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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  April 3, 2024 10:32am-11:29am EDT

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>> the house will be in order. >> this year c-span celebrates 45 years of covering congress like no other. since 1979, we have been your primary source for capitol hill. providing balanced, unfiltered coverage of government. taking you to where the polcies debated and decided all with the support of america's cable companies. c-span, 45 years and counting. powered by cable. more on that t to sell weapons to israel. we are joined by laura seligman. she broke the story on the arms sale. what kind of weapons are we talking about here? guest: the was government is close to approving this massive aid package that includes $18 million for fighter jets and 30 amrams and jdm guided kits which
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turns down bombs into smart weapons. they are moving up in the process. state department notification means the administration is ready to move forward with the sale and all that is left is for them to be green lit by the congressional committees. it is pretty close. however, it could be stalled because of this israeli airstrike that killed seven workers on monday at the world central kitchen. that has sparked a lot of debate and conversation in the public. the sales combined with the airstrike is expected to spark debate in congress as democrats already are against selling arms to israel and are putting pressure on president biden to condition some of that aid to get israel to stop bombing and
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take more care of the civilians. host: $18 billion is what the package is, jets and missiles. israel says it needs these weapons now in its war against hamas. why does it need these weapons? guest: they are for longer-term modernization of the israeli military. the bombs and weapons israel is using now they had in their stocks for some time. the u.s. provides billions of dollars of aid to israel every year for the last decades. when october 7 happened, they rushed additional weapons from our stockpile, including summit for you -- some government for ukraine. they want actually arrive in israel for many years, three to five years for these jets.
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host: talk to the difference between an aid package for israel and this type of weapons sale. is the aid package used to make these purchases? guest: the eight package a lot of viewers are familiar with, the eight packages to ukraine, that is something where the u.s. government is paying for those weapons with money appropriated from congress and some from the u.s. dod stockpiles to ukraine or israel or whatever it is. this is a foreign military sale by the department of defense and the department of state and by congress. typically much greater value in terms of dollar amounts. this is $18 billion worth of f-15s. it's a weapons sale that israel paid for. much of that is paid for by the united states through a vehicle
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called for in military finance where the u.s. gives israel money for weapons. the u.s. is funding much of the israeli military. host: for members of congress who want to put conditions on this or want to stop additional military weapons to israel, what tools do they have in their toolbox? guest: there is a set of legal amendments that would restrict he was funding to a country or unit in the israeli military or any military they have found committed gross violation of human rights. the issue is that the wording is vague. it does not explain what executive violation looks like. it is difficult to use this law. it needs someone to bring it up
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and object to the sale to put conditions on any military aid to israel. the administration has said that is not going to happen. they will not treat israel any different than other countries. they continue to say israel has the right to defend itself and it is targeting military targets and not intending to kill civilians as hamas is, which is a key distinction. host: in terms of when this might happen you mentioned it was noted to congress informally earlier this year. we found out about it because of your story earlier this week. how much time might members of congress have if they want to put some sort of stop to this? guest: they have a lot of time. it does not need to go through eminently. it could go through quickly and our sources were expecting the sale to go through in the couple of weeks because notification means seed administration is
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ready to move on -- the administration is ready to move on. the congressional committees had already approved. they had approved the sale. now that the strike happened on monday that killed the world kitchen workers, that has become a real hot item of debate and sparked questions over whether we should be spending -- selling additional arms to israel. you could see, although it is rare to object at this point in the process, we could see some kind of opposition and the sale might not go through for some time. host: questions some of your colleagues brought up to secretary of state antony blinken yesterday about this sales package. we will show viewers that clip and just a little bit here. what was your sense of state department response and his response there? guest: i certainly think the
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administration is in a tough spot here. they have been defending israel all along but this strike, they are condemning it. we saw john kirby say it was alarming. my sources at dod say it was clearly a mistake. this was not meant to happen. however, there are indicators -- there are questions about intentionality, including the fact it was a drone strike that hit each truck in the convoy one at a time. as well as the fact the world central kitchen did share their route ahead of time. that raises a lot of questions about whether israel hit the convoy. this is resonating so much in washington, d.c. now, more so than other previous strikes because the founder of world central kitchen is a d.c. chef.
