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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  March 22, 2024 9:00am-1:23pm EDT

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led general assembly in north carolina has drawn the most egregiously imagine. they destroyed my district making it impossible for me to win. they divided my district in my city of greensboro into three different pieces. each piece of greensboro has been attached to a far-flung county, rural counties that bear no common interest with the urban areas in greensboro making the seat totally unwinnable for a democrat. sadly, i will not be able to continue to represent my district. the worst thing of all of this is i believe i represent the values of my district. i have brought in more community project funding for my district than any congressperson anybody can remember.i believe i worked really hard to support and represent my constituents and i regret that the state legislature has made it impossible for me to continue to do that.
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host: representative kathy manning talking "washington journal "washington journal is about the issue on." thank you for your time. as you watch throughout the day we will see if the house passes the package of appropriations bills to keep the government funded. you can stay close to c-span. we take it to the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. communication from the speaker. the clerk: rooms washington, d.c. march 22, 2024. i hereby appoint the honorable david g. valadao to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed mike johnson speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the prayer will be offered by chaplain kibben. chaplain kibben: produce -- would you pray with me. today, o lord, in all that we
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face, in the decision that is are made, whether we turn to the right or to the left, may we listen for your voice behind us saying this is the way. walk in it. and when we hear your voice may we not harden our hearts. let every one of us be but also slow to speak. more importantly let us be slow to anger. remind us that our heated opinions our rancor, do not produce the righteousness you desire. then when the day is over, when we have done our part and our your people, when we have exhausted our energies and left it all on the table sanctify our labors. we pray your molest blesting over all that we have -- wash -- we pray your blessing over all that we have completed. grants your motherries in our failures. lord, keep watch ever over us as we seek to serve you our communities, and our nation.
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in your most holy name we pray. amen. the speaker pro tempore: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house the approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentlewoman from pennsylvania ms. dean. ms. deanto the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will entertain up to five requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. for what purpose does the gentleman from guam seek recognition? mr. moylan: mr. speaker i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. moylan: mr. speaker today i
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rise to recognize and celebrate the 70th anniversary of atation in my district, kuam news. kuam has been broadcasting locally since 1954. providing the community wit accurate and timely news coverage on local events, crime education, and more. they have been trustworthy and a reliable news service for many of my constituents. this confidence was earned through the shedding light on import may have otherwise gone unnoticed and giving a voice to those in need. aside from its news demonstrated excellence in the community service. as an integral part of their mission, kuam actively in charity drives and initiatives aimed at raising awareness for causes across the island. happy 70th kuam. may you have many more years of being one of guam's trusted news sources.
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thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does gentlelady from pennsylvania seek recognition? ms. dean: mr. speaker i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. ms. dean: mr. wanted to recognize two remarkable local entrepreneurs who are reimagining family farming with style, smarts, and sisterhood. haley and stephanie painter run painter land farms a fourth generation regenerative organic dairy farm in pennsylvania. like so many other farmers, the painter family livelihoods were threatened by a dwindling market. with grit and creativity they found a new way to connect their pennsylvania small business to a big audience. guided by their mission to help people understand their food sources, quote to know your farmer haley and stephanie
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created painter land sisters organic skyyr yogurt in 2020. their yogurt and story reachessary beyond our commonwealth. it's in all 50 states n recognition for their work, they were honored by the forbes 30 under 30 in 2024. and were recently awarded emerging entrepreneurs of the year at the national products expo west. and still the painter sisters are more than just business women. they are environmental activists. dedicated to feeding communities and leaving the commonwealth better for the next generation. not to mention their yogurt is delicious. thank you. ir pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> mr. speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you. mr. speaker i after years of exceptional drought california is second consecutive wet year. every major wes vare in our
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state is above a 15-year average and our snow pack is more than 100% of average for this time of year. mr. valadao: this is good news. even with the current abundance of water the south of delta farmers are still not allocated 100% of the water they contract and pay for this. this is unacceptable. central valley project contractors rely on meaningful allocations from the bureau of reclamation for the yearly planning. including the types of crops they'll plant. california g nation's food. my farmers and communities have endured disproportionately low water allocations for many years. while contractors receiving well below their contractor supply even during wet years. i urge reclamation to increase these allocations for south of delta use contractors to reeffect the -- reflect the year we are surviving. our ability to grow food for survive without water supply for south of delta agriculture. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for
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what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. mcgarvey: speaker i rise today to congratulate louisville's own simmons college lady falcons on first ever division 2 women's college basketball national championship. they defeated the tacoa falls screaming eagles, 79-70 bringing a national championship trophy to louisville's only hbcu for the first time ever. get this, this is only the second year that simmons college has even had a women's basketball team. what an incredible feat and what a great started in just two years. congratulations to head coach earl ruffin who was named the regional coach of the year for
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his success in leading the lady falcons to victory and simmons sophomore morgan difo who scored 30 points in the championship game and named a first team all american. congrats and thank you to our lady falcons for making all of back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker the seven young men who lost their lives in the 2018 crash of jolly 51 in western iraq deserve purple hearts. four of the seven were based out of the 160th rescue wing in westamptoning on long island. two of the four raised in my district of the master sergeant christopher sergeant deshaun briggs. for years the men of jolly 51 have been denied purple hearts by the air force despite efforts by my and me. after having the privilege of speaking at a memorial service
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last week to honor the sixth anniversary of the crash i'm here today to recommit to the families of the men of jolly 51 that i will do everything in my power to ensure they are posthumously awarded purple hearts. they gave their lives in action against the enemy of the united states and posthumously awarding each of these seven brave men a purple heart is the very least we can do. mr. speaker i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: thank you.
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for what purpose does the gentleman from alabama mr. palmer seek recognition? mr. palmer: mr. speaker pursuant to house resolution 1085, i call up the bill h.r. 1023 as amended and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the bill. the clerk: union calendar number 17 h.r. 1023, a bill to repeal sectionting to the greenhouse gas reduction fund. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution nature of a substitute consisting of the text of the rules committee print 118-26 is
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adopted and the bill adered as read. the bill as amended shall be debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on energy and commerce or their respective designees. the gentleman from alabama mr. palmer and the gentleman from new jersey, mr. pallone will eh control 30 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from alabama mr. palmer. mr. palmer: mr. speaker i ask unanimous consent that all on the legislation, and to insert extraneous material on h.r. 1023. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. palmer: mr. speaker i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. palmer: i rise in support of h.r. the cutting green corruption and taxes act. currently nearly 20 million american households are behind
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on payinglity bills and families are struggling to put food on the table. these issues directly stem from the expensive and misguided energy policies put in place by the biden administration and congressional democrats with their inflation reduction act or as i call it the income reduction act. thankfully h.r. 1023 is an important step toward addressing two of the many problems with the i.r.a. the i.r.a. created a $27 billion greenhouse gas reduction fund within the e.p.a. this is nothing moreush fund with little to no oversight to fund climate activists, green groups, and democrat political allies that do little to impact the climate. if my colleagues really wanted to help the american people, especially people on low or fixed incomes they would focus on unleashing american energy and expanding access to natural gas. affordable and reliable american energy not billion slush
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fund for democrat special interest groups, will bring economic opportunity to the american people. despite natural gas being ad production and many other products we take for granted the democrats' i.r.a. place add tax on it. this tax has made energy less already struggling under the weight of inflation. thankfully representative august pfluger's hard work repeal the gas tax is included in this bill. i have said it before and i'll say it again. energy security is national security. sadly the biden administration and democrats' attacks on american energy makes us more dependent on china russia, and foreign adversaries. passing h.r. 1023 will be a major step toward undoing their misguided policies. i reserve the bala the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from alabama reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: thank mr. speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. pallone: thank you. i rise in strong
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mr. pallone: i rise in strong opposition to legislation that repeals the methanes emission reduction program and the greenhouse gas reduction fund. two landmark programs included in the inflation reduction act. now, these two programs work to slash dangerous climate pollution and investn communities across the country all while lowering the deficit. the bill is nothing more than another shameless giveaway to republicans' corporate polluter friends at the american people's expense. what's more, this is the third time republicans have brought bills to repeal these programs to the house floor. clearly my republican colleagues are struggling to come up with new ideas and resorting to the sa tired stunts we have come to expect. h.r. 1023 is more of the same. it's the latest in a long line of politicized attempts to reverse course onand reject the historic progress democrats made towards securing a cleaner stronger future. and make no mistake the progress democrats delivered with the inflation reduction act was historic.
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it finally put us on track to meet our climate goals and at the same time has already created more than 271,000 new good paying, clean energy jobs right here at home. these are jobs for electricians, construction workers mechanics and technicians that can't be shipped overseas. and of course more than half of these jobs and clean energy represented by my republican colleagues who are right now fighting to take them away. it's and it defies logic. the united states now experiences a 1dz billion to dshedz 1 billion or more ex -- $1 billion or morereme weather event every certain weeks. it underscores how critical it is that we invest in the cleanergy jobs that will carry our economy into the future. but republicans flat-out refuse to hold polluters accountable for the damages that they cause. instead, they are over people agenda with this bill that repeals the methane emissions reduction program. and this program provides
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incentives to drive down methane pollution, one of the most dangerous and potent greenhouse gases. methane pollution is responsible for a whole host of healthd a full 1/3 of the warming that we experience today. now, we're likely to hear false claims from republicans tax we've already heard that from my colleague but it's not a tax. it simply ensures that polluters, not the american people pay for the methane pollution that they cause. it corrects a market failure that currently makes it cheaper for owners and operators to waste methane rather than install or upgrade equipment to prevent leaks and flaring. and these are real problems because leaks and intentionally wasted natural gas never makes its way to customers but they are nevertheless stuck with the bill. the methane emissions reduction program fixes that and ensures that consumers no longer pay for wasted energy or the harm that it causes. and of course companies can avoid paying the waste emission charge altogether by not wasting methane. wasted methane is bad for
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business. it's bad for americans and it's bad for the climate. and h.r. 1023 would allow this waste to continue to go unchecked. the methane emissions reduction program also complements the biden administration's actions to slash methane pollution from the oil and gas sector and the international community is following suit. last year countries around the world committed to lowering this dangerous pollution. their commitments were possible from other countries because of the united states' leadership in addressing methane here at home. and that's why republican efforts to undermine methane protection is so dangerous as well. the republican agenda compromises america's global leadership and threatens our global competitiveness. so bottom line is that if we move ahead and try to reduce methane and recycle it, if you will then other countries will follow suit. also the methane emissions reduction program brings in
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funds that benefit the american people. so how are republicans paying for the repeal of the methane program? they're repealing another key inflation reduction program, the greenhouse gas reduction fund. they're using that to pay for the loss of funding for the federal government, from the methane emissions reduction program. so the oth they repeal, the greenhouse gas reduction fund, invests $27 billion to mobilize financing to address the climate crisis, lower americans' energy bills promote job creation and revitalize our community. it's a direct investment in the communities we're here represent and this republican bill takes those investments away. so, when the biden administration right now is hard at work establishing this greenhouse gas reduction fund, and various nonprofits, states and local governments have submitted applications for funding for grants for theirorts to repeal the fund at this stage of the implementation process is robbing our communities of the
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money that middle class create new jobs and protect our families from the most catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis. this is sort of like a green bank, in other words a lot of towns, states, nonprofits can't get money from regular financing to finance clean energy projects and so we're helping them with this green bank or greenhouse gas reduction fund. so, mr. speaker h.r. 1023 the bill on the floor is a failed proposal that will never become law and helps absolutely no one except the worst corporate polluters. big oil and gas don't need more help they get plenty of help from tax exemptions. but the american people need some help. they need some help in moving and reducing all these weather catastrophes that we have. and creating new jobs. and that's what we're doing. that all stop because of the republicans' ideological effort here today to say that we don't need these things. we do need them. and that's why i encourage all of my colleagues to join me in
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opposing this bill. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey the gentlelady from washington controls the time and is recognized. mrs. rodgers: mr. speaker i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise in support of h.r. 1023 the cutting green corruption and taxes act. i want to thank the bill's sponsor, congressman gary palmer of alabama and the members of the energy and commerce committee for advancing thishr order. the u.s. has been blessed with tremendous natural resources which we've been able result of free market principles and an entrepreneurial spirit that is uniquely american. we've harnessed the power of nuclear energy, e millions of rural americans' homes with clean hydropower, ushered in the schaal revolution -- shale revolution which continues to create new jobs,
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brings manufacturing back to the u.s. and revitalize communities across our nation.ult, america is more energy-secure today than ever before. this legacy is under threat. since day one, president biden has been taking steps to shut down american energy. on the first day in office, he x.l. pipeline. he's actively taking steps to ban gas stoves and liquefied natural gas exports tear down hydropower dams, force electric vehicle mandates on americans and impose a tax on natural gas. his so-called inflation reduction act provided the e.p.a. with tens of billions of dollars, taxpayer dollars to launder to extreme liberal special interest allies. who will reliant on china by forcing americans to rely on cheap chinese batteries and solar panels manufactured with slave
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labor and the worst environmental standards on the planet. h.r. 1023 is an toward ending the president's radical rush to green agenda. it repeals the e.p.a.'s $27 billion green bank slush fund, and it's recently proposed natural gas tax -- its recently proposed natural gas tax. the e.p.a. doesn't want congress or the american public to know how they're spending hard-earned taxpayer dollars. and the way that they want to give tens of billions of dollars to radical environmentalists in secret. this legislation will also repeal the e.p.a.'s recent proposed natural this tax drives up the cost on everything from our grocery bills to our energy bills. it will force good-paying american jobs overseas and make us more dependent on foreign energy sources. i strongly support h.r. 1023 the cutting green corruption and taxes act.
