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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  April 10, 2024 10:00am-11:10am EDT

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alabama, good morning. caller: one of the things i wanted to bring up you guys were talking about china. they took the only factory where the women had to work and moved it so they even sent the women over there to train the mexicans how to make the clothes and the downs that they made up there. that's one comment. my other comment is about the insurrection. we did hear donald trump say we are going to raise hell, we are going to fight. i heard that. the other one is the same thing i've said for the last couple of times i called in. about the mexican border. host: we've got to go because the house is about to gavel in. thank you for watching we will back be back tomorrow. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute,
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which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] speaker's rooms, washington, d.c., april 10, 2024. i hereby appoint the honorable mike bost to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. signed, mike johnson, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the order of the house of january 9, 2024, the chair now recognizes members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. the chair will alternate recognition between the parties with time equally allotted between the parties and each member other than the majority and minority leader and the minority whip limited to five minutes, but in no event shall debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from alabama, ms. sewell. for five minutes.
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ms. sewell: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i rise today to pay honor and tribute to the extraordinary career of a faithful servant leader, the reverend dr. tommy l. lewis, as we celebrate his retirement as the senior pastor of bethel missionary baptist church in pratt city, after 42 years of service. throughout his life, pastor t.l. lewis has poured into his community as both a faith leader and a public servant. after answering the call to ministry in 1973, he led several congregations before settling at bethel missionary baptist church in pratt city in 1982. as pastor, dr. t.l. lewis worked to expand bethel's congregation and deepen its impact by establishing a new worship center in 1990, which included a
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sanctuary with a seating capacity of 1,800. and he commissioned a family life center which became the bethel community life center that garnered thousands of dollars from both the state and federal to support community development and educational initiatives. after a tornado destroyed these buildings in 2011, it was pastor lewis who rallied the community together and rebuilt a beautiful new sanctuary that was completed and consecrated on august 24, 2014. on a personal note, i've been blessed to call pastor lewis a dear friend and a trusted spiritual leader and a mentor. it's because of him that so much has changed in pratt city and birmingham and we are eternally grateful. i ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating dr. t.l. lewis on his retirement as senior pastor at bethel missionary baptist church. in pratt city, after 42 years. mr. speaker, i rise to honor a
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trailblazing leader, dr. glendea baskin glover, as she retires after 11 years as president of tennessee state university in nashville, tennessee. the first woman to ever hold this position, dr. glover has spent her career breaking down barriers and shattering glass ceilings. a native of memphis, dr. glover has accomplished a career both in academia and in business. she is one of two african-american women nationwide to hold a combination of ph.d., c.p.a. and j.d. as president of tennessee state university, dr. glover oversaw significant growth and further solidified t.s.u.'s status as one of america's preeminent hbcu's. and her efforts have earned her the role of vice chair of president biden's hbcu board of advisors. on a personal note, i know dr. glover as my sorority sister
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and as my mentor. among her many affiliations, she is a lifetime member of alpha kappa alpha sorority and served as its immediate past international president. it was my mother, nancy gardner sewell, who mentored dr. glover in her ascension and was so proud of her when she became the international president of alpha kappa alpha sorority and as president of t.s.u. i ask my colleagues to join me in celebrating the retirement of dr. glenda baskin glover, the first woman president of tennessee state university. i know that her retirement does not mean the end of her commitment to community service. i know it will allow her so much much-need -- some much-needed rest and time to spend with her family and friends. we wish her nothing but the best in her future endeavors. thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the chair now recognizes the
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gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. mr. thompson: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, i rise today to recognize the incredible work of the national community action foundation as they celebrate 60 years of community action. virtually every county throughout the country has a community action agency which are organizations charged with fighting poverty at the local level. today i want to recognize some of the incredible work these agencies do at the local level to create opportunities for people to move from poverty to financial independence. community action agencies administer federal funds from the community services block grant which continues to be the only federal program with explicit and overarching goal of reducing poverty, regardless of its cause. the vast majority of csbg funds, no less than 90% of each state's allotment, go directly to local agencies who can use these flexible funds to tailor a unique response to poverty in
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their communities. community action agencies are highly successful at leveraging their csbg allotments to obtain a wide array of other public and private dollars. showing the immense benefits of supporting successful public-private partnerships. these agencies often help administer a wide array of programs, including head start, usda food program, liheap, federal homelessness programs, workforce funding and much more. more than 60 years -- for more than 60 years, a community action network has inspired a spirit of hope, helping millions of people each year change their lives and improve communities all across america. i want to highlight one of the successful agencies in pennsylvania's 15th congressional district, the northern tier community action corporation. northern tier community action has served a four-county region in my district since 1966. covering more than 3,000 square miles and serving thousands of
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individuals annually. they operate a highly successful head start program, providing education, health, nutrition and social services to families with young children who otherwise may not be able to access these services in these rural communities. northern tier also provides housing assistance to families facing imminent loss of their existing housing or who are currently homeless and they help connect low-income individuals to everything from food to energy assistance. while agencies like northern tier are successful at leveraging csbg dollars, we can and must do more to make these dollars go even further. the program has not been re-authorized in nearly three decades. the program, while successful, needs some modernization to allow agencies the ability to tap their full potential and better serve families and communities. this program has a strong
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history of bipartisan support because of the great work it enables, which is why i continue to be a proud partner with my friend, congresswoman susan bonamici, on championing recent re-authorization efforts. several provisions would make the program significantly stronger, including expanded eligibility and an increased authorization to make sure these funds conserve those -- can serve those most in need. it is also critical the community action agencies maintain local control over planning and activities and avoid a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach. i'm also excited about the possibility of a new broadband navigator program, in response to the broadband and digital needs of low-income families and communities. it is time for congress to renew our nation's commitment to reducing poverty, by re-authorizing the community services block grant program. thank you once again to the national community action foundation and the community
