. mccaul, the chairman and ranking member meeks and my bipartisan colleagues for supporting this bill before us. the committee is made up with fif commerce, state and energy aative should act impartially when export policy convenes.
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the operatiee for export policy may resolve these issues and dispute by a majority vote but the chair most often rules in favor of the department ofcommerce which draws into and it is critical to access our american private sector innovation. our innovation should ne given a leg up to the enemies in competition. increasely chinese communi a threat to american interests around the world and threatening us with our own technology. we must ensure that our national security agencies have a real voice and vote in deciding what technologies can be exported to the pesf china. we want to ensure that the b.i.s. does not produce b.s. with that, i
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ore: the gentleman yields. now the question is will the houss the bill h.r. 6602 as amended. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair 2/3 being in the affirmative, tes are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? mr. burgess: i move the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 766 as amended. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: h.r. 766 bill to amend the congressional budget act of 1974 respecting the scoring of preventive health savings pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from texas mr. burgess, and the gentlewoman from minnesota ms. omar, each ol 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas. mr. burgess: i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to resize and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material into the bill. the speaker pro tempore: without objection mr. burgess: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i rise today in support of h.r. 766, the pnts act. this piece of legislation seeks
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to establish a mechanism for the congressional budget office to mohe long-term cost saving potential of preventive health care initiatives. this bipartisa bicameral effort underscores our commitment to promote the health and well-being of all americans and we encourage the use oa informed health measures and taking steps towards not only saving lives but saving taxpayer dollars in the long run. chronic illnesses account for 70% of our health care spending and continue to pose a significant burden on our system and economy. however, by enacting measures like h.r. 766 we begind the cost curve and provide an accurate understanding of the long-term cost savings of the preventive health care policies. this allows the congressional budget office to extend its
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analysis beyond the existing 10-year budget window to two additional 10-year periods. this provision will enable us to conduct an analysis of the budgetary savings and the impact of preventive health legislation ensuring wcisions based on sound evidence and data. the health saving act narrowly defines preventive health to focus on the health of the public individuals and defined populations. ng on credible evidence from various resources such as projection models, can ensure our policies are meaningful and impactful. h.r. 766 protectd to justify partisan policies that might be used as budget gimmicks by requiring the request to be bipartisan and stipulating that
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tht rules. the passage of medicare part d in 2003 under a republican majority in congress serves as a reminder of the impact that it can have on our health care. despite costs medicare d is a wise investment yielding savings and benefits that outweigh, an ounce of prevention is a pound of cure. in 2003 has yielded, we have seen this pound of cure yielded more than one time. this underscores the case for preventive personalized medicine and encourase us to redouble our efforts and pass this important bill. i would like to insert into the recom the health care leadership council signed by health care organizations.
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i urge ao join me in supporting this to ensure we continue to prioritize preventive health care initiatives for the benefit of all americans and i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's request ith. and the gentleman reserves. the gentlelady from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: i yield myself such time as i might consume. i rise in support of h.r. 766 the preventive health savings act provides congress with more information on preventive health care services. investing in prevention such as could improve health outcomes by lowering costs. such policies often have significant fiscal benefits for
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the government. the bill also ensures thaor this out-year stilt is bipartisan. both the chairs of the budget ans of jurisdiction must all together request this information. this request should be about our continued focus on wellness and disease prevention for the american people not to be used to justify any partisan policies. the bill ensures that the outyear of prevention health care policies are use ad a supplemental estimate and not used for budgetary enforcement controls. this would help congress make informed policy decisions and to be used for any budget gimmicks.rt this sensible piece of legislation bringing us closer to more transparent and holistic
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budget reporting. i reserve. . . . the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: i'd like to recognize the gentlewoman from texas. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> i thank my colleague from texas for yielding me the time ans piece of legislation forward. mr. speaker, we know that investing in preventive care benefits as health and pocketbook in the long run. however, current statute only allows the congressional budget office to assess a 10-year cost estimate window despite the fact of assessing the impact of preventative care usually takes much longer than that. i proudly support the dr. michael burgess preventative health savings act which allows the c.b.o. to score the long-term cost benefit of preventative care. mrs. fischbach: this is a simple bill and will benefit the health
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of americans and save taxpayer dollars. mr. speaker, thank you vu:y much and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas reserves. mr. burgess: ress. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: i recognize the co-author of the lfor five minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. >> i thank the gentlelady for yielding. mr. speaker, thank for you recognizing me. i rise in strong support of the preventative health savings act. a great frustration for those of us who work a l=] on cy is the difficulty in accurately predicting the cost of preventative care. as you h the bill, dr. burgess when congress looks at the costs and benefits of preventative health care we only look at a 10-year window. ms. degette: that's true even when the savings associated with preventative care would acche future.
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that's why dr. burgess and i wrote this bill so we could look at preventative care over a longer time frame and actually see the cost savings it will give us. that will help us refocus our health care legislation on prevention rhe than waiting until serious diseases occur. preventative care averts illnesses, helps catch problems before they get too bad and also it saves lives. but it has another benefit. it saves money. so congress should be able to consider how pth care saves taxpayer dollars when we prepare to vote on legislation. this bill provides a framework for committees tn extended estimate for legislation related to preventative health care from the congressional budget office. with the framework laid out in is bill, committees can, on a bipartisan basis request an estimate of the effects of a preventative health care bill up to a 30-yends a little technical but frankly i believe it will
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revolutionize how congress considers preventative health cat so congress will have long-term cost estimates on preventative care legislation from a nonpartisa ?in trusted source. and as new innovations to keep americans healthy are developed we can better consider theirry to make them available to the american people. at the same time, as you heard this bill does not alletary gimmicks. instead, it gives us the framework to get the information we need. part of the genesis of this bils when dr. burgess and i and others were working on the affordable care act. and i really wanted to put in the mandatehe inclusion of smoking cessation. now, everybody in this room and in the gallery knows hels stop smoking cigarettes is one of the most obvious areas where preventative care can just save lives but also save money. we all know the terrible results
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of smoking. higher risks of lung cancer, diabetes stroke, hea dis copd and more. treating these conditions is expensive, but it's also deadly for people. so c.b.os 10-year window when it made an estimate on my ideas. and they said congresswoman we think the idea of smoking a, but unfortunately, the smoking cessation programs like the patch and nick otherretnd things -- nicorette and things like that are too expensive and can't afford to pay for them as the mandated bhe a.c.a. that is crazy and that to me is why we need this bill. so dr. burgess and i have been working on thi bill e over 10 years now and i'm proud to see it come to the floor. so here it is now and among the fiti bills of the budget committee to be reported to the full house in years and we talk a lot about needing a long-term view. i can't think of a betteexe of a long-term
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view than a bill that takes more than 10 years but yet we persevere. finally, i want to thank miken this bill and his partnership on the energy and commerce committee for many other bills. we have found we disagree a lot but we've found a lot of common ground and we always work in good faith to deliver for our constituents and the ameris a perfect example of how we work together to write common sense legislation that centers on what americans need to lea it's truly a bipartisan victory. it's good legislation. and i'm saying this in t congressional record, i'm going to miss dr. burgess. i'm going to miss his vision on the committee. and i hope that we can work together to get this bilhe other body just as quickly as we can. please vote yes and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields.
