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tv   Washington Journal Open Forum  CSPAN  April 9, 2024 1:20pm-1:41pm EDT

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>> saturdays, watch american history tv's congress investigates as we explore major investigations in our country's history u.s. house and senate. each week authors and historians will tell these stories, we'll see historic footage from those periods and examine the impact and legacy of key congressional hearings. this week a senate committee led by tennessee democratic senator examines organized crime and interstate commerce in the early 1950's. hearings were held throughout the country and included key figures, including crime boss frank costello, resulting in the f.b.i.'s national crime syndicate. watch congress investigates saturdays at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span2. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we're funded by these television companies and more, including
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mediacom. >> at mediacom, we believe that whether you live here or right here or way out in the middle of anywhere, you should have access to fast, reliable internet. that's why we're leading the way in taking to you 10-g. >> mediacom supports c-span as a public service, along with ese other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. for, this is open. we will start with saul in new york on the democrats line. caller: good morning. i have two statements i want to make. these wars that are happening, if we keep allowing hatred to permeate through our societies, it will never go away. there is no solution to it. another thing is, i just want to
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tell the people what is going on with my life in this country because the media has artificial intelligence that they are using against the public and they are ruining people's lives. they are stripping us of everything, dignity went out the window a long time ago. i just want the people to know what is going on. this is a bigger problem than what is happening in the middle east because if it is happening in america, it is going to happen. i don't think there will be a solution in the middle east if they cant solve the issues in our own country. thank you for taking my call. host: let's hear from david from massachusetts, republican line. caller: i'm talking about the war in ukraine. the problem of the funding of the war in ukraine needs to be
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resolved. members of congress on both sides agreed to an intermediate level of funding by the government of the united states that is acceptable to persons concerned with this issue. this will enable congress to get onto other matters that need attention and lead to legislative efficiency and accomplishment. intrinsic in this matter is an evaluation of the importance of the funding compared to the funding of other policies. if there is any member of the public who thinks that this government is inadequate -- this
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procedure would enable the public to fund the remaining -- the funds that are not appropriated by whatever level is funded by the government. host: david in massachusetts when it comes to ukraine funding. the guardian and other publications reporting that mike johnson has indicated that the house will take up the issue with ukraine funding as the chamber reconvenes after a recess. johnson is opposed to additional aid. some are pulling to oust the speaker. they will take the necessary steps to address supplemental funding which includes money for ukraine, israel and taiwan. the senate passed a $95 billion
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foreign aid package in january. speaker johnson amended the proposal and told fox news on sunday that if we can talk to the other members and return, hopefully with some important innovations. watch how that plays out on the house side and monitor that by following our main channel on c-span. darrell in michigan, independent line. caller: good morning. thanks for letting me. i want to bring up the eclipse and another point of view. the previous caller said even some are embarrassed at the coincidence of the sun and moon are lining up. if we look back and looking the other direction, 2 billion years
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ago when the moon and the earth separated, the distance between the two objects was 30,000 miles and it has expanded to one million miles to give us this precise unification of celestial objects to give us our eclipse. at the same time, mankind has evolved. when we saw the eclipse and some thought it was an evil omen. we have discovered the scientific reason today. i don't think there is a coincidence. i think it is a demonstration of god's magical engineering and
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design and the creation from the universe. host: status darrell in -- that is darrell in michigan. axios reported that most guys have put ukraine on the floor. mike johnson thinks it is a reauthorizing of the surveillance act as republican's have say on how to change the law that allows government to spy on noncitizens abroad. conservatives are pushing for an amendment that would implement war in other climates saying that they have strayed from their origins and continually abused by state agencies to spy on americans despite a reform that needs to be amended to place restrictions on the fbi and create transparency through the fisa process. that was the republican of idaho. we will look to see if that plays out possibly this week on the house side as well. from texas, billy, democrats line. caller: good morning.
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i just want to say that america is the best nation on this planet because we are a nation of god. we have proven that to people. despite what is going on in the world, there is so much evil going on. present on biden is doing a great job. kamala harris is doing a great job. the citizens are coming together and we make america the world leader because if we don't, evil will take off. i know god is real. i am a son of god. god will keep us on top as long as we believe in him and do the right things. we will go to other planets in the future because we will put people out there. god is explain that to me. i am a son of god and he tells me that we are doing things under his guidance. we cannot explain why people do crazy stuff. humans historically have done crazy stuff. even back to jesus.
