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tv   Washington Journal Jill Stein  CSPAN  April 12, 2024 5:34pm-6:23pm EDT

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false perception that if you are a scientist or stem person like what you do is just stem, that doesn't mean you shouldn't also be riding books. doesn't mean you should also thinking about the important questions of life and death and why we do those things. i can't tell you what you should do. that is not a question that science can answer. >> in the if he cans 20 years, colleges and universities need to reinstate cor curriculum that requires some degree of classical education and teaches them to be critical thirst and without it the united states cannot survive. >> to watch this and all winning entries, visit our website at studentcam. org. continues.
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host: we are joined by jill stein the green party presidential candidate welcome to the program. guest: good morning it's great to be here thank you so much mimi. host: why are you seeking this third-party bidder what differentiates you from other candidates? guest: americans are hurting and they're hurting for something different. they are tired of being thrown under the bus by elites. half of people who rent are financially stressed keeping the roof over their heads. you have 4 million was student debt. will banks be different as we are not bought and paid for. we don't accept corporate pack money. we don't sanction super pac's
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which is how billionaires can pour money into the routine political parties and campaigns from establishment parties and basically call the shots from the inside because as billionaires of baker's funding those campaigns of political parties. i have a unique ability to meet urgent needs with solutions that are proven, the work, that stop waste, fraud and abuse. host: how are you funding your campaign a party in general? guest: everyday people. the big parties, they function with super pac's. they work to support the campaigns that we disavow such things. they have all these loopholes
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including victory funds whereby a single donor can break one check for 600,000 or more and exert huge influence in the party and campaign. we have the best democracy money can buy and that is no democracy at all. we should be about everyday people and not the ones calling the shots of driving american people over the clip. host: can you tell us so much you prays for the campaign cycle? guest: since the beginning of november i want to say 300,000. we are raising money from small donors but we are a volunteer in small donor party.
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for us to get on the ballot because we are a grassroots network we have parties that participate in we have ballot access already. that will cost us 1, 2 one million to get on the ballot. for a candidate like robert of he was not a grassroots campaign , for him to get on the ballot it will cost 15-18,000,000. we do things in a people powered way which is much more cost-effective. host: you mentioned rfk junior so i will show you the sideline which shows our senior campaign turndowns debate request.
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why do you want to debate him and why do you think he turned you down? guest: i think the american people want to know who their candidates are and their policies and unfortunately, is par for the course for candidates to mislead the public and their supporters. rfp claims to be a peace candidate but he is the most aggressive candidate and supporting genocide in gaza and the israeli massacre going on in palestine which is terrific and the majority of american people want to see a cease-fire and negotiate a solution. he is offer weaponizing in militarizing support for israel. we think it is important for the public to hold people accountable. it is the job of the precedence
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of the credit of c-span you will about all voices to be heard in the public to ask questions and demand transparency. we badly need debate but the major parties abandoned those debates. mother donald trump or joe participate in debates and now rfk is following in that tradition to refuse to clarify its war policy. he says i'll debate the big candidates. he wants to be in the category of trump and bided but they agree on way too much, especially about war. in the middle east it is not a negligible piece of the pie. we are sending huge amounts of money for the overall endless war machine. the middle east has been exhibited for in the sport and
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the consumption of our tax dollars. it is an explosive situation. it badly needs to be debated in front of the american people. this cannot be of peaceful candidate and support one of the most disastrous wars. why did he refuse? he doesn't want to be held accountable. there is an alternative debate format called free and equal which is bringing many candidates across many parties and holding debates between libertarians, greens, socialist. that is a novel conversation we don't usually get to hear and rfk has refused to participate
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in any of those debates. but that's what democracy is about. host: we will open our phone shortly to anybody who wants to ask a question or make a comment for jill stein the green party presidential candidate. our phone lines are republicans (202) 748-8001, democrats (202) 748-8000, independents (202) 748-8002, if you are a member of the green you could call us at (202) 748-8003 or use the same line to texas. can you give us an idea of the major tenets of the green party. there is the green new deal and where you stand on the big issues of the day? guest: sure.
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let me mention health care. this is a crisis across the board. there is a solution which is also supportive which is to expand the medicare system which is the most efficient way to ensure health care. it allows you to choose your doctor. there are holes of medicare and it needs to be approved. we are supporting medicare for all which the majority of american people support the type of plan and this is across the political spectrum and it will not cost us money. it covers you from head to toe, cradle-to-grave, your eyeglasses, hearing aids, mental health care, home care all things excluded the you urgently need and it saves us money.
