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tv   White House Press Secretary Natl Security Communications Adviser Hold...  CSPAN  March 22, 2024 11:41pm-12:31am EDT

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part series congress investigates as weirs were major investigations by the u.s. house and senate. each week authors and historians will tell the stories. we will see history. each -- we will se of those hearings. the reconstruction period looking at violence by freed black slaves of by the ku klux klan. watch congress■"e( iestigates saturday on c-span 2. announcer: white house press secretary karine jean-pierre and national security communications advisor john kirby bruce reporters at the white house on news that the princess of wales has cancer, reports of a mass shooting in russia and the israel-hamas war. they also discuss the government shut down as a spending bill works its way through congress.
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we want to make respect their py at this incredibly difficult time not just for her blood for her family, so i will just leave it tre. >> [indiscernible]
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be incredibly respectful to their privacy. the admiral is ddle east and moo tomorrow marks 15 years since the affordable care act became the law of the land. and president biden please health care is a right and not a privilege, and since taking ofce h bd on historic actions to lower health care and expand access to coverage, so i of this hric milestone i want to go over some key statistics. under president biden more americans have health insurance under mo any other president, a record-breaking 21 million americans signed up with health coverage with a majority of able to find coverage for less than $10 a month. americans are saving on average $800 a year on premiums.
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four states of expanded medicaid since the president took office, and millions have benefited from critical protections which are prevented people from being denied coverage for pre-existing conditions were being charged more for being a woman. but president biden is not resting on these accomplishments. he has a bold agenda to continue to bring down american's health care costs and calling on congress to make expanded affordable care act tax credits permanent so america can continue to save on premiums after decades of failed attempts and without a single republican vote in congress. it president biden be big pharma bypassing the inflation reduction act. already the law is lowering prescription drug prices. president biden wants to expand the amount of drugs to at least 50 drugs per year and wants to expand the $35 per month cap on
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insulin to everyone. despite all the days republican officials are still working to end the affordable care act, repeal the inflation reduction act and got medicaid. congressional republicans have attempted to repeal the affordable care act over 50 times, including during the last administration up wi tsident's predecessor. president biden has been clear he will never let that happen and you will never stop working to protect and strengthen the affordable care act, medicare, and medicaid. thisk a republican committee which represents a 100% of house republican leadership and 80% of their conference released its budget. you offered the president say this, is father has an expression that goes do not tell me what you value. show me your budget, and i will
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tell you what you value. let's look at what has a republicans value. their budget endorses the national abortion ban with no exceptions for rape or incest. it puts ivf treatment on the chopping. the president believes we must restore the right to choose and protect other freedoms, not take themthe republican study commite budget would make devastating cuts to medicare, social security, and z9the affordable care act. can you guys hear me? i was on a roll. [laughter] all right, but i went to make sure you hear me. the republican studyevastating cuts to medicare, social security, and the affordable care act, increase housing and prescription drug costs were
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families, give more huge tax cuts to the wealthy and biggest corporations. put simply, their budget lays out a dark future for america. this is about our vision for the future of america, whose side we are on. president biden is on the side of the american people and believes in giving the american middle class a fair shot, directing social security a rights and freedoms and never stop fighting for the future. is there still an issue? we are all good? great, next, before i turn it over, i want us to turn to the latest from capitol hillthe hous just voted to pass the funding bill to keep the american government open, interesting the american people and strengthen ouec■3omy and national security. the senate should pass it as quickly as possible. this bill is a compromise reached by congressional
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appropriators, sonos i got everything it wanted an expense access to child care, head start, it invests in cancer and advances american leadership are broad and also provides resources to secure the border that republicans oppose. we fight hard for additional resources that were successful in preventing republicans from severely underfunding dhs, but it is not enough. republican simplot multiple requests in increased border funding. congress should a veed agreement to give border personnel the policies and funding needed to secure the border. at the house must also nationaly interest, and i do have one less thing. turning to the president's schedule, we announced that on april 15 the president will welcome the prime minister of
