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tv   Public Affairs Events  CSPAN  April 24, 2024 2:06pm-2:48pm EDT

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the best staff in the world at the bush center, the brigade team. [applause] everybody who worked so hard, a special sound out -- shout out to maryland -- marilyn and caitlin. we will see you next >> c-span will be live here in the white house briefing room where shortly national security advisor jake sullivan will be speaking at the daily press conference along with white house press secretary karine jean-pierre. we will take a look at some of your calls from today's washington journal.
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arguing a vote for the foreign
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aid package is sending a message around the world about american leadership. let's listen. >> let them president come at a time when the world is watching and wondering if the u.s. is still capable of meeting the challenges before us, if we are still united enough to meet them, this package will not just send aid. it will send a message. it will show our allies our word is still good. we will stand by them in times of need. it will show dictators our warnings are serious and we will not let their flagrant attacks go unchecked. it will show the world american leadership is still alive and well and we are still a strong protector of democracy and provider of humanitarian aid. that is a message that is well worth sending no more than ever. >> democratic senator from washington state arguing for this aid package. we are asking all of you, should
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the u.s. be involved or less involved in these overseas conflicts. yesterday, 10 republicans flipped from no votes in february on a similar aid bill to yes yesterday. that is why the ended up with a vote of 79-18 on final passage. president biden expected to sign it into law. there were republicans, 15 of them, who did not vote for this legislation to one of them, tell me tub or bill of alabama on the senate floor speaking out against more u.s. aid going overseas. >> you are witnessing the swamp at its worst. a swamp more concerned about maintaining power and being smarter than everybody else and lining the pockets of their friends they are representing interest in the american people. the clock is ticking. how many americans must die before we take on our own security as serious as we are taking on other people's borders
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including ukraine? we lose 100,000 people a year to fentanyl. does anybody care in this body? this is a direct result of the border policies of president biden should fentanyl as many fractured in china and ran by the cartel in mexico. what point does that horrific reality become important enough for us to come in and vote and shut this border down? the left loves to tell you about threats, kills more americans -- what kills more americans than the bite important policy? nothing. biggest disaster in history since i've been alive and citizens of this country. ukraine is losing soldiers by far fewer than the number of americans dying from fentanyl. we have to take care of our own people before we take care of the rest of the world. host: senator tommy tuberville, arguing against more aid going overseas. that is our question for you this morning?
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should the u.s. be more active or less active in overseas conflicts? raymond in pensacola, florida, republican. we will hear from you first. good morning. caller: thank you for allowing me to speak. once again, we are spending a lot of money for two different active conflicts across the world. one in taiwan. russia and all that settles within a week, we are going to have to come back with billions of more dollars to rebuild these countries. a lot of people don't realize that. from what i'm understanding, this bill, there is a 45 day situation where the president has to come up with an end of a situation game. host: a strategy? caller: yes. i'm interested in seeing what that strategy is going to be. host: ok. caller: we have spent a lot of money over there prior to this
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russia attacking them and it did not help. we have a lot of people in this country that need money pit but they cannot get it. thank you. i hope that things settle down. host: raiment in florida. frank in ann arbor, michigan. what do you say? caller: thank you so much for taking my call. i largely agree with your last caller. i think that we -- sending money overseas is kind of pointless. we have problems to take care of in our own country. we are going broke. we need that money over here. i have problems with the way we conduct our foreign policy. in ukraine, the -- revolution.
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where expanded nato all the way to russia's border although we promise not to so we have a lot of culpability for causing problems. that is not make it right for putin to invade ukraine. i'm against that but i think we should talk about those issues a little more there to that is how i feel about that. for me, the real problem is israel and palestine. i cannot understand why we are sending money to israel when they are turning gaza into a parking lot they said they were going to turn it into a parking lot and they are bombing hospitals and universities. 100,000 people have been wounded or killed. mostly women and children and i don't get it. it upsets me my tax dollars are going over there and i would like it to stop. host: that was part of the debate yesterday as well. how the money breaks down with
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-- that is being sent to each country. the wall street journal this morning in a graphic breaks it down for us. the 60 billion for ukraine. 20.5 billion goes to the european command operations. 15.8 billion is for security assistance. and about 13.4 billion would replenish u.s. stocks. and then there is 9.5 billion, 10 billion in forgivable economic loans. on that point, the new york times reports that in addition to the aid package which also includes new rounds of sanctions on israeli and russian officials, the house added revisions to direct the president to seek repayment of about the 10 billion. that was a nod to a call by the former president donald trump to make any further aid to kyiv a
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loan. the bill allows the president to forgive the loans starting in 2026. that is the new york times reporting on that. what's go back to the wall street journal graphic and see the breakdown on israel. 26.3 billion total. 13 billion is for defense activities. 9.2 billion is for humanitarian aid to gaza and 3.6 billion in security assistance. that is how the money breaks down for those two countries. annie, in fairfax california. a republican. more active or less active in overseas conflicts? what do you think? let me try that one more time. caller: i'm here. host: you hold on one second. i'm going to go to annie. caller: good morning.