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the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: thank you mr. speaker. it's my privilege and high honor to recognize the chairman of the budget committee as we the first bipartisan budget bill to pass the floor of the house i think in the history of mr. arrington of texas for three minutes. mr. arrington: thank you speaker, and to my friend, the gentleman from texas. what a great career you've had in public service. you've been truly an inspiration and a leader among your equals here in the people's house on health care issues. you were thehe doc caucus and the health subcommittee chair at e.n.c., our task force chair on health care in the budget committee. there's nobody in this chamber and i would submit in the united states congress, that knows more about health care and who has endeavored more over t make health care work. i want to thank my democrat
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colleagues ms. omar and my colleaguesf that we can work together in good faith find common ground and consensus solutions to make this country and its government work for the people. and i want to thank ms. degette fo have young people in the gallery who got to hear hey don't often hear on cable news, which is a colleague from one side of the aisle complimenting another. what great decorum and what a great example of civil discourse in their nation's capitol and they need to see more of it. but i'm grateful we have an opportunity to address the triple aim in health care that often is underutilized because of simply the way we score it. health care innovation and technology can improve access, quality outcomes while bending the curve on cost, not just to our patients and fellow
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americans, but also to the taxpayers. health care is a big driver of our debt and we've the got to look for commonsense solutions to improve acroshe board these important outcomes. so again thank you ms. omar, and thank you ms. degette, fo yo l to my friend from the great state of texas what a legacy. we named this after dr. burgesst but it is appropriate because of all that he's done to leave this country better than he found it, and this no doubt will have a tremendous impact to the future. to my friend, god bless you godspeed thank you mr. speaker, i yield. the speaker pro tempore: t. mr. burgess: i'll reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: thank you mr. speaker. i have no further speakers and i'm prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized.
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the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: it's my honor to recognize the gentleman from ohio mr. wenstrup, the co-chair of the doctors calk justicime? mr. burgess: one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. wenstrup: i'm here to support the michael burgess savings act a bill aptly named for my co-chair on the docto dr. michael burgess. this legislation will allow the congressional budget office to measure the long-term impact of health policies, breaking free from the arbitrary 10-year budget window that currently restrains our ability to help our fellow americans to live a healthier and longer life. this is something that we as a doctors caucus have met with c.b.o. on and not sure how to it but dr. burgess put forward a way to get this done.
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we've worked in a bipartisan manner to enact policies that can bring patients more accesreatment cures. and when looking at the initial costs of bringing new treatments and drugs to patients, the long-term savings associated with keeping americans healthy for longer are not considered. they need to be. the congressional budget office should have the ability to fully score the impact, reductions in obesity, access to early and preventative treatments, and keeping patients healthier will have on medicare, for example. it's been my greo serve with dr. burgess on the doctors caucus here in congress. i'm glad to support this bill ley dr. burgess whose expertise and desire for quality care for all americans have inspired many to practice medicine and encourage them toh government and i encourage support of this and ask that a letter from the american medical association supporting h.r. 766 be entered into the record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. burgess: i reserve.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: i'd like to yield one minute to the gentleman from indiana, a member of the doctors caucus. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you. i'd also like to recognize the legacy of dr. michael burgess and support this bill h.r. 766. if members of congress can agree on one thing it's that we seek to improvehe livur constituents. unfortunately c.b.o.'s current approach to how it develops cost estimates for health care legislation interferes with that goal by failing to tako account all the future benefits of the legislation. c.b.o.'s current approach keeps federal health care programs stuck in the statu of providing care when you get sick instead of focusing on providing care that keeps you healthy and hopefully from needing more expensive forms of care down the road#b. mr. bucshon: it's imperative congress directs c.b.o. to more accurately reflect the cost saving potential of health care
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initiatives and why i'm proud to support h.r. 766 to ensure congress can better ensur this bill. i would like to ask unanimous consent to introduce in the record a letter fromhe community of cleage alliance supporting h.r. 766 into the record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. bucshon: iield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. mr. burgess: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: thank you mr. speaker. i'm pleased to yield two minutentleman from missouri, the chairman of the ways and means, mr. smith. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. mr. smith: thank you mr. speaker. i wish to comm for his steadfast leadership, working in a bipartisan and bicameral manner to bring this important piece of legislation forward. this bill ensures that the congressional budget office, the official scorekeepers of
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congress is more accurately reflecting the long-term fiscal impact of policies. in this case, policies that have the potential to lower the cost of the ever-growing federal spending on health care, a major part of our nation's annual budget. it also has the added benefit of encouraging preventative health care policies that can lower the risk of illness and chronic disease among our fo a healthier nation. as chairman of the house ways and means committee, these are exactly the type of policies i want our committee to consider, which can truly upend the health care system as we know it. in short this bill promotes tscal health of the country and the physical health of its people. as the former republican leader of the house budget committee i've had the honor of fighting alone dr. burgess in the trenches of fiscal policy. together we have worked to ensure c.b.o. is aiding, not
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preventin both health care reform. this bill is a key victory in every effort. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. mr. burgess: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas reserves. the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: i'm pleased to yield one minute to the gentleman from georgia mr. carter. . .. mr. carter: this bipartisan legislation reforms the congressional budget office to better reflect the savings fromh initiatives by expanding the budgetary window c.b.o. evaluates. currently it scores a budget impact on a 10-year window, often missing the long-term savings achieved through preventive health care savins and taxpayers. current restrictions prevent
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c.b.o. from considering long-term savings when it evaluates legislation. the preventive health savings act will expand analysis beyond the budge windo additional 10-year periods which will congress to benefit meaningful policies. as dr. burgess often said an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and will bend the courve. i would like to thank dr. burgess and i urge my colleagues to support this legislation. and i ask unanimous consentm the council for affordable health coverage supporting h.r. 766 be entered into the record. the speakeut objection. mr. carter: i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from texas reserves. the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: i reserve. mr. burgess: i yield one minute
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to the gentlm texas mr. more than ann. mr. moran: this is named in honor of my friend, dr. burgess. this bipartisan legislation would direct the c.b.o. to reflect the long-term cost saving potential of health cars. congress should recognize the impact that i present tentative care can have. current restrictions prevent the c.b.o. from examining the economic impacts of preventive measures but h.r. 766 goes beyond the window to allow congress to better evaluate and preventive ho ensure that it is done with the best interests of the american taxpayers in mind. if we are goiand find legislative solutions for programs that account for
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one-third of the federal budget we must seek transparency first. i urge my colleagues to support h.r. 766. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the alyields. the gentleman from texas reserves. the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: i yield the mr. yack une minute. >> i express for dr. burgess for health savings act. this bipartisan bill io help us as lawmakers to make informed decisions when it comes to preventive health care legislation. when t.o. scores measures the window limits their ability to show the impact of the legislation. this bill would allow such measures to be scored over a 30-year time frame giving us a picture of the impache policy