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which promotes american energy, leadership and is vital to building on our legacy of improving lives helping lift people out of poverty and raising the standard of living across the country and tncourage all of my colleagues to join me in voting yes on this important bill. and i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from washington reserves. the gentleman from new england is recognized. mr. pallone: mr. speaker i yield five minutes now to a member of our committee, the gentleman from california, mr. peters. the speaker procognized for five minutes. mr. peters: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise to oppose h.r. 1023 which would not only e.p.a.'s commonsense fee on methane pollution but would also eliminate over $1 billion of financial and technical assistance for small and medium oil and gas producers to reduce their methane emissions. the bill also repeals tens of billions of dollars for local communitiese smart investments in the clean energy technologies of the future. it's so frustrating that during so-called energy week, house republicans are not focusing on
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how we can lower consumer costs combat the climate crisis, or protect public health. instead, we're taking the time to vote on whether strong regulations on methane emissions are even necessary or if we should invest in american energy at all regardless of whether it is cleaner oil and or successful renewable energy. addressing methane emissions particularly fugitive methane emissions, is one of the most imo combat the climate crisis. and there is across the board recognition that we need to do more to get methane emissions under control. additionally, the greenhouse gas reduction fund will expand access for financing to put clean energy projects across the country, helping american families and businesses create good-paying jobs, reduce pollution, and lower costs. last congress, house democrats were proud to advance legislation that reduces oil and natural gas industry, incentivizes the adoption of clean energy technologies, andmic and public health benefits. can't let the house republicans drag us into the past.
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now, look, i understand that no program is perfect. so let's talk about how to make it better. but instead of coming up with ways to make these programs better republicans cannot help but think of ways to make them worseminate them entirely. for this reason, at the appropriate time, i will offer a motion to recommit this bill back to the committee. if house rules permit it, i would have offered the motion with an important amendment to this bill, and that amendment would ensure that this bill would not go into effect until the secretary of energy that it would not increase energy prices. i ask unanimous consent to insert into the record the text of this amendment and i hope my colleagues will join me in voting for the motion to recomm back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves.the gentlelady from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield one minute to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. guthrie. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized for one minute. mr. guthrie: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today in support of h.r. 1023. this legislation cuts president biden's $27 billion green new
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deal slush fund. i asked a witness if any of this money can go indirectly to china in a hearing. he could not definitively say no. this bill also repeals e.p.a.'s propos natural gas tax which would increase costs for american kill jobs across the country and undermine our national security. and if you think those are just words, i encourage my friend as i cross the aisle to look at -- friends across the aisle to look at europe and see what's going on there today. all of those have come true. uring kentuckians have access to affordable reliable, american-made energy, and keeping taxpayer dollars out of the hands of the communist party of china. i thank my friend from alabama for his leadership on this issue, i thank my friend from washington the chair, for yielding i encourage my colleagues to support this bill, and i yield back. mrs. rodgers: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is
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recognized. mr. pallone: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield five minutes now to the gentlewoman from michigan, a member of the committee, mrs. dingell. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from michigan is recognized for five minutes. mrs. dingell: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today in strong opposition to h.r. 1023 the so-called cutting green corruption and taxes act. republicans have yet again brought another bill to looking to deceive and mislead the american people, and attempting to repeal the greenhouse gas reduction fund and the methane emissions reduction program. the greenhouse reduction fund was established by the inflation reduction act inspired by legislation i championed. the program leverages the expertise and existing models of community lenders across including in my home state of michigan. revoking this program is misguided. to m dismantle this program, i will just say that when we did this
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in michigan, at the state level a number of years ago everybody screamed and yelled, but it worked. and energy costs went down.g in clean energy and the survival of our environment is something we all need to be working on together. we have a moralesponsil economic opportunity. republicans continue to attack any investments like this, but we need to be investing in american families and manufacturers and work to address the climate crisis. i myself am tired of every 100 year storms every year. we saw the fires in the great lakes last year, people couldn't breath. today it's snowing in michigan. it was 70 degrees in micgan last week. global climate is real if you're just opening your eyes and
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watching what's happening. we've got to level the playing field because china is beating us. we are in a global marketplace. if we do not invest in this, we are abandoning ourselves. i want our country to succeed. the greenhouse gas reduction fund will help clean energy financing be more accessible to low-income and underserved communities that have for far too brunt of environmental pollution. it will help us attack the climate crisis head-on. it will createhile lowering energy costs. let me tell you something i'm not going to see our leadership in innovation and technology -- cede our leade in innovation and technology to anyone anybody, anywhere, we are going to out do china. that's our res legislators, to protect this country. we have a responsibility to compete. i worked hard to ensure the dollars from this fund support projects that would not be built otherwise, and ensuring that
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these investments are additive not duplicating other efforts. we have to make sure that these are spent the right way. i know republicans want to see the e.p.a. and the greenhouse gas reduction fund fail. i would beg my co make sure that this program is implemented effectively. i ask them not to bet against it. and i'd it a chance before trying to defund it. before any dollars have gone out the door. blocking e.p.a. from doing its work is no way to lead. that's why it's vital to my colleagues to oppose this bill. i'm going to give you a couple ofac toyed -- fact toyeds since i have another minute. since 2021 in terms of private investments, the u.s. went from lagging china to leading the world. and that's where we need to be. since 2021, more than $160 billion of private capital has been committed to boost u.s. capacity to make electric
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vehicles and batteries. and more than 200,000 jobs have been announced. since 2021, 15 giga factories have been commissioned to make batteries in the u.s. for just the chargers alone 40 facilities areow being set up. enough to produce a million chargers per year here in the united states of america. nada the national dealers association, estimates that electric vehicle drive $5,000 on fuel over five years. it's no surprise that nearly seven in 10 americans now being interested in buying or leasing an electric vehicle for the next car. data from cox auto motive shows electric sales are increasing four times master than any other segment of the market. available models number over
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114. they have nearly doubled. so my friends if you want to keep this country competitive we need to oppose this bill. i cede our leadership to no one. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from washington is recognized. mrs. rodgers: thank you, mr. speaker. one serious contender for a share of this $14 billion is power forward communities. this new entity, which has been rmction forward is a coalition of several organizations including rewiring america, rewiring includes federal obama white house appointee a former employee of liberal political action committees and democratic politician, stacey abrams. rewiring america is a project of the win ward fund controlled by area bela advisors. area bela advisors funnels donations to level leaning nonprofits. the board of another applicant the coalition for green capital includes former biden administration officials andenior staffer of the democratic national committee.
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this includes david haynes, a former senior official of the president biden's white house climate policy office who was central to advancing president biden's climate agenda. mr. speaker i a yield two minutes to the chairman of our energy grid -- energy climate and grid security subcommittee mr. duncan. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina is recognized for stew minutes. mr. duncan: i thank the gentlelady from washington, our chairwoman of the full energy and commerce committee. i rise in support of h.r. 1023, the cutting the green corruption and taxes act. by lee pealing the greenhouse gas reduction fact, it projects taxpayers from waste, fraud, and abuse. you know this bill would the $27 billion greenhouse gas reduction fund, commonly referred to as e.p.a.'s green b was originally enacted in inflation reduction act. this is nearly three times the amount of funding e.p.a. received in their 2023 budget.
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it's completely outside the scope of the e.p.a.'s mission, and they don't have the capacity nor expertise to manage a $27 billionre not a financial institution. even worse, they are funding projects that benefit china. solar panels e.v.'s, wind turbines they all have supply chains tied to the chinese communist party. in addition to repealing the green bank it will repeal the natural gas tax. this tax is especially troubling for small and independent oil and gas producers who now will be able -- who will not be able to afford to main continue their operations. it's got methane regulations that's unworkable for small and midsized companies. there are 9,000 independent oil and gas producers in the united states. 4,000 anti-gentlelady just spoke in michigan, 75% will go out of business in the state of michigan. ten the methane tax stays in effect. these companies are not big oil. on average they employ just 12 people. and the methane regulations
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includeed would crush these producers. that's the goal. to end u.s. oil and gas production use taxpayer money to prop up their climate special interest. we said yesterday president biden got on anne, flew to saudi arabia to beg the saudis and opec to increase their fossil fuel production while at the same time killing u.s. fossil fuel productions. not that they don't like fossil fuels, he went to saudi arabia to beg for more. he doesn't like fossil fuels produced in this country. we have to stop the madness and increase american energy indepeence. with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized mr. pallone: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield three minutes now to the gentleman from illinois. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from illinois is recognized for three minutes >> first to remind my colleagues that donald trump c leerng you can to raise the oil price. they did. i appreciate that. in the words of a great american i regret i have but three minutes to explain all the stupidity in this bill.
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mr. casten: i'm going to focus on the methane reductions plan for now. real -- let's put this in terms of understand. imagine you live in a town that has two dairies take cow milk and down stream products. one makes cream, half and half, productive plant. they dd jobs. grow the american economy. the one next door says we are just making 2%. we are going to throw all the cream away. all the half and half away. pour it in the river and the town's going to stink to high heavens of sour milk. you can't swim in the water. and by the way we are not making much money because we are throwing away our product. imagine the government came in and said we want both these businesses to be competitive. we want workers in both those plants to have good jobs and a good future. we are going to provide you with the capital to capture that cream. so you can sell it. so you can stop polluting. make more money. let's imagine one political party said how dare you cry over spilled milk. spill the damn milk. we want to keep pouring that
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cream in the keep this factory able, open, so they can keep spilling cream wasting money. that is what this bill does. it says to a gas pipeline company that is leaking methane the thing they sell, rather than give you the ability to sell more. you stop polluting. we want to protect your right to be a bad citizen, to be uncompetitive. so we can drive more business to china because our gas could be too expensive. we'll spill all ours. this bill is so, so stupid. if you love pollution, capitalism, if you hate competitive american businesses, vote for this bill. but don't be stupid, let's get back to real work. yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. thethe gentleman from south carolina now controls the time and is recognized. mr. duncan: thank you, mr. speaker. we are showing how misguided this $27 billion green bank is. the gentleman from pennsylvania knows about fossil fuel
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production and what this would mean to the great state of pennsylvania that produces a lot of energy. i'd like to yield 1 1/2 minutes to the gentleman from: the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for 1 1/2 minutes. mr. joyce: thank you, mr. speaker. i thank the gentleman for yielding who is our chair of the energy subcommittee. mr. speaker taxing methane emissions is a backward and impractical way to combat pollution. instead of encouraging investments in new infrastructure and support -- in support of the energy producersas chosen to introduce more red tape and bureaucracy into our energy industry by taxing methane emissions. despite what president biden despite what my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, and despite what liberals in california migot tax our way into lower emissions. it's time to remove the methane tax that is only caused energy prices to rise while doing very willie to protect our environment and protect -- while
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doing very little to pro environment and protect our opportunities. if american producers are going to be able to innovate and produce the energy that we need, then it is time for congress to act. i urge all of my colleagues to support this legislation. to support american energy. thank you. i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: we are going to reserve right now, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr. duncan: thank you, mr. speaker. i yield 1 1/2 minutes to the gentleman from georgia mr. allen. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia is recognized for 1 1/2 minutes. mr. allen: thank you to my friend from south carolina. thank you for yielding the time. i rise today in support of h.r. 1023 the cutting green corruption and taxes act which i'm a proud co-sponsor.