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action agencies across the country who serve those most in need every day. thank you, mr. speaker, and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from washington, ms. rey perez thank you, mr. speaker. i ask unanimous -- rey perez perez -- ms. gluesenkamp perez: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to recognize an exceptional group that has successfully attained a key permit for a community center. this community center honors the life of dylan jude harhe will who was 4 years old -- harhe will who was 4 conscious ha -- harrel who was 4 years old when she was diagnosed with a brain cancer and passing away. this community center will descrengen the foundations -- strengthen the foundations of the community by bringing together folks for recreational
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activities and community-led events. community centers like this one are key to a time when the average cost of childcare in the u.s. has risen by 220% in the last 30 years. i ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating the folks at d.j.h. kids and the entire team supporting the community center. i'm excited for what they have in store. mr. speaker, i rise today in honor of the remarkable resilience and dedication of deputy drew kenson of the -- kenison of the sheriff's department. he embodies the essence of a public servant, just a year following an incident that led to the amputation of his left leg above the knee. he made a return to patrol dutyy. his injure resulted from a duty-related accident where a falling tree branch trapped him in his patrol vehicle. it was efforts of his fellow swat team members and emergency responders that saved his life. in a moment which reflected the best of those who serve our community, deputy kenison
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remained positive and determined to return to service throughout his recovery. his journey is a testament to his character and his passion for service. i stand with my community in honoring his unwavering commitment to duty and wish him success as he works towards rejoining the swat team. deputy kenison embodies the best of southwest washington and our law enforcement community and we extend our heartfelt gratitude for his service and the inspiration he provides to us all. mr. speaker, today i rise to honor a remarkable individual in my district, mr. doug "bill" schwartz, a distinguished world war ii veteran who recently celebrated his 100th birthday. his service journey began in the navy where he achieved the prestigious rank of radioman first class. while stationed on the u.s.s. clark mills, -- while serving on the u.s.s. clark mills, the vessel was struck by a torpedo in the mediterranean and sunk, remarkably bill survived the dire situation, being rescued about abritish tug, and his service journey didn't end there.
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following world war ii, he met and married his beloved nancy in 1947 and they were happily married for 68 years. during this period he was called back to the navy to serve in the korean wars. after his navy career, he worked for the federal home loan bank as a loan examiner. in recognizing bill schwartz today we recognize not only his personal journey but the spirit and sacrifice of countless veterans who have selflessly served our nation. bill's story serves as an example of courage, resilience, dedication and to the principles we all hold dear as americans. mr. speaker, today i rise to recognize sergeant alec lannan, a graduate of a high school in my district. one of the five marines who was killed on february 6 in a helicopter crash in a training flight near san diego. sergeant lannan graduated from the high school where my son would attend high school in 2018. he enlisted out of high school, becoming a marine was a life
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long dream of his, following in the foot steps of his father. he was promoted to the rank of sergeant in october, 2022, and was a crew chief for the c.h.538-e helicopter just like his dad. over his career, he earned several decorations, including navy and marine corps achievement medals, a good conduct medal and many, many others. sergeant langen's story serves as a reminder of the sacrifice our military members and their families face whil while they se our nation. to his family and loved ones, i will never understand how deeply you feel his loss every day. but i assure you that sergeant alec langen's sacrifice and example for our country will not be forgotten. thank you, mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: semper fi, the gentlewoman yields back. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from iowa, dr. miller-meeks, for fives minutes. mrs. miller-meeks: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to celebrate cameron satler, a standout
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athlete from clinton high school. this weekend cameron broke another school record in the 3,000 meter run with the time of 10 minutes, 20 seconds, 34 microseconds, showcasing her exceptional talent and dedication. her coach, tony, praises her relentless work ethic and mental toughness which has propelled her to success. but cameron's achievements are not hers alone thecht reflect the collective effort of the entire river queen team who secured the second place overall at t the assumption invitationa. the queens demonstrated their strength and versatility, inspooring us all with their potential for even greater success. let us applaud cameron, her teammates and their coaches for their outstanding achievements and continue to support and celebrate the success of our young athletes. .. ... vment. thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today in celebration of iowa city high school student jackson robertson's recent honorable mention from win for
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c-span's 20th annual student cam competition. every year c-span invades middle and high schoolers to think critically about issues that affect their communities and nation. this year's theme was looking forward while considering the past. his six-minute documentary, america's health care crisis, skill fully exams the impact of underinsurance, lack of health coverage, highlighting rural health care challenges, prescription costs, and chronic illness rates in the united states. his solutions include prioritizing preventive dare and reforming the fee for service model. as a doctor, rural health care issues are near and dear to my heart. i ask my colleagues to join me in celebrating this incredible achievement and wishing him future success as he continues to examine complex issues that affect iowans. mr. speaker, i rise today in honor of gold star spouses day
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which was this past friday, april 5, 2024. in 2010 congress designated april 5 as national gold star spouses day to pay tribute to the surviving husbands and wives of fallen service members i wanted to recognize the iowa family of navy explosive ordnance disposal petty officer first class joseph adam mcseen who along with his teammates gave the ultimate sacrifice during operation iraqi freedom in april of 2007 when their vehicle was struck by an enemy rocket. erin is adams' gold star spouse and proud mother of two girls. lili attends the university of western state. erin volunteers with several nonprofits to advocate for gold star spouses and families. she's excited to see her girls take on the advocacies to take on the unique needs of gold star
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children. i will always fight for service members, veterans, and their families. may god bless the family of adam mcseen. may god bless our service members and veterans. may god bless the united states of america. thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to celebrate the university of iowa women's wrestling team which finished the season strong at the 2024 national collegiate women's wrestling tournament with six collegiate champions and 12 all star americans as well as the team title for the most points. despite only be being inaugurated in 2021, the coach and the entire athletics department have worked tirelessly to build the -- up this program and make it among the most elite women's wrestling teams in the nation. because of these incredible efforts, six champion hawkeyes will represent their school at the olympic trials set to take place at penn state university next week. i visited with the family of one of those wrestling champions, lili, yesterday.