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would have. this bill originated in the house budget committee. i look forward to voting for this piece onçtige my colleagues to do the same. the letter from the bipartisan policy center supporting h.r. 766 be enterhe record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection >> i also ask unanimous consent that a statement frotive bergman supporting h.r. 766 be entered into the record. thank you mr. speaker. and i yier pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas. mr. burgess: i ask unanimous consent that the following letters of suppo be entered into the record. a letter from village m.d. and wellspan health and a liter from doctors of awediology and
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doctors from the society of thoractpróic surgeons and health care leadership council. the speaker pro tempore: without objection i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. omar: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman frorgess: how much time remains? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas has 6 1/2 minutes. mr. burgess: i have no further speakers and reserve the right to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from minnesota is regniz. ms. omar: i yields myself such time as i might consume. preventive health care services can save liver costs for families. it is time for congress to evaluate and prioritize suce the potential to improve our health care system. i appreciate the hard work of representative burgess and
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congratulations on your retirement. and representative degette in championing this importa1 years in the making. i am proud to vote for this bill in committee. and urge my colleagues to support i. thank you. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. burgess: i yield the balance of our time. in closing i want to express my since gratitude to jody arrington for his leadership and extend my appreciation to my members of the budomr support for this critical legislation. i do need to thank my former and current staff james alexa jacqueline, and i want to express my appreciation for the budget committee staff namely kerry, paige and charles for
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their work in advancing this important bill. i used the preventive health savings act back in 2012 driven by the belief that ten transformative legislation is sidelined due to short sided constraiz4s. we cannot overlook the benefits for the well-being of our patients and nation. preventive health care is nng about immediate health concerns but laying a healthy future by managing risks, reduces tes of chronic illnesses with over 70% of health care spent ohronic diseases investing in prevention is not just prudent but essential. h.r. 766 is a cruci forward by establishing a mechanism for the congressional budget office to assess the long-term cost savinl, this legislation enables us to make a
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forward-thinking policy decision. i'm grateor everyone who played a part in moving this bill and express my gratitude to congresswoman degette and i thank ms. omar for her kind words today. donna christensen also assistes effort. words cannot express how grateful i am -- let me say as a general rule, mr. speaker, i don't think it's a good idea that things be named after people while they are still alive. however in this case, i actually made an exception. i am happy my name is attached to this critical piece on. preventive health is not just an after-thought but cornstone of our public with that, mr. speaker i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. now the question is will the
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house suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 766 as amended. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair 2/3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on th. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman
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from south dakota seek recognition? >> i move to susped pass h.r. 6260 as amended. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: union calendar 337 h.r. 6260 a bill to provide for reviews of certain buildings aner purposes pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from south dakota, mr. johnson and the gentleman from new jersey, mr. menendez each will control 20 minutes. mr. johnson: i ask unanimous consent that members may have five legislative day to revise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material into the record on h.r. 6260 as amended. the speaker pro tempore: without objection mr. johnson: mr. speaker i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized mr. johnson: fir i wan bill's sponsor ms. chavez-deremer for her leership on the focus act.
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the gentlewoman is a remarkable member of congress. she is hard working she]1 is diligent and smart as a whip and h.r. 6260 is one of the many examples of her leadership that she has blessed the 118th. the focus act increases transparency and oversight. it does that by number of measures that increase the information that the general services administration provides to congress. that's going better opportunity for strength and oversight on federal space and public building projects. more specifically, this bil congress is notified if the costs for authorized g.s.a. projects change by more than 5%. we have seen outside government how much cost overruns have been happening in the broader economy and what kind and confusion they impose. this would give us better data
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and requires.a the new project proposals more details on space utilization rates and tenant agencies have information on other agencies nearby to support consolidation of space. i think this has taken on renewed importance as we have seen additional studies about the low occupancy rates that g.s.a.-managed buildings. this requires them to report on criminal activity that may be impacting public safety in and around public buildings. mr. speaker, i urge support of this legislation. and i reserve the balance time. the speaker pro tempore: the georgia -- gentleman reserves. mr. menendez: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i rise in support of h.r. 6260 as amended the federal oversight 6 use and safety act
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and makes a good faith effort the costs of capital projects. the bill requires g.s.a. to notify the committee g.s.a. congressional authorizes and renovation projects increased or decreased by 5% and g.s.a. needs to amend to congressional authorizers when it increases or decreases by 10%. it requires them about safety inhat data. it requires g.s.a. utilization data and to authorizers. the bill requires g.s.a. to share location the same gee graphical are for space sharing and consolidations and notify congressional authorizers when milestones
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are accomplished and completion of any actions required under the national environmental policy act of 1969 and is completed. finally, the bill requires the government accountability office to require the use of special space such as fitness centers if federal buildings. this bill will likely reduce g.s.a. capital projects. i support h.r. 6260 and urge my colleagues to do the i reserve. . . . mr. johnson: i yield five minutes to the gentlewoman from oregon. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from oregon is recognized for five minutes. ms. chavez-deremer: thank you mr. speaker. i rise today in support of the focus act. a bill that makes.ded reforms to -- much -needed reforms to the federal government's real estate practices. with our national debt at rising, it is our duty as lawmakers to root out
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wasteful spending and restore fiscal responsibility. recently the government accountability office reviewed 24 federal agencies to analyze office space using an. -- space usage. some of the agencies used 25% orz& buildings' capacity. it's clear that office space utilization has decreased dramatically in both the public and privatenies have adjusted by downsizing or selling office space to save money. as a small business owner myself consolidating office space to reduce costs would be straightforward, sensible decision to make. unfortunately we often see the bureaucracy against americans' tax dollars like monopoly money we throw it around. the focus act will change that and ensure taxpayer money isn't being wasted on unused real estate by promoting
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consolidation. transparency leads to accountability and that's why this bill also requires congress to be notified of significant in payments. i you canner my colleagues -- i urge my colleagues to support this commonsense proposal to rein in unnecessary spending and transparency in federal real estate practices. and with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. >> i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves.a is recognized. mr. johnson: i'm prepared to close, sir. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman froized. >> prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. >> thank you mr. chair. h.r. 6260, the federal oversight of construction use and safety act introduced by my colleague representative chavez-deremer, makes a good-faith effort at reducing the cost of g.s.a.'s capital projects. mr. menendez: i support this bill and encourage my colleagues to do the same.
