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tv   Senate Majority Leader Schumer on 95.3B Aid Package  CSPAN  April 23, 2024 9:46pm-9:57pm EDT

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those urban areas. i am a western caribbean american. we usually get conscripted into the african-american, what they call the black community block. i wonder if that is how you put us in that vote? as far as i'm concerned, i know these caribbean countries are very conservative, hold a lot of the republican views and beliefs especially when it comes to gay rights, all those other things. i find it very curious that we continuously get conscripted into the african-american block. i wonder if that skews the numbers a bit? guest: this report does obscure the complexity within every group that we study including black voters. it is how people identify themselves. but this includes recent
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immigrants in some cases. among hispanics there is a great deal of diversity in the population depending on which country of origin. >> were going to leave this and take you live to senate majority leader chuck schumer following passage of the aid package. senator schumer: it is not every day you can say you made the world a better place but the senate can say that tonight. let me say a few things. after more than six months of hard work, many to us and turns, americans will not turn our back on you. we tell our allies we stand with you. we tell our adversaries don't mess with us.
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we told the world we will do everything to defend democracy. the national security bill is one of the most important measures in a very long time to protect american security and of the security of western democracy. to our friends in ukraine, america will deliver more supplies to resist vladimir putin on the battlefield. to israel america will deliver aid to help you fight this gorge of hamas. two innocent civilians in gaza and those around the world who face hunger, america will deliver food, medicine and clothing. we will stand with you to resist the chinese communist party. and to the world, america will never shrink from its responsibilities as a leader on
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the world stage. tonight we make vladimir putin request the day he questioned america's those solve. over the past few months i have spoken over and over again about the importance of getting the supplemental package done. starting in the fall thanksgiving, christmas, new year's, the spring, this was on our minds because it was so important and i said we had to work in a bipartisan way. democrats and republicans. i went to israel and ukraine to look our allies in the eyes and say we will get this done, we will not desert you. we succeeded in getting the supplemental in february for two reasons. persistence and bipartisanship.
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today the bill congress is sending is the same as what the senate has been pushing all along. passing this confirm something i have stressed, the only way to get something done is bipartisanship. anyone who tries to do if the partisan way will lose. that is what happened today, bipartisanship save the day. leader mcconnell and i do not agree, but we work hand-in-hand shoulder to shoulder and we were bipartisan. as i've said, this is an inflection point in history, western democracy faces the greatest test since the end of the cold war. passing the supplemental that would give approval to xi jinping.
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i'm glad when it mattered the most, finally, finally, finally, both parties came together to do the right thing for security. i thank president biden for his leadership, i thank leader jeffries and speaker johnson. i think chair murray and vice chair collins. and particular thanks to my caucus. we have the most unity. we stick together. that gave us strength. we air our differences and tried to come together. i would like to give a leader mcconnell again. a lot of negative comments within his own party, he knew the right thing to do and he stuck with it. so when it matters most, america
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summons the strength to overcome the pole of partisanship. under the watchful eye of history the senate stood tall. questions? yes? reporter: [indiscernible. ] >> time was of the essence. the white house -- look, the white house needed aid and it was a lot of aid. they are doing everything they can to make sure humanitarian aid gets to the people.
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i have a lot of confidence. we've had an amazing three major pieces of legislation. bipartisanship getting the government funded, and this bill, supplemental got done, it was a month that is a testament to bipartisanship. do not let the hard right pull you over. they are not interested in getting anything done, just negativity and destruction. i hope our colleagues have learned not to listen to the hard right, but to work to get this done. yes? look, speaker johnson included
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in the big supplemental bill, we had to get it passed as quickly as possible. yes? thank you. >> there are protesters in front of your brooklyn residence. people saying -- aid to israel. what is your response to the protests? senator schumer: i put out a statement about columbia. peaceful protest is appropriate and i've always had goals in terms of israel policy. reduce the presence of hamas. free the hostages, get as much aid as possible done and do everything you can to avoid civilian casualties. last one. >> what are your major goals? senator schumer: we have a bunch
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of goals. we will do our best to get them done. they include trying to get $35 insulin, trying to get $35 insulin, trying to get child safety, online child safety done. dealing with the safer act and cannabis reform. we've got a lot to do and we can work in a bipartisan way. thank you, everybody. i left a message for president zelenskyy. he called me and said we got it done. now go win the fight. it is a very full package. >> senate majority leader chuck
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schumer talking about the senate passage for short time ago of the 95.3 billion dollar aid package for israel, ukraine and taiwan. the measure includes humanitarian aid for gaza, sanctions on russia, iran and it requires tiktok to the best from bytedance within one year or face a ban in the u.s.. the package was passed by the house, so it goes on to president biden. we will show floor debate before final passage. mr. president, i rise to urge my colleagues to pass this important legislation, and i want to thank senator -- leader schumer for his tremendous leadership on this entire package. it is amazing his dedication and support to getting this done really, really held steadfast. owl caucus, as -- our caucus, as the just described, and so many of our colleagues onh


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