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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  March 21, 2024 11:59am-4:01pm EDT

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support. >> i fully support her promotion. i think it would be unanimous. mr. arrington: that's only because you've sat here for so long next to me. ms. omar, you have fivefor the m illinois. ms. omar: thank you, chairman. i don't want to get in trouble so i'll say yes to vice ranking. director, it's really good to see you again. thank you so much for joining i want to talk a little bit about addressing the opioid crisis that we're seeing throughout the country. especially■b in my distr according to the c.d.c., the national overdose rate topped over 100,000 deaths again in 2023. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] >> the house coming back in now stration energy policies.
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today the focus is on three measures, including opposing a carbon tax in the u.s. a spending bill was released last night. the agreement between republicans and democrats needs to be approved before midnight tomorrow night to avoid a partial government shutdown. speaker mike johnson plans to bring the bill to the floor tomorrow. it would then head to the senate. watch live coverage of the the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the ere offered by chaplain kibben. chaplain kibben: would you pray with me. holy god, break into our lives thisl the wanders that you alone perform. the heavens declare your glory. the skies proclaim your handiwork. they have no need for words, yet
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their praise goes out to the ends of the earth. your creation sings of your greatnes ignite in our hearts the love you impart to each one of us. through friends who love at all times. and kinrsity. the ernest advice from close companions bears the sweetness of your counsel. the people you have gathered around us, friends, family, and colleagues are the reminders of your loving provision. echos of your voice around us, may we respond with the praise of creation and the love of neighbor committing ourselves t. let us convey your gifts of grace and mercy as we dedicate ourselves to respectful dialogue. refresh our souls with your perfect law. make the wise simple with the trustworthiness of statutes. give joy to our hearts as we
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seek your righteousness. and give light to our eyes with1 the radiance of your commands. in your most holy name we pray. amen. the speaker pro tempore: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved.■t the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from texas, mr. weber. mr. weber: i pledge allegiance to the fla■$g of the united stas of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will receive a message. the messenger: messages fromhe senate. the secretary: mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: madam secretary. the secretary: i have been directed by the senate to inform the house that the senate has passed, s.3648, abact to amend the post katrina management
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reform act of 2026, to repeal certain absolutely, and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will now entertain up to 15 requests for one-minute speeches ochhe aisle. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimou dress the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> today i rise to the dire consequences of mexico's failure to meet its 1944 water treaty obligations. ms. de la cruz: the recent closure of the rio grande valley sugar growers, a texas sole sugar operation, is a direct result of mexico's noncompliance. the water shortfall which now exceeds 700,000 acre-feet has
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devastated our sug industry. a crucial industry for texas and one of only three states that grow and mill sugar cane. mexico's breach has not just jeopardized our agriculturalhe f over 500 workers, it also threatens ouronomy and national food security. the current situation is we urge the biden administration to take immediate action and press on this critical time is of the essence. thank you, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose° does the gentleman from california seek
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recognition? >> mr.■;■) speaker, i rise for unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman >> mr. speaker, art ellison has one final wish, to provide free lunch to students in need. the m sure statehouse, is currently in hospice and knows he doesn't have long to live. he's usi his final time to increase and pass a bill for increasing student free lunch to thosow 350% of the poverty line. making kids go hungry is cruel. that's why i am on a bill with senator sanders to provide free lunch and free meals to every child. mr. khanna: we can do it for $3.30 a day. let us honor art and get this done. he represents the best of politics. thank you, mr. speaker.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek mr. thompson: mr. speaker, request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without object gentleman is recognized. mr. thompson: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to highlight energy week and how house republicans are fightin back against the anti-energy policies of the biden administration. these policies threaten to undo years of innovation, making of l resources the cleanest in the world. it is clear the united states has an abundance of clear burnintu which is the second largest producer of natural gas in the country. by utilizing the commonwealth's resource, we can provide jobs and invest directly into our communities that have suffered at the hand of the biden administration's anti-energy policies. by revoking new oil and gas leases on federal lands,
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canceling vital pipeline permits, and imposing politicallyion lists on energy producers, this legislation is jeopardizing american jobs. thankfully house republicans have not ignored the devastating impact these policies have on hardworking americans. mr. speaker, my colleagues and l security. we have had enough of biden's failed far left anti-american energy agenda. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from hawaii seek recognition? consent to address the, i ask house for one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. tokuda: fire and does not great based on legal status or citizenship. for far too long the help and support following a disaster withheld from a few. i rise today to highlight the
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plight of our compact free association ohana, theyublic ofe marshall islands and others. while they experience the same fear and loss of last august's fires, they wereá1■ any federal disaster relief. on march 8, congress passed the compact impact fairness act to restore eligibility for federal benefitsfreely associated states residing in our country. residents have been unfairly stripped of these benefits in in direct correcting this decades oldary, we can begin making good on our commitment an at the urging of our congressional delegation, fema will allow cofa residents on maui to apply retroactively for disaster a of our maui family and i'm grateful to fema for taking this important step for them and ensuring they will get the help they need and deserve. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition?
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mr. good: 0l■fseek remember pig- seek remember mission to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. good: since 2002 the virginia governor's fire service awards have recognized responders in the commonwealth. chief monty coleman of the forest volunteer fire department received the fire chief of the year award. for 35 yea served bedford county working to meet their needs. i congratulate him. the cityg fire department was recognized for its excellence in virginia community risk reduction. after launching walk about wednesday. thisful initiative involved going door-to-door to inform citizens about emergency preparedness. dertment forityynchburg fire residents with these important resources. i congratulate the players volunteer fire and rescue which received outstanding fire response award for their quick actions in responding to a large
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apartment fire. with help from pennsylvania county and danville, the threatening injuries or deaths. i'm proud of them and honored to help all the brave first responders of virginia's fifth district. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? >> to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. mr. landsman: i rise todayao to o one of the most remarkable human beings that i have ever met. to be sure, mr. speaker, this is a sacred well and i'm here speaking on the united states house of representatives in part because of her. i'm one of literally thousands of people who have improved because of her. those of us who have had the good fortune to know her could not possibly think else with her warmth, her kindness, or her joy. she is the epitome of a public
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ived her life in totale way she devotion to others. no one has done it better. bridget, you are such an amazing andul human being. we are grateful, forever grateful, and we love you so much. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from missouri seek recognition? for what purpose does the gentleman from nebraska seek recognition?one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. mr. flood: mr. speaker, i rise today to address portions of ukraine. while additional american financial support for ukraine is on hold right now, it's imperative we remember why america has supplied military aid. this isn't merely a territorial dispute, this is a repeated imperialist russia to build an ethnic empire. you don't have to take my word.
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putin has compared the great. for 21 years peter the great wage add great northern war to defeat sweden. his victoryided with the beginning of the russian empire in 1721. today putin doesn't just want portions of ukraine, he wants to end the post-worldar has underpd economic prosperity in europe and beyond. while america shouldn't be on the hook to fund everyday government, it is imperative that we give ukrainians the arms they need to beat back the reincarnation of what reagan called the evil empire. with that, mr. speaker, thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what pse gentlewoman from missouri seek recognition? mrs. wagner: mr. speaker, i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revi the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. wagner: mr. speaker, i rise
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today to call on the house to immediately take up senate bille compensation re-authorization act. missourians are terrified that radioactive was ining our communities. these innocent victims of the u.s. nuclear weapons program are lyg congress for restitution. i am outraged. senate andiators left this urgently needed legislation out of the spending package. mr. speaker, time is of the essence. reca expires in less than three months. and that is the existing law, which excludes st. louis. just extending the law won't help my constituents dying of cancer.
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passing senate billl. we need to use every opportunity to sign this bill into law. that means schedule'% a suspension vote as soon as possible. mr. speaker, i am calling on the house to vote on this bill immediately.e health of my conss depends on it. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? mr. weber: mr. speaker, to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. mr. weber: speaker, i rise today to recognize and celebrate a true american hero, world war ii veteran and former p.o.w. mrn 100 on april 6. he isn't just any ordinary joe. he served as b-24 gunner during world war ii. his courage and dedication exemplified the finallest
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tradition of our armed forces inspiring us all to strive for excellence as well as selflessness. he is a part of the greatest ne despite enduring the horrors of war and being held as a prisoner of war, his spirit remained unbroken, fueled by his loves cg faith. thank you for your service. thank you for yr sacfi and unwavering dedication to our community. happy 100th birthday. may your days be filled with jon this congressional record for generations to come and your love for the united states will always be remembered. mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from south carolinaeek■b recognition? mr. wilson: i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without
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objection. mr. wilson: on his first day in office, on fossil fuels when he killed the xl keystone pin prices have doue biden began his war creating highest inflation with high energy costs delivery prices of all product. biden dictating regulations. biden is forcing chinese batteries. yesterday, republicans continued to counter the energy war bypassing two bills for energy independence and end the biden push for chinese. in conclusion, god bless our troops who defended america when it moves from afghanistan safe haven. we do not need new border laws. biden shamefully opens borders for dictators as more 9/11
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attacks are imminent. our prayers for the late richard qun. e spn from idaho seek recognition? mr. fulcher: i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. fulcher: americans are feeling the harsh impact of president biden's assault on domestic energy production. when they feel the gas tanks or pay like that bills. instead of relieving these costs and unleashing energy production biden is threaten to place a moratorium on frackin 1947 fracn instrumental in unlocking vast reservoirs, lower energy costs[ and providing jobs and propelling our nation toward energy independence. permitting the use of representa
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significant federal overreach of state sovereignty by undermininr boards. we need to pass h.r. 1121 to protect ameriy preserve state regulatory authority and lower energy costs for families around the country. i yield back. the speaker does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remark[■ th >> mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize ms. fudge, my trend,ee former secretary of housing and urban development. i recognize her her nation, our state of ohio and local community. i worked along side representative fudge for nine
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years and working togethe tackle the issues that matter the most. she has been a tireless advocate, willing to reach across the aisle to find common ground on key issues like advancing access to affordable housing. always see eye to eye on everything but we shared the important goal of helping americans have the opportunities d to achieve the american dream. i am grateful to have her working as secretary on behalf of my constituents. public servants like secretary fudge always willing to roll up her sleeves and get to the business of the america a credi. i wish her the best on the next sustaining of her journey. what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition?