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it doesn't cost us is saves us half a trillion because our current private insurance is so wasteful that one out of every three health care dollars is being spent -- is basically being wasted. medicare for all drastically reduces wasteful overhead. that's an example of one of our policies which is most popular with the winning majority in poll after poll. that's something the american people to serve? the reason we don't have a right now is because we have a corrupted business that's in the business of serving pharmaceutical business. it would be paid for in the tax base by a progressive tax. if you are middle income or
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lower your total cost goes way down if you consider the tax base he would be paying versus what you pay right now through premium said co-pays and all sorts of ways you can lead to pay for health care. host: you did mention student debt a medical debt and abolishing those two. how would you pay for that? guest: let's start with student debt. let me preface this by saying, when you want to spend 100 billion on another war nobody blinks at night. we now have the military budget which is mostly getting us in trouble finding catastrophic war after war which we lose and costing us well over a trillion a year over 21 chilean since
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9/11. -- 21 trillion since 9/11. we would enact efficiency by cutting that very wasteful and dangerous military budget by taking waste out of health care and saving half a trillion and other efficiencies and improvements that would enrich our budget and a very big way so we could do things that actually help the american people that create true security instead of squandering half of our budget is spent on these endless war machines. where does the money come from? the same place it always comes from but the difference is used
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on behalf of everyday people here and we know for every dollar we spend on higher education we know this from the g.i. bill. every dollar we put into higher education comes back to us in the form of economic benefits. an economy that is seven times greater. student debt is almost entirely money the government only owes to itself. it's not like there is some kind of payer. this would be an economic boost that would enable young people to start engaging the economies in order to have a secure financial future. host: with any third-party candidate i have to ask your role as a possible spoiler.
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in 2016 there were accusations that you drew votes away from hillary clinton. you got about 1.4 one million in total. how did he respond to being a spoiler in this selection? guest: this is the propaganda of the elite nervous about losing their base. people who voted for green were people who would otherwise stop vote. we know that from poles and to people. it is also extremely undemocratic to say a certain party on the vote that democratic candidates are entitled to their votes. thus the abuse built into their system. democrats have not served their base in quite some time which is why they have moved over from
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democratic to trump because they are really angry at the democrats and the proof of it is, the election that was the most spoiled for democrats in 2010 when the democrats lost 1000 seats in their state legislatures. they lost 13 seats in the senate and 14 governorship. there was no third party they could blame it on. this was because the democrats holding the white house and both houses of congress had just built out wall street and throughout millions of homeowners. people were very angry and punishing the democrats and then is the underlying dynamic. it is not because the greens are
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stealing votes but there were huge buckets of people that would not otherwise follow. there are oodles of people who don't vote because they don't like these choices being ramped at our throat. the primary in michigan we had a substantial number like 14% of people who work abandoned biden saying we will not support biden , half of the democrats are half the people who came out and voted democrat in 2020 did not come out for the recent 2024 primary in michigan? people are fighting angry at these two choices being ramped of our throats who do not have a track record of supporting
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everyday people. host: i that in new britain, connecticut, democrat. caller: i turned off my tv so i would not disturb anything. i would like to know how do you think you could possibly manage a country as large as this without quite a bit more money then you're able to get from people like me. and i do spend money on the democratic party. would you feel badly about taking the votes away from biden and giving them to trump? with this particular voting time
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without choice, and is so dangerous to have somebody like donald in that you would take away, i don't care how small of a number. guest: i get your point. i would like to speak to that. this is what the ruling parties want you to think. they want you to think that everybody out there belongs to either the democratic or republican parties. polls show us the opposite. the number of people who no longer identify as republican or democrat is 50%. doesn't 50% of americans deserve other choices? polls also show it is 63% who
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want other choices. i would say it is undemocratic. this is the propaganda of the ruling parties and they want us to be the little boys or girls to do what they say which is to keep voting parties who are throwing aside of the bus. i find donald trump very worrisome but i also find joe biden very worrisome. to look at his policies that are driving us towards desperate war situations that are spending half of our budget, half of our tax dollars are being spent on endless wars like iraq, afghanistan, libya. these words are not making us safer or the world a more secure place they are doing the opposite and impoverishing us here at home leading to tens upon millions of people who don't have health care, housing,
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trapped in debt. we can fix these problems but we have to start spending our dollars for the american people not for the military complex and work contractors making out like a bandits and giving campaign contributions to those in congress and candidates in the mainstream party. military contractors are exerting enormous influence. we call these the parties of war in wall street and we need a party for the american people. host: edward in michigan, democrat. caller: i have to ask about an extremely favorite photograph with jill stein with vladimir putin and michael flynn.
