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tv   Washington Journal Katherine Tully- Mc Manus  CSPAN  April 29, 2024 11:50am-12:00pm EDT

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3:00 p.m. eastern. senators will consider the nomination to serve on the u.s. district court for northern illinois. she would be the 150th district court judge approved by the senate to a lifetime appointment during the biden administration. watch live coverage of the house. a reminder, you could watch all of your congressional coverage on our re-video app or online at c-span is your unfiltered view of government. funded by these television companies and more including charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers. we are just getting started. 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter communications supports c-span as a public
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service. giving you a front row seat to democracy. journal" continues. host: on mondays when congress is in session would like to look at the week ahead in washington. joining us is politico's katherine tully-mcmanus. i want to start with speaker johnson and his job security. when republicans left there were questions about marjorie taylor greene and whether they would move on that motion to vacate. where are we as the house returns today? guest: we are still waiting. marjorie taylor greene file that weeks and weeks ago. the house has twice been on recess since then. she really can pull that trigger at any moment to try to move that forward. she has gained an ally in thomas massie. a couple others. which is very dangerous for
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speaker johnson. the idea of a growing coalition to remove him. that is how we got here in the first place with removal of kevin mccarthy. what i'm interested to see is if the anchor over the spending bills that johnson pushed through with democratic aid earlier this spring, if that anger will continue to foment and grow this marjorie taylor greene coalition with massey and others or if johnson can give any of these folks things they want to see if he can get them to back off. he was defiant when passing the spending bills, and then with the aid to ukraine and israel. he kind of said if this cost me my job, i will have done the job. that is what we are watching now. that defiance was adjusting thing to see from a very unexpected speaker.
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none of us at the beginning of this year thought we would see speaker mike johnson. host: a reminder of what the margins are in terms of votes in the house and what role democrats are likely to play if this motion to vacate comes up. guest: johnson's majority is tiny. minuscule. we are talking two to three votes. what is interesting, the larger marjorie taylor greene -- the longer marjorie taylor greene weights to activate this motion to vacate his there are a lot of vacancies in the house and almost all of them heavily favor republicans. some of those vacancies that are creating this tight margin, republicans are about the clawback a larger majority. not a significant majority, but more than a handful. it is less than a handful of
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republicans interested of removing the speaker. host: is that motivation for marjorie taylor greene to act sooner? guest: that is time pressure on her. as we get towards jude johnson for republican roster will be growing. unless we see major upsets. that throws a whole different calculation if democrats were to take a numerical majority. host: as we get to june, we just came off the foreign aid package that included the ukraine funding. what are considered to be must to do items or other legislative items that could further upset that certain block of the republican conference that is already upset with mike johnson? guest: up ahead, one of the deadlines is the may 10 deadline. they just released an agreement overnight. we do not have response to that.
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they will absolutely be talking about that as they hit in. that will start in the senate. what is interesting is what will get tacked onto that. there will not be that many major legislative vehicles for the end of the year. it is only the spring. it is election year. anything there voting on could become liabilities for their reelection and the election of either president joe biden or donald trump. hitching whatever they can onto this faa bill, those attachments , whether online child safety, whether expending the amount of flights out of dcaa in washington, those will be legislative fights on the sidelines of this big bill that could once again put speaker johnson in a pinch. host: may 10 is that deadline.
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staying on speaker johnson and the house. speaker johnson goes to columbia university. he said he will speak to the president about bringing the national guard. are we going to see some sort of legislative action that gets congress more involved here when it comes to campus student protests, free speech versus hate speech, all of these issues around these protests. guest: i think the easiest thing congress can do our resolutions, sent to the house, things in support of israel in opposition to anti-semitism. i do expect to see republicans leading the charge to condemn anti-semitic speech on college campuses. that is something that could come as soon as this week. i think substantive game
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changing legislation is going to be very hard to come by in the coming weeks and months. on this topic where there are divisions within jewish communities, divisions politically among democrats, and i think that will be more challenging. host: katherine tully-mcmanus with us until 8:30 eastern time. (202) 748-8001 four republicans, (202) 748-8000 democrats. independents, (202) 748-8002. perhaps the best in the business for telling you what is happening on capitol hill and why. a change of pace. this came out from politico last week. the top 10 list of the thirsty is members of congress. explain what we mean by that and who made some of the top 10? guest: thursday is a
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lighthearted term. we are talking folks. people talk about chuck schumer. the dangerous place in washington might be between schumer and a tv camera. we are talking to folks who you if they are so far on the periphery of an issue they would love to be front and center, they would love to be talking to you even more. they just want to have their hands in everything. on my side of things as a reporter, that means i am getting texts from their staff about every topic under the sun, even if it is not their state or their district, they have something to say about it. it is an interesting dynamic. there is the reason for me to quote this person in my story. they are so far removed. host: does this the first-ever list? guest: we have done it before.
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the funny thing is all press is good press. they take it with pride will some may cringe a little bit. part of the job of being in congress is reaching your constituents wherever you are. sometimes that is a media strategy. host: who are we talking about here? guest: the list is wide-ranging.


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