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so, mr. speaker, i ask my colleagues today to join me in celebrating these incredible hawkeyes and wish them well as they work to secure a spot at the olympics this summer. as always and forever. go hawkeyes w that i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the chair now recognizes the gentlewoman from michigan, ms. tlaib, for five minutes. ms. tlaib: the most successful internet affordability program in our nation's history will soon run out of money unless congress acts. 23 million families rely on affordable connectivity program in our country. if congress doesn't re-authorize this funding, the program will run out of money in a matter of weeks. this is deeply concerning for thousands of our residents who depend on this program for internet access. in michigan's 12th district alone this program has benefited 110,000 households reducing broadband costs in the district by $52.1 million annually. losing this access would
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jeopardizele well-being and opportunities for an estimated 64 million americans, especially our seasoned residents. this is why it's so important and i co-sponsor the affordability connectivity exextension text tension act and urge speaker johnson to bring this bill to the floor for a development access to internet is as in its -- necessity for our communities not a luxury. from education to employment to scheduling health care appointments to access to health services, everyone deserves affordable internet access. we cannot let this crucial resource expire and leave our residents disconnected. mr. speaker, disability rights are human rights. everyone in our country and around the world, including people living with disabilities, deserve to lead a fulfilling life with dignity. i'm committed to dismantling the barriers and justices our neighbors our neighbors with disabilities face to ensure our country lives up to equity and equal rights of all people.
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our neighbors with disabilities cannot receive quality health care they need and deserve when medical facilities lack accessible equipment like examination tables, weight scales, dental chairs, and radiology devices. this is why i joined my sister in service, congresswoman pressley, in urging the justice department to address this issue and help disability community access equitable being health care. i'm so grateful for her leadership and partnership. please know that studies have shown women with disabilities have a higher risk of dying from breast cancer and cervical cancer but less likely than able-bodied women to receive mammograms and other tests to diagnose those conditions because of a lack of access to equipment. we must address this injustice with the urgency it deserves. today, mr. speaker, is elfatid.
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the end of ramadan. may allah accept our fast and deeds of the past month and forgive us for our shortcomings. to my colleagues, this aid is not the same for the muslim communities you represent. they witness the starvation and ethnic cleansing of palestinians continue. the images of children in gaza celebrating on top of rubble of their homes, schools that no longer stand brings them to tears. i urge you to please listen to them. listen to the fellow americans of muslim faith when they urge you to not just pray but also demand a permanent cease-fire. saving lives should not be controversial. mr. speaker, no one can disagree that we are facing a housing crisis in our country. today the average renter now pays over 30% of their income towards rent. and 778% of americans are livine living paycheck to paycheck n metro detroit alone there are three extremely low-income
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renter who is holds for each unit that's affordable and available. our investment in public housing have long been insufficient. the detroit housing commission needs hundreds of millions of dollars in capital improvements, but they only have $12 million annually to spend. i introduced the public housing for the 21st century act to ensure public housing developers have access to the latest, best practices using local policy tools and financing. when it comes to home ownership, after 2008 financial crisis, michigan experienced the largest decrease in black home ownership compared to any other state in the country. the black home ownership rates in wayne and oakland counties in my district dropped more than 10 percentage points. this is a crisis that must be addressed. this is fair housing month. i'm urging my colleagues to please support the largest investment in funding for h.u.d.'s affordable housing and homelessness program for the next fiscal year. the speaker pro tempore: the
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gentlewoman yields back. for what purpose does -- the chair now recognizes the gentleman from virginia, mr. cline, for five minutes. mr. cline: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today in celebration of the 100th anniversary of page memorial hospital. for the last century they have dedicated the resources to serving residents of page county and beyond. this year page memorial was named a top 100 critical access hospital by the charter center for rural health. as a critical access hospital they provide a wide range of service that is are vital to maintaining good health and inspiring overall wellness across virginia's sixth district n2014 the hospital moved into a new 67,000 square foot replacement facility which features private in-patient rooms and expanded emergency department and greatly enhanced transitional care program for patients who require additional nursing and rehabilitation care after being discharged from the hospital. the hospital also has a state offart outpatient rehab center
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which brings all of the physical, occupational, and speech therapy services together to provide patients with better coordination of care while increasing patient safety. i'm grateful to having them serve page county and all the folks across virginia's sixth disdirect. thank you for 100 years of care. mr. speaker, i rise to congratulate the salem high school forensics team for making history by winning the 18th consecutive state championship. they dominated the class 4 field with a 40-17 win over the runner-up. these champions include senior cade who led the team with his third straight serious duo championship this year with sophomore bela. along with porch, salem had several first time state champions. including lebron in extemporaneous speaking. claire in impromptu speaking. char lanely and eighth grader
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tara in pros. since ■2004salem has won 99 individual championships in forensics. the coach has done an incredible job of driving home the importance of teamwork amongst the students and his leadership has bolstered the team's success. congratulations to the participants, parents, coaches, and staff for this incredible in making this milestone possible. mr. speaker, i'm proud to recognize the remarkable students of the kate collins middle school and wanesborough high school beta clubs for outstanding achievements and winning first place in hampton. they showcased their exceptional talent and skills with preston stacey winning first place in accessory design, and emma securing second place in on-site art drawing. the team of parker, archer, asher, and sofia earned second place in newsology. i want to celebrate the waynes borough high school club return together state convention for the first time since 2019.
