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tv   Washington Journal Open Forum  CSPAN  April 18, 2024 10:11am-10:31am EDT

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because up until yesterday, we were told that the situation at the border was simply overwhelming, that this was going on all over the world and there is nothing mayorkas could do about it, but chuck schumer says it's a policy difference, so -- really -- so i guess it is the democratic policy that we have an open border. they pretty much said the quiet part out loud. we have been told this is a worldwide phenomenon. i think what most americans don't realize is that a lot of these migrants are coming to places like the darien gap. there are organizations there like the red cross, which is always pin a left-leaning -- always been a left-leaning organization. they have stations with instructions and maps in multiple languages as to what is
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the right thing to say to the border guards if they are intercepted at the border. this is all actually being funded by the un. and it has gone on worldwide. if you look at what's going on in europe, people who were born in great britain, who grew up there, it's now not even safe to walk the streets in london or paris because there are so many people who have come from the middle east they have taken over every city. even chancellor merkel has said in recent weeks if she had known also c-span now and with that we will go to the phones. larry, a republican in franklin, north carolina. caller: yes, i tried to catch the last gentleman. maybe you can ask the next fella to explain the asylum laws to us. whether it supersedes the other laws when people come to our border and asks for asylum.
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does it supersede the other laws? host: other laws like what? caller: other regulations as far as coming into the country? forms to fill out and everything you have to do. they try to change the law in the senate when they passed the asylum law. so -- host: here is what i understand -- sorry. larry? caller: if someone comes to the border and asks for asylum, does it supersede the other laws? host: anybody can ask for asylum. that means they go through that whole process of getting a hearing, going before a judge, getting their case heard. if they are granted asylum -- caller: i understand, but the law states that if they ask for asylum we have to let them in, right? host: we do have to let them
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have their hearing heard, yes. where they wait is up for interpretation. caller: what does the law say? host: you have to wait on the other side of the border or in a detention facility, or you get to just live your life and come back and have your hearing heard. caller: when they wrote the asylum law, the law said that you have to wait on the other side of the border? host: i don't believe that is in the law, larry. i will find out. we will ask the next congressman. claudia, republican, waynesville, north carolina. good morning. caller: the gentleman you were talking to is practically my neighbor. i have a lot of concerns about the border. i think the one point that keeps
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coming to my mind is that before this administration got in office we didn't have this problem. i hear a lot of people in denial about that. we have statistics that say this is worse than any time in our history that immigration has been this kind of problem. i do feel like if president biden was going to wipe away all the policies that were working, then he should have had a plan. rather than now we are looking at what policies schumer said this impeachment was based upon policies, but there don't appear to be any policies for stopping the immigrants. i think my final point is that people in chicago, new york, colorado, they are overwhelmed
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in their cities. they are asking rich people to house migrants. the migrants are coming here to work, but where is the job? if they are all homeless and needing assistance, where is the work they are supposed to be doing? host: you know they are not allowed to work for the first six months? they cannot work legally. caller: right, well, that's not really my point. host: i understand. i just wanted to clarify. caller: i didn't know that. i think that is interesting. point taken. my primary point was that we didn't have this problem three years ago. it doesn't matter to me if it is trump or biden, statistics show we didn't have this problem, now we have it, we spent three
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years talking about it, trying to solve it. i'm sorry i've taken so long, but i stay pretty informed about what's going on. this border bill that people keep talking about that was such a wonderful thing that the republicans didn't let go through, there was no teeth in that law. if people would read it, they would see that anything that had any chutzpah behind it could be taken away in the next. that was a nothing bill. host: connelly spring, north carolina, john, good morning. caller: good morning. people have been talking about the law that the senate passed. 5000 adults in a day plus older children. how many children do you think there would've picked up along the way? 10,000 or 15,000 a day.
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they said that would secure the border? that is the most stupidest thing. 35,000 a week. that -- i don't understand how people can be so stupid. i don't understand that. schumer, to me he is devil possessed. they will call good evil and e vil good in the last days and that is exactly where we are. i'm sorry to say that, but that is exactly where we are. thank you, ma'am. host: on the front page of the washington post and new york times, that is the flooding in the united europe in writz in oman -- united arab emirates, in oman. this is a picture on the front page of the new york times showing the flooding and the
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situation going on there. is is a year's worth of rain in one day killed at least 19 in oman and paralyzed cities in the uae. florida, democrat. caller: hi. this is kathy from the stupid state. i wanted to mention bob graham, who was our governor and senator for many years who passed away, if we had more bob grahams we would be in better shape. i gathered the names of the people who served with him, this was many years ago, but we didn't always be the stupid state. i have jared moskowitz as my house member, and i wish he would get together with representative bacon who seems like he is a fairly reasonable guy. maybe they could help take care of this group of, what, five or
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seven, that keeps wanting to say no to everything and keep things in an uproar? the house is not functional. if they kick out the new guy, who will they get to replace him? nobody wants that job with those people in there. that's it. host: ron, in ellicott city, maryland. caller: hi, mrs. mimi, thank you for taking my call. florida -- it is a stupid country. we are a stupid country. florida is not alone. i wanted to talk to representative bacon. yeah. 35,000 palestinians -- 15,000
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children -- dead and we are not shedding a tear. we are supporting, we are sending weapons. in an answer. why? host: all right, ron. let's talk to raymond and uniondale, new york. good morning. i think we lost 10. -- lost him. independent, north little rock. caller: i don't know if enough people are aware, but at some level, and i think the deepest level, this is a spiritual and biblical thing. mayorkas, blinken, schumer, netanyahu are part of the tribe. it is all about replacement. that is white replacement. it is happening. if people can't see it, they are blind, deaf, and dumb.