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to the white house to coordinate uncommon priorities are to reinforce a strong bilateral partnership between the united states and iraq. their strategic framework agreement and deepen their vision for a secure and prosperous iraq fully integrated into the broader region. president biden and the prime minister will consult on a range of issues during the visit including our shared commitment to the isis and evolution of the military mission nearly 10 years after formate is successfull coalition to defeat isis. they will also discuss ongoing reforms to promote economic development and progress toward iraqi energy independence and homogenization. on tuesday, march of the president and vice president will travel to raleigh, north carolina. you will hear the president and vice president highlight how they are fighting for all
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americans ended our vision for the future, so we look forward to seeing you on the road with that. kirby is here to give us an update to discuss the ukraine and the middle east and the president's morning call. mr. kirby: i have a few things i will try to get through care. first, before what i am prepared to talk about, obviously we have all seen the reports and video coming out of moscow, a violent shooting at what looks like a shopping mall. cannot speak much to the details of it. this was breaking before i came out here, so we are trying to get more information, but really would refer to russian authorities to speak to it. the images are just horrible and hard to watch, and our thoughts are going to be with the victims
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of this terrible shooting attack , and i think -- you know, you look at that video if you have, and you have got to recognize that there are some moms and dads and brothers and sisters and sons and not gotten the news yet and this is going to be a tough day. you might have seen our state department put out a notice to all americans in moscow to avoid any large gatherings, concerts, shopping malls, anything like that just for their own safety. they should stay put and stay ion.ged into the state that is all i have on that. in ukraine, today russia launched a massive wave of missiles against civilian infrastructure, which ukraine reports is the largest series of airstrikes against thean energy grid since the start of
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this war. ukrainian officials say 10 different regions were struck, leaving more than one million homes without electricity. of this civilians of those that were killed and are praying for a recovery for those wounded by the attacks. they demonstrate how vital it is that we continue to provide ukraine with air defense systems, interceptor missiles, the tools they need to protect themselves and their infrastructure. mr. putin is not waiting. he is making lethal use of every single minute available to him while our own congress refuses to act. he is not wavering, and neither should we. the house of representatives must pass the national security supplemental so we can provide ukraine with this vital equipment. every single day the house delays is another day the ukrainians have to pay for it with their own blood. today the united states would forward a resolution that supported ongoing diplomatic efforts aimed at securing an
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immediate cease-fire in gaza as part of a hostage deal. at the resolution condemns hamas with the october 7 attacks, which we believe is long overdue, blaming and condemning hamas in light of you when ■s report confirming hamas engage in sexual violence. this was unbalanced and timely text aligned with our calls for an immediate cease-fire over a period of six weeks. the -- vast majority of the council voted in favor of it. it. they would rather shoot down something we all third rather than consider the strength of what it called for with overwhelming counsel support. what did a call for? an immediate cease-fire, all hostages released, more and getting into the people of gaza, and hamas condemned for the slaughter of innocent israelis.
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it is innocent -- it is difficult to find what is wrong with that text except the united states audited and would it work. now to switch toident biden's eo save lives by stemming the flow of illicit drugs, the treasury department sanctioned 15 cartel that are engaged in the trafficking of these deadly drugs. these people are it evolved in a black-market peso exchange, is scheme to launder illicit of fentanyl proceeds. the cartel is one of the most violent drug trafficking organizations in the world responsible for a significant portion of fentanyl and other illicit drugs tff into the united states. these were possible thanks to strong partnership with the government of mexico with which we coordine closewhich we are g. president biden spoke earlier
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today with the president-elect of indonesiatulate him on his election victory. president biden pledged to expand cooperation with indonesia under a strategic partnership in the end of pacific economic framework and work together toward and into pacific that is free, open, prosperous, and secure. and with that i welcome your questions. after a phone call, president biden and prime minister netanyahu, we saw that neil coetzee they are prepad we unden lost all of his sway? mr. kirby: prime minister netanyahu recognizes there is a
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debate about rafah, and the israeli government will be sending a delegation herein th t some viable options and alternatives to a major ground operation. president and prime minister just spoke a few days ago, and they will speak again, no question about it. expressing her concerns and they have not refused to listen, and there have been examples in the past where they have actually taken on a board to get advice and counsel that we provided. >> you have a reason to belvech? mr. kirby: we will share with them our lessons and perspectives, share with them some alternatives about how they can eliminate that threat of hamas in gaza, particularly in rafah without conducting a major ground offensive. we still believe a major ground
