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tv   Senate Republicans Hold News Conference  CSPAN  March 20, 2024 10:03pm-10:20pm EDT

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is it true netanyahu addressed the democratic caucus? sen. schumer: you make these issues partisan, you hurt the cause of israel. >> the accusation is that yo any distance between the u.s. and the top route -- ally. ths i gave this speech out of a real love for israel. we called only for there to be after hostilities had declined, after hamas was defeated. >> why haven't you menendez, considering how a orange you consider his conduct -- abhorrent you consider his conduct? sen. schumer: we are deeply disappointed in him. >> [indiscernible] sen. schumer: i am talking to
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the members of my caucus to decide the best path forward. >> thank you. >> while speaking to reporters sanity leader mitch mcconnell session over the weekend to pass legislation to fund the government for the remaining fiscal year. he and other senate republican leaders talked about their private video with israeli prime minister engine netanyahu.
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sen. mcconnell: hello, everyone. and indicated he wanted an opportunity to speak to all senate republicans. we just had tt he made a presend questions and answers afterwards. i wanted to make it clear it is not the business of the u.s. to give or advice about a military campaign. we obviously have a lot in common but it seems to me the bipartisan support for israel seems to be cracking on the political left in this country.
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i still think our best policy is to not give any democratic ally advice about when to have an election, who to run the government, or how to conduct a military campaign. secondly, we also have in common concern on the best way to irany are providing assistance to the terrorists in gaza, in lebanon, in yemen, now shooting at us. ■=this is a serious internationl situation. i hope also as i think you know, we can get assistance to ukraine quickly. >> i will echo what the leader said. a good discussion back and
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forth, a lot of opportunity to ask questions. our membe conveyed to the israeli prime minister our strong support for their efforts to defeat once and for all and get rid of the influence of hamas in that region of the world.the past three years prest biden and his administration have been pursuing their costly and radical green new deal which not only has lessened our energy sebrityased the cost for consumers across this country. since president biden took office, energy costs have risen onq$ average 35%. this week they are back at it. the president has announced his mandate for the american people to drive elect vehicles -- electric vehicles. age cost of a new
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electric vehicle is $52,000. americans have seen their real income under president biden go down by 4.2%. their incomes have not kept up with the rate of inflation. the cumulative rate is 18.6% inflation. he is asking the american consumer to buy electric vehicles,■e $52,000 each, at a time when their real income has gone down while he is in office, all in pursuit of a fantasy. a number of our members have filed legislation, senator jgç=ricketts, senator sullivan, senator crapo, to rollback these onerous, costly and unrealistic mandates this president has put forward on the american people to force them into electric vehicles, something in many pare country including where i am
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from where you have long distances and extreme temperatures. it is unfo and an ill-advised policy. we will do everything we can to be sure it is stopped. >> last week chuck schumer came to the floor of the u.s. senate and attacked the elected i invited the prime minister of israel, netanyahu, to did. he knows people on the republican side of the aisle stand with the people israel.wt it on the war, release of hostages and efforts to defeat hamas. we told israel has every right to defend themselves and he says that is what they continue to do. chuck schumer's attac o israel is an attack upon a
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democracy. has threatened and invite in the ovople of israel. he has done all of this, which is outrageous interference,o a democracy. schumer has called netanyahu the obstacle to peace. ■5the obstacle to peace is hama, the hamas killers, rapists, terrorists. the people of israel have every right to elect whoever they want to lead them. democrats talk about a two state solution. in my thoughts the two states they are concerned about our michigan and nevada in terms of writing's reelection. he does not have the backbone to stand up with the people of israel. he is nning scaredf his own pare people standing with hamas.
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extremis who are loud, angry and have chosen the wrong side. republicans continue to stand with the people of israel. >> good afternoon towe have pene end of a cycle ofas a member ofe appropriations committee i am pleased this weekend we will be passing the last) six bills. i am the ranking committee member on the labor h bill, the domestic spend bill after defense. we were able to maintain important provisions in that that are important to our members. it is a little less spending which is good news. it sets priorities for the
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coming year. i want to thank senator collins for her leadership to work these bills. she has been a tireless advocate to make sure we did continuing . this week i think s willi wouldn terms of the ev mandate that came through today, i would suggest if you have ever been skiing, do not drive your electric car treyou may not gets steep, cold, but if you do get st t you push your car up the hill so you can recharge. the fact that the president wants to force us all into a buying pattern of something a
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lot of people can't afford, don't want and do not suit their lifestyle theirtion they drive every day, shows the arrogance of this administration and how they are willing to use regulation to force people into/ certain habits that are counter to their best interest. thank you. >>■n a thing i have observed the last couple weeks, president biden and his democrat allies in congress care more about installing ev charging stations at the border than stopping terrorists. you call the inflation reduction act, which every senate democrats supported, inflation, only accelerated it, it is being used to fund their border climate obsession. according to the gsa, this --
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the gsa, funding will support reducing emissions at the border, developing all electric buildings at the border, achieving net zero emissions at the port of entry, installing solar panels and ev chargers at the border. ■yi a different idea to try out. how about trying to secure the border, maybe try finishing building theit is not if but whl be a terror attack on our soil. this past weekend provedan illem lebanon march 9 snuck over our rder and admitted to being a member of hezbollah for seven years. this was the headline in "the new york post." when asked why he was here by
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border patrol agents he replied, quote, "i will go and try to make a bomb." he said his training was focused on killing people and i quote, "that was not muslim." this is chilling. as we see aillegal immigrants or watch list coming across our border, this should be yet another wake-up call to president biden and senate democrats, but instead, the president will spend $1 billion to make the border greener rather than more secure. this is truly a slap in the face to the american people who are rightfully concerned by e en■p■o sorn border and complete dereliction of duty when it comes to our national security.
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the president -- the former president called the former january 6 demonstrators patriots. >> speaking election it is going on pretty darn early in the best thing for me is to do my job here. >> we arey1 spending bill. considering this is more than $1 trillion, how much time do members need to do due diligence on a bill like that when we are up against a deadline? sen. mcconnell: the first is a commitment on the house side to have it out for 72 hours. my assumptionkend. that will be determined by how long it stays in the house. when it is over here, what we have recently done and will hopefully work again, in return
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for a certain number of amendments,can finish it quicker hopefully than putting us in position of shutting down the government. >> there appears toof using some money that can be w what i haved repeatedly is that we are running out of time and the best way to get ukraine the help we need is for the house to pass the senate bill. the problem with changin it, it can take three days to do the simplest thing. we do not have the time. i am continuing to advocate to the speaker that he put the bill on the floor and let people vote.
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>> on thursday white house budget director and the treasury secretary testify on preseni. bn economic outlook. watch the subcmittee hearing live at 2:30 p.m. eastern o c-span three, c-span now our free mobile video app or online at c-span.g. >> israeli leader benjamin netanyahu briefed senate republicans on the situation in gaza. here, senator■ corn shares a picture of the veoink. theyre reporting josh hawley mmted af said by far the greatest part of their operation in gaza is finished but
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reallys did not want to put a timeline on that. meanwhile, one said mr. netanyahu offered a similar speechit the democrats which they rejected. said senator schumer makes it ear he does not think these discussions should happen in a partisan manner, it is not helpful to israel. >> c-span's 2024 campaign trail, a roundup of campaign coverage providi a one stop shop to discover what candidates across the country are saying to voters along with firsthand reports, ÷fundraisind. watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail friday night on c-span. online or download as a podcast on c-span now, our
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