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mr. lamalfa: i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. wivment. mr. lamalfa: when they earn wages and earn money off of stocks, whatever it ihe going to spend their money that is a good value for them. why isn't government when they take their tax dollars not unvoluntary getting a good value for them. the high-speed rail system in california. the price quadrupled what the voters were sold when they were told a high-speed train from los angeles to san francisco could be built. the price tag is well over $520e funding to complete this project. we don't even have the route mapped we invest tax dolls arizona in things that can benefit them such as water
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supp better communication systems, more rural broadband and help be connected in more way the silly train which is the biggest boondoggle. it is connecting an orchard to bakersfield to merced. not a good deal for to 46u.s.c.e order of the house of january 9, 2023 of thee part of the house e board of visitors to the united states merchant marine academy. the clerk: mr. suozzi of new york. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from missouri seek recognition? >> pursuant to house resolution 1085, i call up the
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resolution h. con. res. 86, expressing the sense of congress that a carbon tax would bnited s economy and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the concurrent resolution. the clerk: house concurrent resolution 86 concurrent resolution expressing the sense of congress that a carbon tax would bemental to the united states economy pursuant to house resolution is considered as read. the concurrent resolution shall be debatable equally divided and chair and ranking member of the committee on ways and meansespe. the gentleman from most, mr. smith, and the gentleman from oregon, mr. blumenauer, each will control 30 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from missouri. mr.smith: i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five to revise and extend r
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remarks and submit extraneous material on the concurrent resolution consideration the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr.smith: i yield myself such time as i may consume. working families are struggling. to afford put food on their table and clothes on their backs and■e gasoline in their cars. all because of the inflation crisis that has been fueled by washington democrats run away spending and president biden felled economic policies. the last thing america needs is a carbon tax. it would raise energy■0rices and harm american competitiveness. it would put american workers and job creators at a disadvantage to president's wealthy environmentalists donors and far left agenda. the bidenady getting billion dor
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corporations and big banks massive, massive tax breaks under the so-called inflation reduction act. this is the same administration that is celebrating spending over a■ dollars and counting on special interests green energy handouts. including ele wealthy, wealthy households while funneling american tax dollars■; to countries like china. but for working families, a carbon tax would not only raise prices at the pp, b also at the grocery store. it would raise the cost of doing business on main street at a time when struggling under the highest interest rates in over two decades. those who can lea afford to
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pay more like seniors on fixed incomes, would suffer the most. today,■w c loud and clear message to the american people and the biden administration that says not onl there be an antiamerican family, antiamerican wi5orker, carbon tax while trillions of hard working tax dollars line the pockets of the wealthy and well connected. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from oregon is recognized. blumenauer plawr time as i may . the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized mr. blumenauer: i am listening to my dear friend from missouri and it is an example of being disconnected from reality. my side of the aisle, for instance, refuse
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to accept a compromise that is on a bipartisan basis differench immigration. that will rank along with speaker boehner's refusal to accept the bipartisan senate compromise for immigration -- wouldn't allow it to come to the floor to be debated on. there is no carbon tax pending and they have nothing here that would be significant. it's a nonbinding resolution. as i say, it is disconnected from reality. the reality, for example,■w f those of us on the west coast is climate cyst is is real. it becomes more apparent and urgent every day. was the warmet winter record. 2023 was the world's warme in fact, the 10 warmest years
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have occurred in the last 10 years. and what's the response from■ republican friends? they make stuff up. they move away from solutions that would make a difference.á'÷ every independent analyst, republican and democrat alike, agrees that the way we are going to deal withon notwithstanding some of the climate deniers on the other side of the aisle, is a carbon tax. the rest of the world is directa price on carbon is the most efficient, cost effective and ds crisis. but they are having none of it. as i say, they are making stuff up in the face of thi5kngsve re. there are people dying in the pacific northwest from the unprecedented ht
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unprecedented events in california, extreme weather events, and the cost of those extreme weather events dwarf the costs that they are dreaming up infant asy.te disasters totalled $165 billion. the united states needs to double down on inflation reductt to halt the worst and the most expensive consequences of the climate crisis. instead, my republican colleagues put forth a nonbinding resolution that doubles as a love letter to bige impacts of a tax on carbon, a picture that is in fact divorcee placed taxes on carbon have fostered innovation and its preferred approach for most of the thoughtful business
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community. the global cost to climate change estimated to be over $3 trillion per year by 2050. further investments in oil and gas without accounting for the true costs carbon will overly drag down our economy and increase this summer. moreover, this resolution purports to show concern about the costs to american families associated with the carbon tax, partar poor, elderly and fix incomes. they are going to pay the costs most dramatically throug* allowe climate crisis to move forward. every single republican voted against the inflation reduction act, a bill that has saved households hundreds of dollars in energy costs not to mention hundreds more prescription drugs. they all voted against it.
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yet their diswints are benefiting. they don't care about reducing then and shouldn't fall victim to their attempts to present denied about reducing costs now.ger we fail l meaningfully with the climate crisis, the defining question of the 21st century, the answer will determine the lives of our children and grandchildren. we have made significant strides in loweringesting in clean energy. this love letter to big oil is absolutely the wrong step and it's one unable to justify to their children and grandchildren. it's a wrong headed approach one that is sad whri not where we should be now and where they should be and it def inch emp s reality.
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and i strongly urge and nonbinding and play this out, but its rejection. i reserve the balance of my time. . . mr. smith: thank you, i yield five minutes to the gentleman from montana, mr. zinke. mr. zinke: i rise today in opposition to president biden's planned carbon tax which would, quite frankly, kill the american economy. nobody america produces cleaner energy than our adversaries or our allies. that's not in dispute. when i secretary of the interior, i came into office we were producing 3.8 million barrels a day and declining. after two years were the world's largest export of energy and oh, by the way, we reduced emissions. we in safety.
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because nobody produces energy more cost-effective, cleaner than we do. so the answer is this, it's not to punish american producers or americans for having resource and using it wisely. but there are three absolutes on the carbon tax. first of all, the environment. undisputed it is better produced energy in this country underreah it get produced overseas with no regulation. that is not in dispute. secondly,ng economy. my good friend from oregon remind us that hundreds perhaps have saved on their electric tell you millions have not. when i was secretary, gas was about two bucks a gallon. i think it's a little over that. if anyone looked at their last
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year's heating bills, or around the kitchen table at thanksng paid a price. on our economy, what drives manufacturing? we are not going to be competitive paying wages that china or india can pay. secondly, resources. the cost of steel is about the same in south korea as it is in pittsburgh. where america has the edge are tw innovation and energy. and today's energy is going to be different than tomorseeds. data storage, robotics all require more and more energy. and that energy is not going to come from pixie dust and hope. national security, this is an area i'm familiar with. i have lost a lot of friends and
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colleagues over h.r. overseas -- overseas. primarily fighting for other■
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adversaries, who is going to produce energy? if it's not us, i can make a list. perhaps iran. perhaps venezuela. perhaps russia. so we either produce energy in this country under our regulation the for the, to run r we cede, we retreat. so this c terrible, terrible idea. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the chair will receive a message. the messenger: mr. speaker, a message from the president of the united states. the speaker pro tempore: madams. the secretary: mr. speaker, i am directed by the president of the united states to deliver to the house of representatives a message in writing. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oregon is
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recognized. mr. blumenauer: thank you, mr. speaker. i'm lfyis to my dear friend from montana and the university of oregon and i couldn't disagree more. we have thety to produce clean energy in the united states. the cost today of alternatives with windar is cheaper than fossil fuel -- and solar is cheaper than fossil fuel. this is where the world is going. having our technological edge to produce cleaner energy and not be susceptible to those international forces is absolutely essential. i am honored to yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from california, congresswoman sahe ms. sanchez: today i stand in strong opposition to this foolish and useless resolution. while my republican colleagues rush to support big oil instead of america's seniors, children,
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and workers. we all know that carbon intensive industries harm our planet. it's also clear from air and waterods, wildfires that lower income communities face the greatest risks tied to climate change. families of fewest resources to prepare for or recover from extreme wther events and other environmental emergencies. so much for looking out for costs of the little people. as a mom and as a legislator, i will never stopig ensure our nation's children inherit a greener and healthier world. my republican colleagues want pn dioxide. i urge my colleagues to join me in voting against this g.o.p. effort torop up oil and gas companies who, by the way, make record profits year after year
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while american families continue to struggle. i yier the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oregon reserves. the gentleman from missouri is recognized. mr. smith: thank you, mr. ■pspker. i yield three minutes to the gentlelady from west virginia, mrs. miller. mrs. miller: thank you, chairman smith. i rise in support of h.con.res. 86, which would express the sense of congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to the united states economy. this resolution makes it clear to the american people that we oppose policies that would drive up energy prices for families, businesses, and undermine u.s. energy more dependent upon china. a carbon tax would be a gift to our adversaries.trict u.s. enery producers' ability to provide
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reliable energy to the grid and it further supports china's goal of dominating and profiting from biden's green technologies and radical climate agenda. in addition, the cost of this tax would be borne by the mos vulnerable, the poor, the elderly, and those who are living on a fixed income. americans are aeady suffering■ n and the -- bidenflation and the president's attack on u.s. energy ifhis carbon tax took effect, americans would feel the pain when they buy their gas for their cars, turn on their lights, ors in their home. the burden of a carbon tax would increase the price of everyday ss consumer goods, and anything that requires energy resources in their production,
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manufacturing, or distribution. this resolution makes it clear that we oppose policies that would drive up energy, damage the united states' economy, reduce the american g.d.p., and hurt american jobs. i and nail to make sure that our god-given natural resources remain the foundation of america's energy innovation and an all of the above energy. i thank you. i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: th froi reserves. the gentleman from oregon is recognized. mr. blumenauer: thank you very much, mr. speaker. i am honored to field two minutes to the gentlemanr@ illinois, congressman davis. mr. davis: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise to oppose this loeffler the republicans my ontic -- focr
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tax reforms to support americans. rather than pushing this propaganda against green energy, and should be focused on advancing tax policies that support children, families, workers, businesses. above all, congress should be focused on restoring the 2021 child tax credit that halved child poverty in one year. the progress we made in 2021 shows that we can slash child poverty when we have the political will to do so. congress should restore the 2021 credit that gave up to $8,000 to working parents for childcare costs for two or mor much better than the current maximum of $2,100.
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congress should restore the 202t helped foster homeless youth as well as single workers from being into poverty. congress should remove income as a barrier to adoption, restore the above the line charitable deduction to help nonitemmizers, and support the amazing charities that support our communies. cal improvements to the low-income housing tax credit. and help cost burden renters by implemti refundable renters tax credit. workers, families, and businesses need our help. today's resolution represents all extremist talking points and lacks the political will to cut child poverty in half. every day we action, poverty poisons the futures of millions of children. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oregon reserve fs recognized. mr. smith: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oregon is recognized. mr. blumauhank you. i guess have to note that my dear friend from west virginia, a woman i deeply respect, but would have reliance on fossil fuel for energy security. in her own state of west virginia, the cheapest sources of power are renewable energy sources like wind and which we innocented with our policies and all our republican friends voted against. the market made a judgment that these are the most cost-effective ways to generate energy. it's my honor recognize the gentlewoman from california,
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congresswoman c. miss -- the speaker pro tempore: for how much time? mr. blumenauer: two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. chu: i risetrong opposition of house concurrent resolution 86, a disingenuous resolution that wastes our time while it a carbon tax. continuing with yesterday's shameless giveaways to big oil and gas, republicans' next energy weak bill asserts that a carbon tax would raise food prices and the cost of every good in america. il the cost of climate change to communities hit hardest by flooding, wildfires, and other all while oil and gas executives maximize their profits. this is unacceptable.t when democrats controlled the house, senate, and white house we did not pursue a carbon tax. instead, we passed historic tax
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credits that are incentivizing and fueling the clean energy transition. the inflation reduction act was a largest climate history, and through it we are powering economic growth, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, and advancing environmental justice. while asserting -- insert ago carbon tax would raise food price, republican leadership refuses to disavow their own me
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families and o and trying to distract from the reality that the u.s. hitting domestic levels of energy productionnd biden. we welcome their support to facilitate to clean energy except they remain■w focused to undo this progress. i urge my colleagues to vote no. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from mis recognized. mr.smith: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from missouri reserves. the gentleman froms used to believe in market forces. they were part of a bipartisan effort to reduce acid which in e short-term increased price, but drove innovation and we solved that problem for a fraction, a fraction of alternative costs. denying the ability to price
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rb back on innovation, turning our back on what the rest of the world is doing and providing more opportunities for americans. i hope at some point they'll rediscover the power of market forces and join us in efforts with thed2 legislatie passed to harness those market forces, promote market innovation as we inflation reduction act. it is my great honor to recognize the gentleman from santa barbara for two minutes. mr. carbajal: i rise today to point out just how out of step this house republican majority n people, but with their own party. this resolution denounces the
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free market, capitalist solution to lower carbon pollution that it originally was introduced■" y republicans, that's right republicans, the g.o.p. are we not for a free market oln it was republicans in this chamber who came to the well as imdoing today to speak in favor of carbon pricing but now it's a radicaled in. even today there are biptisan bills including some that i am co-leading that would put a price on carbon and protect ourk in the american people's pockets. support this by a three-to-e■o
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margin than opposing it. see here. i urge you, mr. speaker, do not just take my word fore word of f the american people. fr america, every single former reserve chair, 28 nobody ell prize winning economists, republican members of congress and veterans, veterans ofhe reagan administration. and if that is not enough, take elon musk's words for it. ca is, quote, the obvious move and worthy of consideration, not condemnation. what has happened to the republican party? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired mr. carbajal: i urgee
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and i yield become. mr. blumenauer: i deeply appreciate the jay's to and hisi could not agree with him more. i hope at some point our republican colleagues rediscover the power of the market like what would happen with the carbon tax, which we are seeing around the world moving in thi direction. there are two basic approaches we can take, one is to use market forces like putting a price on c being the hand maiden to big oil. i can't think of a more dramatic example of the fallacy than to e home state of our speaker, that has done the bidding of big oil. what's the result of that impact in louisiana? it hasn't■s a hotbed of
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economic development. to the contrary. but there are other consequences that are study by the environmental project found louisiana is home to eight of the worst refineries in the entire country. their refine is race make up half of the ahome yeah pollution. it is known as cancer alley because of the negative consequences of the petroleum industry and the refusal of the state to providerowth of fossill industries has resulted in cutting up the landscape, the loss of about one football field a day into the gulf of mexico. partre sinking.