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it is the moscow gala in flint was giving the keynote speech. my question i guess would be, how did you end up at the table with vladimir putin and mike flynn? and if you recall what was he talking about? what would general flynn have to say about to the russians in moscow? guest: this was an international media conference where i went to share the agenda of myself and the green party. we were calling for a piece offensive in the middle east and russia to stop bombing syria and not follow in the footsteps of the u.s.. we were calling for a global pre-new deal so we can address
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the climate crisis and like what is going on right now where the climate is an all-out collapse. we were calling for the abolition of nuclear weapons. i was on a tour of capitals in europe and spoke to leaders including jeremy corbyn. i did not get to speak to vladimir putin but at the table where he was out for 10 minutes before he gave the keynote speech which was all in russian. he and his companions were all speaking russian and i was speaking english so there was no conversation between us. i met michael flynn who by the time had been a part of the obama administration. not part of the trump administration at that time. he was a recent democrat
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official. and i told him why i was there to promote agree new deal, the end of nuclear weapons a piece in the middle east. that is where our conversation ended and i have no idea why he was there and i didn't hear his speech. there were many keynote speakers. i was at the conference which is why i was there. i thought it was important for the world to know we are not all on this track of being a global bully which is what democrats and republicans have record of endless wars. in my view we need to be part of a multi-polar world. no longer a world dominated by the u.s. empire because that is costing us.
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just one quick thing, because of the propaganda promoted by the dnc which tried to smear me with that photograph. that misrepresentative photograph that was used to suggest i was in some kind of collusion. that was used to generate a rumor mill that led to an investigation by the senate intelligence committee. the results of that investigation, thank you so much for your cooperation. there is nothing to see here. it is not as though there was a malevolent reason for the visit. we should be talking to our adversaries as well as allies to address the crises that are drastically impacting us all. host: let's try to get more
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calls in. let's talk to mike in washington dc. caller: i want to thank c-span for bringing in three party candidates. one thing she said i was right there are a lot of independents like it's and tired of the two corporate party system, the democrats and republicans more in control of lobbying groups and the american people and they do whatever the lobby groups tell him to do because they are high-priced prostitutes being paid by these lobbies. i think it's a good idea to bring in third-party candidates. for the public that keeps calling in and feel like they have the right to tell people who say they should or should
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not vote for. shame on you you have no business telling any american citizen who they should be voting for. the black communities should understand this the most because we had to fight the hardest for the right to vote. host: any response there? guest: i would just say i think mike is speaking on the half of the majority of americans in so many americans are staying home because they object to these corporate candidates and really creating havoc in our lives. things are not getting better, there are actually getting worse. three billionaires have the wealth of half of the american population. three billionaires that are
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funding the two political parties which is why they keep serving them. a big shout out for c-span that you are doing with the press should be doing which is educating the elect. and empowering us to understand our choices. host: on the republican line, frank. caller: hello mimi. i have been a c-span washer for 30 years and a quick note. i would love your hair it is incredible. i marvel at the ability of c-span moderators to tolerate some of these absolutely insane, extremists right wingers. i am a republican and i am and never trumper republican.
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for dr. stein what i've been hearing over and over again is isolationism. it sounds just like donald trump. that bothers me because we need allies. we must have them. if that means we jump in for our allies is sometimes we have to do that. the problem i have with the third-party candidate and i am glad there are third party candidates. i welcome another voice. i like that except for one thing. unfortunately, they are and none of the above candidate. if i may never trump candidate i am stuck with taking someone who is not my candidate. i am no longer voting for a person i am voting for the other
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person because i don't want trump and thus a problem and that's what i am stuck with. the party has shoved trump down my throat and voting for you, you guys get very little of the vote. even libertarians get hardly anything. it does seem that i am not giving the vote for someone i would like to have his side of trump but you are not viable and you have run before a new record of winning is very dismal. guest: i just want to respond that when you are locked out of media coverage most people don't know who you are. people do not understand who the green party candidates are and what their agenda is about. i find what i'm able to be a part of mainstream debates.
