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tv   British Prime Minister Labour Party Leader on Iranian Airstrikes in Israel  CSPAN  April 16, 2024 9:41pm-9:55pm EDT

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>> reggie sunak makes a statement on recent every strikes before the house of commons. he condemns iran's actions and pledges support for israel. here is a look at his remarks. >> on saturday evening, iran sought to publish middle east doing aggressive. they lost a barrage of missiles over iraq and jordan and toward israel. and the fact that it was targeted directly at israel is without president. it was a reckless and dangerous escalation. the father of regional security would have been catastrophic. it did not succeed. in support of israel's own defense of action, the united kingdom joined the u.s. led international method along with
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friends and partners in the region. saving lives in israel and its neighbors. this is part of our existing operation against iraq and syria. i can confirm we have destroyed a number of iranian drones. intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance support. our pilots put themselves in harm's way to protect the innocent and preserve peace and stability. they are the best of the best and i know the hotel will join me -- 00 -- whole town will join me. our him is to support stability and security because it is great for the region and because
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although the middle east is thousands of miles away, it has a direct effect on that security and prosperity at home. we are looking with our allies to de-escalate the situation and prevent further bloodshed. we want to see, heads prevail. yesterday i spoke to my fellow g7 leaders. i will be speaking to prime minister netanyahu to discuss our solidarity with israel in the face of this attack. also how we can prevent further escalation. all sides must show restraint. our action reflects our wider strategy in the middle east which was set out in this house previously.
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i believe there are three vital steps to put the region onto a better path. first we must uphold regional security against hostile actors including in the red sea and we must ensure israel security. that is nonnegotiable. it is a fundamental condition in the region. israel has our full support. second, we must invest more deeply in the two state solution. that is what we have been doing over the past six months including working closely with the palestinian authority so that when the time comes, they can provide more effective governance to gaza. it is significant that other regional orders actually help to prevent a much worse attack over the weekend. it reminds us how important the attempts to normalize relations between israel and its neighbors really are.
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third, mr. speaker, hamas which is backed by iran starts this work. they wanted not just to kill further but to destabilize the whole region. this weekend, they rejected the latest deal which offered a road to a cease-fire. it is israel's right and indeed its duty to defend its security. nothing that has happened over the last 48 hours affects our position on gaza. the important tool on civilians continues to grow, the hunger, the desperation. the whole country will need to see more humanitarian support going in. the recent increase is still not
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enough. and mr. speaker, i want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the three british aid workers in gaza, john chapman, jamie kirby -- they were heroes. the children of god's were risking their lives. that is the fastest way to get hostages out and aid in and to stop the fighting. israelis and palestinians alike deserve to live in peace, dignity and security. it is emblematic that we face
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today. the link between such regimes are growing. and who was the sole voice speaking up for iran. seeking to justify their actions. we are meeting those threats time after time. it is why our sailors are defending the freedom of navigation in the red sea against the reckless tax of the iran backed who the militia. it is why we have led the way in backing ukraine and will continue to back them.
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we will always stand in their way. ready to defend our values and interests shoulder to shoulder with our friends and allies. quick thank you, mr. speaker. thank you for the regular briefings. a great servant of our party respected by all that knew him. i was joined by minister in offering our solidarity. all while working for wilkinson.
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alongside our international allies against the iranian attacks on israel. and we welcome the prime minister's call for spirit -- the prime minister's call for restraint. we also salute the professionalism and bravery of our armed forces. their efforts are vital for a safer world. mr. speaker, there can be no doubt that the attack has left the world a more dangerous place. with a clear intent to destabilize division. but mr. speaker, let us also be clear, a full-scale conflict in
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the middle east is in no one's interest. it is a path that can only lead to more function, more instability. the combined defensive action must face success. and because of that, lives were saved. escalation is not inevitable. it must now show the same strength and courage to de-escalate. that is the responsibility of all sides every partner. we must be resolute and united. for our partners in the region.
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tensions remain very high. we must proceed calmly. and with restraint. diplomacy takes center stage. it must. we need to say that there will not be targets in advance. as the condemnation from our allies, the response this weekend was unprecedented. a further step toward the destabilization of the region and the risk of escalation. no one in this house should be under any allusion, this is terror across the middle east. they repress their own people and they support the efforts of vladimir putin in ukraine. we want to be updated about any new steps you are taking to
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pursue sanctions against the regime. can you clarify what steps you are taking limit the power of the revolutionary guard to glorified terrorism here in the united kingdom. there is no justification for these actions. one of the drivers of tension in the region is the ongoing war in gaza. six months on from the horrific terrorist actions, hostages remain separated from their families. thousands of palestinians have been killed. now more than a million people facing imminent threat. i urged the government again to use every how of leverage that we have to make sure that aid to gaza is on heated and drastically scaled. we reiterate our call for an immediate cease fire.
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for hamas to release hostages. and to the return to a diplomatic process i can rekindle hope for a two state solution. we condemned the actions of iran. it is right that we work with others to defend the sick ready of our allies. and it is right that we seek the end of, like in gaza. but this is a moment for restraint. escalation will only lead to further destruction. for the sake of all of those still caught in the horror and violence, >> we are your primary source for capitol hill.


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