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their local birth rates and preterm birth are double the national average and nearly triple respiratory ailments and the vast majority of residents who suffer are black. look at new orleans and the consequences of louisiana a do the bidding of the oil companies. it's not better environmentally, it's not better economically, it has been pure and simply a disaster. an alternative is to use market forces to tax wt we would like least of. a carbon tax would raise prices for some, but it would foster■?h our approach to acid rain and it sparked innovatn and much more t
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effectively than other solutions. it's time for the republican party to rediscover market forces and be able to do what the vast majority of economic experts, democrat, conservative and liberal agree is the best solution rather than lots of rules, use market forces. we have done that with our inflation rti sparking innovation and investment even though my republican friends voted against it. mr. speaker, t approaches, give in to big oil, abandon your principles for environmental protection, market forces for innovation or look at alternatives that will help us deal with the crisis of our age, the climatesis.
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i appreciate the opportunity to share those observations with you. and i reserve the balance of my time from oregon reserves. the gentleman from missouri is recognized. mr.smith: we have no additional speakers and ready to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oregon is recognized. mr. blumenauer: i'm prepared to close. i would hope at a when it looks like we are starting to see some adjustment on the other side of the aisle and see some of the governing wing of the republican party to rein some of their more extreme elements and deal done months ao which is fund the government according to the agreement that 149 republicans■8 signed on to last spring. i have had a little fun tweaking some of my friends.
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and that is exactly what is happening. some people in the more extreme elements of the a little pinche. this is what we agreed to. it's not a good solution. it's not the solution we would ha but the only one that the extreme elements of the republican party will allow us to moveford with and to have a collapse of the economy, our agreements moving forward. i hope we will have the ve republican party moving forward and this is a path forward because there are so many things that we ought to be able to innovation, protecting the american public, lowering costs like we did with our legislation, like prescription drugs and energy innovation. the record's pretty strong. we have the lowest rate o inflation of any developed
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economy in the world. we have watched the inflation rate whichare focused on and i s ok, but they deny reality. no major country has done better job of controlling inflation. it was 6%, 2021. dropped to last year, 3.1%. those are the facts. the best performance in the world and and yelling and finger pointing don't change those facts. we have opportunities that we could do on a bipartisan basis to help solve the immigration problem that was worked out on a bipartisan basis on the other side of the aisle. we were moving towards an agreement that would put more investment in border security, beefing up opportunities that could have bipartisan support.
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it's not our solution. we would like to do better but we thought it was the best weuln gule eyes. and as it was moving towards enactment, trump went gunny sack. it would not help my re-election campaign and we have seen republan bipartisan solution on immigration-p i think this will be as shameful as myn boehner's refusal to allow us to vote on a bipartisan solution from the senate on immigration 2012. we can do better than that if the other side of the aisle will listen to the governing wing of the republican party hostage bye and work with us on these elements that are already bearing fruit. and whatill not bear fruit is
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tilting an imaginary windmill of a carbonng about the reality about the cost of dealing with the climate cyst is. i strongly urge rejection of gog anywhere, it's not real, that is a sad distraction and an opportunity to misrepresent what we could do. thank you, mr. speaker. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oregon yields. the gentleman from missouri is recognized. mr.smith: america's working families have paid more than their fair share for the failed economicton democrats and the biden administration. prices are up over 18% since president biden took office. and why? because the president is willing to sacrifice the well-being of working families tohe wealthy and well connected.
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in the very first month of president biden's term, inflation was 1.4%. and then washington democrats under one-party control of the white house, the house and the nate added more than 10 -- 10 fueled the inflation fire that has now caused inflation to rise almost 20% since joe biden took. and that is why every american, every american is paying more to put food on their table, gasolin their car because of the failed economic policies becse the biden administration. and a carbon tax would insult to that injury for so many americans. itou of raising a family and the cost of
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doing business. it would dole america's competitive edge■a penalize american job creators and innovators against china. the american people, mr. speaker, they cannot afford nor should they be forced to pay agenda that opposes a carbon tax on american names and american i urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this resolution and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from missouri yields back. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to house resolution 1085, the previous question is ordered. the question is on adoption of the concurrent resolution. those in favor s a those opposed, no. the yays have it. the concurrent resolution --on? mr. smith: on that i demand the
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yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted, a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20s question are postponed.■&
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for what purpose does the gentleman from southar■ mr. duncan, seek recollection? mr. duncan: pursuant to house resolution 1085, i call up house resolution 987 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of
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the resolution. the clerk: house resolution 987, resolution harmful anti-american energy policies of the biden administration and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: pursuan t to the house resolution 1085, the resolution is the resolution shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking member of the committeew: on energy and commee or their respective designees. the gentleman from south carolina, mr. duncan, and the gentleman from new jse will conl 30 minutes. the chair recognizes mr. duncan of south carolina. mr. duan: members have five legislative days in which to revise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material on h.res. 987. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. . mr. speaker, i yield myself as much time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. duncan: mr. speaker, i rise in support of house resolution 987 to denounce the harmful
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anti-american energy policies of the biden administration, western caucus chairman dan newhouse. from day one, the biden administration has waged war on american energy. their actions and(u policies hae jeopardized our grid security and caused america to become more dependent on foreign adversaries like iran and russia and others and increased energy costs for everyday americans. energy is foundational to everything in ariy powers our country, it employs our workers, and it drives our economy. when the cost of energy goes up, so d everything else. since president biden took office, the administration has taken over 170 regulatory actions to make ito produce and deliver american energy. president biden and house democrats are doing everything in their■i to regulatory american energy workers out of existence and they don't care
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how it negatively impacts communities in south carolina or any other state around thecounte needs of radical climate lobby over hard-working americans. americans know gas prices hit a four-month highith a national average of $3.46 a gallon. in may of 2023, it was calculated that nearly the unitd states were behind on their utility bills. that means they couldn't pay them or were having trouble paying them. and in president biden's first 26 months in office, energy prices increased roughly 27.2%, the increase of any of the past seven administrations. president biden's policies have directly unaffordable energy bills. he started his first day in office, he canceled the keystone pipeline, eliminating the potential for 11,000 energy sector jobs. he continues to block domestic
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mineral development while simultaneously forcing a russian agenda which makes the united states relying on foreign countries like china who use child labor andtions and do it n a very environmentally insensitive way in their mining. to distract from high energy prices, president biden directed the largest drawdown of the strategic petroleum deserve in the nation's history, the s.t.r. is there for■ niona emergencies in time of war, a time of hurricane and other natural disasters, but he drew it down for political purposes. de s.t.r. has been drained to its lowest level since 1980 as an election year g not having that strategic petroleum reserve available. his policies no no end. there's taxing natural gas, blocking pipelines, banning
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l.n.g. exports which helps american producers but our allie globe, imposing aggressive regulations. yesterday the biden administration announced a rule that would mandate nearly mustl electric by 2032 we guardless of cost, functionality, or consumer choice, which should drive the market for automobile production. congressman new house's resolution denounces these policies and encourages energy production of reliable and affordable energy sources. now, republicans have solutions, and those solutions will reverse the biden administration's war on energy. the house recently passed h.r. 7176, the unlocking our■
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reduction fund and the e.p.a.'s recently proposed natural leadio unleash american energy and deliver more affordable and reliable energy to the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you mr. speaker. i yield myself as much time as i may consume. mr. speaker, this resolution is a it will do nothing to lower costs for the american people. it will do nothing to grow our economy. it will do nothing to help us continue our the world and the clean energy transition, and it will do nothing to combat the worsening climate crisis. this resolution does absolutely nothing. it's nothing more than a long list of fabricated grievances against the biden administration and ain congressional democrats have accomplished over the last few years. it reads as if republicans just
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fed their same old dirty energy talking points into chat g.t.p. and asked it to spit out a resolution. instead of focusing on real solutions to costs for americans, house republicans are working to pass this meaningless resolution that ellaims the biden administration is an anti-american energy, that that's what their policy is p. but let's look at the facts. the united states is currently producing more energy than ever before in its history. and that includes energy from all sources, solar, wind, and yes, morend gas than ever before. while we're doing this, we're also making incredible progress in addressing carbon emissions and air pollution. last year emissions fell by 2% in the united states even as the g.d.p. grew by 2.4%. why are republicans complaining? why are they upset about the fact we found a way to pursue energy security while also
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lowering energy costs for american families, boosting our economy, and tackling the worsening climate crisis all at the same time? and i'm going to tell you why, because republicans don't want anything to stand in the way o . they refuse to deviate from their polluters over people agenda, and they're wasting floor time on meaningless resolutions and bills that won't go anywhere because they're simply not capable of governing. this republican coss congress since the great depression. they don't have any new ideas or solutions. instead, they just continue to gravitate to their comfort zone which is doing the bidding of the oil and gas industry. president biden drastically dift approach. in stark contrast to republicans polluters over people agenda, democrat are photoglow lower american energy bills, grow our middle class with good paying
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clean energy jobs, and combat the worsening energy prize through the biden reduction act. we've seen green energy growings are making e.v.'s and batteries and other technologies and they're all booming because of crucial investments from these two bills. leads to emission ren and energy reduction and new jobs and revitalizing■: across y with 2,172,000 clean energy jobs created since the passing of the clean reduction act. this resolution will get to witness the power of investments in his own district in washington state, two companies backed by the bipartisan infrastructure law investments of $100 million are building next generation e.v. battery plants in washington state in his district d are expected to create hundreds of new jobs. and it's not just the state of washington that's benefiting, over half of the inflation
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reduction act's congressional districts represented by republicans totaling more than 144,000 new jobs and over 2 -- $262 billion in investments. we're growing the economies in their districts, and yet republicans continue to complain. often talk about the biden administration's so-called war on energy. they mentioned it today. i honestly have no idea what they're talking production is breaking records. gas prices have remained stable over the last year, and the energy administrn forecasting the americans are paying less for heating costs this year than they did last year. other countries and often our energy.ors are investing if we pause our important work, we will fall behind. if republicans have their way, we'll stop competing and investing in the booming clean energy economy and simply recommit to expensive polluting
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fossil fuels as the way i urge my colleagues to vote against this do nothing resolution, and i urge my colleagues across the aisle to come up with better things for us to do with ourour time. with that i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr. duncan: thank you, mr. spea americans, the taxpayers in this country, they know the rush to green policies of the biden administration have made energy more expensive. and the democrats are g and gasn is higher than it's ever been in this country. yes, it is, but it has nothing to do with the policies coming out of the biden a who started war on american energy on day one. there's not a single policy you can point to that the biden administration has put forward that would increase oil and gase done everything to harm oil and gas production in this country. oil and gas production increases are due to the policies of the last administration, policies ade, nothing to do with the biden rush to green policies that have made energy more expensive. i'd like to yield one minute to
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the gentleman from louisiana, our majority leader, mr. scalise. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. scalise: i thank you, mr. speaker. for his leadership on energy. we're sure going to miss your voice. we have a few more months left before you leave congress, but you've been a■j great advocate for american energy, for so many other forms of energy like nuclear power. but today we're talking about how we can help thoseamo are st. you know, i rise in strong support of h.res. 987 by mr. newhouse and a nause if the policies of the biden administration were working so well, if someone had tried a claim, why are families furious they're paying about 40% more when they go to the gas station to fill up their cars? why are they furious that when they pay their household electricity bills, if they can afford to pay their household electricity bills, they're paying over 30% more?
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it's because from day one when joe biden took the oath of office, he issued an all-out assault on american energy.g=■ an anybody who forgot or wants to glaze over it or say it didn't happen or what are they talking about, the good news is we actually documented all of those specific actions in this resolution, mr. speaker, because it's president biden whooo day one, canceled the keystone pipeline. what does that mean? that■dm$ mean? 11,000 jobs. it would have meant about 180,000 barrels of oil, moving through the keystone pipeline -- i'm 130,000 barrels of oil moving through the keystone pipeline. for the people trying to suggest
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that oh, that's a good thing because there are people that want to eviscerate american fossil fuels. and president biden has led that charge. but let's be very clear, mr. speaker. president biden's war on fossilc fuels, it only covers american oil and gas. and maybe that's the most perplexing part of his failed a. and people have figured this out, because they have watched the president get on air force one, which by the way, still runs on jet fuel and don't have solar panels. it's not a green plane. he flew to saudi arabia to beg them to produce more oil while n america. he said no. they are a cartel. they are a monopoly. they want higher prices.