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the first debate i was a part of when i first ran for office in massachusetts, we fought our way into a televised debate and i gave voice to people like cutting our military budget, getting us into endless wars abroad. free higher education like it used to be because people deserve a jump start with the skills they need to survive in this economy. why should you go into lifelong that? i gave voice to those ideas which went over like a lead balloon inside the debate studio and when we walked out i was mobbed by the press and told i won the debate. the idea that greens have originated including medicare for all, a single-payer system.
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ralph nader was the first to bring attention to that. we were the first to launch a green new deal. higher education, the abolition of student debt. affordable housing and so on. we launched ideas that have now been adopted by progressive democrats. it is also unfair to say the only reason the vote or run is because you are going to win. you have to start and build from there. the idea that people are taking votes away that certain politicians are entitled to votes. anyone who tells you you are entitled to your vote and you are doing wrong by democracy devote your values, anyone who says that by definition
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disqualifies themselves from your vote. politicians have to earn your vote they don't own your vote in the idea that people are taking votes away is false and not supported by pulse of facts. host: lauren in washington. caller: hi, good morning and thank you for the work you do. i have seen a variety people speak and present ideas. i was hoping to ask a follow-up on the mention of an alternative debate. i was wondering how can i see that and know when it is coming up and how to watch it? guest: wonderful. one way you can find out is by
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signing up on our website because we will keep people informed about that and that is jill stein so you will find out about all of these independent options. end of the way you could find out is by googling free and equal. they are an independent, nonprofit that tries to help elevate political debate and dialogue and help of four people in this political system in the mainstream media climate that tries to shut down people's hunger for other options and our hunger to be empowered to know what our choices are and guide her future forward based on what we understand. free and equal or jill stein host: stacy in seattle on the independent line.
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caller: thank you for talking to me until think is so much for being at c-span. i was just wondering about everything that is happened since 2016. a lot of your supporters have had a lot of hostility and i wonder what your life is been like on the campaign trail and if any hillary supporters who were staunchly against you if they have come across the aisle and started supporting you? i was also curious about what you think about joe biden and the genocide in gaza and are his fees now sincere or he is simply trying to improve his poll numbers? guest: let me start with the climate for running. there is this voter shaming
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thing that goes on. voter shaming and blaming which is all part of the propaganda system to keep power where it is. in the hands of a very few insecure political elite trying to keep it stranglehold on power through their big donors when the american people are struggling to keep their heads above water. this is not a stable political situation whatsoever. we get a huge claim of blame and shame for so many people are in that category of struggling that can afford to keep their rent. homelessness is a record high and evictions are off the charts. 100 million are in medical debt. the system is not serving us is serving the big donors and
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people desperately want change. the old propagandist does not have the traction it used to have and we are experiencing enthusiastic support on the campaign trail and so much of it has to do with this genocide. we have heard biden adopt the position that the israelis have to take into consideration the civilians and the targets that are falling like flies. 33 million nearly half of them that have basically been murdered it is absolutely horrific. we have joe biden shed alligator tears while he continues to send billions of dollars worth of bonds and f-35 fighter jets and
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f-15s. listen to what i say but don't look at what i do. that is what he is saying right now. he is adding layers to hypocrisy to his murderous behavior. we are seeing lots of americans say that is a redline for them and a lot of people, half of the democrats did not come out to vote in the primary in michigan and that's what we're seeing across the nation that every day american people are in rebellion against the party and not buying the lipservice joe biden is giving. he is in the business of dismantling international law and committing genocide and it is not enough to simply have a
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temporary cease-fire which is the most they have even talked about. you have to address the underlying human rights violation, apartheid and ethnic cleansing going on for decades that has led to this increasingly violent and explosive situation we are seeing every day the blood trenching and computer screens. all the propaganda in the world will not cover it up. host: on cook, michigan, laura, a democrat. caller: i'm one of those uncommitted michigan primary voters and i was thinking of staying home when i heard uncommitted that leaves my voice registered in my one little voice saying i am done voting for the lesser of two evils.
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i agree with everything that you say dr. stein. keep doing what you are doing. medicare for all is so important for everybody. host: laura, do you plan on voting for jill stein in michigan? caller: yes, if she is the green party democrat and on the ballot i will vote for her. i just want to say one other thing that maybe she could speak to. money in politics when the supreme court said money is speech i feel like that was the beginning of the end for any kind of true representation of the working class in this country. maybe you want to say something about that, thank you. guest: thank you so much for everything you have said there.
