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tv   2024 Campaign Trail Candidates on the Road in New York Pennsylvania  CSPAN  April 20, 2024 1:13am-1:47am EDT

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on saturday, the white house correspondents dinner, washington's premier black tie event. this years headliners of saturday night live's collin jos and president biden is expected to be -- speak. watch next week live on the span network or on c-span now, our free mobile video app. head over to for scheduling information or to watch live or on-demand anytime. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government, funded by these television companies and more, including charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers. and we are just getting started. building 100,000 miles of new infrtrture to reach those who need it most. >> charter communications supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you
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a front row seat to democracy. >> this week, 2024 campaign trail is on the road as former president trump met with voters at a bodega in new york city. with president biden as he met with voters in scranton, pennsylvania. also, a look at the failed efforts to change how nebraska's electoral votes are counted. but first, a look at the latest poll numbers and ads from the gop and democratic presumptive democratic nominee. the latest from yu kao and the economist as president biden and former president trump tied nationally with independent robert f. kennedy, jr. getting 3% support. a poll released earlier in the
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week had president biden up just 1% over former president trump. still a statistical tie. better news for the independent kennedy in that poll with 11% support. the most recent national poll released this week from emerson college showed former president trump with a slightly higher edge. up 44% to president biden's 40%, with kennedy at 8%. next, to have the latest ads from the biden and trump camps, which focused on campaign stops the two candidates made earlier in the week in pennsylvania. then, the highlights from the candidates interactions with voters. week, 2024 campaign trail was on the road as former president trump met with voters at a bodega in new york city, as president biden met with voters in scranton, pennsylvania. a look at the failed efforts on how nebraska's electoral votes are counted, also. first, a look at the latest poll
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numbers and ads from the gop and democratic presumptive nominee. the latest from the economist as president biden and former president trump provide nationally. a poll released earlier in the week had president biden up 1% over former president trump. still, a statistical slide. better news for kennedy with 11% support area the most recent national poll released this week from emerson college shows former president trump with a slightly higher edge, up 44% to president biden's 40% with kennedy at 8%. next, two of the latest ads from the biden and trump camps, which focus on campaign >> in continuing the work going ahead the next four years. >> attacking a hard-working --
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here in new york city. they fought back and stabbed the attacker to death. slapping him with a murder charge. >> crowds gather in upper manhattan as former president trump visits a bodega. quex one 39th and broadway as he made them stash these -- as he made his way inside. the bodega here in july of 2022 and a key success attempt. >> on tuesday he went to a bodega to slam the district attorney alvin bragg's for being what he calls -- >> very much supportive here in harlem.
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>> nice to see you. nice to see you. are you feeling good? [chanting "four more years] >> we love you, trump.
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quex buddy think about the people so far? quex they should not be allowed to be here. he's conflicted like nobody has ever been conflicted. this is a very exciting time for me because the bodega's association invited me and i respect them and they respect me. they want law and order, they have a lot of crime, tremendous crime where their stores are being robbed. and as you know, we are going to give new york a very good shot for the presidency. we think we should be able to do it, a lot of things have changed. he ran, he lost by little bit, and we will work with the mayor. that includes crime. these guys are great people, great friends. but there's tremendous crime and we have to straighten it out.
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>> more than 50% of people actually believe that the crimes have some type of -- >> i know they believe, i heard 78% because it's a rigged deal. it is a rigged deal. everything is screwed up in new york. the whole word -- the whole world is watching. this judge is so conflicted, you understand that, you take a look at that. there has never been a judge so conflicted. this is ridiculous. also, there's no crime. you know where the crime is, in the bodega, where they robbed them every week or more than that. >> went in your mind is an ideal juror? >> anybody that's fair. i will let you know after the trial. don't forget, we are appealing. if you look and you take a look around, every legal scholar, every legal pond and says there should be no trial. this is not -- there was nothing done wrong.
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this is all politics, this is coming out of the white house and it makes me campaign locally, and that's ok. i don't think so. we are doing better now than we have ever done. biden is having a reverse effect. these people have to be treated better, the bodega association, the bodegas because every week they are being robbed two or three times. it's crazy. you know what, the police can do it, they can stop it, but they have to be allowed to do their job. >> to give america hope to restore the american dream as man of new york, philly, chicago. >> we will come in at number one and stop crime. the police have to be given back their authority, they have to be
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able to do their job and we are going to come into new york. we are making a big play for new york. other cities as well, this city, i love the city. it has gotten so bad in the last three or four years and we are going to straighten new york out. we will see if we can win new york. we will have a million migrants. they take over hotels, they take over everything. you know what they have done, they have destroyed so many people. the african-american community now is not getting jobs. migrants are taking their jobs that are here illegally, hispanics are not getting jobs, migrants are getting jobs. if you look at the unemployment, the unemployment is good for migrants now. they are in our country, now they're coming from prisons, i don't know if you know, they come from mental institutions, they come from prisons, they come from places you don't want to know about.