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he has multiple popular restaurants in d.c. because he's a celebrity everyone has heard about it. wait a minute, maybe we should be looking into this. host: if you want to see her work. thank you for your time this morning on the washington journal. guest: thanks for having me. host: following up on some reaction from members of congress to that strike on the world central kitchen convoy that killed seven aid workers, a sense of some of the tweets from members of congress yesterday and their reaction. jim mcgovern, senior democratic calling it devastating.husetts "workers are heroe i'm heartbroken to learn of their loss. also angry. benjamin netanyahu needs to stop bombing civilians and weaponizing food. release the hostages. peace."
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peter welch writing this week, "jose andriy briefed me and other senators don's a -- the daunting challenges they n gaza. this is really missile strike an attack that killed seven world kitchen workers is more tragic idence the way that netanyahu's government is conducting the war is terribly wrong." we will go through more reaction for you. we are asking you whether you support or oppose additional u.s. military weapons to israel. (202) 748-8000 if you say you support. (202) 748-8001 if you say you oppose. we mentioned secretary of state antony blinken was asked about this yesterday, these $18 billion in new sales and other military transfers in the past. this is about two minutes of his back and forth with reporters
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yesterday. [video] >> this is true with other countries, there are a number of open cases, open requests of previously notified cases which has not been fully fulfilled or completed. in the case of israel, for example, there are many requests that were made and were notified to congress and agreed back a decade or more. it takes time often to reduce the material or weapons in question, the parts, etc. these complex systems can take years to actually allow us to fulfill the request in agreement. -- and agreement. many of the cases you occasionally report on now under congressional review -- were
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under congressional review years ago, years before the conflict in gaza started. reporter: [inaudible] >> let me come to that. all this context is important. we, of course, also go out of our way to make sure that we are actually going above and beyond the law and what is required in briefing congress. we go to the relevant oversight committees. we make sure they are aware of ongoing transfers above the statutory threshold. even once they have approved a long time ago. -- ones they have approved a long time ago and there's no requirement of additional notice or additional approval of any kind. now we have been focused on making sure october 7 can never happen again.
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having said that, the relationship with israel is not just about gaza, hamas, october 7. it is also about the threats posed to israel by hezbollah, by iran, by various other actors in the region. each one of which has about one way or another to try to destroy israel. the weapons, the systems israel has sought to acquire have been contracted in many cases over many, many years. they go to self-defense. they go to deterrence to avoid more conflicts. host: antony blinken talking about weapon sales, a separate process than the aid package that we often talk about here in recent weeks and months. israel one of the largest recipients of usaid over the years. here is a chart looking at the
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numbers from recent decades in the past 10 years or so. israel has averaged about 3.6 billion dollars a year from the united states in terms of military aid, also economic aid and missile-defense aid. you can see how the numbers have spiked over the years. the biden administration pushing for more than $10 billion in additional aid to israel. that process still playing out on capitol hill. amid that process we are asking about this story about weapons sales to israel. do you support or oppose additional military weapons to israel? we have phone numbers for both answers. we will put those numbers on the screen as we hear from mike in massachusetts. you are a first. caller: good morning. it's been a while. some time ago the leader of iran made a statement to the world. he said we are going to wipe israel off the face of the map.
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we see what israel has been up against since the end of world war ii. i'm for the sale of the weapons to israel. also look at the economic aspect of it. billions and billions of dollars in arms sales to israel, especially in jet aircraft translates into hundreds of thousands of good paying jobs here at home. that's about what i wanted to say. israel, no matter how critical we can be of israel, our number one ally in the world. they are our staunchest supporter. that is basically all i have to say. host: you mentioned since the end of world war ii, a separate chart going back to usaid,
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economic -- u.s. aid, economic and military. the largest recipient of u.s. aid. it's not even close. 300 billion dollars over that time from 1946 to the year 2023. the closest is egypt and afghanistan and then south vietnam. that accounts during the vietnam war. back to your phone calls. marvin in philadelphia. you are next. caller: i'm against it. the guy before me was talking about world war ii. it was agreed that israel would have its own state and we would defend that. right now they are killing civilians. they have 70,000 civilians killed. they should go for peace. we should not give them no more arms, because the government is running rogue right now.