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at the end of the day, god has america. america's number one and we will control this world and we will be controlling the universe going forward. host: angie is next in tennessee, republican line. caller: my first question is i wonder why joe biden and the democrats are not pushing for a cease-fire in ukraine like they have been for israel. they have pushed for that in israel. host: ok. that was angie in tennessee. this is open forum. if you want to participate, (202) 748-8000 the number for republicans. (202) 748-8000 for democrats and independents, (202) 748-8002. when it comes for the impeachment trial for mayorkas, a variety of things could play out on wednesday. stay close to that on c-span2. it was on the senate floor last night that several senators
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spoke out on the issue. one of them, the senator from louisiana, republican senator kennedy talking about the article of impeachment and what should be done about them. here is john kennedy from yesterday. [video clip] >> my democrat colleagues in the senate today may be about to make some new history in this room. apparently they think it is a brave new world and they want to set a dangerous new precedent. for the very first time senate democrats are seeking to table, maybe even dismiss an impeachment of a sitting cabinet official without even holding a trial. they are summoning spirits they will not be able to control. please, my colleagues, don't do it. i fear though that senate
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democrats will try to take the articles of impeachment that our colleagues and the united states house of representatives thoughtfully crafted and passed with a majority vote and toss them into the trash without hearing from either side. they don't want to list the house impeachment managers make their case. they don't want to let secretary mayorkas make his case. they just want to ignore the evidence and sweep it under the rug and move on and that is wrong. the senate has never in its history tabled an impeachment. never. in the more than 200 years that this body has existed, the house of representatives has impeached an official 21 times and we have never once tabled the
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impeachment, not once. now senator schumer may also try to dismiss these charges instead of tabling them. that has never been done before either. host: again, that was from yesterday. if you want to see more of the statements from the senators on the pending impeachment trial for mayorkas, you can go to our website at some of those are archived for a short time on our app. when it comes to the topic of books, there is a new list out. this is a wall street journal saying the nobel prize winner's debut novel is among the most targeted books in addition with another biographical novel is
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the most challenged library book according to a report that was released monday by the american library association. "this book is gay" came in third. there were 4200 different titles that were banned from schools and libraries last year. that is the highest level documented by the group and the story adds that by comparison, the number of book titles challenged annually from 2000 to 2020 was fairly stable and never extended 400 targets -- exceeded 400 targets. that is on the domestic front. on the national front, janet yellen finishing up a trip to china in which she talks about among other things, trade policy and import policy from china to the united states and how it could impact the u.s. and other parts of the world.
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she expressed some of those concerns about that trade policy yesterday in a speech in china. here is a portion of it. [video clip] >> i am worried about how china's enduring macroeconomic imbalances, namely, it's weak household consumptions and business overinvestment aggravated by large-scale government support in specific industrial sectors will lead to significant risk to workers and businesses in united states and the rest of the world. china has long had excess savings but investment in the real estate sector and government-funded infrastructure has interrupted much of it. now we are seeing an increase in business investment in a number of new industries targeted by the prc's industrial policy and
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that includes electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries and solar. china is now simply too large for the rest of the world to absorb this enormous capacity. actions taken by the prc today can shift world prices. the global -- when the global market is flooded by artificially cheap chinese products, the viability of american and other firms is put into question. host: that was treasury secretary janet yellen. we will hear from rick from boston, democrats line. good morning. caller: can you hear me? host: go ahead. can you get closer to your phone please? caller: can you hear me now? host: it is still a little low.
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can you try one more time? caller: can you hear me? host: go ahead. i apologize, you are coming in faint. we will put you on hold and see if you can improve the signal and we will try you again. again, open forum is available. (202) 748-8001, republicans. (202) 748-8000, democrats. independents, (202) 748-8002. text us at (202) 748-8003. we are on the topic of ukraine, senator schumer, the majority leader's speech on the senate floor yesterday encouraging his colleagues to continue support of ukraine when it comes to funding. here is part of the plea made by schumer. [video clip] >> is the congress goes back
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into session, i urge republicans and snap -- to snap out of their paralysis. the situation in ukraine is desperate. speaker johnson has sat on his hands for 55 days as the national security supplemental has collected dust. that is 55 days of america standing on the sidelines while our friends in ukraine die on the battlefield with no support. 55 days of our european allies wondering when the u.s. will step up. with each passing day ukraine continues to run out of ammo, continues to run out of soldiers and run out of hope to expel the russians from their borders. the biggest reason ukraine is losing the war is because the hard right in congress has paralyzed the united states from acting. that's it. that's the reason. speaker johnson has to decide whether or not he will do the right thing for ukraine, america
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and for democracy or if he will allow maga republicans to hand vladimir putin a victory. host: senator schumer from yesterday. terri in illinois, democrat line. caller: it is interesting from secretary janet yellen. the comment that she made, i think china is poised to try to take over our universe. it is a reflection we should all ponder. it is very important that we unify. divided, we will fall. host: what attitude should we take toward china generally? caller: china has been aggressive in all kinds of ways.
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now this so-called capitalist society needs to make sure all americans are included in this capitalist society. that is one of the issues. i will include everybody. host: that was terri in illinois. the hill reporting this morning, marjorie taylor greene keeping a fresh -- he being a fresh set of criticism on speaker johnson, laying out a list of grievances against the louisiana republican and explain her decision to follow a motion to oust him. marjorie taylor greene is threatening to force a vote to remove johnson and late into the speaker for a litany of reasons, arguing that he is not properly
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serving the gop conference. "i will not tolerate mike johnson serving the democrats and helping them achieve their policies that are destroying our country. he is throwing our own razor thin majority into chaos and not serving his own gop constituents that elected him." this will be from russell in washington, d.c., republican line. caller: hi. i wanted to talk about illegal immigration but not here in the united states proper but on the island of guam which is a u.s. territory. the island of guam is being, if you will allow the use of the term, invaded by chinese nationals. they are all men of military age , no families, no women and children, from china.
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what is important about that is the fact that there is a military facility on guam, a facility to the united states, called the guam magazine. the guam magazine is the repository for naval ordinance that the u.s. navy uses to replenish a specific fleet. what is important about that is if anything happens in the south pacific involving taiwan or anything else for that matter, we may be involved in a problem trying to provide ordinance to our ships in a specific fleet because we are being taken on the island of guam. host: facebook at


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