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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Debate on 1.2T in Government Spending Until...  CSPAN  March 22, 2024 9:02pm-9:54pm EDT

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the grand prize winners for studentcam 2024. >> thank you so much. >>■q this is a huge honor. we are so grateful for this opportunity and we thank you a lot. announcer: our gratitude to the educators, parents, and participants who have supported each of these young filmmakers on their creative journey. ngratulations to all of our winners. the top winning documentaries will be broadcast on c-span starting april 1. catch each of the award-winning studentcam films online anytime at . join us in celebrating these typically engaged and inspiring and lines as they share their opinions on the issues important to them and that affect our world. announcer: today with a partial government shutdown looming the house passed the 1.2 trillion
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dollars federal spending bill to pay for most of the federal government including the defense and homeland security departments. the ending packages now ing senate, which must pass it by midnight tonight to keep federal operations going. here is the house debate before the vote. appropriations package. i want to start by thanking all involved in this process. we looked hard at our needs and developed a package to carry us through the process. two weeks ago, i talked about the changes house republicans made regarding how we fund the government. we madeed cuts to wasteful programs and developed a package that is proof of that. we looke at each need and it was clear that the world is becoming a more dangerous place. we made changes and decided on
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efforts that include countering china, developing next generation weapons, investing in the quality of life of our service i'm proud to say that this bill strengthens our national security and funds critical defense efforts. this package also includes other key priorities. it continues our strong support cats the flow of illegal -- combats the flow of illegal drugs and fully funds medical research for diseases. against all odds, house republicans focused spendin■ag america's most crucial need of home and abroad. i urge my colleagues to support this bill. i reserve the balance of my t time. the speaker pro does the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: i thank the speaker. the swamp is back.
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in full force. we have 1,000-page bill of $1.2 trillion. filled with all manners of spending priorities that are at odds with the american people. that's what we have in front of us. this bill is over 1,000 pages long. contains hundreds of pages of report language. 1400 earmarks, we have had about 24 hours to rie not the way to o business. and the american people and american families are the ones left holding the bag. this isusiness as usual in the swamp. here's the deal to my republican colleagues. you will own every single bit of this. if you vote for this bill, y own it. d.h.s. funding contingent on signing h.r. 2 into law, that's what we did last year to make sure our border will be secure. that is punted. you own it. defunding mayorkas, we did that in our bill, this punts that. you own it.ger there.
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prohibiting mass parole and release of illegal aliens via the c.b.p. i-a pp. we did that. this bill gets rid of it. you own t you own the continued mass parole of illegal aliens into you own that. that's the truth. it was mass parole that led to a venezuelan gang member coming into the united states and killing laken riley. you can't go campaign, my agues cannot go campaign against mass parole and use the name of laken riley because ill in her name when you fund the very policies that lead to her death. i hear all this, that we're going to increase beds, i.c.e. beds, we're going to increase the numbers for border patrol.
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the increased numbers for border patrol will process more illegal aliens. the increased number of beds for i.c.e. will not be used because that's memos i mayorkas whom we impeach and whom this bill will fund, those i. kremplet beds will not -- i.c.e. beds won't bew it. we set out to prohibit d.h.s. from fast tracking asylum. this bill doesn't do that. we set out to make sure this border would be secure and you could end what happened yesterday in texas, where 100 illegal aliens bum rushed our border, rolled over the texas national guard, fled into this country and went to border patrol to get released into the united states. that is what this bill continues to fund. and any of my republican colleagues who want to spend this year campaigning against open borders, it's a laugh. because today if you vote for this abomination of a bill, you will be voting to fund it. you will be voting to fund the very policies that you will
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campaign against. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman res4ers. the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all■[ memberys to revise and extend tr remarks and include extraneous material on the measure under consideration. the speaker pro tempore: witho objection. i ask unanimous consent to yield 10 minutes of my time to the gentleman from connecticut, ms. delauro, -- to the gentlewoman from connecticut, ms. delauro, and that she be allowed to control the time. the speaker pro tempore: without jection,■6hó now recognize the gentlewoman from connecticut, delauro, to control the next 10 minutes. ms. delauro: madam speaker, i'm delighted and relieved to be finally closing out fiscal year 2024. and for that, i want to thank chairwoman kay■ú granger, chair patty murray, vice chair susan
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collins. i am proud to have made history appropriators.rienced 2024 marks the first time negotiations on government funding have been led on all four corners by women. i have many others to thank. subcommittee ranking members and chairs, staff on both sides of the ale, a these names for the record. i strongly support the bipartisan bill which funds thes government. this bill sides with the hardworking majority of americans. it helps to lower the cost of living. it protects women's rights and access to reproductive health care. it reinforces america's global leadership and it helps our communities be safe and secure. i am pleased that democrats and republicans again united to make government work for the people
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of this country. like the funding bill we passed earlier this month, this legislation does not have everything either side may have wanted. but i am satisfied that many of policies proposed by house republicans were rejected. i'm enormously proud that we are $1 billion for childcare, for head start, expanding access to for hardworking families.ildcare we increased title 1 education funding, protecting 224,000aches tried to eliminate. i'm also pleased that we successfully defeated every one of the republicans' extreme policy riders in the labor-hhs bill. in this package, we prioritized the men and women in our armed services, and their families, by securing pay and allowance increases of over 5%.