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thank you for your beautiful work. i just wanted to say i think i have said this before but i agree with frank. i'm a republican in name only. i have been told -- not many people self identify that way but i do. it is because of george bush. after 9/11 i thought he was going to come and get me or something. a sickly i will suggest basically i will say this. i feel like we will get our priorities straight with our reparations to our indigenous people and to the black people of the country so i think that is number one. once we take care of that, we can help the wounds of the other countries. i agree with the republican senator you had speaking about -- i don't agree with the border thing exactly. but i kind of do. my thoughts are little scrambled
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today. i basically feel we should take care of our own and then we can help others. i heard palestinians on the left wing radio saying that it is not going to work to have israel and palestine coexist. israel is going to have to fold and i think since israel is started by the u.k. and the u.s. and i wanted to say something about it it's flimflam the war machine we are putting billions and billions of people are making money off of this. i don't know there is any sincere effort to help gaza. i also wanted to say the humanitarian aid they send is like canned food and things people don't even want to eat. i've been a victim of canned food before by way of food banks when i was struggling or having
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a hard time. you don't get anything from them . that is a criticism and i'm not supposed to be criticizing. that is it should i love your watch. it is beautiful. host: thank you. rocco in new milford, new jersey. independent. caller: hello. the american government his not a democracy. it is controlled by neocons and bolsheviks and zionist and christian scientists who worship the other three. host: that is rocco's opinion. we will go to john in leland, mississippi, independent. caller: i just want to say i'm a veteran. i love this country. i am -- in california. you have the most powerful nation in the world in the blink of an eye. you gave europeans billions of
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acres. you've not given african-americans an inch. i'm starting to believe you want african-americans to be the foundation of families that they are. they built this country. i'm stirring to believe because you don't want to give us education, you don't want to give us education. you are like the uneven playing field you have. host: who is the you you are talking about? caller: this country. we are 40% of the military. they don't want to make things better for us as a country, as a people. you have assassinated a lot of leaders. come on now. why don't you give us education? you give us reparations. give us free education. you are killing us if we learn to read. now we have to pay to even this playing field out? you don't want us to even the playing field. if that is the case, america deserves to be destroyed then. it is no better than hitler.
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we are not going to do the right thing and pay our debt and we are going to take care of other countries and we can't take care of our own people, the border, the hello with america. i love this country. listen to more arguments for the several -- from the sub -- from the senate floor for passing the aid package to this country. here's republican senator jerry moran from kansas on the floor yesterday. >> my colleagues, we live in a dangerous world. fellow americans and kansans, we live in dangerous times and the world is a real challenge. national security crisis abroad and here at home are increasing. they are ever-increasing iran launched a full attack on israel. russia continues its brutal aggression in ukraine and china
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is rapidly modernizing its military and using companies to spy and track on americans. each of these conflicts are interconnected and it would be naive to send aid to israel but take a pass on supporting ukraine, taiwan or other allies. it is vital for the united states to be a steadfast and reliable partner in the midst of 70 dangers that threaten the world and our own nations pieced in prosperity definitions peace and prosperity. in joint fox said -- fox op-ed we stated liberty demands the marshaling of every resource necessary in its defense against those who would see it destroyed. host: that was republican senator jerry moran of kansas on the floor yesterday. do you agree or disagree with him? our question is about should the u.s. be more active or less active in these overseas conflicts like ukraine and the
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conflict between israel and gaza, hamas? should we be involved or less active in them? this poll by the associated press that was conducted in march is echoing what we are hearing from our viewers this morning so far. four in 10 u.s. adults want the u.s. to take a less active role in solving the world's problems. there it is on your screen should what to all of you say? we are taking your calls this morning under the first hour of the washington journal. mana roger you from cnn with this tweet yesterday. center tammy duckworth told him it has been an embarrassment that ukraine aid took this long and a tactical problem on the battlefield by us not having passed this five months ago. senator young quote, there has been a loss of territory that
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may not have happened but says aid will help ukraine still. william in moreno, california -- moreno valley, california. a republican. you are next. caller: i wanted to say i don't agree. i think we need to take care of our own first. we cannot save everybody especially with this administration going on here. it is totally corrupt. the american people have been sold out. little by little we are waking up. as far as ukraine goes and sending money, when is it going to end? in six months, it will begin other package. when is it going to stop? russia is never going to run out of money. ukraine is so we are going to be funding them and the way it is going down is basically they are fundamentally changing the united states. they are going to be called the united snakes. the american dream is turning into the american scheme.