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the quiz bowl team made of jacob, tack, josh, and coldon showed unparalleled academic prowess earning first place and being crowned state champions. i wish them the best of luck as they national to the convention in savannah, georgia. join me in congratulating these remarkable students and their advisors for their exceptional achievements. mr. speaker, i rise today to congreat the men's womenning and diving time from the sixth congressional district at the virginia high school league class two championship. their victory by a significant margin of 238 points underscores their hard work, dedication, and team unity. these champions include avery, ashton, landon, and keys and connor who also won four individual state titles. the victory is a testament to the support of coaches, parents, and the community reflecting the values of perseverance and teamwork we hold dear. congratulations to the glen ver
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men's and women's swim team the athletes, and constituents across the sixth district. i rise today to address matter of grave constitutional importance. the senate holds solemn duty to conduct the impeachment trial of department of homeland security secretary mayorkas for high crimes and misdemeanors. a charge the house has clearly laid out. our decision to impeach secretary mayorkas is not one we have taken lightly. for nearly a year the house committee on homeland security has meticulously uncovered the depths of the border crisis. the findings are unequivocal. he disregard the the laws of the united states, betraying the trust of the american and the constitution he swore to uphold. he's not only refused to comply with the law but made a mockery of our separation of powers, attacking the foundation of our constitutional order. as the house managers deliver the articles in the next few weeks, i remain hopeful the senate will take up this matter with the seriousness it deserves
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for the sake of our constitution, security, and our american principles. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. schneider, for five minutes. mr. schneider: mr. speaker, i am proud the united states was the first country to recognize the newly declared state of israel nearly 76 years ago. merely 11 minutes after the creation. i'm also proud within 11 days of hamas' barbaric attack on israel that started this current war, president biden landed in tel aviv, sent two carrier strike groups, and became the first u.s. president to ever visit israel during a time of war. on october 7, at approximately 6:30 a.m., hamas launched thousands of rockets at cities across israel. sending millions of israelis into bomb shelters and safe rooms while providing cover for a swarming army of hamas terrorist who is invaded the country and launched a genocidal
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attack. brutally murdering more than 1,200 people. wounding more than 3,000 others. and taking more than 250 hostage into gaza. in the six months since hamas started this war, israel has been fighting for its existence. on many fronts. facing attacks and threats from gaza, lebanon, syria, yemen, iraq, and iran. and it's more than just the mortars, rockets, missiles, and drones threatening israel. israel's enemies have two key strategies in their campaign to destroy and delegitimatize the jewish state. one, distort the truth with kennards and accusations against israel and the jewish people. two, isolate israel in global forums and the world of public opinion. . when you lift the veil of this grotesque distortion of the truth, you see that iran is also
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behind south africa's actions, just like iran finances and fuels hamas, hezbollah and the houthis. meanwhile, in cities around the world as well as here in the united states, anti-israel protests are replete with calls for the elimination of the jewish state. most clearly manifested in the chant from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. and look no further than the rally just last friday in deerborn, michigan, where the crowd chanted not only death to israel but death to america. i am grateful for the leadership and morale clarity of the biden administration as well as the mayor of dearborn when they condemned this hateful rhetoric. israel's enemies, from hamas, hezbollah and iran, to groups here in the united states like s.j.p., a.m.p. and j.v.p. are doing everything they can to demonize, delegitimatize and ultimately destroy the only jewish state on earth.
