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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  March 21, 2024 3:59pm-7:11pm EDT

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moleaire of michigan. >>michigan. a. the chair: the gentleman from michigan and a member opposed each will control five minutes. the chair recognizes the nt michigan. mr. molenaire: thank you mr. chairman. my amendment is straightforward. it prohibits the e.p.a. from issuing water permit to accompany that is based in a foreign country of concern as well as any of its subsidiaries. the countries of concern are china, russia, iran, and north korea. this is commonsense. as a committee on the strategic competition between the u.s. and the chinese communist party, i have seen firsthand how the c.c.p. is trying to disrupt american leadership around the world and replace it with their own authoritarian regime. here at home, americans feel like china is constantly taking advantage of our country and our freedoms. they are sick and tired of seeing the c.c.p. fly spy balloons over our country president biden our service members to spy on us, hack our
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computer systems poison fentanyl, and depress our children with secret social media algorithms based in beijing. mr. chair, if you talk to constituents in your hometown and ask them if we should allow c.c.p. affiliated companies to use 700,000 gallons of water a day, they would all say of course not. unfortunately, in my district, they affiliateed company called goshen is trying to bully its way into a town. the company was rejected in last november and now is suing a rural township over its plans to build a factory and use 700,000 gallons of water a d .. the e.p.a. should not be issues permits to c.c.p.-affiliated companies andhe cannot allow china to take -- subsidiaries. we cannot allow china to take advantage of our natural resources. my amendment is necessary and common sense. i urge my colleagues to vote yes
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and i yield back. the chair: does the gentleman reserve? mr. mooer. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman -- for what purpose does the gentlewoman from california seek recognition? mrs. napolitano: mr. speaker i rise in opposition toamendment offered by the gentleman from michigan, mr. moolenaar. the chair: the gentlewoman is recognized for five minutes. mrs. napolitano: for over 50 years, the federal-state partnership created by the clean water act has allowed communities to enjoy clean water and has given businesses the certnty they need to create jobs and spur economic growth. yet if this amendment becomes law, both e.p.a. and every state who has responsibility for implementing clean water act would have to deny clean water permits for any, i underscoreny a activity associated with a foreign government or concern. that means thany u.s. sudden sid -- subsidiary of a company with economic ties to a foreign
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country of concern would by statute be denied the abili to operate and expand in this country, if their activities trigger clean water act review. i know representative moolenaar is concerned announced $2.3 billion investment in the state of michigan that's likely to create an additional35,000 good paying jobs and is the biggest economic development in northern michigan. this amendment is not limited to michigan. how many u.s. subsidiaries of foreign companies wills amendment? how will the general electric appliance manufacturing plants in kentucky, georgia alabama tennessee and south carolina continue to operate if this amendment is adopted? g.e. appliances is a subsidiary of a chinese-owned company. how will this amendment affect smithfield foods if these facilities are forever denied clean water permits because of their association with a chinese owner? motorola is one of the world's
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leading manufacturers in smartphones. however this chinese ondcped company -- chinese-owned company has numerous offices and manufacturingache u.s. including new 136,000-square-foot facility in richardson texas. will the moolenaar amendment make it logistically impossible for motorola to operate in the u.s.? house democrats have been leading the charge to ensure the clean accomplish both goals. clean water and job creation. house democrats will continue to build a strong record of job creation in support of domestic manufacturing. prohibiting the issuance of clean water permits from certain foreign is likely to be unimplementable will increase the potential for litigation and delay and ti only threaten clean water. ul i oppose the amendment and encourage my colleagues to oppose the amendment. i reserve the balance of my time. the chair: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentlemaecognized. mr. moolenaar: thank you, mr. chairman. again, i would just like to restate for the members that we
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 99 and nays are 233 and:e the adopted. there being no further amendments under the rule, the committee rises.
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the chair: the committee of the whole house on the state of the un directed me to say that the speaker pro tempore: the
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chair of the committee of the whole house on the state of the union reports that the committee has had under consideration the bill h.r. 7023 and pursuant to hous resolution 108 # 5 reports the bill as amended back to the house with sundry further amendments adopt whole. under the rule, the previous question is ordered. is a separate vote demanded on any amendment reported from the committee on the whole? if not, the chair will put them engross. on adoption of the amendments. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the amendments areion is on engrossment and third reading of the bill. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: a bill to amend section 404 of the federal water pollution control act to codify
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certain regulatory provisions related to nationwide permits for dredge or filled other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the house will be in order. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from michigan seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the motion. the clerk: ms. scholten of michigan moves to recommit 2723 to the department of transportation and infrastructure. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order.
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the question is on the motion to recommit. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. ms. scholten: i ask the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. this will be a five-minute vote. a vote by yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. there will be a five-minute vote.
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 205, the nays are 213 and zero present.
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the motion is not adopted. the question is on passage of the bill. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. >> i request a recorded vote. recorded vote requested. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? mrs. napolitano: recorded vote requested. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded vote is requested. those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic ishi. [captionindeperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 213 the nays are 205 and the bill is passed. without objection to reconsider is laid upon the table. without objection the title is amended.
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the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the house will be in order. please take your conversations off the floor. for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? mr. espaillat: i remove myself co-sponsor of h.r. -- h.
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res. 1068. the speaker pro tempore: the request is granted. the entertain requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise? >> i would like to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection >> i r and congratulate henry bell of 35 years of service to the chamber of commerce. this is aestament to his dedication and to the economic growth of the east texas community. he has been a force behind the driver's success. and combined with his natural ability tos helped new businesses. under his guyedance the chamber ofme become a beacon
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of development and support system for businesses large and small.ber of commerce has 2,000 member organizations. beyond his contributions henry has sought to serve the dedicating his time and talents in keeping with the traditions of five generations of bells that served beforfe him. i congratulate. the east texas community is proud to have you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. for what rise? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the gentleman is recog fe minute. mr. payne: mr. speaker i rise today to honor eugene, the
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longest serving president of st. peters university. the president is retiring after 17 years leading this university. during his tenure, the president st. peters become a national university and gained national recognition. he helped start the first doctoral p business, nursing and education. he oversaw the construction of the new student center and creation of the stem empowerment center. he secured more than million in funding in 25 million in federal grants for the school. i enjoyed being there a sons donald and jack to watch the magical run during the 2022ncaaa tournament. and i will be rooting for the
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peacocks' tournament tonight a he is an exceptional leader and will be missed. and with that, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york rise? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized mr. lawler: today i rise to honor john krueger a veteran and stalwart of rockland county who passed away on march 18, 2024. exemplified a life dedicated and serving with the nyfd and deputy fire coordinator and advocating for fire safety and prevention.john's impactful journalism, the quote fire's deadly rage series
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sparked community action to smashing installations. his dedications extended into fire instructor and illegally housing task force to enforce fire safety and building c john's involvement in the volunteer fire department and fire service associations highlighted his community. his legacy as a firefighter and educator leaves an i will pakistan on rockland county. we extend our condolences and remember kryger. his legacy of dedication and service will inspire generations. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the gentleman is recognized for
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one minute. >> mr. speaker rise to recognize a hometown university and hcbu making a gigantic impact in northeastern carolina elizabeth city state university. we are getting such as professor and dean. dr. received the governor nor james e. howard award in public service and making a profound impact to his dedication in education through community engagement as well. the doctor has compelled in academics and contributed to public service particularly through initiatives like the nasa aerospace academy and which has enriched the lives of thousands. his commitment extends well beyond the classro w ensure that students
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in the surrounding region can envision a brighter future. we celebrate deserved award and viking pride. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia rise? mr. carter: i request unanimous consent to address the hnd my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection the gentleman from georgia is recognized for one minute. mr. carter: mr. speaker, i rise today to christine for being promoted to major general. his career began as a student at the university of georgia and stanford law and attended georgia military college where he was positioned as second lieutenant in the corps of engineers. during 1990's, he continued to serve the military affairs as a lawyer for the field. his responsibilities ranged from to prosecuting and defending military personnel at trial.
