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tv   Kash Patel Speaks at CPAC  CSPAN  March 20, 2024 3:34am-3:48am EDT

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this is an annual conservative political action conference. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome former pentagon chief of staff and author of government . ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hausa going? -- how's it going? thank you. so thought it would be fun to go on a minute of government gangsters together and i'm so proud to be at cpac with so many great americans who represent donald trump's army to take this country back and that's what is going to take, an entire army. we all of the job to do. we have the benefit, were blessed by god to of donald trump be our juggernaut of a continued warrior in the arena
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but we have to fill that arena with americans behind him who are going to take the fight to the mainstream media, who the fe corporate bureaucracy that controls the swamp, who are going to take the fight to national defense industry that have monopolized war and sit our sons and daughters to die for other peoples fight. .. ■e
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we were conspiracy theorists because we call them state. years later they will glide. they put their army on the ground government agencies and departments from the pod to the fbi to the d.o.j. they what the most justice, they have politicized the intelligence community department of defense country and they have led to disaster in afghanistan, israel and elsewhere but they blame us in one of the main things is we cannot take overcorrection they want. we must do is identify people in government constitutional republic.
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first we have to identify, not republican or democratic thing. there back in power now. if you think it took me two years to prove in the united states of america and go to a secret court and like t judge, that's conspiracy stuff what do they think they are doing now? the great reporting about how that was.
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later terms cia director. the report you are now familiar with all the corrupt ica. at still sits at the under lock and key because she lost that report so you can see the corruption, provide subtler. rat surveilled while he was president of the united states. to rob us of our greatest benefi, our freedom to vote.
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nowhere they today? the national security advisor, i they got the administration, do you think it's a coincidence the greatest conspiracy ever perpetrated against the mega people making tens of millions together. it goes beyond summoning people you've heard about from the trump administration. the only way of her breakccept e projection. the radical left told us we are the ones who hijacked law enforcement agencies. are we the ones with law enforcement at the houses of worship? are we the ones who told parenta
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for your children's education? does them but they did it in the name of america and apparently they have the mainstream media, they are getting away with it. they serve invaluable purpose until they fail us a large portion of them have.■#jv they continue to print the liesd our america first mission so when i started with his it's up to us. he's going to need help from us so what do you do until next election? you pick one thing but there's childcaredu, ending veterans
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affairs, pick one thing go into your community and you will see the message resident because america's countries tir of the swamp and it only exists because washington d.c. perpetuated self to overcome the will oftes america and we cannot and that unless we do the following, embark on a missi country. now is not the i told you so moment and sank we were right about russia gate in the 51 and joe biden's classifiedoc case tiered system of justice, we were right because we did put the truth out. we were right because we were
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fighting for this country and future generations facts and that's what we arm the american people with every single day. [cheering and applauding] there isn't anyone in this that can't effectuate that change with the amount of social media forms and media we have here willing to take that flight out there. it is imperative to join the mission. we will follow donald trump's tremendous leadershipry one of u to make sure our message is for speed. 2016, 40% of the country still t because we believe the lies of donald trump still a russian asset we now know russia
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supported hillary clinton. how is that tru still buried? people like hillary clinton go to the media and inject their fake narrative view of your right to vote so we have to join together in whatever you desire come up with the ocean first. as the most important thing do to help donald trump on his mission he's on to rescue our country and when we wake up in november, it's not going to be just what we are going to look back together and sank we hp destroy the two-tiered system of justice targeting americans illegally. [laughter] the just right and intelligence
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community to seize all right to vote we collectively join forces to take on the most powerful enemy the united states has ever seen and it's not washington d.c., is the mainstream media. [cheering and applauding] i will be with you on the road everyday following donald trump's great leadership if you want to follow, forgot to go big on trump want to and and trafficking, put soldiers person take care of veterans and make sure schools are free? secure community, you want a constitutional repubc to live in fax. [cheering and applauding] the choice is yours,■ i'm gon gs coming with me?
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[cheering and applauding]■)■j'
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