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it■ benefits them to have higher prices and told president biden no. he shouldn't have had to go to saudi arabia. if is so against fossil fuels, then why is he getting on air force one begging saudi to produce more when he is shutting it down here. he canceled lease sales in docue resolution. we didn't do that. nobody else did it but joe bient obama actually had lease sales. president trump had lease sales and as my colleague from south carolina pointed out, ifnt to b, that's great. oil production is a result of investments made five and 10 years ago. i gulf of mexico and some of the best oil reserves. if you go out to a golf, they ce
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100,000 barrels a day. don't plo one and start producing today. if you get a lease today, you have to pay millions of dollars for it. a lease, you then have the luxury of going out and finding private investment, because there is no government moy like the solar panels and the car batteries. you might have to find $2 billion to go aund the oil rig. you build the platform. it's a floating city. amazing american technology and mexico, 60 miles offshore drilling 12,000 feet below the surface. youts for seismic which you cannot today by the way. you have to put pipelines
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subject surface infrastructure because the biden administration doesn't want production. you do all of those things billn private money, and if that well happens to produce, then maybe fiveater it gets the first drop of oil out of the ground and starts producing. that happened years ago. it didn't happen today or when joe biden took the oath of office because he took the steps to crush pipelines, killing leases on new production, killing the ability to get permits to go out and develop leases that you paid toe federal government for. that's what joe biden did here. but what he did worse after he kill production, if this was all about purity and protecting the world from fossil fuels, that would have been it. but it' it's about but
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a war on american energy. he went to saudi to beg them to produce more oil when he just did a virtual ban on l.n.g. exports. it crushed american jobs decimad canceled major multibillion dollar projects in america. you know emboldens? it emboldens vladimir putin. he is making billions of dollars a month, month, billions of dollars selling his oil and natural gas to oil markets because what joe biden has done and he has crushed l.n.g. exports which we were using here in america to help our friends we can help our allies. but if biden gets his way which so far he has, we can'txport ste
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countries. where is europe getting it from? russia. biden is saying russia is evil and needs to helpaine but giving putin leverage in billions of dollars a month to help finance the war in ukr coss here at home. they are sick biden's failed energy policies. people can deny this stuff happened. but it did. it well documented in the resolution point by point by point. it is over 60 actions he has energy.o only american energy. venezuela is getting the ability to produce more. iran, the state sponsor
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of terrorism in the world who funds hamas, hamming aswho invaded and our great friend israel. where did they get that money? from iran. and joe biden sanctions against iran so they can sell their world on world markets. if it is about getting rid of■ft everybody. iran can make billions of dollars a month like putin isf s policies, but here in america you can't get new leases, no permits, can'tq@.n.g. exports because joe biden wants to attack american energy. the american people are sick and tired of it. the lowest income families are paying the price for this failed policy. itas to end.
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we need to end it and senate should take these bills up. thesou be bipartisan exercises. when i hook at that beautiful flag behind the speaker, why would we embolden putin with our energy policies when we have enough energy in america to crush putin, crush venezuela. opec would be irrelevant if we just produced more american energy and the only standing in the way right now is joe biden. let's end this madness and pass this legislation. i yield back. mr. duncan: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina reserves. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. mr. pallone: i yield two
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texas, ms. crockett. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. crock crock i riseopposition tos attempt to deny reality. you know, i must first off by making se can respond to some things that were said. as a member of the agriculture committee, you probably know have been been calling forwe sustainable aviation fuels and thinks something we know in such as bowing, we can operate planes on that. ou participate. our farmers need to make sure they are going to expand their options for earning a dollar because we have this thing called climate change take iing place. in the state of texas, we are losing of
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this thing called climate change. we just had wildfires. we know when it comes toeu■] our sugar crops we are having issues because it takes six years to raise a sugar crop. we have to be creative. if#é w■l would allow the republicans to continue to decide on what we are going to do when it relates to, by gosh darnnk we would still be in horse and buggy because it seems like advancements in technology are not what we are looking fs saying it's either or. and so under this current administration, we know that wet is being produced, but that doesn't mean that we can't be smart about our energy and move forward. instead of action taking action, house republicans would rather sit onhe
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least productive congress in modern history and rid call rather than serve. iculed the president's supply chain, while they ridiculed the president, biden in results. mr. pallone: i yield the gentlewoman another two minutes. >> president biden and■cratic pn of dollars investment in the u.s. energy sector. republicans ridiculed the■z1#. d biden is bringing 1.4 million jobs. ■"repu the president's record on gas prices. these are the same republicans who are refusing to lift a finger to give aid to ukraine. despite republican inaction by sharing intelligence and training with the ukranians,
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biden blocked the blockade. republicans rid cleul home affordability but briden helped family to their energy needs li. the fact is we know what republicans want to do with our energy sector and showed us when they passed h.r. 1 which would put polluters over people. without a positive agenda of their own, ridicule president biden's agenda. i appreciate this resolution than it clarifies where myhe otf the aisle stand. republican ridicule of president biden's agenda to crisis, while republicans ridicule, biden brings results. with that tt, yield the balance of my time.
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jersey reserves.tempore: the and the gentleman from south is now recognized. mr. duncan: interesting that the gentlelady across the way mentioned ukraine as the majority leader pointed out, jog american energy production is funneling money to putin to pay for the war in ukraine to go in and kill ukranians. hypocritical for them to talk out ukraine. the gentleman from washington state, chair of the western caucus has a great resolution that points out all the things the biden administrion has done to kill the american energy laying the golden egg. i yield five minutes to the gentleman from washington,
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mr. newhouse. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized mr. newhouse: thank you, mr. duncan. i rise in proud support of house resolution 987. this resolution denounces the biden's administration antiameric e that are designed to slow and kill domestic production as a gift to extreme activists. the result of track record has been higher prices for consumers, we all know that and increased dependency on our adversaries like russia and china and venezuela for our energy needs. the united states is bless with abundance of natural resources and we have the ability to achieve energy dominance and we can produce clean energy rht home. but instead, this administration is ad mant of bending to the will of extreme activists and ie
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global emissions. madam speaker, make no mistake, this war on american energy i not one fought over science. it is being fought over ideology. on his first day in offic bidenl keystone pipeline cost 11,000 potential jobs in the united stat.■ barrels of oil per day and cost rural communities throughout central united states millions of dollars in much needed revenue. president biden illegally canceled oil and gas leases in the■3■ arctic national wildlife refuge and added restrictions to over 13 million acres of the national petroleum alaska depriving alaskan native communities of resources in key revenue. . .
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. president promised to limit resources on our federal lands. in january of this year, joe bidennnounced a pause in liquefied natural gas permits under the guise of climate change. this misguided decisionyu will restrict future supply of l.n.g. to our allies abroad who are seeking to end their reliance on i can only imagine vladimir putin smiled after reading this news. in addition to these restrictions on oil production, president biden has also taken actions to make it harder to mine for critical minerals in the united states and forcing a reliance again on our adversary, the chinese communist party. by blocking mineral in northern minnesota's iron
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range, new mexico's chaco arizona president rosemont copper. the biden administration is actively and persistently harming american industry. as chairman of the congressional h■7 the house appropriations subcommittee on energy and water, i am dedicated to restoring prosperity to rural communities across the country and fighting president biden's anti-american energy agenda. madam we have the capability to not only be energy independent, but be a global leader in resource production. our biggest obstacle to■9k# goal is the president of the united states. thank you, madam speaker, and i yield back.speaker pro tempore:e gentleman from south carolina reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is now recognized. mr. pallone: madam speaker, i yield myself as much time ■bas i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you.
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i heard the sponsor of this resolution, the gentleman fromtd make reference to ukraine and then to l.n.g. exports. and let me say, the only thing that's holding up aid to ukraine is the republican leadership. the speaker at any time could bring up a resolution■d provid should say a bill providing funding for military purposes and supplies in ukraine, and it would pass this know why he isn't doing it. but for them to suggest on the other side of the aisle that somehow we're not helping ukraine, tha because they refuse to bring up the spending bill that would allow that to happen. it's not happening this week. and tn we're going on a two-week break and it's still not happening. and they're running out of ammunition in ukraine to defend themselves against putin. mention the gentleman's reference to l.n.g.
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exports. again, republicans are ignoring the facts that don't conform with their narrative. the u.s. has become the number one exporter of l.n.g. worldwide in a few short■7and there's enoy approved liquid natural gas export permits for us to triple our export capacity wit additiol permit. this level of production according to a letter sent by over 60 european union lmakers will meet the energy needs of our allies in europe for years to come. we're supporting our allies. it's those on the other side of the aisle, the republicans, thay not allowing legislation to come to the floor that will help ukraine. the white house has an l.n.g. pause that serves as an opportunity to evaluate how the recent boom in l.n.g. is continuing to greenhouse gas emissions and environmental
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pollution and domestic energy price increases. what we're saying here today -- and this is what the republicans ignore. is that this administration, the biden administration, is increasing production, increasing production of oil and natural gcéas, renewables, getting more solar out there, getting more wind out there. sure our economy grows and that gas prices don't increase. and addressing the climate crisis. the white house has this l.n.g. pause because one study found the rise in u.s. l.n.g. exports the past three years contributed to bills for american families. we also shouldn't ignore the public health impacts of unfettered fossil fuel development along our gulf astudy demonstrates a link between fossil fuel plants and cancer.■7 cancerally experiences low birth
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rate three times the national average. i want to commend the administration for pausing new l.n.g. permitting to examine these potential impacts. the l.n.g. permitting is at a high and the europeans are benefiting from them. unfortunately, ukraine is not benefiting at all because the house republican leadership refuses to bring up legislation that would help ukraine defend themselves. with that i will se the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr. duncan: thank you. germans and the battle of the bulge by running them out of fuel. we can influence the war in ukraine by stopping the flow of money to vladimi putin through his sale of oil and gas by becoming an energy leader once again. america has the ability. i'd like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from grgiamber ofd commerce committee, mr. carter. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized.