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thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: th the gentleman from south dakota is recognized. mr. johnson: so often -- i would yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recogd. mr. johnson: so often our intention is pulled to the massive issues, the sexy fights that sometimes divide this chambe before us, sir, of course is not that. it's commonsense legislation. it's the kinds of meat and potatoes blo legislation that so many americans i think are hungry for. it's a data-driven proposal. we heard that from ms. chavez-deremer that 17 of 24 buildings in the study that she cited were dramatically underutilized. this is an opportunity for good managers within the g.s.a., good managers within congress to use the data that her bill would provide to make better delightful outcome that would be. and so as we've discussed this bill would increase transparency strengthen accountability assist the committee in its oversight of
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federal space utilization and help us increase safety at our public buildings. with that, mr. speaker i urge support of the bill and i would yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. now the question is, will the hous the bill, h.r. 6260 as amended. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative the rules are suspended the bill is passed and, without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from south dakota seek recognition? mr. johnson: mr. speaker i move to suspend the rules and pass h.r. 6261. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: union number 338, h.r. 6261. a bill to direct the comptroller general to kawct review on the
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impact of crime on public building usage and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from south dakota, mr. johnson and the gentleman from new mr. menendez, will each control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from south dakota. mr. johnson: mr. speaker i ask unanimous consent that members have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material int record on h.r. 6261. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. johnson: mr. speaker i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaprke mr. johnson: periodically we get thousand-page bills or 2,000-page bills or 4,000-page bills that we debate on this floor. it can be a little hard for the people in the gallery and the people at home to make sense of what we're doing. this bill is not this excellent piece of legislation from ms. chavez-deremer fits on this single piece of paper. she and i were talking speaker before we began debate on this bill.
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about how much good wisdom is packed into a single pag we will probably talk about the merits of this legislation for longer than it would take us to read the entirety of the bill. but it's just that good. impact of crime on public building usage act of 2023, which is this piece of paper sir,. h.r accountability office or the g.a.o. to examine how crime in and around public buildings effects buildin usage. how it effects how workers might commute to the office and how it might impose any additional to maintain those public buildings. in 2020, sir we saw crime rates spike across the country. in many of the downtown areas in many of our states, areas that used to be bustling with ghosttowns that changed the crime profile in those -- in many of those areas, to be sure.e're in a little bit different era today.
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now we have differing conflicting data community by community. in some, crime go up. in some, they're going down. in some the data might differ between property crimes and violent crimes. but one thing that we do know, is that of course the crime that exists can continue to have an impact, a perhaps profount, on how we use our federal buildings. i'm just going to give you one example, sir. from perhaps six months ago i august of 2023, employees who worked in a federal building in san francisco were told not to come concerns. now, these weren't safety concerns related to an earthquake or t blizzard, an occurrence that we might experience at federal buildings in south dakota, a blizzard. but not in san francisco. but, no, safety concerns. they weren't weather-related. they were crime-related. seems like a
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would want to better understand that issue and what we can do to have it be less common in the future. andarticularly true as we work to bring employees back to the office. we know, there's study after study that shows that people working in c physical proximity can share real benefits. now, remote work has benefits too. but as we talk to employees about coming back to the office places where it makes sense, it is incumbent upon us to make sure that their public safety is well cared for. not just when they're in the building but when they're on their way to or from work as well. i want to thank the bill's sponsor, the gentlewoman from oregon ms. chavez-deremer. she has exhibited real leadership on this legislation. she's shown real advocacy to make sure that federal employees are able federal office buildings and that while they're there they're effective and efficient. mr. speaker with that i would urge support of thisd i would reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves.
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the gentleman from new jersey is recogniz yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. menendez: mr. speaker i rise in support of h.r. 6261. thisil colleague, representative chavez-deremer directs the government accountability office to study and report to congress on the results that crime and work at federal buildings. federal buildings must be safe and secure places for federal employees, contractors and the american evaluating the safety in and around public federal buildings is a good idea. i recommend that the g.a.o. gather and include in the report data from the federal protective service, the agency responsible for protecting federal buildings, and assessing the security of federal buildings as well as the employees who populate them. i also recommend that g.a.o. include the office of the inspector general of the department of homeland security in the development of the re d.h.s. o.i.g. has access to current trends which may assist in the valuation of the impacts noted in the bill. and urge my colleagues to do the same. thank you and i reserve the
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balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from south dakota is recognized. mr. johnson: mr. speaker, d yield five minutes to the gentlewoman from oregon, ms. chavez-deremer. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from oregon is recognized for five minutes. ms. chavez-deremer: thank you mr. speaker. i rise today in support of h.r. 6261, which would commission a federal study on public safety issues in public office buildings. in oregon, and in communities across the country rampant fentanyl use and understandably causes workers to worry about their safety. and some just might choose to stay home as a result. public buildings are running parallel to private buildings. let me8 quote portland, oregon, an article from august, 2023. that my colleague recognized from san francisco but in portland oregon, empty and unwanted, the iconic buildings of portland's skyline are in trouble.