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it's not about protecting israel . it's about killing people. that's all it got. host: that was marvin in philadelphia. this is steve, san jose. caller: thanks for taking my call. let's not forget three things that make all the difference in the world. number one, palestinians voted hamas into power. number two, palestinians have taught their children from day one to hate the jews. number three, after the war started hamas stated, and this is the leadership of a mosque, that they would do it again and again and again. three agains. they must be destroyed.
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completely. host: it brings up another topic of the potential -- likely at this point invasion of the city of rafa in southern gaza. benjamin netanyahu saying that is the final holdout of the hamas fighters that are still constituting a significant force in the fight. united states fearing another humanitarian or continue to expanded humanitarian disaster in rafa. have you been following that decision? caller: i have been following it very closely. israel has stated they believe they are for battalions in that city and if the united states, blinken and biden have a better way of doing it, if they have
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any suggestions, tell israel and make it public. they keep complaining but they have no suggestions. host: that is steve and san jose. the picture from the washington post of smoke billowing over rafah after an israeli bombardment. the story noting it is home to about 1.4 million people, the last refuge of those displaced from other parts of gaza. the washington post speaking with three israeli security officials and american officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the looming fight for rafah. if you want to read that story, and it gets into what the caller was talking about, the expectations for how many fighters for hamas are expected to be in the city. this is brooke in newark, new
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jersey. caller: good morning. god bless america. i oppose this. i don't understand why some people just can't get out of this war mindset. why do we have to keep being at war? i don't care if israel's money goes to our country. it also brings enemies to our country. the fact that our border is on the top and bottom is wide open, it's ridiculous for people to keep inciting these problems. we have so many problems in this world that we need to address. war is only making things worse. i'm tired of seeing the bodies of dead children. we need to start moving to other issues around the world that need help, because, you know, this is too much. it is just too much. i don't know why we keep doing
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the same thing and expecting different results. it's a little insanity at this point. i'm a young black man -- i'm sorry. host: what is the way to get different results here in israel -palestine, decades of decades of conflict? what are different things to do to get different results? caller: first of all, people need to stop repeating what people say. i heard the gentle men talk about, oh, hamas said they would do this over and over again. they don't have the capabilities to attack israel how they did before. the fact there is so much surveillance on it now, it is not going to happen again. that's ridiculous. it's completely ridiculous that people keep saying that. yeah, they said it out of anger. you can take anybody out of context when they are anger -- angry and they will say mean things. the best way to get to peace is
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to actually allow people to have prosperity. period. equal prosperity. what's happening in the west bank, it's easy for people to only talk about gaza. they'll talk of the stuff going on in the west bank. they compartmentalize where they want to have their anger. we need peace. people are dying. people need help and we need to move onto to the other conflicts and other issues that need to be addressed, period, netanyahu has got to go. hamas has got to go. put the palestinian authority that can be trusted and create a buffer zone with international people to keep everybody safe, period. host: we are asking you this morning do you support or oppose additional u.s. military weapons sales to israel? it's a question to members of congress are looking into now. the question that played out on the sunday shows this past weekend.
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from senator chris van hollen, the democrat from maryland, he was asked about it on abc news on sunday's this week. this is what he said. [video] >> i think we need to better use our leverage. one of them is sending more offense of weapons -- offensive weapons. president biden needs to be serious about ensuring humanitarian assistance into gaza as netanyahu has been making his demands. we have a situation where the netanyahu government continues to rebuff the president of the united states time and time again. ignores reasonable requests. what do we do? we say we will send more bombs. my view is that a partnership needs to be a two-way street, not a one-way blank check with american taxpayer dollars. this is not about saying we are going to provide anymore weapons. it's about saying, hey, we have requests.
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don't let people starve to death. in other words, yes. support israel's right to defend itself. i'm all in on that. i have been all in from the beginning, but reasonable requests like preventing people from starving. 2 million palestinians who had nothing to do with hamas. the president needs to back up his no excuses language with real action and just providing a blank check, providing more bombs without getting assurances now about rafah and not making the humanitarian disaster worse and doing simple things right now to help people who are starving to death and gaza, those seem to be simple requests. we have a situation where netanyahu continues to essentially give the finger to the president of the united states. we are sending more bombs. that does not make sense. host: senator chris van hollen of maryland on the sunday shows.