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mr. carter: i thank the gentleman for yielding. madam speaker, i rise inncing td anti-american energy policies of this administration. on day one of his presidency, joe biden declared war on american energy, and he's not stopped since then. to no one's surprise, this resulted in record inflation, destroying the purchasing power g americans. just yesterday the administration finalized a new rule to force more americans to purchase electric vehicles even if it's nhe b our government should not be choosing winners and losers, especially when it impacts their livelihoods. today e.v.'s arery item for mos. most americans cannot afford one. and they also cannot afford a vehicle that may not serve them when they it. parts of my district are incredibly rural and an e.v. is simply not practical for life there. other recent attacks on american energy by this administration included its decision to pause
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l.n.g. export approvals. what is being a pause now will last indefinitely and is in fact a ban. this will cede our energy dependence to iran and russia. sadly, the biden administration is bowing to the farcal green ny imposing a policy that will in fact not reduce emissions. ws dioxide emissions increased last year by twice as much as u.s. ds much. if we're concerned about emissions, then the iranian and russian gas that will replace us in the market is much dirtier t, again, blocking new l.n.g. export processes won't reduce se the u.s. isn't a reliable ally. it's saddening to see this
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administration do everything it can to destroy our role as aglo. these are things that should not happen. the world will no longer look to the u.s. as the energytably wila less stable world. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. duncan: i yield the gentleman as much time as he may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. carter: years of work have become into being the global leader and reducing energy prices through technological innovation and leading the world in reduction of emissions and providing energy stability and security. these are strengths we should be embracing, notersing. the world would no longer look to the u.s. as an energy leader, which inevitably will lead to a it's no secret my friends on the left look to countries like germany as a role model for energy, which is the worst role i must think the while german emissions have dropped significantly, it's
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largely due to manufacturing leaving the that means fuel opportunities and less economic prosperity. we cannot afford to follow that example. i support the b yield back. mr. duncan: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey is now recognized. mr. pallone: i know the republicans have more speakers so i'll continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. mr. duncan: madam speaker, i yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. web.l. mr. weber: i thank the gentleman. madam speaker, since president joe biden's first day in office, he's actively our energy industry. joe biden's innovative ploys to help his affected my energy district which houses 50% of tax's daily refining
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output. it's home to seven of largest petroleum refineries that process 2.6 million barrels of oil every day. it is also home to three■elitiee nation's strategic petroleum reserve. our strategic reserve sites alon the gulf coast are still dangerously low on oil, leaving america more vulnerable to a true energy supply disruption caused by a hurricane, naturaler enemies. port arthur l.n.g. is in my district and now in limbo beus■e this president recklessly decided to ban l.n.g. exports. do you know what that means for my district? this means that texans will be without jobs a suffer because te facilities typically invest heavily back into our community. our way southeast texas -- our way of life in southeast
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texas depends on the certainty of energy. the president's e kill our enery security has only resulted in leaving america more reliant on foreign adversaries. quite frankly, i'm sprpresidento this. mr. duncan: i yield two minutes to the gentleman from idaho. the speaker pro tempore: the gentman is recog■rnized.■v >> thank you, madam speaker. thank you for your leadership and the gentleman from washington for bringing madam speaker, earlier the gentleman from louisiana said it pretty well, president biden's assault on domestic energy production has been n of catastr americans. since he took office we've witnessed staggering surges in energy costs and gasoline prices 33%, home eating oil up 44%, electricity and natural gas 29%n administration threatens our infrastructure by refusing to unleash domestic energy production and so we have to buy
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from our enemies. fulcher: thati wanted to make before. we have to buy from our enemies as a product of notur own domesc supply. from canceling the construction of the keystone pipeline the first day in office to out west. the most recent decision to ban exports of l.n.g., the president risked our national americans je energy prices to skyrocket all in the name of climate change. enough is enough. i'm proud to co-on 987 and put an end to the biden administration's harmful anti-american energy policies. we've got to stop this practice of supporting the people who we need to employ americans, control our own destiny by proliferating american energy production. madam speaker, with that i yield back. mr. duncan: i reserve.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from new jersey. mr. pallone: thank you. i yield three minutes to a member of the energy and commerce committee, the gentlewoman from texas, mrs. fletcher. [ gentlelady is recognized. mrs. fletcher: i rise in opposition to the bill. i don't h to go through these statements in the nonbinding resolution or what i've heard on the floor this afternoon. but in the time i do have, i'm going to cover some of the -- missions in the resolutn. my friends on both sides of the aisle know i'm proud to represent the great state of texas and the city of houston, the energy capital of the or twt energy production. and here's what we know is happening right now. under the biden administration, one, the united states producing today more crude oil than any other country at any
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other time in history. number two, last december, three months ago, the united states natural gas production reached an all high. 2023 also saw record growth in the solar industry, more than 50% more than in 2022, and the same thing is true with wind energy, which we produce a lot of in texas. after the congress passed and president biden signed the inflation reduction act, land-bd energy installed by 2026 increased by nearly 60%, enough to power andditional two million homes. industry leaders are talking about geothermal, hydrogen and more and climate, because we have to do both. we have toon the world in both production and ideas. that is american energyagreemene
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expected around here. we are here to bring diverse perspectives and and engage constructively to solve real problems and concerns. resolutions like this one do knowing. they do the opposite of facilitating dialogue and understanding and take up the time we could spend in solving problems. we should be spending time on permitting reform. let's build on the important ste been taken in the biden administration to ensure our energy independence which have led us to produce the most crude oil ever, to lead the world in natural gas production, to lower gas and solar in record amounts and develop new technologies and address emissions and climate
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change and more if we do it together. i am voting no and i encourage i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves and the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr. duncan: i reserve and am prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you, madam speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized mr. pallone: the resolution claims that the biden administration has hampered the domestic production of energy and made t reliant on other countries for its energy needs. this couldn't be further from the truth. under the ben producing more energy than it has than at any other point in its history. through the entirety of
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presidt biden's term in office the u.s. has produced more energy than consumed and only president to have achved in my lifetime. last year, they added 30 gigawatts of s lowering cost for americans and thanking president biden. republicans can say whatever they want but thee, president by policies are strengthening energy security and competing globally while reducing emissions. so please, vote against this resolution. this resolut flat out absurd -- it is an attempt by extreme republicans to mislead the american public. the data shows we are producing more energy and not just oil and gas, it's solar, more■$
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turbines and exporting liquid fuels than ever before. the administration is making progress in its drive down climate warming air pollution. even as the economy record andy. these numbers show we can achieve a safer climate by bolster energy security and job growth. in the face of this climate crisis, the u.s. must continue to be a global leader our communities prevent extreme weather and other climate impacts. what we are seeing is republicans putting polluters over people agenda. that's the reality. it's a policy that outlines in this resolution that risk derailing the immense progress presidentid
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i can't emphasize enough, in conclusion, madam speaker, what we are seeing with this pridentnd administration is to increase energy production across the board and at the same time become a global leader on addressing the crisis. let us continue with that. let us build on that. don't take us back. and that's what would do, take us back. i yield the balance of my time and i encourage everyone to vote against thises the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr. duncan: my friend and coeaerom south carolina, trey gowdy said, there is a stubborn thing about facts is th facts. this resolution is facts. things the biden administration has done to hurt american energy
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independence and costing more to pay utility bills, transportation fuels to go to work ball games or go to houses of worship. costing more today to fill their tanks. day one as we pointed out on day one, joe biden's administration started a war on american keyste pipeline. fewer lease sales in the gulf of mexico than any other president in decades. president obama h 20 lease sales. so instead of getting as the majority leader said, instead of getting one after the invasion of ukraine and energy prices were going up and going to presidentid opec cartel to saudi arabia and begging them to produce more fossil fuels which they claim to hate, but going t beg opec to
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produce more to consume more, instead of doing that, he should have gone to no9h dakota or pennsylvania or louisiana or to texas and begged american producers to produce more so merican produced resources. that is a winning strategy for america to be energy independent. i'm about energy production being up right now and it is. there is not a single policy or regulation tministration has pud that has done anything to help american producers produce more and increase that production. that is a result ofministrationt administrations that have leased more property and produced more resources and takes years to oud find the resources, develop that well and get that oil and gas online. that didn't happen
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the last three or four years but happened because of policies in the past. thank you for praising president trump's to unleash american energy solutions.■e ans it out. these are the facts and the facts are undisputed. madam speaker, i urge my colleagues to yes on house resolution 987 and i yield become. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time all time for debate pursuant to house resolution 1085, the previous question is ordered on resolution and that preamble. the question is on adoption of the those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of■.
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and the resolution is agreed to. mr. pallone: i ask for the yeas andyeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will■w rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, this 15-minute vote on of house resolution 987 will be followed by five-minute votes on adoption of the house concurrent resolution 86 and the motion to suspend the rules and pass h.r. 1836. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the1p united staioned
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coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.] 6x■"■8n■o■/bqza
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the speaker pro tempore: on this te the yeas and nays -- yeas
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are 217 and the nays are 200. thew# resolution is adopted. without objection, the motion to pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20 the the unfinished business is vote ondoouse concurrent rule 86 on which yeas and nays are ordered the clerk will report the the concurrent resolution. the clerk: house concurrent resolution 86, concurrent resolution speaking the sense al be detrimental to the united states economy. the speaker adoption of the concurrent resolution. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a e.
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[captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.] ■qss■m■]■ks
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 222, and the nays are 196. the concurrent resolution is adopted. win to reconsider is laid upon the table. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, th motion of the gentleman from south dakota, mre
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rules and pass h.r. 1836 as amended. on which the yeas and nays are ordered. the clerk will report the title. the clernion calen 177, h.r. 1836, a bill to amend title 46, united states code to make with respect to ocean shipping authorities and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the natial captioning in■5in coopere united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.] #)j■■0■ ek■y■v(
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 393, the nays are 24. 2/3 being in the affirmative, the rules are suspended and the bi i to reconsider is laid on the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from missouri seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i'd ask e andmous consent that all extend their remarks and insert extraneous materials on h.r. 7023. the speaker pro teore: the house will be in order.■ pursuant to house resolution 108-5 and rule 18, thehair
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declares the house in committee of the whole house on the state of the union. the chair mr. meuser to preside over the committee of the whole. .>i the chair: the house is in the commite the state of the union for consideration of h.r. 7023 which the clerk will report by title. the clerk: a bill 404 of the fer pollution control act to codify certain regulatory providings relating to permits for dredged or fill material and for other purposes. the chair: pursuant to the rule
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the bill is considered read the first general debate shall be confined to the amendment and section 61085 and shall not exceed one hour controlled by the chair and ranking member on the committee of transportation and infrastructure or their respective designees. the gentleman from missouri, mr. graves, and the gentlewoman, mrs. napolitano, each will control 30 minutes. yield myselh time as i may consume. the chair: the gentleman is recognized mr. graves: i am proud to rise thereating confidence in clean water permitting act which will make permanent processes more efficient and more ckzonene trae continuing to protect our nation's water quality. the clean water act became law
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in 1972 an understanding supports healthy communities and every industry across the united states from farming to fishing to manufacturing. this law has become weaponized to delay permits critical infrastructure and energy products from moving forward. the weaponization harms the he nation. this bill will add these problems and benefits farme road construct tosser, home builders, supply chain managers by providing clarity under the ean water act. every person throughout the country relies on these industries and will benefit from the regulatory flexibility and projects. this bill does not overhaul or weaken the clean water act.
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instead the creating confidence in clean water permitting act codifies effecting permitted practices and mak commonsense reforms. i thank my colleagues on the committee who worked on various aspects of legislation. i urge support commonsense legislation and provide clarity to the permitting process. with that, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. -- the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from california. mrs. napolitano: this bill restricts the regulatory authorities of the e.p. engineee clean water act. the clean water act enacted over 50 years ago is the nation's bedrock environmental law for restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the
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nation's waters and w■>ater resources. this changes to h.r. 7023 overarching intent and authority of both agencies to ensure the projects and activities are carried with only minimal impacts to waterurces. this partisan bill weakens protections while providing extensions, legal shields and limited oversight to polluters that demand higher scrutiny. the bill disregardsen and oversight authority over clean water permits and undermines and eliminates judicial review andat of mining companies industrial polluters and slows down permitting process■ increased bureaucracy. mr. chairman, this bill would also significantly reducn
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clean water act protections over critical rivers, streams and wetlands. no in the decision that eliminated protections and 70% of the streams. this package of anticlean would further hamstring the court's ability to act independentlyls g direction by giving more to polluters and sacrificing communitie depend on clean water. and remov of 2023 a a bill i have co-sponsored with my colleagues to protez■ct clean waters. and nonreplaceable of water for families, our communities and farms, our businesses and o■)f .
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we have made too much progress in cleaning up the rivers and streams. that is why i am opposed to the changes that we can bedrock water protections and additionar quality standards. it will reduce if not eliminate opportunities for the publicek . it would effectively eliminate e.p.a.'s ability to block dangerous projects. mining companies, the oil and gas industry. my colleagues would like to approve projects faster but we need to ensure projects are built with full consideration to impacts of human health and environment and i support the e.p.a. and corps working with states and tribes to make these important decisio copy of the
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minority use of 7023 co-signed by pies and ranking membend deme committee. i urge my colleagues to vote no on this bill. i reserve my time. the chair: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from missouri is recognized. mr. graves: i yield three minutes to the gentleman from minnesota. mr. stauber: our permitting system is a greur to our nation, it delays infrastructure projects indefinitely and stops us from bringing energy sourcndn our communities. permitting is holding back america. clean water permitting act seeks to unleash the american economy and package of commonsense
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reforms to reduce regulatory burdens and establish certainty and increase transparency in our permitting system. this bill will ie opportunities for home builders, farmers, loggers and small business owners ali to invest io help our communities grow and communities flourish. i would like to highlight section 4, section 4 is the language of my bill, the reducing permitting uncertainty act. section allows the e.p.a. to veto a fill and dredge permit. however the e.p.a. has proactively reject the permits and retroactively take away permits. in a country of due processt a l agency can dictate whether a project is good or bad before an application is evenil.