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the highest increase in decades. we invest inealth and support 12,000 special immigrant visas for afghans that assisted the united helped restrengthen and critically, we strengthened our border security. urge swift passage of this package and i look forward to moving on how we can best serve the american people in the fiscal year 2025. i reservthe bala time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: i yield 90 seconds to the gentlelady fm the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is now recognized. re seeing in opposition today to hitting the floor today. you know, this administration, many people on both sides talk about how they want to champion blac a people in this country and that's a direct
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quote from a recent press release from the biden administration. ms. luna: but the f!s this omnibus, this government being open and allowing for open borders is doing nothing but actually hurting those communities. what we are seeing right now at the border is a rise in crime. we are seeing these very communities being impacted by the rising gang violence, and it's been disgusting to watchone importation of cheap labor. i don't know if anyone's recently witnessed what happened with tyson farms, but fired amee immigrant workers, a.k.a. illegals, after on september 25 of 2023 they werebed by the federal government over the employment of migrant children who likely warned -- washed the bloody floors and razor-sharp may would anyone want to continue to fund a government that, a, is complicit in this, but, b, is also responsible for losing 85,000 migrant children? the fact is that we cannot continue down this path. it is hurting all people. i think that if you want to stay
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and you want to claim to protect minorities, then you need to ensure that you're putting simpy just using that as a way to get elected. meanwhile, stabbing americans in the back and hurting our communities. with that, madam speaker, i yield the rest of m time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas. ms. granger: i yield to the gelerman of the defense subcommittee, mr. calvert, for three minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. calvert: madam speaker, i rise t strong support of a negotiated appropriations package. today is zero hour. we're out of time. today's vote may be the most consequential of your lifetime. right now our troops around the world are facing multiple threats. our supremacy on land,d space i. and our allies are under attack. i could go through a long list of vital programs and funding included■.n the wins for or treups, the
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historic -- for our troops, the historic counterdrug activities, the foc stakes have never been higher. for the members who are considering voting against the bill due to objections and other titles and are under that this s will have another chance to vote for a full-year defense bill, i want to be very clear. this is must understand the impact of not passing this package. the only other option will be a full-year continuing resolution. which will devastate our national security and put our country at risk. a c.r. will cut defense spending by $27 billion and additional cuts from sequestration. this is something that has not happened in the history of this country and will cut our military off at the knees in the midst of the most dangero period we have seen since world war ii. a c.r. maintains policies negotiated by the last congress, eliminates all member priives tn administration the freedom to
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shift appropriations as they see fit. simply put, we will cedell congressional authority and oversight on spending to the biden administration, a c.r. would be an abdication of our responsibility and to our military and to this body. to no vote is a vote for china -- a no vote is a vote for china, russia, iran, north korea and hamas. a vote yes for in uniform and for all americans and for our country. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentlewoh
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for -- i thank all of the appropriators for their extraordinary work on the democratic side and on theblicae effort to complete the fiscal year 2024 appropriations. this perfect process, but we should never let the perfect be the enemy of the good. when it comes to solving problems on behalf of hardworking american taxpayers. and this is a good result for the american people. of standing up for their health, their safety, their education, their national security protection and, of course, above a else, their economic well-being. a bipartisan process leading toá a bipartisan result. that will hopefully lay a foundation for us to continue to do the work of the american ogether. now, we've said from the very golf swing of this congress, as democrats that, we will find
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bipartisan -- democrats, that we will find bipartisan common ground with our republican colleagues whenever and wherever possible, as long as it will make life better for the american people. that's exactly what house democrats continue to do. at the same time we've said we will push back against extremism whenever necessary. we will always her own reproductive health care decisions. we will always defend the gorgeous mosaic of the people. and push back against unnecessary attacks against diversity, equity and inclusion. these are american fight to prod strengthen social security and medicare. and we will always politics. and we hope that that will continue, no the juson the but . to solve problems for the american people.