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but let's be clear. the war hamas started on october 7 is not just a war against israel. iran's vision is not just the destruction of israel, but the conquest of the entire muslim world and the defeat of the west. the houthis are not launching rockets at just israeli ships in the red sea, they are targeting global commerce in general. in this war, israel's allies must do everything we can to fight the lies and ensure israel and the israeli people know that they are not alone. this is why i traveled to israel with jewish leaders from chicago in february and last month traveled with several of my colleagues from here in congress. and this is why i oppose the republican resolution we are considering this week. for the text of this resolution plays loose with the truth. and the intent is not to help israel, but to win political points and further weaken the
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bipartisan support israel has long enjoyed in this body. don't take my word for it. this is how axios described the resolution. quote, it is the latest in a series of israel-related wedge votes house republicans have held since hamas' october 7 attack. end quote. if my republican colleagues want to help our ally and protect our national security, we shouldn't be debating this partisan resolution. instead we should be voting on the essential funding bill to help israel fight its war against our common enemies, as well as ensuring ukraine defeats russia and taiwan remains secure. the senate passed this bill two months ago. the house should have passed it in february as well. it is as shameful as it is dangerous that we have still not voted on this desperately needed assistance yet today. mr. speaker, iran understands that diminishing the bipartisan support for israel in congress
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only hurts our ally and advances our enemies' agenda. why are republicans so willing to play into the hands of iran and israel's other enemies? the u.s.-israel relationship is being tested. congress is being tested. it is up to us here today to pass this test. i urge my colleagues to oppose this resolution and instead vote for the essential funding bill coming over from the senate. thank you, mr. speaker, and i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california, mrs. steel, for five minutes. mrs. steel: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today to honor an american hero and orange county citizen, dick higgins. born in magnum, oklahoma, dick served his nation for 20 years in the navy before settling in orange county. dick was stationed on the island as a radio man during the pearl harbor attack and his efforts that they helped sailors and
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marines get to land and out of the burning water. he loves -- his loved ones remember him for his humility and his love of country. at 102, dick was a last living member of the orange county's pearl harbor survivors association. on behalf of orange county residents, i am honored to recognize dick higgins' service and sacrifice on the floor of the house of representatives. may we always cherish and honor his memory. mr. speaker, i rise today to commemorate a very solemn occasion that has great significance for my constituents. i am proud to represent orange county's little saigon, the largest population of the
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vietnamese anywhere outside vietnam itself. each year the community observes black april, a time to reflect upon the tragic fall of saigon, remember the lives lost to communism and recommit ourselves to the struggle for freedom. as co-chairs of the congressional vietnam caucus, i am proud to join congressman correa to introduce a resolution commemorating black april and honoring the lives lost. i'm also introducing a resolution to ensure that those who fought for freedom in vietnam are always remembered by proposing a bill to rename the u.s. post office in westminster where a large portion of my vietnamese constituents reside as the vietnam war veterans
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memorial post office. with these two actions, congress will stand in solidarity with the vietnamese community, showcase our resolve against communism and reform our commitment to freedom and democracy. mr. speaker, april 15 is tax day and this year american taxpayers are getting one of the worst deals they've ever gotten. despite its promises not to increase taxes on those making less than $400,000 a year, the biden administration has undertaken an outright assault on taxpayers. the $400,000 pledge is detached
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from reality at best, with the reports showing that 63% of new audits have been on those earning less than $200,000 a year. this shouldn't surprise us. after all the administration rammed through its $80 billion plan to hire 87,000 new i.r.s. agents to target american taxpayers with a flood of new audit, they also unveiled plans to jack up burdensome and confusing reporting requirements for people using digital payment platforms like venmo. they've repeatedly delayed this plan and i have legislation, the snoop act, to stop it permanently. mr. speaker, as a life long tax
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fighter, i came to congress to ensure low taxes and responsible government that works for americans. i urge the acaption to join -- adaption -- administration to join me in that work and end its war on american taxpayers. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from kentucky for five minutes. mr. mcgarvey: mr. speaker, one year ago today in louisville, kentucky, it was a crisp, bright monday morning. the easter sun had silently set the night before on blooming dogwoods and azaleas and a new day had sounded in with only the squeaking of school bus brakes interrupting the birds chirping to signal the changing of the seasons.
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the perfect spring awakening to welcome families back to school from spring break while ushering the rest of us in to work with a sense of rebirth and renewal. louisville is lucky to be blessed with such scenes of beauty on an annual basis. the sounds, sights and smells are familiar and wonderful. instinctively we know that ant histamines are coming out of our bathroom cabinets and derby is right around the corner. spring is when kentucky's natural beauty, pageantry and homegrown hospitality are on display for the world to see. this is why it was so shocking. you never think it's going to happen in your community, that no one could do this. but this is why we truly did not think it was possible. not in louisville. not now. but on april 10, 2023, a lone
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gunman with an assault rifle walked into the old national bank on main street in louisville, kentucky, and opened fire on his colleagues. spring's ritual beauty was shattered by the unfamiliar booms of an ar-15, the acrid smoke of smoke -- smell of smoke, sirens and screams. five people were killed, josh, dina, jim, juliana and my friend, tommy. these five innocent lives were taken from us far too soon. josh was a loving husband and young father. juliana was expecting another grandchild. dina was known for her generosity and her compassion. jim was a community leader. and tommy, who was a long-time friend of ours, loved life, people, jokes and stories. all will be missed.
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eight others were wounded in the shooting, including a p.d. officer who took an ar-15 round to the head as he selflessly ran toward the gunman and saved lives. miraculously, he survived. and on the same day, just blocks away at jefferson community technical college, a man lost his life at 24 years old and another woman who was caught in the crossfire in between classes miraculously survived. our thoughts are with them, their family and their loved ones as well. it's been one year since we lost tommy, josh, juliana, jim, dina and shevone. they've been missed at milestones and every moment in between. but we will never forget them. their memories live on in all of us who remember and love them.
