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tv   Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on Motion to Vacate  CSPAN  March 22, 2024 2:13pm-2:29pm EDT

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never forget that we are blessed to serve here.■x a duty to perfm and to do what is right. i urge my colleagues to support this bill. it makes senses to do it. and we do it because we represent hardworking families in this country who put t to dos job on their behalf. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas is recognized. ms. >> the house went on to approve thetrillion spending bill to fund 3/4f the federal government through september. the vote was 286-134. right now the package is being considered by the senate before tonigh midnight deadline to we'll have live coverage of the
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house here in c-span and the senate on c-span 2. ri tlor greene filed a motion to oust congressma johnson as speaker. she spoke to reporters on the steps of the capitol aftervote . today i filed a motion to vacate after speaker johnson has broken our rules. we we order and what our conference had started out as with rules and promises topeople we would bring regular order back to congress. speaker johnson has betrayed that by passing three c.r.'s and forcing us to vote on a two-part omnibus, the second one being today. he also only gave us -- i don't know, we had one day basically g the 72-hour rule.
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this is a betrayal of the american people and a betrayal of republicand the bill we wereo vote on, forced republicans to choose between funding to pay our soldiers, and funding late-term abortions. this bill was basically a dream and a wish list for democrats and for the white house. it was completely led by chuck schumer, not our republican speaker of the house, not our conference, and we weren't even allowed to put amendments to the hance to make changes to the bill. i filed a motion to vacate today but it's more of a warning and a pink slip. our conference. i paid all my deuce to my conference -- dues to my conference. i'm aember in good standing and i don't want to inflict pain on the congress and throw the house in chaos. but it's basically a warning and time for us to go through the oce our time and find a new speaker of the house that will stand with republicans and
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our republican majority instead of leaning with the democrats. reporter: if it's a warning, does that mean you're not going to go thugd vote? ms. greene: no, i will. reporter: nothing to convince to you back off? ms. ee it doesn't have to be forced and throw the house in chaos. there's no time limit. i don't want to put members in a difficult place like we were fo. we'll continue our committee work and continue our investigations. there's a lot of good investigations going that have to be able to proceed. won't happen in two weeks or it won't happen in a month or who knows when but i'm saying the clock has started and it's time for our conference to choose a new speaker. reporter: do you believe there are more republicans who support this push and ultimately if thio exactly what you're saying, more
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chaos, more paralysis, does the house republican conference on board wit ms. greene: it's filed but not voted on. it only gets voted on when i call it to the floor for a vote. reporter: jeffries said he would help. ms. greene: the democrats might be willing to help him survive if there was a motion to vacate. reporter: are position -- ms. greene: i'm not worried about that the all. i don't think the american people wants to see a republican speaker held in place by democrats. this is not exactly what people nt reporter: who would you like to be speaker? ms. greene: this would be up to the conference. our conference works together ts all of us. not a speaker that breaks the 72-hour rule and will not let us vote on amendments or introduce amendments to major funding bills.
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you want to know the video people are watching the illegals rushing our border and running over the border patrol and running over the texas national guard. and mike johnson, the republican speaker of the house, handed over every ounce of negotiating power to chuck schumer and the democrats and went ahead and funded the government when this was our point of leverage.f the purse. this was our power. this was our leverage and our chance to secure the border and he didn't do it. bill passed without the majority of the majority. this was a democrat bill. this is a chuck bill and a bill joe biden can't wait to sign into law and it's a betrayal of the american people. right now americans are watching the b raped and killed. illegals are squatting in people's homes and then killing them when they come to take their houses back. that's what happened in n york. we're done. we're absolutely done.
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reporter: what do you need to hear from the speaker to not move forward? ms. greene: he told everyone all week long don't break the heardk long. allow us to introduce amendments. allow us to do our job, allow u. we want a secure border. we're legalizing five million across the border every day. this is the leverage we have. also, forcing vote on full-term abortion funding in order to fund our military is a complete betrayal of all of our don't want us to g that. reporter: when do you plan to call the resolution to the again, i don't have a time line. that will be a rolling issue we'll be judging and making
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decisions by. but i assure you, i'msupport onm others in my conference. and i'm not introducing this to throw the house into chaos. committees will continue and ins will continue. i support my conference. again, i've paid all of my dues to nrcc and then some. i support the republicans holding majority next conference. but we need a speaker of the house that knows how room and he and knows how to defend america first and the policies. reporter: what was the process to find a new speaker? what does the procs without the motion to vacate. ms. greene: it allows everyone to have discussions and internal meetings and conferences.