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as soon as we complete this work, let us turn to our national security priorities and make sure that we don't abandon the people of ukraine in theirfy fight for principles like and push back against you a tock are asy -- autocracy, tyranny and propaganda. america should always stand on the side of theseemocracy and fd truth, and that means standing with the people of ukraine. i thank once ain appropriators for their leadership in concluding this process. i urge everybody to support this legislation and i hope that as we move forward, in our promise to you, but more importantly, to emerican people who expect that in this congress we should have more common sense and less
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chaos. we should have more dcy and less dysfunction. and more exceptionalism and less extremism. our promise to you is that we will do our best to put people over politics and we hope that will you do the same. vote yes on this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentleman from texas is now recognized. the gentlewoman roy: the democrr talks about the mosaic. i assume by the mosaic that anyone who votes fjaor bill today will be supporting that we're talking about $156,000 for the hartford gaye and lesbian -- gay and lesbianealth collective, an organization self-described as champions of lgbtqia equity and provides training in cultural competency and health care for lgbtq youth. or $2 million to an oregon collin take provides hormone
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therapy for kids or the money for gay senior housing in massachusetts. or 4dz00,000 for the briar patch youth services in wisconsin that has gender affirming clothing programs for kids -- 13 to 18. or $400,000 to the garden state equality education fund, which helps minors transition genders, promote b sports, and using thee restrooms. i could go on and on. how about the million dollars for the inner city muslim network which calls for the destruction of israel? that's what we're funding. that's precisely what we're funding in this legislation. so when the democratic leader ta mosaic, that's what he's talking about. and my republican colleagues who will campaign against it all year, they will, they're today. to be very clear, my republican colleagues are voting to fund that so-called mosaic today. unless they cose the right path and vote against it. and my friend from california, when he talked about, oh, oh,
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the horrors that will happen if we have a c.r., well, we shouldn't beis is the swamp actt does. have government funding expire on the friday before a two-week recess heading into to have thee of jet fumes so that the american people are the ones left holding the bag, so that we, members of congress, can go of can go travel, can go do your fundraisers, can make sure you get home. but the ones left holding the bag are the american people. and we talk about this, the game was given up. when we talk about defense. everything that is happening here is bei defense. everything that you see, talking about our national security will be undermined. well, tell me about national security in texas whentting rolled over in el pas, when you have texans dying from fentanyl poisoning, when you have gangs and cartels operatin. talk to me about national security then. ....
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for yielding. thank you. the gentlelady from connecticut said that in this bill they were able to successfullyequest for spending reductions and rejected republicans' request for riders. andepublicans are going to vote for that? that's outrageous. she's right, though. she got the spending. she killednçear that a vote for this is a vote for china. a vote for -- against this is a vote for china, what you are re for this is a vote for chinese terrorism. we have had over 30,000 illegal aliens from china come across the border with this border policy. what you're going to get you are voting to speed up the process of recontribution of -- redistribution of illegal aliens coming in. that's what the funding will go for. you talking about beds?
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those beds are going to go empty. why? going to ship these people out as soon as they get here. that's what's happening. it's been 24 hours. so the crimes, the fentanyl death, the terrorist initiatives that are coming our way, you vote for this, you are funding it. you own it. yield back.pore: the gentleman yields. the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from florida, the chairman of thetarations subcom, mr. diaz-balart. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from florida is recognized for how much time are you■p givin h two minutes. mr. diaz-balart: i want to thank the full committee chairwoman. chairwoman granger. also the speaker for bringing us to this point. let me tell you i'm proud of the ste and foreign■@ operations portion of the bill we are dealing with today. let's talk about what the a bile
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bit of the noise and rhetoric and what'sn it includes a 6% reduction from fiscal year 2023. we are at a critical moment in our one of the most important allies is in time of its greatest need. and this bill answers the call. it is strongest pro-israel state and foreign operations bill that we have ever seen. so let's talk about facts. it provides/e $3.3 billion in foreign military financing for israel. almost as importantly is what i. the bill prohibits funds to unrwa, which has become, frankly, a de facto subsidiary of this bill means not one additional dollar from american taxpayers will go fund this deeply flawed organization. but if we g going to continue to fund t the passage of the bill also prohibits funds for the
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anti-semitic u.n. commission of inquiry answer israel. the passage of this bill means no funds can be used to delist the iranianevolutionary guard as a terrorist organization. or to implement that infamous nuclear agreement with iran. and another top speaker, is countering communist china. this bill includes $300 million foreign military financin forú7 taiwan. the first time ever in an appropriations bill that we have done that. the passage of this bill prohibits the use of chinese de. also another priority is strengthening our national security and supporting democracy around the world and defending human rights and human dignity. this bill increases funding to promote democracy and human rights in cuba and establishes strict guiñ&ne ensure t funding supports the democratic opposition. ms. granger: two more minutes.