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one more from the sunday shows. fox news sunday, republican senator rick scott of florida. this is what he said when it came to additional weapons and aid for israel. [video] >> they need american support. number one, they need and deserve american support. they have to go into rafah to destroy hamas. number two, qatar needs to get the hostages out. number three, iran needs to be held accountable. we all have to do everything we can to support them. i will work hard to get the hostages home. i think the biden administration and democrats need to change their tune. they did not -- america did not stand up for israel at the you win the u.n. resolution. -- u.n. with the u.n. resolution. >> there are numerous reports out there that aliens more in
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weapons, bombs, fighter jets are flowing to israel from the biden administration. is this a matter of in your estimation publicly talking tough but privately the u.s. is getting israel would it needs despite pressure from the left? >> this is a long fight. they will be a time when they will need more weapons. there has been prior weapons packages that have given israel eight but there needs to be more given to destroy hamas. by the way, we have got to focus on destroying hamas and focus on what are we doing with the hostages. why isn't the biden administration doing anything to hold qatar accountable for what's going on over there? host: senator rick scott of florida. this is the headline from the wall street journal. joe biden's mideast stance angers both sides. asking you whether you would support or oppose additional military weapons to israel.
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jack in virginia, what do you think? caller: good morning everyone. my position on this is absolutely zero, zero, zero support for israel. the way i have been looking at this, your caller before head that had excellent point. -- your caller before had excellent points. this is what we call information operations. if you don't believe for one second the israeli ultraconservative government has not taken a part in october 7, you are plain stupid. this is something that we help to enable. we pivoted to asia. because we did that we lost our eye on the middle east. israel, there is no need for israel or palestine. they don't sell or do anything we necessarily need in the united states. they need to billions of dollars
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we give them and there needs to be a justification for it. you are watching that justification now. we have left and held harmless the ultraconservatives. we have held harmless the fact they themselves sent those people to the desert. when they kill those people -- why are we asking that? host: are you saying this is a false flag operation? you don't believe what happened on october 7 happened? caller: what i am saying is october 7 absolutely happened, but for you to believe it is just hamas, he could not have happened with the ultraconservative israeli government, you were foolish. yes. i believe this is a false flag. it is to pivot us back to the middle east and what you are watching is part of that. host: that is jacket virginia. naomi out of baltimore, maryland. caller: good morning.
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thank you for taking my call. i could not agree more wholeheartedly with the previous caller. i made a call to c-span very early on after the october 7 attack and expressed i thought that netanyahu's little group there of ultraconservatives had allowed -- definitely allowed the october 7, which i absolutely condemn, to occur. host: why would they want that to happen with hundreds of hostages and 1500 people killed? caller: it allows them to meet their goal, which is to get rid of palestine. netanyahu now does not want to consider a two state solution. i believe that has been his goal from the beginning to allow this
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to happen to think that israel had no knowledge, no foreknowledge of this attack is a little bit naive. host: you think benjamin netanyahu will leave office when the conflict is over? caller: i think he's going to be forced out because i think a lot of israelis see this probably the way i do and the way the previous caller does. they believe in a two state solution. they believe every human deserves a place, deserves to live in freedom, not caged in and they just want the palestinians gone. the fact that more aid workers have been killed in this conflict since october 7 than i don't know how long but a long, long time. this is a high rate of kill of aid workers.
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they are not allowing aid in. that's a war crime. they are starving and entire populace of people intentionally. that's a war crime. bombing aid workers is a war crime, intentionally. i do believe that is what is going on. it was a three drone attack on mark's cars when they had -- marked cars when they had foreknowledge of what they were there for. it's obvious it was intentional. host: you mentioned a war crime. this was talked about -- lauren talked about this when we were talking about members of congress who may want to step in when it comes to additional arms sales to israel. the lahey low, named dr. patrick leahy -- the lahey law prohibits u.s. government from using funds
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for assistance to units of foreign security forces where there is credible information implicating the unit in the commission of gross violations of human rights. if numbers of congress do feel like those gross violations of human rights, if the definition is met when it comes to this that is something they can use to prevent additional sales of weapons. we will see if that bears any momentum in the days and weeks to come. patrick in pittsburgh, good morning. patrick, are you with us? caller: i'm here. host: go ahead. caller: it is stunning when you listen to the previous callers, they even begin to understand how accurate they are about the israeli direct participation in this exercise. the new york times made a report. the report was very telling that
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israel was providing absolutely meticulous intelligence about the october 7 event. what this says is, this opens the pandora's box of questions. if i'm your neighbor and i know your house is going to be blown up with a weapon and i tell you about it and i give you meticulous information about the conspirators are going to do it and you do nothing about it, you wanted it to happen. this is exactly what took place on october 7. look at who was annihilated. you had all these metaphysical spiritual peaceful peace makers. they were the first to die. these were the individuals who were walking out into these enclaves.