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he has served as a senior lawyer in the georgia national guard brigadier general and u.s. attorney for georgia's southern and northern districts. he has made history as the first reserve component officer in the army's advocate general corps. his hard work is recognized by family friends and others and myself. and i witnessing his future accomplishments. i yield back. the spr what purpose does gentlelady from texas rise? >> i request unanimous consent to addre revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentlelady from texas is recognized for one minute. ms. garcia: this saturday the affordable care act is turning 14 years old. despite relentless challenges and efforts by maga republicans
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to repeal it over 50 teams in the last 14 years, the the affordable care act remains intinues to provide millions of individuals and families with access to affordable health care. 21 million americans are enrolled in quality health care under the affordable care act in 2023 including more than 3.5 million texans. today, more americans have health insurance that any other president in history. thank you mr. president. democrats have made sure that more ever are getting covered under the affordable care act. we will continue to put people over politics to lower health care costs and ensure that every american can get the care that they need. thank you a birthday a.c.a. boark boark --
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obamacare. the speaker pro tempore: f recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without object gethe recognized. mr. burchett: i honor first sergeant wayne he had lynn who served in korea. he spent eight months in combat. he was sent back to the united states for a while and reiavnd served in japan deployed in korea for a year and spent 3 1/2 years in as senior instructor at the university of santa clara. in 1968 he deployed to vietnam where he participated in combat operations and earned his second infantry's badge and bronze star. wayne left vietnam in returned to forth pocan returned. and made the wise decision to
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move to tennessee. we are so glad to have him in our community and glad he is a constituent of mine. and sacrificed for many years and i'm honored to recognize a 2nd district veteran of the month. eaker pro tempore: for what purpose does gentleman seek recognition? >> unanimous consent request unanimous consent request the speaker pro tempore: without objection. >> thank you mr. speaker. at its core, the american dream is about owning a many americans this has turned into a pipe dream. there are 343,000 households in north carolina that spend their income on rent leaving hardlyany money. i worked on a plan that outlines
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some of the work we have done already and what we need toss the affordable housing crisis. this plan addresses our housing supply and land use policies and as vice chair of the new democrats housing task force i forward solutions to build more affordable housing and increase access and tackle this crisis. i yie back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from ohio seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one mihout objection the gentleman from ohio is recognized. >> i rise today to recognize secretary fudge for outstanding careern significant achievements as she pleeps to retire. secretary fudge steadfast career in public service beginning as a an example for all of us who worked to serve all of us. before becoming hud secretary she was part of the ohio delegation in the house for 12
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years. she championed food and nutrition policies and throughout the nation. i to thank secretary fudge for her contributions that have led to a prosperous and wish and happy retirement and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from delaware seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. speaker , march is national blood clot awareness month. one american every six minutes dice from a blood clot which is why yesterday i virtual tool kit to raise awareness and inspire advocacy. asr of congress and member of the health subcommittee this issue is a professional one for me and the
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100,000 americans but as lisa, this is personal. 10 years ago i lost my husband charleso blood clots. his death shook me to the core and inspired me to act and i introduced the charles rochester blood clot prevention and treatment act. recently my impacted. my dad was diagnosed with cancer the second leading cause of death with people after clots. he contracted a blood clot in his leg and arms and because i knew the signs -- because i knew the signs we were able as a family to have four more months with he passed away in january. so today for our loved ones and our constituents, let's raise awareness and let's advocate and
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let's act to stop the clot, spread the word and save lives. . . . . the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from nolina seek recognition? ms. foxx: i ask to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. foxx: thank you mr. speaker. i rise jerod l. perry, a major in the united states marine corps, an exemplary north carolinian and a proud native of ash county. on april 5 he will retire after 16 years of service to our nation. a record of service that is admirable and respected. his service to our nation has led him to travel to central and south america on the u.s.s. iwo jima and afghanistan where he served indo-pacific. no matter where he's traveled to in service to our nation, one thing has remained the same, his
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commitment to advancing and safeguarding the values and freedom that make america the greatest country in the world. congratulations, major perry on your well-earned retirement. the entire nation thanks you for sacrifice. we are forever grateful. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from north carolina seek recognition? >> i ask to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks.tempore: without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker i rise today to call out the hypocrisy of support our democratic allies but won't put words to action. ms. manning: the speaker is leading a delegation to normandy defeat of a destructive brutal dictator by the united states and its allies in world war ii, he refuses to bring forward the senate emergency aid bill that would
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help our democratic ally, ukraine, defeat one of today's dictators vladimir putin. that very same senate bill would provide much needed support to our ally israel as it continues its battle against the terrorist group hamas which savagely attacked israel continues to hold more than 100 hostages league americans. so i ask my good friends other side of the aisle, will you stand up to the far right extremists and call for the speaker to bring the senate aid bill to the floor? in the ne freedom and democracy i urge you to do what you know is right for our country and the future of the free wor the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlelady from missouri seek the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. >> thank your. speaker. st. louis and i rise to express
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our grave disappointment neither the extension or expansion of the radiation exposure act is included in this spending bill. ms. bush: decades ago our government dumped radioactive waste in communities all over the country including in my district. to this day many of my constituents are sick and dying because of their exposure. world wa killing people in my district. we were wronged by the federal government and rather than taking responsibility to make it right, congress couldn't spare a dime on this bipartisan issue. this bipartisan effort to compensate the victims. why is it that we always have money for endless war but never enough to repair the harm war has caused? it's pastime this body gets its priority straight. take full responsibility. clean up this waste. compensate those who have been harmed. you have 78 days. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition?
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>> mr. speaker i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarkscognized for one minute. >> thank you mr. speaker. i rise with a heavy heart to mourn the tragic loss of two soldiers of theional guard who called our capital region in new york home. mr. tonko: on march 8 2024,warrant officers casey cassidy and john brosnan elicopter crash in texas. chief warrant officer was on the cusp of achieving a bacheloree i emergency management and was connected to many community organizations including serving as a volunteer firefighter and a member of the conservation corps. chief warrant officer gracia served as a analyst with the department of homeland security and most a new york state trooper. this week these heroes were
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brought home and met with the honors and recognitions deserving of their incredible bravery and sacrifice. my heart goes out to the vast universe of family, friends and loved ones left behind and shattered by thi truly terrible loss. they have left us too soon but will forever be remembered and treasured by all who love them. their m will serve as a beacon for all in our capital region community and beyond. with that, i thank you mr. speaker, and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: thank you. for what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island seek recognition? >> ask to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker i rise today to honor terrence j.boylan, who passed away last month at the age of 85. terry lived a life dedicated to public service and leaving the world in a better place than he found it. a veteran of the u.s. navy, terry was commissioned out of
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newport, rhode island, and served as a weapons officer aboard the u.s.s. cromwell and u.s.s. delong after graduating from st. john's university. he proudly country in uniform and remembered the navy fondly as one of the best times of his life. he even married his wife, virginia mahoney from cranston, rhode island at the newport naval chapel. they settled in barrington, rhe la the henry barnard lab school in providence and moved to marshall head, massachusetts, where he served as a elementary school principal for nearly three decades. in his years in working in education he left an indelible mark. they retired to cape cod and then after her passing returned to rhode island to be close to his children and grandchildren and i join his family, and his loved ones, in celebrating his extraordinary life and i yield back.