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the speakepro tempore: the nt for two more minutes. mr. diaz-balart: it helps the democratic opposition and not the terrorist regimes' chosen hn trafficking and particularly human trafficking of doctors. this bill also supports those the most repressive areas.ur those anti-american dic dictatorships in venezuela and nicaragua. failure to pass this bill, weloe prohibition of funds for encouraging organized -- organizations,■i promoting migrant vare cans -- caravans to the united states f this bill fails -- united states. if ts bill fails and then those funding sources to again organizations that are promoting caravans of illegal folks to the united states will conti factua. that's in this bill f this legislation were not to pass, we lose the protection of free speech by limiting how funds can
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be used5p the pretext of countering disinformation. if this legislation were not to pass, we would go back to current law. we would lose the restrictions that only u.s. flags may be flown or displayed over a facility of the state department. madam speaker, this bill reduces spending. it reprioritizes funding towards our vital national security interests. and carries crucial limitations and smart policy changes to tin the biden administration. if this were to fail we are giving carte blanche to the biden democracy. it is a dramatic improvement of current law. let me thank the staff for their hard work. this is an important b crucial, critical time when american leadership is sorely needed. we are not getting it from the white house.
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this bill goes a long way to re-establish american leadership. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentlewoman from connecticut now is recognized. ms. delauro: thank you. i yield one minute to the gentleman from maryland, the distinguished ranking member of the financial services and general government subcommittee, mr. hoyer. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is recognized. mr. hoyer: one minute, too little te. bill is a good bill. it's the responsible alternative. thirdly, it is ironic that the oup that has made compromise the most difficult over the last year continues to compromise. legislative action is about compromise. this is a responsible coromi. as so many of the chairs of the subcommittees on the republican side have said, the alternative
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is theea responsible action that we could take. i urge my colleagues to vote for this bill as the respoib, effective alternative notwithstanding the fact that the operations up to this point of the been what they ought to be. we all understand that. but it is our colle failure, caused, as i said, by a group who does not want compromise. pass this bill. america needs this bill. it is a shame it's not going to be followed by passing aid for ukraine. i yield back the balance of myke gentleman yields. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: well, the distinguished former majority leader brings up the financial services bill. what he left out was the fact that we are going to give $200
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million to t f.b.i. for its new headquarters. even after republicans touted in the last massive omnibus bill we were cutting the f.b.i., then relied of an earmark in alabama to claim that it was a bigger cut than it really is, now what is happening to the american people, guess what? the f.b.i.'s getting a running ram shod over the american people. spying on them. by the way, we extended fisa to continue spying onople. we also failed to prohibit the treasury from establishing a central bank digital currency. house republicans passed that. but in this deal that was cut, we don't why? why? why would it be so abhorrent to ban a central bank digital currency. i yield 90 seconds to my friend from south carolina. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from south carolina is recognized. >> i woke up this morning to lae are under attack, congressman. can congress do anything to protect our borde
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the blood of further deaths of americans is on your hands. i disagree with my good friends mr. norman: this is anything but a national security bill. look at what's happening at the border. look at what'spening to the agents that got bum rushed in el paso last night. if you are willing, anybody that votes for this are saying -- all the listeners, are you agreeing to $500 million for jordan, including $150 million jordan? are you agreeing to -- do you like $125 million to help egyptians attend college in eg is this where you want your money? do you want $286 billion for title x family planning, an abortion clinic? folks, the list goes on and on. this is insanity.