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offensive is a mistake. >> they are prepared to do it alone. is that grounds to consider withholding military aid? mr. kirby: they are coming here to have a discussion about viable options. why don't we have that discussion and see where that takes as before we leap to conclusions? we sell with the prime minister said, and he should speak of his comments to the israeli people. bu not seen them going to rough up --rafah, so we believe there is still time and space to at the discussion and share with them what we have learned. >> [indiscernible] what would make this meeting a success between the united states and israel? mr. kirby: i do not want to put benchmarks on it. we are looking forward to the opportunity to have a delegate
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-- delegation from israel to share thinking aboutes and we we where it goes from there. >> if netanyahu comes to speak to congress with the president take the opportunity to meet with him while he is here? mr. kirby: we do not have a visit. these two guys have known each other■%ng frequently. >> on israeli defenses [indiscernible] mr. kirby: we will have more to share in the incoming days about what the schedule will look like, do we expect the meeting will take place next week? >> [indiscernible] mr. kirby: that meeting about rafah meeting then the meeting with secretary austin. >> does the president feethat he does have tools in his toolbox to exercise greater
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leverage against israel if they decide to go into rafah. mr. rb we will make sure they have the tools they need to defend themselves against a still viable threat while using the strength against the relationship between the united states and israel and the strength of the relationship between the president and the prime minister to allow more humanitarian assistance to get in, and we have not once talked about the hostage deal, to move forward on the hostage deal, which we think the stocks are making progress. >> how much progress and to get think it is close? mr. kirby: we believe we are getting closer. the fact that the discussions are still happening and happening at the pace at which they are and with the participation that we are seeing on all sides is a good sanguin e, but we do believe that the
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gaps are narrowing and we are getting closer. >> do you believe the security council would determine the imperative of an immediate cease-fire? why phrase it like it happened? mr. kirby: mr. kirby: i don't want you to read too much into the vernacular. we want to see an immediate cease-fire so that a hostage deal can take place. you have to have a cessation of hostilities to■0o and to get aid in. what we are looking for, it's in the resolution, is for a period of about six weeks. >> do you have any details you can share about who will actually be in this meeting with the israeli delegation when they come? mr. kirby: we will have more details in the coming days.
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>> thank you. do you have any reaction to [indiscernible]? how does this affect the calculation of the united states to bring both sides [indiscernible]? mr. kirby: we are deeply concerned by reports of these arrests. what i would say on sanctions is we are still willing to consider sanctions relief on the regime and venezuela if they meet the obligations they make in the fall in barbados. reports of arrests like this certainly give us pause to think about how serious they are about meeting those commitments. reporter: have you had any nversations? mr. kirby: i would refer you to the state department. i am not aware of any conversations. you should talk to the state department. reporter: can you talk about in
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a practical sense what it means that the u.s. things it's a mistake for israel to go into rafah with a ground offensive? will you help aid and weapons -- will you halt aid and weapons? mr. kirby: yeah, i think i just got the same question. reporter: there was not an answer. mr. kirby: there was an answer, i think maybe you just did not find it satisfactory. making it clear to the israelis about the ground offensive in rafah. there's a million and a half people there and it's not a big space. that got to be accounted for, safety and security has got to be protected. we believe a major ground offensive is a mistake. we believe that it willi've sa'e heard from other officials, a disaster, certainly for those refugees in rafah. gwe want to present to the israelis at some viable alternatives and options about
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how they can go after the legitimate threat of hamas and rafah without sacrificing the safety and security of those people. reporter: is it a mistake or ava violation of the national security memo? mr. kirby: i believe the state department has a ready talked about that. the israelis national security memo. and secretary of state has determined that the information they provided was credible and was reliable. reporter: just one more quick one because you've said so money times from this podium, john, you've said repeatedly the u.s. is not going to tellw to conduct its military operations. so, if you are willing to do it now, why not before? mr. kirby: we are not doing it now. po you are not telling them not to do something? mr. kirby: that's not what this meeting is about. we are not going to lay out terms. this is a sovereign country and they have their own military, their own operations to conduct. they have to make those
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decisions. as a friend of israel d ally, as before, today, and next week, we want to make sure days make -- they make those decisions informed with experience fighting and iraq and afghanistan. do they have to listen? no. we have seen in the past where they have taken some of it on board. we hope they take this on board. reporter: the u.s. is urging ukraine to stop attacks while the russian -- on the russian energy infrastructure in fear it will drive up oil prices, do you know those conversations are happening? mr. kirby: i will not speak to this. we do not encourage or enable the ukrainian military to conduct strikes inside russia. reporter: are you concerned that these attacks are happening on the energy of a structure? mr. kirby: we do not enable to strike inside russia. reporter: [indiscernible] u.s.