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reporter: do you have a speaker? groan: i want to have conversations and hear from others how to handle it. reporter: have you talked to former trump? ms. greene: i have not. reporter: how many americans? ms. greene: i won't give you a number and probably won't g puic buttly are breathing a sigh of relief. look at the numbers and the vote on this. this bill was passed without a majority of republicans. this is a democrat budget passed by mike johnson. reporter: should johnson step down? ms. greene: that would be a choice he'd have to make but we have to find a r. reporter: one speakerandidate after another has fallen short. how can you possibly find anyone or see someone to succeed mike johnson to find the votes and keep t and not plunge congress into chaos? ms. greene: we have to do it because we have a country in
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crisis. we have a border invasion happeningingle day. we have americans under the age of 30 for the first time showing in all types of polling have lost hope for their future. the younger generatio c buy a h. inflation is running rampant. our country is in crisis. and we need real leaders that know how■7f4 to walk in a room and don't get rolled by the deep state and don't get rolled by the democrats and don't get rolled into doing whatever it takes to maintain that power and position. we need a speaker of the house that actually represents the people. this is the people's house. th not washington, d.c.'s house. this is the people's house. reporter: you call but bottom lu want speaker johnson out. ms. greene: i wouldn't have filed a motion. this is n p man and have respect for him as a person but he's not doing the job.
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the proof is in the vote count today. he passed a budget that should to the floor, did not represent our conference and it was passed with the democrats and without the majority of the majority. reporter: what happens with the aid to ukraine? ms. greene: that would go against polls show 70% don't want to continue a war in ukraine. reporter: would that be a triggering event for you? ms. greene: the motiono has be. he should not bring funding for ukraine. thank you. call for the vote? i know you said no time limit. ms. greene: we've started the clock to start the process to elect a new giving my conference time. i'm being respectful to my conference but many members in my conference agree, even though it's u through. it has to happen. reporter: should you be teaming
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with democrats as well by just like speaker johnson did in teaming with democrats to pass the government funding bill? ms. greene: we have to find a new speaker of the house. i'm not sure how and i've heardf democrats may support him so i'm not sure how that works out. reporter: if he any new speaker into the arms of the democrats? ms. greene: he's already in the arms of democrats and proof in oday. this was a democrat bill and not a republican bill. we weren't allowed to introduce amendments and weren't allowed to have a say. we weren't even given the 72-hour read to read 1,012 pages. reporter: it would be better to shut the government down then? you're up against the clock.eenn better back in october when he became speaker to have actually worked on appropriation bills and stayed with appropriation bills and done what all of us had set out to do. reporter: would you want mccarthy back, would there be
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the votes for that, technically, i know you support him so i'm wondering. reporter: do you really think someone can get 218 votes to become speaker ofheainly hope s. reporter: it was hard to go the last time. ms. greene: it was hard but look where we are n. passed a funding bill that doesn't secure our border, does nothing to stop the illegal alien invasion. this and d.e.i., it funds transideology on our youth as young as 12 years old. we're already inrisis. leadersh. reporter: is this the final in an election year? ms. greene: it is the final. da it, i want to win the white house and win the senate and i want to restore this country back to greatness again, back to safety, back to security for every single americanon't have d that's because of all the democrats in the biden administration. reporter: you were against this
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when speaker mccarthy was in the speakership after he couldn't deal with democrats in the budget. why is this any different? announcer: house members are headed to a two week recess bill to fund most of the federal government through september. the vote was being considered by the senate. a quick look at the senate floor, main senator susan collins speaking, the vice chair on the commiee just voted to begin debate on the bill and at this point a vote would happen sunday if a deal is not reached today on amendments and final passage ahead of tonight's midnight funding deadline and partial government shutdown. you can watch live coverage of n c-span 2. on the other side of the world,. indo-pacific committee -- >> today watch c-span's 2024
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