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i really appreciate where you are coming from and this is what we are hearing on the campaign trail. so many people who used to be democrats and republicans as well who field these big parties swimming in corporate money have abandoned working americans, abandoned young people, students, seniors whose medicare is being privatized and people are not even aware and done without their knowledge. people are being hurt by this system. they are standing up and rejecting that and what the previous caller had to say is what i am seeing all over the place down and i want to encourage people to let me know there will be three candidates on the ballot you are all pro-war, per genocide and don't stand up for working people.
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joe biden gives the lipservice but he doesn't actually do it. remember the railroad workers who were going to strike and joe biden and congress prohibited them from using their power as workers to go on strike against intolerable conditions. they were shot down and what happens? you had that horrific spell and east palestine. this is not a pro-worker president. we are going to have these three choices on the ballot. if you look at what they do, they are terrible. it's the three of them dividing up the pro-war vote. we don't know how it will go but there is the potential to break up the pro-war, pro-genocide vote.
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ours is the only pro-worker, campaign. we have about 75% of the work already done and if you want to help get the rest of it done good jill stein and sign up to volunteer to ensure we are on the ballot for the remaining bit of work that still needs to be done. if you have a four way race that can be one with this little as 60% of the vote. you don't need a majority, you need a plurality. it's entirely possible for people like our last caller, who want to see in america working for working people to end with
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so many being thrown under the bus, there is a real possibility, a pathway going forward, and however far we get, that's the jumping off part -- .4 in america that works for all of us. host: we will try to get one more caller in from terry in massachusetts. caller: i'm not a republican, i'm a bill clinton lover. as much as i like this woman's ideas and policies, she doesn't live in the real world. she should look up words she doesn't understand, like genocide. it makes me wonder if she is going to have some holiday bob rick you parties -- holiday barbecue parties every october 7 going forward. guest: as a person of jewish
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background, i came to this view very reluctantly. i was reading what the experts in genocide had to say. the israeli experts in genocide sang this was a textbook case. i suggest the gentleman actually look at the ruling of the world court, for example, which reached a near unanimous decision that this is genocide. they called it a plausible genocide, as much of a label as you can give it until years after the fact. this is genocide if there ever was and it is unfortunate, as a jew growing up after the holocaust -- my grandfather's name was israel. my parent's families fled persecution in eastern europe. so, i grew up understanding that genocide is a horrible thing and it must never happen again, not to anyone. host: that will be our last
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word. jill stein, green party presidential candidate. >> today watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail, a weekly roundup of c-span's campaign coverage, a one-stop shop to discover what candidates across the country are saying to voters along with firsthand accounts from political reporters, updated poll number, and campaign ads. watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail, today at 7:30 p.m. eastern on c-span, on or download as a podcast on c-span now our free mobile app or wherever you get your podcasts. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >> c-span's "washington journal," our live forum involving you to discuss the
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latest issues in government, politics and public policy from washington and across the country. coming up saturday morning, the vice president and managing director of the asia society policy institute, wendy cutler, on u.s.-japan relations. then "the washington times" martin di caro talks about history as it happens. c-span's "washington journal," join the conversation live saturday morning on c-span, or on our free mobile app c-span now. >> this past week, japanese prime minister kishida was in the united states. he was welcomed to the white house and they held a press conference. there was a state dinner held in his honor and the next day he
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addressed a joint session of congress. >> the defense of democracy and the rule of law is the national interest of japan. the japanese people are truly committed to these values. i do not want to leave our children in a society where human rights were suppressed. where political self-determination is denied. where our life monitored by digital technology. i know you don't either. [applause] >> watch the full address and all the events from his u.s. visit beginning sunday at 1:05 p.m. eastern on c-span. also on c-span now, our free mobile video app or online at
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>> the house will be in order. >> this year, c-span's celebrates 45 years covering congress like no other. since 1979, we've been your primary source for capitol hill. providing balanced, unfiltered coverage of government. taking you where the policies debated and decided all with the support of america's cable company. c-span, 45 years and counting. powered by cable. >> up next, senators ben cardin, kirsten gillibrand and representative jennifer mcclelland discuss the equal rights amendment at an event hosted by georgetown university law school. they argue for it to become a permanent part of the constitution and discuss its importance. this is about 40 minutes.


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