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urpose does the gentlelady from texas seek recognition? without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. jackson leeea rise to give dignity and respect to the victims of pollution across america. those who have suffered from toxic like the train derailment in palestinian but more importantly the cancer clusters in texas and cashmere gardens and the northeast part. so the legislation creating confidence in clean water permitting act does the complete opposite by limiting the environmental authority to regulate the discharge of pollutants into the united states waters. those watersn the happened in cashmere
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gardens in the fifth ward where soil or water or pollution trickled into the soil and created in our neighborhoods cancer clusters where this area has the highest number of can victims in the state and maybe the nation. i'm trying to fight it. i put in an amendment that would require the administrator to report to congress. i will not stop until we end the cancer clusters and stop the polluters that are over the people of this nation. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. ms. jackson lee: with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: is the chair lays before the house a message. the clerk: to the congress of the united states, when i was selected president a pandemic was raging and our economy was reeling and trickle down economics had undermined our nation's growth long term. i was determined to rebuild the middle out and b
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the top down because when the middle class does well, we all do well. we can give everyone a fair shot and leave no one behind. brought transformational progress. in the near term, my administration moved quickly to help hs and businesses make it through the pandemic with a historic rescue plan that vaccinated the nation, delivered immediate economic relief to people in need and sent funding to cities to keep essential services going. we worked with the private sector and labor unions to e and shortages in our supply chains, getting goods flowing again and making our economy more resilient for the future. today america is in the midst of the strongest recovery of any advanced economy in the world. along the way we've achieved one of the most successful generations, bringing new opportunities to communities of all sizes nationwide. we're tackling years of public infrastructure clean energy, and advanced manufacturing making sure the future is made in america by american workers. making
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the biggest investment in american infrastructure and generations including over $400 billion for projects and 4,500 communities to date. these projects are rebuilding the nation's roads railroads, courts, airports, public transit water systems high speed internet, and more in every part of the country. we're also making the most significant investment in fighting climate change in history, advancing breakthroughs in clean technology,energy independence, lowering electricity costs for hard-working families and revitalizing fence line communities smothered by a the same time, we're working with the private sector to strengthen america's semi conductor and advanced manufacturing industries as well empowering workers and small businesses to share in the benefits. already my investing in america agenda has attracted $650 billion in private investment
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from companies building factories here in america. we've ignited a m semi conductor boom, a battery boom, an electric vehicle boom and more. my agenda is creating hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs so folks never have to leave their hometowns to find work they can raiseri a again has the strongest economy in the world a record 15 million jobs have been created on my watch giving 15 million more americans the dignity and peace of mind that comes with a steady paycheck. the unemployment rate has beenst stretch and over 50 years. and we've seen the lowest unemployment rate for black americans on record. economic growth is strong. wages are raising faster than prices. inflation is down by 2/3. we have more to do but folks are feel the results. real income and household wealth are higher now than they were before the pandemic and consumer sentiment has surged any time in
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decades. americans have filed a record 60 million new business applications since i took office and each one of them is an act of hope. importantly, we're paying more for many of these historic investments by making our fairer. we've cut the deficit by $1 trillion since i took office. one of the biggest reductions in history. and i've signed legislation to cut it byver the next 10 years. in part by raising the corporate minimum tax to 15% and making the wealthy and big corporations start paying their fair share. it's clear that we're making tremendous progress for the american people, but we have more to do to finish theob. my administration is going to keep fighting to lower costs for hard-working families on everything from prescription drugs to housing childcare, and student loans. folks in washington have tried to reduce prescription drug costs for decades.e' our historic inflation reduction act is getting it done.
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for example capped the cost of insulin fo at $35 a month, down from as much as $400. and starting next year, no senior on medicare will pay more than $2,000 year in total out-of-pocket drug costs even for expensive medications that can cost many times more. affordable care act. as a result, more americans have health insurance today than ever. we are making real gains in expanding housing to housing. more families own homes.nt easing and record 7.1 million housing units are under construction nationwide and keep by expanding rental assistance, speeding builders' access to build moree homes and reducing mortgage payments. we are standing up for workers and consumers and cra d hidden junk
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fees, airlines banks and insurers slip on to people's bills america the strong start they need. the american rescue plan expanded the child tax credit cutting child poverty nearly in half in 2021. we will restore it and guarantee access to high quality child care. our rescue plan made the biggest investment in public education in american history. today, we are pushing to reduce funding to schools in need to expand tutoring and programs. and ease teacher shortages. despite legal challenges, we have canceled 138 billion in student loans for $3. # million 750,000 teachers, nurses firefighters and social workers. such widespread debt
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cancellation is people considering to buy a home, have a child. in all of agenda is making the promise of america the story of america is one of resilience. always moving forward and never giving up. it is a story unique among nations. we are the only country stronger. that is what is happening across america today. there is still work to do, but been more optimistic about our future. we are the united states of america and nothing beyond our capacity when we do together. signed joseph r. biden junior, the white house march 21, 2024. referre d to joint economic committee and ordered printed. the chair lays before the a communication. the clerk: the honorable the
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speaker, house of representatives, sir pursuant to section 4-b of house resolution 917 i write to inform you and the house of representatives that today the committee on the judiciary against department of justice employees mark daly and jack morgan to enforce should subpoenas. the committee initiated a civil action committee on the judiciary, u.s. house of 124. 00815 filed in the u.s. district court of the district of columbia on march 21, 2024 signed sincerely jim jordan, chairman. the speaker pro temp speaker's announced policy of january 9 2023, the chaircognizes mr. roy as the designee of the majority leader. mr. roy: i come here to the floor affairs that we find ourselves
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given the extent to which the president of the united states and his radical progressive democrats allies on the other side of the aisle here and in the senate are continuing an well-being on the american people with open borders, with inflationary spending with policies, driving up the cost of goods sold. and overall diminishishing america and the world. this is intentional. that kind of an assault on the well-being of the american people deserves to be met with the kind of resistance that the american people who sent us here to represent them expect the american people who sent at republicans here to be in the majority to stand or thwart the radical policies of the
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biden administration supported by radical progressive democrats here in this house and in the senate they sent us here to thwart those policies. therefore, it is our duty and incumbent upon us to actually do so. last year, when given the majority a number of us set out to change how the house of representatives works or should i say was not working. we set out to bills could be read. you have 72 hours to review a bill. we set out to ensure that you would have representation on the various committees. we set out to ensure there was a process to move appropriation of committee and onto the floor and from the floor to the senate and pass individual bills, try to resmight call regular order. we set that out.
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we passed 7 appropriations bills out of the house to go. we passed h.r. 2 the strongest border security bill that has ever been mov5 off of the house floor. we passed limit save, grow, which would elevate the debt making policy changes to drive down the amount of debt. those honoring the commitment we made to our constituents and not hiding. unfortunately today republicans are hiding. they are hiding behind the fear of so-called shutdown and hiding behind the razor-thin majority a massive omnibus spending bill, the second part of a two-part spending bill that below zero past the
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spending caps passed on a bipartisan basis and increases spending levels perpetrated by nancy pelosi which every republican months ago, they are about to pass legislation that will spend more money and they are going do so knowing full well that we are not achieving the vast majority, barely any, of policy changes that's the actual truth. we are going to abandon the efforts we set out to change this chamber last year and doing it vial lently. we got a bill this that is over 1,000 pages long, $1.2 trillion and expected to pour over it in one day in 24 hours. we are still uncovering
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ridiculous uses of taxpayer fó funds. the american people are about to learn what some of those are. but not only are we abandoning of what we accomplished last year to make the house work again, but we aref this country hardworking people who are looking at congress and saying what are you doing. they are seeing their country being taken away from them right before and their very life is being eviscerated. this isn't about power. we are not sent here to accumulate power or run for re-election. we are sent heresomething. we are sent here to fight for the people who sent us here. and what we are doing right now is looking at a country that we love a country being destroyed
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throwing up our hands as republicans and is just not worth the fight because we might have a poll that looks bad because of shutdown. that's what we are telling instead of using the power of the purse the power of the purse to enforce change as was stated by james madison in federalist paper 58, the house of representatives cannot not refuse but they alone can propose the supplies requisite. they in a word purse that powerful instrument. the prerogatives of the other branches of government and may be regarded as the most complete and if he can tule weapon which any constitution can arm the representatives of the ae redegrees for any grievance and carry every sail you tear measure.