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the biden administration established a green new deal slush fund at the e.p.a. to the tune of $27 in taxpayer money. let me be clear my constituents in georgia's 12th district are sick and tired of their hard earned tax dollars contributing to thisal rush to green agenda, especially while prices at the pump remain a top concern for american families. during energy week, house republicans are passing legislation to stop president biden's war on american energy. and i emphasize there is -- the democrats want to end fossil fuel as we know h.r. 23 would rescind the e.p.a.'s $27 billion greenhouse gas reduction fund and repeal the administration's disastrous proposed natural gas tax. in doing so, we can reduce the budget deficit reduce the size and scope of the federal and ensure energy costs for americans do not
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further escalate. let me be clear every hundreduq ote for every member this this body. i encourage support of h.r. 1023. with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: madam speaker can i ask how much time remains on each side? the speaker pro tempore: the gentlemannenutes remaining. south carolina has 18 minutes. mr. pallone: at this time i yield five minutes to florida who is the ranking member of our oversight and investigation subcommittee and was previously the chair of the select committee on climate change. the the gentlewoman from florida, ms. castor. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida is recognized for five minutes. ms. castor: thank you, madam speaker. thank you to our ranking member
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of the energy and listening in to the debate on the floor this morning and there is so much doom and newsroom. there is too much of it. i believe i believe that we do have the power to solve big problems. and the good news is that the historic clean energy law passed by democrats and signed by president biden in the last congress is working. already since we passed that new inflation reduction act which istoric clean energy and climate law there have been enormous job gains across the country. over 523 clean energy projects across america. it's created about 210 clean energy jobs, most of these jobs are going to working class areas. many republican states. many republican districts lifting them up. .. it's motivated $300 billion in private capital to boost communities, boost clean energy
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manufacturing, and i know that we're on a track to meeting our clean energy goals so that we can avoid the very costly impacts of our climate crisis. there is a different point of view on the other side of the aisle. let's be honest. there is and just look at what the g.o.p. members here are focused on during their dirty energy from the arctic refuge to the gulf of mexico, where i live, republicans have made clear their intent to sell out america's public lands and wildlife refuges to the shareholders of big oil. on wednesday they passed a resolution that did nothing but celebrate fracking on public lands. and even in our committee this week mr. pallone knows we had this crazy debate where the republicans passed bills that essentially reached into the pocketbooks of americans to take pennies and dollars out of
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their pocketbooks because they passed bills and i hope they're not coming to the rescind energy efficiency initiatives for our home appliances. innovate better and homeowners shur want -- sure want more money back into their pocket when they buy a new air conditioner or refrigerator. so they're really taking us backwards. and yesterday they passed an absurd resolution criticizing president biden for not opening public lands and waters to drilling. and today's polluters or people agenda continues the debate because they want to rescind our new green climate bank, our greenhouse gas reduction fund, which is a historic, important element of the inflation reduction act and everything we want to do on clean energy. we all know that sometimes there is a barrier and an up-front cost to installing solar or purchasing that battery.
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this new fund will help motivate private capital to erase those barriers. it's going to help working class communities, especially, invest. that's great news for people who live in the sunshine state my neighbors. and it's going to open up all sorts of new cleaner cheaper energy options. these clean energy projects will support families and businesses across america who are eager to find relief from exorbitant electric bills. they'll slash harmful air pollution, and help communities better withstand these extreme weather events by utilizing battery storage systems. although all of these investments are wildly popular republicans still oppose t investments in america. these real solutions to lower bills, to create jobs, to build safer, healthier communities. why? because community-led clean energy projects aren't on the balance sheet for fossil fuel donors. so i urge my colleagues, let's
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move forward. believe in america like we do. buy america build america invest in our communities invest in our neighbors help them lower electric bills. i urge you to protect the greenhouse gas reduction fund, our historic clean energy, green climate bank, and ensure that all americans can reap the saves and the benefits of clean air and cleaner cheaper energy. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. >> thank you, madam speaker. you know, we pointed out yesterday that americans are paying more fuels than they were just a few short years ago before the biden administration started its war on energy. they're paying higher utility because green energy projects are costing more and driving up utility rates. did anybody watch the debate that shee gentlelady from florida mentioned, a minute ago in our committee this week? they will see that we need to build out a pipeline infrastructure to deliver resources, produce american resources, deliver those
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resources, utilize those resources and export. there is energy poverty in the world. not just in the united states, but globally. and we can help that with exporting more u.s.-produced cleaner-burning natural gas. mr. duncan: georgia's been leading on this issue androm georgia i'd like to yield two minutes to, mr. carter. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia is recognized for for two minutes. mr. carter: i thank the gentleman for yielding. madam speaker iay in support of my friend, mr. palmer from alabama's bill. as my colleagues have said, this bill primarily does two first of all it repeals and it rescinds the e.p.a.'s $27 billion greenhouse gas reduction fund. now, folks $27 billion is a significant amount of money. especially for an agency like, in this case, e.p.a. that's never operated a program like this. this money also has a requirement that it be spent in just the next couple of years. that's the opposite of fiscal responsibility. who gives people money and says, you got t amount of time? e.p.a.'s office of inspector
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general has noted that the combination of such large amount timeline -- and a short timeline to use it may lead to fraud waste and abuse including being used by chinese entities. consider the fact that u.s. emissions are already dropping and our solar e.v. and other industries are rapidly growing with plenty of intendtifics. why would -- incentives why would we waste taxpayer dollars? eliminating the e.p.a.'s green bank slush fund will reduce the budget deficit protect against government corruption and stop china from receiving american taxpayer dollars. secondly this bill will also repeal the e.p.a.'s proposed natural gas tax which would increase energy costs for americans and undermine u.s. manufacturing. this move will hinder our energy independence and competitiveness. this administration continues to punish americans for their own success while failing to address the most damaging actor on the global stage and that is china. taking a look at the past 20 years, even if the u.s., e.u. and japan had cut all of their missions by half, and india had
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stayed stagnant, china alone polluted enough to cause a global increase in emissions. my colleagues may say that china will follow our leadership. if that was the case, why are their emissions increasing while ours are decreaseing? for give me if i don't take -- forgive me if i don't take an administration seriously who does nothing to compete with a country whose emissions are 80% higher than the u.s. and e.u. combined. i support this bill, i urge my cleags to support it -- my colleagues to support it, to tackle the real energy problems we face globally, and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey imr. pallone: madam speaker i yield three minutes now to the gentleman from illinois, mr. casten. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from illinois is recognized for three minutes. mr. casten: i'd like to thank the gentleman for yielding me time. i want to shift now to the elimination of the greenhouse gas reduction funes. this program helps to pay for projects that reduce climate pollution, help grow energy
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independence lower energy bills and revitalize communities that otherwise would not be funded. so what does that mean? these are projects that are good projects. but they struggle to get capital. so maybe it's an inner city school that would like to put solar panels on the roof, cut their energy bills lower their pollution, but they're not in a town that can afford to raise the bond to do that. maybe it's an appalachian coal field supld like to grow a green space grow -- build a green space grow their community. maybe it's a rural area that needs a e.v. bus program to reduce pollution but you can never justify private money investing there but it helps out the local folks. all of those projects, i could go on, but what they have in common they lower greenhouse gas emissions they put more money in the pockets of local communities we all represent they would help the neediess, they create local jobs. and, most importantly they're cheaper than fossil energy. and i get i a real problem for my colleagues across the aisle.
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natural gas -- the natural gas industry wants the price of energy to be expensive because that's how they make money. as i mentioned before, during covid, april 2020, donald trump called the saudis and said, you guys i'm going to take troops out of your countrys you cut oil production, because our oil industry is hurting and they did it. that's what you did. i don't remember anybody sayiny, we should call the saudis and do the other when the price of oil went up. i understand what you're rooting for. so why do you want to defund that program? i done concerned that energy's just too damn cheap. maybe you think that unemployment is too low and we'd like to, i don know, help your party win the next election. maybe you just misremembered that speech. it doesn't say blessed are the powerful. it doesn't say blessed are the plawters -- polluterrers. it doesn't say -- polluters. it doesn't say blessed are the least meek. i don't know why year doing it. i ask you guys, but for goodness sake, in the meantime, vote no. if you care about making sure that pollution goes down, energy price goes down and the american
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people win. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. mr. duncan: thank you, madam speaker. you know, this $27 billion green bank will benefit china. so it seems like the biden administration and house democrats support china over the amican people. somebody that knows energy from the great state of texas my ie mr. pfluger i'd like to yield as much time as he can consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized -- the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. pfluger: thank you, madam speaker. i thank my colleague mr. duncan. i thihair -- i thank the chair mrs. mcmorris rodgers and i appreciate the leadership of garon this particular legislation h.r. 1023. the cutting green corruption and taxes act. this debate has been pretty amusing. the reason we're here is because the american public is sick and tired of the games. the veil has been lifted.
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they know the facts. affordability and reliability are the most important thingts about the actual emissions that have been cut. but let's just start with the fact that this natural gas tax is unworkable. it was included despite never being considered, never being talked about with stakeholders in places like the basin whee i represent. there was never expert testimony that talked about how to work this in. you know, instead of looking as holistically, the natural gas tax was based on the single premise that if reliable energy is taxed less of it will be produced. ask the american public if they're for that. especially as the e.p.a. rolls out proposed rules to implement the natur to take action. there are dozens of rules that they're rolling out. when you talk to the directors of the e.p.a., when they have congress this year, they don't even know how they're going to implement this.
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they haven't talked to stakeholders. why have they not been to the basin? not a single person from the e.p.a. has come to the largest producing area to see what we'reg, to see that in the last 12 to 15 years that we have kriensed production by 3 -- that we have increased production by 300% to 400%. why canor regan or director nance or mr. governmentman come to the basin and see what we've done? not becau them to do it, because it makes economic sense because they're doing it from a business sense. that's what you're not going to hear from my colleagues on the left. they're being driven from a radical environmental activist position tha't represent what the country wants or needs. you know, i was pleased to host speaker johnson in midland texas, this week to kick off energy week. and the speaker had the chance
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to meet with industry experts people that know this business, people that have cut the emissions, people who do care about providing affordable, reliable energy, as well as reducing harmful emissions. they've been doing it. they've been doing it for years. it makes sense that congress wo about reducing harmful emissions in a meaningful way. not a single industry expert has come to congress and said that they want methane intensity to increase. but what they don't want or need is a new tax. what they don't want or need is to assault the industry that literally won world war ii for us that has provided or partners and allies the needs that they have, because they aren't blessed with the resources that we are. if this is implemented the ill-conceived natural gas tax will handicap technological innovation that will will reduce the supply of affordable energy in this country and for our
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partners and allies, and it will increase not only c emissions. in fact, this tax alone will drive up the cost of household energy for 180 and over 5 1/2 million businesses that rely on natural gas. the underpinnings of our national security depend on us making smart decisions producing the energy here domestically and not giving vladimir putin thean other nefarious actors a win. i urge support for american energy i urge support for domestic production, and i urge support for h.r. 1023 and i yield back. mr. duncan: madam speaker, we have no other speakers on our side so i'll reserve. i'm ready to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. pallone: does the gentleman -- is prepared to close? all right. thank you, madam speaker. i yield myself such time as i may consume. my colleague from this week as dirty
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energy week. and i think that really kind of sums it up. it's not energy week, it's dirty energy week. maybe i can best describe why this bill is so bad and contributes to dirty energy week by quoting parts of the statement of administration policy that was submitted by the white house, by president biden in saying that he would veto this bill, which of course means that this is a complete waste of time what we are doing here today. but in his statement of administration policy, the president says, this bill would eliminate two key provisions of the inflation reduction act. through the implementation of the inflation reduction act the administration is making unprecedented progress in protected reduceing energy costs for americans. in their homes and in their communities. h.r. 1023 would do just the opposite.
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repealing programs that provide nonregulatory incentives that help address pollution and provide consumer savings. the greenhouse gas reduction fund will provide $27 billion for the deployment of energy costs and drive economic development in communities across the country. and in various sectors of our power and transportation sectors. the methane emissions reduction program provides $1.55 billion in investments to identify and help industry curb methane leaks from oil and natural gas production, helping to prevent energy waste, and surrounding communities including communities that are already overburdened by pollution. the administration wants to work with congress to lower energy costs, deploy clean energy technologies and create jobs. this bill would take us backward and repeal important programs that help achieve these goals. again, the republicans call this week energy week. it is, in fact, dirty energy
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week. but house republicans at the helm we have seen nothing but chaos. efforts to push failed bills again and again. this is the third time we voted and attempts by the republicans to rob american families of energy savings security, and peace of mind. republican leadership has least productive congress since the great depression. and unfortunately this bill is more of the same. while democrats and the biden administration are making great progress towards protecting america's energy security and lowering energy costs for families republicans continue olluters over people agenda. polluters over people. that's what they are all about. this bill endangers americans' health and safety. it will do nothing for american families. it's a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. and our we keep doing this over and over again. it's a waste of time. i urge my colleagues to vote no. withe of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey yields the balance of his time. the gentleman from south
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carolina is recognized to close. mr. duncan: i was informed by staff es left on this debate i promise you i'm not going to take that but i could. this issue is important to the american people. the border issue is number one across the board country -- country because we are invaded at the southern border andnot secure. the second biggest people are interested in in ---are the utility bills. to fill up their tank, take their kids to school, to go to work that's taxed by this government and spent wreck leslie as we see $27 billion given to a e.p.a. that doesn't have the mechanism set up to be a to do grants. we pointed out this week during energy week we talked about energy since we got here tuesday. i promise you this isn't the end. we are going to continue to talk about american energy because it's time for america to become energy dominant once again. to be an exporter of oil. to increase our l.n.g. exports.
