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tv   House Republican Leaders Hold News Conference  CSPAN  April 16, 2024 9:32pm-9:41pm EDT

9:32 pm
look. let me close this with. -- let me close with this. as you observed, i can't hide it, scranton fills me with enormous pride my mom lived in scranton permanently since 1954. -- didn't live in scranton permanently since 1954. whenever anybody asked her where she was from, where she lived, she said scranton. what i saw here, what i saw in clay mont, delaware, where we moved, used to be a big steel town, all gone now, though we're back with other growth. clay mont, delaware, and i see so many towns around america, a deep pride.
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a deep, deep pride in your work. a deep pride in your family. deep pride in wrur community. in your country. i've always thought the world war ii monument downtown by city hall says so much about scranton. uncle ambrose finnegan from north washington, he served and died in world war ii. right after d-day on sunday. all four of my mother's brothers signed up to go fight in the military. in those days you could do it, brothers could go off to war together. fathers and brothers could do the same. and that war, everybody called him bothy. he was a hell of an athlete. he joined the army air corps before there was an air force.
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his name is etched on the monument by city hall. here in scranton. i grew up understanding, we have many obligations as a country. but we only have, and i got in trouble for saying this from the time i was a young senator. we have many only gaights bus we have one sacred obligation. that's to equip those we send to war and take care of them and their families when they come home, or if they don't come home. [cheers and applause] i don't want to lose my temper but i think about the statue in town, now that i'm commander in chief. i had had to double check that his name was etched on that statue. i have to say, there are a lot of things that donald trump has said and done that i find extremely offensive.
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one that offends me the most is when he refuses to visit an american cemetery outside of paris when he was president. why? he said that those soldiers who gave their lives were, quote, this is his quote, suckers and losers. suckers and losers, he said it. who the hell does he think he is? who do you think -- these are heroes. [cheers and applause] these soldiers were heroes. just as every american who served this nation. believing otherwise alone is disqualifying for someone seeking this office. thank god i wasn't standing next to him. [applause] i said, donald trump looks at the world differently than you and me. he wakes up in the morning in mar-a-lago thinking about himself. how he can help his billionaire
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friends gain power and control. and force their extreme ageneral ka on the rest of us. listen to what he says. he says, quote, i'll be dictator on day one. quote, i am your retribution. he promises, quote, a bloodbath if he loses. this guy denied january 6. listen. listen to what he says. because you know he means it. i wake every morning thinking about how to make life better, like you do, for working and middle class families here in scranton and across the country. where the freedom and power rests with you and we the people. maybe that's why millions of everyday folks are powering our campaign. so far, 1. million people have contributed to our chain. 550,000 brand new this time around. new contributors. guess what.
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97% of these contributions are under $200. it matters. you matter. my grandfather would tell me when i worked out the door in north washington avenue, scranton, he'd yell, joey, keep the faith, when i was a kid my grandmother would yell, no, joey, spread it. spread it. let's keep the faith. let's spread it. let's remember who we are. we are the united states of america. [cheers and applause] there's nothing, nothing beyond our capacity. when we act together. god bless you all. may god protect our troops. thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you. thank you, folks. thank you.
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[crowd chanting "four more years"] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accura
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