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those were the words of james madison arguing for the adoption of the constitution. he was the one i'm standing in right now the house of representatives through the power of the purse is the only body in the w that can restrain the power of the executive branch, the president of the united states. we body, in concert with the senate, of course, hold the power to check an out of control the president of the united states and people who work for him in this administration out of control? yes. how do we know this? because the president of the united states goes to the microphone said he is going to ignore the supreme court when theyd you cannot do what you are doing against the law with respect to student bailouts. he is ignoring his border of the united states using policies meant for
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exceptionso blow open the border and endanger the people. that is abusef power. that is what is happening. that is what the president is doing. a president who has power at the f.b.i. and intelligence agencies. that's what's happening. and what is the response from republicans? crickets. the yawn. a whimper because they are afraid that someone might cry shutdown. they are afraid they might lose their precious that election certificate which gifts some people in this body their worth. but election certificate is only as good as the people we are here to represent.
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and sent us here to do something and change the today, in texas, more than 100 illegal jailens charged past the texas national guard. the state i represent is on fire. and trying to pick up the pieces as the federal government refuses to do its job and what are my republican colleagues do, and department ofhomeland security more money. someone explain that to me. explain to me how any republican go out and campaign against joe biden's open borders going to do it tomorrow right here on the floor of this body and write him a check and here you mr. president, thank you sir
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may i have another. i insert quoll animal house." this bill does not include one single policy necessary to secure the border and i'm tiredns gngo the microphone and say otherwise because it's not true. i have heard down and talk -- don't worry chip, we the ayes beds -- ice beds. those beds will not be filled? chip that's for future president trump to use. president trump can increase the i.c.e. beds to he had before, which is as many as 57,000 beds. this is nonsense and it'sse than nothing. because same republican colleagues who go out to the microphone and say we are going to increase border patrol.
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first of all good luck recruiting more border patrol they can't achieve the numbers at 17,000 or 18,000. we say in our bill, we will have border patrol agents. guess what how they complete that feat. and they say expediting the processing of more that is exactly what it would do. give more funding for more border patrol agents to process more illegal overrunning our borders and overrunning our hospitals and jails and schools our communities resulting in the death of laken riley and kayla hamilton and for too many people and republicans will car in the corner tomorrow and ring our hands and say we can'tal
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about a shutdown. that's what is going to happen. 80th anniversary ofver in normandy. . . .. with billions of dollars to an administration that's going to allow every single thing they fought for to winnowed away. that's the truth. tomorrow and democrat every republican tomorrow who votes for thisn of a bill will own personally own the mass release of illegal aliens in violation of law because you're funding it. on top of 4.5 million releases so far. aways so far. you vote for this, you own it.
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you own the release of illegal aliens with notices to appear in court as far out as 2035. and growing. and limited knowledge to where they you own it. you own the unlawful mass parole programs the use of the c.p.b i-ou are voting for tomorrow will fund that. of over one million i venezuelan prison gang who violently murdered laken riley. you own that. it's not good enough to pass a bill last week and name after laken riley and come here and write the check to the very people responsible for allowing it to occur. chaos in haiti to the shores of america. via the cuban and haitian and nicaraguan and parole program. you own that.
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the haitian migrant who raped a 15-year-old disabled girl who was he massachusetts. you're funding that. dismantling of the migrant protection protocols that were effective under the previous president. you are running that. you are funding the halt of the wall construction. you are funding the legal attacks on the state of texas for standing up to try to secure our border even a our national guard against overrun. you are funding that. if you vote for this bill tomorrow. had to spend over $12 billion of its own money. i can tell you what you're not funding. you're not funding paying texas back. i'm talking to my texas delegation friends now. are you literally going to go home to when your own national guard are getting overrun, your own state is not getting paid back, we are not getting any policy changes, you are going to increase the debt, and try to sell that garbage to
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the people of texas? spare me when i see you campaigning this year onboarder security. it's a fraud. it's a fraud for republicans to campaign onboarder security it -- on border security while you fund it. you fund the lawlessness open borders, the death of laken riley. you fund the fentanyl pouring into our communities and killing our kids. you own the d.h.s. memos policies and rules that restrict border patrol's ability to do their job. you own it. you own the continued exploitation of unaccompanied minors t getting sold into sex trafficking trade the 85,000 children that were lost by the very office of refugee you own it. don't campaign against it and then write the check. you own the funding cities that refuse to cooperate with immigration law enforcement which by the way are
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hamstrung in the first place by the administration that doesn't care about the law.t. don't go complain about sanctuary cities. you are funding it. and it's worse. as i said before, because d.h.s. gets more money. get net an increase in funding -- they get an increase in funding. not to change the policies but to give border patrol the ability to process more quickly. which means more people come to the border. the defense department is also attached to this total capitulation on o we continue to fund a woke department of defense the wake of a weak national defense authorization act passed in december which by the way we were promised by republican leadership was one step, just get then we'll fight on spending. this is what fighting object
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spending looks -- on spending looks like, i'm not sure why you bother flying to normandy to regale those who had the courage to walk into a wall of bullets and scale a cliff to defend america and go fight against nazi germany. this is what we do? is this what we do when our hour is before us? we will be funding and therefore own, if you vote for this bill, biden's illegalepartment of defense abortion travel fund. you own it. by the way all you social conservative groups out there all you so-called pro-life groups where the hell are you? crickets, silence, because you care about political power more than the very thing you sayu know who you are. transgender surgery the pentagon. where are the social? cowering in the corner. coke d.e.i. offices across the pentagon destroying the military morale.
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you can't even anybody to the pentagon anymore. you're funding it. don't complain about it while you'reng it. woke d.e.i. offices biden's climate change executive orders undermining our war fighting you're funding it. the deputy inspector general for diversity and inclusion extremism in the military, you're funding it. own it. the department of defense's ability to classify americans communication as misinformation. you are funding i own it. state and foreign operations are part of this bill. we are going to the radical progressive democrats' woke agenda abroad and you're going to pay for it. what we rack up a trillion dollars of debt every 100 days. are you going to take that borrowing, undermine your own dollar, drive up your own inflation, funding the bureaucrats.
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congratulations, america that's what your house of representatives are doing. that iscans campaigning against after they funded it. after they own it. i w give credit where it is due. republican leadership, led by the speaker, negotiated to defund unrwa. well it's about dang time. some of us were calling for that three years ago when we introduced legislation to do it.ho voted against defunding unrun with a -- unrwa in december in the appropriations package. guess what? october 7 was one of the most horrific attacks one of our friends in the history. we realized what us already knew, unrwa was right there involved. unrwa was funding it. the united nations refugee refugee. they were funding it. so congratulations.
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we defunded an entity that is funding terrorists against our friends, israel. good. let's put one over here in the win column. this green check box. congratulations, republicans you did it. you did something that you canll. but sorry to say you're still funding the world health organization which wants to take away american sovereignty. that work to force covid tyranny on the american people, force it down the throats of the american people. in the process of negotiating a new treaty that would expand its reach, you funded it. congratulations. you own it. you own the world health organization. you own the dystopian united nations population fund. targeted as basically exterminating people.
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congratulations, you on it. again to all you social conservative groups out there thanks.ç the gender equity and equality action fund, lgbtq envoy border security for jordan a border security for jordan and pakistan, but not doing anything to secure the border of the united states. own it. the climate czar office formerly occupied by john kerry flitting around the planet in his private planes, you paid for it. you own it. you're funding it. $3.8 billion for the migration and refugee assistance programs while our southern border is not secure. think about that. again, my republican colleagues who vote for this bill, you're going to -- iw are. people can follow you around. you are going to campaign against all of these things.