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but we see this war by the biden administration on american energy. he doesn't mind fossil fuels because he went and begged the saudis to produce more to help lower the price because it was an election year. he's drained the petroleum reserve, to the lowies level since 1980. that's set up to handle national emergency, times of war. dimes of other climactic events that happen. he drew it down for political purposes. to lower the price at the pump because it was an election hadn't refilled it. all these issues that were brought out this week during energy week have been important to the american people. republicans have pointed this $27 billion will end up in the chinese communist party because they will be the beneficiary. just like putin is the beneficiary of lowering american energy production. he hadn't stopped. and he's selling energy all over the world to help fund his war in ukraine. money that's going into the
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pockets of the oligarchs in russia are funding the invas on in ukraine right now. we could stop that. we ran the germans out of oil during the battle of the bulk and helped us win world war ii. it was an energy issue then. it was an energy issue now. we could take the money away from putin and his ability to keep funding the war in ukraine. but today this bill talks about the e.p.a. and their green bank and that slush fund that only caters to the radical environmental on the left. we talk about the methane tax that's going to hurt producers across this nation. it's going to drive energy so i urge my colleagues to support gary palmer's bill that we are debating today. madam speaker an energy week. i'm glad that the united states congress has finally focused on american energy producers to be energy dominant energy secure once again. i urge my colleagues to support
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this bill. stop this green bank. end the methane tax. help make america be stronger once again. yes, we passed this versions like it, two or three times. we can pass it 10 more times. get the united states senate to actually wake up and do their job and take up bills to help make america stronger. to lead once again in the realm of american energy. because energy is the foundation of everything. the american people know it. i'm glad the united states house of representatives at least on our side of the aisle, understand that as well. i urge my colleagues to support this. with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: all time for pursuant to house resolution 1085, the previous question is ordered on the bill as attended. the question is on the engrossment and third reading of the bill.r say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. third reading. the clerk: a bill to repeal section 134f the clean air act relating to the greenhouse gas
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reduction fund. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> madam speaker, i have a motion to recommit at the desk. the speaker pr motion. the clerk: mr. peters of california moves to recommit the bill h.r. 1023 to the committee on energy and commerce. the speake tempore: pursuant to clause 2-b of rule 19 the previous question is ordered on the motion to recommit. the question is on the many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the noes have it. the motion is not agreed to. mr. peters: i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? mr. peters: madam speaker, i ask for the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays have been requested. those favoring a vote of the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponeed.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition? ms. granger: i move to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution h.res. 1102, providing for the current --
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concurrence by the house in the senate amendment to h.r. 2882, with an amendment. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the resolution. the clerk: house resolutionding for the concurrence by the house in the senate amendment to h.r. 2882 with an amendment. the speaker pro tempore: pursuantlewoman from texas, ms. granger, and the gentlewoman from connecticut, ms. delauro will each control 20 minutes. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? mr. roy: thank you. i rise to claim time in actual opposition. the ker pro tempore: does the gentlewoman from connecticut opposed to the motion? ms. delauro: no. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized -- will control the time. the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: madam speaker i rise today in support of the appropriations package. i want to start by thanking all the members and staff who were
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involved in this process. we looked hard at our needs and developed a package to carry us through the process. two weeks ago i talkedbout the changes house republicans made regarding how we fund the government. we made targeted cuts to wasteful programs and developed a package that is proof of that. we looked at each need and it was clear that the world is becoming a more dangerous place. we made changes and decided on eflude countering china, developing next generation weapons investing in the quality of life of our service members. i'm proud to say that this bill strengthens our national security and funds critical defense efforts. this package also includes other key priorities. it continues our strong support
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of israel. ts the flow of illegal -- combats the flow of illegal drugs and fully funds medical research for canceronic diseases. against all odds, house republicans focused spending america's most crucial need of home and abroad. i urge my colleagues to support this bill. i reserve the balance of my time time. the speaker pro tempore: does the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: i thank the speaker. here we are again. the swamp is in full force. we have 1,000-page bill of $1.2 trillled with all manners of spending priorities that are at odds with the american people. that's what we have in front of us. this bill is over 1,000 pages long. contains hundreds of pages of report language. 1400 earmarks, we have had about 24 hours to review it. that is not the way to do
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business. and the american people and american families are the ones left holding the bag. this is business as usual in the swamp. here's the deal to my republican colleagues. you will own every single bit of this. if you vote for this bill, you own it. d.h.s. funding contingent on signing h.r. 2 into law that's what we did last year to make sure our border will be secure. that is punted. you own it. defunding mayorkas, we did that in our bill, this punts that. it's no longer there. you own it. prohibiting mass parole and release of illegal aliens via the c.b.p. i-a pp. we did that. this bill gets rid of it. you own t you own the continued mass parole of illegal aliens into our country. that's the truth. it was mass parole that led to a venezuelan gang member coming into states and killing laken riley. you can't go campaign my
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republican colleagues go campaign against mass parole and use the name of laken riley because you pass a bill in her name when you fund the very policies that lead to her death. .. i hear all this, that we're going to increase beds, i.c.e. beds we're going to increase the numbers for border patrol. the increased numbers for border patrol will process more illegal aliens. the increased number of beds for i.c.e. will not be used because that's memos in place by mayorkas whom we impeach and whom this bill will fund, those i. kremplet beds will not -- i.c.e. beds won't be filled and used and we know it. we set out to prohibit d.h.s. from fast tracking asylum. this bill doesn't do that. we set o t border would be secure and you could end what happened yesterday in texas where 100 illegal aliens bum rushed our
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border rolled over the texas national guard fled into this country and went to border patrol to get released into the united states. that is what this bill continues to fund. and any of my republican colleagues who want to spend this year campaigning against open borders it's a laugh. vote for this abomination of a bill, you will be voting to fund it. you will be voting to fundaign against. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from texas is. ms. granger: madam speaker i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material on the measure under consideration. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. i ask unanimous consent to yield 10 minutes of my time to the gentleman from connecticut ms. delauro, -- to the
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gentlewoman from connecticut ms. delauro, and that she be allowed to control the time. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, i now recognize the gentlewoman from connecticut delauro, to control the next 10 minutes. ms. delauro: madam relieved to be finally closing out fiscal year 2024. and for that, i want to thank chairwoman kay granger chair patty murray, vice chair susan collins. i am proud to have made history with such experienced appropriators. 2024 marks the first time negotiations on government funding have been led on all four corners by women. i have many others to thank. subcommittee ranking members and chairs staff on both sides of the aisle and i will be submitting these names for the record. i strongly support the bipartisan bill which funds the majority of the united s this bill sides with the hardworking majority of
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americans. it helps to lower protects women's rights and access to reproductive health care. it reinforces america's global leadership and it helps our communities be safe and secure. i am pleased that democrats and republicans again united to make government work for the people of this country. like the funding bill we passed earlier this month this legislation does not have everything either side may have wanted. but i am satisfied that many of the extreme cuts and the policies proposed by house republicans were rejected. i'm enormously proud that we are providing an increase of $1 for childcare for head start, expanding access to quality and affordable childcare for hardworking we increased title 1 education funding, protecting 224,000
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teachers' jobs house republicans tried to eliminate. i'm also pleased that we successfully defeated every one of the republicans' extreme policy riders in the labor-hhs bill. in this package we prioritized the men and women in our armed services, and their families, by securing pay and allowance increases of over 5%. the highest increase in decades. we invest in global health and support 12,000 special immigrant visas for afghans that assisted the united states and helpe and critically, we strengthened our border security. i urge swift passage of this package and i look forward to moving on how we can best serve the american people in the fiscal year 2025. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: i yield 90 seconds to the gentlelady from florida.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is now recognized. >> i rise in opposition today to speak against the current omnibus that we are seeing hitting the floor today. you know, this administration, many people on both sides talk about how they want to champion black and brown people in this country and that's a direct quote from a recent press release from the biden administration. ms. luna: but the fact is that this omnibus, this government being open and allowing for open borders is doing nothing but actually hurting those communities. what we are seeing right now at the border rise in crime. we are seeing these very communities being impacted by the rising gang violence, and it's been disgusting to watch crony capitalists push cheap labor. i don't know if anyone's recently witnessed what happened with tyson farms but they actually fired americans to hire immigrant workers a.k.a. illegals after on september 25 of 2023 they were probinged by the federal -- probed by the employment of migrant children
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who likely warned -- washed the bloody floors and razor-sharp machines. why would anyone want to continue to fund a government that a is complicit in this, but, b is also responsible for losing 85,000 migrant children? the fact is that we cannot continue down this path. it is hurting a people. i think that if you want to stay and you want to claim to protect minorities, then you need to ensure that you're putting americans first and not simply just using that as a way to get elected. meanwhile, stabbing americans in the back and hurting our communities. with that, madam speaker i yield the rest of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from california, the chairman of the defense subcommittee mr. calvert for three minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. calvert: madam speaker i rise today in stron negotiated appropriations package. today is zero hour. we're out of time. today's vote may be the most consequential of your lifetime. right now our troops around the world are facing multiple
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threats. our supremacy on land, sea air and space is beingd. and our allies are under attack. i could go through a long list of vital programs and funding included in this bill. the wins for or treups, the historic -- for our troops, the historic counterdrug activities, the focus on countering china. the time is short and the stakes have never been higher. for the members who are considering voting against the bill due to objections and other titles and are under the impression that this bill fails will have another chance to vote for a full-year defense bill, i want to be very clear. this is it. every member must underst not passing this package. the only other option will be a full-year continuing resolution. which will devastate our and put our country at risk. a c.r. will cut defense spending by $27 billion and additional cuts from sequeration. this is something that has not happened in the history of this country and will cut our military off at the knees in the
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midst of the most dangerous period we have seen since world war ii. a c.r. maintains policies negotiated by the last congress, eliminates all member priorities from the bill, gives the biden administration the freedom to shift appropriations as they see fit. simply put we will cede all congressional authori the biden administration, a c.r. would be an abdication of our responsibility and to our military and to this body. to vote is a vote for china -- a no vote is a vote for china, russia, iran, north korea and hamas. a vote yes for our men in uniform and for all americans and for our country. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: madam speaker i yield one minute to the gentleman from new york, the distinguished democratic leader, mr. jeffries. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is now recognized. jennifer jennifer i -- jennifer lovehewitt i thank -- mr. jeffries: i thank the distinguished gentlelady from
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connecticut for yielding, the honorable rosa delauro and thank her for her extraordinary leadership throughout this process in getting to this principled result. i think all of the appropriators for -- i thank all of the appropriators for their extraordinary work on the democratic side and on the republican side as part of the effort to complete the fiscal year 2024 appropriations. this hasn't been a perfect process, but we should never let the perfect be the enemy of the good. when it comes to solving problems on behal hardworking american taxpayers. and this is a good result for the american people. in terms of their health, their safety, their education their national security protection and, of course above all else,economic well-being. a bipartisan process leading to a bipartisanult. that will hopefully lay a foundation for us to continue to
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do the work of the american people together. now, we've said from theery golf swing of this congress, as democrats that we will find bipartisan -- democrats that we will find bipartisan common ground with our republican colleagues on any issue whenever and wherever possible, as long as it will make life better for the american people. that's exactly what house democrats continue to do. at the same time we've said we will push back against extremism whenever necessary. we will always defend a wom her own reproductive health care decisions. we will always defend the gorgeous mosaic of the american people. and p against unnecessary attacks against diversity, equity and inclusion. these are american values, we will always fight to protect and strengthen social security and medicare. and we will always put people over politics. and we hope that that will continue no the just on the
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democratic side, but together. to solve problems for the american people. as soon as we complete this work let us turn to our national security priorities and make sure that we don't abandon the people of ukraine in their hour of great need, as they fight for principles like democracy and freedom and truth and push back against you tock are asy -- autocracy tyranny and propaganda. america should always stand on the side of these principleske democracy and freedom and truth, and that means standing with the people of ukraine. i thank once again the appropriators for their leadership in concluding this process. i urge everybody to support this legislation and i hope that as we move forward in our promise to you but more importantly, to the american people who expect that should
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have more common sense and less chaos. we should have more decency and less dysfunction. and more exceptionalism and less extremism. our promise to you is that we will do our best to put people over politics and we hope that will you do the same. vote yes on this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentleman from texas is now recognized. the gentlewoman reserves. thank you. mr. roy: the democrat leader talks about the mosaic. i assume by the mosaic that anyone who votes for this bill today will be supporting that we're talking about $156,000 for the hartford gaye and lesbian -- gay and lesbian health collective an organization self-described as champions of lgbtqia equity and provides training in cultural competency and health care for lgbtq youth. $2 million to an oregon
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collin take provides hormone therapy for kids or the money for gay senior housing in massachusetts. or 4dz00,000 for the briar patch youth services in wisconsin that has gender affirming clothing programs for kids 18 to 13 -- 13 to 18. or $400,000 to the garden state equality education fund, which helps minors transition genders promote biological boys playing girls sports, and using the same restrooms. i could go on and on. how about the million dollars for the inner city muslim which calls for the destruction of israel? that's what we're funding. that's precisely what we're funding in this legislation. so when the democratic leader talks about a mosc, tt'alking about. and my republican colleagues who will campaign against it all year they will, they're voting to fun today. to be very clear my republican colleagues are voting to fund that so-called mosaic today. unless they choose the right path and vote against it. and my friend from california, when he talked about oh, oh, the horrors that will happen if
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we have a c.r., well, we shouldn't be here. this is the swamp acting what it does. have government funding expire on the friday before a two-week recess heading into easter, precisely to jet fumes so that the american people are the ones left holding the bag so that we members of congress, can go off to our codels, can go travel can go do your fundraisers, can make sure you get home. but the ones left holding the bag are the american people. and we talk about this, the game was given up. when we talk about defense. everything that is happening here is being done in the name of defense. everything that you see, talking about our national security will be undermined. well, tell me about national security in texas. when you have the national guard getting rolled over in el paso, when you have texans dying from fentanyl poisoning when you have gangs and cartels operating in texas. talk to me about national security then. ....