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the same article the question, and it's a contentious one, is whether portland is worse than any oth because of the blight, plywood that went up during the protests is still there. homelessness camps that took root during the just now being addressed. and on some downtown blocks, you will see someone smoking fentanyl while drinking a frappuccino. that effect has the same on our federal buildings. additionally the g.a.o. would require to examine any costs that are associated with safety to make more informed spending decisions on federal real estate moving forward congress needs to understand how facrs like crime contribute to building costs and employees' decisions. h.r. 6261 will shine a light on public safety concerns and help congress identify improvements
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that can be made to protect federal workers. i urge my colleagues to support this legislation and with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. the gentleman -- mr. johnson: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. menendez: mr. speaker, we have no further speakers and are prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from soecognized. mr. johnson: mr. speaker i'm prepared to close -- to reserve as well. i'm prepared to close. with that, i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. thgentnm mr. menendez: thank you, mr. speaker. federal buildings must be safe and secure places for federal employees, contractors and the american public. believe the safety in and around federal buildings is a good idea which why why i support this bill and m do the same. thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentleman from south dakota is recognized. mr. johnson: mr. speaker, i would yield myself such timessume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. johnson: i ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a letter from the chairman of
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the committee on the judiciary agreeing to waive consideration of h.r. 6261 as well as chairman graves' response expressing appreciation for willingness to work cooperatively on this legislation. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. johnson: thank you. i also ask unanimous consent to enter into the record a lette from then of the committee on oversight and accountability agreeing to waive consideration of h.r. 6261 as well as chairman graves' for his willingness to work cooperatively on this legislation. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. johnson: in closing, mr. sp we encourage federal employees to return to an in-person working posture at those times when it is appropriate, it is in-- it is crucial that we ensure that they're coming back to a safe work environment. i urge support of ultimately address the unsafe working conditions deterring employees from returning to work. with that, i would yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. now the question is, will the
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house suspend the rules and pass the bill, h.r. 6261. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. .. .. in the opinion of the chair 2/3 being in the affirmative the rules are suspended the bill is passed and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from south dakota seek recognition? mr. johnson: i move to suspend the rules and 1836, the ocean shipping reform implementation act of 2023, as amended. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: union calendar number 177, h.r. 1836, a bill to amend title 36, united statesmake technical corrections with respect to ocean shipping authorities and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from south dakota, mr. j
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gentleman from new jersey, mr. menendez, each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from south dakota. mr. johnson: mr. speaker i ask unanimous consent that members have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and to inst extraneous material into the record on h.r. 1836. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. johnson: madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. johnson: madam speaker i'm pleased to rise in support of my 1836, my bill with mr. garamendi, who has been a partner in this work for years. this bill builds upon o in the last congress to improve our maritime supply chain. there are three main goals of this bill that i would like to highlight. first, to get tough on china. it protects u.s. ports and shippers from the influence of the chinese communi c.c.p. by first banning loginc
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and other state sponsored logistics software. second a formal process against shipping exchanges like the shanghai shipping exchange, they'll be able to make those complaints for investigation. and third directing the u.s. d. independent auditor to examine the influence of the people's republic of china on the business prak thousands of shanghai shipping ex-page -- exchange and report to congress. the second maiming thrust of the bill is it will help streamline data sharing reallyhain. it requires the f.m.c. to work with industry experts to set a new data standard for maritime logistics including their ability to contract with an expert third party to develop a new standard if needed. finally, our bill enacts general good government policies and prohibits the f.m.c. from requiring ocean carriers report duplicative information
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that's already reported to other federal agencies. as i noted at the top of my comments i do want to partner, mr. garamendi he and i serve on the t.n.i. committee and have really had a passion for this supply chain a lot of people wonder why somebody in a landlocked state of south dakota would care so much about maritime reality is that 60% of south dakota's soybeans are exported overseas. south dakotaa year of manufactured and agricultural goods. madam speaker tha $7,700 per year for every single south dakotan. clearly maritime law matters. clearly supply chains matter. the ocean shipping reform implementation act matters. with that, i would urge support of the legislation and reserve the balance time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is
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recognized. mr. menendez: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i rise in support of h.r. 1836 as amended the ocean shipping reform implementation act is bipartisan legislation championed by my colleagues, representative dusty johnson and reesen bill improves on the ologist shipping reform act of 2022 which passed into law last congress. throughout the pandemic, members country were hearing from shippers across their districts about their problems with their cargo. this establishes the national port and national ocean carrier advisory committee and builds on efforts to improve u.s. supply chain. i thank representative dusty johnson and representative garamendi for their work on this legislation and i thank and larson for their conned support. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. mr. johnson: i'm prepared to close, i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south dakota
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reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. johnson: madam speaker thank shipping reform implementation act is bipartisan legislation that will protect american importers and exporters and build upon past efforts to improve the u.s. supply chain. i support this bill and encourage my colleagues to do the same. thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro gentleman yields back. the gentleman from south dakota is recognized. mr. johnson: i yield myself such time as the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. johnson: madam speaker i serve on the select committee on the chinese communist party and we have heard expert after expert talk the chinese government working to get coercive economic power over our country and frankly every other the world. and one of the primary tools of that push for coercive economic power is data. i real focus of this bill before us is that it makes it harder for the chinese communist party to be able to use the shaing the logging platform
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to be able to gather up all of this exquisite day tabt the world's supply chains and information and have it be used against our country and others. this also builds upon the strong track record that mr. menendez spoke of. it will make for a fuller and fairer supply chain and oceanironment and with that i urge support of this important legislation and yield back the balance of my time. the speake tempore: the gentleman yields. the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h.r. 1836 as amended. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair 2/3 being in the affirmative -- mr. johnson: madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from south dakota rise? mr. johnson: i demand the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: requested. those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted.
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a sufficient number havinsen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question will be postponed.