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and as we honor those we lost, our community remains so grateful to every first responder who arrived on the scene that morning and leaped into action. they saved lives. to the louisville metro police department, the louisville fire department, the f.b.i., e.m.s. and the u of l hospital trauma team, thank you. thank you for your incredible service to our community on april 10, 2023. every day before and every day since. i stand here today not just as a member of congress, but as a life long louisvillean whose community joined the long list of cities touched by senseless, preventable gun sidelines. but it's not -- gun violence. but it's not just mass shootings that rock communities. every day gun violence in louisville and across our country has taken far too many lives too soon. gun violence is now the leading cause of death in children.
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children. there is so much more we can and must do. like combating the root causes of crime and expanding mental health services. as well as pushing commonsense gun reforms like universal background checks, extreme protection orders and banning assault weapons. last year, days after the old national bank shooting, i stood on the steps of the capitol with other members of the gun violence prevention task force and asked the majority to bring gun safety legislation to the floor. i'm here today asking again for my colleagues across the aisle to work with us like they have before to make our communities safer. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. mr. mcgarvey: reflecting on what this day means to me and my community, i'm reminded of how strong louisvilleans are. friends, neighbors and loved ones came together to support one another through an
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unmanageable tough time. it's been one year since our community experienced a mass shooting at old national bank. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman's time has expired. the gentleman is no longer recognized. the house will be in order. the house will be in order. the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from new york, ms. malliotakis, for five minutes. ms. malliotakis: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise to ask the question, how many more americans must die before president joe biden reverses the 60-plus policies that he put in place that led to our border being wide open? we know that under sections 11le 2 and 1225 of title viii of immigration law, the president has the authority to secure the border and use his discretion to implement policies. sadly the president has used his
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discretion instead to completely dismantle our southern border, allowing for dangerous gang members, criminals, smugglers and illegal immigrants to enter. .... right now the president can reinstate remain in mexico. he can make changes to asylum and parole. he can expedite removal of individuals. can he shut down the border all together and he can cut off funding to nonprofit organizations. nongovernment partners who are basically allowing people to travel all around our country. again, sadly, president biden used these authorities instead to dismantle the policies of president trump. as a result, we have seen so many americans being killed. they have come over our border, illegal immigrants, i'll read
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you headlines. this is just from this year alone. illegal immigrant from el salvador charged with murder and shoot-out that killed 2-year-old boy, injured teen mom. venezuelan illegal immigrant charged with sexual assault against 14-year-old in virginia. i.c.e. confirms a georgia student murder suspect entered u.s. illegally and was previously arrested in new york city. five-time deported illegal alien accused of killing 10-year-old boy walking home from school. honduran illegal migrant arrested for rape of girl. 14. stabbing man during knife point robbery. illegal migrant charged in michigan woman's killing was deported under trump but snuck back in, according to i.c.e. illegal immigrant deported eight times with 11 arrests now charged with murder in ohio.
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these are just some of the victims of president biden's open border policy. going to last year we talk more about illegal immigrant who had an outstanding warrant for attempted strangulation, approached a car, and shot a woman seven times because she wouldn't hang up the phone when he asked her to. illegal immigrant was charged with sadistically murdering a 16-year-old texas high school, stabbing her to death and dumping her body in the bathtub. the body was discovered by the mother. an illegal alien released by the biden administration was arrested for raping an 11-year-old girl strangling her to death after knocking on the door of her home. illegal who entered our country under the biden administration was charged with driving a minivan into a school bus full of children, flipping the bus, and killing an 11-year-old boy.
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an illegal alien repeatedly stabbed and mutilated individuals and dumped them in a field in daytona beach, florida. and an illegal immigrant was arrested for murdering a 57-year-old mother of three and grandmother of four in texas. i don't -- this is a five-minute speech. i'm only allowed five minutes mints or else i could go on and on and on. so again i will ask how many more murders of americans whether it be by stabbing, drunk driving, shootings, or fentanyl will it take before the president reverses his dangerous policies at our southern border? or the senate takes up our legislation, h.r. 2, the border security act, which would require him to take action at the border. giving the president a little more discretion as the senate has suggested is not going to resolve the issue because the president is not using the discretion he currently has.
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we need to require him to take these actions to reinstate the policies that the previous administration that were working, commonsense policies and stop this president from giving parole to individuals who are dangerous gang members, who are reeking havoc in cities like mine in new york. i yield back. thank you very much. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields back. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. khanna, for five minutes. mr. khanna: thank you, mr. speaker. mr. speaker, the doomsday clock is set at 90 seconds to midnight. the closest it's ever been. we should heed its warning. we are inching dangerously close to nuclear war and must do everything we can to reduce the risk of nuclear catastrophe. russia has threatened to use
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tactical nuclear weapons in ukraine. iran is closer to developing the nuclear bomb. and north korea is increasing its nuclear arsenal. the risks of calculation and rapid escalation are exacerbating these threats. the nuclear arms race needs to. to we can and must -- needs to stop. we can and must turn back the doomsday clock. we need to work with russia and china to collectively reduce our stockpiles, increase transparency, reduce the risk of miscalculation, and avoid a dangerous arms race. nuclear negotiation has always been part of the united states' history and we must do that again. first, let's revive a version of the anti-ballistic missile treaty that richard nixon
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negotiated to cap the arms race by limiting homeland missile defenses. this will reduce pressure on the united states, on china, and russia to build more nuclear weapons. unfortunately, president george w. bush withdrew from the treaty in 2002. we need to negotiate to re-enter. second, we must re-enter the open skies treaty that was first proposed under dwight eisenhower and signed by president bush senior. open sky authorizes treaty parties, including the united states, to conduct unarmed flights that provide opportunities to monitor others' nuclear capabilities. donald trump withdrew from this treaty that republican presidents had negotiated in 2020. we need to get back in. third, we should restore the immediate range nuclear forces treaty and expand it to include china. this was ronald reagan and gorbachev's achievement.