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i guess all in texas hold emstyle on president trump and say well, it's going to take president trump to save us. how's that separation of powers thing working out for you? did you skip that part of civics that we are a co-equal branch of government? oh but quip, we can't do that. we need a president to save us. why the hell you in conglly supposed to be more important than the president of the united states. that's why we are article 1. too chicken to use the power. the most powerful tool that we have. these guys can't do what they are doing to the american people and to our country without the money to do it. and not only are we giving them the more money and we are borrowing to do it as extraordinary rates. at extraordinary rates.
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anybody be reminded we are spending more on our interest on the debt than we are on defense this year? but all of the hawks in here who are totally happy selling out our country vote by vote so they can go home and say they brought home a troop pay raise great. but you're now spend interest than you are on the pentagon. in two years you are cracking $1 trillion in interest. the president's budget that he just sent to us has us spending more on interest over the next decade every year than we do on defense. congratulations. republicans, you own it. how about the f.b.i. headquarters? good job republicans. you went out and campaigned when we omnibus bill and said, we got cuts to the f.b.i. went out and s first of all, it was bogus.
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vast majority of the cuts came from one earmark from a building in alabama that richard shelby got last congress. he's no longer here to defend. so you axed it. then claimed you had some massive cut to the f.b.i. that's called swamp. politics. but nown this omnibus spending bill guess what? we go ahead and fund the new f.b.i.dq so who cares that the f.b.i. just massively spied on the american people. by the way we haven't donnell about that except for extend their powers the continuation of fisa without actually putting in a warrant to protect warrantless searches. we haven't done that yet. put that over there as a thing republicans own. continued spying on americans without war rants to protect them. good job. are you going to check that campaign box this year? we are going to stop, make sure that fisa is no longer abused by the f.b.i. we are going to protect you. but we are not going to do it
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when we have the power to $200 million to the f.b.i.'s new headquarters.hibit the treasury from establishing a central bank digital currency, which we did in the house bill. somebody tell me, how now somebody tell me, how can you not negotiate to stop the formation of a central bank digital currency? one of the most pernicious assaults on freedom that you could possibly have, we couldn't even stand up as republicans to demand that that we passed it here in the house. the senate didn't want it, apparently. or the biden administration didn't want it. so in our grand negotiation we didn't even do that. do you know what a central bank digital currency can do? your life down based on whatever they choose to using too much gas because you didn't get an electric vehicle?
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no sorry. we're shutting you down. buy too much ammo this month? nope shutting you down. the chicoms do this on a regular in front of that thinking maybe the basic foundational principles in the constitution peculiarity. but no. we couldn't even negotiate that. so congratulations republicans you own the continued ability of the executive branch to work up the formation and creation of a central bank digital currency. congratulations, you own it. no prohibition on the funds so-called e.s.g. and the federal thrift savings plan, we which had 'do noted got punted -- which we had adopted got punted. go home to your constituents and explain to them how excited you are to take their tax dollars and then add to that a bunch ofowing
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to fund transgender affirming care. good job. you own no prohibition on implementing biden's climate change e.o.'s. no governmentwide prohe had pro -- prohibition on vaccine mandates. a few partial ones. we us a want to be fair. there was a -- we always want to be fair. there was a note in the bill that moderately defunded the covid mask mandates. there was some modesty funding of the wuhan lab in the d.o.d. bill but in the vast majority of it over at h.h.s., all the stuff in there that was carried out, right there still there. congratulations. we shut down the giggest -- biggest economy i the history of the world we racked up $8 trillion of debt, we put our kids behind, now to the tune of trillions of dollars of economic harm. all allowed the wuhan lab to be abused, which we funded and guess what. we're still funding it. it. don't go out and campaign against the china virus or the wuhan viers or the wuhan lab --
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virus or the wuhan lab. you own it. you're funding it. right now today. you're doing it. houselicans have aggressive cuts to h.h.s. last year but now we're going to give a billion-dollar increase. we're still funding the student loan ponzi scheme. you go out and you go criticize president biden and the student loan program ignoring the supreme court. you're funding it. gender affirming surgeries and drugs, you're funding it. research for the border and fields issue you're funding it. president biden's radical anti-worker agenda, you're funding it. you're funding the wuhan lab. again, i'd like to give a shoutout to the social conservave groups out there for being so invested in life and d.e.i. and all the issues involving, sayrt fetal
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tissue, that you're doing nothing about this bill. because you like earmarks. we banned earmarks at one point. the previous omnibus spending bill had something like 6,000 or something earmarks. i don't even know. it's hard to keep count. this one it had a bunch more because it was transportation. everybody loves to get roads and -- their little bridges and roads and stuff. bike paths named after crazy people using your money. there is in article 1 section 8 but whatever. the bill contains 1,400 earmarks this one does, for 2dz billion earmark. i'm a member of congress, i don't want to let a bureaucrat decide this, get to decide how this is spent. i get to bring home something to my district that is so critically important to the well-being of my constituents, because that's what they all say. that's what they say when they bring back earmarks. chip we know how to do thisucrats. why would you stand in the way of these all-knowing congressmen to make the right decisions for their constituents rather than
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turning over that power to tureaucrats? ok. let's see how that's working out for you america. 156,000 dollars for the hartford guy and lesbian health elective. champions o lgbtqia+ equity and provides training on lgbtq+ cultural competency and accessing health care for lgbtq+ youth. well that's a good use of money. $1.1 million for an e.v. innovation hub. while e.v.'s pile up in all the car dealerships around the country while we fund the chinese to make sure they're enriched while we kill natural gas and kill energy in this country and make it harder for americans to work. butigwe did a really cool bill today in energy so everything's good. $2 million oregon clinic that provides hormone therapy to kids. lgbtq senior housing in massachusetts. yes, gaye senior housing. good job republicans. that's what you're funding. services in wisconsin. one of their programs is called,
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teens like us, lgbtqia2s for gender affirming clothing program. you're funding it, you own it. $400,0 equality education fund in new jersey. helped minors transition genders, promote biological boys playing girl sports a using the same rest rooments. congratulations, republican, you own it. 5dz million for married center for maternal child care in does transgender procedures quote it can serve as your home base during the transition process. congratulations, republicans and again s you great social conservative groups out there just whistling dixie while this is happening. $1 million for the inner city muslim at work which calls for the destruction of israel. so guess what. we're going to go send an inition for -- send an invitation for bibi netanyahu to address a joint session of congress here in this body,
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everybody will say we love israel and, you know, then let's go give $1 million to the inner city muslim network which calls for the destruction of israel. good job republicans. you own it. $1.6 million for cape cod electric buses. cape cod electric buses. $350,000 for theater programs, $567,000 for an inclusive playground. what is an i playground? when i was a kid an inclusive playground was a bunch of bars that degrees in the summer heat that you scalded yourself on, where you're hanging up over a bunch of asphalt and taking your life into your own hands. it w equal. equal stupid, but fun. this, i don't even know what an inclusive playground is. but there he $567,000 of money printed right out of thin air here you go. dartmouth
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hitchcock also provides late-term abortions. shoutout again to the social conservative groups, completely m.i.a. $740,000 for increasing diversityn sta the state of maryland. maryland can't figure out how to fund their own diversity programs without getting a federal grant out of printed money? $870,000 for a group that wants to defund the police in connecticut. so republicans who get up and rant about police being defunded are going to fund the defunding of police in connecticut. you can't make this stuff up. you can't.ts women of color coalition inc., i don't even know what that is. i could keep going. i could keep going. the american people did not send us to washington to continue
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down road of destruction for the greatest country in the history of the world for which so many men have died to defend and protect it. cherry blossoms by the tidal basin we walk down by the jefferson memorial, we read the words we walk by the lincoln memorial, go across the memorial bridge to what? 400,000 tombstones on the other side of the potomac for those who either actually gave the last fulmer of devotion or w and survived and came back and were buried there. what did those 400,000 give that last full measure of devotion for? it wasn't f this. and yet republicans campaign on it all the time and then fund it. i don't know how to go back to the people that i represent in texas and tell them that while the national guard had 100 illegal aliens bum rush them in el paso, while we've like laken riley getting killed by somebody, released on mass parole, while the
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2-year-old right outside of the nation's capitol gets killed by someone let this administration, ignoring the laws, endangering our people undermining our sovereignty, i want to know for the life of me how a single republican can look with a straight face at the people that they represent and say that funding that is consistent with their oath to the constitution, consistent with their duty to the people they represent consistent with the fiscal responsibility they campaign on, consistent with the border campaign on. i want to know how they do that. if any republican votes for this omnibus spending billrow, he or she owns it. owns every one of those funding priorities. owns the open borders. owns t pentagon. owns the recruiting chaos at the pentagon. owns the world health organization continuing to be funded to sovereignty. this omnibus bill is the anti-american sovereignty omnibus bill and republicans should not vote for it.