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host: jodi in williamsburg, kentucky. republican. caller: the democrats don't represent the american people. the democrats have proved it by yesterday when they had that impeachment thing. they should have had the trial, but no. they throwed it out. why? they know they will lose 99% of their voters, illegal immigrants. that's why they don't want to do anything about the border program. they told laken riley they don't care anything about that
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yesterday when schumer had his little sideshow. host: all right. gerard in missouri, democrat. gerard? caller: i was calling about the lack of knowledge and interest of most media outlets to haiti. we will get a full picture of american colonialism and institutional racism if anyone will speak on the situation of haiti and how 30,000 people in 2010 died from cholera. 30,000 palestinians died. no one spoke on cholera. host: david in riverside, california. republican. caller: hi, mimi. good morning, america. resident biden on easter, the holiest day of the christian calendar representing the death
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and resurrection of jesus christ , president biden decided he would make a proclamation declaring easter as transgender visibility day. host: transgender visibility day was already set. that was not proclaimed on that day. it happened to fall on easter. caller: i understand. it is the next day they celebrated easter the day after. they made easter april fool's day and put transgender day ahead of easter. a minor holiday cannot transcend a major holiday. transgender day has been about three years. easter has been for 2000 years. joe biden claims to be a christian, but a real christian would never do the things he did. president obama claimed to be a christian for years and republicans were shamed if they said he wasn't. but i read obama's memoir and he said that he believed there was
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a creator but have nothing to do with the world anymore. obama admitted that he wasn't a christian. where are the apologies from democrats who said he was? you will know them by their fruits. saying you are christian is not enough. donald trump said let's make election day christian visibility day. thank you, ma'am. host: democrat, skeet, texas. good morning. -- mesquite, texas. good morning. caller: i would like to know how many held over in another country when they came over and still this country from native americans. then they need to talk about why these people are coming in from other countries, and why they feel they need to hold these people back. they have every right to be here as much as they do. that is all i have to say about that. host: dale in indiana,
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independent line. caller: yes, president biden, i was wondering if he has the power to disregard what the speaker is saying and go ahead and send the national guard or whatever and shut the border down? my other question is, are they still have the law that if you hire an illegal person that you can be fined or your business can be shut down, depending on the number of illegal employees? because i see where a lot of
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young, too young, are working in meat processing, landscaping. those are usually companies owned by republicans. businesses are usually republicans. i wonder what the real facts are on all that. thank you very much. host: let's talk to calvin in new york, new york. independent. good morning. caller: thank you for taking the call. i was listening to the supreme court. justice alito made a statement that he felt -- host: talk into the phone. don't listen to your tv. caller: yes -- host: you're telling me about
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the supreme court hearing about january 6? caller: yes. he said people who charged it were patriots. i couldn't understand why. host: all right. david is in concorde, north carolina. hi, david. caller: i was watching the procedures yesterday when they brought the impeachment articles against mayorkas. speaker schumer cut that in the bud. it shows me we have two justices going. 14 democrats and one for conservatives. -- one for democrats. joe biden has made our government nothing but a puppet. we need a new government. we have a corrupt government that looks one way and does not know what justice is.
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thank you. host: by the way, we have all of that on our website at we have the mayorkas hearings if you want to go back to the house impeachment hearings. you can do that as well if you visit we have a page set aside for all of the stuff you can watch in its entirety on our website. i wanted to bring this to your attention, the new york times with this headline. arizona republicans splinter over repeal of 1864 abortion ban.the state senate introduced a van to a your total abortion ban dating back to the civil war while the house locked in an effort to do so. that is still unfolding. we will continue to watch that situation. port washington new york, independent. caller: good morning/ i wanted to make a comment on
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what the congressman you had on earlier said about what is happening in ukraine. it is important to understand. i am a parishioner in oca. we have a lot of russian and ukrainian folk, americans who have those roots and refugees. in ukraine right now they are closing churches on the pretext in the ukrainian parliament, the reason they closed them is -- host: the suspicion of what? caller: ssb. it doesn't have to be proven. >> we leave this to go to the house where members


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