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yet donald trump withdrew from this treaty in 2019. we need to get back in. fourth, we need to resume implementation of the new start treaty negotiated under president barack obama to limit the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads. putin suspended new start in 2023. ripping up the last remaining nuclear treaty with the united states. he did this because of our support of ukraine. we need to pass funding for ukraine to defend its sovereignty, end the war justly, and renegotiate new start with russia and china. and lastly, we must negotiate with russia to agree that both of our countries will adopt a no first use policy. we would be joining china and india who already have this posture unlike russia and the united states. adopting a no first use policy only if russia agrees as well
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would clarify that our nuclear weapons are for deterrence and avoid unintentionally escalating a crisis. maintaining the nuclear triad should not bankrupt us. we must cut the costs of modernization that are excessive and that are going to defense contractor lobbyists. the air force's new sentinal icbm program is already 37% over budget. costing taxpayers $132 billion. that's money that could be going to feed our kids in school. to be helping pay for college or vocational education. or to be paying for childcare. i call on my colleagues in washington to help avoid a global catastrophe and a nuclear arms race. to look to previous presidents like eisenhower, reagan, bush, obama, and clinton and negotiate a statesmans to reduce the risk
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of nuclear war. we must stop this arms race. we must take our weapons off hair trigger alert. we must spend our tax dollars here at home where americans most need t we must ensure diplomacy prevails not nuclear war. as president reagan and gorbachev said, a nuclear war cannot be won. it must never be fought. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair now recognizes the gentleman from south carolina, mr. norman, for five minutes. mr. norman: thank you, mr. speaker. today i rise to recognize and commend the exemplary bravery and selfless intervention of colonel trevor huff. on thursday, june 1, 2023, in black mountain, north carolina, a pursuit unfolded involving a suspect for a series of bang robberies. the situation then escalated as the suspect crashed on interstate 240 after driving on the wrong side of the road. ending a high-speed pursuit.
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the immediate and fearless actions of the colonel began after the crash when the sus suspected attempted to high jack an elderly woman's vehicle on the interstate and she was stopped by the traffic. the colonel, a dedicated united states army veteran with an impressive nearly 30-year service record, he stepped in. without hesitation, mr. huff ran toward the unfolding danger to intervene and protect the innocent victim of the carjacking. as a suspect attempted to steal the car, mr. huff managed to pull the suspect from the vehicle while two other veterans put the victims' car in park and tended to the victim herself. with bravery, he overpowered and immobilized the suspect on the ground. together with the two other veterans they restrained the suspect until law enforcement arrived. mr. huff's military training proved invaluable in this critical moment. his quick thinking and decisive actions not only prevent add
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potential tragedy but also ensured the safety of others while on the interstate. mr. huff's heroism did not end there. he remainedville gantt, assessed the situation, and displayed remarkable composure in the face of potential danger to himself. in recounting the incident he shared he noticed the suspect reaching behind his back suggesting he may have had a weapon. understand the graphity of the situation -- gravity of the situation, he acted with unwavering resolve, maintaining control until law enforcement could take over. it is with great admiration and gratitude that we acknowledge the exemplary bravery of mr. trevor huff. his selfless actions exemplified the highest ideals of duty, of honor, and service to others. this nation is indebted to individuals like mr. huff whose commitment to the well-being of his fellow citizens reflect the strength and character that make
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america great. i extend my sincere appreciation to mr. huff and all those who stand ready to act in the face of danger embodying the spirit of service that despites the american people. may this congressional recognition serve as a testament to the courage and the selflessness exhibited by mr. trevor huff. we thank you for your service. we pray that you -- your continued health and commitment to this country will endure as we are sure it will. i yield back, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the chair recognizes the gentleman from north carolina, mr. davis, for five minutes. mr. davis: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise to congratulate reverend dr. donald rivero from
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ormansville, north carolina. on his well earned retirement. the reverend and his wife has fiercely led as pastor of o ormansville original free will baptist church. he has kept his promise to god to give back to the community for more than 40 years. and i know he will continue to serve even in his retirement. for every call you have taken, every person you counseled, just trying to help them get through the difficult times in life, for every person you have reached out to bring them closer to god, we are grateful. your dedication to saving lives both physically and spiritually has touched many families in eastern, north carolina, and around the world. indeed, doctor, life is about relationships.