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my kids and grandkids come up probably be dead in 10 or 15 years but they're going to be chinese tanks on the streets of america. everyone is going to be on drugs. there is going to be no morale for our troops. they are going to grab their m-16. they're going to look and they are going to drop it. joe biden sold us out. he sold the american people. thank you for the call. host: james who is a democrat in woodbridge, virginia. hi, james. caller: my opinion of the u.s. overseas is -- overseas intervention is very simple. i think we have to have very limited foreign intervention and foreign states. i don't understand why we have 800 military bases throughout the world occupying with our military half of the world when no foreign country has a military base here to imagine if china or iran were to buy 1000 acres of land in virginia and
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move the militaries in there. what would the reaction be to that? we have multiple bases in korea, multiple bases in japan, multiple bases in germany. last time i checked, these wars were over 70 years ago so i don't understand why we are still there. host: james in woodbridge, virginia. salem, oregon. john is an independent. caller: hi, greta. nice to see you. you know, i don't understand why these politicians keep saying ukraine is a democracy. it is not a democracy. zelenskyy has jailed his opponents, his critics. he has allowed the neo-nazis to come in. into the military.
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and was embedded with the ukrainian national guard. they worship bandera who is also a neo-nazi. i don't understand why just because he is jewish we cannot question his -- host: where have you read all of that that you just said? caller: well, the internet. host: you are saying all ukrainians -- caller: no, i'm saying the military, the as off battalion is known to celebrate bandera. who was definitely in bed with the not seas and killed lots of people. host: john in oregon. bill is a republican in michigan. hi, bill. caller: good morning to you all. the war of the datum is proxy
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war. let's go back to a little history. korea. proxy war. we lost. vietnam, proxy war. we lost again. now we are here. we are doing it again. why do we keep letting these lawyers who we put in as politicians keep killing our kids? it is a question we need to ask. why do we keep voting for these lawyers? host: bill's thoughts in michigan. a republican. many of you against sending more aid to ukraine and israel. this package that passed last night in the senate heading for the president's desk today. it passed on a vote 79-18. one of the senators who has been opposed is j.d. vance of ohio. here is what he had to say yesterday. >> there is this weird way where
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debate in this country has gone warped. people cannot engage in good faith disagreement with our ukraine policy. you will immediately be attacked for being on the wrong team. for being on the wrong side. i remember as a young conservative highschooler how opponents from the conservative side of the iraq war -- you are just all4 saddam hussein. you believe in saddam hussein should be allowed to continue to you have no love for these innocent iraqi people. you don't believe in america. the same exact arguments are being applied today. that you are a fan of vladimir putin if you don't like our ukraine policy. or you are a fan of some terrible tyrannical idea because you think maybe america just on the border of its own country than on someone else's. for fever, this inability for us
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to process what is going on in our world to make rational decisions is the scariest part of this entire debate. you see people who serve their country, who have been advocating for good public policy agree or disagree with them for their entire careers smeared as agents of a foreign government simply because they don't like what we are doing in ukraine. that is not good faith debate. that is slander should it is the type of slander that is going to lead us to make a worse and worse decisions. it should make us all feel pretty weird. when you see your fellow americans making an argument and the response to that argument is not here is why you are wrong or here is substantively why i disagree with you but they fling their finger in your face and say you are a putin puppet you are an asset. of a foreign regime should. this way of making decisions critically is how we bankrupt this country and start a third road war. . should stop doing -- which stop
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doing it. host: one of the 15 republicans that voted no on sending this aid package, this aid money to ukraine, israel and taiwan. it did indeed pass yesterday. punch bowl news notes 79-18, 31 republicans voted for the bill this time compared to just 22 who supported a similar version in february. senate republican conference chair john barrasso was the only member of the gop leadership to oppose it. three republicans were absent. senators rand paul, tommy tuberville and tim scott. light and said he would sign the legislation today so arms shipments to ukrainian forces could again this week. -- could begin this week. some gop senators lee former president trump enabled passage of the bill in the end or gave some political cover to those who flipped from no to yes. while trump has declared his opposition to new ukrainian aid,
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the presumptive presidential nominee did not try to kill the measure as he did successfully with the bipartisan border security deal a few months ago. instead, trump issued a vague statement about european nations doing more to help ukraine. trump later defended speaker johnson amid calls from some hard-line gop conservatives to topple the speaker. to many senate republicans, that was as much of a green light as they would get from trump to vote for this bill. bill in wells, maine. independent. good morning. caller: good morning. let me see if i have this straight. people in the middle east are killing each other. this is news? it would be news if they stopped. you know, every seven to 10 years, strange music from the middle east wafts its way over to washington, d.c. everybody stops their dance -- somebody
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starts their dance i'm tired of the music i don't want to dance. if you want peace i the middle east, get the u.s. all4 and middle east oil. that way they will fade into the midst like every other armpit of this world we don't care about should as far as the u.s. is concerned, peace will be declared. if we still need something from that part of the world even if it is not coming from palestine or wherever it comes from, as long as we need something from that part of the world every time they sneeze, we are going to catch pneumonia. we need to slow down and stop this constant march towards meddling in other peoples affairs and getting ourselves entangled in these strange wars that are no concerned of us. they are going to cut each others heads off until there were no more heads to cut of whether we want them to do it or not or no matter what we do. host: understood your point.