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if we reject ideas before they mature, we crush any chance of ingenuity, growth and progress in this country. do innovators no longer deserve the opportunity to make their case and share creative solutiono take away permits when plo jects are well underway is outrageous. a constant threahe government will waltz in and shut down years of hard work talk about unwelcoming mour job creators. the section is not a dramatic departure from the staturifying. when an application is pending, the e.p.a. can make a it does not change the processo nor does it take away the e.p.a.'s right to veto. it juses things clearer to
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help unleash the american economy and returns our process ■yce and fat based rather than politically motivated. i thank congressman rouzer on his package of reforms. and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman from missouri reserves. the gentlelady from californiis. mrs. napolitano: i ask to include a statement of the administration policy in opposition t. 7023 and says it will weaken clean water act and remove protectionst are needed for well-being and needs to improve t■vhe efficiency. the chair: the woman's request is covered by general leavee
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minutes to the mr. larsen. mr. larsen: we worked in a bipartisan manner to enact the clean water act one of the nation's bed rom environmental laws. the legislation before us was not developed in that same bipartisan manner and underminee this bill. the pro-clean water bipartisan consensus was held foreces allowing communities to envoy cleaner water and spur economic thanks to historic investments, our economy is on the move. we have added 15 millis since president biden took office and unemployment has been under 4% in the longest stretch. wages as coming down and growing the economy from the middle out and bottom up. that is a context whi our colleagues are proposing to
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shatter this consensus since passage of the clean water act. this wilot improve project permitting or create certainty. it does the opposite. according to the administration policy thil undermine bipartisan efforts to include the efficiency and effectiveness of infrastructure permittiner ce bill will create uncertainty, confusion. what will this bill achieve? it weakens clean water protections and provides legal shields for permit holders and oversight ft demand higher scrutiny. what does this bill do for communities? it closes the door for local communities seeking reviere rung through their neighborhoods and giving developers the green largals. ignore perspectives on
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this prioritizes the needs of polluters over the public's interest and concern. wh does it do for the permitting process? in some cases it slows down the process. itddps that will slow the implementation of these standards while exposing them to increased litigation. what does it do clean water? nothing good. the legislation eliminates e.p.a.'s oversight of devastating projects and makes itasier polluters to discharge potentially harmful or toxic chemicals in our rivers and my colleagues questioned the veto authority. yet the record show that the use of this authoritys consistent with congressional intent and i see no reason for removing this authority since enactment of the clean water act
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exercised its authority 14 times knows recently in large scale mining proposals in alaska and west vni of its authority has been bipartisan. e.p.a. used it two timesnd 12 times during republican administrations. the adverse impacts of the provisions in this bill will be. however enacting rollbacks is an extreme choice in the 2023 ruling by court that subjected the waters to protections. the sack et ruling will remove protection from 50% and 70% of streams. with a much smaller number of water additionalthose proposed e opposite of what congress needs to do to protect our water resources. clean water is not abstract. what stake is reliable,
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drinkable clean water to conduct business, recreate, carry out daily life. they sought to require the's tol would not have negative impacts on water quality. those amendments were rejected on a party line vote. several democrats offered amendments to ensure the bill did not harm local drinking watr sources or infants and children. those amendments were blocked. thoughtful oversight of our■ nation's waters and permitting process is the bipartisan goal. the house of representatives can do far better than h.r23. i oppose h.r. 7023 and i yield back the balance of my time. . . .
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the chair: the gentlewoman reserves the remainder of the time. the gentleman from missouri is recogniz.hairman, at this time i'd yield two minutes to the gentleman from california, mr. duarte. the chair: the gentleman ishank. speaker. i rise today to support h.r. 7023, the creating confidence in clean water permitting act. this bill provides relief to faer producers across the central valley and throughout the united states by cutting red tape, streamlining reviews and prov clean water act. i'm proud that h.r. 7023 includes my initiative, taking.. -needed steps to fix -- taking -- this bill ensures that e.p.aa clear and reliable manner, including clear, objective, concrete limits on pollutants or
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water body conditions that permits can rely on. the national pollutant discharge language in permits that provide loopholes for anti-development groups to sue and block permits needed for critical energy and other infrastruct my provision closes those loopholes and limits opportunities for unwarranted lawsuits. this bill doesn't roll back the clean water act, it codifies decades' old e.p.a. policy to shield permit holders from activists long as they acted in good faith and according to specific terms of their permit. this type of regulatory certainty and lal holders is ney for improving our nation's infrastructure, especially california's i urge my colleagues to support this bill, a commonsense reform that will strengthen the permitting process for permit seekers and well as provide greater clarity for
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permitting agencies. thank you, speaker. i yield back. the chair: e gentlen reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. >> mr. chair, i ask to include in the letter several letopposir from 49 organizations expressing concern that legislation containing several misguided n water act puts polluterd the profits ahead of public health and would jeopardize the water that our families, community, businesses and wildle on. the chair: the gentlewoman's request will be covered by general leave. mrs. napolitano: i now yield ton from ohio, ms. sykes. the chair: expwrot is recognized -- the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. sykes: thank you, mr. speaker. the vice chair of theansportatid infrastructure subcommittee on water resources and environment, i rise in strong opposition to h.r. 7023. this bill is a c water act that altogether will threaten
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access to the clean, safe water our communities rely upon. this bill would protect polluters, makngerous pollutant, mercury and arsenic to enter our waterways. and the more pollutants that enter our source waters, the ant is to clean up our water, the more expensive it is for our constituents. in my district, we have seen thy of communities are also struggling to afford their water bills. and while i have been working throughout this congress toffor, quality water in my district and beyond, the majority has been undermining my efforts and others with bills like this. for, in committee i offered an amendment that would have protected our drinking water from pesticides and prevented water rate increases by passing the cleanup costs to the■ but my republican colleagues voted down this commonsense amendment and preferred to have my constituents and their constituents pay for badential e and people in ohio's 13th
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congressional district depend upon access to clean water for their lives and their livelihoods.m dangerous pollutants and also prevent working people and families from having to foot the bill for pollution and finally, -- discharges. finally, i'd like to discuss how this year's relates to last year's disaster in ohio which occurred just miles away from my district and efforts -- issues we're seeing as a result. changes within h.r. 7023 would allow large projects like railways or pipelines go forward without any consideration for the broader impact that they will have on the communities that they are constructed in. the bill limit what is is conseredmpact, so when used for a new rail line, the court will not be able to consider a rail spill, toxic materials that may be transported or other disaster scenarios, just like we've seen in ohio. these secondary impacts can be huge for the nearby envonand the east palestine derailment, they
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certainly were. worse yet, other parts of this bill will limit the ability to review, taking away the communir itself and be involved in the process of a major project in their own neighborhoods. advocating for sensible permitting reform that allows businesses to grow and considers the health and safety of consumers in adjen communities, but this bill is not it. i firmly believe h.r. 7023 will only make ongoing issues in my state and district worse as well as yours. mr. speaker, i urg m colleagues to oppose this bill and i yield back. mrs. napolitano: i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from missours recognized. >> thank you, mr. chairman. at this time i'd yield two minutes to the gentleman from utah, mr. owens. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. owens: thank you, mr. i'm speaking today in support of h.r. 7023, this bill includes language from my legislation, the water quality development and transparency act. as a member of congress, i value
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input of my constituents. the e.p.a. however sees inp you the from stakeholdersjl -- stak, at least with regard to water quality criteria, for the discharge elimination system permits. e.p.a. claims these criteria are just guidance, not a final agency action that should require a proper regulation -- regulatory review process. stes canteria, but the e.p.a. makes this process so burdensome that most states are forced to adopt the.a guidances. in other words, guidance becomes regulation and that is the game, the end goal of the e.p.a. the e.p.a. then voluntarily takes comments a feedback on these criteria. they have a body that reviews the criteria, an eternal science body, comprised of and internal review from its own board is not a real, robust review. the language from my bill, the water quality criteriaa act, ensures the development of these criteria will be treated with
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the same respect as any other regulations. that is, listening to the stake' feedback. they're constantly dealing with the new burdens from the e.p.a. as truex petters, they -- true experts, they dernsiderati. additionally, in mostly. ed way possible -- most limited way possible, the e.p.a. needs to be held accountable through theb% judiciary system. activists have abused the judicial system for decades. our stakeholders should have an opportunity to keep the new onerous criteria, but career bureaucrats being solely in charge of this criteria should frighten feedback from st stakeholders ensures criteria be made relevant and e.p.a. must consider thestry pros, st staken making these -- stake holders in making these criteria relevant. all new criteria should incorporate their input and their expertise. i urge my colleagues to support
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this important piece of legislation and i yieldgiack. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. mrs. napolitano: mr. chairman, i ask unanimous consent to include in the record letters expressing opposition to h.r. 7023 and its efforts to reopen federal protections and around bristol bay, alaska, including a letter from bristol bay defense fund and the united tribes of bristol bay. the chair: the gentlewoman queas will be covered by general leavs request will be covered by general leave. mrs. napolitano: i yield to the gentlewoman from michigan. the chair: the gentlewoman is recognized. >> thank you. i rise in opposition to despiteg every stipulated requirement, my amendment to this dangerous bill to protect our their water was not ruled in order.
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ms. scholten: something is not right. this is unacceptable. as a matter of parliamentary process and it's unacceptable because our children's health is at risk. infants and children are among the vulnerable to the negative health effects of pollutants in their water. they're often the closest to the source. they crawl on and in the grass and put anything they find in their mouths. including their hands. which puts them at greaterk of exposure to toxins. their immune systems are the least prepared to handle this exposure. children's internal organs a stil and maturing. according to the national institutes of health, kids' immune systems may provide less natural adults. infants and children face more critical periods when exposure to toxic chemicals may alter their rest of their lives. the create confidence in -- the
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creating confidence in clean water permitting act wine crease the risk to our would increase the risk to our children belimitting the tools and processes that the e.p.a. uses for monitoring the health of our water, improngllutants fr waters in the first place. the amendment i submitted was simple. it would have paused the changes within the bill uil the e.p.a. could certify that they would not lead to increased dischargings of pollutants -- dischar pollutants that would have effects. some of these pollutants we may see more of are linked to neurological disorders, behavior cancer, including breast cancer, leukemia and brain tumors. my colleagues and■ the aisle may not agree on the merits of the clean water act or the importance of protecting our local waters from contamination and degradation. but surely we can that protecting our nation's infants and children from toxic
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chemicals is our shared responsibility and to know whers poison in our water and whether we're giving it to our children. for that reason, mr. speaker, i will offer my amendment as a motion to recommit later today because i will never stop fighting for our children. this is not just a bad bill, it's dangerousor our kids. at the end of the debate, i'll insert into the record a text of this amendment and i hope my colleagues will join me in voting for this motion children. i yield back. mrs. napolitano: i continue toh. the chair: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from california -- mr. missouri is recognized. >> thank you, mr. chairman. at this time i'd yield three minutes to the gentleman from m. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. burl burl -- mr. burlison: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in support of the creating confidence in the clean water permitting a bill that pushes back against the out-of-control e.p.a. and
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ensures that important projects are■v approved in a timely mann. the e.p.a. has used the clean water act to delay or block projects and ensure fulfilled. all at the costs of probablies -- projects that are critical for the united states. the e.p.a. has often -- is often inconsistent, not transparent, and unfair in its decision to approve projects, even when those negative impact on the environment. this bill will cut red tape. it will strengthen the permitting proce permits and provide clarity to the e.p.a. to ensure that they are following what the law■( importantly, fight back against the militant climate agenda. look, we all know that the e.p.a. can be a bad but they're not the only ones
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who are standing in the way. we also have to deal withhese environmental groups who continually sue to delay these projects from going through. claiming that the costs outweigh the benefits. of course, we know what they really mean. these projects don't further their climate agenda. so they must be stopped. that's why ts includes my legislation, the judicial review timeline clarity act. the judicial review timeline clarity act ensures that any lawsuit seeking judicial review of a section 404 general or individual permit must be filede permit's issuance. if the court decides that the armyorps did the law in approving projects, it will be remanded back to the secretary where they have 180 days to take action tthe court has ordered. look, businesses are busy. they're already buried under
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which takes on obscene amounts of time and resources to comply with. in this case, they already have to demonstrate that these projects will have basically no impact on the health of water or show that they have exhausted all alternatives in discharging. even with these strict regulations, environmental groups sue to stall these projects, claiming that they will have a negative impact on the environment. the goal is to them held up in court. and our court system is already being attacked from every angle. let's not let the manipulate the courts to push their climate religion. it should be an efficient and speedy process, sousinesse the infrastructure that our country depends on. .