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involvement one it comes to haiti. what other conversations about changing or fixing immigration status when it comes to patients who cannot file for asylum in the country as it is being overtaken by gangs, and militia, and they come here? mr. kirby: i would refer you to the state department to speak to the particular policies on asylum-seekers. can you repeat your first questions? reporter: do you have an update on u.s. involvement when it comes to haiti? mr. kirby: an update on u.s. involvement, i would say, our lines eone is working with thes on a haitian led political transition process. and that presidential counsel, we will see some movement in coming days about their selection of individuals for governance in haiti. that can be credible and can meet the aspirations of the haitian people. number two, we are working with kenya on a kenyan-led support
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part of that mission. but we are working with kenyans on what that can look like with support that my need externally from the united states. thirdly, and this is clearly we are doing what we can to help those americans want to leave haiti get out safely. there were some additional helicopter movements today, as a matter fact. reporter: thank you. the question, dve prior knowledge of this attack in moscow given that the u.s. embassy had issued warning before had? mr. kirby: i am not aware of any advanced knowledge that we had of this terrible tech. -- terrible attack. reporter: on march 8, the embassy warned of imminent attack on moscow by extremists. mr. kirby: i will let the state department speak to that but i don't think t reporter: -- president said that she had seen the plans and there
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was no credible way to allow her to she saw, she looked at maps of gaza. reporter: and said there was no credible way to relocate those? was it ever feasible? mr. kirby: as i've said from the podium myself, a million and a half people in a very confined space, that that is a tall order for any military to find a place for that many people to go■] se, where they can have access to food, medical care, water. think the vice president is speaking plainly and candidly about the scope and the scale of that type of a challenge. reporter: the u.s. was saying the only way they would support a grounv was if there was a credible plan to relocate those civilians. the position now is that is not possiblemr. kirby: we have not h a credible plan. one of the things we want to
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talk about with the israeli delegation next week is exactly that. we are getting focused on the ground offensive. the other thing we want to talk about is the humanitarian situation and rafah. reporter: should we expect the president to be part of this meeting next week? mr. kirby: we will have more details about the participation in the coming days. reporter: thanks. on the attack on moscow, i know you are still gathering information, but do you have any sense at all that this could be linked to the colin ukraine? mr. kirby: there is no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting. we are taking a look at it but i would disabuse early hour of any connection to ukraine. reporter: a quick follow-up and then, well, first question. sorry. can■+ you explain the difference between the veto that was authored by china and russia to a piece in the middle east, cease-fire, and what we offered in february? mr. kirby: ours was based on substance.
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ours was based on the actual contin resolution, which just called for an immediate cease-fire, no condemnation of ha, nothing in there about humanitarian assistance. we support an immediate cease-fire. but as our resolution said, in connti whom, gets more aid in, and actually for the first time in the security council condemns hamas for what they did on the seventh of october. our objections and our vetoes were based on substance and content. the objections and the vetoes today by russia and china were simply based on politics. because we authored it, it had to be bad. reporter: a follow-up on russia. is there any indication, there has been speculation, that it shows with the protest that was brought up, that there was some pattern of instability now in the russian regime? would you confirm that or do you think it is too early to say that?