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we will go to norwalk, ohio. mike, independent. caller: i'm glad everybody is finally waking up to realize the biden administration is as incompetent as anything i have ever seen. i'm a veteran. i have 22 years in as military police. i have witnessed corruption that is unbelievable. let me tell you something about this aid going over to ukraine. isn't it funny but it was attached during the obama administration to ukraine and all of a sudden hundreds of our -- hundred siblings of our tax dollars is going over to the? i can understand is real because they were attacked. now all of a setting the people the democratic party stirred up are starting to turn on them? what about all these protesters/whatare we going to do this administration have numbed -- have done nothing for us we the people of america. there is going to be a war all right. you just watch.
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host: mike in norwalk, ohio. three democrats voted against this aid package. senators merkley, sanders and welch. senator sanders on the floor yesterday making this argument. >> mr. president, hamas started this war and that is true, but this war stopped being about defending israel a long time ago. what is going on now is the destruction of the fabric of palestinian life. it is impossible to look at these facts and not conclude that the israeli government's policy has been quite deliberately to make god's uninhabitable for palestinians -- to make cause of uninhabitable for palestinians. clearly there are powerful voices in israel's extreme right-wing government who have been quite open about their desire to drive the palestinian people out of both gaza and the
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west bank. this is not the israel of golda meyer. netanyahu's government is beholden to out right racist and religious fanatics who believe they have exclusive right to dominate the land. mr. president, that is why we must end our complicity in this terrible war. that is why we should support the amendment i am offering to end on the fetid military aide 10 netanyahu's war machine. let's be clear. cutting military aide to netanyahu's government is not just my view. it is what the american people believe and are demanding. host: senator bernie sanders, independent of vermont, caucuses
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with the democrats and he voted against it yesterday along with democratic senators merkley and welch. jean in park ridge, illinois, a republican. should the u.s. be more active or less active in these overseas conflicts after passage of this aid package? what do you think? caller: yes, we do. it is -- as a vietnam, retired law enforcement, have to maintain vigilance. as a dark alley and asked the world is a dark alley and we have to watch and see who our friends are because we know who our enemies are already. we have to maintain the strength here in our country. debate is good but in the end, we have to watch and stay vigilant. as thomas jefferson said, the tree of freedom is often blessed with the blood of americans. as people today with the colors of the american flag are. thank you?
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host: speaking of the american flag, here is the scene in the ukrainian parliament yesterday. then your times reports the speaker of the ukrainian parliament sent out this picture of lawmakers holding the american flags inside the chamber in kyiv in gratitude to the united states and every member of the house of representatives who supported the ukraine aid bill. we look forward to a similar decision from this senate. this reminiscent of what happened in the house of representatives on saturday. thomas massie who opposed this aid package took this video of lawmakers waving ukrainian flags. that was had monitor by the speaker of the house mike johnson saying the only flag that should be waived on the floor of the u.s. house of representatives is the american one. pete in quincy, massachusetts. democratic kohler.
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good morning to you. what do you say on this question? caller: i say the aid has to go to ukraine in particular. if anything, we have to learn from the a nose of war -- from the annals of war. if marjorie taylor greene and trump have the way, putin will go unfettered through europe and there is no doubt that is his goal. while it might seem unsavory we have to give aid, that is the way it is. we have to still be the beacon for the world. host: after the house passed the aid package on saturday, there was a delegation of lawmakers that went over to the country. the ukrainian president zelenskyy had a chance to thank them in person yesterday for the additional aid. here is a little bit of what he told them.