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they are coming from jails and prisons, mental institutions and in saline -- in saying the silence. you have massive terrorists coming into the country because of biden. this child that i have now, that's the biden trial. they want to keep me off the campaign trail. based on what i'm doing, i think there's more press year. the police have to be able to do their job. the police in new york are great. they have to be able to do their job. they have to protect these people. look at this young man, he's got his son who looks like he's a movie star. . and you know what, you said, we are robbed of the time. beautiful place, he's robbed all the time. it's alvin bragg's fault. alvin bragg did nothing. he goes after guys like trump who did nothing wrong. violent criminals, murderers,
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they know there are hundred murderers all over the city, they know who they are, they don't pick them up. they go after trump. >> mr. president, how do you feel about the seven jurors that were selected today? >> i will let you know in about two months. >> immigrants who don't have papers right now? >> right now we have to get the criminals because many people coming into our country are criminals and mental patients. we have to get them out. we are going to have the largest deportation in the history of our country. you know who needs that, new york. remember, african-american, hispanic american, asian american, they are all losing, unions are losing. we are going to be talking. >> what is he doing here because he doesn't like the community.
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what would you say? like i love them and they love me. did you see my numbers? they are the highest numbers in the history of the republican party with the latinos. and frankly, the immigrants, the illegal immigrants are going to have to do something because no country can sustain it. remember, they are emptying out the prisons and they are emptying out mental institutions into our country. the prisoners and people from mental institutions. >> you are in harlem, you're in a different neighborhood. >> i think we are connecting already. i was invited here by the bodega association and they are being treated very badly, they are getting robbed, two or three times a week.
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quex the migrants are taking over, 500 thousand illegal migrants in new york, the people of new york are not going to take it, that's why they will vote for trump. >> what did you think of the jurors? >> who? >> the jurors. but the judges is totally conflicted, he should recuse himself. he is so conflicted. has everybody -- never been anybody so conflicted like this. if the laws right, the whole world is watching this new york legal system. this is all election interference at the highest level. it all comes down to washington because they are losing badly, you know they are losing very badly, you do know that. they are losing badly in the polls and numbers are coming out now even higher.
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people don't like the persecution, they don't like what's going on, they don't like these fake prosecutors. deranged jack smith, the whole group of them. i think you are going to see some big changes. you know what we are going to be doing, right? we will be saving america. our country is under siege. look at israel. it doesn't feel protected. it has biden, he doesn't know where he is, it's a real mess. >> how do you feel about speaker johnson? >> mr. president, how should israel respond?
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>> [chanting "usa ] >> they come in with guns. not good. not the father of this movie star. he's going to be a movie star, you know that. forget about bodegas, you're going to be a movie star, will send him to hollywood. goodbye, everybody. >> at your plan for the rest of the days in new york? mr. president?
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>> [chanting "fake news"] >> president trump, where else are you going to go? >> we are doing rallies all over the place, and we have never had higher numbers that we have right now. highest numbers we've ever had. you know because you reported. have a good time, everybody.
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president biden: i learned no one is looking for a handout, all anybody wants is a fair shot at making it and they deserve a fair shot. my dad had a saying, he said a job is about more than a paycheck. it's about your dignity, it's about respect. it's about being able to look your kid in the eye and say it's going to be ok and mean it. people like donald trump learned very different lessons. he learned the best way to get rich's inheritance. not a bad way. he learned that paying taxes is something people who work for a living did, not him. he learned that telling people you are fired is something to laugh about. i guess that's how you look in the world when you're at park avenue in merrill lego. when i look at the economy i don't see it through the eyes amir locke go, i see it through the eyes of scranton, that's not hyperbole, that's a fact where honesty and decency matter. scranton values or mar-a-lago
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values. these are the competing visions for our economy and they raise questions of fundamental fairness at the heart of this campaign and i want to talk to you about it today. trickle-down economics failed the middle class. it has failed america and the truth is, donald trump and that failure. he wants to double down on trickle-down. his failure starts with his $2 trillion tax cut that benefited the wealthiest and biggest corporations and exploded the federal debt when he was president. donald trump added more to the national debt than any president in the united states and the term of all of american history. meanwhile, when the pandemic hit, trump failed the most basic duty any president owes the american people, a duty to care and a duty to respond. it remember when he told us, don't worry, this will all be over by easter. remember when he told us, literally, inject bleach, bless
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me father. only two presidents on record, in all of american history that have left office with fewer jobs and when they entered office. herbert hoover and, yes, chuck -- donald herbert hoover trump. i have already been looking at things in a fiscally responsible way, but i know not everyone is feeling it. just the other day a guy came up to me and asked if i could help. he was drowning in debt and i said, i'm sorry, donald, but i can't help you. [applause] nothing i could do. i have to say, if trump's stock in truth social drops any lower, he might do better under my tax plan than his.