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mr. kirby: i think it is difficult with the news today to make some broader point about instability in moscow or in russia. clearly, you know, there in mosa that object to the way mr. putin is governing the country. his early hour we can make a link between the shopping mall attack and political motivations. i think we need more time and we need to learn more information have a good weekend, everybody. reporter: have a great weekend. sec. jean-pierre: all right, chris, what you got? >> the vote today [indiscernible] reach agreements with house republicans. what is your response for the motion to vacate speaker johnson? sec. jean-pierre: look, we have always been very clear, not going to get in the middle of what is going on in the house leadership. that is not going to be our focus.
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the president has been very clear, he's going to continue to focus on the american people. you saw him in arizona where he made a really important chips announcement on semi conductors, going to create 30,000 jobs in arizona, union pain jobs. the commitment going to -- good paying, union jobs. the commitment with intel that's going to spur more investment in this country on manufacturing investment, doing more semi conductors in the u.s. with the president wants to focus on, creating jobs, actually investing in america. you saw him go through three states in two days to talk about how he sees his vision for this country. he has been also very clear, look, there are a couple of things that are on the floor of the house, one of them is should be on the floor of the house which is the national security supplemental. we know it would get overwhelming support. we on it. you just heard from my colleague from nsc, how important for ukraine to have the funding they
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need or have the security assistance they need to continue to defend themselves, so we want to see that go through and there's the bipartisan agreement that came out of the senate, republicans and democrats coming together to try and deal what's going on at the border. we are just not going to speak to what's going on with the leadership. i know, get your popcorn, sit tight, and watch what happening. reporter: the senate did not immediately move to [ indiscernible] partial whatever shutdown. sec. jean-pierre: i mean, look, there is still time to prevent a partial shutdown. the house passed the funding the, as you all know -- funding bill, as you all know, and the senate still has time to pass it today. there is no reason for it not to move forward. this is not about the president, not about the white people. this is about programs that american families need. we should be able to avoid a partial shutdown. it is possible to dowe want to e
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quickly on this. reporter: has the president sees searching past national guardsmen in texas? sec. jean-pierre: i the president about that video. what i can say is this. you know, iy, truly believe that is a question for, you know, the republican governor of texas. right. this is sething tha saddress, ty speak to. the president has worked with congress in the senate, as i just spoke to, about getting an immigration bill done, making sure that we deal with the border challenges that we are now seeing. and you have a governor of texas who has continued to politicize this. i do want to say we are grateful for the border p quick
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work to get the situation under control and apprehend the migrants, so that's important. congressional republicans need to move on this. what they are doingthis is a bi, obviously, is listening to the former president, president trump, tell them not to agreemet because of his own personal politics, because it will help this president. you all report about it. it's not coming from us. it is unfortunate that congress republicans are not getting on board with what majority of amers in texas, governor abbott, who is continuing to make this,■f sadl, a dangerous situation, a chaotic situation. let's not forget who they passed razor wires, they passed by the texas national guard is that the republican governor put at the border. reporter: are you saying that
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americans should just expect that there will continue to be a standoff between the national guardsmen and the border agents? the resolution is pushing forward with the bipartisan agreement that came out of the senate with republicans and democrats, that's the solution. reporter: it does not seem like it is going anywhere. sec. jean-pierre: there is know all due respect -- there is no all due respect. you're asking me a question, i am telling you the solution. the solution is for republicans torepublicans in the senate got involved with us for a couple of months to come up with this bipartisan agreement supported by the border patrol union, supported by the u.s. chamber of commerce, that if it is put into effect, it does become law, they give the president the bill, it would be the toughest and fairest legislation or law that we have seen in some time to deal with the border. i mean, honestly, this is a
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question for the governor of texas, seriously. that question is for, he is the one who the razor wire, that's the national guards, that's him. the border patrol did their job -- br job, even though it got underway, the governor's plans got in the way. reporter: it sounds like right now, the white house and president, the administration is not considering anything else to stop future events like that. right now, blaming it on the governor and congress. sec. jean-pierre: you have a governor who has politicized this issue, fact, that is just fact. he has politicized this issue. you have a former president who has sent to congress, republicans in congress, do not move forward with a bipartisan agreement that was agreed on by senators because it helps us, it helps joe biden.