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we didn't come here for more of the same. while our kids have to inherit $34.5 trillion of debt and of debt every 100 days. there will not be a country left to stand next to israel, there will not be a country left there will -- ukraine. there will not be a country left for our kids to inherit if you're borrowing mortgaging their future, all to pay our sovereignty, world organizations designed to undermine our sovereignty, all purposeful. while my colleagues sit back and gosh, i hope president trump wins and i hope president trump comes in and that he'll save us. and as one individuaas here on the floor today when i said, why are we doing this? well we can't have a shutdown. we would lose. well courageous. but ok. what if i accept your premise? what if i accept your premise that we can't do this because wen majority in the house and we don't have the snrat, we have a radical regime in the white house. let me accept your premise. i've been around the block here in town a couple times.
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what happens next january? say republicans run the trifecta and republicans win the white house, president trump's coming back in. we have the senate with 52 or 53 seats and we h 10-seat majority or 15-seat majority here in the house. then what? someone tell me, then what? be before. we were there in 2017 and we didn't repeal obamacare and we didn't pass health care reform. we were theredidn't pass border security. we couldn't figure out what we were doing. we didn't do it. and when i said to this individual on the floor today i said, you know what the excuse will be? we don't have 60 in the senate. and thatl have a conversation about that. because that individual knows full well that the same excuse is beingt now to foist this monstrosity this abomination on the american
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people, will be the same excuse in january. we can't shut down the government. you need 60 votes in the senate, chip. don't you u yeah i do understand. so do the american people. and they're tired of it. they're tired of having their country traded away day by day second by second. while our national guard gets stormed at the border in el paso and we don't do anything about it. but we walk around wearing little pins, feeling good about ourselves, as members of congress who refuse to stand up and defend t us the power to do something about it. instead of deferring to the president, we are supposed to use the article 1 power of the -- under to stop funding an executive branch that is at war with its own people. we came here to change it. last year we started to. we were working together t place. to vote bills off the floor.
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to have single subject bills and to have 72 hours a mere 72ho bill. and in just over a year we've tossed all of that out the window and we're back to business as usual. . programs that are undermining the well-being of the american people. we're still figuring out what's in it. so tomorrow republicans have a choice. you can choose to fund executive branch at odds and at war with the american people that you represent or you can choose to say no. if you refuse to say no, if you go along with get along you own it. you own e penny. you own every program. you own every american who gets harmed by open borders.
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so don't dare come looking for sympathy as you're trying to campaign all year trying to win votes when your constituep say why in the hell did you fund it? because you did. with that, mr. speaker i'm prepared to yield some time colleague of mine. so that he can i think regale a basketball team or talk about some good stuff back home. which is always a good thing to do. whenever the gentleman is r i will yield up to 10 minutes to the gentleman from new york. >> i want to thank my good friend, chip roy from texas for mr. speaker i rise today in recognition of some incredible high school athletes from congressional district back on long island in new york. i would like to congratulate both the elma memorial high school boys basketball team for winning the new york state
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championship in their class, as well as the baldwin high school boys team for being crowned nasa county champions. mr. d'esposito:across the district had a remarkable season as well. with east meadow high school winning its first nassau county championship in history earlier this month. i also must give a shout out to the boy's basketball team from alma mater for a big win in double overtime to secure the chsaa class a new york am incredibly proud of these student-athletes who represented our community with pride and made memories that wilast a lifetime. i wish these nassau county neighbors nothing but success in their future acade athletic endeavors. we will continue to advocate to make sure that girls play girls basketball a that boys play
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in boys basketball. mr. speaker i yield back my time and again thank my friend from texas for the opportunity. mr. roy: i thank the gentleman from new york. i appreciate what he came to the floor to address. we all have these great stories back home in our districts.'s worth regaling those things. i'm glad he got the ability to do that. i want to give a special shout out today today is my daughter's 13th birthday, and i just want to say happy bir little girl, who is out california of all places for this texan. out in san diego with her mom having a little fun for her 13th birthday. happy birthday to my wonderful daughter virginia. with that, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker texas yields back. under the speaker's announced policy of january 9, 2023, the gentleman from mr. cardenas, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader.
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mr. cardenas: thank you, mr. speaker. it's such an honor and privilege -- honor and privilege e the house of representatives where we can come before this body and express what's in our heart and in our minds. have the honor of speaking of individuals and organizations who have done wonderful, wonderful w my community, the an very fannedo valley. san fernando valley. i would like to hals and organizations.
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this celebration is not only a recognition of women's achievements but also an acknledgement of their pivotal role in shaping the fabric of our communities across our great nation on this month of women's history month. the san fernando valley is known for its cultural communities and owes much of its richness to the relentless efforts of women who have built business, led community organizations and spearheaded social justice movements across our community. as we month, let us remember and honor the trail braisers who fought for equity for women the educators whonspired future generation and entrepreneurs who defied the odds to create lasting legacies in their businesses and other endeavors. their achievements have laid the groundwork for a more inclusive and equitable community. in recognizing the contributions fernando valley, we celebrate not just their historical impact, but also their ongoing role in
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shaping our future. let us continue to acknowledge and uplift their voices and acknowledge their lasting mark on our community's and its unfolding story. our community's progress and prosperity are built in large part on the enduring spirit and achievements of women throughout the san valley. i'd like to honor mary helen. i rise today honor mary for women's history month a distinguished author and professor whose contributions significantly enriched chicano literature and academia. as we celebrate the women of our communities, it is fitting to individuals like mary hmmen who work as -- whose work has left an endellible mk she was born in california amid the vibrant tapestry of first and second generation mexi immigrants in the an very fannedo valley. from her early years she exhibit
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add deep appreciation for her cultural heritage, a profoundly influenced her academic and literary pursuits and successes. after completing her bachelor's degree in california state university northridge in 1978, she embarked on a journey of scholarly exploration. she obtained a master's degree in kyi cano studies from the same institution in 1980. followed by another master's degree at the university of california lightning lightning. where her academic prowess was recognized with the history department's prestigiouship in 1984. she furthered her education by earning a ph.d. from the university of new mexico in throughout her career she held various teaching positions at esteemed institutions such of california los angeles, the university of new mexico and the university of california at santa barbara. her dedication to education and
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commitment to fostering understanding and appreciation for kyi cano culture -- chicano culture influenced a lot of people. with three published books and numerous articles to hert she master fully encapsulates the nuances of chicano life and culture. bilingualism, culturallism, and acculturation. her work served not only as a testament toerary prowess, but as representation for marginalized voices. beyond her professional every devers she remai deeply committed to various organizations including the national writers union and vering dedication to preserving and celebrateing kyi ca continues to inspire readers worldwide. in recognition of her outstanding achievements and
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enduring legacy inthank you for her invaluable contributions for literature academia, and culture in the san fernando valley beyond. may her journey serve as a source of inspiration for generations to come. i rise today to pay tribute to deputy chief ruby flores an exceptional leader whose illustrious career within the los angeles police department otherwise known as lapd, exemplifyies dedicationers service, and trailblazing leadership. as we commemorate women's history month it is fitting to reco her outstanding contributions to public safety and her commitment to promoting diversity equity,annclusion. born and raised in southern california as a proud first generation mexican american, she embodies the spirit of resilience aet journey with the lapd
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began in 1994 and over the past two decades she has ascended through the ranks with remarkable perseverance throughout her distinguished career deputy chief flores has had many leadership positions within lapd. demonstrating her cmitment to community engagement, professional development and innovative problem solving approaches. her groundbreaking appointment as the first d equity and inclusion officer for the department underscores her dedication to fostering a more inclusive and equitable law in january of 2024, she made history by becoming the first woman to valley girl, and the first latina promoted to deputy chief within lapd and its entire history. her visionary leadership and passion for service and commitment to diversity equity, and inclusioguiding principles in her mission to protect and serve the people of los angeles. beyond her professional achievements deputy chief of various