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mr. biggs: i thank the gentleman for yielding. the gentlelady from connecticut said that in this bill they were able to successfully rejectans' request for spending reductions and rejected republicans' request for riders. and yet somehow the republicans are going to vote for that? that's outrageous. she's right though. she got the spending. she killed the riders. and when i hear that a vote for this is a vote for china. a vote for -- against this is a vote for china what you are really saying is a vote for vote for chinese terrorism. we have had over 30,000 illegal aliens from china come across border policy. what you're going to get you are voting to speed up the process of recontribution redistribution of illegal aliens coming in. that's what the funding will go for. you talking about beds? those beds are going to go empty. why? because you are going to ship these people out as soon as they get here.
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that's what's happening. it's been 24 hours. so the crimes, the fentanyl death, the terrorist initiatives that are coming our way you vote for this, you are funding it. you own it. yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from florida the chairman of the state and foreign operations mr. diaz-balart. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida is recognized for how much time are you giving him? mr. diaz-balart: i want to thank the full committeeranger. also the speaker for bringing us to this point. let me tell you i'm proud of the state and foreign operations portion of the bill we are dealing with today. let's talk about what the a bill -- let's take out a little bit of the noise and rhetoric and what's in the bill. it includes a 6% reduction from fiscal year 2023. we are at a critical moment in
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our history. one of the most important allies is in time of its greatest need. and this bill answers the call. it is the operations bill that we have ever seen. so let's talk about facts. it provides billion in foreign military financing for israel. almost as importantly is what is not funded in this bill. the bill prohibits funds to unrwa, which has become, frankly, a de facto subsidiary of hamas. the passage of this bill means not one additional dollar from american taxpayers will go fund this deeply flawed organization. but if we go to a c.r., we are passage of the bill also prohibits funds for the anti-semitic u.n. commission of inquiry answer israel. the passage of this bill means no funds can be used to delist the iranian revolutionary guardanization. or to implement that infamous
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nuclear agreement with iran. and another top priority, madam speaker, is countering communist china. this bill includes $300 million foreign military financing for taiwan. the first time ever in an appropriations bill that we have done that. the passage of this bill prohibits the use of foreign aid to repay chinese debt. also another priority is strengthening our national security and supporting democracy around the world and defending human rights and human dignity. this bill increomote democracy and human rights in cuba and establishes strict guidelines to ensure the funding supports the democratic opposition. ms. granger: two more minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for two more minutes. mr. diaz-balart: it helps the democratic opposition and not the terrorist regimes' chosen businesses. human trafficking and particularly human trafficking of doctors. this bill also supports those
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trustling for freedom in our hemisphere. the most repressive areas. those anti-american dictate dictatorships in venezuela and nicaragua. failure to pass this bill, we lose provisions on the prohibition of funds for encouraging organized -- organizations, facilitating, org migrant vare cans -- caravans to the united states f this bill fails -- united states. if funding sources to again organizations that are promoting caravans of illegal folks to the united states will continue. that is factual. that's t f this legislation were not to pass, we lose the protection of free speech by limiting how funds can be used under the pretext of countering disinformation. if this legislation were not to pass we would go back to current law. we would lose the restrictions that only u.s. flags may be flown or displayed over a facility of the state department. madam speaker this bill reduces
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spending. it reprioritizes funding towards our vital national security interests. limitations and smart policy changes to thisin the biden administration. if this were to fail we are giving carte blanche to the democracy. it is a dramatic improvement of current law. let me thank the staff for their hard work. this is an important bill at a crucial, critical time when american leadership is sorely needed. we are not getting it from the white house. this bill goes a long way to re-establish american leadership. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentlewoman from connecticut now is recognized. ms. delauro: thank you. i yield one minute to the gentleman from maryland, the distinguished ranking member of the financial services and general government subcommittee, mr. hoyer. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is
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recognized. mr. hoyer: one minute, too little time.vices bill is a good bill. it's the responsible alternative. thirdly, it is ironic that the group that has made compromise the most difficult over the last year continues to oppose compromise. legislative action is about compromise. this is a responsible compromise. subcommittees on the republican side have said, the alternative is the least responsible action that we could take. i urge my colleagues to vote for this bill as the responsible effective alternative notwithstanding the fact that the operations up to this point of the appropriati not been what they ought to be. we all understand that. but it is our collected failure as
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i said, by a group who does not want compromise. pass this bill. america needs this bill. it is a shame it's not going to be followed by passing aid for ukraine. i yield back the balance of e speaker the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: well, the distinguished former majority leader brings up the financial services bill. what he left out was the fact that we are going to give $200 million to the f.b.i. for its new headquarters. even after republicans touted in the last massive omnibus bill we were cutting the f.b.i., then relied of an earmark in alabama to claim that it was a bigger cut than it really is, now what is happening to the american people, guess what? the f.b.i.'s getting a brand new shiny headquarters deste running ram shod over the american people. spying on them. by the way we extended fisa to continue spying on people. we also failed to prohibit the treasury from establishing a central bank digital currency. house republicans passed that.
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but in this deal that was cut we don't do that. why? why would it be so abhorrent to ban a central bank digital currency. i yield 90 seconds to my friend from south carolina. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. >> i woke up this morning to a text from an elderly lady, we are under attack, congressman. can congress do anything to protect our borders?z the blood of further deaths of americans is on your hands. i disagree with my good friends on the right side. mr. norman: this is anything but a national security bill. look at what's happening at the border. look at what's happening to the agents that got bum rushed in el paso last night. if you are willing anybody that votes for this bill, you are the listeners, are you agreeing to $500 million for jordan including $150 million
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for b jordan? are you agreeing to -- do you like $125 million to help egyptians attend college in egypt? is thisreant your money? do you want $286 billion for title x family planning, an abortion clinic? folks, the list goes on and on. this is insanity. here's what i call -- here's the fix. i call on our speaker he's the only one can do it, to -- after -- to vote this bill down, take that mace down, which has to be in place it's been in place for 182 years to have session in the house of representatives, c until the senate accepts a total shut down of the border until they accept a total don't come back. why fund the government that's working against us? it is total insanity. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman from t reserves. the gentlewoman from texas is recognized.
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ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from ohio, the chairman of the homeland security subcommittee, mr. joyce, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. joyce: thank you, madam speaker. i rise today in support of the under consideration. as chairman of the homeland security subcommittee, i'd like to thank the full committee chair, ms. granger for her leadership in assembling funding package that is reflect strong republican priorities. the crisis at our southwest border has raged under the biden administration. more than two million migrants cross the border each of the last two years. that is not sustainable. so this bill makes key investments to secure the border expand detention improve there and deter illegal immigration. under this bill wede $500 million to reach an end strength of 22,000 border agents, consistent with h.r. 2. tonter fentanyl, this bill provides $305 million for nonintrusive inspection
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equipment at our nation's ports of entry. this bill ensures ity it needs to enforce the law by providing 41,500 detention beds. without t would release more than 10,000 current detainees who pose a threat to our communities. this bill also provides the coast guard with two fast chinese aggression in the pacific. additionally this billie funds the coast guard's military pay raise, keeping our promise of supporting our troops. simply put this bill ensures that men and women of the department of homeland security who work tirelessly on our behalf hav the resources and tools they need to protect this great nation. it reflects strong republican priots wasteful spending and prioritizes securing the border. we cannot up suspend this for a wasteful government shut dunn. i urge my colleagues to support. and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: i yield one minute
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to the the gentlewoman from minnesota, the distinguished ranking member of the defense subcommittee, ms. mccollum. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. ms. mccollum: well, it's no secret this appropriations cycle was tough. and as ranking member of the defense appropriations subcommittee i want to thank really thank chairman calvert for working in a bipartisan manner to get the defense bill done. this compromise defense bill is focused on two things. national security and our service members and their families. this bill provides our service members with the training and the equipment necessary to complete their missions and come home soon and safely as possible. it supports with the 5.2% pay increase. it includes a to basic housing allowance. and the bill restores at least some funding for ukraine through the ukrainian assistance initia the house must pass the senate security supplemental as soon as
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possible. and i am glad to report that all the partisan riders that were originally in the defense house bill have been removed. madam speaker this mini bus shows us there is only one way to fund the government and that's on a bipartisan basis. full stop. let's follow the example. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. ms. mccollum: i urge members to support the bill. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: yield 90 pandemics seconds to my friend from georgia. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman now is recognized for 90 seconds. >> thank you. to my house and senate republican colleagues, it's time to put your vote where your values ause you can't claim to be the pro-life champion and then fund abortion travel and aborted fetal tissue research. mr. clyde: youl against president biden's intentional illegal invasion and fund the policies that are causing the chaos without assuming the same responsibility. just like you can't flaunt your vote to impeach secretary mayorkas and fully fund his salary and destructive border policies.
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you can't defend america's second amendment liberties and fund gun control by the c.d.c. and you cannot support science and protect young women and then fund transgender surgeries and fund educational institutions that allow biological males to compete in women sports. i don't call them men because they are not real men. .. real men protect women. they don't use their superior strength to steal from women. you can't fund more disinformation governance boards and government by proxy ceorship. and you cannot sound the alarm on our dire economic outlook and plooning national debt -- ballooning national debt and then rubber stamp spending higher than nancy pelosi's levels for f.y. 2023 and the list goes on and on. republicans simply cannot righteously denounce democrats' ]g country and then turn around and fund them. after all if you fund it, you own it.
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but it's we promised the american people that we would fix these problems not fund them. so i urge my colleagues to vote no on the swamp's second half omnibus. thank you and i yield back. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: thank you. the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: mr. speaker i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: madam speak i minute to the gentleman from texas the distinguished ranking member of the homeland security subcommittee, mr. cuellar. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. cuellar: as the ranking member i live at the border. i just don't go visit the border. so i know the border. this is a strongt we passed in a bipartisan way commonsense way. this bill takes away all the poisonous riders, bipartisan riders. it adds the largest number of border patrol agents at 22,000 agents. it adds c. bmpt pmpt officers -- c.b.p. officers. it adds support staff so they
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can support the agents. it adds money to do air y can do the work and counter drones. it adds money for the t.s.a. so they can have the pay equity. it expands -- it adds money to the foodwhich is important for the border community. it adds 41,500 beds that are being used right now even up to 41,700 beds. it adds money for deportation when aliens don't have their rights afterhey their rights processed. it fully funds reunification efforts of families that were unjustly funded. it adds money to border patrol and adds money to -- ms. delauro: i yield the gentleman 15 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has another 15 seconds. mr. cuellar: it adds money so local law enforcement can do the work. i would say members, this is the strongest border security bill that we have. but it's fair. it is fair and i ask folks to support this bill.
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again, i live at the border, i don't go visit. this is a strong homeland security bill. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: thank you. the gentleman recognized. mr. roy: i thank my friend from texas for his remarks. but i would just simply disagree. all we're doing here is adding beds that aren't going to be used. all we're doing is adding money for border patrol that won't be allowed to do their job. they'll be processing more people andres look em-- and releasing them aga law parole policies that damage the country and led to laken riley's death. that's all this bill does with that i'm going yield a minute and 15 seconds to the gentlelady from georgia. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from georgia is regnized. ms. greene: thank you, madam speaker. i rise in extreme opposition to the second part of the omnibus bill. no republican in the house of representatives in good conscience can vote for this bill. it is a complete departure of all of our principles, especially if youourself pro-life. this bill funds full-term abortion. this is not a republican bill. this is a chuck schumer
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democrat-controlled bill coming from the house majority that is supposed to be controlled by republicans, but yet our majority has been completely -- the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to direct their remarks to the chair. please. taylor til taylor madam speaker -- ms. greene: madam speaker, it is the will of our voters and it is the will of republicans across the country that this bill should not be brought to the floor, that this bill will absolutely destroy our majority and will tell every single one of our votes that are this majo failure -- voters that this majority is a failure. this is the bill that the white house cannot wait to sign into law. this is the bill that rips our border wide open and tells every single person in over 160 countries around the world they can invade our country, they can run over our border patrol, they run over our texas national guard, they can come in, rape our women murder our people and squat and take over our homes. this is an atrocious attack on the american people.