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>> thank you very much. thank you for coming my members of congress. thank you that you came after such important strong decision for us surviving. truly and ultimately thank you very much. people of ukraine counted on this decision and we are happy the united states is with ukraine. and our strong and main allies. we are thankful -- i just finished conversation with president biden. just three minutes ago finished our conversation. we discussed about the decision of this such important historical deal. we spoke about how we can rush after the decision and get a
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package of nila terry supports that is crucial for our soldiers on the battlefield. they wait for some point and i shared with him the most deficit and i will speak about it. the first one is which is very important. air defense. host: ukrainian president zelenskyy getting a chance to thank members of congress who came over after house passed the aid package over the weekend. the senate followed suit yesterday. 79-18. president biden in a statement says he will sign the bill into law and address the american people as soon reaches his desk today. steven in mcdonald, tennessee. in depended. your turn to be part of this they in washington. should the u.s. be more active or less active in u.s. consulate -- in conflict? caller: maybe more activecaller: if we get the people off the
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sidewalks in shelter. everything we did for him, it was always nothing too late. too late, not enough. they can't even have an election over there. host: adele in springfield, illinois. let's hear from you. caller: good morning. how are you doing? i think whenever i call, i talk about the military-industrial complex. what eisenhower was warning is how our economy is based upon war. any fracturing weapons and selling weapons for defensive and offensive purposes. $1 trillion is spent on our defense budget. we are the number one exporters of weapons. when we say we are active, all we are doing is we are selling weapons to ukraine, to israel
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and to taiwan. we are promoting war so the economy is not hurt by the american people. since 1945, we have bombed 30 countries. we have been involved in 50 assassinations of different countries and leaders. we have been involved in 30 -- what to they call it? election interference. there was a book by john perkins, confessions of an economic hitman. we go into countries for their resources. if the regime does not obey our wishes or corporate interests, they are overthrown. the idea that we are active is because our economy is based upon it. there is a book called united states of war.
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if we look at these things and we look at the american people fed up with it and the majority of congress, both senate and house, both parties support this because their people in their district work for these industries. when we have -- burned down. they are still homeless there. if we have $100 billion that we can send somewhere else and you have an entire section of maui that has not yet been built. it has been nine months to it is it -- it has been nine months. is a shame people to understand our voices are not heard when it comes to these kind of issues. thank you very much. host: gloria. warren, ohio. democratic kohler. -- democratic caller. caller: how are you doing? there are a lot of people who
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call you and speak with complete ignorance about what is going on in this world. it is unbelievable. they need to get history books and civic books and learn things about what is going on in the world. right now we are involved with all these different programs to try to keep this country safe in order to keep american young men and women from being in the war over there with russia and china. that is the only real reason the united states is still involved with ukraine. ukraine is fighting this war for the world so far as what they say they are doing. that is the reason they have nato should nato is a production the reason they have nato. it was a program that gets all the other countries involved to provide ukraine with the weapons. too many weapons in this world
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and they need to be gotten away with. the fact they are here and we need someone who knows what to do as far as protecting this country and to help the world try to get better. the one man in office right now and that is president biden. he is more involved in this world than people think about. a program for everything that is good in this country and the people don't even know what he has done. host: i will leave it at that. also included in the aid package is a provision on tiktok. here's the washington post. congress passes a bill that could been tiktok after years of full starts. lawmakers -- the most significant threat by tying it to a sprawling funding package offering aid to israel, ukraine anti-one. here is senators -- anti-one.
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here is senator cantwell and senator warner speaking on the foreign aid bill and highlighting this tiktok provision. >> the supplemental contains the protecting americans from foreign adversary controlled application act. congress has a nonpunitive policy proposal in passing this legislation. congress is not acting to punish bytedance, tiktok or any other individual company. congress is acting to prevent foreign adversaries from conducting espionage, surveillance, maligned operation, harming vulnerable americans, our servicemen and women and our u.s. government personnel. >> mr. president? >> senator from virginia. >> i would like to expand on what senator cantwell has just been said. it has been made absolutely clear a number of chinese laws require chinese companies and
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their subsidiaries to assist p.r.c. security agencies and abide by the secret and unchallengeable government directives. the truth is these chinese companies at the end of the day, they don't owe their obligation to their customers or their shareholders, but they owe it to the prc government. in the context of social media platforms used by half of americans, it is not hard to imagine how a platform that facilitates so much commerce, political discourse and social debate could be covertly manipulated to serve the goals of an authoritarian regime. one with a long track record of censorship, transnational oppression and promotion of disinformation. host: from the senate floor yesterday. two senators talking about a provision in this aid package. >> good afternoon,


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