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when we are not thinking about helping joe biden, we are thinking about helping the american people. majorint us to do something on s issue and republicans are allowing the former president to get in the way. so we have done the work, we have. we have done the work. and we need more. yes,■fe were able to secure more funding for dhs with this budget deal, but we need more resources, we do. and so, there is an agreement, there is an agreement that took two months to get to. i don't know, it's up to them. they have to answer that question. reporter: on the same issue, today, governor abbott says he's looking at implementing a law my cross the border. are you concerned other states will look into stricter immigration laikis? sec. jean-pierre: i am concerned with the politics being played here instead of dealing with the issue, instead of the governor in florida saying senators, my
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senators in my state, we need to work on the issue at hand here. there is a bipartisan agreement that is in your chamber, right, that is in the senate, that was agreed upon in a bipartisan way. can you guys move forward with that? instead of plain politics. that's what we wt to see, we want to see an issue actually dealt with that majority of americans care about. there is a bipartisan -- i cannot say this en -- there is a bipartisan agreement that came out of the senate, republicans were asked to reject it because of the former president, because that's not how we should be moving forward as a country, that is just not. and that is not what the president believes. reporter: thank you. so, on this border video, what does president biden think should happen to adult men who are assaulting and overpowering u.s. national guardsmen? sec. jean-pierre: let me just first say we are grateful, and i said this moments ago, to border patrol agents to quickly work
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and get the situation under control and apprehend the migrants. i want to be really clear that everyone who was apprehended was apprehendedpatrol, they wero their job, even though it's made it more, even the republican governor, in particular, governor abbott, has made it difficult for them. they need more resources. we need more personnel. i mean, we have to have the backs of our law enforcement on the ground who are dealing with this everyday, but republicans are getting in the way. republicans in congress do not want to help and you have a governor, gove that is what's happening. border patrol agents did their job. even though, you know, the ve reporter: but i guess you talk so much about having a more humane immigration system. this video does not helpless women and children begging for a safe place to come in, it shows adult men landing haymakers■=■jh on u.s. troops in
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uniform. is that's what's happening anywhere else in the world -- if that was happening anywhere else in the world, wouldn't president biden send agents? sec. jean-pierre: everybody was up or hundred by border agents, that was important to know -- apprehended by border agents, that was important to know. they were apprehended. there were all apprehended, that's number one. the reason why you are talking about the texas national guard, they were there because of the governor of texas. the governor of texas put the texas national guard there. we did not put them there, he put them there. what we need is actually real solutions. we need to see resources. the border patroresources. they deserve to be able to do their jobs. and we are not getting that from republicans. they are rejecting a bipartisan agreement that came out of the senate. reporter: last one, there is a venezuelan migrants with half a million followers on tiktok was telling border crossers they can live in empty houses in this
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country. would president biden support a law that would make that kind of squatting illegal? sec. jean-pierre: i■> have not seen that tiktok video so i cannot comment on that. go ahead, akila. reporter:■i have plans to speak to the house speaker, now that there's been a motion to vacate speaker johnson, about whether democrats would support? sec. jean-pierre: that is something for democrats to speak to. we are not going to get involved. we have been pretty consistent whether it's republicans or democrats, we've been pretty consistent in that. we trust hakeem jeffries' leadership he's the leader of the democrats,. that's for him to decide. comment on that. reporter: would biden then support this? sec. jean-pierre: look, decisioc leadership, hakeem jeffries is going to make their own decision on how to move forward. we are going to be consistent on how important it is to move the
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national security supplemental. we have been very clear. it passed 70-29 out of the senate ohewe believe it would ps overwhelmingly in the house if it was put to the floor. there's no time to wait here, there's no time to wait. we see what's going on in ukraine. a lot of that is because of congressional inaction. we cannot continue to allow that to happen. ukraine needs the funding, the security, obviously, to continue to defend themselves and that's what we are going to continue to speak to. reporter: quick housekeeping matter, will the president go to wilmington regardless of whether the shutdown is going to be averted or not? sec. jean-pierre: this is sll the seeing, obviously, in congress right now is that the president is the president wherever he is and he can do his business wherever he is. i do not have a change in his schedule at the time. go ahead. reporter: the dow jones average has been closing in on 40,000 this week, it is down a little bit today.