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the speaker of the house should not bring it to the floor. and this bill should not pass. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: madam speaker i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: madam speaker i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from texas. mr. roy: i would yield one minute to the gentleman from missouri. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is now recognized for one minute. >> thank you mr. roy, thank you, mr. this bill defies any kind of objective understanding of the reality of the situation that we're in. we're at $34 tn debt. mr. burlison: it is the highest debt to g.d.p. that we've experienced in the history of the united states of america. higher than we experienced after world war ii. and we just left a war.
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today we're at the same level of debt to g.d.p. facing potential wars. this situation is the greatest threat to is. and to add more debt onto this nation is only risking us even further. look our border is the threat to national security and yet we're doing very little to actually fix it in this matter how much we talk about some of the things that are in the bill, at the end of the day you know, i hear expressions like this. up here, the swamp says, people say, somebody's got to govern. within that statement therein lies the false pretense that government is the solution to our problems, government isn't the problem. thank you. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: madam speaker i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. ms. delauro: madam speaker i reserve the balance of my time.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut reserves her time. the gentleman from texas. mr. roy: i'd yield one minute to my friend from pennsylvania, mr. perry. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania is now recognized. mr. perry: thank you, madam last night when i was looking over the bill, i got a text with a film in it, a video clip, of soldiers in uniform being overrun at el paso.un by illegal foreign nationals coming into our country. just running right over them. i don't know what their rules of engagement were. i don't know how anybody expected them to stop them. these people coming into our country wholesale. and what astounding as well, madam speaker, is those folks all ran to the border patrol. to come into our country illegally. border patrol being ordered by president biden and secretary mayorkas to allow these people to come into our country. my friends on the other side of the aisle are going to well we got more beds, we got more border patrol agents.
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those agents are going to process these individuals into our country and those beds are going to go unfilled because these people are coming to your town. madam speaker this bill makes americans pay for their own sellout and i recommend that we all vote no. i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: madam speaker i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut. ms. delauro: madam speaker i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: i yield one minute to my friend from kentucky, mr. massie. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentuck i mr. massie: today we're setting a dangerous precedent. we're suspending the three-day rule that that -- so that our constituents don't he time see what's in this bill. we know what's in it. we know it spend too much money we know it's got money to groom our children down to the ages of 12 into being trans. we know it's got funding for facilities that do late-term abortions. why would republicans vote for that? because it's got a dangerous
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cocktail that served. and we're drunk on it today. what is that cocktail? earmarks and budget gimmicks. wi fumes from d.c.a. the smell of jet fuel at d.c. ampt. because what are -- d.c.a. because what are we going to dos bill? we're all going to the airport and we're going on recess for two weeks. this is not the way we should do the nation's business. need to preserve the three-day rule. we need to follow our own rules. we need to bring these bills through committee and do regular order and i urge people to vote against this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: madam speaker i ree the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut. ms. delauro: madam speaker i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: reserves. the gentleman from texas. mr. roy: how much time is replaining? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has -- is remaining? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has 3 1/4 minute.
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3.25. mr. roy: three minutes 15 seconds. ok great. i yield one minute to my friend from arizona. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from arizo recognized. >> thank you, madam speaker. i'm going to be voting no for this this bt, i want to talk to my republican colleagues. it's important that we understand that the american people don't expect us to win every time. but they sure as hell expect and that's not what we're doing. we should not be fighting for this. mr. crane: this is garbage. the next thing i quick is to the american people please pay attention to who votes for this and make sure when they come back to your hometown, in your district, and they talk to at your next lincoln day dinner about fiscal responsibility securing the border if they voted for this, let them hear about it. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. mr. roy: reserve. ms. granger: madam speaker i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut. ms. delauro: madam speaker i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas.
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mr. roy: the gentleman from florida a moment ago talked about the fact that we defund unrwa and w pernicious. i agree with him. a part of the process that we carried out last year when we set out to change this institution. to return to some sort of regular order, to have 72 hours to rebuild -- read bills, to have single subject bills to offer amendments on the floor to actually have an appropriations process. we passed seven appropriations bills off of the floor of the house. we passed three out of committee to the floor. we actually had some amount of debate, we were able to move things through. and we got some of our policy priorities and we sent them over to the senate and what do we do? we walked away and we went back to business as usual in the swamp. where a handful of people that they call four corners all sit back and decide for you. not the people in this room as a body but a handful of so-called cardinals. the same group that i heard guffawing in the back a minute ago. the same block of a get to control the entire world
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and use our men and women in uniform as an excuse to undermine the national security of this country by spending money we don't have. by racking up debt to the tune of $1 trillion every 100 days. while funding all manners of to transgender surgeries, abortion tourism. funding the world health organization to give away our sovereignty, funding open ass parole that led to the death of laken riley. everybody who votes for this bill today you own it. don't go out and campaign this year saying you oppose this stuff when you write the check. because that's what's happening today. every single republican, every single democrat who votes for this omnibus spending bill today, they own it. they own the open borders they own the woke military that we cannot recruit people to fight in. they own giving our sovereignty to world health organizations and international bodies. they own more wuhan lab. yeah that's all in there. they own it. we should vote no.
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you want to win in november? vote no. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. ms. granger: madam speaker i reserve the balance of mye speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: mr. speaker members -- 11,388 members have served historically in the united states house of representatives. we are blessed and what we are charged with is serving the american people. our job. it is not serving our individual philosophies ideologies or whatever it is that we believe. we need to govern on behalf of the american people. and i'm proud to h been working with democrats and republicans united to make government work for the people of this country.
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it's a bipartisan bill, it sides with hardworking majority of americans, it helps to lower that cost of living it protects women's rights -- living, it hardworking majority of americans, it helps to lower that cost of living it protects women's rights -- living, it protects women's right it reinforces america's global leadership and yes it helps our communities be safe and secure. .... it is not about what not about those of us who serve in this chamber, it is about what we do on behalf of the people of this country outside of this chamber. this bill serves the american people. it has an democrat and republican support to move forward. we are six months into t we have been unable to do the
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work of the people because some people will hold us back. again, our job why we are elected, is to serve the american people. that's what we are charged with. never forget that blessed to serve here. and we have a duty to perform and to do what is right. urge my colleagues to support this bill. it makes sense for us to do it. and we do it because we represent hardworking families in this country who put their faith and trust in us to do this job on their behalf. i yield back. 1 a.m. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i urge my colleagu to support this bill. i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields. the question is, will the house suspend the rules and agree to resolution 1102. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no.
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in the opinion of the of those voting having responded in the affirmative the rules are suspended the resolution -- the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: request nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those in favor of a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen. the yeas and nays are ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. pursuant to clause 9 of rule 20, this is a 15-minute vote on the which will be followed by a five-minute votes on the motion to recommit on h.r. 1023, and the passage of h.r. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possiblthe united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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are 134. the rules are suspended and the resolution is agreed and without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, the unfinished business is question on agreeing to the
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motion on h.r. 1023 offered by mr. petters on which the yeas and nays areotion to recommit h.r. 1023 offered by mr. peters of california. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to recommit. members will record their votes by electronic device. this is a five-minute vote. ble by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: the yeas are 206 and the nays are 211. the motion is not adopted. the question is on passage of the bill. those in favor, say aye. those
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posed, no. the ayes have it. the bill is passed. for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? mr vote. the speaker pro tempore: a recorded has been requested. those tasering a recorded vote shall rise. a sufficient number having aren a recorded vote is ordered. members will record their votes by electronic device. by electronic vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for poli representatives.]
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are --
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the speaker pro tempore: on this vote the yeas are 209 the nays are 204. the bill is passed. without objection the motion toid on the table. for what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition? to the desk a concurrent resolution and ask unanimous consent for its consideration in the house.e: the clerk will report the title of the concurrent resolution. the clerk: house concurrent resolution 100, concurrent resolution directing the clerk of the house of representatives to make a correction in the enro of h.r. 2828. the speaker pro tempore: is there objection to consideration of the concurrent resolution? without objection, the concurrent resolution is agreed to and the motion to reconsider is laid upon the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. encouraged to take their conversations off the floor.
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the house will be in order. members are encraged to take their conversations off the floor.é
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the chair will now entertain requests for one-minute speeches. the chair will now entertain requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does -- the house will be in order. members are requestedke their conversations off the floor. the house will be in order. the chair will now entertain requests for one-minute speeches. for what purpose does the gentleman from montana seek recognition? >> mr. speaker i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you mr. speaker. i rise today in recognition and celebration of both mr. rosen dale: food security is national security and across the treasure state and the country farmers supply safe and plentiful so we don't have to rely on
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foreign nations to sustain our population. agriculture is not just a industry in montana, is our way of life. it contributes an average of $5.2 billion a year to the economy. producers' hard work, dedicat and resilience play a essential role in feeding our communities sustaining our economy and managing our land. while ag production is a vital industry it doesn't come without its challenges. congress must first insure a crop insurance program that gives producers certainty and secondly pass my land and national defense act which would prohibit the chinese communist party from buying farmland in our country. initiatives can be included in this year's farm bill to show producers folks here in washington haven't forgotten about them and have their backs need. ag producers deserve recognition for the work they do to take care of our great nation. thank you mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from maryland seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for one
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minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is for one minute. mr. hoyer: today we took the fundamental step o the people's government. unfortunately, we did not however, ukraine. the speaker has said publicly that he is going to bring ukraine to the floor when we come back. i rise to assure our ukrainian allies and those brave young men and women and not so young men and women who are in the field at the of the spear defending freedom and democracy. that i believe that there are over 300 votes on this floor a there have been for seven times to support them in their battle, which is our battle as well.
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i urge all ofss we return to defend freedom through our ukrainian warriors. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> mr. speaker request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. thompson: i rise today to recognize the order of 388. on april 5 this group will celebrate 100 years of service and renew their commitment to the principles of masonry. it's a masonic dependent body, part of the pennsylvania order of eastern star, part of the gel chapter the international order that stretches around the world and makes up the largest coed fraternal organization in the world. the order of the a strong bond of friendship and support for each other based on shared values and respect.
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their members are service-minded individuals organizing and participating in service projects supporting our youth veterans and greater community. mr. speaker, tte college chapter of the order of the eastern star works closely with other pennsylvania chapters to support shriner's hospital for children and also proud to support individuals with disabilities of all ages. congratulations on this magnificent milestone and may you continue to celebrate years of fellowship and community service. thank you mr. speaker and i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? >> to revise and extend my remarks and extend my remarks and speak for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. payne: mr. speaker i rise today to praise president biden's work to improve housing
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in america. the president's leadership in this area has led to lower housing costs. expanded rental assistance and it has increased affordable housing nationwide. now the president wants to implement the most consequential housing plan in 50 years in this country. it would provide a $10,000 tax credit for first time home buyers and people who sell their starter homes. it would build and renovate more than two million homes. the plan would crack down on corporate actions that rob renters and it would p of thousands of families veterans and youth leaving foster care. it is a bold plan that would benefit millions of americans and i'm proud to support it on the house floor today. and with that, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman
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from ohio seek recognition? >> mr. speaker i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute ando be remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> tnk y rise to congratulate martha fudge as she transitions from her role in housing and urban development. in congress i had the honor of working alongside her while serving the greater cleveland area. mr. joyce: together we worked to bring bipartisan wins to the community, making ohio a greater place. i cannot thank her enough for her dedication to public service not only to the buckeye state but to an entire country. whatever chapter holds for her, i have no doubt she will continue to do great things. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from nevada seek recognition? >> ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, t >> mr. speaker i rise today to talk about a very concerning truth about this chamber. mr. horsford: recently this
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chamber med on a bill that will ban tiktok if it becomes law. i voted against that bill for many reasons. one being that the process was alarmingly fast with little time to discuss the facts or the impact to small businesses or content creators which actually mr. speaker, i find it very hypocritical with all the pressing urgent matters before our this bill through committee and on the floor. and i'm not the only one noticing that fact. the american people are also asking why we can't act on other important issues, why we can't pass the j.r. lewis voting rights act on the floor in five days. we haven't even been given an opportunity to have a hearing on the topic. mr. speaker, why can't we pass legislation toolence epidemic in this country that might break the since act or the assault ban. why can't we have a hearing with
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the housing crisis facing america. you have time to pass a bill in five days to ban tiktok but you do not have time to address the important issues facing the american people. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? mr. carter: to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. mr. speaker, the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will remind all persons in the gallery they're here as guests of the that any manifestation of approval or disapproval of the proceedings is in violation of the rules of the house. for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia s mr. carter: ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. carter: mr. speaker, i rise to congratulate mr. manny diaz for an outstanding career during his last 36 years at universityia's men's tennis coach. diaz is the s.e.c.'s all time winningest coach with his overall record of 767-192.
