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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  March 26, 2024 9:00am-9:16am EDT

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get it over with fast if he is innocent. host: is what to expect throughout the remainder of the day as we told you before you can tune into our main channel on c-span and stay with us to watch the supreme court hearing over the drug mifepristone. you can follow along on our main channel and follow along on the website and follow along on our app the house is coming in for a pro forma session. once it is done we will return to your call so we take to the house of representatives.
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may we contemplate your word as it speaks to us and follow your
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holy will in all that we do. as the season of spring witnesses to your resurrected life, may we too rise with you to eternal life. we pray all this in thy holy name. amen. the speaker pro tempore: pure subject to section 3-z of house resolution 5, the journal of the last day's proceedings is approved. the chair will lead the house in the pledge of allegiance.
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that the senate agreed to, without amendment, house concurrent resolution 100. signed, sincerely, kevin f. mccumber, acting clerk. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 4 of rule 1, the following enrolled bill was signed by the speaker on saturday, march 23, 2024. the clerk: h.r. 2882. making further consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending september 30, 2024, and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays before the house a
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communication. the clerk: the honorable the speaker, house of representatives. sir, pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2-h of rules 2 of the rules of the u.s. house of representatives, the clerk received the following message from the secretary of the senate on march 25, 2024, at 1:03 p.m. that the senate passed senate 12358, that the senate -- 1258,e 3613, appointments, united states semiquen centennial commission, an afghanistan war signed, sincerely, kevin f. mccumber, acting clerk. the speaker pro tempore: under clause 5-d of rule 20, the chair announces to the house that in light of the resignation of the gentleman from colorado, mr. buck, the whole number of the 431. pursuant to section 3-z of house resolution 5, the house stands
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adjourned until noon on friday, march 29, 2024. ■e
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all hostages.
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it was a clear retreat from his previous pition. they were planning to come to washington dc. cancellation was made by john kirby yesterday at the white house. a couple of things need to be stated it's a nonbinding resolution of their ability to go after hamas. number two as i said in my6v opening statement it does not represent a change in our policy it is consistent with everything we've said we wanted to get done here.
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we get to decide again, no change in our policy. >> how does this change the relationship between netanyahu and biden? >> i no doubt they will continue to have the conversation. this is mike in illinois making his comments about the budget that could be fixed with clawback money from the covid fiasco where is that money going?can the nimbus be clawed s
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well? that is mike participating via text. here is an, and indendent.callee people that think that trump did not blame -- break the law. trump became president and i wanted another child. i went to bed feeling a little weird with wetness around me and i could not figure out what happened around me. i turned on the light and i was laying in a pool of blood. if that happened right now, i don't believe in abortion.
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i would not do that but if i had been taken to the hospital like i was that day. today that would be against the law they would've thought i had aborted that baby i had a six month old baby that day. you need to be taken care of at that moment or it could get really bad. years later i became pregnant again nine years after that child. went into real estate and work for an ethical company and we had to take a six week program on ethics and high morals.
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i am honest and i am a christian but the thing is, when you have a house you are selling and i had an expensive house to sell in charlotte. it was several $1 million. all of a sudden me and the husband and owners measure the house. we thought we did what we had to ethically do i sold the house and i got sued for over evaluating the square footage of that house which is what prompted. that is fraud. you were right, he did over evaluate trump towers.
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that's on your books, it was chargeable. host: in issues of politics things to watch out for is robert f. kennedy, jr. is said to announce his running mate and oakland, california. as they seek valid access a few names have been circulating aaron rodgers, jesse ventura and nicole shanahan. they have kept the name secret and denied they wanted to turn the process into a guessing game. looking for that news to come out from bernie in florida on the democrats line. caller: good morning.
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a few things i wanted to say i'm from new jersey but i've lived in florida for the past few years. i know the man, i know a couple of the things that he did. he went bankrupt.
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and number two he never paid the high school associatesthey votet bankrupt because of that guy. what he has done now he's been doing that forever. host: this will be eugene from florida. hello mr. pedro. host: you are on. caller: i wanted to tell everyone to have a prayer for the people of maryland this morning. ■host: that's the collapse of te francis scott key bridge. that is it for


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