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for what purpose does the recognition? >> i move that the house suspend the rules and pass h.r. 7520. the speaker pro tempore: does the gentlewoman bring up 7520 as amended? >> yes i dsm. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will repf the bill. the clerk: h.r. 7520, a bill to prohibit die tay brokers from transferring sensitive data of united states individuals to adversaries and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule the gentlewoman from washington, mrs. rodgers and the gentleman from new jersey, mr. pallone each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from washington. mrs. rodgers: i ask unanimous consent that all members have five to revise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous materials in the record on the bill. the speaker pro tempore: without objection.ield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. rodgers: i rise today in support of h.r. 7520, the protecting americans' data from
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foreign adversaries act of 2024678 data brokers are harvesting people's sensitive data selling or sharing it without people's knowledge or consent. to make matters worse they often do this without any safeguards aoing to foreign adversaries who could easily exploit it for the nares -- nefarious purposethis sensitive information includes everything from a person's physical and mental health to their geolocation data. often time it's sold to the bidder, including foreign adversaries like china and the companies they control. h.r. 7520 will limit how datare american's personally identifiable and sensitive information abroad. i commend my energy and pallone, for his leadership on this legislation. it is an important complement to our ongoing efforts to establish ave data privacy standard one that cracks down on abuses of american's personal information by narrowing the
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information that's collected in th place and putting people back in control of their personal information. today is an opportunity to send a very clear message that the u.s. will not tolerate the continued targeting surveilling, and exploitation of american's data. bill advanced out of our committee with unanimous bipartisan 50-0 vote and i look forward to it passing the house this week. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserve. the gentleman from new jersey, mr. pallone. mr. pallone: thank y, madam speaield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. pallone: i rise in strong support of h.r. 7520, protecting americans' data from foreign adversaries act and i want to thank chair rodgers for all her help in bringing this bill to the flo national security experts are sounding the alarm warning that the government of beijing and china and other foreign adroves of sensitive data about individual americans. that information can be used to
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launch sophisticated influence ca conduct espionage undermine americans' privacy expectations and otherwise impair american interests. just last week this chamber t decisive, bipartisan action to mitigate the national security and privacy threat that was posed by foreign-owned or controlled social media applications collecting americans' information by passing h.r. 7521, the protecting americans from foreign adversaryontrolled applications act. today we take further action to close the pipeline of american's sensitive information flowing to our forgn adversaries this. bill prohibits the data brokers from selling american's sensitive personal information to beijing china russia, north carolina -- north korea and iran and brokers for those countries. data brokers sell of data elements on nearly every consumer in the united states, including children and active
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members of the u.s. military. with this stion they can make invasive inferences about individuals including inferences about a person's travel patterns, health politic beliefs and financial well being. right now there are no restrictions on ho who they can sell this information to. now most americans are unaware that dat brokers complete detailed dossiers about their interests, beliefs actions and movements and even when they are aware that these dossi of sensitive information are being compiled americans are powerless to stop this invasion of privacy. twhiel best response to the privacy risk posed by data brokers is the comprehensive national data privacy law i firmly believe we must do what we can now to selling american's personal data to our foreign adversaries. and the breadth and scope of data sold makes the sale of that data a unique threat to national security and individual privacy. the office of the directoras concluded that commercially
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available data provides foreign adversaries with a valuable stream of iva and sophisticated surveillance techniques. researchers from duke university successfully purchased sensitive information about duty members of the military, their families and veterans from data brokers. researchers concluded that foreign and maliciouscould use data from data brokers to undermine america's national security. this legislation complements the work done by this body last week to posed by apps owned or controlled by foreign adversaries by closing a loophole that would allow those entities t simply buy sensitive information on americans from data brokers. unless we pass h.r. 7520, data brokers will still be permitted to information with vast amounts of americans' sensitive data and sell it to the highest bidder including foreign adversaries. again i want to thank chair cathy mcmorris rodgers for her partnership on protecting american's data act which
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unanimously passed the house energy and commerce committee by a 50-0 vote. madam speaker i urge my colleagues to support this bill and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reservee gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: i yield three minutes to the gentleman from to mr. bilirakis. the speaker pro tempore: mr. bilirakis is recognized. mr. bilirakis: thank you, madam speaker. i rise in strong support of h.r. 75 20rbg the protecting americans' data from foreign adversaries act. last week the house took historic action to protect americans' data from foreign-owned subsidiaries such as the bytedance. today we will protect americans' data privacy from data brokers seeking to sell our psitive information to these foreign entities. the subcommittee that i chair has done significant work to get this done, to lay the foundation for why we need a strong federal
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data privacy and security law federal standard is needed to protect americans here at home while balancing the needs of business, government and civil society. as there is no federal comprehensive data privacy and security law data brokers are often unfettered when itom to selling personally identifiable information. our adversaries can all too easily purchase the data of american citizens, including information that identifies our service men and women and can target individuals based on their connection to the military and the federal government more broadly. h.r. 7520 will prohibit data brokers from selling our personally identifiable, sensitive information and ensure proper in place to go after these bad actors. this small and targeted change to an o help ensure citizens' personal
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data is kept safe from entities seeking to manipulate americans while still respecting broader business decisions in the marketplace. i thank chair rogers and ranking member ranking member pallone for their great work here on this particular issue. it takes leadership, madam chair, and we have it here in the energy and commerce a wonderful the best staff second to none, that got this done as well. so to me, only underscores the need to complete our subcommittee's top priority this congress. we must add this law as soon as possible. i urge my colleagues to support0. this is vital for our national security. and as many alluded to last week i urge my colleagues to support our efforts on moving forward towards enacting stronger data privacy and security protections broadly for americans nationwide.
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so great work to the leadership, to the committee in the full congress. let's get this congress -- and the full congress. let's get this across the f and get it to the united states senate and the president's desk. thank you god bless. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chairwoman is recognized. mrs. rodgers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you, madam speaker. i yield two minutes now to the ranking member of our subcommittee on innovation, data and commerce, ms. schakowsky from illinois. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. schakowsky: thank you, madam speaker. thank you for the opportunity to talk about this because americans are very worried about usinged. they want to know -- used. they want to know, who is collecting it, w going, how is it being used? and for far too long, people's privacy has been don't know exactly how and they don't know exactly who.