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he's guided the bulldogs to achieve many milestone awards. throughout his career, coach diaz led the bulldogs to win 29 nationals and four n.c.i.i. national titles and two indoor national championship wins. in 2023 his team was awarded another conference championship title and showcased their talent in the 2023ament. for his accomplishments diaz has been recognized as s.e.c. coach of the year seven times throughout his career and 39 of his players have received a combined 77 all american honors. now as he enters retirement, i'd tnk diaz for his hard work and dedication to the university of georgia athletics. through his guidance and supervision, his of the nation's greatest. thank you mr. speaker and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purr. speaker i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without
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objection, gentlewoman 1. the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> i rise to commend the secretary of housing and urbant, martha fudge. as secretary fudge retires i join people from the white house to warrensville heights in celebrating her lifetime of service and achievement. ms. brown: under her leadership, h.u.d. helped more than two million families stay in their homes and served a million people experiencing homelessness and helped black owners rochester purchase a home. secretary fudge has been a champion for her constituents and has always been about results. quite simply in congress and the cabinet, she set the standard and i to follow as her representative of the 11th congressional district. congratulations secretary fudge. we in ohio's 11th congressional district are excited to welcome you home. with that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from recognition? >> to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend
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my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> i rise today to celebrate our hero captain greg hewitt of keller fire rescue. ms. van duyne: he's dedevoted 16 years to protecting our community and as captain at firehouse 2 he's shown leadership and service. throughout his numerous 48-hour long shifts, he consistently displays h his team to our community. .. he is a proud father of three beautiful children. they followed him along in his congratulations on 16 years of service. and thank you to the kindness and devotions to nornd i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina seek recognition?
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i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. >> mr. speaker there are increasing national security threats america's critical infrastructure. a warning went out nationwide that china and iran are targeting our criticams including our drinking water. these cyberthreats pose an extreme risk to our rural water any cyberattacks could shut it down for days could impact, farms, schools and emergency services. i introduced h.r. 3809 cybersecurity for rural water systems act for this very the bill would provide cybersecurity assistance to those communities with limited resources. the bill is crucial in protect the united states from foreign cyberattacks. i urge congress to advance this key thank you. i yield become. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from california seek
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recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. lamalfa: thank you mr. speaker. well among the many issues we have our border and illegal alien immigration is the effect of our elections and apportionment of how votes are distributed around this country. a lot of people don't know orde or are aware of. when the census is taken constitution is flouted because they have to count everybody here who is here illegally in the populations and that's how house members and votes and power is distributed across our states and estimated because of illegal immigrants squatting in this country, 13 and the wrong states or in
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wrong area because of disproportionate nature amount of people being counted and to the democrats' benefit in blue states. we have a true distortion of the distribution of votes. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from colorado seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. >> i rise today to honor the passing of my dear friend and mentor for 57 vetta was a the university of denver law school and established the international studies ram and center comparative law. he was a board member of several n.g.o.'s and international law community. more than valued mentor to many. you can find someone who from his
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wisdom. his legacy will inspire me and many around the world. he will be deeply missed. i yld back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one today to discuss how house democrats working with the senate and the white house are delivering cost savings families. my constituents tell me how high costs are affecting them and their families and democrats are the american rescue plan that allowed medicaid to limit drug prices and another law the inflation reduction act that capped insulin costs at $35. the three largest manufacturers of i announced they will slash the cost of insulin
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by 75%. these are real costonstituents who are link with diabetes. what is the republicans focused on. 70% of the republicans want to raise the age of social security banoll back the affordable care act. the two parties are not the same. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. >> i rise in opposition to the reckless budget proposal released by a group of house republicans. this budget will cut medicare and make health care more expensive and undo progress we are doing. it would cut social security benefits and raise the retirement age forcing hardworking longer. the only winners are ultrawealthy and big corporations. this is backward, it's wrng and something i will fight every
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step of the way. new hampshire seniors need to know earnedef be there when they retire. and i will strengthen social security and medicare and lowering the cost of prescription drugs and let's make this a top priority. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: nope the gentleman from oregon seek recognition? >> i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentlewoman is recognized for one >> i rise to honor the trailblazing women throughout history who fought for justice and equal rights and i am proud many of these are other gonians. ann did you knowa way who was the first woman to in oregon or former governor barbara robert and first woman to serve as governor. or katherine harrison for the tribe in my district.
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there are many more leaders left out. recognizing their legacy is one important step. we must continue building on the progress they have already working to expand access to paid leave and affordable child care and reproductive and put an end to violence to women and girls. in honor of those who came before us, i will keep u thei yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition? ms. jackson lee: i request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. jackson lee: i rise today to be able to reaffirm to the american peopleid and my colleagues did our job today as i stand in support of the resolution in the approprernment open. i told my constituents i cannot be at the various events of
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today, friday, march 22, because i had to be here to ensure our students had pell grants and make sure that small businesses are being supported and medicaid was strongly enforced and public health is still in place and i wanted to make sure we had thedical research that helped so many lives be restored and i am a champion and advocate for mental health care. not enough for the families who suffer and try to help their loched ones and get rid of tax cheats and the drug choice that kills fentanyl. i want to be part of the fight as senior member of the judiciary and gaza get the appropriations and dollars that they need. we stood to keep the government today. and i am excited about the fact that that vote went through with my help and help of my colleagues. mr. speaker, this is important enough to let thepeople know that
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the government is open now. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house a communication. the clerk: the speaker's rooms washington d.c., march 22, 2024 i designate the period from february march 22, 2024 through monday april 8 2024 as a district work period under section 3-z of house resolution johnson speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from florida ms. salazar is recognized as the designee of the majorit leader. ms. salazar: president reagan said we need to halt communist penetration. if we will send a signal of the greatest power in the world is unwilling to stop
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communist aggression i yard. we are facing that in the island of cuba and haiti. hist that the current threats must be addressed with the utmost seriousness for these issues go to the heart of american security and american history. i stand here today to ensure that once again we learn from history and understand that the turmoil in our hem is atmosphere in america's own back yard can and must be stopped or the price we pay will be deal. focus on cuba and haiti. the stakes are high. the cuban people live in misery and despair at the handseir communist oppressors. they are deprived of basic necessities like food and like that and living in day a product of the communist regime of intentional rolling blackouts. the regime has the slogan
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patriotism or death while subjecting the cuban people to the latter, death from depp the riftation. cuban took to the streets of santiago and were upo blackouts. the protestors are crying out or patriotism and life. response, the cuban regime blamed us, the united states for our embargo. but we fully understand the nation's manual for the cuban propaganda regime. they have been beating their own people for decades. but we know the truth. we as a congress, american people can take ser ensure the protestors' voices are not shouting in vain.
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i'm calling on the administration to take a stronger stance against the cuban regime and stand in sold art with the freedom fighters. united states support is not a partisan issue it is a morallyite and intimately linked to our own security and own history of freedom and d know that information is power, let's provide threat ac -- internet access. i have a crucial message to the commanders. historyas its on you. it is inevitable that peaceful protestors will continue to take to the streets in cuba in theding freedom. there will come a time when your morality will face the ultimate test whether or not to raise
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weapons against your own neighbors and friends. my message from this floor is very clear to the cuban military commanders make the right choice. do not shoot at your own fellow shoot at the cuban people. myself as a member of this congress of the united states of america and history itself will recount these days and your own legacies will be a result of you ho fight. now this isn't just cuba. on another monster is looming large in our back yard, haiti. haiti is crumbling a completely failed state in anarchy overrun by gangs chaos and crisis. it grows worse by the second while most people aren the brink of starvation. there is a haitian refugee
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crisis. haitian refugees in our country by the thousands. for the last two years biden under the rug and now the worst nightmare has appeared. . . . . halt the threat before it impacts additional countries like the dominican republic. america's enemies, hostile countries like china, iran and russia would love nothing morethommunism on to the small -- our small neighbors like haiti like they did in cuba 60 years ago. we cannot sit sidely by or -- identificationly bynd force the flames. i urge the biden administration to pay close attention to my warnings. we need a clean strategy on the situation in haiti and we need
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to look to congress to lead the way, this congress. we must extinguish the flames, some stability and communism burning our back yard. if they don't they will surely continue all the way through our own american kitchen. we cannot ignore haiti or cuba. i thank you and yield the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: under the speaker's announced policy of january 9 the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. green for 30 minutes. mr. green: thank you mr. speaker. mr. speaker, and rise and still i rise, a liberated democrat, unbalked, unbossed and unafraid. in the spirit of shirley q, chisholm i r great and noble american. mr. speaker, i rise today on another mission of mercy. i rise today because this
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morning at approximate 4:30 a.m. i was reviewing a news story, a story there was an indication that there was death in haiti. i had an opportunity to see on the screen of my television horrors emanating on the story. mr. speaker, i saw a person lying in the street, a person lying in the street who was apparently without life. it is not a pleasant thing to see someone without life. but see a person lying in the street without life would only -- with only a portion of
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the body discernible was quite an experience. but as i saw this person lying in the street, mr. speaker i also saw passing by, most of them were on vehicles of the two wheel variety. and as they passed by, some of them looked but others barely glanced. and among those young, old but also there was a person who was with law enforcement who passed by. a body lying in the street. someone was interviewed and it was explained by the person interviewed that this had beenerson attacked, had been attacked by people who were of the opinion they werees. and they attacked this person with machetes, severed limbs from the appeared to me as i viewed this on my screen, my tv
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screen. it was quite shocking and appalling to see this body lying in the street. people just simply passing by. haiti is a country in turmoil. and if you belie injustice anywhere, as dr. king put it, is a threat to justice everywhere you have to be concerned about what's happening in haiti. you have to be concerned. the statistical information related to the atrocities occurring can stir the soul, can literally cause persons to come to tears if you truly care aboute of the information and hopefully those who believe that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhe some concern about the injustice that's taking place in haiti. accordin t u.n., special
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representative for haiti, more than 8,400 people were victims of gang violence in haiti in the last year. the last year alone, more than 8,400 people victims of gang violence. now, haiti is a country with a population of a little more than 11 million perhaps about 11.5 million. haiti is a country that's c states than texas is -- than houston texas is to el paso, texas. haiti is just off our shores. we ought to be concerned. haiti last year, including killings injuries, and kidnappings, had about 122% increase over 2022.