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all of a sudden they see these winged individuals flying over top of them. they are the first to be killed with machine guns. here is a perfect example. if netanyahu, part of the most surveilled people in history of the world, the most surveilled people in the world had no idea, and i don't care whether the new york times came up with this report are not, the previous callers hit the nail on the head. there is absolutely no way in hell the israeli government did not know and they did not allow it to happen. host: that is patrick. this is john in penns grove, new jersey. good morning. caller: yes. i think we need to have immigration for all the palestinians to come here. then we can make gaza with
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casinos in apartments and hotels and everything and sell them plenty of concrete trucks. host: robert in richmond, maine. good morning. caller: there are a lot of mind readers out there. i'm conflicted on this. i don't want to see anybody die. i'm german-american heritage. world war ii. 350,000 to 500,000 german civilians were killed but nobody was complaining about that. i think that was the right thing to do. we had to get rid of the enemy until he could not fight anymore. that is why i'm conflicted. i see this as a answer that israel has to fight for the existence. host: when we talk back to the looming invasion of rafah, and
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that is where israel said hamas is, the majority of the remainder of their forces, that is where they believe the hostages are. the u.s. fearing a disaster rafah. i humanitarian disaster. you are saying they need the ability to go in and despite what is likely to be an increased disaster, let them do that? caller: yeah. it's not a matter of letting it. it is for their survival. they don't have a lot of options as far as i can see. i don't want to see anybody die unjustified but they don't really have an option as far as i can see. they have to do something. we are not offering any solutions for them. all we have is a lot of people because of the internet. we did not have the internet in world war ii so maybe it would have been the same in world war ii. it does not sound like there is
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a lot of opposition to it. host: when it comes to opposition, growing opposition to provide additional military aid to israel or put some conditions on that as a way to reign them in, that is not something united states should be doing? caller: hi dona. i don't have -- i don't know. i don't have an answer. host: here is more from the council on foreign relations on the issue of the lahey law or with the united states can or has done in the past when it comes to these military sales to foreign countries. a refresh of what the law does. the u.s. can operate ask purity assistance to foreign countries or groups that -- the administration in february of 2023 said it would not provide arms to recipients deemed likely to commit serious human rights
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violations. some scholars and critics allege the data states has not applied the lahey law regarding israel as it has with other middle eastern countries. any military aid unite states provides would only be used according to the agreed-upon terms and conditions. it is incumbent on the u.s. government to monitor the and use of the equipment it provides. the ronald reagan administration band transfers of cluster munitions to israel for several years back in the 1980's after determined israel had used them on civilian targets during its invasion of lebanon. the biden administration withheld upland shipment of assault rifles to israel in december of 2023 due to concerns the weapons would end up in the hands of extremist israeli settlers in the west bank. israel agreed to use the weapons only in self-defense. administration officials said they will not place further constraints on how israel uses u.s. weapons.
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the council on foreign relations, their chart from back in the beginning of this year amid a couple of months into the war in gaza on u.s. aid to israel. is where you can find that. richard out of louisville, kentucky. caller: is that council on foreign relations -- is that the muscle group? -- muslim group? host: the cfr, the council on foreign relations. caller: as we all know, for most of us, cair are members of the muslim brotherhood who are terrorists. yes, give israel everything it needs to totally wipe out hamas, or there will be people today. yes. hamas will you civilians.
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they will hold them up and they will say here, you have to kill them first before you get to us. it's going to happen. here's the kicker for me after listening to six or seven of your callers. they actually believe the mainstream media, and they kept bringing up the new york times, who in world war ii denied the holocaust until finally eisenhower released the videos of those poor jews over there coming out of auschwitz and the other concentration camps. naked women running around being totally -- it was terrible. but now the new york times was to say netanyahu did this. he let it happen. you are telling me we are supposed to believe that the new york times -- that netanyahu and the israelis killed their own
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people? that is what c-span has allowed to come on air. that is what joe biden is pushing so he can get reelected. israel is the bad person for having all those babies beheaded, putting ovens, pregnant women slaughtered. now israel is the bad guy. give them everything they need and wipe out hamas completely. host: that is richard in louisville, kentucky. mike out of fairbanks, alaska. you are next. caller: good morning. there are so many variables here that people need to realize. according to a couple of reputable news agencies, netanyahu had seven hours warning on this.
