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tv   President Biden Delivers Remarks on Earth Day in Virginia  CSPAN  April 23, 2024 4:37am-4:56am EDT

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for careers in the renewable energy sector. >> ♪ [" pomp and circumstance"] ♪ >> hello, hello, hello! [applause] >> thank you for sharing your story in the spirit of earth
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day. on this day if the four years ago, with literally toxic rivers burning, the air full of pollution, millions of americans from every age and background rallied together to stand for our environment for future generations. i got to know senator nelson from wisconsin when i got to the senate. he organized the first earth day. i later introduced the first climate bill in the senate. all these years later as president, i was able to sign into law the inflation reduction act. [applause] the most significant investment ever, anywhere in the history of the world. we are just getting started. earth day pushed the country forward leading to the environmental protection agency. we are fortunate enough to have the administrator here. where are you, michael? stand up.
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[applause] i stole him from carolina. we are not letting him go back. we are joined by our great secretary of the interior. stand up. [applause] the first native american ever to serve in the cabinet. [applause] and americorps ceo, michael smith. where are you? [applause] joined by members of congress including ed martin of massachusetts who thought this was an idea -- important idea long time ago. we owe you a lot. and senator bernie sanders of vermont who understands what beautiful territory looks like in vermont and has done everything in his power to protect it. bernie, you are the best. an representative ocasio-cortez
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of new york. i learned a long time ago to listen to that lady. we will talk about another part of the world too real quickly. joined by all of you african american community leaders, this is a good day. it is fitting here to be in this park. on march 30 1, 19 33, during the great depression, present roosevelt created the climate conservation corps -- president roosevelt created the climate conservation corps to put people to work preserving natural resources. thousands of young americans built this park providing jobs, recreation, hope, and healing at the time. we know today that we face another kind of existential threat requiring equally bold and clear action. as president, i have seen the
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devastating toll on climate firsthand. since i have been president, i have flown over major fires and thousands of acres burned black by wildfires, more acres than the entire state of maryland combined. families wiped off the map by devastating hurricanes, floods, and storms. last year was earth day's hottest on record. natural disasters and extreme weather in america have caused $270 billion in damages. the impact decades in the making will only get worse and more frequent. since we took office, we have been acting. today, i am proud to announce two major steps forward. first, energy costs are among the biggest costs for the family
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budget, particularly for middle income families. low income families can spend up to 30% of their paycheck on their energy bill. it is outrageous. we reduce energy costs today. they will invest $7 billion from my inflation reduction act in a new program called "solar for all." [applause] it awards 60 grants across the country to states, municipalities, and nonprofits to enable disadvantaged communities to benefit from solar power. it is a big deal. this new program means 900,000 households will have solar on their rooftops for the first time, and soon. millions of families will save over $400 a year in utility bills. that is $350 million nationwide.
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it means we will cut more than 5 million metric tons of carbon pollution annually. solar for all will give us more and cleaner breathing room. it will also create 200,000 good paying union jobs over the five years in communities that need it most. [applause] you know, as i always say, when i think about climate, i think not only about health and safety, i think about jobs. that brings me to my second announcement. last fall, i talked about an historic new program my administration was launching with the help of my colleagues called the american climate corps. ed markey talked about it long before. it is patterned after the
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civilian conservation corps and the peace corps. it brings out the best in young people to do what is best for america. we will put tens of thousands of young people to work at the forefront of our climate resilience and energy future, clean energy. today, i am proud to announce americans across the country can now apply to become the first members of the american climate corps. [applause] we are recruiting for over 2000 positions in 36 states. just go to to apply. you will get paid to fight climate change, learning how to install solar panels, weatherize homes, and so much more. it will protect the environment and build the clean energy economy.
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you will have access to free apprenticeship training three new partnership. [applause] as you may remember, when i announced it in 2020, i did not announce my climate position until i talked to the units because they were worried about the climate costing jobs. they all stepped up. when you finish your service, you will be eligible for a streamlined path to a federal government job related to climate and green energy. we are announcing a collaboration with bloomberg philanthropy that puts climate corps members in communities that have our our nation.
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today's announcement builds upon unprecedented, historic action we have already taken. to build a clean energy you jerk. to ensure clean energy, we issued new standards for chemical plants. because of the clean air act, we are going to reduce the number of people at risk for cancer in communities that have been smothered by pollution. my state of delaware has more energy plants and oil refineries than anywhere, including
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houston. we have the highest cancer rate in the 1970's of any state in the nation. a lot of us ended up with ron feel asthma. those are the communities we have to help first. we issued the first ever national drinking water standard. after 30 years of inadequate protection, we will finally ban asbestos number which we know causes cancer. [applause]
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it is all part of a plan. we rejoined the paris agreement. providing incentives for 80,000 farmers for smart agricultural practices. we doubled the number of electric vehicles sold. we are modernizing infrastructure. so they can withstand and recover from dream weather. we are replacing every single leadpipe in america. so people can drink clean water. [applause] we are reducing flood risk or communities. and conserving 41 million acres
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of precious land and water. we will take 30% of it by 2030 to make sure it is served. we are well on our way. [applause] we have already attracted $700 billion of private sector investment to advance manufacturing and clean energy. we have created thousands of jobs. despite the overwhelming devastation, there are still those two deny the climate crisis. many of our republican friends don't seem to think it is true. they want to reveal the -- repeal the inflation reduction act.
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and rollback protections for clean air and clean water. i am not making that up. it is real. listen to what they say. anyone who denies the impacts of climate change his condemning the american people to a very dangerous future. they want to take us backward. i am absolutely determined to move forward. [applause] let me close with this, in 1933, roosevelt outlines the civilian conservation corps. he said more important than material gains will be the moral and spiritual value of such work. he always put it a context that went beyond the immediate people.
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i would say the same holds true for what we are doing here today. we just have to remember who we are. the united states of america. there is nothing beyond our capacity. we work together. happy earth day, folks. may god bless you all and may god protect our troops. we are going to get this done, i promise you. 19 you. -- thank you. ♪
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let's get this done, ok? all right. god bless you all. thank you. ♪
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of the constitution and discuss its importance. this is about 40 minutes.


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