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the u.n. commission for human rights across haiti last year at least 3,600 had been killed. 1,432 injured 2,951 kidnapped in gang-related violence, and this was as of november. the number of injuries in haiti. according to the united nations on human rights situated in haiti lynching, lynching something that causes me a good deal of concern with my history. my history is one that has suffered great lynching. lynching have left at least 76 people dead across the country. at leasták t tak its place
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across the gulf and find its home in this country. does stay within the confines of any one border. it's time for people -- to help people in haiti. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. under the speaker'snnounced policy of january 9 2023. the chair recognizes the gentleman from california for minutes. mr. kiley: covid-era school shutdowns were the most failure of at least the 21st century and finally starting to see some recognition of that. yet, we have not fully reckoned with the breadth and scale that was done to our people. we haven't had the level of
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accountability who were responsible for these decisions fundamental change the public education in this country that would happen ought to have cat liesed. we are seeing some recognition of the harm that was done and the mistakes that were's an article from "the new yorktimes." what the data says about pandemic school closures four years the further they fell behind and extended closures did little to stop the spread of covid. i would like to read a few excerpts. some schools says often in republican-led states reopened by fall 2020. others in states led by democrats would not fully re-open for another year. a variety of children's academic outcomes and sped of covid-19 has accumulated. acknowledgement among experts that extended
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school closures did not significantly stop the covid of covid. but the harms to children have been rarnlg and long lasting. dr. sean o'leary infectious disease specialist who worked with the american academy of pediatrics. he said there is con census we kept kids out of school longer than we should have. a growing body of shows that pandemic school closures came at a steep cost to children. at the state level more time spent in hybrid reconstruction had larger dropsn i scores. at the school district level that finding holds according to analysis of test scores in third do sixth grade. at districts where students
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spent most of the 2021 learning remotely and fell half a grade behind in math on average and in districts spent most of the year in person, third of a guide. the article continues the larger gaps that remain are among students thats the most ground to begin with. students in districts that were remote or hybrid, at least 90 frs of the 21 school year had double the gowned to make up than allowed students back for most of the year. as districts to two-person learning, students offered a hybrid schedule did better on average. but worse in those in places that have school fully in person. in particular, young people in low-income communities suffered the most. the times note poverty and remote learning was particularly harmful for each week spent
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remote students experienced steeper losses in math than peers in richer districts. other things were also associated with worst student outcomes and increased anxiety and depression and the o restriction of social activity in the community according to the stanford and harvard research. closing schools did not appear to significantly slow covid's spread. by the fall of 2020 when there were initial signs that kids were less likely to become ill and opening schools with safety measures did not lead to more transmission. that was clear at the time that so many schools remained. dr. gene from the university of san francisco said infectious disease leaders agreed that school closures were not an important strategy in stemming the spread of covid. in addition to the times
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acknowledgement here, you have a wdy out of stanford's hoover institute that shows that because of the reduction in students because of the learning loss they experienced, it is going to have a truly staggering economic impact on our country. the study finds that our nation will lose some 31 trillion, a t $31 trillion during the 21st century because of this catastrophic policy. "times" article is collecting data four years later, this was all very clear at the time from nearly the the pandemic. i said so myself when our governor gavin in early july ordered california schools to be closed. i released a statement today's
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decision is safety over students' safety. a growing body of evidence closures do little to flatten the curve and i was not alone. on june 29 of 2020, american academy of pediatrics said all policy considerations for school year should start with a goal of students being physically present in school. i did a surveytrict at the time in june, july of 2020, heading into the 2021, 628 responded and 80% said they wanted in-person learning option and our governor like many not abide by their wishes. he shut down schools across the state. but tellingly he sent his own in-person private school at the exact time he was expelling less fortunate kids
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from public schools. he knew that his policy was the wrong thing to do. and while california was the state in the country dead last out of all 50 states in getting kids back to school, re-opened their schools far too slowly. many did re-open in the fall of 2020 and their children experienced very little learning loss and that is further evidenced of what the data made very clear at that time. biden administration for its part was complicit in all of this. the administration, for examplerong priorities going after the governors who refused to do child mask mandates rather than criticizing the governors who refused to open schools. the education department sued -- the biden administration sued states that opted not to do mask
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mandates mandates that flew in the face of all available evidence and ran against the w.h.o. recommended and our kowrnts parts in europe. the administration sued governors f refusing to enforce child mask mandates and would not criticize governors who refused to open schools. i the secretary of education, did you ever crit side the governor of califor refusing to open schools? did you encourage to open schools? he could not give me a single dpl. so the blame for this disastrous set of policy decisions flies and foremost with the administration who made them and they were complicit in something that is of which will be with our country for a long time. why is it important to still focus on this, now through the
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parn and kids back in school. one article in "the atlantic" the writer proposed we have a pandemic amnesty and forget everything that happened and avoid making the miskes that were made. but that is the wrong thing to do for a few reasons. the first is that it is an insult to the millions of kids across this country who have suffered dramatic learning loss, whose learning, lives and careers are now going to be held back who suffered from a mental perspective and not able to sports and suffered so many things because of what political leaders people in power knew to be the wrong decision. what's me,ss still ongoing. the harm that kids suffered, the learning loss that they suffered, they have not regained the ground that was lost and
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frankly we have not done enough to provide the support that was needed to help students regain those losses more quickly. what happened during the covid era provided a failures in public education in many parts of this country. california, for example even before covid ranked last out of the 48 states, second in the continental u.s., second to last out all 50 states when it came to education outcomes in low-income and california lowest. those facts derive from the same cause which isur public education system is not about the kids. we see it in the ongoing attacks on charter schools where this administration has tried to grants for charter schools where california has made it much more difficult to open and
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and to repli h charter schools and last week the second largest school districtts loss los angeles voted to restrict charter schools in what is largely a failing district. i think we have aayo go to fully come to terms with what happened in education during the covid era in this country to go to make the necessary reforms to assure every child in this country gets the education they deserve but at least the acknowledgement we see here is a start. mr. speaker, i would hike to take a moment to recogni remarkable veteran and community member in my district. mr. o smp hu for 100 year on february
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26, he celebrated a century's worth of life experiences which included events and personal accomplishments and adversity and hardship. he was born in 192 raised in east los angeles where he experienced the economic downturn of the great depression. less than two months before graduating from high school, world war i commenced. after the attack on pearl harbor he and his family were ordered to an internment camp. after being # he went on to pursue higher education at mcallister college in completed one year before being drafted by the u.s. army. link through incarceration in an intern meant camp, he recalls being eager to show his loyalty to the united states by serving
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in our military. he graduated from military intelligence service language school and deployed to japan where his family support his fellow soldiers. falling his service in world war ii he completed his degree and then in the spring, the exam was administered nationally and received a perfect score. . . . .d. a full scholarship where he graduated at the top of his class. he has exhibited the qualities of determination resilience and perseverance and known by all who know him for his devotion to his family, community and country. i had the privilege of meeting mr. oshie at his 100-year birthday celebration. it experience. he's such an inspiration and i'm
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honored to represent exemplary people in this body. he is an inspiration to our entire community. therefore, on behf of california's third congressional district and the united states house of representatives i'm honored to recognize him for his and wish to express our nation's gratitude for his heroic and invaluable service. mr. speaker, i wish to recognize theing town manager for the town of mammoth lakes daniel c. holler for his years of service to the mammoth lakes people of mammoth lakes for more than a decade for his overall career in public service over 36 years. he began his government career in 1987. throughout his career he worked for many different municipalities including the
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city of glenn dora and many others. during his tenure as town mana managed the budget and employees. he served as a leadership role in extreme weather events and covid-19 promoted housing projects and programs and invested in parks and recreation amenities and enhanced overall services in the town of mammoth lakes. mr. holler achieved a wide diversity of accomplishments to improve a quality of life and experience for residents visitors of mammoth lakes. one particularly worthy accomplishment was his leadership in the developing and funding and partnership to promote a recreation center, home of the ice and the mammoth rec zone. because of the commitment of people like mr. holler, mammoth lakes is such a great place to live work and raise a family.
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i personally saw how effective he was when mammoth was hit by reallyxtreme weather and storms last year. and the task of clearing the streets, making them drivable and the million other cllenges that this weather presented were incredibly difficult to deal with and yet he managed them ably the snow was cleared from the streets in time that able to believe how quickly he was able to do that and his entire team. it tells you a lot about the caliber of his leadership. i'm confident that the legacy he built of hard work, resilience, vision and service will continue in the town of mammoth lakes for many years to come. mr. speaker, i'd like to take a moment to recognize u.s. army sergeant hay who made history as the first woman on duty to graduate from the united states
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army sniper course. she grew up shooting in her family ranches in california and oregon with the ability to find targets earning her the nickname snipe. her motivation for becoming a sniper didn't begin until attending a local community college, sierra college. defying odds completed training and the m-4 assault rifle and graduated from airborne school. to attend sniper school she went through acrub husband selection process meeting numerous physical and mental requirements developing exceptional marksmanship skills and disciplineco school, her skill of marksmanship with survival skills and land navigati sniper navigations were tested and developed. through determination resilience and sacrifice she successfullyed the training living up t compl her childhood nickname and becoming the first female active duty army sniper.
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i commend the sergeant for her incredible capabilities and motivation and drive and teamwork skills and confident her achievement will inspire many others towards their goals. on behalf of third congressional district and the united states house of representatives, i am honored to recognize her for this historic wish to express gratitude for her heroic and invaluable service to our country. mr. speaker, i'd like to take a moment to recognize the c.o.o. of the fulsome chamber of commerce sherry merick. before working with the local small business community, sherry started herdustry as an office manager and bookkeeper. in that position her passion for the dental industry grew, inspiring her to expand her education in the dental field. she went on to obtain over 19 years of managing experience and inody health education with a focus on the connection between the mouth and the rest of the body. through innovative marketing
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approaches and educational tools she helped offices thrive in a down economy. from there she established her own consulting and community engagement company and worked closely with the folsom chamber of commerce. in 2020 in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic she took up her pa joining the folsom chamber of commerce team. during that time she played a instrumental role in helping many organizations face and overcome the pandemic. for almost seven years as a whole she devoted her time and talents to folsom businesses. through working with sherry i can attest to the ambition and enthusiasm with which she performed her role. and would commend her for her economic vitality and the quality of life in folsom. because of remarkable like sherry, it's a great place to live and raise a family. i'm her breadth of
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knowledge and experience will serve her in her new role of the chamber of commerce she'll continue to make a very positive impact. on behalf of the united states house of representatives i am honored to recognizeork and dedication to the folsom business community and wish her the best of luck in her new role. mr. speaker, i would like to applaud the house education and the work force committee's passage of my resolution under the congressional review act to nullify thdeon contractor rule. the resolution passed the committee yesterday. it now has over 60 co-sponsors and has a companion measure led by senator cassidy in the senate. the biden administration's rule is one of thetions that we have ever seen issued in this country. it is explicitly modeled on
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known as ab-5 which has cost people their livelihoods in over 600 professions and led to heartbreaking storytbreaking story of people who lost their careers, who lost everything. a recent study out of georgeson shows that ab-5 in california led to a 10.4% decline in self-employline in overall employment. and now the biden administration is threatening to do the same damage tens of millions of freelancers and independent contractors will be affected by this new to take one example. there are hundreds of thousands of truckers that are our supply chains into chaos. it is by no means the livelihoods of millions of americans are now at risk. the administration's new rule which not even the administrator
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of the wage and hour division could give us any answers to howill be applied at a recent hearing that i convened of my subcommittee it's so overreaching it's prompted four separate lawsuits on procedural grounds, on statutory grounds, on constitutional grounds. to add insult to injury, the administration has of all people brought in to enforce it julie su who was the labor secretary in california, and in that role was the architect of a.b.5 and ruthlessly enforced it to such devastating effect. ms. su remains unconfirmed. for over a year has been in an acting capacity and the senate returned her nomination to the president last year. amid bipartisan opposition and yet the administration has kept her in that role. apparently one of the main reas that she could enforce it in the exact same damaging way that a.b.5 was enforced in california.
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now, of course i'm continuing to call her president biden to do the right thing. to withdraw ms. su's nomination and to withdraw this disastrous new independent contractor rule. but barring that, ms. su should at the very least and president biden, put the rule on hold and suspend it until the ongoing litigation's outcome is clear. the business community and millions of workers across this country will otherwise be in a state of great and highly in the meantime, i will continue to build support and work with folks on both sides of the aisle to pass this resolution under the congressional review act so that we can spare millions of american workers from the same fate that folks have suffered in california and to protect the right to earn a living in this country. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pry of january 9 2023, the chair
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recognizes the gentlewoman from new york, ms.o causeeo cortez -- ms. ocasio-cortez, for 30 minutes. ms. ocasio-cortez: i know a man who said preventing genocide is an achievable goal, a goal that requires organization and engagement that matches in intensity the brutality ando fish answer required to carry out mass killing. too often these efforts have come too late, after the best and least costly opportunities to prevent them have been missed. the man that said that then vice president and now president joseph biden. and he was right. mr. speaker, it such a time is now. as we speak in this moment, 1.1
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million innocents in gaza are at famine's door, a famine that is being intentionally precipitated through the blocking of food and global humanitarian assistance by leaders in the israeli government. this is a mass starvation ofople engineered and orchestrated following the killing of another 30,000, 70%en and children killed. there is hardly a single ho all accomplished, much of this accomplished with u.s. resources and weapons. if want to know what an unfolding genocide looks like, open your eyes. it looks like the of 1.1 million innocents.
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it looks like thousands of children eating grass as trucks of food are slowed and halted just miles away. it looks like good and decent people who do nothing or too little too late. it is against united statesto provide weapons to forces who block united states humanitarian assistance. and that is exactly what is so much so that the president himself stated during the state of the union that the united states must and will be building its own port to let aid through. it will be too late. time is now to force compliance with u.s. law and the standards of humanity and fulfill our obligations to the
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american people to suspend the transfer of u.s. weapons to the israeli government in order to stop and prevent further atrocity. honoring our alliances does not mean facilitating mass killing. we cannot hide from our responsibility any lger. blocking assistance from one's closest allies to starve a million people is not unintentional. have a responsibility to prove the value of global democracy enshrined in the of civil society rule of law and commitment to human and isn't just israel or gaza. this is about us. the world will never be the same the same and we must write our story in this moment of what it means and who we are as americans. and our story must be not that we were good men who did
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nothing, but that committed democracy that did something. and we must prove that now. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back.
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pursuan t to section 3-z of house resolution 5 the house stands adjourned until 9:00 a.m. tuesday, march 26,
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ssions about criminal justice. >> race and the american criminal >> we are excited to share the top winners. in the first prize goes to graham in mountain view. the eastern division first prize is determine on the foley in silver spring maryland.
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climate change and reimagining. and troy athens high school in michigan claimed the first prize in high school central. unseen heroes, the caregivers. high school western d alto senior high school earned first prize of threads of change which takes a look of the fashion and top award of $5,000 goes to nate graders innocence held hostage navigating past and future conflicts and features interviews with a former iranian hostage. >> instead of saying, i was blind folded and handcuffed and taken straight to prison. >> it gives me great joy who
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participated in this competition you guys are the grand prize winners of 2024. >> thank you so much. >> this is a huge honor, we are so grateful for the opportunity. >> we spend our educators, parents and participants who supported each of these young filmmakers, congratulations to all our winners. the top winning documentary will be broadcast on c-span april catch each of the 150 student cam films online any
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