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this will ensure any challenges are eie closing i want to thanke chairman graves and subcommittee chairman david rouser. mr. graves: reserve. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. mrs. napolitano: mr. chairman, i yield three minutes to the gentleman from california, threm california, the ranking member of the natural resources subcommittee on water, wildlife, and fisheries chair: the gentlen virginia tech. mr. huffman: i thank the gentlelady -- the gentleman is recognized. mr. huffman: i rise in opposition to this bill. another exam extreme's polluters over people agenda. folks may be wondering why we are talking about a bill that tries tout the clean water act in what is supposed to be energy week for house republicans. well, the answer is straightforward. this week has nothing to doener. certainly has nothing to do with clean water policy. the common thread is team
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extreme's polluting industries who want to dismantle our environmental laws so they could poison our air, water, and climate without any acty. that's why we are debating this terrible bill that will roll back 50 years of clean water protections. the sacket decision the supreme court severely limited clean water act protection for tributaries and headwaters. the decision disaster and why congress right now should be trying to move legislation that builds up and protects the clean water act. further tools to hold industry accountable, to save guard the power of states and tribes so that they can protecttk sensitie ecological areas and embolden our communities to have an active role in the permitting process for projects that will impact their liveloo exact opposite here. in the aftermath of sacket, they are trying to cut the clean
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water act even further. by removingty to deny clean water act permits they are removing nepa, nesa protections, as well a state consultation. republicans are trying to eliminate judicial review, making it virtually impossible for a community to challenge a y approved through this new permitting process. the bottom line, this makes it a lot easieres to wreck our lakes and rivers and streams. it puts polluters over people. it's worth remembering in the face of these constant attacks on our environmental protections why we created the clean water act in the first place of the the purpose wasc@ communities and the environment. just 50 years ago we had lakes and streams you couldn't wade there were rivers that caught fire and couldn't be put out. steam extreme wants to take us back to that.
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in typical they try to hide the effects of this bill behind a ewe missic title. the creating confidence in clean water permittg congress had a tn labeling requirement for bills around here, this would be called the dirty water permitting act. enough. enough putting polluters over people. i urge my colleagues to oppose this bill. and i yield back. nies napolitano: i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from missouri is recognized. mr. graves: thank you, mr. chairman. at this time i yield five minutes to the gentleman from louisiana, mr. graves. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. graves: thank you, mr. chairman. i want to thank chairman graves and i want to thank chairman rouser for work on this legislation. mr. chairman, the reality is is that america has been wrapped in a bureaucratic morass. in red
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tape. it's impossible to do things like build roads. it's impossible to deploy things like transmission that are critical to help t update the grid. the electrical grid. this is because of what we have seen as an extreme agenda out of we just yesterday talked about the fact that the average american family is now spending an additional $1,000 a month just complying with rules and regulations out of this administration. mr. chairman, i remind you this is they would not impose additional costs upon any family, making less than $400,000 a year. that'sagenda's doing. whether it's blocking energy production and driving up energy costs. whether it is the shrinkflation you have seen with smaller products at the grocery store. every american family is facing
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this hidden tax. what chairman graves and chairman rouser have done is they brought together a bill that brings common sense to the clean water act live, i represeh louisiana. we live at the bottom of one of the largest water sheds in the world. and certainly thegest water shed in the ounce. we go from -- in the united states. we go from montana to new york to canada and drain t everybody's discharge, runoff, comes to our state. do you really think i would have an interest in dirtier water being at the bottom of the thate of the -- the greatest commercial fisheries in the continental united states, one of the destinations in this country? no. it doesn't make sense. what this legislation does is it helps to streamline the processr working with us to include a provision that codifies the permits that would simplyice ife
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general permit is not going to be revived. letting the applicant know or existing permit holder know if mb■k not going to be reissued or renewed. another one that helps to improve the legal process.■e■-■n kerry, brian, white house officials under the biden administration, that are both left now, who brought up to the white house that said we have to fix this judicial review thing. this bill does it. what it does is something very le tha makes -- that ap applies common sense to the situation. it says that, yeah, that's fine. you can file a lawsuit if you have a problem with the decision made. butou to try to participate and resolve your issue in the public comment process, public participation process rather than waiting for of decision, standing out there on the outside filing a lawsuit just as a delay tactic. these are not helpful tactics ta
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leashes tactics. i appreciate the inclusion of that. that moves in the right direction. in closing, mr. chairman, this entire bill builds upon the incredible work that was done in the revisions o of modernization to the policy act that president biden signed into law back in june. that simply tries to ensure that we shrink the amount of time that we shrink the scope of work that's done in looking environmental assessments and impact statements. all of this bureaucratic morass, all of this additional cost being heaped upon american doins slowing down our economy and it's giving us strategic advantage to countries like china, not in our interest. i urge adoption of this legislation and yield back. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from california is recognized. mrs. napolitano: i yield three
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mite to the gentlewoman from the state of pennsylvania, miss lee. the chair: the gentlewoman is recognized. miss lee: i stand today in development opposition to h.r. 7023, the creating competence and clean water permitting act. it's amusing that we are having an energy week conducted by a energy to fight against the interests and well-being of the american people. this bill is emmember mattic of the republican party that shamelessly prioritizes the investments of our billionaire donors over the health of our children, communities, and environment. not to mention our economy. every member of body likes to claim, to be here to advance the needs of our constituents. it seems like every day the republican party tries to tear down the very laws that aim to protect their own constituents. as well as mine, from corporate polluters, pumping toxins into our air and drinking water. ems like el the investments creating thousands of go good-paying, union jobs in districts lik
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lowering our energy bills and creating a healthy and livable future for our kids. pittsburgh is the 22nd most polluted city in the nation. this year was the first year wem the american lung association. i know far too well from what happens when corporate polluters arecountability for their actions which several portions of this bill seek to enable. i'm proud to fight against those who seek to endange our communities. endanger our children. through polluted air and tainted water just so they can give another handout to the billionaires and big oil c.e.o.'s who bankroll their campaigns. i'm proud to represent western pennsylvania and the city of pittsburgh where we have worked hard to remove and replace over 10,000 lead service lines, largely thanks to federal protections and investments these republicans are trying to repeal. the oy bill gives me is republicans will take any opportunity to eliminate oversight and safeguards for our environment and silence the voices of thosef
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unbreathable air and toxic water. thank you, mr. speaker. i strongly urge my colleagues to oppose the passage of this legislation. i mrs. napolitano: i continue to reserve. the chair: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from missouri is recognized. mr. graves: thank you, mr. chat this time i yield five minutes to the gentleman from north carolina, mr. rouser. the chair: the gentleman is recognized. mr. rouser: thank you, mr. chairman. i don't think i have ever heard so much nonsense in such a]v sht pe a member of the transportation and infrastructure committee i rise today in strong support of h.r. 7023, the creatingmitting act of which i am a sponsor. in the five decades since its enactment, the clean water act hasel of water bodies throughout the country. h.r. 7023 is focused on improving section 402 and 404 permitting the clean water act. the key word here is improve. not remove. not eliminate. not undermine. but under the
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clean water act has been a priority of mine as chairman of the water resources and environment subcommittee. i have heard over theou a number of hearings about the successes and challenges of the clean water act. throughout these conversations,s law by various administrations and radical activists are hurting our economy without providing any m benefit. today we heard our colleagues from across the aisle say this legislation will gut the clean water act by rolling back critical water protections. the fact of the matter is that's just not so. this bill does not modify the scope of act. nor does it change current permitting requirements. let me say that again. it does not change current permitting requirements. it closes look holes to prevent the continued weaponization of the permitting process, all of which has nothing to do with
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quality. nothing. i firmly believe regulation should be easy to understand and follow. which has the added benefit in . our competitors across the globe oven disregard any kind of regulatory structure or permitti. something, when they want to build a canal, they just go do it. we are bert than that -- better than that. we bel i environmental protection. however, this does not mean we should be forced to wait years, years to b a conversation plant, new infrastructure, or new energy projects due to the process. distinct advantage and harm our country's economy as well as our energy security, which also directly affects our national security mr. chairman, it's simple. clear processes lead to good decisionmaking and more consistent outcomes. 7023 helps.
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for example, this bill better ensures that section 402 these permits are straightforward and developed in a more transparent way from the data used to develop the permit, to language used within the permit. cutl e.p.a. develops water quality standards through their own internal processes. routinely dismissing comments from outside stakeholders. this legislation would require the e.p.a. to bring interested parties to the table when crafting water quality standards. it would also req permit writers to use clear, more specific language when developing a permit and provide a liability shield for good-faith who are adhering to their permit terms. for section 404, dredge and fill permits, this legiio provide more legal clarity. it clarifies the e.p.a. can only veto a permit when a 404 application is active.■j befores
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been filed or after a permit has been issued. it also codifies many long-standing practices for ande permits by the corps and creates clearer standards for judicial review to protectgainst frivolous lawsuits. section 404 permits, particularly nationwide permits, are often targeted by radical environmentalists a g■b by liti. this legislation helps to protect against these kinds of frivolous lawsuits. .. this bathis bill requires defins of waterers of the u.s. so we can get projects done. this bill enjoys■de range of std constituencies from water utilities to energy groups to farmers to main streetlation wie
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law to be executed and enforced more effectively, save taxpayer money and holders, seekers and writers. i'd also like to note this bill is a teemplet representing -- ae effort of several of my cheegs -- colleagues. i'd like to thank representatives owens, dweurt and graves, all of■rho -- duarte and graves, all of whom have contributed to this bill. i encourage my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support this bill which provides predictability and certainty that our utilities, energy -- the chair: the gentleman's time >> i yield an additional 30 seconds. the chair: the gentleman is roadwayed. mr. rouzer: which provides predictability and certainty that our utilities, energy,ñ; manucturingcwture industries need to succeed. which are so critical to american greatness and energy, food produ
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manufacturing necessary to improve the standard of living of every american. that's what this is about, mr. chairman. i yield back. >> that's my last speaker, mr. chairman. with that, i reserve. the chair: the gentlemanis reco. mrs. napolitano: thank you, mr. chairman. i yield myself the balance of our time. the chair: the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. napolitano: mr. chairman, partisan issue. and no issue has more support among american families than the protection of our nation's water. now is the worst time to lower our guard on protecting clean water as recent years have shown major challenges across the west, floods in the east and the water contamination in many states. we need to be doing everything to ensure our cities, our farmee sufficient, safe and sustainable water supplies of water to meet our economic and agriculturaltye needs, our day to day survival.
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i have dedicated much of my time in congress to protecting our critical water supplies and making sure we capture, reuse every available drop of water in our communities and i do not plan to stop now. recent public service in the mor about inadequate water supplies. almost nine in 10 westerners say that inadequate water spl is a serious problem in their state. this is particularly true in my home state of california. as the metropolitan wer subcommittee a year ago, a strong and clear clean water act is important to the day to day operations of water agencies an. congress should be reinstating protections of the clean water act that the supreme court removed to continue to protect our streams, our wetlands that ha protected since the inception of the act. streams, rivers and wetlands are critical to■b capturing and storing rain, snow melt, to
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ensure a long-term supply of water and recharge our underground aquifers. yet this bill eliminate waters t provide the source of drinking water for over 117 million americans. yes, there's a cost to protecting our communities. our sources of drinking water and our environment. however, the cost should be borne by those seeking to pollute ourñi fill our wetlands for their own personal gain, rather than transferring that cost to the average american or to down stream states. of pollution, water bodies, increase risk of down stream flooding and increase certainty that communities like mine cannot maintain sustainable sources of drinking water. worst of all, hardworking american families would have to pay for the polluti pollution cy others. i oppose this bill and ask my colleagues to vote against this legislation. i yield back the balance of my tientlewoman yields. the gentleman from missouri is
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recognized. >> thank you, mr. chairman. in closing, h.r. 7023 is streamlining and approving the permitting process under the clean water act. as has been stated, this bill will support everyday americans targeted, commonsense reforms to the clean water act. balancing the need for environmental protections along with energy and infrastructure improvements. mr. graves: t work by many members of the transportation and infrastructure committee, in particular i want to thank u.n. e issues,tee -- subcommittee representative burlison, owens, stauber, duarte and graves for their work, who alltributed legislative language to this bill with that, mr. chairman, i would urge support of this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: all has expired. pursuant to the rule, the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the committee on transportation and
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infrastructure printed in the bill, an amendment in the nature of a substitute csisting of e the rules committee print is 18-25 -- 118-25 shall be considered as adopted. the bill, as amended, shall bepó considered as the original bill for the purpose of further amendment under the five-minute rule. and shall be considered as read. no further amendment to the bill as amended shall be in order except those printed in the house report 118-428. each such further amendment may be offernlrd■mer printed in the report, by a member designated in the report, shall be considered read, shall be debated for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to an amendment and shall not be subject to demand for division of t question. it is now in order to consider amendment number 1 printed in house report 118-428.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition. mr. bergman: i■l have an amendmt at the desk. the chair: the clerk will will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 1 printed in house report 118-428 offered by mr. michigan. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 1085, the gentleman from michigan, mr. bergman, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. mr. bergman: thank you, mr. chair. i'm here today to offer my amendment to h.r. 7023. michigan's first district is home to more than 2,000 miles of great lakes coastline. by far, the congressional district, and touches three of the five great lakes. for those of us that call michigan home,at lakes play an invaluable role for our natural ecosystems, communities, economies and our general life. protecting our lakes is a
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unifying goal that crosses all political lines. my amend clarify that nothing in this legislation would affect the longstanding ban on oil and gas drilling in the great lakes under the energy policy act of 2005. h.r. 7023r, i don't believe a would directly lead to drilling activities in our great lakes. but if there's one thing i've learned,zn my yhe military and here this congress, you can't always trust the federal bureaucracy to do the reasonable and right thing.he great lakes to those of us who live near them demands certainty and security. a concrete assur protections, which have wide, bipartisan support, will stay in place. this is especially true when we're discussing permitting un water act, including for energy producers.