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folks, he's coming for your money, your health care and your social security. and we are not going to let it happen. we can't let it happen. donald trump looks at the world differently than you and me. he wakes up in the morning at mar-a-lago thinking about himself, how he can help his billionaire friends gain power and control and force their extreme agenda on the rest of us. listen to what he says, he says, i will be did a are on day one. saying i'm your retribution. a bloodbath if he loses. this guide denied january 6, listen, listen to what he says because you know he means it. i wake every morning thinking about how to make life better like you do for working and middle-class families here in scranton and all across the country where the power in the
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faith rests with you and we the people. maybe that's why millions of everyday folks of power in our campaign, so far, 1.6 million people contributed to our campaign with 550,000 brand-new this time around. and they are new contributors. but guess what? 97% of these contributions were under $200. itatters. you matter. >> president biden's visit to his hometown of scranton, pennsylvania was just one stop he made in the keyste ate this week. in philadelphia on thursday,e was joined by members of the kennedy mi, including cary nnedy, the sister of independent presidential ndidate robert f. kennedy, jr., was running against president biden. next, some of her endorsement of president biden's campaign. >> we want to make crystal clear
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our feelings that the best way forward for america is to reelect joe biden and kamala harris to four more years. [applause] four more years. four more years. four more years. president biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms that my father and uncle stood for. that's why nearly every single grandchild of joann rose kennedy supports joe biden. that's right, that's right, the kennedy family endorses joe biden for president.
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when daddy announced his bid for the presidency in 1968, he talked about the perilous courts our country would take under the wrong leadership and he said, i feel obliged to do all that i can, i cannot stand aside. we are here because we feel obliged to do all that weekend, we cannot stand of thought. in this election, no american can stand aside. we must vote. in 2024, there are only two candidates with any chance of winning the presidency, we know them well. four years ago our country was crippled by covid -- excuse me, chaos and the facts of an
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unprincipled leadership. as donald trump proudly bragged about overturning roe v -- roe v. wade, rolling back the clock if two years to when women couldn't make our own health care decisions, president biden is waiting to get our freedoms back, thank you, joe biden. >> the independent candidate himself has continued to gain pallet access across the country. this week he gained access in michigan and the atlantic magazine reported robert f. kennedy, jr.'s campaign has proven it -- particularly adept at organizing and of people to sign petitions to get on state presidential ballots. next, local coverage from w oi tv in iowa about a recent signature drive the candidate himself joined in the state capital. >> independent presidential capital -- candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. had a special assembly with the goal of making it onto our state's ballot. in iowa a candidate can achieve ballot access by having 500
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eligible voters attend an assembly and sign a form a test -- attesting they were president. over 600 people across 35 iowa county showed up to see rfk junior at the ballroom today, completing the ballot requirements. rj junior -- rfk junior weighed in on what he thinks makes him stand out from the crowds. >> people want a candidate that they believe in, that they think is going to change some of the things that are in the downward trends of our country. and, i don't think either of those candidates offers that. >> during a speech at the event, rfk junior told voters he didn't want them to feel ripped off or tricked and that their vote was going to the person they wanted to vote for. >> nebraska is one of two states in the country with a portion of presidential electors based on congressional districts. here to talk to us about changing that in nebraska is a reporter and producer with
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nebraska public media news. what's the status of the legislation that was proposed, and what is it? >> the legislation that was proposed would refers to the winner take all system that is used in 48 other states. the status of it is, it's nowhere. there is one day left in the session, they have big decisions left on taxes and schools, so, it's not even out of the committee. the chances that anything will happen with it this year, this session are virtually nil. >> who are the forces behind the efforts to change nebraska system? >> it's a perpetual proposal by republicans in the officially nonpartisan legislator. ever since the system was adopted in federally, the 1990's, it has come out multiple times to attempts to repeal it.