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and in fact, one of the big players, of course, are the data brokers. now, ask anyone on the street, who are data brokers? what do they do? these are the people who buy and sell and trade your information. most people don't have a clue about that. an legislation makes a good step forward. and what it says, that none ofy data brokers can go to china or any other information that we have listed in this legislation. and it is time, though, i want to add tt w is important for national security, for the security of our people, right now people's data at risk. children's data is at risk. we need comprehensive reform on
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privacy. and we did that in the energy and commerce committee last congress where wehe data privacy and protection act. and we need to go forward. people are tired of how is everybody collecting -- how are so many people not only collecting our data, but buying and selling it? so it is a national security interest. this bill is important but we have to go a step further. and with back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the chairman, washington, is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you. i yield one minute to the gentleman from michigan, mr. walberg. the speaker pro tempore: mr. walberg, you're recognized for one minute. mr. walberg: i thank you madam chairman. madam speaker i rise today in support of h.r. 7520 the protecting americans' data from foreign adversaries h.r. 73520 is -- 7520 is the next step in securing americans'
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sensitive data from china and other adversaries. the bipartisan legislation would prohibit data brokers from selling our constituents' health history, prese location, biometric data and other extremely personal information to north korea iran, china and russia. or any entity countries. it also specifically includes protections for service members and for data from those under the age of 17. this is a commonsense measure that piggybacks off our efforts to decouple tiktok from the chinese communist party and protec our national security. our foreign adversaries should not have access to our most sensitive data. allowing risks manipulation and espionage. the bill is another step in our efforts to protect americans' privacy online. we'll continue to work towards comprehensive data privacy protections and especially protections for kids and teens
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online. this legislation is the right move for our constituents' privacy and security. i encourage my colleagues to sut back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair obama reserves. the gentleman from -- the chairwoman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey itj mr. pallone: thank you, madam speaker. i yield two minutes now to the gentleman from illinois, mr. krishnamoorthi ranking member of the subcommittee on the chinese community party and the democratic sponsor of the other bill that we passed last week. the speaker pro tempore: the gentecognized for two minutes. mr. krishnamoorthi: thank you chairmaning morris rogers, and thank you -- mcmorris rodgers and thank you mr. pallone. is going to force bytedance to celtic tock. precisely -- to sell tiktok. now this bill is extremely
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extremely important. why? because it prevents our foreign adversaries from buyingough other sources. right now so-called data brokers can sell americans' sensitive data in bulk, including internet browsing history and geolocation data and they can resell it to foreign adversaries who can then target military personnel public officials a others. this bill addresses this national security threat head-on by prohibiting data brokers from selling our data to foreiaries. and it's an excellent complement to the bill that we passed just last week with regard to bytedance a foreign adversary-owned social media applications. this bill needs to pass. it needs to pass now. i'm so, so proud to strongly support h.r. 7520 and i ask all of my colleagues to unanimously pass this bill today. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields.
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the gentleman from new jersey recognized. the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, madam speaker. pleased to yield a minute and a half to the gentleman from pennsylvania dr. joyce. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. joyce: i thank the gentlelady for yielding. madam speaker at a time when the chinese communist party is continuing to expand its reach we in congress mustly to protect american user data. preventing data brokers from selling this information to those who wish to harm americans is a vital step toward protecting our interests and securing sensitive and vulnle falling into the hands of our adversaries. this legislation would ensure that nations like chinoran and russia would no longer be able to purchase geolocation or biomedical data on service members' personal
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information this must be safeguarded. above we must ensure that all-americans have confidence that their data is being protected and that their information is secure. this legislation is a commonsense step to help keep all americans safe. i urge all of my colleagues to vote in favor of h.r. 7520 and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentlewoman from washington isec mrs. rodgers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: i thank you, madam speaker. i'm prepared to close unless you have addit speakers. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. pallone: all right. thank you, madam speaker. i yield myself such time as i may you. i just wanted to say this bill in my opinion is an excellent example of how our cmittee the energy and commerce committee, works together on a bipartisan basis. we frankly heard from the
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various federal agencies, when it was the justice department -- whether it was the justice department national security, f.b.i. that it was necessary to issue of data that was being basically passed on to our adversaries particularly beijing. and we crafted two bills. one has been referred to as the tiktok bill, which passed last week. the other is the data brokers bill that was passed today. it's no surprise that in our committee, in a roll call vote, we had 50 members democrats and republicans, vote for ts. it. i'm certainly suggesting that this is something that's very important, both bills need to pass one already did. i also think it's an excellent example of how this congress and this house and our committee in particular can work together on something that relates to national security and privacy. and that's -- as ms. shah could schakowsky has said, we need a national
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privacy bill. this is the beginning of that process. it's also one of the most important aspects of it because it does effect our national security. and so i'm proud that i can say that we worked together on this and i would certainly urge that the house do the same. this bill planly and send it over to the -- unanimously and send it over to the senate for further action. with that, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the chairman from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, madam speaker. in closing i urge a yes vote on this bill that would prohibit data brokers from profiting off the sale or the transfer of sensitive datau.s. individuals and specifically that of u.s. military service members to foreign adversary countries or any entity that is controlled the term controlled by a foreign adversary parallels the definition of7521 the protecting americans from foreign adversary-controlled apps act that we passed last week. passed out of the are
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52--- 352-65. and i believe that this is very important legislation also, to complement that effort. and our work, our continued work to enact legislation that would bring a national privacy and data security law into place. with that, i urge a yes vote and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the chairman yields. the question is, will the house suspend the pass the bill h.r. 7520 as amended. no. mr. pallone: madam speaker. i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: in the opinion of the chair, 2/3 of those voting having spondein the affirmative -- for what purpose does wish to be recognized? mr. pallone: i would ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: thank you. the yeas and nays are requested. all those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. . a sufficient number having
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risen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings oned. the chair lays before the house a message the clerk: to the congress of the united states. when i was elected president a pandemic was raging economy was reeling. we were in the midst of the most devastating downturn in nearly a century. i came into office determined to fundamentally change things. by rebuilding our economy from the middle out and the bottom up not the top down. because when the middle class does well, the poor have a ladder up and the wealthy still do well. we all do. wee a fair shot and leave no one behind. our work started with the american rescue plan which vaccinated the nation. relief to people who badly needed it, and sent funding to states and cities to keep key