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here's what i the fix. i call on our speaker, he's the only one can do it, to -- after -- to ve down, take that mace down, which has to be in place, it's been in place for 182 years, to havef representatives, cut the lights off, and until the senate accepts a total shut down of the border, until they accept a total don't come back. why fund the government that's working against us? it is total insanity. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the ntleman from texas reserves. the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: i yield to the gentleman from ohio, the■@ chairman of the homeland security subcommittee, mr. joyce, for two minutes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from ohio is recognized. mr. joyce: thank you, madam speaker. i rise today in supportf the package of appropriation bills under consideration. as chairman of the homeland security subcommittee, i'd like to thank the full committee
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chair, ms.ership in assembling g package that is reflect strong republican priorities. the crisis at our southwest border■er the biden administration. more than two million migrants cross the border each of the last two years. that is not sustainable. so makes key investments to secure the border, expand detention, improve there, and deter illegal immigration. under this bill we provide $500 million to reach an end strength of 22,000 border agents, consistent with h.r. 2. to fentanyl, this bill provides $305 million for nonintrusive inspection equipment at our nation's ports of entry. this bill eur i.c.e. has the capacity it needs to enforce the law by providing 41,500 detentiobeds. without this funding i.c.e. would release more than 10,000 current detainees who pose a threat to our communities. this bill also provides the coast guard with two ft
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response cutters to counter chinese aggression in the pacific. additionally this billie funds the coast guard's military pay raise, keeping our promise of supporting our troops. simply put, this bill ensures that men and women of the department of homeland security who work tirelessly on our behalf have the resources and tools they need to protect this great nation. it reflects strong republican priorities, cuts wasteful spending, and prioritizes securing the border. we cannot■>p suspend this progress for a wasteful government shut dunn. i urge my colleagues to support. and yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognizro: i yield one minute to the the gentlewoman from minnesota, the distinguished ranking member of the defense subcommittee, ms. mccollum. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized.■+ well, it's no secret this appropriations cycle was tough. and as ranking member of the defenseommittee, i want to than,
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really thank chairman calvert for working in a bipartisan manner to get the defense bill done.■qoe defense bill is focused on two things. national security and our service members and their families. this bill provides our service d the equipment necessary to complete their missions and come home soon and safely as possible. itups with the 5.2% pay increase. it includes a 5.4%o basic housing allowance. and the bill restores at least some funding for ukraine through the ukrainian the house must pass the senate security supplemental as soon as possible. and i am glad to report that all the riders that were originally in the defense house bill have been removed. madam speaker, this mini bus shows us there is only one way to fd on a bipartisan basis.
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full stop. let's follow the example. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's time has expired. ms. mccollum: i urge members to support the bill. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: yield 90 pandemics seconds to my friend from georgia. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman now r for 90 seconds. >> thank you. to my house and senate republican colleagues, it's time to put your vote where your values are. you can't claim to e the pro-life champion and then fund abortion travel and aborted against president biden's intentional illegal invasion and fund the policies that are causing the chaos without assuming the same responsibility. just like you can't flaunt your vote to impeach secretary mayorkas and fully fund his salary and destructive border policies. you can'tefend america's second amendment liberties and fund gun control by the c.d.c. and you cannot support science and protect young women and surd
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fund educational institutions that allow biological males to compete in women sports. i don't call them men because they are not real men. .. real men protect women. they don't use their superior strength to steal from women. you can't fund more disinformation governance boards and government by and you cannot sound the alarm on our dire economic outlook and plooning national debt -- ballooning national debt and then rubber stamp pelosi's levels for f.y. 2023 and the list goes on and on. republicans simply cannot righteously denounce democrats disastrous policies that are destroying our great country and then turn around and fund them. after all, if you fund it, you own it. butt' we promised the american people that we would fix these problems, not fund them. so i urge my colleagues to vote no on the swamp'snibus.
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thank you and i yield back. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: thank you. the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: mr. speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, the distinguished ranking member of the homeland security subcommittee, mr. cuellar. the speaker proempo■( mr. cuellar: as the ranking member, i live at the border. i just don't go visit the border. so i know the border. this is a strong■g border secury homeland bill that we passed in a bipartisan way, commonsense way. this bill takes away all the poisonous riders, bipartisan riders. it adds the largest number of border patrol agents at 22,000 agents. it adds c. b■mmpt pmpt officers- c.b.p. officers. it adds support staff so they can support the agents. it adds money to do air marine so they do the work and
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counter drones. it adds money for the t.s.a. so they can have the pay equity. it expands -- it addd and sheltm which is important for the border community. it adds 41,500 beds that are now, even up to 41,700 beds. it adds money for deportation when aliens don't have their rights after they get their rights processed. it fully funds reunification efforts of families that funded. it adds money to border patrol and adds money to -- ms. delauro: i yield the gentleman 15 seconds. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has another 15 seconds. mr. cuellar: it adds money so local law enforcement can do the work. i would say, members, this is the bill that we have. but it's fair. it is fair and i ask folks to support this bill. again, i live at border, i don't go visit.