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this year it seems to have gotten that she was languishing in committee, but it seems to have gotten a boost by conservative activists charlie couric, making a deal of it, and donald trump endorsing the proposal to change it back to winner take all, but all that happen so late in the legislative session when people had other fish to fry. so, it didn't go anywhere. >> this was really focused on the second congressional district around omaha, how many times has this district even split off from the statewide vote? next twice, it happened in 2008, they gave a vote to barack obama, and in 2020 they gave a vote to joe biden. trump carried nebraska as a whole by 19% in 2020, beau biden carried the omaha area district
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by seven percentage points. so he got one of nebraska's four of the five electoral votes. >> and is there any signs that this will be a situation in the 2024 election? >> it could be. it will depend probably on a lot of other local factors. there's a close congressional race there. there's abortion measures on the ballot, so it all depends on turnout in voter sentiment. quex for those of us not familiar with nebraska's political landscape, what is it about the second congressional district that makes it a more purple district than the rest? >> it's the most urbanized district in the state. it contains omaha and a few of its suburbs, whereas the rest of the state is largely agricultural.
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the first district, which includes link, which, the city itself tends to vote democratic, but it's included in a congressional district that is overwhelmingly republican, so it's electoral vote has never switched. and then the third district, which is huge, most of the state is very solidly republican. >> was a government involved in the efforts for winner takes all? >> that's interesting. he came out with a statement that said, sure, i support winner take all and i will be happy to call a special session to change to that system once there are sufficient votes to do that. nebraska has the smallest
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legislator in the country, one house, 49 members and it takes two thirds of them were 33 to overcome a filibuster. and while it's officially nonpartisan, you can count which party people are registered to. there are 33 registered republicans, but they don't all support changing from winner take all and the latest convert, a former pro-life democrat who just became republican said, he still opposed to winner take all. so they don't have the 33 yet. the governor also had an interesting, in addition saying, when there are enough votes. he said he was not into goober politics, and i said, what's cooper politics and he said it was making decision solely for political reasons and he said that nobody on the campaign trail had ever asked him about this issue.
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>> reporter and producer with nebraska public view news, thank you so much for your time and expertise. >> a reminder, this program and all of c-span's campaign 2024 coverage can be found online at click c-span's washington journal, a live forum involving you to discuss the latest issues and government politics and public policy. from washington, d.c. to across the country. coming up saturday we talk with the deputy director of the american enterprise institute's education policy study on how to combat chronic student absenteeism and school that began in the pandemic and continues today. c-span's washington journal, join in the conversation live at 7:00 eastern saturday morning on c-span, c-span now or online at
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>> sunday on q&a, filmmaker zachary and christian discuss their four-part netflix docuseries, american conspiracy, the optimist burden about the events surrounding the death of the freelance journalist in 1991. >> it was called the octopus because he starts looking into one 1980 scandal, the -- and that takes them over into the contra scandal in the october surprise, and bcci, and the savings and loan, and the same kind of players, nefarious players, their names are popping up here and there and there. >> the complexity of the story makes it really difficult, the number of names and the access makes it really hard, so, there was just a lot of obstacles towards being able to both find
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out what happens, and being able to tell that story for what happened. >> film maker zachary and christian sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's q&a. you can listen to q&a on all -- and all our podcasts on our free c-span now at. >> next week on the c-span networks, the house and senate are out for the passover holiday. on wednesday --,, a conversation beten former congresswoman liz cheney and jon meacham on how america's leaders can put principles first. and americans can improve on relationships. on thursday the supreme court will hear oral arguments to decide if former president donald trump is immune from criminal prosecution for his alleged role in trying to overturn the 2020 election results. and, former members of the house and senate meet at the pen the-by an center for a conference to discuss the current state of congress and
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potential changes it could implement to operate more smoothly. on saturday, the whi house correspondents dinner, washington's premier black-tie event. this year's headliner is saturday night live's collin joe stan president biden is expected to speak. watch next week live on the c-sp networks or on-span now, our free mobile video app, also, head over to for scheduling information or on-demandny time c-span, your unfiltered view of government. click c-span is your unfiltered view of government, funded by these television companies and more, including cox. >> this syndrome is extremely rare. but friends don't have to be. when you're connected, you are not alone. >> coxupports c-span as a public service, along with these


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