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tv   British Prime Minister Labour Party Leader on Iranian Airstrikes in Israel  CSPAN  April 21, 2024 9:38pm-9:52pm EDT

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>> sorry to hear about the situation. we will get back as soon as possible. that completes prime minister's questions. >> on monday the supreme court hears oral ats on whether an oregon cities oces which restricts people and the homelessm camping and sleeping violates the amendment band on -- ban on cruel and unusua punishment. you can watch on c-span, c-span now or online at c-span. work. >> british prime minister makes a statement on the irani an
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airstrike and condemns iran's actions, pledging support for israel. here is a look at his remarks. >> mr. speaker, on saturday evening iran sought to plunge the middle east into a crisis. they launched missiles and attack drones toward israel. the scale of the attack and the fact that it was targeted at israel are without precedent. it was a reckless and dangerous escalation. if it had succeeded, the fallout for regional security and the toll on citizens would have been catastrophic. mr. speaker, it did not succeed. in support of israel's own defensive action, the united kingdom joined a u.s. led effort with france and partners in the region, which intercepted the missiles, saving lives in israel.
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we sent additional typhoons to the region as our existing operations and our forces destroyed iranian drones. we provided important intelligence for our partners. our pilots put themselves in harm's way to preserve peace and stability. i spoke to the raf, they are the best of the best and i know the whole house will join me. with this attack, iran has shown its true colors. they eat so chaos in their own backyard, destabilizing the middle east. this -- our aim is to support stability because it is right for the region. in the middle east has a direct effect on security at home, so
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we are working to de-escalate the situation and prevent bloodshed. we want to see cooler heads prevail and we are directing diplomatic efforts to that. i spoke to my g7 leaders and we are united in condemnation of this attack. we discussed diplomatic measures which we will be working together to coordinate in the coming days. i will be speaking to netanyahu to express solidarity with israel in the face of this attack and discuss how we can prevent escalation. all sides must show restraint. our action reflects our wider strategy which were set out in the house. three vital steps to put the region on a better path. we must uphold regional security
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including in the red sea and ensure israel's security. that is nonnegotiable and a fundamental condition for peace in the region. in the face of threats, israel has our full support. we must invest more deeply in the two state solution. that is what we have been doing, including working with the palestinian authority so that when the time comes, they provide more effective governance in gaza and the west bank. it is significant that other regional partners actually help to prevent a much worse attack over the weekend. it reminds us how important the attempts to normalize relations between israel and neighbors are and it holds out hope for the region. third, the conflict in gaza must end.
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hamas, backed by iran, must stop its war. they want not just to kill and murder but to destabilize the region. this weekend they rejected the latest hostage deal, a road to a cease-fire. it is israel's right and duty to defeat the threat from hamas terrorism. i want to be clear, nothing that has happened over the last 48 hours affects our position on gaza. the appalling toll on civilians continues to grow. hunger, desperation, loss of life. the whole country wants to see an end to the bloodshed and see more humanitarian support going ahead. the increase in aid flow is positive, but not enough. we need to see new crossing zones for longer to get vital supplies.
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and i want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the three aid workers killed in gaza. john chapman, james kirby and james henderson, they were heroes. the children of gaza who they were risking their lives for need a humanitarian pause leading to a long-term cease-fire. to get hostages out and aid in and stop the fighting. israelis and palestinians deserve peace and security. saturday's attack was that of a disbarred it regime, blavatnik of the danger we face. the links between such regimes are growing. tel aviv was not the only target
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, vladimir putin was also launching them and who was the sole voice speaking up for a ron? russia. the threats to stability are growing everywhere and we are meeting those threats time after time with british forces at the forefront. it is why they have been policing the skies for a decade. sailors are defending freedom of navigation. it's why soldiers are on the ground in kosovo, east jo, poland and more and it is why we will continue to back ukraine for as long as it takes. when adversaries like russia or iran threaten peace, we will
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stand in their way, ready to defend our values and our interests shoulder to shoulder with our friends and allies. that is my statement to the house. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i would like to thank the prime minister for the statement and regular briefings on the developing situation. i think the prime minister for his warm tribute to your father, a great servant of our party, respected by all who knew him. i joined the prime minister in offering solidarity with the victims of the horrific attack in sydney and recognizing the heroism of the three british workers killed while working for world peace. turning the events of this weekend, we support defensive action taken by the u.k.
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alongside international allies against iranian attacks on israel and we welcome the prime minister's call for restraint. we salute the professionalism and bravery of our armed forces and support raf planes to bolster operation theta. a safer world. mr. speaker, there can be no doubt that the attack perpetrated by renee and forces has left the world more dangerous, targeted innocent civilians with a clear intent to destabilize the region. must be wholly condemned. mr. speaker, let us be clear, a full-scale conflict is in no one's interest. it is a path that can only lead
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to bloodshed. and the unleashing of forces beyond the ability of anyone to control. the combined defensive action was success and lives were saved. as a result, escalation is not inevitable. israel showed strength and courage. it must show the same strength and courage to de-escalate. that has to be the primary objective thus the responsibility of all sides at every path we must be resolute and united in our support for the collective support for israel. tensions remain very high. we must proceed carefully with
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restraint because diplomacy must take center stage. so we need to be clean diplomatic premises should not be -- that is a point of principle. but as our allies know, iran's response was unprecedented. a step toward destabilization and risk of escalation. no one should be under any illusion -- this is a regime that sponsors terror, represses its own people and supports vladimir putin's war efforts in ukraine. can the prime minister update the house on new steps with partners to pursue sanctions against the regime? and can he clarify what steps he is taking to limit the power to
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glorify terrorism in the u.k.? there is no justification for iran's actions. do not be naive that one of the drivers is the war in gaza. six months on from the horrific attack, hostages remain separated from families. thousands of palestinians have been killed and more than one million people face the threat of famine. i urge the government to use every ounce of blavatnik leverage to make sure aid to gaza is unimpeded and skilled up. we reiterate the call for an immediate cease-fire, for hamas to release hostages and for a return to the diplomatic process to rekindle a two state
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solution. it is right that we condemn iran's actions, it is right that we defend the security of allies and that we seek the end of conflict. but this is a moment for restraint because escalation will lead to destruction. for the sake of those in the horror and violence that must be avoided, thank you, mr. p. >> you say i am over that hill, don lemon would say i'm a man in his prime. >> watch the annual white house correspondent with saturday night live -- correspondence dinner with saturday night live and president biden. our coverage begins at 6:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. org as
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celebrities walk the red carpet. at 8:00 p.m., sights and sounds before the festivities be in. watch the correspondent's dinner on the c-span network. >> up next, parliamentary members speak about european security and their defense partnership amid the russia ukraine war. this event lasts about one hour. center. we were founded as a living memorial to the former president. so we are congressionally chartered, scholarship driven, and fiercely nonpartisan. i am robin quinville and a director of the global europe program here at the center, and where focus on the


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