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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  March 26, 2024 12:52pm-1:05pm EDT

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fault. pres. biden: we are not going to wait for that toapn.we are goint the bridge open. >> what did you make of the decision not to attend the meeting this week? pres. biden: we have plenty of time to talk about that. >> thank you, everyone. >> will have more on the baltimore bridge collapse in just a few moments. national transportation safety board share will hold a briefing with an update on the situation. it is expected at 1:00 eastern. we will have live coverage on c-span.presidential candidate r. kenny,r. plans to name his running mate today. he started his campaign running
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as a democrat beforewihing to independent. watch live campaign covered from oakland, california this afternoon at 2:00 eastern on c-span now. for former president trump yesterday. saying the former president and the co-defendant need only to post $135 million bond or deposit to shield their assets e trial loss. that's a court that ruled on monday. the ruling helped mr. trump administrationp as he scrambled -- mr. trump as he scrambled to come up with the cash. they have 10 days to post the bond or deposit. presumptive presidential nominee has been struggling not only the wait of that 450 million civil fraud judgment but an $848 billionle trial loss. pond in securities
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or cash. he posted on truth social. he attacked that initial $454 million judgment that. decision yesterday earnered a response from the new york attorney general. this is the headline you'll find in news week saying, s back after donald trump's bond reaction. and part of her statement and response includes this, saying donald trump is still fac accountability for his staggering fraud. the court has already fou engaged in years of. faustly inflated worth. and unjustly enrich himself, his family, and organization. the judgment plus interest against donald trump and the other defendants still stand. that's the event of yesterday. when it comes to the former president, you can comment on that in the first hour. 202-748-8000 for democrats. democrats, republicans, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002.
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in washington d.c. eyes on the court as they -- on the supreme court as they look at a case on mifepristone. joining us for that is maya goldman, the health care reporter f axios. good morning to you. guest: good morning. thank you for having me. host: could you break down whato do. guest: essentially this case is determining the access to medication abortion. which is how the majority abortions in the country are performed. in a lot of ways it's relitigating access to abortion in the country. more specifically, the case deals with whether the federal government, specifically the f.d.a., was acting lawfully when it loosened restrictions on how people can access medication abortion, mifepristone, the specific pill. in question. and whether the■p f.a followed the appropriate approval.
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host: who is bringing up this case? guest: originally inep of anti-s sued the federal government approval of mifepristone, approved in 2000, was inappropriate. they wanted the drug removed from the market entirely. a couple months ago a judge in texas, conservative judge, sided with those doctors. an appeals court quickly said, well, we don't think that this should be entirely removed from the market, but the f.d.a. did unlawfully roll back restrictions in the last couple years. and then the supreme court in december, the f.d.a. and the drugmaker asked the supreme court to take the case up. that's what we are hearing. host: depending on the outcome, what does it mean to access to the drug itself, but the f.d.a.? guest: there are a lot of
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implications for today's case. basically for pcess abortions ad medication abortion in mifepristone has been the responsible for the majoritof abortions since the dobbs ruling. this would really curtail access to abortions not just in states where abortion is already illegal, but also in states where abortion is widely accessible. because this would -- if the supreme court sides with doctors that are bringing the case forward, telehealth access tdict off. it's a big deal for access to abortion. it's also a big deal for the hority. this case essentially is unprecedented. it could really undermine as thf
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what is safe for patients. experts are worried that this could set a precedent for disgruntled pharmaceutical companies or patients to sue the f.d.a. and overturn approval of drugs. host: has the supreme court ever considered this type of case focusing on a single drug or process by the f.d.a.? guest: not to my knowledge. i this is this is pretty unprecedented. host: as far as watching out for today, the justices will hearat. decision expected later this year s that what's expected? guest: june is when we expect t@ hear about this. this isn't the only abortion case that the supreme court is hearing this year. they are also going to hear a case in i believe late next month on whether hospitals have to provide emergency abortions under federal rule. so this is -- abortion access is
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not -- the supreme court is not done talking about abortion access right now. host: in light of this case, if the decision goes for the -- those who reject abortion, what happens on the state level? what could happen on the state level? guest: right now abortion after the dobbs decision is left up to the states. states can decide if abortion is at all available in their states. but this ruling, if supreme court sides with the anti-abortion doctors here, basically it will make it a lot more difficult to access medication abortion because it will say the f.d.a. was not correct when it rolled back restrictionstkw on who could provide, prescribe medication abortions. basically the f.d.a. saidt nonphysician providers could
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prescribe it. it could be preskraoeubt in telehealth, laettner a pregnancy, and rolling back those things would make it more difficult to access mifepristone in medication abortion even if your state says this is legal. the messenger: maya goldman reports for axios, their health care reporter on today's supreme court case taking a look at that abortion drug. find her work at the website at thanks for your time. again, you can comment on that case. by the way if you are interested in hearing those arguments before the court from those sides presenting the cases, you can do that and stay on this@[ netwk just after 10:00 we'll bring you live audio as it takes place right after 10:00. stay on the network. if you have to misit always go to our website. we have setaside a special site for supreme court oral argument, at follow along on the app as well. on the case, too, in this first hour.
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202-748-8000. republican republican. independents -- republicans, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002. you can comment on the decision of the■r former president yesterday when it comes to the bond hearing, that $135 million bond a new figure being posted compared to what was itit him. call the same lines. text us, too. speaking of the former president, he also spoke about the decision what it means for him. and especially as attempts to win the white house later on this year. here's former president donald trump from yesterday. >> all of these things -- what they do, they do election interference, which is court cases and let's try and tie them up and take as much of his money as possible. appellate division for substacksly reducing that ridiculous amount money put on by a corrupt judge. going to be looked at seriously looked at. especially what he did with valuations.
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he's a fraudulent valuator. where heueago at $18 million. people say it's worth 50 to 100 times as much. he ought to be looked at. james ought to be looked at. she's like the puppet master of the judge. and our state, this state, is losing tremendous prestige. it's losing its companies. its people. they are fleeing. violent crime isan't have that. can't have a that. no city should a have that. it's happening in other cities. not with the law fair. the law fair they are doing is incredible. they could have done this in the case of the trial that we just left, one of the many that are going -- single one of them is run by biden and his thugs. the only way they think they can get elected. the i think the people of this country understand t it's backfiring. host: hear from carla in
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illinois, republican line. good morning. go ahead. caller: yeah. i think they should have reduced it to zero, honestly, because i don't see how they can do that nshat do you want to call it. nobody was damaged. nobody -- everybody got paid. everybody got their money back.e the fraud comes into it. to me it seems like the fraud was on the judge a j they under evaluated everything. and then the supreme court case about the mifepristone or whatever it is. to me i think thatim more the pro-life. i figure the 16-week ban would be good. it used to be three months, the first tr oeufpltph*eser -- trimester. i thought that worked just fine.
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my opinions with the trump case and all that, even with e. jean carroll, i think that should have been dropped. the woman doesn't >> robert f. kennedy, jr. plans to name his running mate today. what's ve campaign covers from oakland, california at 2 p.m. on our free mobile the oher up c-span now. >> here is a highlight from a
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key moment. the space program has been a marvelous program for america to expand its knowledge, its horizons and it will continue to be so in the future. as long as■ man has the thirst for knowledge, we will continue to press out. in the process, there is risk. that risk is taken by each one of us every day and that risk is understood by all the members of a crew that climb into a loaded spaceship. >> c-span, powered by cable. ♪ >> and now hearing on digital modernization in the defense from pod official before a house armed services subcommittee with wies


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