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we are finding iraq and their proxies, has below, hamas -- has below, hamas. host: are you talking about iraq? -- iran? caller: yes. investigate united nations for assisting hamas on the rate. why is that not being talked about? the mainstream media not get any truth on tv or newspapers. they are all controlled now. do some deep research. flyer the three battalions there? since israel is 98% faxed with the deaf? , they are making terrible decisions. vicious decisions. host: dennis and hudson,
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indiana. caller: all these people that want to say what happened to these aid workers is a war crime, whatever going to prosecute biden for the war crime in afghanistan? the drone strike that killed the aid worker and his family in afghanistan. let's see joseph biden face jail time and then we will talk about israel. host: that is dennis in hudson, indiana. the strike earlier this week getting a lot of attention. the strike on the world aid kitchen workers, jose and re's group. antony blinken answered questions about that when he faced reporters. [video] >> first, i can only say so many of us extend our condolences to the loved ones, to the families,
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friends, colleagues of those who lost their lives as well as those who were injured. i spoke to hunsaker -- to jose andre a week ago about the gazar conflict around the world, including ukraine. they haven't doing extraordinary brave work day in, day out, and critical work to try to make sure people in need get what they need, starting with the most basic thing of all. food to survive. the victims of yesterday's strike join a record number of humanitarian workers killed in this conflict. these people are heroes. they run into the fire, not away from it. they show the best of what humanity has to offer when the
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going really gets tough. they have to be protected. we should not have a situation where people who are simply trying to fellow -- help fellow human beings are themselves at great risk. we have spoken directly to the israeli government about this particular incident. we have urged swift and thorough and impartial investigation to understand exactly what happened. as we have throughout this conflict we have pressed upon the israelis the imperative of doing more to protect anniston civilian lives, be they palestinian children, women, men or aid workers. as well as to get more humanitarian assistance to more people more effectively. host: secretary of state antony blinken yesterday.
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about 15 minutes here in the first segment of the washington journal, asking you do you support or oppose additional u.s. military weapons to israel? a major weapons sale has been alerted to congress. some $18 billion for fighter jets and missiles and bombs. it might not arrive for years before it is completed in its entirety. amid criticism of help israel conducted this war in gaza, asking if you support or oppose u.s. the terry weapons to israel -- military weapons israel. robin in schenectady, new york. caller: good morning. that's a strange group of people to put me after. hi find it funny that they put their logos on top of the vans and they keep bombing them. they did that to a red cross bus back in 2006.
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i think that is real strange. anyway, i don't think we should be continuing to give them money at all. it is disgusting what you see in international publications. our news certainly will not report what's going on over there. i don't know what biden thinks will happen if he keeps diverting away from the people. clearly people are disgusted with this and so on my. -- so am i. what is his game? host: what do you mean when you don't think our news is reporting was going on over there? between the five or six different national papers i went through this morning there is plenty of stories. what do you mean the news is not reporting what is going on over there? caller: quick report more on people like antony blinken and our press secretary's beauty --
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secretary spewing absolute lies. it is surprising to me there are nuggets of truth coming out. when you look at international publications they have been more honest and more open with the situation that has been going on there. host: where do you go? caller: i follow ap. i follow al jazeera, which israel is trying to kick out. we should go around and look for that news. they have killed something like 130 journalists over there. they are trying to kick al jazeera out. i follow couple of people on twitter as well. i'm struggling term, the other publication at the moment. -- to remember the other publication at the moment. it's ridiculous i have to go outside the country to hear what's going on. the fact our country took so
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long to actually get truth out is staggering and i find that --they are running cover for biden most of the time. the fact they are sneaking this underneath is crazy to me. i don't understand what he thinks he's going to get out of this. how does he think that will benefit him? he's practically throwing the election away at this point. host: this is stella out of oregon. good morning. the west coast. caller: those guys are starving. they should push hamas out but they're not. they still won't give them up. the same thing over there in ukraine. what are they going to start talking peace? it is crazy was going on here and our own country and we stick our nose everywhere else. thank you. host: joe in new jersey, you are
