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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  April 1, 2024 2:54pm-3:09pm EDT

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c-span, 45 years and counting powered by cable. >> welcome to today as wash journal -- "washington journal." we will start with the polls and this is from gallup and this is how at the traced it i will read a list of problems facing the country. for each tell me if you personally worry about this problem a great deal, fair. only a little or not at all. the top one was inflation at 55%, followed by crime and violence. then hunger, homelessness, the economy, health care, the federal government and -- federal budget and illegal immigration at 48%. they asked the question differently. they made it open ended. they said what is the most important problem facing the country today and let people answer what they wanted to sayment here is the latest from
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march of 2024, so march 1. and the top at 28% was immigration, followed by the government or poor leadership, the economy in general and inflation. so, those are some of the things. but, speaking of the economy, look at what maryland's governor said about the bridge collapse and economic impact it would have across the country. >> it is not just an impact on maryland. it is a master impact on the national economy. we are talking about one of the busiest ports in the country that handles support cars and trucks and agriculture equipment. it is not just impacting maryland. it is impacting the farm in kentucky, the restaurant in louisiana.
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and tennessee. this is impacting the entire country so it does become a fat imperative that we get the port of baltimore going again the support we're seeing is not because everybody is trying to do maryland a favor but the at that time economy relies on the port of baltimore running. >> getting it open and running any idea of that for a time line? guest: the whole operation is remarkably complex and this is pretty unprecedented. different than what we saw from tampa or minneapolis because we have a vessel that is nearly the size of the eiffel tower because the bridge is on top of it. inside the water you have debris, inside water you have
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wreckage. and you have a channel that is clogged because the ship is still sitting there. so this is a remarkably complex operation and we know it will be a long road to recovery but we have to move with safety and speed to get our commercial engine going again. >> about that impact thi is all japanese what is the -- it could cost the economy $15 million per day wail finishers face up -- >> we are taking your top concern. the numbers are republicans 202-748-8001, 202-748-8000 for democrats and independents is
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202-748-8002. here is an argument about immigration is it required to provide details of border chaos and be more therapeutic about border activity particularly how many illegal immigrants it is catching and releasing and why it is having trouble keeping so many in detention. congress ordered the damage in the spending package. as part of the orders lawmakers insisted that homeland security make it public. among the data required to be posted are how many detention beds the department pays for each month and how many it is filling. the department pus reveal the total number of migrants county and released under the secretary's parole. the reason is the number caught
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and released understood other authorities and funnel of illegal immigrants referred by agents and officers to the justice department for criminal position. we have got a few posts here that book share with you. brad in safe book says economy, illegal immigration, foreign policy, men and women sports and bathrooms. scott says i want to re-elect a president that governs and surrounds themselves with professionals. biden works with the lower and middle class, trump works for himself. we will go to calls now. first earl in redding, california, republican. caller: good morning come america. listen, of course there is immigration. number one, when you see dozens
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of illegal aliens rushing our troops on the border while they are holding machine guns, is there any doubt if i was trying to get across into mexico that i would not be shot dead on the spot? is there any doubt in anybody's mind? this election coming up is a fight for good vs. evil, and i'm going to tell you, there's been some reports of our cia involved in the shooting in the theater in moscow, ok, and i believe that this democratic party is so evil that if they really believe that trump is going to take this election, and it sure looks like he could again, they would put us into world war iii to avoid it. that's what i believe, ok, that's how sad it is. host: all right, earl. ray in aurora, colorado, independent. caller: good morning.
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i'm affiliated with the libertarian party, unlike the previous caller-- and like the previous caller, might number one issue is immigration, although my take is entirely different. one of the big problems has to do with the immigration court case load. i never thought i would see it go anywhere beyond 3 million, never mind one million or 2 million. the administration promised to tackle the root causes of mass migration, particularly in america, but i seriously doubt that this admonition or any other is really willing to tackle it. to me, one of the records is has to do with our involvement -- root causes has to do with our involvement in destabilizing agents and favoring not so good leaders over the decades. i look at our meddling in foreign affairs as a root cause
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for mass migration. and generally i think another big cause of illegal immigration is the lack of legal opportunities available. we need to do a weekend to give immigrants an incentive to come in legally. and that means -- sorry, that means expanding legal options for everyone. host: got it. this is an ap poll about immigration with the headline "most favor hiring more border patrol agents." 79% of republicans, could 4% of democrats favor hiring more border patrol -- 54% of democrats appear having more border patrol agents. it is a bit busy, but this is the visual of those results. cary, milwaukee, republican.
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caller: good morning. i guess overall -- social security is my top election issue. overall it's even more sad. i'm a republican, i voted for trump twice, but right now i feel nauseous when i think about the upcoming election because i just think it's so sad that we literally do not have an acceptable ticket for president and vice president, and i'm including trump in that as well. i'm sorry that our politics have gotten so polarized. that is probably the top issue in the whole world, but not really an election issue. host: carrie, as a republican was there somebody you wanted to see run? caller: yes, nikki haley. i think she would've made an outstanding present. even ron desantis, too.
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yeah, yeah. i had been very interested in what the no labels party was going to try to do, and they said they would only run a ticket if they could find an acceptable ticket and a ticket that they thought could beat biden -- they were only going to run a ticket if it came down to biden and trump, which it is right now. and if they thought they could put together a ticket that could draw enough moderate republicans like myself and moderate democrats to beat both of those. that effort unfortunately has fallen apart a little bit. i actually went joe manchin was considering it or was thought to be considering it, he could have been the first democrat i've ever voted for in my life, because he was very practical and reasonable as a democrat and moderate and all that. but he has gone on to do other things. larry hogan, former baltimore,
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maryland -- again, no labels is going to run a combined ticket of president was going to be one party and vice president was going to be the other. oh, my goodness, how bipartisan can you get? unfortunately with joe lieberman's death, and i believe he was a cofounder of no labels or very involved in it, it seems like both parties -- i've heard that the democrat party has left a lot of democrats command i feel like the republican party has left a lot of republicans like myself with nowhere to go. thank you for listening to me. host: all right, carrie, and regarding nikki haley voters come this is also an "the washington times," " trump makes no big moves to earn support of wavering haley voters." the co-chair said many of her voters are gettable for former president donald trump, but he has "a lot of work to do." jerry is calling us from clay
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city, kentucky, independent. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. my greatest concern is honesty. back when pearl harbor got dropped on, tried to warn everybody, pearl harbor would bomb, nobody would listen. his father-in-law was -- i think he was the missionary doctor. callers wouldn't the sinful --wouldn't listen. everybody voted democrat. i went to virginia in 15 years to become a bureaucrat -- honestly it's my name concern. i'm a registered independent. host: who do you see of the top
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contenders between biden and trump, who do you feel is more honest? caller: i would vote for governor of florida and vote for trump. i love them both. they are action people. america needs to get on -- you know, if my people will humble themselves, we need to do it. humble comes into honesty. world war ii and world war i ladies -- >> know, good afternoon to you all. welcome. we are delighted to have you here. it is a real plumage to welcome ambassador -- it is a real privilege to welcome ambassador thomas-greenfield. just a word of introduction, but charlie is going to do that, really. i'm glad to see all of you here. when i was talking with charlie i


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