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this is a strong homeland security bill. with that, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: thank you. the gentleman recognized. mr. roy: i thank my friend from texas for his remarks. but i would just simply disagree. all we're doing here is adding beds that an'oi adding money for border patrol that won't be allowed to do their job. they'll be processing more people andres look em-- and releasing th a law parole policies that damage the country and led to laken riley's death. that's all this bill does with that, i'm going yield a minute and 15 seconds to the gentlelady from georgia. the speaker pro tempo: the ms. greene: thank you, madam speaker. i rise in extreme opposition to the second part of the omnibus bill. noi■c reepublican in the house f representatives in good conscience can vote for this bill. it is a complete departure of all of our principles, if you cf pro-life. this bill funds full-term abortion. this is not a republicans a chu,
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democrat-controlled bill coming from the house majority that is supposed to be controlled by republicans, but yet our majority has been completely -- the speaker pro tempore: members are reminded to direct their remarks to the chair. please. taylor til taylor madam speaker -- ms. greene: madam speaker, it is the will of our voters and it is the will of republicans across the country that this bill should not be brought to the floor, thatill will absolutely destroy our majority and will tell every single one of our votes that are this majority is a failure -- voters that this majority is a failure this is the bill that the white house cannot wait to sign into law. this is the bill that rips our border wide open and tells every single person in over 160 countries around the world they can invade our country, they can run over our border patrol, they run over our texas national guard, they can come in, rape our women, murder our people and squat and take over our this is an atrocious attack on
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the american people. the speaker of the house should not bring it to the floor. and this bill shod pass. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from texas is ms. granger: madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized.e. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from texas. mr. roy: i would yield oneminutm missouri. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is now recognized for one minute. >> thank you, mr. roy, thank you, mr. s this bill defies any kind of objective understanding of the reality of the situation that we're in. we're a mr. burlison: it is the highest debt to g.d.p. that we've experienced in the history of the united states of america. higher than we experienced after world war ii.
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and we just left a war. today we're at the same level of debt to g.d and yet we're facing potential wars. this situation is the greatest threat to is. and to add more debt onto this nation is only risking us even further. look, our border is the threat to national security and yet we're doing very little to actually fix it in this bill.tet some of the things that are in the bill, at the end of the day, you know, i hear expressions like this. up here, the swamp says, people. within that statement therein lies the false pretense that government is the solution to our problems, government isn't the problem. thank you. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from texas is
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recognized. ms. granger: madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from connecticut reserves her time. the gentleman from texas.: i'd o my friend from pennsylvania, mr. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from pennsylvania is now recognized. mr. perry: thank you, madam speake last night when i was looking over the bill, i got a text with a film in it, a video clip, of soldiers in uniform being overrun at being overrun by illegal foreign nationals coming into our country. just running right over them. i don't know what the orders were, i don't know what their rules of engagement were. i don't know how anybody expected them to stop them. these people coming into our countryhod what was amazing and astounding as well, madam speaker, is those folks all ran to the border patrol. to come into our countryborder y
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president biden and secretary mayorkas to allow these people to come into our country. well, we got more beds, we gotf more border patrol agents. those agents are going to process these individuals into and those beds are going to go unfilled because these people are coming to your town. madam speaker, this bill makes americans paye$ f sellout and i recommend that we all vote no. i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut. ms. delauro: madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore reserves. the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: i yield one minute to my friend from kentucky, mr. massie. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kentucky is recognized. mr. massie: today we're setting a dangerous precedent. we're suspending the three-day rule that that -- so that our te what's in this bill. we know what's in it.