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next. joe, are you with us? caller: yes, i am. i appreciate you taking my call. 20 years retired united states military, u.s. coast guard from 1997 to 2016. i lost a cousin in vietnam. now vietnam is a delivery port for the u.s. navy -- a live report for the u.s. navy. why war? this thing with israel --netanyahu was about to face a major setback. he was going to change their version of the constitution. the young people, 20 and 30 somethings were about to protest. if you're telling me with his intelligence he left the border open on purpose, i believe he did. i believe you knew what the consequences were. furthermore, without america
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israel does not have a gross thomistic product. they get the guns of dollars are ready. to sell the weapons. i'm also a veteran. i remember two weeks before the attack i was stationed in new york. a few weeks before the attack the palestinian police headquarters was rocketed by a cobra gunship that we make here. 25 years ago there was a massacre of women and children in gaza. do you win -- the u.n. does not find anything wrong. host: a protest in israel is continuing to happen. the bbc story from earlier this week, benjamin netanyahu protest puts political divide in israel back on display. israel's deep political divisions are back and open to the public. you see the picture there of the israeli flag and netanyahu's
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face on it. caller: are you saying -- i missed the first part of what you're saying. that's a pro palestinian rally. host: this is in israel, israelis protesting benjamin netanyahu. caller: that's goodcaller:. they should. i have a son with type one juvenile diabetes. my brother headed 50 years. $18 billion in weapons and we can't cure one autoimmune disease? we put a man on the moon with the technology of a timex watch and we can't cure diseases? i agree with your caller who said why war. tony bennett did not sing his way through world war ii. he was a combat infantry soldier. he liberated a concentration camp. he's a pacifist. he says violence is the lowest
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form of human behavior, and he should know. he had a front seat and held for 18 months -- in hell for 18 months. my mother-in-law was born in captivity in germany. nobody gave them a country of their own. they had a choice, brazil, argentina, or the united states. it was on was seven years after the war was over that they got to fly here. to create a country -- the whole thing is wrong. host: that is joe in new jersey. mike in lawrence, new york. you are next. caller: thank you. i would like to make three points. number one, you posted a chart a while ago indicating the eight the united states israel from 1946. i think it's important to
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remember that 1947 the u.s. secretary of state for commercial -- george marshall told ben gary and -- gurion united states would boycott that state. and that's exactly what the united states did. the united states did not supply a single weapon israel until after the 1967 war. the six-day war was used and succeeded with french aircraft and with weapons received from other places in the world. zero from the united states, number one. number two, the $3.8 billion of aid israel receives from the united states is very well appreciated by israel and it's a fantastic investment by the united states. the data states receives
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intelligence and information worth multiple $3.8 billion. check with lockheed martin and see how the f-35, their most advanced fighter is tested and significantly improved by israel , providing billions of dollars of value. the $3.8 billion israel receives from the u.s. is spent in the united states. providing thousands of jobs in the united states. israel's gdp is $565 billion. the $3.8 billion israel receives from the u.s. represents well under 1% of israel's gdp. israel is grateful for your support and the united states should be grateful to have an
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ally as faithful and strong as israel. thank you. host: steve out of anaheim, california. just a couple of missed left of the first segment of the washington journal. caller: i will make this short. you asked earlier what we should do to prevent the war in palestine and israel. instead of spending billions of dollars on planes, grow a conscience and put it in front of the u.n. the original agreement was a two state solution. that is what we should get back to. if you want to get rid of hamas, take the power from beneath them by allowing palestinians to take their place before the u.n., have the court -- the world court make a judgment on what we are supposed to do and follow that instead of spending tons of money on killing women and children and blowing of hospitals which has nothing to
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do with hamas. they found no evidence of it whatsoever. i'm not going to get sidetracked on that. that is away i look at it. i'm worried about after this wars over who's going to have to pay for the reconstruction of palestine. we will be on the hook fort because we are the dumbassses that put this war weapons in the hands of israel. i don't believe a single word benjamin netanyahu is saying. host: the last call in the first segment, mitchell, florida. good morning. are you with us? caller: yes, i'm with you. thanks for making my call. i support israel 100%. one of the oldest history books of the world, the bible, that land was given to --


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