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law enforcement associations and a proud ambassador for her alma mater inspiring others to pursue their educational goals. in recognition of her exemplary service, she was honored with the champion oflos angeles business journal in 2022. her dedication to breaking barriers promoting diversity and upholding the values of integrity and justice embodies the very essence of women's history month. i extend my heartfelt gratitude to deputy chief flores for her outstanding contributions to public safety and her enduring commitment to making our communities safer and more equitable. may her leadership and legacy continue to inspire generations to come. i rise today to pay tribute to an extraordinary individual who has dedicated her life to public service and the betterment of her community beyond her immediate community and the
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entire san fernando valley. los angeles cityn imelda is representing the sixth district in the san fernando valley in the l.a. city council. it's the heart of the san encompassing communities such as such valley north hollywood, and van nuys. this is the district i had the honor to represent on the city council just a few years ago. her story is one of resilience, dedication anw commitment to her constituents embodying the spirit of leadership and community engagement that we celebrate during this special month. 1987, in van nuys california and raised in working class neighborhood of sun valley, councilwoman padilla's life has been a testament to the power of perseverance and impact of community involvement. as the first generation mexican american, she witnessed firsthand the challenges and opportunities that come with striving for a better life here in america. her mother worked as a factory was
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a gardner. she was inspired by her parents' spirit of service and the example they set for her family and imelda chose a pathublic service at a very very young age. as a child she was diagnosed with rickets defishency, and in 2000 she had surgery to address this issue at the shriners hospital in los angeles. she elementary and john h. francis technical high school. as a student she was involved with the cheerleading team and when i first met her as she is one of the first recipients of the andres and maria cardenas family foundation scholarship program. she earned her bachelor's degree in political science from the university of california, berkeley with minors in philosophy and chicano studies followed by a masters in public administration from the california state university northridge. these academicion for her career in community advocacy and local governance. her brother was incarcerated and
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that experience inspired her to come back home to advocate for young people and bring resources to the anker if sandovally and communy family so much. .. she has taken on leadership council district six and a senior organizer for raise the wage. council woman padilla's political journey reached a significant milestone in 2023 when she was elected to represent the sixth district on the los angeles city council. her platform equitable access to resources enhancing the equity of life for all resident, and promoting social and economic justice and commitment to serving others and advocating for positive change. beyond her political achievements council woman padilla has made notable contributions to her community through various initiatives including the latino youth summit designated to inspire local youth to pursue higher
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education and diverse career paths. as president of the valley college foundation and a former member of the sun valley neighborhood council her leadership has facilitated countless opportunities for advancement and prosperity for many angelynos. in recognizing council woman padilla today we recognize not only her accomplishments but also the enduring impact of her service on the los angeles -- in los angeles and its residents. her journey from a young advocate to a respected elected leader in the city government exemplifies the values we hold dear during women's history month. courage, rilience difference in the lives of others. let us draw inspiration from council woman padilla's story as we continu advocate for equity justice and opportunity in our own communities throughout our nation. i extend my deepest resct andngratulations to congresswoman pa dill aredya for her -- padilla for her ongoing dedication to public service and her remarkable contributions to
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the city of los angeles. rise with great respect and admiration for an organization that has been at the forefront of empowering latina women and their communities. for over five decades this has dedicated it self to improving quality of life for latina women, their families and communities through a commitment to education leadership, development and community involvement. founded 1970, it is an all-volunteer 501-c-3 not-for-profit organization that has tirelessly w opportunities for growth and advancement to latinas in the san ferresan fernando valley and beyond. their mission is a beacon testament to the power of dedicated community action in creating meaningful change. one of their cornerstone initiatives is the memorial
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scholarship. this scholarship is awarded annually to latina northeast san fernando valley who are pursuing higher education. it is a critical resource that opens doors for young future of empowerment through their education. moreover this year's -- this year marks the 30th anniversary of the career conference, an annual event that has significantly impacted the lives of countless latina high school students. by exposing them to higher education and career options through workshops led by professional latinas it ensures these young women can envision and pursue their dreams with confidence and determination. it also excels in providing professional development and networking opportunities as well. their monthly presentations on local community issues not only fosterwth, but also strengthen the bonds within their community and encouraging active participation and advocacy. r years, they have
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expanded their mentorship programs thanks to a generous $25,000 grant from the county of los angeles. these programs, including the high school mentorship program and scholarship recipient mentorship program which offers guidance support anduragement to young latinas helping them navigate through academic and personal challenges and succeed in their endeavors. the legacy and impact of this group are very profound. their work on not only -- their work not only uplifts individuals but fosters a stronger more equitable community for generations to come. as we honor the contributions of women and organizations making a difference in our communities let us draw inspiration from the commitment and achievements of them. their dedication to empowering latina womducation and leadership development is a shining example of how focused community-based action can drive positive change in our i extend my deepest gratitude and congratulations to them for
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their dedication and serce i rise to honor nicole chase for her outstanding contributions to the boys and girls club of the san fernando valley and her tireless dedication to the welfare of youth and families throughout los angeles. nicole's story is one of devotion leadership and tran influence. through a storied career that began after her graduation with distinction from the university of california-ggerly --rnia-berkeley, she has devoted over four decades to serving the community particularly focusing on youth empowerment and development. she follows in the footsteps leroy chase who was the president and c.e.o. of the boys and girls club for over 50 years. her leadership as the president and c.e.o. of the boynd a girls club of the san fernando valley has been nothing short of remarkable. under her guidance, the club has not only expanded its reach but also deepened its impact, offering comprehensive
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after-school programs that cover education andealth and life skill, arts, sports and wellness and leadership and character development. nicole's approach to youth t is holistic. and inclusive. ensuring that the programs under her leadership cater to the diverse needs of young people, nurturing their potential and them for successful careers. her work extends beyond the confines of the boys and girs club -- girls club. as a motivating the teen spirit, she plays a critical role in fostering emotional literacy and integrity among teens. nicole's commitment to community service is evident in her extensive involvement in various city commissions initiatives es zoo commission. these roles underscore her dedication to enhancing the residents and her belief in the power of community engagement and development. moreover nicole's leadership extends into the areas of
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fundraising, mentorship and advocacy. making her a beacon of hope and a role model for young people and her peers her efforts in organizing teen summits, managing major sponsorships and directing youth-focused programs have empoweredduals, helping them to unlock their potential and inspire to greater achievements and heights. nicole chases contributions to the boys and girls club of the san fernando valley and the broader los angeles community reflect the commitment to making a difference in the lives of young people. her visionary leadership, coupled with her passion for youth empowerment and community development, has left an indelible mark on countless individuals organizations. therefore, it is with great respect and admiration that i commend nicole chase for her extraordinary services and only enhances the present well-being of our youth but also lays the foundation for a brighter, more inclusi for generations to come. let us all recognize and celebrate nicole chase's
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achievements and contributions. nicole is a great example for i to serve and lead within our communities. i rise to honor an exceptionaldual from the san fernando valley. nancy takayama. nancy has devoted her life to advocating for the japaneseerican community promoting disability awareness and tirelessly working towards the preservation of japanese american history and heritage. nancy's journey began with a simple yet profound act of kindness and inclusion inspired by a co-worker's effort to communicate in signe. this experience ignited a passion for disability awareness, leading nancy to advocate for the hearing-impaired through education a performances. her work aims to foster understanding and compassion. combating bullying and a young age