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and your most important relationship as you remind us is with the lord. mr. speaker, i rise to recognize dr. jack bagwell who was named north carolina community college's president of the year. over his past five years as president of the college, he has prioritized fostering deep connections in community among students and faculty alikement dr. bagwell received this award for his exceptional leadership qualities, steadfast commitment to the community college mission, and achievements in furthering higher education within north carolina. dr. bagwell, we are extremely proud of all your accomplishments. i couldn't be more i couldn't be more thrilled and it's fantastic seeing others
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across the state are taking notice. congratulations to you and you're making north carolina extremely proud. mr. speaker, i rise to recognize north carolina player of the year, zam jones, who is living proof that you can never underestimate the power of eastern north carolina. jones is one of the only four north carolina players to make the espn top 60 and is ranked number 17 in the country. five star guard zam jones will play college basketball in the a.c.c. at north carolina state university. jones led north pitt high school to victory in the 2024 north carolina high school athletic association 2-a women's basketball championship. recently she helped the east clinch a tight victory over the west in the mcdonald's
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all-american game. zam, you are a shining example of excellence in the east. mr. speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. lamalfa, for five minutes. mr. lamalfa: thank you, mr. speaker. so, in the d.c. news room for national public radio, which is a central hub for n.p.r.'s coverage of politics and news, it just came out that they have, amongst their staff, 87 registered democrats in their editorial positions and zero republicans. 87-0. joe dimaggio's hitting streak was amazing at 56 games in a row. pete rose in the 1970's at 44 games in a row. 87-0.
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i suppose, should it matter what the political makeup of people are in these positions? you know, not really. i guess. in a real sense. we're not talking reality in washington, d.c., are we? we're not talking about a nonbiased media that covers this place, that covers what politicians do. and the slant that people are going to hear it when they're out there in their cars, their homes, wherever they're picking this up in the various forms of media. so, what do we know about n.p.r.? it receives funding from the taxpayer and tries at the same time to be claiming to be objective. it receives it via the corporation for public broadcasting. which the c.p.b. receives about $525 million of taxpayer dollars. about 50% of their funding. other half comes from corporate donations, the same corporations that democrats love to say evil
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things about, but oftentimes these days are doing bad things. so it's pretty hard to figure out where they're coming from. but what we've seen in recent years in reporting is a strong bice against republicans -- bias against republicans and conservatives coming out of n.p.r., corporation for public broadcasting, when they cover the political front here. the bias against anything that's not a far-left view is clare. in fact, the bias of n.p.r. is so clear that even a left-leaning editor in their organization from where this came out is raising alarm about the clear and consistent bias. this person is very concerned about it and is now being dismissed. n.p.r. has already issued many statements and articles dismissing the critique, including this morning. without any admission by n.p. rmpt or acknowledgment of any wrongdoing or bias and certainly they have no intent to reform or even reflect upon what this looks like and sounds like.
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let us remember that n.p.r. embraced the russiagate conspiracy theory without question and they dismissed the hunter biden laptop story without proper scrutiny. all these things have been proven otherwise, haven't they? they also have -- n.p.r. actively working to dismiss and attack information about the true origins of the covid-19 virus, as well as the early treatments could have probably saved and helped many lives when they dismissed other forms, instead calling it horse paste when as recently as 2015 it won a nobel prize for the work done with it. in the last decade the n.p.r.'s on you audience has shrunk and become more intensely left wing, pushing out conservative listeners with nonstop ideological programming, bias and reporting and injecting far-left ideas into previously nonpolitical programs. it's not just that quirky little radio station you hear in a musty book store or at a used
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record store or something like that, it's taken a really hard twist to the left. they claim to be neutral in a public platform to consider all things and consider all perspectives but unfortunately it isn't that way anymore. they're desperately burning up their own credibility to try and keep up with the demands of the far left and its ranks that continue to shift farther and farther left. that's what this person on their organization came out and said. for 25 years they have lost the american people with this shift. pretty sad. so, perhaps instead of calling it national public radio it should be called national progressive radio. the term democrats on the far left use for themselves. though i've never really seen where the word progress fits in with some of the programs and ideals coming from the so-called progressives. n.p.r. being funded by taxpayer dollars is a serious betrayal of the public trust the american taxpayers should no longer be subsidizing this propaganda which fails to even pretend to
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be unbiased anymore and is appealing to a smaller and smaller group of people, unfortunately. too bad because the idealism of it years ago, it was created, looked a heck of a lot different and was indeed something everybody could find enjoyment in. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until noon today >> the house back at noon eastern time to take up natural resources and immigration related measures. members will also consider the re-authorization of section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act which allows for warrantless monitoring of foreign citizens outside the u.s. and tomorrow congress holds a joint meeting to hear an address from the prime minister of japan, fumio kishida. president biden welcomed the japanese prime minister to the white house.
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we'll show that in just a moment. >> thursday, skwraepd prime minister prime minister kishida will address a joint meeting of congress. and attend a state dinner in his honor during his visit. that joint meeting begins live thursday at 11 a.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now, our fee mobile video app, also online at >> friday nights, watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail. a weekly roundup of c-span's campaign coverage. provide ago one stop shop to discover what the candidates across the country are saying to voters. along with firsthand accounts from political reporters, updated poll numbers, fundraising data, and campaign ads. watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail friday night at 7:30 p.m. eastern on c-span, online at or download as a podcast on c-span now. our free mobile app.
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