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we know it spend too much money, we know it's got money to groom our children down to the ages of 12 know it's got funding for facilities that do late-term abortions. why would republicans vote for that? because it's got a dangerous the swamp has always served. and we're drunk on it today. what is that cocktail? earmarks and budget gimmicks. with a chaser of the fumes from d.c.a., the smell of jet fuel at d.c. ampt. because what are -- d.c.a. because what are we going to do as soon as we pass this bill? we're all going to the airport and we're going on recess for two weeks. this is not the way we should do the nation's business.eed to pre three-day rule. we need to follow our own rules. we need to bring these bills through committee and do regular order and i urge people t the b. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. mr. roy: reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas is recognized. ms. granger: madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves.
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the gentlewoman from connecticut. ms. delauro: madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: reserves. the gentleman from texas.. roy:h time is replaining? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has -- is remaining? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has 3 minute. 3.25. mr. roy: three minutes, 15 seconds. ok, great. i yield one minute to my friend from arizona. the recognized. >> thank you, madam speaker. i'm going to be voting no for this, this bill.x= firs i want to talk to my republican colleagues. it's important that we understand that the american people don't expect us to win every time. bu us to fight. and that's not what we're doing. we should not be fighting for this. mr. crane: this is garbage. the next thing i want quick is n people, please pay attention to who votes for this and make sure when they come back to your hometown, in your distrt,they tt
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lincoln day dinner about fiscal responsibility, securing the border, if they voted for this, it. thank you. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. mr. roy: reserve. msgr i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from texas reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut. ms. delauro: madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: reserves. the gentleman from texas. mr. roy: the gentleman from florida a moment ago talked about the fact that we defunde e policies that are pernicious. i agree with him. a part of the process that we carried out last year when we regular order, to have 72 hours to rebuild -- read bills, to have single subject bills, to offer amendments on the floor, to actually have an appropriations process. we passed seven appropriations bills off of the floor of the house. we passed three out of committee to the floor. we actually had some amount debate, we were able to move things through. and we got some of our policy
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priorities and we sent them over to the senate and what do we do? we walked away and we went back to busins swamp. where a handful of people that they call four corners all sit back and decide for you. not the people in a handful of d cardinals. the same group that i heard guffawing in the back a minute the same block of appropriators that think they're the ones that get to control the entire world and use our men and women in uniform as an excuse toy of this country by spending money we don't have. by racking up debt to the tune of $1 trillion every 100 days. while funding all manners of sins with respect to transgender surgeries, abortion tourism. funding the world health organization to give away our sovereignty, funding open borders with mass parole that led to the death of laken riley. everybody who votes for this bill today, you own it. don't go out andpa you oppose ts stuff when you write the check. because that's what's happening
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today. every single republican, every ngle democt spending bill today, they own it. they own the open borders, they own the woke military that we cannot rruit people to fight in. they own giving our sovereignty to world health organizations and international bodies. they own more funding for the wuhan lab. yeah, that's all in there. they own it. we should vote no. you want to win in november? vote no. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. ms. granger: madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. the eaker pro tempore: the gentlelady reserves. the gentlewoman from connecticut is recognized. ms. delauro: mr. 11 had, 388 members -- 11,388 members have served historically in the united states house ofs. we are blessed and what we are
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charged with is serving the american people. that is our job. it is not serving our individual phos■ ideologies or whatever it is that we believe. we need to govern on behalf of the american people. and been working with democrats and republicans united to make government work for the people of this a bipartisan bill, it ss with hardworking majority of americans, it helps to lowerf ls women's rights -- living, it protects women's right, it reinforces america's global leadership and, yes, it helps our communities be safe and secure. .... it is not about what we do, it's not about those of us who serve in this chamber, it is about
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what we do o of the people of this country outside of this chamber. this bill serves the amerin and it has democrat and republican support to move forward. we are six months this 2024 year. we have been unable to do the work of the people because some people us back. again, our job, why we are elected, is to serve the american people. that's what we are never forget that we are blessed to serve here. and we have a duty to perform and t i urge my colleagues to support this bill. it makes sense for us to do it. and we do i because we represent hardworking families in this country who put their
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faith and trust in us to do this job on their behalf. yield back. 1 a.m. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from texas is recogniz ms. announcer: the house went on to approve the $1.2 trillion spendingill to fund 3/4 of the■e federal government through september. the vote was 286-134. right now the package is being considered avert a partial shutdown. watch live coverage of the house here on c-span and the senate on c-span 2. during the vote marjorie taylor greene filed a motion to oust congressman mike johnson as speaker. she spoke to reporters on the steps of the house vote on the spending bill. >> could you step down.


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