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did the president see that as an economic achievement or does he view it as, is representative of the economy? sec. jean-pierre: as we've said many times here, you've heard that from our e-commerce, from me, is that the stock market is not the economy -- from our economists, from me, the stock market is not the economy, we understand that. you just heard me talk about what we saw in arizona with the president was able to announce in arizona, semi conductors that came out of the chips & sacked, incredibly important -- and science act, incredibly important and infra-structure to outperform other countries. market has for president biden are good for retirement accounts, obviously, household wealth, which is why we would never root for a stock market crash or for americans to lose their jobs. that's not what this president wants. reporter: you, there could
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potentially be [indiscernible] by tonight. could you speak to what the president -- the training has been like for white house operations? who would be deemed essential? can people work over the weekend? sec. jean-pierre: congress can prevent this partial shutdown. we believe there is still time to do that. i want to be very clear. like eve o agency, we are reviewing and updating our contingency plan. this is something that we do regularly and we will have more to share,is finalized. but settled employees just across the government will furlough and that includes white house staff, just to give you a little bit of what that would look like. but we believe there is still time, there is still time for congress to prevent a partial shutdown. know, this does not have to be, this doesn't have to be. and obviously, we are always, like every%6 agency, will look t all options. reporter: king charles has been
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diagnosed with cancer. president biden said he was hoping to speak with him. did they ever connect? sec. jean-pierre: i don't have a call to read out about what the president and king charles, i just don't have anything to share at this time. reporter: [indiscernible] to king charles over the weekend about this -- did the president reach out to king charles over the weekend about this? sec. jean-pierre: obviously it is tragic news, it is devastating news, and we certainly wish the duchess of cambridg a full recovery. we want to respect their privacy, especially at this time. they have young children, they have a family, so we want to respect their privacy. i do not have anything to share on the president reaching out. we are just learning this news literally as i walked came to b. and so, it is incredibly devastating to hear and we wish , a full recovery. reporter: it was just over a
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week ago that the white house announced a new weapons package for ukraine. do you have an update on whether that has reached ukraine and reached the battlefield yet? sec. jean-pierre: as you know, that extra, additional funding for to give the additional assistance, ukraine obviously needs that. they have been losing ground in the battlefield, so obviously, jay came here and gave a low down, a laydown of how important that is. i don't have any specifics on where we are on getting that funding, not getting the funding, getting the assistance to the ukrainians. i would refer you to the important, it's critical to do every thing we can to make sure ukraine has what it needs to defend itself. but that is not enough. you also heard jake sullivan say that from here, that is not enough, we have to move forward and get the national security supplemental. it has to get out of the house. we k senate. it is important to do that.
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reporter: thanks. the house republican majority will now[indiscernible] next month mike gallagher announced he is stepping down from congress on april 19. opportunity for the white house to try to pass that supplemental given that the dynamics may be changing? sec. jean-pierre: i mean, look, i mean, we don't even need the dynamics to change, right, in the house to get this done, we really don't. if the speaker were to put this on the floor, would have put it on the floor weeks ago, today, it would pass overwhelmingly we know that to be true because we have heard from a pelicans, we from republicans, we know where democrats stand. we just need to speaker to do his job and put forth on the floor something that we know this national security supplemental, a bill that we know would pass overwhelmingly. that's what he needs to do. we need it. we need it our own national security. it is important to get this done
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on behalf of the american people. all right, everybody, have a we will see you next week. thanks, everyone. >> thanks. >> thanks. >> on monday, former google vice president and tech entrepreneur sebastian thrun joint c-span to discuss his valley and the future of artificial intelligence. you can see that interview at 7:00 eastern on c-span, c-span now or online at if you ever miss any of c-span's coverage, you can find it anytime online at videos of key hearings, debates and other events future markers that guide you to interesting and newsworthy highlights. these points of interest markers appear on the right-hand side of your screen when you hit play on select videos. this timeline tool makes it easy to quickly get an idea of what was debated and decided in washington. scroll through and spend a few minutes on c-span's points of interest.
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