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to all youth. upon returning to her roots in the san fernando valley, her focus shifted towards preserving the rich history and legacy of japanese americans in the region. collaboratingldy members she embarked on a mission to capture oral histories, ensuring that future generations understand and her dedication to this cause led her to pivotal roles within the community, including her presidency at the san fernando valley japanese american citizens league, and her involvement with the san fernando valley japanese american community center. leadership, the sfvjacl initiated bridges generations through the sharing of stories and experiences enriching the communiti' -- the additionally her volunteer work with the grateful crane ensemble
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highlights her commitm on educating the public around the japanese american experience. utilizing the arts as a powerful medium for story telling and awareness. advocacy extends beyond cultural preservation to encompass civil rights, as evidenced by her work with the district. of the pswdjacl. her efforts have significantly contributed to the protection of civi liberties and the promotion of japanese american heritage throughout southern california and the southwest. moreover nancy'se tokyo business association and the little tokyo community council underscores her commitment tol sites including the canyon detention certainty, a personal endeavor linked to her family's history. takayam's' dedication to community involvement and her unwavering devotion toe american history and heritage are inspirational to the people around here -- her. her work not only enriches our
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understanding of the japanese american community's communities. her work is a testament to the power of community service and advocacy in shaping a more inclusive and aware society. let us celebrate and recognize nancy's extraordinary nation's culture. therefore, it is with great respect and admiration that i honor nancy takayama i rise to honor and recognize a remarkable individual from valley village who has made a big impact on her community is ginny hatfield. ginny's exemplary service and dedication to her community her tireless advocacy for women's rights and her commitment to public safety make her a distinguished figure worthy of celebrating. ginny hatfield's journey began with theborhood council of valley village where ginny
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played a crucial role in writing the bylaws and obtaining certification with the city of los angeles. as a founding member and vice president for the last 16 years, ginny's leadership has been instrumental in shaping the community's doacht and fosngteri of inclusivity and cooperation. beyond her local community ginny has been a dedicated member of the american association of university women for over 30 years. her contributions at both the state and local levels, especially in public policy and advo women's rights, underscores her commitment to advancing equality and empowerment. ginny's leadership in chairing the annual lobby role as the president of the san fernando valley a.a. -- aauw branch demonstrates her ability to inspire action and drive meaningfulo involved with the san fernando valley chapter of the united nations association showing that her dedication to service extends her local community and to global issues. particularly sustainable development goals. her efforts
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public about the u.n.'s work and to advocate for support of u.n. programs exemplify her dedication to citizenship and understanding. beyond her advocacy work, ginny has served her community in many other roles including her service as an elder at faith presbyterian church of valley village, and her participation in the international citizens diplomacy of l.a. efforts to promote person to person connections her work with immigrants through the san fernando valley interfaith council, her testaments to her compassion and commitment to service. ginny hatfield's career experience including r with congressman tom reese congressman -- assembly member knocks and former assembly member have equipped her with a deep understanding of public service and governance. her contributions to our community and nation service advocacy and leadership. her impact on the valley and the state of california and the many lives she has touched through
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her work and career is immeasurable. .. t outstanding contributions and unwavering dedication to making a difference in her community and the world at large. i rise today to honor a group of extraordinary young women from sun valley. this high school in who recently accomplished a feat never seen in their school's long history. last month the john h. francisly captured its second straight division i lacf cham 57-47 victory over the mustangs. the parrots saw an all around team play with contributions from their star players and incredible contributions from other key
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players throughout their team. led by the dynamic sister of hannah and sophia the parrots beat some of the tournament's toughest basketball teams en route to their championship title. to back-to-back city championships delivered in an incredible season asrots went 10-1 in their league and finished with a 17-9 record overall. these young women showcased their incredible drive not complacent with last year's title and were hungry for more, and they certainly prevailed. i want to commend head coach alton ferry and the rest of his staff, kimberly,lea and eduardo for building an incredible program and making sure these student athletes are succeeding on and off the court.
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congratulations to the polytechnic girls basketball team you are the champions. forward to seeing what's in store for you next year as i truly believe and i think you really can make it three in a row. mr. speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california yields. does the gentleman from california have a motion? mr. cardenas: i move we adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the yeas have it, the motion is adopted. accordingly, the house stands adjourned until 9:0 has changed. today, a fast reliable interconnects and legislation that would change the cle water act permitting process. overnight the $2 trillion spending the federal government was released. the funding with republicans and
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democrats need to be approved by speaker mike johnson plans to hold a vote on the bill tomorrow and will still need to be debated in the senate. you can read the text of the spending package at th of our home page at as always, watch live coach of the house here on c is around 45 the good news is we are providing a service some find valuable and what we have tried to do over the last decades ispeople can trust that they will see the whole story, and we have i guess if c-span is still aroundt 45, the good news is it's a service people find valuable. down in the house of representatives and tip o'neill gaveled in the first televised session of the house. american media. >> let's remind our viewers how we started. >> march 19, 1979, the gavel came down in the house of representatives and speaker of
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the house gaveled in the first televised session of the house. >> the house will be in order. gentlemen from tennessee. >> [indiscernible] -- one minute, mr. speaker. > mr. speaker, on this historic representatives opens is proceeding for the first time to televised courage. i wish to congratulate you for making this possible and the committee who has worked so hard under the leadership of the congressman to make this a reality. television will change this institution, mr. speaker, just as it has changed the executive ranch come up at the goodwill far outweigh the bad. >> two years before hand private enepcable industry had been organizing for that day and built the first satellite in the d.c. area to transmit that session to the american publi
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it started a revolution, televised access to the process and lots of people are far offering ways to follow washington in 1979 this was a real use ofd and there had been nothing like it before. >> this year for the first time for our anniversary we are celebrating it by calling it a founder's day here dwight is that? what does that mean? >> well, the reality of any media organization today anyone watching this knows their media consumption habits have changed hermetically in the standard of 100 million homes having cable television wired and they paying a monthly subscription fee has changed enormously over the past 78 years. we have lost about carried our signal to them. along with that comes a loss of revenue was so we have done everything we can to short
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ourselves up in the face of change but the reality is there are lots of people accessing your content now don't really help contribute to us producing it, and it is an expensive thing to do, so we are marking founder's day and kicking off a campaign to as continuing to support c-span. we will still have our important cable and select companies carrying our signal who pay $.75 a year to carry c-span n description fees, but we are asking people who are watching us on cable who would like to help the cause of people using us online through youtube or through social media like to help support c-span so we could continue offer gavel to gavel coverage of congress, our history programming, books programming and all educational materials we develop for the classroom all which is available for free without the support of the cable networks, so we really want now to ask people to help contribute.
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founder's day is an interesting concept. i think the as being the entrepreneurs who started c-span and created the private enterprise of the congress that said is to televise these- televising the sessions and seven years later the senate saying yes, the reporters who covered us when we were an unknown quantity and were notake of it, but more importantly the viewers who watched over the years, the viewers supporting this network has been critical who calland shows you host also support us unlimited by using our products, and in many cases they help get us on cable systems over the years when we were seeking to expand our coverage. no different way with a little bit of support on founders to help us with a contribution that will sustain c-span into the future. >> so with those business challenges and opportunities us in the future? >> well our goal is the mothership is c-span, c-span2 c-span3 providing linear service but we want to be everywhere
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nvolving you to discuss the live issues involving government and public policy, from washington, d.c. and across the country. coming up friday morning arkansas republican congress talks about the impending deadline. and th
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