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services going it continued with the biggest investment in our nation's infrastructure since the 1950's. more than 46,000 new projects have been announced date, rebuilding our roads bridges railroads, ports airports, public transit water system, high speed internet and more. at the same time, we are making the most significant investment in fighting climate change in the history of the world. we have seen americans' courage and resilience in the bake of devastating natural disasters. and i will always have their backs as rewe rebuild and boost resilience to extreme weather. we are building a cleaner more resilience and sustainable power grid and making america's biggest investment in rural electricity since the new deal. we are revitalizing fenceline communities that have shouldered the burden of harmful pollution for generations. we are lowering energy costs for harr-working families and strengthening our energy security clean energy
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breakthroughs. across the board we are supporting advanced manufacturing ensuring industries of the future are madere are made in america by american workers. our plan is working. already my invest in america $650 billion in private investment from companies building factories and moving production back to america. we are making things here in america again. with american union workers. we have ignited a manufacturing boom a semiconductor behicle boom, and more. my agenda is creating hundreds of thousands of union jobs to folks never have to leave their hometowns to findwork that can raise a -- they can raise a family on. today america once again has the strongest economy in the world. we have created a record 15 million jobs with unemployment under 4% for the longest stretch in over 50 years. growth is strong. rising and inflation is down by 2/3. with costs falling -- having
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fall fortune key household items gallon of gas to a gallon of milk. we have more to do, but folks are starting to feel the benefits. consumer sentiment has surged more in recent months than any time in 30 years. americans have filed a record 16 million new business applicationsook office. each one of them is an act of hope. importantly, we made these historic investments in a fiscal responsible way while making our tax system fairer. in 2022, i signed a law that imposed a new minimum tax of 1 on the nation's largest corporations saved $160 billion by giving medicare the authorityte prescription drug prices and limit price increases, and boosted funding to the internal revenue service to crack down on wealthy and corporate tax cheats. this is just the beginning. my budget would do more to close loopholes. it would save another $200
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billionly bienabling medicare to negotiate prices on even more drugs and by eliminating -- and by limiting other drug price increases. it would can cut wasteful subsidies to big oil and other special interests and it would introduce minim tax on billionaires which alone would raise $500 billion for the american people. so far we have already cut the deficit by $1 trillion since i took office. one of the biggest preduckses in history. and i have signed legislation to cut it by $1 trillion more. my budgeld reduce it by another $3 trillion over the next 10 years as well. while continuing to pay for investments in america. wereed. my administration will keep fighting to lower costs for working families on everything from housing to child care after decades of talk in washington we beat big pharma and capped insulin for seniors at $35 a month down
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from as much as $400. starting next year, no senior on medicare will pay more t $2,000 a year in total out of pocket prescription drug costs. even for expensive cancer medications that now cost many times more. we are cracking down on price gouging by requiring drugmakers that raise prices of certain drugs faster than inflation to pay a rebate back to medicare. at the same time, we have protected and exp affordable care act with a record 21 million americans enrolled in marketplace plans this past year while saving millions of americans $800 per year on their premiums. today, more americans have health insurance than ever before. t builds on those gains. i also know that for many -- too many hardworking families it costs too much to find a good home so lower costs and boost supply of housing nationwide. my budget will make a monthly mortgage payment more affordable
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for middle class first-time home buyers by providing a $5,000 annual mortgage relief credit for two years. my budget will expand rental assistance to hundreds of thousands of additional families continuing the largest expansion in 20 years. it will also help to ease america's longstanding shortage of affordable housing inclu red tape so that more builders can get federal financing to build more affordable housing. important progress more families own homes today than before the pandemic. rents are easing and a record 1.7 million housing units are under construction nationwide. my budget also makes key investments in child care and education so e in america can have the strong start they need to thrive. it restores the child tax credit expansion i signed into law which cut child poverty nearly in half in 2021 and it
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guarantees the vast majority of families high quality child care for no more than $10 a day while boosting pay for child care workers. it offers universal free preschool for all four million of america's 4-year-olds. building on the american rescue plans investment in public education, the biggest in history, it also helps the states expand tutoring, after school and summer programs, and boost0a recruiting to ease teacher shortages. at the same time, i am keeping my promise to ease the crushing burden of debt, despite legal challenges we have canceled some $138 billion in student debt for nearly four million americans including more than 750,000 teachers, nurses, firefighters social workers and other public servants. that is freeing people to finally consider buying a home, having a child or starting that small business they always dreamed of.
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we are also secure our border. in october i sent an emergency request for more funding. my budget renews that request for additional resources including for 1,300 more border patrol agents, 375 immigration judges and 1,600 asylum officers and for cutting edge technology to help detect fentanyl. we need to pass thes bipartisan border deal as well. which would make urgent additional investments to secure the border and help to fix our system. today, the world is facing an inflection point in history. at home and abroad. my administration has restored america's leadership on the world stage rallying more than 50 nations to support ukraine and -- in the face of brutal russian aggression, strengthening and expanding nato revitalizing our alliances and partnerships in the-pacific including with japan, south korea and
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australia, and strengthening democracy across the global. we need to do more to prove that america can kunce again be relied upon to stand up for freedom. in october i submitted a national security supplementarequest to cover urgent needs including support for ukraine and israel. and humanitarian aid and relief for my budget reiterates that request and continues our critical support for nato allies and partners around the world. it strengthens our capacity in the indo-pacific, expanding our capabilities in the region. it also works to keep our military the best trained best equipped fighting force in the world. integrating advanced innovation improving overall readiness. my budget also takes important steps to honor our nation's most sacred obligation, equip our troops when they are in harm's way and to care for them and their families
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throughout and after their service. since i took office i have signed over 30 significant bipartisan bills to support veterans including the pact act, the biggest ever expansionits for service members exposed to toxic burn pits during their service. and i have issued the most actions to date to boost economic security for military families. my budget builds on that work. e story of america is one of progress and resilience, of always moving forward and never giving up. it is a story unique nations. we are the only nation that has emerged from every crisis we have entered stronger than we went in. while my great progress since day one there is still work to do. my budget will help make that promise real. signed joseph r. biden jr. the white house march 2024. the speaker pro tempore: referred to the committee on appropriations and ordered pr
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pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until approximate 1979, in partnership with the cable industry, c-span has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress from the house and senate floors to hearings c-span gives you a front row seat to how issues are debate and decided with no commentary, no interruptions and completely unfiltered. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. >> if you ever miss any of c-spe online at videos of key hear, debates and other events feature markers that guide you to interesting and news worthy highlights.
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