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with this protection included, h.r. 7023 will be able to properly balance sound environmental stewardship with responsible infrastructure development and cut the amount of red tape. providing regulatory certainty and clarity while maintaining longstanding protections like the ban on great lakes dri zero. we can and must do both. i urge my colleagues to support this amendment and the underlying bill. i reserve. the chair: the gentleman reserves. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california wish to be recognized? mrs. nol i claim time in opposition although i am not opposed to the amendment. the chair: without objection. the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. napolitano: this amendment clarifies that this act affects of existing banon oil and gas drilling in the great lakes. legislation banning the issue of new drilling permits in the ea in 2005, with support from both parties.
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while legislation bef us does undermine clean water act protections, it doe drilling in the great lakes. we'd like to call this week energy week, so let's look at the state of american energy today. despite you what hear on the other side of the aisle, we are experiencing a record oil boom in the united states. a record oil boom. there oil. the united states is the largest crude oil provider in -- producer in the world, outpacing russia, saudi arabia and other opec■ countries. last fall president biden had approved more permits, more permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands than the previous president had at the same point in his presidency. through passage of bipartisan infrastructure law and the inflation reduction house democrats are addressing both the immediate need for affordable gas prices for consumers, as well as the long-term■&á&nvestments in clean energy future. and that will tackle the climate
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crisis. already since the inflation re passage, 282 million clean energy prongs have been a-- projects have been announced that would create ovee both oil production and clean energy deployment, we can promote american energy while also ensuring protection of our environment. i have no objection to the amendment or its adoption. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman reserves. mrs. napolitano: i reserve. the chair: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman is recognized. mr. bergman: thank you, mr. chairman mr. chair. speakers and i'm prepared to close. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman is recognized. mrs. napolitano: i reserve. the chair: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman is recognized. mr. bergman: thank you. explicitly maintaining protections that prevent oil and gas drilling in the great lakes will provide certainty for the millions of americans that call
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the region home while we work p. once again, i urge my colleagues to support my amendment and the underlying bill. i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman yields. the question is on the amendment offered bm michigan. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed it is now in order to consider amendment number 2 printed in house report 118-428. for what purpose does the gentleman from cal/ornia se recognition? mr. garamendi: i rise to offer my partisan amendment. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: printed in house report 118-428 offoffered about mr. garamendi m
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california. the chair: pursuant to e califo, and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from ka. mr. garamendi: thank you, mr. chairman. mr. chairman, this amendment would allow the u.s. environmental protection agency in 47 states and u.s. territories with delegated authority under the clean water act to issue permits works up to 10 years. under the clean water act's national pollution discharge elimination systeeral and state and territorial regulators can issue permits for five years. and that's it. at arbitraryermit duration no longer matches the construction timeline for public works like modernizing wastewater treatment plants and buildingewcling faci. when the clean water act was signed into law in 1972,
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publicly-owned waster treatment plants were being constructed principally to provide primary or secondary treatment. things have changed over the last five decaded. now these -- decades. now these plants are looking at tesh year and even higher standards, taking longer time for the engineering as well as the■
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nationwide expire long before they can be renewed and in many times they stay in effect for years. this amendment, if adopted, would clear backlog and provide the necessary time to plan, engineer and build the facilities. with that, i yield and reserve my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves. for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina seek recognition? >> mr. chairman, i rise to claim time in opposition to the amenen not opposed to the amendment. .. although i claimed time in opposition,dy note i am not opposed. i support this amendment offered by my colleague from california, mr. garamendi, as it furthers the purpose of the underlying legislation by offering more flexibility and regulatory
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certainty to permit holders. this amendment will provide publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities with the ability to have their permits under section water act issued for 10 years, up from the current five years. in doing so, the amendment will reduce administrativeaucracy whg communities more flexibility to take on important wastewater infrastructure projects with certainty. with that i encourage my colleagues to vote in favor of the amendment. i reserve my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from california is recognized. mr. garamendi: mr. chairman, i ul i want to thank the bipartisan support for this amendment. it makes a lot of sense to expand up to 10 years. it may be that an entity would like to have a permit less than 10 years this. amendment would allow that. but more importantly it does allow a permit to go for a full 10 years.
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the bipartisan support is much appreciated eve though was presented in opposition. which i understand you needed to do to meet the rules. nevertheless, with that in mind i ask for■7 an the chair: the gentleman yield back? mr. garamendi: i yield back. the chair: the gentleman from north carolina is recognized. mr. rouzer: the gentleman from north carolina yields back as well. we are prepared to close. yields. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. it is now in order to consider amendment number 3 printed in house report 118-428.
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for what purpose the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition? ms. houlahan: mr. chair, i have an amendment at the. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 3 printed in house report number 118-428. offered by ms. housylvania. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 1085, the gentlewoman from pennsylvania, ms. houlahan, and member opposed, each will rol five the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from pennsylvania. ms. houlahan: thank you, mr. chair. i rise today to urge my colleagues to support this bipartisan and straightforward amendment to help pass the backlog of permits that have slowed down the developmentnergy projects across this country. as the co-chair of the bipartisan climate solutions caucus, i'm excited to be able to offer this amendment republin co-chair, andrew garbarino, and caucus members david valadao and
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mike lawler. our caucus has heard from bu experts, and agency officials that have all expressed the very same message, permitting in our country takes too long. and our nation's and infrastructure goals are being diminished a result. ensuring timely review processes is also critical as our nation hopes to maskize the potential , including the bipartisan infrastructure investment and jobs act. in other words, slow permitting meanslur economy. in issuing permits, the federal government does their due diligence to ensure these projects will notndue harm to our communities, waters, and environment. that said, under no circumstances should issues with agency staffing hamstring the permitting of projes, us good-paying jobs, time, and money for our businesses. unfortunately, the e.p.a. faces a significant backlog. atscal year 2023, the agency's backlog of general permits under the national
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pollutant discharge elimination system impacted 600 facilities nationwide. further, in 2018, the u.s. army corps of engineers cited that the average timo complete a stad individual permit is 329 days. so every day that a permit is not the potential vitality of an entire project may be lost. the e.p.a. and the army corps have a responsibility to meet theiregulatory permitting deadlines so that we can get shovels in the ground and projects online, on time. that's why i authoredly this vey straightforward and bipartisan amendment that will help us to better understand how staffing shortfalls are impacting per permitting timelines. this amendment does two it requires the e.p.a. and the army corps to issue a report on the staffing needs that they have to process and issue permits under the clean water act based on data over the last five years. the amendment also requires the
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agency to cite the impact that funding for additional full-time employees might have on pro processing timelines. so this will allow congress to be able to take any able to supe hardworking public servants who process these applications and who help reduce that backlog moving forward. so i urge all of my colleagues, both democrats and republicans alike, to support my bipartisan amendment. i thank those whohis amendment. especially ranking member larsen for his -- larson for his leader and support. i reserve. the chair: for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan -- north carolina, sorry. mr. rouzer: i rise to claim time in opposition to the amendment.e amendment. the chair: without objection, the gentleman is recognized. mr. rouzer: this amendment, mr. chairman, would helph usefun on the staffing needs for processing clean water act permits. ensuring the e.p.a. and the army
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corps of engineers have the necessary resources to issue permits combined with the commence permitting reforms includ ihe benefit energy and other infrastructure projects in communities across the country. i urge you will my -- i urge all myaisle to support this amendment. with that i reserve. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. to close. i very much appreciate the bipartisan nature with which this has been accepted and received. i would ask for a yea vote on the chair: the gentlewoman yields. the gentleman is recognized. mr. rouzer: i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields. the gentlewoman from pennsylvania. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. agreed to.
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it is now in order to consider amendment number 4 printed in house report 118-428. for what purpose does the gent■qma from michigan seek recognition? mr. james: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendment number 4 printed in house report number 118-428. offered by mr. james of mic michigan. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 1085, the gentleman from michigan, mr. opposed, eacl control five minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from michigan. mr. james: thank you, mr. speaker. today i stand bore y with a grave concern that demands our immediate attention. the great lakes, the lifeblood of our region, are under siege fr threat. pfas chemicals. these persistent toxic substances pose a significant risk to bothan environment. congress cannot afford to turn a blind eye to this pressing issue. the health and well-being of
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michigan and great lakes communities depend on it. that is why i have submitted an amendment that would bar any of the provisions in this bill fr attempting to impede on research into pfas chemicals. stopping pfas research would be a disservice to the public amero rely on the great lakes. mr. speaker, we cannot allow political agendas to stand in the wayf ess and the health of our people. our people are too important for that. that's why i am similarly supporting an amendment from myk bergman from michigan, which would also ban gas and oil drilling in the great lakes. this isn't a left versus right issue. it's an■ of us. and future generations. congress must do all that it can to protect is supporting comprehensive research initiatives to fully understand the extent of pfas contaminaon .
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we owe it to future generations to safeguard the great lakes and ensure they remain a source of cleaner to come. let us unite in our commitment to protect our environment and the health of our citizens. i ask all my colleagues to please support this very important amendment. with that, mr. speaker, i yield. the chair: does thrve? mr. james: i reserve. the chair: the gentleman reserves. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california see? mrs. napolitano: mr. speaker, i claim time in opposition, though i am not opposed. the chair: without objection, the gentlewoman isecognized. mrs. napolitano: i support the amendment offered by the gentleman from michigan, mr. james. communities across the nation have learned firsthand of the human health rkson■í chemicals s pfas. a pollutant that is found in wastewater of
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treatment works as well as industrial discharge use. e.p.a. is actively addressing this by pushlimit large-scale il discharges of pfas to treatment systems, as well as developing and enforcement discretion policyor municipalities that may simply have pfas chemicals in their sewage through no fault of their own. while i chair the g health riskf pfas, i would point out that the underlying bill may create greater incentives for discharges to underreport or look the other way when it comes to pfas discharges. since 1994, e.p.a. has had in place a permit shield, quote, permit shield policy that provides discharges with legal protection if they apply for in good faith and with honest of as potentially contained in the discharge. however, the underlying bill codifies, codifies an expanded version permit shield
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applicable to discharger whether municipal treatment plan, mining site regardless whether they have made good faith disclosures of all pollutants. e.p.a. has indicated this expanded permitve for permittino identify pollutants that are part of the way stream during the development of theot be creg incentives to ignore the discharge of the chemicals. i support the gentleman's amendment to ensure nothing in this act affects the e.p.a.'s authority to research pfas chemicals. however, i do not support the provisions in the that would undermine e.p.a.'s ability to track ongoing discharges to pfas making it more challenging to utilize thie communities. i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman is recognized. mr. james: thank you, like to
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support my colleagues for supporting this very important bill, the great lakes is important to the entire united states of america and to michigan especially. i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields. chair: the gentlewoman yields. the question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from michigan. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. it is now in order to consider amendment number 5 printed in house report for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? mr. moolenaar: mr. chairman i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerwi amendment5 printed in house report number 118-428. offered by mr. molef
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michigan -- moleaire of michigan. michigan. a. the chair: the gentleman from michigan and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the michigan. mr. molenaire: thank you, mr. chairman. my amendment is straightforward. it prohibits theit to accompany that is based in a foreign country of concern as well as any of its subsidiaries. the countries of concern are china, russia, iran, and north korea. this is commonsense. as a committee on the strategic competition between the u.s. and the chinese communist party, i have seen firsthand how the c.c.p. is disrupt american leadership around the world and replace it with their own authoritarian regime. here at home, americans feel like china is constantly taking advantage of our country and our freedoms. they are sick and tired of seeing the
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